3. Accounting books, registries, records, 8. Neutrality – free from bias.
forms, reports, and financial 9. Prudence – exercise degree of caution.
10. Completeness – complete within the
bounds of materiality and cost.
11. Comparability – able to identify
similarities and differences.
2. Accrual basis of accounting
3. Budget basis
4. Revised chart of accounts
5. Double entry bookkeeping - meet the needs of users who are not in a
6. Accounting and budgetary records position to demand reports.
7. Fund cluster accounting
1. Statement of Financial Position
Code Fund clusters
2. Statement of Financial Performance
01 Regular agency fund
3. Statement of Changes in Net Assets/
02 Foreign assisted projects fund
03 Special account – locally 4. Statement of Cash Flows
funded/domestic grants fund
5. Statement of Comparison of Budget
04 Special account – foreign and Actual Amounts
assisted/foreign grants fund 6. Notes to the Financial Statements
05 Internally generated funds
06 Business related funds
07 Trust receipts ASSETS – resources controlled by an entity as a
result of past events, and from which future
economic benefits or service potential are
QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS – URM TRF expected to flow to the entity.
1. Controlled
1. Understandability – users can 2. Past event
3. Future economic benefit
2. Relevance – assist users in evaluating
past, present, future events/ Control – ability to benefit / prevent others
confirming past evaluation. Must also from benefiting. Possession / ownership
be timely. normally evidences control but that is not
3. Materiality – affects relevance. always true (Ex: Finance lease)
Material if its omission could influence
Benefit – ability to use, exchange, lease, sell, or
use the asset to settle liabilities, or distribute it
4. Timeliness – timely basis 5. Reliability to owners.
– free from material error.
6. Faithful representation – faithfully Indicators of future economic benefit:
1. Distinguishable
7. Substance over form – substance is not
2. Generate cash flows/ service potential
always consistent with their legal form.
3. Potential to contribute to the objectives assets or incurrence of liabilities that result in
of entity decreases in net assets/ equity, other than
4. Capacity to contribute to activities those relating to distribution to owners.
5. The fact that an asset cannot be sold • Distribution to owners – are future
does not preclude it from providing economic benefits distributed by
benefit. the entity to its owners, either as a
return on investment or as a return
Past event – transaction or event that occurred. of investment.
• More likely than less likely
Government accounting is primarily budgetary
• Benefits can be expected
accounting. They also provide budget
2. Measure reliably
information in accordance with PPSAS 24.
• Valuation is free from material error
• Faithful representation The Philippine Constitution and other laws
• Reliable information require government funds ito be utilized in
accordance with a national budget that is duly
LIABILITIES – present obligations of the entity approved by legislation.
arising from past events, the settlement of
which is expected to result in an outflow from The national budget (government budget) is the
the entity of resources embodying economic government’s estimate of the sources and uses
benefits or service potential. of government funds within a fiscal year.
EQUITY – residual interest in the assets of the The formulation and eventual utilization of the
entity after deducting all its liabilities. national budget are summarized in the budget
REVENUE – gross inflow of economic benefits
or service potential during the reporting period THE BUDGET CYCLE
when those inflows result in an increase in net
1. Budget Preparation
asset/equity, other than increases relating to
contributions from owners. 2. Budget Legislation
3. Budget Execution
• Contribution from owners – future 4. Budget Accountability
economic benefits that have been
contributed to the entity by BUDGET PREPARATION
external parties which do not result - PH uses a “bottom-up” approach, starting from
to liabilities. the lowest to the highest levels of the
• Revenue funds – all funds derived government.
from the income of any agency of
the government. - “top-down” budgeting, budget preparation
starts from the agency heads.
EXPENSES – are decrease in economic benefits
or service potential during the reporting period - in 2011 PH government shifted from old
in the form of outflows or consumption of “incremental” system to “zero-based”
budgeting approach.
INCREMENTAL ZERO-BASED year which are to be paid either in the
same year or in the following year.
- Current year budget - Current year budget
is formulated based is formulated 2. BUDGET HEARINGS – conducted after
the agencies submits their proposals.
on the previous without regard to the
Each agency defends its budget
year’s budget. previous year’s
“roll-over” approach budget. proposal before the DBM, they
Prone to abuse. “back-to-zero” / deliberates on the budget proposals,
“clean slate” makes recommendations, and
consolidates into the NEP and BESF.
efficient and
DBM then submits the proposed budget
effective utilization
to the President.
of funds.
