PROFED solve abstract problems and think
1.The following are within the applied learning
experience, except? Learning is imposed on the 8. The key concept in Bandura’s social learning
learner. theory requires the following conditions to be
present for observers to learn from a model. Which
2.Teacher A aims to develop critical and concepts are included?
creative thinking among her students. She 1. Attention 2. Retention
should try using Divergent questions 3. Motor Reproduction 4. Reinforcement
- 1, 2, and 3 only
3.One of the principles of learning states that
“learning is emotional as well as intellectual.” 9. A criterion-referenced test is designed to
Give your interpreta tion. Learning is maximized if determine whether or not a student has reached a
feeling and thoughts are in performance level on a specific skill
10. How will you interpret a student’s 80%
4. I like to show a close representation of the size percentile score? The student scored. achieved 80% of
and shape of the earth and its location in the entire the specific content
solar system. What is the best instructional aid?
Models 11. If your goal is to hone students’ mental
mathematical ability by deriving the right
5. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the number sets, what would be the best modern
development of learning in the affective domain is learner-centered strategy to use? Number games
through. Journal entries (“The Boat is Sinking”)
6.In the following method, the teacher starts a lesson 12. On observing human diversity during Field
by stating the following Study courses, which factor is most crucial for
findings: schools situated in poverty- stricken communities? A.
“The flies died after three days in a tightly- Socio-economic
covered bottle.
The cockroaches caught in a deep hole was 13. Teacher Vernie suffered vehemently from a lip
found dead. injury caused by an accident that would require
The rat caught in a deep hole was found long-term treatment. What particular aspect of
dead” teaching can be affected by the said occurrence?
Question: What caused the death of the animals” Communication
Answer: Lack of oxygen
Generalization: Living things need oxygen in order to 14.Why do you think it is important to
live. administer pretest and posttest to the learners
What method of teaching is illustrated? in today’s learning facilitation process? determine
how much learning has been impacted by the
A. Demonstration- presents an activity to a group of instructional delivery through obtained score
observers. difference.
B. Deductive – starts with the generalization, then
give examples. 15. According to Kohlberg, what should the
C. Direct instruction- a step by step procedure is teachers and parents focus on so that their
followed. child can become what they are meant to be? Moral
D. Inductive -from several examples, state a rule. reasoning
20. Which Practice Teaching portfolio is best? 29. Your intended learning outcome is “to write a
1.It is compiled in accordance with the intended good paragraph that observes unity, coherence,
learning outcomes of Practice Teaching. variety, correct grammar, proper punctuation”.
2. It is ornate to make up for substance due to Applying outcomes-based education, which is
requirements not complied with. expected?
3.It is a product of analysis and reflection. After the lesson on writing the paragraph, the teacher
1 only asks the students to write a paragraph on a topic of
their choice by observing all the qualities of a good
21. In the context of outcomes-based teaching paragraph.
-learning, which are the bases of evaluation? Learning
outcomes 30. Which in Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience is at the
bottom? Direct Experience
22. What is Angelina’s final grade in Biology when she
obtained the following ratings in the given 31. Teachers who are assigned to inclusive class must
components? 86. 93 be equipped with skills on Differentiated instructions