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E-mail : te¤mlsamb

Authorized Officer: Shri. C. RAVI SANKAR SAMB/SEC/KVM:319

E-mail lD: team Date:15.1G2022
Mobile No: BOOA22234O Hyderabad

1. M/s. SINDHURA PAPER PRIVATE LTD Managing Dirsctor, Shri Paleti Nageswara
(Ershrhile M/s Sanjay Kraff Paper Pvt Rao, D.No. 1-115, R.S. No. 239/5, 68,
Lakshmi Nagar, Marampalli Village,
Ltd) Gunnampalli Panchayat, Dwaraka Tirumala
Mandal West istricl AP
2. Shri. Paleti Nageswara Rao S/o Shri. P. Ryo Flat No.504, Girishikhara Enclave, Hi
Krishna Murthy, Top Colony, EnaManjil, Khairatabad,
3. Shri. Paleti Krishna Murthy Chowdhary Hyderabad - 500082
S/o Shri. P. Nageswara Rao,
4. Smt. Paleti Padmaja W/o. Shri. patoti (S. No 2 to 5 addresses toaether stated
vNageswara Rao, above)
5. Shri. Paleti Krishna Sindhura D/o Shri. P
N Rao
6. Shri. Chukkapalll Siva Rama pu aaiah, RYo. Door No 7-5-27. Chadalawada
S/o Shri. Ch. Raghavaiah Krishnaiah Stroet, Near Ganganamma Street,
7. Shri. Chukkapalli Raghunath Babu S/o. Tenali, Gunlur Disl. -522201 A.p
Shri. Ch. Siva Rama Pullaih, o

8. Smt. Ka nn¤dhara Bharathlsudha w/o Rl/o. Flat no 410, G irisikhara Enclavs, Hill Top
Late Shri. K Rameshbabu, Colony, EraManzil , Hyderabad-500082.
9. Smt. Kann¤dhara Lohitha Krishna D/o (S.No 8 & I addresses tooether stated above)
Late Shri. K Rameshbabu,

OF u

Not csis hereby given to the public in general and in partcular to the Borrower
)s) and
Guaranto(s) that lhe below descdb¤d immovablo propenies m orlgaged/charged to the
Secured Creditor, ths constructivdsymbolic possession of which has been taken by the
Authorised Officer, State Bank of lndia, Stress¤d Assets Managemont Branch (4106)
2nd and 3rd Floor, Prabhat Towers, Opp. SBI Amaravat hi LHO, Chapel Road, Gunfoundry,
Hyderabad - 500001, the Secured Creditor, will be sold on "AS lS WHERE tS'. .AS tS
ts' TE for recovery of dues given bellow:

Pate 1of 5

Table showing the liabilities / amounts due against securities that are ciargod under pari
Passu Charge joint, several and indep¤ndent charge of the compeny, bonowers and
sl Name of the Bank Outstanding amount Accrued lnteresl Total outstanding
No a8 0n 'l s0G2022 up to 1t0G2022 amounl
1 State Bank of lndia 27,37,78,611.88 14,41 ,21 ,594 .12 41,
2 Union Bank of lndia 19,73,74,943.00 7,40.46,206.00 27,14,21,',t49.OO
3 lndian Bank 14,88.98.381.76 8,12,32,322.92 23,01,30,704.68
GRAND TOTAL 91,94,52,0s9.68
Total debt of three consortium Banks put Iogether Rs.91,94,52,059.60 (Rupees Ninety One
Crores Ninety Four Lakhs Fifty Two Thousand Fifry Nlne and paise Siny Eight Only) as on
154G2022 plus interest and expenses thereof at contractual Iat¤ with efiect from 160A
2022, due lo the secur¤d creditor from bonower M/s. SINDHURA pApER PRIVATE
LIMITED (Erstuhile M/s Sanjay Kraft Paper pvt. Ltd) Managing Direc{or, Shri pateti
Nageswara Rao.

The reserve price, date and time of auction o, the propeny mentioned as bellow:


Property No. 1 Sm t.
Kannedhara Bharathi Sudha w/o Late Shri. K Ramesh Babu, Registered at District Registrar
Vijayawada, Krishna District. All that pan and parcal of the Opon Land lncludlng A.C.C.
constructed Shed sdmeasuring 304 Sq. yds or 254 Sq. Mts. in RS Number 7SZ1
situated at Nunna Vlllage and cram panchayath, Vrjafawada Rural, Krishna district.
Bounded by; Mde Ooc. No.13253/2006 dated &10-2006: East property of Smt. Klohitha
Krishna (30 -7"); West: Vijayawada to Nuzivedu Road (3S -0"); South: poperty of
Shri.Dhannapaneni Satyanarayana and others (96,-4.); North: property Shri. of
Kommareddy Ramireddy and others. (79'-6').

ReservePrlce;Rs.63,00,000/- EMD;RS.6,30,OOO/- Auctiot Dato : 1Ol11l2O?2

Auction Time: 11.00 AM To 04.00 pM Bid lncroment : Rs.50,000/-
Property No. 2 nna Villad.' rishna Dt
A P.lmmovat le ProDenv own bv: Smt.
Kannedhara Lohitha Krishna D/o Late Shri. K Ramesh Babu, Registered at District Registrar
Mjayau¤da, Krishna District. All that part and parcsl of the Open Land lncludlng A"C.C.
conslructed Shed admeasudng 302 Sq. Yds or 252.5 Sq.Mts. in RS Number 7S2l1
situated al Nunna Village and Gram panchayath, Viiayawada Rural. Krish¤na Dlstrict.
Bounded by: Vide Doc. No.132 /2006 deted &10-2006: East: 15 FeetWide Road.; West
: Property of Smt. Kannedhara Bharathi Sudha (30 -7.); South: property of Shri.
Dhannapaneni Satyanaraliana and oth¤rs (g9-6 ).; North: property of Shri. Kommar¤ddy
Ramireddy and others. (89'-6').