PRESIDENT – president and cabinet
1. BUDGET CALL – budget preparation members review the proposed budget,
starts when DBM issues a budget call, it after President approves, DBM finalizes
contains among other things, the next it to be submitted to the Congress. At
fiscal year’s targets, the agency’s this point the proposed budget is
budget ceiling, ang other guidelines in referred to as “President’s Budget”,
the completion and submission of which are intended to assist the
agency budget proposals. Congress in their review and
• Balanced budget – prepared in such a deliberation of the proposed national
way that estimated revenues exceed budget, this contains:
estimated expenditures. R > E = Surplus • President’s Budget Message –
| R < E = Deficit president’s explanation of the country’s
• Annual budget – covers a period of one fiscal policy and budget priorities.
year and forms the basis for the annual • National Expenditure Program (NEP) –
appropriation. details of all the government entities
• Special budget – provides for items not proposed expenditures.
adequately covered or not included in • Budget of Expenditures and Sources of
the general appropriations act. Financing (BESF) – estimated
• Line item budget – focuses on specific expenditures accompanied by estimates
expenditures such as salaries and of expected sources of financing.
wages, travel expenses, freight, • Other documents – further explanation
supplies, materials, and equipment. of selected items in the NEP.
• Performance budget – a plan of NOTE: The President shall submit the proposed
activities to be undertaken, including budget to the Congress within 30 days from the
their related costs, with the emphasis opening of every regular session.
on meeting targets and desired results.
The main focus is on the work to be BUDGET LEGISLATION
done or services to be rendered.
• Obligations budget – focuses on
Representatives conducts hearings to
expenditures incurred in the current
scrutinize the various agencies’
respective proposed programs and Appropriations
expenditures. House of Representatives
prepares the General Appropriations Bill 04
Unprogrammed Funds 05
conducts its own deliberation on the Retained Income/
GAB. Normally start after Senate Funds
receives GAB from HOR but for Revolving Funds 07
expediency, hearing in the Senate start Trust Receipts 08
even as Representatives deliberations
are ongoing.
6. BICAMERAL DELIBERATIONS – - Appropriation is the authorization made
Bicameral Conference Committee is by a legislative body to allocate funds for
formed to harmonize any conflicts purposes specified by the legislative or
between the Representatives and similar authority.
Senate versions of GAB. Harmonized New General
GAB (‘Bicam’ version) is submitted back Appropriations – annual
to both houses for ratification. After authorizations for incurring
ratification, final GAB is submitted to obligations during a
the President for enactment. specified budget year.
7. PRESIDENT’S ENACTMENT – president Continuing Appropriation –
enacts the budget, now known as support obligations for a
General Appropriations Act (GAA). specific purpose / project
Before enactment, President may which require the
exercise his veto power as conferred to incurrence of obligations
him under the PH Constitution. even beyond the budget
NOTE: When the proposed budget is not year.
enacted before the fiscal year starts, the last Supplemental
year’s GAA is automatically reenacted. Appropriation – additional
appropriations to augment
THE APPROVED BUDGET – is the expenditure the original which proved
authority derived from appropriations laws, to be insufficient for their
government ordinances, and other decisions intended purpose
related to the anticipated revenue or receipts supported by a Certification
for the budgetary period. It consists: of Availability of Funds from
CODE STRUCTURE Automatic Appropriation –
(UACS) programmed annually / for
New General some other period which
Appropriations do not require periodic
Continuing action by Congress.
