Zbigniew Moroń 1
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland,
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is the presentation of for new designs and new technologies for manufacturing the
new requirements created by contemporary applications of sensors. Therefore a new look at the problem of accuracy of
electrolytic conductivity measurements, the main factors measurements of electrical conductivity of liquids seems to
limiting accuracy of such measurements and also discussion be necessary. Because of the author’s present interests the
of the means enabling minimization of effects caused by considerations presented are oriented towards biomedical
these factors. Recently observed demand for accurate applications.
microscale conductivity measurements, mainly in
biomedical engineering, involves new features required 2. PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT
from the conductivity sensors and co-operating electronics:
miniaturization, robustness, low price (mass produced, Electrical conductivity κ of a conductor characterizes its
disposable devices). Consequently, a new approach in ability to conduct electric current and is defined as the ratio
designing such instrumentation is required. of the density J of the current flowing through the conductor
to the electric field strength E generating this current, i.e. κ
Keywords: electrolytic conductivity, cell constant, electrode = J/E. It is determined indirectly, from the solution
polarization, microscale measurement, miniature sensor resistance or conductance, using a suitable conductivity
sensor – the principle is illustrated in fig. 1. [1].
Most of the liquids conducting electrical current are
electrolytic solutions, i.e. ionic conductors. They are also the
main component of all live organisms, hence the great
practical importance of conductometry. The area of its
traditional applications has recently considerably extended
over many new applications: biological, medical, industrial,
objects of daily use, etc. Many new conductometry based
devices, like chemical micro-analyzers, electrical diagnostic Fig. 1. Illustration of the principle of measurement
devices, biosensors and electrical resistance tomography of electrical conductivity
systems have been developed.
The basic parameter of all conductivity sensors is the so
New applications create new requirements, especially for called “cell constant” K – a scale factor dependent on the
much better spatial resolution, smaller sample volumes and geometry of the sensor and the current paths (often affected
wider range of measuring frequencies [1,2,3] (although by the overall geometry and volume of the sample),
basic conductivity measurement is carried out usually at one necessary for calculating the conductivity from the
frequency, investigations are often performed over a wide resistance or conductance of the sensor. Considering a
range of frequency – to minimize the influence of the volume of solution bounded by two parallel cross-sections, 1
electrode polarization or to distinguish specific features of and 2 (fig. 1), its resistance R12 determined as the ratio of the
matter, e.g. in impedance spectroscopy of biological voltage drop V to the current I can be calculated from
tissues), etc. This involves new features required from the equation (1) where κ is the conductivity and L and S are,
sensors: miniaturization, robustness, low price (mass respectively, the length and the cross-section of the currents
produced, disposable devices), and new conditions of their paths:
use – multi-frequency and multi-point measurements in V 1 L K (1)
variable environments, very low level of measuring signals, R = = ⋅ =
I κ S κ
etc. Very often absolute values of the conductivity are
required (not relative changes only) for distinguishing Hence the cell constant is
particular objects (type of electrolyte dissolved, type of L (2)
tissue examined, etc.). That indicates an increasing demand K = κ ⋅ R12 =
If the cross-sections of the current paths are not uniform
along their lengths (fig. 2), integral expressions are required.
1 (2b)
K=∫ dl
S (l )
One electrode of surface area S and unit polarization Fig. 10. Top view and side view of planar two-electrode (a)
and four-electrode (b) conductivity sensor [2]
resistance rp has its polarization resistance
rp At present there are known conductivity sensors, the
Rp = (6) electrodes of which are provided with a thin insulating film,
e.g. from Ta2O5. The specific nature of the Ta2O5–solution
therefore the measured sensor resistance is interface provides the electrode with a stable and relatively
rp rp
low impedance [10]. Insulation coating also protects
K L (7)
Rs = Re + 2Rp = +2 = +2 electrodes against dirt, is easy for washing and drying, etc. –
κ S S⋅κ S
however it requires application of higher measuring
and then rp (8) frequencies
δκ = − 2 ⋅κ
3.2. Instrumental errors
An important conclusion arises from formula (8) –
Most of instrumental errors occurring in the conductivity
miniature two-electrode conductivity sensors of the
measurements performed using classic “large” conductivity
“classic” design (i.e. with the electric field distribution close
sensors (dimensions in centimetres) will occur when using
to uniform) cannot be used for measurement of highly
miniature ones (dimensions of order 10-100 µm), usually
conducting solutions. Assuming electrodes of a given
more intensively.