ReservePrico:tu.45,00,000/- EMD:RS.4,5O,OOO/- Auction Date | '1011112022

Auctlon Time: 1'1.00 AM lo 0/1.00 pM Bid lncramont : fu.50,000/-

Page 2 ofS

Property No. 3 T Sh n
Chukkapalli Raghunath Babu S/o Shri. Ch. Siva Rarna pullaih, Registered at SRO
Patamata, MjayayrEda Dt. Regishar, Krishna Oisticl.

All that part and parEel of the Residential Flat No.tol, 102 (3BHK) admeasuring ,1656 Sq.
Feets of plinth area, plus 100 Sq. Fe¤ts Car Parking Area, and 1OO Sq. Feets Common Area
with undividsd unspecitied share of 54 Sq.yds out of 547.55 sq. yds known as ,,SRl VARUN
SAI ENCI-AVE", berring Door No.59lA-21lqSl2"A2, situated at patamata, neer Gazetted
Omcers Colony, Viiayawada Town, Krishna District.
Boundaries to Land of Apartment Vide Ooc. No.8U112012 dated 3G11-20i2 East: Shri.
Chanumolu Krishana Murthy and other property.; West: Municipal Road.; North: Smt.
Kancharla Vrjayalakshmi and others Property.; South: Shri. Kommineni R4eswari and
others Property. Boundaries to Flat No.101, 102 (3BHK): East: open lo sky ; west ; open
to Sky: North: Common Conidor; South: Open to sky.

Resen,ePrice:RE.62,00,000/. EMD:R8.6,20,OOO/. Austion Dato : 1011112022

Auction Time: 11.00 AM To 04.00 Ptu Bld lnqremenl : Rs.50,000/-

Property No 4 m Shri
Chukkapalli Sivarama Pullaiah S/o Raghavaiah. R¤istergd al SuFRegistrar Tenali, Guntur

All that part and parcal of tho Land admeesuring 0.31 Cents or isOO Square yards and a
Building constsucted in an extent of 12M.60 Sq yards with Door No. 7-S-1(old), 7_126 and
7-5-27 (New) including a Thalched House, and "!V¤st Slde Road'with all related Easement
Right falling under Town Survey No 23-1, 1st Btock, gth Ward, Door No. 7-S-1(otd), 7_S26
8nd 7-5-27 (New) Anlaneya Nagar, Ganganammap¤t, Tenali, Guntur Dst.
Bounded by: Vide Doc. No.1911/1975 dated 1.1-07-1975.: East : House Site Bslongs to Shri.
JashtrThathayya (88'.0'); West : Municipat Road (98,.0'); North: Sito Betongs to Shri.
Rangineni Kameswaramma, (135'.0'); South ; Site Belongs to Shri. Jetti Sitaramayya.
(136'.0'). {Ploase seo Not¤}

R¤servoPrica:Rs.7,80,00,000/- EMD:Rs.78,O0,OOO/- Auctlon Date : 10111t2022

Auction Tlme: 11.00 AM To 04.00 pM 8id Inc$ment : Rs.1,00,000t-

Property No. 5 Grht' nr A P I ninw.hla Ph^aru own Shri. Paleli

Krishna Murthy Chowdhary S/o Shri. paleli Nageswara Rao. Registered at Sub-Registrar
Tenali, Guntur District.

All that the part and parcel of th¤ Rosldenflal Houso site admeasuring 7iO Squar¤ yards
mnsistjng of (lt¤m-l) An exlant of 144.95 Sq yards of tand out of Ac 2.7.tcts of tand in TS No
495 (ltem-2) An extent of 293-33 Sq yards of tand out of Ac 2.71cts of tand in TS No 49S
(ltem-3) An e^qi of 271-74 Sq yards of land out of Ac 2.7.lcts of land in TS N o 495

Page 3 of5
ll: {, a{
"r ,""
'r\. rF
together with a R.C.C roof building bearing D No 4-3G40 (near +3-37) situated al
Gaddipativari Street, Near Yurushalem Church, Ailhanagar, 12rh Ward ,8ii Block of Tenali
Municipality, Tenali, cuntur District. A.P. registensd at SRO Tenati. and bounded by:
Boundaries (ltem-l ) to 1i14.95 Sqyds, Gift D¤¤d 6855/2006 dtd .1-12-2006.
East : Site of (ltem-2) of Shri. P Krishna Murthy Chowdhary (48'4'): West: 12ft wide Joint
Bazaar passage (54 -0"); North : Municipal Bazar. (26 -9'); South: Site of sils of Smt.
Tallurl Venkayamma and Smt. Muppalla Seetaramamma. (24'-3")

Boundaries (ltom-2) to 293.33 Sqyds, Gifi Desd 6855/2006 dtd -1-,tZ-2006.

