Perkembangan Komputer: Putri Khoirin Nashiroh, M.Pd. Ptik - Unnes

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Putri Khoirin Nashiroh, M.Pd.
Tujuan Pembelajaran

• Membandingkan perangkat komputer dari 4 generasi komputer

• Mendeskripsikan dampak IC pada evolusi perangkat keras komputer
• Mendeskripsikan bahasa pemrograman level rendah hingga level
tinggi termasuk konsep bahasa pemrograman terstrutur dan
pemrograman berorientasi objek
• Menjelaskan peran sistem operasi dalam menjalankan perangkat
• Mendiskusikan perubahan sosial sejak 1950 tentang penggunaan
computer dan pengguna komputer
Komputer awal 1950 VS Komputer Sekarang

1950 Today
Ratusan ribu dollar < $ 1.200
Memori kecil (beberapa ribu Setidaknya 4GB
Ukuran besar dan berat Dapat diletakkan di saku
Pengguna sedikit (ribuan) Pengguna banyak (milyaran)
Evolusi Hardware

• Generasi pertama terjadi antara sekitar pertengahan 1940-an dan

akhir 1950-an.
• Generasi kedua berlangsung dari sekitar 1959 hingga 1965.
• Generasi ketiga kemudian berlangsung hingga awal 1970-an.
• Generasi keempat
Sebelum Generasi
• Counting device called abacus
Sebelum Generasi
• In 1642, French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented the frst
calculator, a device called the Pascaline
• In 1672, Gottfried Leibniz expanded the capability of the
automated calculator to perform multiplication and division
Sebelum Generasi
• In 1801, master weaver Joseph
Marie Jacquard invented a
programmable loom.
The loom is a mechanical device
that allows threads to be interwoven
Sebelum Generasi
• In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine to
compute polynomial functions.
It would, like any computer, perform input (to accept the data),
processing (the difference equations), storage (the orientation of the
various gears would represent numbers used in the computations), and
output (the fnal set of gears would have digits on them that could be
printed by adding ink.
• By the 1830s, Babbage scrapped his attempts at building the Difference
Engine when he hit upon a superior idea, a general-purpose
programmable device his new device would be applicable to a larger
variety of mathematical problems. The name is Analytical Engine.
Sebelum Generasi
• The program would consist of not only
mathematical equations, but branching operations
so that the program’s performance would differ
based on conditions. Thus, the new device could
make decisions by performing looping (iteration)
operations and selection statements.
• Lady Ada Lovelace, to write programs for the new
device. Among her frst was a program to compute a
sequence of Bernoulli numbers. Lovelace fnished
her frst program in 1842, and she is now considered
to be the world’s frst computer programmer.
Sebelum Generasi
• In 1854, The idea behind the binary numbering system and the binary
operations was introduced, when mathematician George Boole invented
two-valued logic, now known as Boolean logic. It would eventually have
a large impact on computing.
• But by the 1930s and 1940s, relay switches, which were used in the
telephone network, were to replace the bulkier mechanical
components. The relay switch could switch states more rapidly than a
gear could rotate so that the performance of the computing device
would improve as well. A relay switch would be in one of two positions
and thus computers moved from decimal to binary, and were now
referred to as digital computers.
First Generation

Perangkat komputer elektromekanik yang memiliki tujuan khusus

First Generation

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

• Merupakan komputer digital pertama yang memiliki tujuan umum dan
dapat diprogram.
• Dapat melaksanakan program apa pun yang dapat ditulis oleh komputer
• Built by the University of Pennsylvania, the ENIAC was frst made known
to the public in February of 1946. Te computer cost nearly $500,000
(of 1940s money) and consisted of 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal
diodes, 1500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, and millions of
hand-soldered joints. It weighed more than 30 tons and took up 1800 ft.
First Generation
First Generation

First Generation
• Vacuum tube, transistor
• Magnetic core memory
Second Generation

• Around the same time, magnetic core memory was being introduced.
Magnetic core memory consists of small iron rings of metal, placed in a
wire-mesh framework. Each ring stores one bit by having magnetic
current rotate in either clockwise or counterclockwise fashion.
• The logic of the computer (controlling the fetch–execute cycle, and
performing the arithmetic and logic operations) could be accomplished
through collections of transistors. For instance, a NOT operation could
be done with two transistors, an AND or OR operation with six
transistors, and a 1-bit addition circuit with 28 transistors. Terefore, a
few hundred transistors would be required to construct a simple
Second Generation

