Iterative Newton Raphson Method inverseAdmittivityProblem
Iterative Newton Raphson Method inverseAdmittivityProblem
Iterative Newton Raphson Method inverseAdmittivityProblem
Abstract— By applying electrical currents to the exterior of denotes the body of the object, while denotes the
a body using electrodes and measuring the voltages developed surface of the object;
on these electrodes, it is possible to reconstruct the electrical complex potential distribution in and on ;
properties inside the body. This technique is known as electri-
cal impedance tomography. The problem is nonlinear and ill admittivity of . It is defined as , where
conditioned meaning that a large perturbation in the electrical is the electrical conductivity, is the angular
properties far away from the electrodes produces a small voltage frequency of the applied current waveform, and
change on the boundary of the body. is the electrical permittivity;
This paper describes an iterative reconstruction algorithm that current density applied on ;
yields approximate solutions of the inverse admittivity problem in
two dimensions. By performing multiple iterations, errors in the outward normal of defined on .
conductivity and permittivity reconstructions that result from a In the text that follows, is used to denote that is a
linearized solution to the problem are decreased. A finite-element complex quantity.
forward-solver, which predicts voltages on the boundary of the Equation (1) specifies that no source resides in the body
body given knowledge of the applied current on the boundary and
the electrical properties within the body, is required at each step and that charge is not allowed to accumulate in the body.
of the reconstruction algorithm. Reconstructions generated from Equation (2) constrains the current entering to be the integral
numerical data are presented that demonstrate the capabilities of the applied current density. Equation (3) is necessary for
of this algorithm. the existence of a unique solution to the system model.
Index Terms— Conductivity, impedance imaging, iterative re- With knowledge of all current densities applied on and
construction methods, least-squares reconstruction methods, per- the voltages measured on , can be determined for all
mittivity. positions in the body [2]. However, in practice, currents are
applied and voltages measured on at discrete regions using
I. INTRODUCTION electrodes. Since a finite number of voltage measurements are
recorded, it is possible to determine the admittivity distribution
The error functional can be rewritten in terms of real to iteratively compute the solution to this nonlinear system of
quantities as equations. Here, is the Jacobian of
(13) (17)
and use this method
Fig. 2. Basis functions used to develop an approximation to the piecewise
constant impedivity distribution.
with respect to and are also computed using these
The gain factor in (8) is chosen so the root-mean-
squared (rms) error between measured and predicted voltages
and is defined as the vector inner product of vectors is comparable to the measurement precision of the tomograph.
and . The remaining terms in these equations can be inferred Hence, the value can be iteratively chosen to satisfy this
from the definition in (21). Using the complex equivalent of constraint.
a result derived in [1], one can show that
B. Multiple Steps of the CNRSER Algorithm
The quantities defined in the previous section must be
computed at each iteration of the CNRSER algorithm. For
(22) the first step of the CNRSER algorithm, the conductivity and
permittivity distributions are chosen to be constant. A guess is
made at these values by minimizing (10) with respect to two
constants: one representing the real part of the homogeneous
impedivity and one representing the imaginary part of the
(23) homogeneous impedivity.
To compute the quantities in (15), a forward-solver that
(24) uses the piecewise-constant admittivity distribution must be
employed at each step. A finite-element forward solution is
used for this purpose. Each element of the Joshua Tree Mesh,
where the dependence on has been omitted for simplicity. shown in Fig. 1, is segmented into several triangles. The
The integral is computed over the area enclosed by the triangulation of the Joshua Tree Mesh is used by the forward-
piecewise-constant mesh element, denoted as . solver to compute voltages at each node in and on . (A
Since the impedivity distribution is piecewise-constant, the node refers to a vertex of a triangle in the mesh.) These data are
gradient of this distribution is zero in the area enclosed by the then used to compute and at each iteration. The CNRSER
mesh elements and infinity at the edges of the mesh elements. algorithm computes a new estimate of , which is used by the
To approximate the gradient, the center-point of each mesh forward-solver to generate the predicted voltages. The process
element was computed and a basis function was constructed continues until the reconstruction converges to its final result.
that linearly interpolated in the radial and angular directions
between adjacent mesh element centers. Fig. 2 shows a typical III. METHODS
basis function; it has an amplitude of 1.0 at the center of The CNRSER algorithm was tested using numerical data.