East :Siteof Shri. Vemuri PrBmchand and others (39'{');West : Site of (ltem-1) of
Shri.P Krishna Murthy Chowdhary (48 -4'); North : Municipat Bazar. (60 -0")
South : Site of Shri. Paruchuri Lakshmanna and Sukha\rasi Sddevi. (60'-0')

Boundaries (ltem-3) to 271.74Sq.yds, Gifr Deed 685t2006 dtd.1-12-2006.

East : Site of Shri. Vsmuri Satyanarayana and oth¤rs (40-6'); West: Site of Miryala
Ramaiah (41'-6"): North: Site of Aluri Durgaprasad and othsrs (S9,-2'); South : Municipat
Bazar. (60'-2')
Reserys Prico: Ra.1,02,00,000/- EMD: R!.10,20,000/- Aucflon Dat¤: l,liit2c,?z
Auctlon Time: 1'1.00 AM To 04.00 PM Bid lncremont ; Rs.50,000/-

Proporty No. 6 T A.P Shd. Paleti

Nageswara Reo S/o Shri. Pateti Krishna Murthy. Registered at SuFRegislrar Tenall, Guntur
Disrid, Vide Doc. No.6856i/2006 dt.01-.t2-2006 and R¤gisterod Wi .146/,1980 dt. 03_07-
All that lhe part and parcet of the Residential House 3lte admea3udng 2E3.50 Square
Yards consisting of (ltem-'l) An oxtent of 62.33sq yards out of Ac 2.71cts of land in TS No
495 (ltem-2) An extent of 221.17sq yards of tand out of Ac 2.71cts of tand in TS No 495
logether wilh a R.C.C roof building bearing D No G3O-4{, (near +3-37) situated at
Gaddipativari Street, Near Yurushalem Church, Aithanagar, 12h Ward .gh Block of Tenali
Municipality, Tenali, Guntur District. A.p. registered at SRO Tenati and bounded by:
Boundaries (ltem-1) to 62.33 Sq yds. cifl Deed 6056/2006 dtd . 1-12-2006.
Easl : Joint Bazar are¤ (23 -3'); West Site of the Vendor Shri. p. Nageswara Rao. (23 _3');
North: Municipal Bazar. (25 -3'); South: Site of Shri.paleti Kalyana Chakravarthi and Smt. p.
Chinnamma (23'{')
Boundaries (ltem-2) to 221.'17 SqydsRegd Wi .t46/i 980 dt OIOT-.t980
East : Site of Smt. Paleti Chinnamma (27'03"); Wsst : Site of Shri. T. Mohan Rao (27,-
03"); North: Municipal Bazar (94 -9"); South: Site of Smt. p. Chinamma and Shri. p K
Chakravathi. (94'-9').

ReservePrlcs:Rs.50,00,000/- EMD:R!.5,OO,OOO/- Auctlon Date:'l0l1 1 12022

Auctlon Timo:11.00 AM To 04.00 pM Bld lncrement: R5.50,000/.

Page 4of
Property No.7 P
b[Smt. Paleti Padmaja W/o Shri. Paleti Nageswara Rao. Registered at Sub-Registrar
Sanjeevareddy Nagar, Hyderabad, All that the parl and parcel of the Residential Flat No.
504 admeasuring 17lO Sq Feet plinth area (including cDmmon area) on shFloor of
"GIRISIKHARA ENCLAVE" with undivided share of land 50 SqYrds out of total arsa 3600
Sq. yards, and Car Parking in the stllt floor in the premises bearing Ooor No 6-3-603,
gituated at Hill Top Colony, Enamanjil, Khairathabad, Hyderabad. Boundaries to Flat No.
504 Vide Ooc. No. 1934/2001 dt.'1S092001.:
North: Open Spac¤/Compound wall; South: Open Space/Flat No.5O3;
East: Open to Spac¤y'Flat No. 505; West: Op6n Spac¤.
Reserve Prlce: Rs.1,02,00,000/. EMD: Rs.10,20,000/- Aucfion Date: i,t11l2q22
Auction Time:11.00 AItl To 04.00 P Btd lncrlment: Rs.s{r,OOO/-

EMD The intendir8 bidders have to get themselves registered on the INDIAN
and last (https:/// for
date for p¤rticipation in the e-auction process. The Bidders have to register
submiaBion themselves well bcfore the auction date as registration of bidders tal(es
of bid Einimud of t}ree working days. The intending bidder ehould submit
application the EMD deposit to IBAPI walet in IBAPI portat through t}lei! Bank

For inspec{ion any clarifications of the sale, intending bidders may contact Bank's Approved
lgsolylion Agent Shd. V.S.V.Satyanarayana, M/s. Raghu Associates, Hyderabad, ih:888
555 2284. Moblle: 944 08 36 500 and Bidders can also contact lhe Authorised Officer, Shri,
C. Ravi Sankar, Assistant General Manager, SAMB, SeqJndorabad, Mobile No. g O O g 2 2 2
Note: Status of Pending Cases:
. SA No.179 ol 2021, P. Nageswara Rao Vs State Bank of lndia, pending in DRT-2,
Hydorabad. Courl allowed to auction a the properties subject¤d to disposal of the SA.
. ln poperlhy No.4 (Anjan¤ya Nagar, canganammapet, Tenali) SA. No.25ol202i
between NRI Educational Society & SBI SAMB Secunderabad, the DRT Visakhapatnam
permitted to pocoed with auction sale. Physical possession will be given after
completing of lease period on date 11-10-2023. Tho possession of the scheduled
property will be by u/ay of consfudiva delivery.
For detailed tsrms and conditions of the sale, please refer to the tink provided in State
Bank of lndia, the Secursd Credlto/s website (a)wwr/
(b) https:/ vw\/!/ (c)hnps.://
g,? 4'i1lil ia ;.5
Au e {
4.q1.[.lmfi / SA[,] er. 4
ki-{Iroll{ / S ec nderaba c

