Copy of M13 Performance Assessment (22-23)
Copy of M13 Performance Assessment (22-23)
Copy of M13 Performance Assessment (22-23)
Algebra 1 - Semester 2
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Be sure to complete all parts of every question. Each question shows how many
points it is worth for a total of 36 possible points.
1. Determine the set(s) to which the expression belongs and place an X in the
correct column(s). (Each question is worth 1 point).
Expression Natural Whole Integer Rational Irrational Real
1. 2 x x
2. √❑ x x
3. √❑ x x x x x
4. Simplify: −√ ❑ (2 points)
−√ ❑which simplifies to −8 i √ ❑
Revised: 06/14/2024
6. Solve the equation using the square root method. Provide the exact solution
in simplest form and, if necessary, the approximate solutions rounded to the
nearest hundredth:
2 x −5=49 (2 points)
2 2 2
2 x −5=49 , 49+5=2 x ,2 x =54.Divide both sides by two, so you get
x =27 , x=√ ❑. x=3 √ ❑. x=5.2
7. Solve using the quadratic formula. Provide the exact solution in simplest
form and, if necessary, the approximate solutions rounded to the nearest
2 x =21−11 x (2 points)
2 11± √❑ ,
−2 x −11 x+ 21,
11± √❑ , 11±17 , x=-7 and x=6/4 or 1.5
❑ −4
8. Solve the equation by completing the square. Provide the exact solution in
simplest form and, if necessary, the approximate solutions rounded to the nearest
x + 18 x −35=5 (2 points)
10. A system, like the one in #9, that is generated by a linear equation and a
quadratic equation can have a variety of solutions.
a. Sketch a graph of a system generated by a linear equation and a quadratic
equation that has no solution. Explain how the possibility occurs. (You do
not need to write any equations. Just provide a simple sketch and
explanation). (2 points)
If the linear equation’s graph is
under the minimum or over the maximum, they won’t touch as shown in the
11. Now, solve the system from #9 algebraically. The easiest way to solve systems
of linear equations generated by a quadratic equation and a linear equation is to
replace the function notation with y (as shown below) and use the substitution
method to find the solution(s) for x. Once you find the value(s) of x, then determine
the value(s) of y. (2 points)
y = −8x + 48
y = −2(x − 2)2 + 32
Set the equations equal to each other, −8x + 48=−2(x − 2)2 + 32, then move all
the terms to one side to get 2 x 2−8 x+24. Then solve using the quadratic equation,
8 ± √❑ , which simplifies to 8 ± √❑ , 8 ±8 i √ ❑ .
❑ ❑ ❑
12. Considering problems #9 and #11, when do you think it would be better to
solve a system by graphing and when would it be more appropriate to use algebra?
(2 points)
This system it was easier to do graphing, because the equations do not simplify
into factoring or the quadratic equation easily, but the solutions were very easy to
find on a graph.