02 Unprogrammed Funds –
standby appropriations
Supplemental 03 authorized by Congress in
the annual GAA which may • Local Government Agencies
be availed only when any of (LGUs)
the following occur: - • Government Owned and
Revenue collections > Controlled corporations
original revenue targets in (GOCCs)
BESF. 9. ALLOTMENT – DBM formulates the
- New revenues are collected / realized. - Allotment Release Program (ARP) to set
Newly approved loans for foreignassisted the limit for allotment releases during
projects. the upcoming year. This is used as a
Retained Income/Funds – collections control device to ensure that releases
which are authorized by law to be used conform to the national budget.
directly by agencies concerned for their Alongside, is a Cash Release program
operation or specific purposes. (CRP), which sets the disbursement
Revolving Funds – receipts derived limits for the year, for each quarter and
from business-type activities of for each month.
departments/agencies to be instituted • Allotment – authorization issued by
and deposited in an authorized DBM to incur obligations for specified
government depository bank. These amounts. Also referred to as
funds shall be self-liquidating and all Obligational Authority. It is illegal for a
obligations and expenditures incurred government entity
by virtue shall be charged against said
fund. to incur obligations without
having first received the
Trust Receipts – receipts by any “allotment.”
government agency acting as trustee, • Obligation – act of a duly authorized
agent or administrator for the official which binds the government to
fulfillment of some obligations or the immediate or eventual payment of
conditions. a sum of money. It is a commitment
BUDGET EXECUTION that encompasses possible future
liabilities based on current contractual
issues guidelines on release and
utilization of funds while various Documents used in releasing allotments:
agencies submits their Budget
• General Appropriations Act Release
Execution Documents (BEDs).
Document (GAARD) – for
• Physical and financial plan comprehensive release.
• Monthly cash program • Special Allotment Release Order
• Estimate of monthly income (SARO)– for later release.
• List of obligations that are not • Geneal Allotment Release Order
yet due and demandable (GARO) – all national government
Major recipients of budget: agencies. Without need of special
• National Government Agencies
government agencies incur obligations Monthly Report of
which will be paid by the government. Disbursements – submitted to
issues disbursement authority to the after the end of each month.
government agencies. This is the point • Quarterly Physical Report of
where government agencies obtain Operation – physical
access to the government funds. accomplishment in a given quarter
Documents used in releasing disbursements: vis-à-vis its physical targets.
• Statement of Appropriations,
• Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) – max Allotments, Obligations,
amount that can be withdrawn. Disbursements and Balances
• Notice of Transfer of Allocation – cover • Summary of Appropriations,
cash requirements. Allotments, Obligations,
• Non-Cash Availment Authority – cover Disbursements and Balances
liquidation. by
• Cash Disbursement Ceiling – use Object of Expenditures
income from Foreign Service Posts to • List of Allotments and Sub-
cover operating requirements. Allotments
• Statement of Approved Budget,
Disbursements are most commonly made
through checks chargeable against the
Disbursements and Balances
account of the Treasurer of the Philippines
(Treasury Single Account). Checks are called • Summary of Approved Budget,
“Modified Disbursement System” Checks. Utilizations, Disbursements and
Balances by Object of Expenditures
Appropriation Authorization by a
• Quarterly Report of Revenue and
legislative body to
Other Receipts NOTE: B to H
allocate funds for
prepared on a quarterly basis,
specified purposes.
submitted to COA and DBM within
Allotment Authorization to 30 days after the end of each
agencies to incur quarter.
• Aging of Due and Demandable
Obligation Amount contracted Obligations – names of creditors,
by an authorized amounts owed, number of days
officer for which outstanding. Submitted within 30
the government is days after the end of the year.
held liable. NOTE: Consolidated Statement of
Disbursement Actual amount paid Allotments, Obligations, and
out of the Balances per Summary of
budgeted amount. Appropriations shall be submitted
on or before February 14 of the
following year.
BUDGET ACCOUNTABILITY (occurs concurrently
with Budget Execution)
13. PERFORMANCE REVIEWS – DBM and COA Registries of Appropriations and
perform periodic reviews of the agencies’ Allotments (RAPAL)
performance and budget accountability and Registries of Allotments,
report to the President. Obligations, and Disbursements
14. AUDIT – COA audits the agencies. (RAOD)
Registries of Budget, Utilization
The budget reports, together with other budget
and Disbursements (RBUD)
records, provide information in preparing the
Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Journal & Ledgers – considered as accounting
Amounts. records, maintained by accounting unit.
g Cash-Treasury/Agency XX
Cash-CO XX
Cashless Purchase Card System
(Credit Card)
Non-Cash Availment Authority
Tax Remittance Advice (TRA)
Tangible assets
2. Cost of introducing a new product or Construction by administration
service (self-construction) – costs of
3. Cost of conducting business in a new DM, DL, OH
location or with a new class of 3. Acquisition through exchange –
customers measurement depends on whether the
4. Administration and other general exchange transaction has commercial
overhead costs substance or not.