15-10-2022 Authorisod ofiicer


Page 5 ofs
I Name and addrcss of tbe Borrower
N.l t. SIIIDEITRA PAPER PRMTE LIUfIED (Erstwhi]e M/s Sarjay Ltaft Paper
Plt Ltd) Ma,laging Director, Shri Paleti Nageswa-ra Rao, D.No. l-115, R.S. No.
239/5, 68, L.akshEi Nagar, Ma-mrnpa[i Village, Gunnaapa]li paJrchayat,
Dwarala TiruEala M West Dis Andhra Pradesh
Na-Ee and address of Brarch secuJed Creditors.
1) State Bajlk OfIndia, Stiessed Assets Manageftcht Branch (4106) 5-9-76, 2fld
aad 3rd Floor, Prabhat Towers, Opp, SBI Aroaravatlri LHO, Chapel Road,
GuDfound5r, Hyderabad - SOOOOt.
2) U:rion Bank of India (erstwhile Andhra Bant<), RRpet Branch, KKS Complex,
Peddadavari Street, Ramachandra.raopet. Eluiu, W.G.Dt. A.P.-S34OO2
3 lndian Barft, Str¤g.!e d A a se ts M anagement Bratr ch 5- 1 -6 79 su ra bhi Arcade
Bank Stree 5 I
3 of the iaaovable secur¤ a sets to be sold
Prop¤rty No. I
at "Nunna VillaEe" Kiishna Dt. A.P. Itrl[ovable propertv owned bv: Smt.
Kanncdhara Bharathi Sudha Wlo Late Shri. X Ra-mesh Babu, Registeled at
Distiict Registra.r Vijayawada, Krishoa District, Vide Doc. N o.l321312006 dated.
6- 1o-2006,the Open Land including A.C.C. constr.ucted Shed admeasuring 3O4
Sq. Yd! or 254 Sq. Mts. i'l RS Nuaber 752/ 1 situated At Nunna Village and
Gram Ponchayatl, Vijalrawada Rural, Krishna district.
Bounded. bg: Vlde ltoc, No.Ig2SO/2(n6 dated 6.|02006: Eastl
Property of Smt.K Lohitha Krishna (3O,-2").; West Vijayawada to
Nuzivedu Road (35'-O'); South: property of Shri. Dhannapaneni
Satyanarayana and others (96'-4"); North: property of Shri. Kommareddy
Ramireddy ald others. (79'-6").

Property No 2
at "N Vilase" A Dt. A.P ProDertv .by: Smt.
Kannedhara l,ohitha Xr:ishna D/o Late Shri. K Ramesh Babu, Registered at
Dishict Regisbar Vija5rawada, Krishna District, Vide Doc, No . t3254 /2006 dated,
6- 1O-20O6,tIe Open L"and hcluding A.C.C. conskucted Shed admeasuring 3O2
Aq. Ydr or 252.5 Sq.Mts. in RS Number ZS2/ I situated at Nunna Village alld
Gram Panchayath, Vijayawada Rura.l, Icishana District.
Boundcd by: Vldc Doc. ItIo.10264/2OO6 drtcd 6-10_2006: East: ts
Feetwide Road.; West ; property of Smt. Kannedhara Bharathi
Sudha (30'-7"); South: Property of Shri. Dhannapaneni Satyanarayara
and others (89'-6").; North: Property ofshri. Komrnareddy Ramireddy arrd
others. (89'-6').

Pate 1of7

ProDerty No 3
at "Viiavawada Krishna Dt. A,P. IElaovable rty owned bY: Shri.
Chukkapalli Raghunath Babu S/o: Shri. Ch. Siva Rama Pullaih, Registered at
SRO PataEata, Vijayawada bistrict Re8istra.r, Krishna District, Vide Doc.
No.8341/2012 deted 30-Il-2012., the Residentiat Flat No.l0l, 102 (3BHK)
adEea8uring 1656 Sq. Feets ofp[ntl area, plu8 100 Sq. Feets C¤r Pa-rking Aiea,
and lO0 Sq. Feets Common Area with undivided unspecified share of 54 Sq yds
out of 547.55 sq yds krown as 'SRMRUN SAI ENCIAVE', bearing Door
No.59lA-21/415/2A2, situated at Patamata, near Cazetted Officers Colony,
Vijayawada Town, Krishna Distiict.
Bourdldcr to Lard ofApartBett: Vldc Doc. I{o.t34l/2o12 dstGd OO-
1l-2ol2East: Shri. Chanumolu l(risharla Murthy and other property.;
West:Municipal Road.; Norttr: Smt. Kancharla Vijayalakshmi and others
property.; Sout}: Shri. Kommineni Rajeswari and others property
Bounda,ti.cs to F|la;t I\b.7O1, tO2 (gBW: East: Open to Sky; West :
Open to Sky; North: Common Corridor; South: Open to slry.

