Blept Reviewer
Blept Reviewer
Blept Reviewer
8. This learning theorist believes that the hierarchy of needs is that students' progress through
a set of needs from psychological to self-actualization. As students move up through the
WEEK 1: FACILITATING LEARNING levels, they feel more comfortable in their learning environment and have the confidence to
push further.
Answer: Abraham Maslow
1. This theorist is best known for his work on Psychosocial Stages of Development.
Answer: Erik Erikson 9. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children actively construct
knowledge through:
2. Which of the following is an example of a higher-order cognitive skill according to
Bloom's taxonomy? Answer: Active engagement and exploration
Answer: Applying a concept to solve a problem 10. People are motivated to use social media like Facebook, twitter and Instagram because of
the immediate feedback they get from the netizens. As a teacher, how will you motivate your
3. In Vygotsky's theory, what is meant by the "Zone of Proximal Development" (ZPD)?
students to study for the exam?
Answer: The area between a child's current level of ability and the level of potential Answer: Give feedback right after the exam.
development with assistance.
11. Following the learning pyramid, which lesson strategy enhances retention among
4. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of students?
her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behavior?
Answer: Practice
Answer: Latency
12. In Krathwohl's affective domain taxonomy, which level involves the ability to internalize
5. What is the role of the facilitator in a learning environment? values and beliefs and incorporate them into one's own behavior?
6. Which is NOT an example of positive reinforcement? 13. This is defined as change in an individual caused by experience.
Answer: Taking away a benefit such as “no free play”
Answer: Learning
7. This theory emphasizes that the children’s development is influenced by multiple levels of
the environment, including microsystems. 14. During which stage of Erikson's theory do individuals typically form close, lasting
relationships with others?
Answer: Ecological
Answer: Intimacy vs. Isolation
15. According to John Flavell, “metacognition consists of both metacognitive knowledge and 6. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to
meta-cognitive experiences or regulation.” This simply means develop logical-mathematical thinking?
Answer: Thinking about thinking or learning how to learn Answer: A. Problem Solving
7. Why should a teacher NOT use direct instruction all the time?
WEEK 3: METHODS AND STRATEGIES OF TEACHING Answer: C. It reduces students’ engagement in learning.
QUIZ 1: 8. With indirect instruction in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
1. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress acquisition of Answer: C. Lecture-recitation
9. What is an inappropriate method in teaching young children?
Answer: D. Indirect Instruction
Answer: C. Isolated skill development.
2. Which is a characteristic of a constructivist teaching?
10. Which is a classroom application of the theory of ‘operant conditioning’?
I. Metacogntive II. Reflective III. Integrative
Answer: D. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will
Answer: B. I, II and III repeat the response.
3. When I teach skills that are critical to the learning of the next topics, which I 11. Teacher Marites tailors her materials to the characteristics of the learners. What
should I employ? principle does she adhere to?
Answer: A. Mastery Learning Answer: A. Goldilocks Principle
4. In values clarification, which is NOT appropriate for a teacher to do? QUIZ 2:
Answer: B. To pass judgment on student value. 1. Which activity is most fit if the teacher wants his students to appreciate the value
of teamwork?
5. The use of varied teaching and testing strategies on account of students’ multiple
intelligence is in line with the thoughts of _____. Answer: A. Group Game
Answer: D. Howard Gardner 2. For the picture smart, the most effective learning activities are _______.
Answer: A. Visual Imagination Answer: D. I, II and III
3. If you want your pupils to master the multiplication table, which activity is MOST 9. Which of the following makes your students teach and learn at the same time?
Answer: D. Peer teaching
Answer: D. Drill
10. I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will immediately engage my students in
4. Which activity is meant for kinesthetically intelligent pupils? the content and will enable me to get an insight into how they think and feel about the
Answer: A. Interpretive Dance
Which is MOST appropriate?
5. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-service training, presented the
situated learning theory and encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in class. Answer: C. KWL chart
6. Which graphic organizer is MOST for sequencing steps of a process? 1. For greater accountability of learning, our lesson objectives must be SMART.
Letter T in the acronym means?
Answer: B. Flow Chart
Answer: A. Time bound
7. “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.”
2. Teacher Rabiya wants to review and check on the lesson of the previous day.
What is the application of this principle? Which one will be most reliable?
Answer: B. Use multisensory aids. Answer: D. Reviewing explicitly the task-relevant information necessary for the
8. If I want to develop creative thinking skills in my students, which one/s should I day’s lesson.
use? 3. If you plan to develop a lesson on using subject-verb agreement with the third
I. Problem Solving person singular as subject deductively, what is the first step in your lesson
development outline?
II. Brainstorming
Answer: A. State the rule on subject-verb agreement for the third person singular as
III. Dramatics subject.
4. After giving an input on a good paragraph, Teacher Bea asks her students to rate a Answer: A. Yes, to determine entry knowledge or skill
given paragraph along the elements of a good paragraph. The students task is in level
of _______. Quiz 4:
Answer: C. Evaluation 1. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask
5. After establishing the learning objectives, what should I do to find out what my
students already know and what they do not know yet in relation to my lesson Answer: A. Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised.
objectives in the cognitive domain? 2. To encourage class participation, which should the teacher NEVER do?
Answer: B. Give a pretest. Answer: D. Reject a student’s response at once.
6. The teachers’ first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the 3. What kind of questions should the teacher ask if she likes to elicit responses where
____. the student is free to generate his own ideas: hence, encouraging originality,
Answer: C. Objectives of the lesson flexibility and spontaneity?
7. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one should a teacher observe Answer: A. Divergent
according to Bruner’s theory? 4. Which is NOT purpose for asking questions?
Answer: D. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the Answer: B. To discipline a bully in class
5. Which questioning practice promotes more classroom interaction?
8. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is in the lowest level?
Answer: C. Focusing on divergent questions
Answer: C. Move hands in a circular motion.
6. Which statement on ‘wait time’ is CORRECT?
9. Teacher A, an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to
________. Answer: B. The higher the level of the question, the longer the wait time.
Answer: C. Provide id pupils with a sense of continuity. 7. To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a teacher AVIOD?
10. In planning for instruction, can a teacher begin with assessment? Answer: C. Emphasizing the need to give the right answer
8. Which is the BEST order for questioning? 6. With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of an effective
classroom manager. Which phrase goes with it?
Answer: B. Ask question, pause, call a student.
Answer: B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
9. Which question demands the highest level of thinking?
7. ‘A stitch of time saves nine,’ so goes the adage. Applied to classroom management,
Answer: D. Was the student reporting well done? Support your answer. this means that we __.
10. Instead of a teacher giving this comment to a student response: ‘You’re on the Answer: C. Have to resolve minor disruptions before they are out of control.
wrong track!’ What should a teacher do?
8. Teacher A has difficulty drawing response from her class no matter how much she
Answer: C. Probe to redirect the response into a more productive area. motivates them to recite. The class was a witness to how she insulted a classmate who
QUIZ 5: gave a wrong answer the other day. This phenomenon points to the reality of
1. Which is a proactive management practice?
Answer: C. Ripple effect
Answer: B. Set and clarify your rules and expectations on day 1.
9. Teacher Emmanuel involved his students in the formulation of class rules. Which
2. Which is a characteristic of an effective classroom management? describes his classroom management style?
3. For a well-manage classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine? 10. Which of the movement management pertain to a teacher leaving the activity
without finalizing it?
Answer: C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time.
Answer: A. Dangling
4. How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school?
2. Which part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the things learned? 9. Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyze events, ideas or objects in order to
state their similarities and differences. In which part of the lesson does said activity
Answer: Generalization take place?
3. When using problem solving method, the teacher can: Answer: Comparison and abstraction
Answer: Help the learners define what is to be solved. 10. The strategy of teaching which makes use the old concept of “each-one-teach-
one” of the sixty’s is similar to:
4. The class of IV- Matulungin is tasked to analyze the present population of different
Answer: Cooperative learning
cities and municipalities of National Capital Region for the last five years. How can
they best present their analysis? 11. Teacher Ruffa teaches in a remote high school where newspapers are delivered
irregularly. Knowing the importance of keeping the students aware of current affairs.
Answer: By means of graph What is probably the best way to keep the students updated?
5. The class of Grade 5 - Mahinahon is scheduled to perform an experiment on that Answer: Encourage the students to listen to daily broadcast from the transistor radio.
day. However, the chemicals are insufficient. What method may then be used?
12. Teaching Tinikling to I - Magalang becomes possible through the use of
Answer: Demonstration Answer: Demonstration method
6. Of subcategories of movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher ends 13. Which of the following attributes characterizes a learner who is yet to develop the
and activity abruptly? concept?
Answer: Truncation Answer: The learner can identify the attributes of the concept.
14. In Math, Teacher Jessy presents various examples of plane figures to her class.
7. In Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the domains are stated from
Afterwards, she asks the students to give the definition of each. What method did she
lowest to highest level. Which of the following objectives belongs to the lowest level?
Answer: To identify the characters in the story use?
8. Teacher John Lloyd wants the class to find out the effect of heat on matter. Which Answer: Inductive
method will help him accomplish his objective?
15. Which part of the lesson is involved in the giving of situation or activities based Answer: Metaphorical thinking
on the concepts learned?
23. Which of the following is NOT true?
Answer: Application Answer: Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plan.
16. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the 24. To ensure the lesson will go on smoothly, Teacher Ellen listed down the steps she
how? will undertake together with those of her students. This practice relates
Answer: Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.
Answer: Teaching method
17. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in Math. Which is the
LEAST important? 25. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of
Answer: It is the main goal for the study of Math. students. What is the hidden goal of students who become violent?
18. Pictures, models and the like arouse students’ interest on the day’s topic. In what Answer: Goal is to get revenge
part of the lesson should the given materials be presented?
26. Devices can make lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most
Answer: Initiating activities important thing a teacher should consider in the selection and utilization of
instructional materials?
19. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
Answer: Objectives of the lesson
Answer: There are varied procedures and activities undertaken by the pupils.
27. Teacher Z gives the class specific topic as assignment which they have to research
20. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens and pass the following day. However, the students could not find any information
when students seek to hurt others to make up for being hurt or rejected? about it. What method should Teacher Z use to teach the assignment?
Answer: Revenge seeking
Answer: Lecture method
21. When using instructional material, what should the teacher primarily consider?
Answer: It must be suited to the lesson objective. 28. Educational objectives are arranged from simple to complex. Why is this?
Answer: Each level is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous
22. At the end of my lesson on the role of a teacher in learning, I asked the class “In level.
what ways is a teacher an enzyme?” With this question, I engaged the class in
29. Learners must be developed not only in the cognitive, psychomotor but also in the
affective aspect. Why is the development of the latter also important?
30. In Music, Teacher Luis wants to teach the class how to play piano in the key of C.
Which of the following his objective?
Answer: To play the piano in the key of C chords