CCGT_System_Help - adjusted to GAMS_v01 (1)
CCGT_System_Help - adjusted to GAMS_v01 (1)
CCGT_System_Help - adjusted to GAMS_v01 (1)
The login page of the portal is shown below:
Only registered users of the system may apply for grants. Please click and follow the on-screen
instructions to complete the registration process.
• You will use the email address you register with to identify yourself to the system when logging in.
• The system will use this email address for all correspondence, so it’s a good idea to choose an address
you use regularly.
• When you register, an email will be sent to you to allow you to confirm the registration and log in for the
first time.
• Don’t worry if you move to a new email address in the future – you can change your registered CCGT
email address later.
• If you’re a grant holder, or if you’ve previously contributed to an application or review, your email
address may already be registered. The system will detect this automatically and will invite you to log in
without needing to re-register.
• a minimum of 8 characters;
• and must contain 3 of the following 4 criteria:
- upper case letter,
- lower case letter,
- a symbol (such as $!%&@#, etc),
- a digit (0 to 9).
The home page is your starting point to create applications and update personal details. It is also where you as a
grant holder can manage your grants, and as reviewer participate in the review process.
1. The main contact must be the one who creates the application.
2. When the application form is complete it must be validated prior to submission. This is an opportunity
for the grant officer to check the contents of the application and edit as required.
3. When the application is submitted, it will be available for consideration for funding. A confirmation email
is sent to the main contact.
You can create a new application from the link on the home page, or by clicking on the “My
Applications” screen.
1. The new applications page is opened by clicking the link under “New Grant Applications” on the home
page, or from the “My applications” screen.
2. All the open grant funding rounds currently are listed. The More info link returns a description of the
grant round. Clicking Apply allows you to create an application form; there may be some initial
verification questions to ensure that you are eligible to apply for the round.
• The sections of the application form are normally listed as a menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
To complete the application all mandatory questions in each section must be completed.
• You can move from page to page using the and buttons, or using the menu on the left-
hand side. Any of these buttons also save your input.
• There may also be a button to allow you to save and stay on the current page.
• You can save and return to the application form as often as you like.
• The final page of the form is for validation where you are prompted to complete all mandatory fields.
If you select an application from the “My Applications” page or exit by clicking Save and Close, you can manage it,
as shown above.
• View history – shows the changes made to the application form, this can be useful for the review of
changes made by collaborators.
• Journal - is a notepad function allowing collaborators to leave messages and/or attachments.
• Sign-off status - reports on the progress of the sign-off process by each of the signatories.
All grant applications, and their statuses, are listed on the “My Applications” section of the system.
Bypassing invitations
It may be that you work with an organisation which simply sends you details of reviews, bypassing the
invitation process. In this case, your involvement will start at the Carrying out a review stage, as described
If you respond tentatively, this means you permit the grant-making organisation to send you the review if they
choose (for example, if they have difficulty finding another suitable reviewer). At this point, if you still cannot do
the review, you may indicate this.
As a meeting attendee, you may be asked to review specific applications involved. The example in Figure 6.5
shows the list of current meetings which the reviewer is being asked to attend; Figure 6.6 shows the applications
for one of the meetings.
Points to note:
• Attendees may view documents describing each application, as well as any prior review outcomes for
the application, for information.
• The set of applications and reviews for the entire meeting may be downloaded using a link at the bottom
of the page.
• Your access to the materials for a particular application may be restricted, where conflicts of interest
have been identified.
Contact us
If your query is not answered in these notes you may email us by selecting the Contact Us link within the
Grant Application System.
Additionally, if you are experiencing any technical problems please use the same link. We will endeavour
to answer all queries within 2 working days.