Propertv No 4
at tur Dt. A.P Shri. Chukkapalli
Sivarama Pullaiah S/o Raghavaiah. Registcred at Sub-Registrer Tenali, Cuntur
District, Vide Doc. No.1911/1975 dated t1-07-tg7s.the Land admeasuring
0.31 Cents or ISOO squ.rc y.tdr and a Building constructed in a-n extent of
1264.60 Sq yards with Door No. 7-5- l(old), 7-5-26 and Z-S-27 (Neu,) includhg
a Thatched Houac, and 'West Sidc Road" with all related Easement Right falling
under Towr Survey No 23-1, lst Block, 9th Ward, Anjaneya Naga!,
Gangaramrnapet, Tenali, Guntur Dt.
Boundcd. by: VUe Doc. 1ib.1911/1975 dglred. ttOT-tg7S,: Esist I
House Site Belongs to Shri. Jashti Thathalrya (89,.0"); West : Municipal
Road (88'.0"); Nortl: Site Belongs to Shri. Rangineni Kameswaramma,
(135'.0"); South : Site Beloflgs to Shri. Jetti Sitararnayya. (136,.0").

Propertv No 5
at 'Tenali". Grhtur Dt. A.P.lmmovable proEerty o*rred bv: Shri, pa.leti Kr-ishna
Murthy Chowdhary S/o Shri. paleti Nageswara Rao. Registered at Sub_Registrar
Tenali, Guntur District, Vide Doc. No.6BSS/2006 dated 0l_12_2006., the
Residential House site admeasuring 710 Square yards consisdng of (Item_ I) An
extcnt of 144.95 Sq yards out ofAc 2,71cts of land in TS No 49S (ltem_2) An
extert of 293-33 Sq yards of land out of Ac 2.Z tcts of land in TS No 49S tlteh-
3) An extent of 271-74 Sq ysrds of land out of Ac 2.71cts of land in TS No 49s
toSether witb a R.C.C roof buitding bearing D No 4-30_40 (near 4_g_37|
situated at Gaddipativari Street, Nea! yurushalem Church, Aithanagar, 12Lh
Ward ,8th Block of Tenali Municipality, Tenali.

PaBe 2 of 7

Bound.,:r{lqlf4m-l) to 144.95 qgds, cut Decd 6E55/2OO6 dtd- 1.12-
2@O6.East:Site of (Item-2| of Shri.P Ikishna Murthy Chowdh ary g8'-a'li
West: 12ft wide Joint Bazaar passage (54'-O"); North: Municipal Bazar.
(26'-9'); South: Site of site of Smt. Talluri Venkayamma and Smt.
Muppalla Seetaramamma. (24'-3')
BoundaTL4ltcm-2t to 293.33 Sq gds, W bed 6855I2OOG dtd"7-r2-
2OO6.Eaat: Site of Shri. Vemuri Premchaad and others (39'-6"); West:
Site of (Item-l) of Shri.P Krishna Murthy Chowdhary (48'-4"); Nortl:
Municipal Bazan- (6Q'-O"); South: Site of Shri. Paruchuri lakshmayya
and Sukhavasi Sridevi. (60'-0")
Boundqrrc, (Item-3) to 2n.74q.gds, Clft bad 6855n(n6 dU,1.12-
2OO6.East: Site of Shri. Vemui Satyanarayana and others (40'-6'); West:
Site of Miryala Ramaiah (41'-6'); North: Site of Aluri Durgaprasad and
others (59'-2'); Soutl: Municipal Bazar. 160'-2'l

Propertv No 6
at cT.nali' Grrnh,r Dt A P I rrhovable Prn crtv 6th.d hw, Slri. Pa.leti
Nageswa-ra Rao S/o Shri. Pa.leti IGishna Murthy. Registered at Sub-Re8istrar
Tcnali, Guntur Dist'ict, Vidc Doc. No.6856l2OO6 dt. Ol-t2-2006 and ReSistered
Win 146/1980 dt. 03-07-l98o.thc Residential House site admeasuring 283.S0
Squere Yards consisting of (ltem- l) An extent of 62.33sq yards out of Ac 2.7lcts
of land in TS No 495 (Item-2) An extent of 221.17sq yards of larld out of Ac
2,71cts of tarld in TS No 495 together with a R.C.C roof building bearing D No
4-30-40 (near 4-3-37) situated at Gaddipetivali Steet, Nea.r yunrsha_lem
Church, Aithanagar, 12,h Ward ,8th Block ofTenali Municipality, Tenali, Guntur

2OOAEasti Joint Bazar area (23L3"); West: Site of the Vendor Shri. p.
Nageswara Rao. (23'-3'); North: Municipal Bazar. l2S'-3"1; South: Site of
Shri. Pa.leti Kalyana Cha.kravarthi and Smt. P. Chinnamma (23,-0,)
Bound,c,t{,t (It m-2) to 22r,17 q gds Regtt W I 146/t9BO dt OO-OZ_
I98O: East: Site of Smt. Pa.leti Chinnamma (27,-03"); West : Site of Shri.
T. Mohar Rao (27'-03"); North: Municipd Bazar (94,-9"); South: Site of
Smt. P.Chinarnma and Shri. P K Chakravethi. (94,-9").

