electrical engineering
electrical engineering
electrical engineering
Abstract: When being “SMART” is highly in trend II. STATE OF THE ART
nowadays, why stop only to smartphones or computers? So
Various remote controlled based home automation systems
here the home appliances are made possible to control using
have been published and researched over the years. In the
a simple smart phone. An Android application is used to
research paper presented in [3], a bluetooth dependent
control the devices that are used in daily life. The other
technology using a cell phone has been discussed and it was a
important devices that are used in this project are bluetooth
remotely home appliance between cell phone and arduino
module, microcontroller, relay board, and bulb. The
bluetooth. In this manuscript,python based Symbian OS cell
hardware and software architecture of the whole system are
phone application was used to control the device. As, Symbian
described in this paper. It has been made sure that this
OS can’t supportjava based application except only python
venture can be accomplished under extreme low price so that
language.As present most of thesmartphone applications are
it can easily be implemented in familiar atmosphere. This
developed in java, so Symbian OS based application can’t
system was wirelessly controlled the switches from a distance
support in many smart phones.
of approximately 30 m radius. It is possibly used in health
centre, nursing home, and home appliances for elderly, and In [4],authors presented android and bluetooth based home
Parkinson’s patients. automation system. Their proposed system was designed only
for four lightsand when the number of home applianceswas
Keywords: Bluetooth module HC-05; Home automation;
increased, this technology was not apt. Ghazal introduced
Microcontroller ATtiny2313; Relay board; Smartphone
ZigBee based home automation system for the aged or disable
I. INTRODUCTION people [5]. Here, ZigBee transceivers were used for wireless
data communication.
Home automation system using bluetooth technology is mainly
operatedusing information technology which can help to Diligent chip KIT and arduino based home monitoring system
minimize human effort.Due to rapidly growing technologies, has been presented in [6]. Though, it was a good and low cost
nowadays peopleusedifferent smart phones and remote control system but was not as low as the bluetooth technology. It was a
smart devices.As automated device is advantageous as it is bit more costly thanthe bluetooth technology. Afterwards,
versatile, easy to apply and install. After it has bumped into the researchers were designed a low cost and wireless controlled
scenario, there are many ways used to make our home smarter. automation system. Generally, bluetooth technology was
As saving energy and most importantly time are our primary effectively operated from remote places with high accuracy
concern in our monotonous hectic life, there is nothing better and the goal is to assist to the handicapped or aged people [7,
than home automation. It will be transformed from luxury to 8]. In [9], author discussed about arduino and android app
necessity when used for the physically challenged or aged based compact, fast, reliable, and smart home automation
people. So far it is vastly used in U.S.A., there are many system.Their proposed system was tested on different smart
technologies used to make our home Smarter;such as ZigBee, devices such as DC Servomotors and lights. It was seen
Z –ware, GSM, GPRS, infrared, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. [1, 2]. capable of performing various operations, such as controlling
Bluetooth technology can be installed in very low cost [3]. speed of D.C motor, switching functionalities, light intensity
control and position control of Servomotor etc. S. Kumar
Nowadays smart phones are available to everyone, it is one of proposed aninexpensive smart home system, which was
the most easy to use technologies.Bluetooth system is faster operated using micro-web server[10]. Their proposed system
than most of the other technologies. It can be very effective was successfully test and performed various home applications
forserial data communication where data can be transmitted up such as intrusion detection, environmental control, and various
to3 mbps speedat a distance of 10–100m.This manuscript has automaticswitching functionalities.In [11], author discussed
arranged as follows; section 2 presents the state of theart. about themobile weather station based on wi-fi technology.
Section 3 discusses the detailed description of proposed system Their proposed system can wirelessly monitor pressure,
and the algorithm is presented in section 4. Section 5 temperature, relative humidity, rain, wind speed,and
concludes with future research. direction.Home automation using cell phone and bluetooth
wireless technology has been presented in [12], which can
Therefore, our proposed smart switching system operated e) TXD/RXD: The TXD and RXD pins connect with RXD and
through bluetooth wireless network. The hardware and TXD pins of microcontroller respectively. The TXD pin
software requirement of our proposed system has described in transmits serial data which will be wirelessly received by the
section below. Bluetooth module. Similarly, RXD pin will be wirelessly
transmitted the received databy Bluetooth module.
The project has been constructed into two parts – software and
hardware parts.
1. void setup () {
Fig. 1. Microcontroller ATtiny2313 1.1 Serial.begin (9600)
1.2 PinMode (pin, mode)
B. Bluetooth Module HC-05
1.3 digitalWrite (pin, mode)
The bluetooth module HC-05 has sixpins (Fig. 2). They are as 2. }
follows [15]:
3. void loop () {
a) Key/Enable: By default, this pin operates in data mode if (Serial.available () > 0) {
with baud rates is 9600 bps. When the baud rate is 34800
3.1.1 data Å Serial.read ()
bps and it operates in command mode.
3.1.2if(data = ‘Ai’)
b) VCC: This pin connects with 5 V or 3.3 V of the module. digitalWrite (pin, mode)
4. }
c) GND: This pin connects with ground pin.
Bluetooth module HC-05 based proposed automation system is V. CONCLUSION
implemented using ATtiny2313 microcontroller, and relay
Here a low cost smart switching system is proposed which is
module. 4 channel relay controller application is used to pair
easy to operate from smartphone devices.This automation
the android device with the bluetooth module [18]. The
system is not only acceptable for aged, handicapped people,
diagram of the proposed application is given in fig. 4.
and Parkinson’s patient, but it is also helpfulforminimizing the
The pinMode () function is used to configure the port as an human labor.
input or an output. It has two arguments; pin specifies that the
The appliances (like fan, light, or other useful devices) where
number, whose mode of the users want to set, and there are
240V power supply is needed can be connected and installed
three modes, INPUT, OUTPUT, and INPUT_PULLUP
with this switching system. As bluetooth is used so the range
respectively. The digitalWrite () function is used to write a
of this system will be much more than the other home
HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.
automations systems.
We gratefully acknowledge to the department of Computer
Science & Engineering, Brainware Group of Institutions,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India, for providing assistance and
related facilities for doing the research.
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