With commercial substance –
an exchange has a commercial
1. Acquisition by purchase – acquisitions substance if the subsequent
of PPE through purchase are classified cash flows of the entity change
as Capital Outlays (CO) in the budget as a result of the exchange.
registries. - FV of asset given up (+ cash
Cash discounts are excluded paid / - cash received)
from initial measurement. - FV of asset received
PPE purchased under - CA of asset given up (+ cash
installment basis is initially paid / -cash received)
measures at the cash price Lacks commercial substance
equivalent. - CA of asset given up (+ cash
Promotional items – same = paid / - cash received)
total acquisition cost is
No gain or loss shall arise if the asset
allocated to all, different =
received is measured at the carrying
initial cost of the promotional
amount of the asset given up.
item is its fair value.
Individual costs of items of PPE 4. Acquisition through non-exchange
acquired at a “lump sum price” transaction – initially measured at FV
are determine by allocating it Without condition – recognized
based on the relative FV of the immediately as income.
items. With condition – initially
Individual costs of items of PPE recognized as liability and
acquired at a “lump sum price” subsequently recognized as
are indicated in the invoice, the income when condition is met.
items shall be recognized as 5. Acquisition through intra-agency or
indicated in the invoice. inter-agency transfers – measured as CA
2. Acquisition by construction – of the asset received.
acquisition of PPE through construction 6. Acquisition through finance lease
are also classified as Capital Outlays
(CO) in the budget registries. Costs are
initially recorded in CIP, upon
completion it is reclassified to the Capitalization of costs ceases when the PPE is in
appropriate PPE account. the location and condition necessary for it to be
Acquisition through capable. Cost incurred in using or redeploying a
construction contracts awarded PPE are not capitalized.
to contractors – contract price
Subsequent expenditures recognized as Rearrangement – relocation /
expenses: reinstallation. Rearrangement cost are
capitalized and depreciated over the
1. Cost incurred while an item capable of
remaining life of the related asset.
operating in the manner intended by
the management has yet to be brought SUBSEQUENT MEASURENT
into the use or is operated at less than
PPE are subsequently measured using cost
full capacity.
model, cost less any accumulated depreciation
2. Initial operating losses.
and any accumulated impairment losses.
3. Cost of relocating or reorganizing part
or all of the entity’s operations. Depreciation – is the systematic
allocation of the depreciable amount of
As a general rule, subsequent expenditures on
an asset over its useful life.
recognized PPE are expensed.
Depreciable amount – cost of an asset
GUIDELINES WHEN ACCOUNTING FOR less its residual value.
SUBSEQUENT EXPENDITURES Residual value – amount the entity
would currently obtain from disposal of
1. Repairs and maintenance
the asset, after deducting the estimated
Minor repairs – expense
costs of disposal.
Major repairs – capitalized
2. Replacement costs – capitalized Depreciation is recognized as expense unless it
3. Spare parts and servicing equipment forms part of the carrying amount f another
Minor – inventory, expense asset.
Major – PPE
4. Betterments – capitalized
- an increase in the previously assessed 1. Three factors to consider:
physical output / service capacity Initial cost
- a reduction in associated operating Useful life
costs Residual value
- an extension of the estimated useful 2. All items of PPE shall be depreciated,
life except land and heritage assets.
- an improvement in the quality of 3. Depreciation begins when the asset is
output available for its intended use.
Subsequently depreciated as follows: On or before 15th of the month
Over the remaining useful life – computed at the beginning of
Over the extended useful life that month.
5. Additions and rearrangements After the 15th of the month –
Additions – computed at the beginning of
new unit (depreciated over its the following month.
own useful life) 4. Depreciation ceases when the asset is
expansion, extension, derecognized or fully depreciated.
enlargement (depreciated over 5. Straight line method of depreciation
the shorter of its useful life and shall be used unless another method is
remaining life of PPE) appropriate.
6. The estimation of the useful life is a IMPAIRMENT
matter of judgement, based on the
PPE is impaired if its CA > Recoverable service
entity’s experience with similar assets.
amount (higher of a non cash-generating asset’s
FV less CTS and its Value in use)