ProDertv No. 7

brSm t Paleti Padraaja W/o Shri. paleti Nageswa.ra Rao. Registered at Sub_
Rcgistrar Ssnjeevareddy Nagar, Hyderabad, Residential fht I{o. EO4
rdE.rturhg 174{) Sq trcct plhth area (including coE lon area) on SrD Floor
of'GIRISIKHARA ENCLAIE" with undivided share of land SO Sq yrds out of
total arEa 3600 Sq. yards, aJrd Car Parkiag in the stilt f,oor in the mrses

Pege 3 of 7

bcaring Doo r No 6-3-603, situated at HiIl Top Colony, Erratrarljil, Khairathabad,
Bou'trd(|,"La toFld,t No.5O4 Vtdc Doc. No. L934l2OOl dt. 19-09-
2fl)l.:North: Open Space/Compound wall; South: Open Space/ Flat
No.so3;East: Open to Space/Flat No. 505; West: Open Space.
4 Details of the encuobrances known to the s¤cured creditor: NIL
5 The secured debt for recove of which the to bc
Rs.91,94,52,059.50(Rupees Ninety One Crores Ninoty Four Lakhs Fifiy T!t/o
Thousand Fifiy Nine and paise Sixty Eight Only) as on 15-0S2022 plus interest and
ses thereof at contractual rate with fiom 1 2.
6 t of earnest of movablc bte asset
Prop.rty No. 1 .... Rs.6,30,000/-
Property No. 2 .,.. RS.4,5O,OOO/-
Propcrry No. 3 .... Rg.6,20,OOO/-
Property No. 4 .... Rs.78,OO,OOO/-
Property No. 5 .... Rs.IO,2O,0OO/-
Property No. 6 .... Rs.5,OO,OOO/-
Property No. 7...... Rs. l0,2O,0O0/-
Being the 10% of Reserve price to be reoitted to IBApI wallet irl IBApI porta.l by
irrten bidders throu their Bank account
Reserye price of movable / im.urovable secured asset:
Property No. 1 .... RS.63,0O,0OO/-
koperty No. 2 .... Rs.45,00,000/-
Property No. 3 .... RS.62,OO,OOO/-
Property No. 4 .... RS.7,80,O0,OOO/-
koperty No. 5 .... Rs.1,02,00,000/-
Property No. 6 .... Rs.50,OO,O00/-
No.7.......Rs.1 oo 000
Bank accouDt in 'which EMD to be reEitted. t'he intending bidder shou.ld
subEit the EMD deposit to IBAPI wallct in IBAPI portal tllrough thet Bank
L¤st Date arld Ti.Ee s'ithin which EMD to be remittcd DT: l0- I l-2022 up to
8 TiEe and manner of
The Su ccessful bidder sh all deposi t o 5 o/o of Sale Price after adj u Eting th e E M D
alre ady paid iEllediate v 1. e o11 thc sa.lnc dav or not later t}lan next wotki n I
day as the case Eay be a]fter the acceptaflce of the ofie r by the u thorised
oFrcer failing which the ea..nest monev deposited by the bidder shall be
forfei ted lhe balance of 7 50/o of the s ale Price ts payable on or belore the I 5rL
day of confroation of ale oI the secu red as set or s uch exten de d period as may
bc agtc d u pon !n *"riting be twe e n the Secured Creditor and the u ction
Purchaser aot tlree months from the tc of auction
9 Time and plac¤ of pu blic au ctiolt or tirDe after hich sale by any other Elode
sh all be com
E auction on 1 o- I 1 2022 PO RTA L lhttps:/ / stalting a t I 00 M
onward s [rtease 9ee property lrise) ard clo ses by 04 o0 PM In case b id ls place d
in the last I o Iltutu tes of the cl osrng tiEe of the e-A uc tion the closing time I
au extended for t o fiu nu tes

Page I of,
10 The E-auction will be conducted through the Bank,s approvcd service provider.
E-auction tender documents containing e-auction bid form, declaration etc., are
available in the websitc of tie serice provider:
ltr e auction will be conducted thrcugh the INDIAN BANKS AUCTION
tender documents ard other related docuioents, declaration etc., arc avai.lable
in the IBAPI PORTAL as mentioned abovc and also contact Shri. C. Ravi Sankar,
Assistart GcDeral Manager, SAMB, Secunderabad Ph Nos. 8 0 0 8 2 2 2 3 4 O,
bidders can also contact Bar*'s Approved Resolution Agent Shst. V.g.V.
Satyrnarat/ou, M/l. R.ghu Attocht.!, Eydessbqd, Pht 888SSS22a4.
Uobllc 944 0A 36 5q)
11 (i) Bid ioqr¤ment Property No. 4 Rs.1,00,000/- (One L¤I<h OnM
mu oi AII other ploperties Bs. 50,000/ (Fiftv Thousand onlvl
(ii) Auto-extension In case bid is placed in thc last l0 Elinutes of the closing
time of the e-Auction, the ctosing tiEe will automatically
extended for 10 minutcs.
(ll1) Bid currency & unit of Rupees (lNR)
12 Date and TiEe during which insf,ection of the movable and immovable secured
assets to be sold and intending bidders should satiafy themselves about the
assets and their cification. Contact person with aobile numb¤r
lnspection o f Re sidential Fla-ts (Property No & 7l wi.ll be o n 0 1 1 I 20 c during
office hours retDatn m8 propertie s rnspection will be atl:anged by Sri. s
Satyarrayana, M s Raghu Associates .ep re s¤ll tative of ttre Bank. Ph
8885552284 9440836500 with nor nts.
13 Other Conditions
(a) B idders Bhall hold a valid disi tal S,Ana ture Certilicate lSSU e d by colllpeten t
au thori ty arrd valid KYC and email. Email ID s ab solu tc ly necessa4/ for the
intending bid der aa all the relev ant infoimation and allotmen t of D and
PORIAL may be conveyed tirough e mail.
(b) The intending bidder have to get themselves registered on t}le INDIAN
OBTiltrteC4libCE Ja,httos: / /wwrv.mstcccommerce.coro/auctionhooe
fbapi/index.ispfor /i
participation in tl:e E-auction prociii and thlTilliiharre
to register before the e-auction date as the registration of bidders tales
minimum of three working days. The intendiDg bidder should submit the
EMD deposit tirough IBAPI portal and additiona.lly submit the self_attested
copies oJ (i) Proof ofidentification (KyC) Viz ID card / Driving license pas sport
etc.,(ii) Current Address-proof of coo-Elunication, (ii, pANiard of the bidder
(rq valid e-mail lD (v) Contact number (Eobi.le
/I,a,rd Line of the bidder etc.,
to the Authorised Officer of State Bank of lndia, Stressed Assets Managedrent
Branch (4106) 5-9-76, 2r\d. aJrd 3rd F.loo!, plabhat Towera, Opi. Set
Amaravathi LHO, Chap¤l Road, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad _ SOO6O1'Uv date
lO-11-2O22 and 4 P.M. Scanned copies of the ori8inal of these docu;ents
carl also be submitted to e-tEail ID of Auttrorised OlEcer.
(b) Natles o f Etig1 ble Bidders will be identified by the S tate Bar-k of India,
Stre s sed Assets M anagement B!anch Secunderabad IBAPI p ortal to
particips te ln orrline aucti on on the portal httos: / /ibaoi.ia IBAPI porta.l
will U ser ID and Pas sword for stration a'rd a.fter d u rilication
Pate 5 of,