• By eliminating vacuum tubes, computers became more reliable. The

magnetic core memory, although very expensive, permitted computers to
have larger main memory sizes (from hundreds or thousands of bytes to
upward of a million bytes). Additionally, the size of a computer was
reduced because of the reduction in size of the hardware. With smaller
computers, the physical distance that electrical current had to travel
between components was lessened, and thus computers got faster (less
distance means less time taken to travel that distance). In addition,
computers became easier to program with the innovation of new
programming languages (see the section Evolution of Computer
Second Generation

• More computers were being manufactured and

purchased such that computers were no longer
limited to government laboratories or university
research laboratories.
• The second generation found cheaper,
faster, easier to program, and more reliable
computers. However, this generation was
• The computers of this era were largely being
called mainframe computers—computers
built around a solid metal framework.

IBM 7094 mainframe

Third Generation

• During the 1950s, the silicon chip was introduced. By 1964, the first silicon chips
were used in computers, ushering in the third generation.
• The chips, known as printed circuits or integrated circuits (ICs), could
incorporate dozens of transistors.
• The IC would be a pattern of transistors etched onto the surface of a piece of
silicon, which would conduct electricity, thus the term semiconductor. Pins
would allow the IC, or chip, to be attached to a socket, so that electrical
current could flow from one location in the computer through the circuit and out
to another location.
Third Generation

a. Skema IC
b. Silicon Chip
Third Generation

• Komputer mainframe masih diproduksi dengan biaya mungkin $ 100.000 atau

• Perusahaan komputer juga memproduksi minikomputer dengan biaya yang lebih
rendah, sekitar $ 16.000.
• Minicomputer pada dasarnya adalah mainframe yang diperkecil, mereka
menggunakan jenis prosesor yang sama, namun mengurangi jumlah register dan
elemen pemrosesan, mengurangi memori, mengurangi penyimpanan, dan
sebagainya, sehingga mereka akan mendukung lebih sedikit pengguna.
Third Generation

• During the third generation, computer companies started producing families of

• The idea was that any computer in a given family should be able to run the same
programs without having to alter the program code.
• This was largely attributable to computers of the same family using the same
processor, or at least processors that had the same instruction set (machine
• The computer family gave birth to the sofware development feld as someone could
write code for an entire family and sell that program to potentially dozens or
hundreds of customers.
Third Generation

• Computer networks were introduced that

would allow individual users to connect to
the computer via dumb terminals.
• The dumb terminal was merely an input
and output device, it had no memory or
processor. All computation and storage
took place on the computer itself.
Operating systems were improved to
handle multiple users at a time. Operating
system development is also described in A dumb terminal, circa 1980
Evolution of Computer Sofware.
Fourth Generation

• The next major innovation took place in 1974 when IBM produced a single-chip
processor. Up until this point, all processors were distributed over several,
perhaps dozens, of chips (or in earlier days, vacuum tubes and relay switches or
• By creating a singlechip processor, known as a microprocessor, one could build a
small computer around the single chip. Tese computers were called
microcomputers. Such a computer would be small enough to sit on a person’s
• It was the innovation of the microprocessor that led to our frst personal
computers in the mid 1970s.
Fourth Generation

• By the end of the 1970s, both microprocessors and computer memory

capacities improved, allowing for more capable microcomputers—including
those that could perform rudimentary computer graphics.
• Moore observed that the tren from 1958 to 1965 was that the number of
transistors on a chip was doubling every year. This phenomenon has been
dubbed “Moore’s law.” Moore predicted that this trend would continue for at
least 10 more years.
Fourth Generation

Bahan diskusi di Elena:

Mohon untuk membuka kelas diskusi sesuai dengan topik berikut ini.
• Apakah peran sistem operasi dalam menjalankan perangkat lunak?
• Bagaimana perkembangan evolusi software dan computer user?
Bagaimana dampaknya terhadap masyarakat?

Membuat kliping:
• perkembangan prosesor computer intel dan AMD dari awal hingga
generasi saat ini.
• Bahasa pemrograman level rendah hingga level tinggi termasuk
konsep bahasa pemrograman terstruktur dan pemrograman
berorientasi objek

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