polarization resistance rp per unit of the area, too small a
length L of the current paths makes impossible the reduction Very small electrode surfaces significantly increase
of the error caused by electrode polarization to a reasonable electrode impedances. At lower measuring frequencies the
value – this is a problem of impossibility of designing such current applied to the supplying (current) electrodes
sensors of sufficiently high value of the cell constant and, produces a much higher voltage drop at the sensor, hence
simultaneously, of sufficiently large electrodes. much higher power is dissipated in it and a noticeable effect
Example: considering 0.01 mol/l NaCl aqueous solution at of self-heating can occur. Simultaneously, the maximum
25oC, measured at frequency 4 kHz using two polished acceptable power dissipation is limited then by the very
platinum electrodes of unite polarization resistance 4 Ωcm2, small dimensions of the sensor. This problem applies to the
from formula (8) we obtain δκ = - 0.8% for L = 1 cm and two- and four-electrode sensors. Hence the measuring
δκ = - 80% for L = 0.01 cm (100µm). For better conducting current has to be adequately limited. Currents of the order of
solutions the situation will be worse. Therefore, when using 10 µA or even lower are applied (higher currents are also
the miniature sensor under these conditions, application of undesirable because they could produce excessive current
the four-electrode method is required. Of course, increasing density at the supplying electrodes). Consequently, the
the frequency will reduce the polarization error. measured voltage drops are very low and very good quality,
A possible and feasible solution is applying sensors of high-gain and low-noise amplifiers are required.
such a design that their cell constant value depends on the
Very high impedances of the current and potential
non-uniform distribution of the electric field rather than on
electrodes involve also a necessity of increasing
their geometric dimensions. Examples of such designs, in
considerably the input impedance and CMMR of the input
the form of two- and four-electrode planar interdigitated
amplifier used for measurement of the voltage occurring
sensors, feasible to manufacture as thin or thick film
between the potential electrodes. Simultaneously, at higher
devices, are discussed in detail in [2] and are shown
frequencies a stronger influence of the parasitic stray
schematically in fig. 10. The cell constant of such sensors
capacitances can be observed (smaller distances between the
can be estimated theoretically or modelled with an accuracy
leads, thinner insulation, etc. can considerably increase these
of the order of 20-30 % [10,2]. The planar conductivity
capacitances). That gets worse given the high frequency
sensors mentioned operate with the “open” (stray) electric
characteristics of such measurements.
field and therefore they have to be used in a sufficiently
large volume of the medium if the absolute value of the
conductivity has to be determined. When this volume is
limited, the application of suitable electrical shields A demand for accurate microscale conductivity sensors,
concentrating the lines of the field (current paths) is robust and low-cost (disposable) can be observed in
advisable [1]. contemporary applications of electrolytic conductivity
measurements. It requires a new approach in designing
conductometric instrumentation, mainly with regard to the
miniature conductivity sensors but also concerning the co- [6] IEC, “Expression of performance of electrochemical
operating electronics. Such sensors, in the form of two- and analyzers, Part 3: Electrolytic conductivity”, IEC
four-electrode planar interdigitated ones, feasible to Publication 607046, July 2002
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[7] Z. Moron, “Investigations of van der Pauw method
temperature sensors have been developed.
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interdigitated electrolyte conductivity sensors,
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electrode ones, however it would be very advantageous for
many reasons, e.g. nonoccurrence, in principle, of
polarization influences, the possibility of non-invasive local
measurements at different depths, etc.
The subject as stated in the title of this paper is too wide
for presentation in full in the space available here and
therefore this paper should be regarded as an introduction to
the problem – further details will be provided in subsequent
The author would like to thank Professor Ewart R.
Carson from City University for his help in the correction of
the manuscript.
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