ard coEpletion of registration process on their porta_l by tra:rsferring EMD
successfully, you will be perEi tted to bid in the e-auction.
(c) the successful bidder shall be required to submit thc final price(E) quoted
during the e auction after the completion of the auction, dfuy signed alrd
stampcd as tokel of acceptance wit]rout any new conditon other than thoae
akeady agleed to beforc start of auction.
(d) During e auction, if no bid is received withh the specGed time, State Bank
of India at its discretion may decide to revisc opening price/scrap the e
auction process/proceed with conventional mode of tendering.
(e) The Bark/ IBAPI portal for e-auction shall not have any liability towards
bidders for any interr.uption or delay in access to the site iirespective of the
(fl The bidders are required to accept t}rc Terms & Conditions and modalities of
E-auction adopted by the IBAPI portal, before paiticipating in the e-auction.
Thc bid once Bubmitted by the bidder, cannot be carcelled/with&awn and
thc bidder ehall b¤ bound to buy tie property at the final bid price. TLe
feilrre on the part of bidder to comply witlt any of the terns al1d ionditions
of e-auction, mentioned herein will result in forfeiture ofthe amount paid by
thc defaulting bidder.
(g) Decision of the Authoriaed OIEcer regarding declaraton of successful bidder
sha.ll be 6nal and binding on all the bidders.
(h) The Authorised Omcer at liberty to cancrl tlle e auction process/terder at
arry tirne, before declaring the successful bidder, without assigning any
(i) The Foperty shsll not be sold betow the resene price.
[) The conditional bids may be treated as invalid. pleasc note that after
subaiseion of ttre bid/s no correspondences regarding any change in the bid
shall bc entertained.
(k) The EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded to thei respective A/c
numbers by IBAPI portal aJter placing refund request by them on the said
portal. The bidders *'ill not be entitled to clairn aiy interEst, costs, e4penses
ary othcr charges (if any)
(l) The Authorioed ol[cer is not bound to accept the hiShest ofrer aDd the
Autllodsed omcer has absotute right to accepior reject any or all offer(s) or
cancel the auction without assigning Bny reaion thereof. fire sale ls suLject
to coDfrEation by tlre secured creditor.
(mlln case of forfeiture of the a.mount deposited by the defautting bidder, he
shall neither have claiE on the prop¤rty no! on any pait of the sr-in for which
may it be subscquently sold.
(n) The succcssful bidder shall bear all the trecessarSr expenses like applicable
st -Ep duties/ additional BtaEp duty/traDsfer changes, reistration
exlrcna¤s, fees etc. for transf¤r of the prop¤rty on the name of s-uccessful
(o) The payE¤nt of all statutory/non-statutory dues, texes, rates, assessments,
_etc., owitrg to anybody shall be the sole responsibility oi
charges- fees
successful bdder only.
(p) In case of a.ay dispute a.riaes as to the validity of the bid(s) arnouat of bid,
EMD or as to the eligibility of thc bidder, authority of dle person reDresentins
the bidder, the interpretation and decieion of lh; Autho;zed OIEcer shalt bf
firtal In such an eve ntuali ty the Bar} shall ru ts aole di scre tion bc e11titled
to call of t}e ale ard t ttre to sale on@ on an date and at
PaBe 6 of7

such timc aay be decided by the Bank. For any kind of disagreement,
bidders are required to contact the concemed Authorized Ollicer of the
conceEed barrk branch or y.
(q) The sale certifrcatee shall be issued alter receipt of entiro sale consideration
Eeationed in the letter of confirmation of sale by secured creditor. The sale
certificatc shall be issued in the name of the successful bidder. No request
for change of name in the s¤Ie certifcate other tharr the person who
submitted t}le bid/participated in the auction will be entertained.

r(}fE:. Status of Pendlng Cases:

l) SA No. 179 oi 2021, P. Nagsswara Rao Vs State Bank of lndia, pendtng in

DRT-2, Hyderabad. Court allowed to auetion .ll tho propertles subject¤d to
dlsposal of the SA

2) ln proporthy No.4 (Anranoya Nagar, Ganganammapet, Tsnali) SA No.

