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AZ 9th grade – 2024 – 1 2024

Listen to the passage and answer next 6 questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about? 7. Choose the correct definition of the word “to inspire”.
A) the industrial revolution A) to reach someone or something by moving faster than
B) the medical science the other person or thing
C) the ways to keep microbes away B) to fill someone with confidence and desire to do
D) the sickness of the 20th century something
E) improvements in the healthcare C) to behave as if something is true when you know that it
is not
2. Which information is not given in the passage? D) to prevent someone or something from entering a place
A) Until the Renaissance people hadn’t understood much or taking part in an activity
about the human body. E) to say that something is not true
B) Scientists learned that microbes caused illness.
C) A well-balanced diet combined with exercise can 8. Choose the correct tense form.
enhance immunity. The Sandfords … in southern England ten years ago.
D) Ancient people tried to cure sickness using natural A) reside
materials. B) resides
E) As early as 4000 BC, people built special places like C) is residing
hospitals. D) resided
E) has resided
3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to
the passage. 9. Choose the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence.
“Why did treating sickness become easier and less risky?” The storm hit the tree.
1. because of spending much time in hospitals A) The tree was hit by the storm.
2. because of fewer advancements in medical science B) The storm was hit by the tree.
3. because of many improvements on medical tools and C) The storm is hit by the tree.
machines D) The tree is hit by the storm.
4. because of increasing microbes E) The tree has been hit.
5. because of the flourishing of the Industrial Revolution
A) 1, 4 B) 1, 2 C) 3, 5 10. Choose correct variant.
D) 4, 5 E) 2, 3 Unfortunately, Mary has … patience to work with children.
A) much
4. Which statements are wrong according to the passage? B) few
1. Plants and herbs were a great way of treatment in ancient C) a lot of
times. D) little
2. People couldn’t find a place where to cure sick people. E) many
3. Doctors developed protection against many harmful
diseases. 11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Doctors began to treat diseases only in the 20th century. I’m tired of … the same things every day. Let’s do other
A) 2, 3 B) 1, 4 C) 1, 2 ones.
D) 1, 3 E) 2, 4 A) have done
B) doing
5. Choose the correct variant according to the passage. C) to do
A) In the 1800s hospitals couldn’t keep microbes away. D) done
B) No advancements were ever made in medical science. E) did
C) During the Renaissance people could understand how
the human body worked.
D) During the Industrial Revolution treating sickness 12. Make up a sentence.
became more difficult. 1. both
E) During the Renaissance people weren’t interested in the 2. the Azerbaijani language
natural world. 3. is used
4. abroad
6. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 5. in our country
Today, a large healthcare system helps … . 6. and
A) 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 1
B) 1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2
C) 1, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2
D) 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4
E) 5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3
OTK.AZ 9th grade – 2024 – 1 2024

13. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.
I have … the time … the money to go swimming this The government … protect children from harm, cruelty and
weekend, so I’ll stay at home. dangerous drugs.
A) either… nor A) will able to
B) both… and B) must to
C) either… or C) might to
D) neither… nor D) had
E) whether… or E) should

20. Choose the correct variant.

14. Choose the correct variant. Our journey became … when at last we found … driver.
… Arctic is … frozen ocean surrounded by land. A) easier, an experienced
A) The, a B) easily, a fast
B) -, - C) more difficult, the best
C) An, a D) much easier, fast
D) The, - E) difficult, a more experienced
E) -, a
21. Choose the correct variant.
How many ideas … offered at the meeting?
15. Choose the correct variant. A) are
I’ve dropped my letters. Would you pick … up for me B) has been
A) it C) was
B) they D) will
C) them E) is
D) its
E) their 22. Choose the correct exclamatory sentence.
A) What is an impressive story it!
B) What an impressive story it is!
16. Choose the correct variant. C) What an impressive story is it!
1. to go to home D) What an impressive stories it is!
2. to be at home E) What impressive story it is!
3. to come home
4. to stay home
A) 2, 3 Read the passage and answer next 8 questions.
B) 3, 4
C) 1, 4
D) 1, 2 (1) A hobby is considered to be regular activity that is
E) 2, 4 done for enjoyment. Participation in hobbies encourages
acquiring skills and knowledge in that area. Having a hobby
17. Choose the correct variant. brings you joy and can boost your career. It affords you the
… are you daughters? opportunity to learn new abilities.
1. What (2) But some hobbies are extremely dangerous. One of
2. Whom the most dangerous hobbies is bull running. It was a custom
3. Whose practised in England until 19th century. It involved chasing
4. Who a bull through the streets of a town until it was weakened.
A) 2, 3 Bull running became illegal in the world in 1835. However,
B) 1, 4 bull running is still legal in Spain. There are only a few
C) 3, 4 countries throughout the world where this practice still
D) 1, 2 takes place. The running of the bulls festival is held in
E) 1, 3 several parts of Spain annually.
(3) There are protests which are held each year around
Spain ahead of and during the festival. This is because
18. Choose the line of derivative nouns. many believe the event is cruel and unfair to the animals.
A) heroism, follower, location Many tourists don’t realize that the bulls are killed after the
B) patriotism, source, invention festival. Two men in their 50s and a 64 year-old French
C) fortune, luxury, fault tourist were terribly injured during festival in 2022. The
D) volunteer, flood, worship festival is held despite protests from activists in Spain.
E) rucksack, passion, anxiety
OTK.AZ 9th grade – 2024 – 1 2024

23. The passage is mainly about … . 28. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or word
A) an unsafe hobby combination according to Paragraph 1.
B) an illegal hobby in Spain A hobby as repeated action can develop ... and provide you
C) festivals in Spain with learning ... .
D) participation in the festival
E) tourists’ protests

24. Which word from paragraph 1 fits the following 29. Write the answer to the question according to Paragraph
definition “to provide somebody with something”? 3 using your own words.
A) to afford What do the Spanish do to prevent the festival?
B) to boost
C) to hold
D) to be considered
30. Write the close meaning of the word “to happen” from
E) to take place
Paragraph 2.

25. Which statements are false according to the passage?

1. Bull running was banned until 19th century.
2. There were hardly any injured men during the festival.
3. You can hardly see bull running in England.
4. The Spanish can participate in bull running.
A) 2, 3
B) 1, 4
C) 2, 4
D) 1, 2
E) 3, 4

26. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

Why is bull running dangerous?
1. Participants can be badly hurt during hunting bulls.
2. There are a lot of tourists in the streets.
3. People can be injured during the festival.
4. A number of tourists want to kill bulls.
A) 1, 2
B) 2, 4
C) 1, 4
D) 1, 3
E) 3, 4

27. Choose the variants according to the passage.

The benefit of having hobbies is that ... .
1. you acquire certain skills in that area
2. you do it for enjoyment
3. it is difficult to do it regularly
4. you can hardly get useful knowledge
A) 3, 4
B) 1, 3
C) 1, 2
D) 2, 4
E) 2, 3

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