the mesh element of interest and linearly interpolates to 0.0 The Joshua Tree Mesh was segmented into 9216 triangles for
at the boundaries of the basis function. The gradient of the the finite-element forward-solver algorithm.
impedivity distribution is then approximated by computing The electrode model used to generate the voltage data
the gradient of sets was the gap model [1]. In this model, the current in
each electrode is specified by (9) and the current density
(26) is assumed to be constant over the electrode region. The
current density in gap regions between electrodes is assumed
The gradients of and are to be zero. In [16], [17], and [18], more accurate models
for the electrodes are specified. Although these models will
(27) yield better reconstructions of experimental data, they are not
incorporated in our model since the reconstruction algorithm
presented here assumes the gap model for the electrodes. In
(28) this manner, electrode modeling errors will not corrupt the
results to be presented.
where , is a basis function typical of the To determine the precision of the forward-solver, a model of
one shown in Fig. 2. The partial derivatives of and a circular phantom consisting of a homogeneous conductivity
Fig. 5. Conductivity distributions as a function of the radial distance from Fig. 7. Conductivity distributions as a function of the radial distance from
the center of the Joshua Tree Mesh, calculated after each of four iterations the center of the Joshua Tree Mesh, calculated after each of four iterations
of the CNRSER algorithm using complex voltage data generated from the of the CNRSER algorithm using separate real and quadrature voltage data
geometry in Fig. 3. generated from the geometry in Fig. 3.
Fig. 6. Permittivity distributions as a function of the radial distance from Fig. 8. Permittivity distributions as a function of the radial distance from the
the center of the Joshua Tree Mesh, calculated after each of four iterations center of the Joshua Tree Mesh, calculated after each of four iterations of the
of the CNRSER algorithm using complex voltage data generated from the CNRSER algorithm using separate real and quadrature voltage data generated
geometry in Fig. 3. from the geometry in Fig. 3.
Reconstructions of the complex voltage data corrupted with used to display the output of the algorithm. Figs. 5 and 6 show
noise were computed using gradient regularization (gain equal the reconstructed conductivity and permittivity distributions,
to 1.0) to demonstrate the benefits of this technique. When respectively, after several iterations of the CNRSER algorithm
using experimental data with the CNRSER algorithm, should as a function of the radial distance from the center of the
be selected so that the rms value of the residual error in (8) is admittivity distribution shown in Fig. 3. The squared error
comparable to system noise in the tomograph. between measured and predicted voltages decreased by a factor
of 2.05e5 after four iterations.
IV. RESULTS Figs. 7 and 8 show cross sections of the reconstructed
conductivity and permittivity distributions, respectively, when
A. Output of the CNRSER Algorithm Using the real and quadrature voltage files were used separately
the Analytical Model as input to the reconstruction algorithm. For this case, the
squared-error between the real components of the measured
Since the admittivity distribution shown in Fig. 3 is cir- and predicted voltages decreased by a factor of 7.15e2 after
cularly symmetric, the output of the CNRSER algorithm is four iterations while the squared error between the imaginary
also circularly symmetric; hence, radial cross sections of the components of the measured and predicted voltages decreased
reconstructed conductivity and permittivity distributions are by a factor of 1.59e5.
Fig. 9. Conductivity distribution as a function of angular position, calculated Fig. 11. Conductivity distribution as a function of angular position, cal-
after several iterations of the CNRSER algorithm using complex voltage culated after several iterations of the CNRSER algorithm using separate
data generated from the geometry in Fig. 4. Marquardt regularization of the real and quadrature voltage data generated from the geometry in Fig. 4.
Jacobian matrix was implemented for these reconstructions. Marquardt regularization of the Jacobian matrix was implemented for these
Fig. 15. (a) The ideal conductivity distribution and the reconstructed con-
ductivity distribution, calculated after (b) the first and (c) the fourth iterations (29)
of the CNRSER algorithm using complex voltage data generated from the
geometry in Fig. 4. Gradient regularization of the Jacobian matrix was
implemented for these reconstructions. The ideal reconstruction was generated
by computing the weighted-average of the conductivity values within a
mesh element by the percentage of area containing the values. (Units are
millisiemens per meter.)
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