25012021 botween NRI Educational Soctety & SBI SAMB Secund.rabad, th¤
DRT Vkakhapatnam permitted to proceed wlth auc-tion !alo. phFical
Posse3sion wlll be glven after compl¤ting of lease perlod oh date i i-lo-2023.
Th¤ po3s933 on of t h e schod u led pro Po rty wlu be -bv wiu, of constructive
deli sr ,n|dH

Auth sed Oiiiccr {!

LJI.g.!m]l / SAr',1 Er 4lC6 *.
it'iflrollz s.cL,rccraboc
Date I L5-LO-2O22

Page 7 of 7

GUID ELINES TO THE BIDOERS - A uctlon dated 1 0.11.2022
oft lDs & rties
Asset lO in IBAPI Property No DISCRIPTION
s8tN0000410603 Property No.'l Open n d n cl udi n s c @ ns tructed s h e d admeasunn 3 o1 5q yd rn RS N o 7 52t 1 situated al N unn a vilt age a nd
Gra m Pa n c h a ya th Vijayawada R u rEl Kr is h na D st P tn the n a m of Smt Kann e d hara th rath
a LJ d ha La te s hr
K Rames h B b u
sBtN00oo4-106u Property No.2 Open Land including A.C .C consttucted shed admeasurin g 302 sq yds in RS No 75211 situated
al Nunna Village and
Gram Panchayath, Vrjaya wada Rural. Krishna Dist A P in the name of Smt Ka nhedhara Lohitha Krishna
D/o Late Shri.
K Ramesh Babu
8tN0000410605 Property No.3
!:_sid:!1i91 !!a! Ho.tOl, tO1:anX1iomeasurrns 1656 s e
or *ntrr area at SRt VARUN SAt E NCI,AVE.
O.No.59l1-21141512a2, srluated lat patamala, Near Gazetted 6fficers Cotny Vi;ayawaOa
fown, Krishna Drs t, A.P in
the name of Shri. Chukkapa i Raghunath Bab! S/o. Ch_Siva Rama pu aiah: '
s8rN0000410606 Property No 4 La nd admeasu ring 0 3 Cen ts or 1 500 sq yds a n d a B u td
s con stru cted an exten of 1 261 60 8q yds th Door No. 7
5- 1 old) 7 -5-26 an d 7 7 (New Anja n e ya N aga I, Gan ga namm ape T n a lt r,/ ntut Dis t, ln th n a me Sh lt-
c h kkapa si rama llaiah S/o R ag h a a a h
s 8tN0000410607 Property No.5 R sid e n ial Ho use site ad m e a s u ri n 7 1 0 Sq d con sr s ting
s tem- 1 I
len of 44 5 Sq yatd s of lan d
2 7 1 s of a d TS NO 4 9 5 0 tem-2 I
extent 2 3- 3 3 Sq ya rds lan d out of 2 7 cls la nd n TS N 495
3 n e xten of 2 7 1 7 4 Sq v a rd s of la n d ou of I
2 7 1 cts of lan d n T S No 4 5 together a R C, c roof b u td n s b e ai s
D No 4-30 -40 r 4 7 s itu ted at Gadd tpa n tree t, Near uru s h alem c h urch Ait hana a 1 2 Warc, 8rh a loc k
of Tenal M u n icipal ity Tenal Gu nfu D istrict s
P reg istered at RO T na P n th e name ot Sh ri Palelr Kflsh n a
ch hary S/o s h tl Palet tal Rao
s8tN0000410608 Property No.6 R sid tial Hou s te adm eas U fl n s 28 50 Sq d5 con tin s of ( tem 1 extent o 62.3 sq ya rds ou of 2 7 cts
of lan d n TS N o 4 5 (ltem-2) exlenl of 22 1 1 7sq yards o land out ot 7 cls of land n TS No 495 together wit h
E] R c. roof b u rdi n9 bea ri n9 D N o 1 -30-4 0 (nea 4 3-3 7 si tuatod at add ipa trvari Street, N ea Yu rus hale m ch u rc h
A'th a na ga l, 1 zr rd ,8i,1 B lock of Tenali Munic rpa lity Tenal u ntu I Di strict P reg iste red a S R o Ten a P ln he
na me s h Pal ti Nag la R a o S/o Shri P al ti Krish na Murth
s 8rN00004 10614 Property No.7 F lat beari n9 No 50,1 admeasuring 1 7 4 o Sq Feet p tn th lea (incl ud ng co mon atea o n
5'r'F loor of
IR S KHA RA E NCLAVE wth U nd ivide d sh a re of la nd 0 SqYrd ou of total area
3 00 Sq yards a n d c a P a ki n s n
the sl It fl o or tn the pre m se6 bea at n Door N o 6-3¤0 3 situated al H Top Colony E ITA manji t, hairathabad
K Hvd la bad
m he n a m e of Smt. P a el P sh Paleti le Rao

SPPL Page 111

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