SAP MII - Installation Guide
SAP MII - Installation Guide
SAP MII - Installation Guide
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 Follow-Up Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
This guide describes the steps required to install SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII) 15.4
using Software Update Manager (SUM). It specifies the sequence of the installation activities and their
Naming Conventions
Variable Description
1. Read all documentation related to SAP MII. See the SAP Help Portsl page at
2. Verify your system landscape.
For information on the minimal system landscape required for SAP MII, see the SAP MII 15.4 Master Guide.
3. You have installed SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server.
If you want to run SAP MII in a cluster, you must configure SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server
accordingly and use shared or sticky sessions. For more information, see SAP Help Portal at http://
4. You have installed SAP ERP 6.0 (ECC 600 – ECC 606) to use the OEE functionality. You have implemented
the notes 2088960, 2100514, and 2107505.
Make sure that you import the newest SPAM/SAINT update before starting the installation. For more
information about how to update the transaction, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver on SAP Help
Portal at Choose SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability
Solution Life Cycle Management by Key Capability Software Life Cycle Management Software
Maintenance Software Package Manager Importing Support Packages with Support Package Manager
Importing a SPAM/SAINT Update . For more information about transaction SAINT, see SAP Note
504134 .
After installing SAP ERP, install the add-on for the OEE application on your application backend system
using transaction SAINT.
For details in ERP and their respective releases, refer SAP Note 1804140 .
Additionally, to integrate the Shop Floor Dispatching & Monitoring tool with SAP OEE, the following ERP
and their SP releases are required:
SAP_APPL 616 02
SAP_APPL 606 07
SAP_APPL 605 10
SAP_APPL 604 13
SAP_APPL 603 12
SAP_APPL 602 13
Install and configure SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server with a Usage Selection of Application Server Java.
Confirm that you have JRE 1.6 or higher installed on your client machines.
For SAP NetWeaver 7.4, in Java System Properties, on the System VM Parameters tab add the java system
property javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory and set the value as
The SAP MII 15.4 host machine must meet the requirements for SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server:
Ensure that you install the latest SAPUI5 component available with SAP NW 7.4 or 7.5.
PCo connects the shop floor to SAP MII. It enables automatic data collection.
You have installed SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server with a Usage Selection of Application Server Java.
To install OEE, follow steps 1-5 mentioned in the section Installing SAP MII using the Software Update Manager.
After deploying a new .sca file, you must restart your system.
OEE functionality runs only after the default configuration settings are done. After the .sca file is deployed, user
has to run the OEE-specific CTC Templates to perform necessary configurations.
You have configured SAP ERP to communicate with SAP MII. This involves the following:
The three CTC templates that you must run to setup the system are as follows:
This CTC configures SAP NetWeaver with an OEE user who has the required roles to perform all OEE related
You can access this CTC through NetWeaver Administrator Configuration Scenarios Configuration
Wizard: SAP OEE NetWeaver Configurations
Protocol: http
○ http
○ https
To use SSL (HTTPS) communication channel, the
SAP_XMII_Developer role with the Destination_Serv
ice_Write_Permission action must be assigned. Pro
ceed as follows:
Host miiserver
Port 50000
The SAP OEE Integration CTC wizard configures SAP MII, and integration-related SAP OEE elements for SAP
OEE and ERP integration.
This CTC configures the ERP-Shop floor integration with the following:
You can access this CTC through NetWeaver Administrator Configuration Scenarios Configuration
Wizard: SAP OEE Integration
SAP ERP must be configured manually according to the SAP OEE documentation. For more information, see
ERP-Shop Floor Integration Configuration in the SAP OEE application help.
Server Enter the ERP server name associated with your OEE
Select to configure EWM Select the checkbox if you want to connect to SAP EWM. En
ter the SAP EWM JRA information.
ERP Plant 2010 – the name of an existing SAP ERP plant to be inte
grated with SAP OEE Management
Protocol: http
● http
● https
To use SSL (HTTPS) communication channel, the
SAP_XMII_Developer role with the Destination_Serv
ice_Write_Permission action must be assigned. Proceed
as follows:
Host miiserver
Port 50000
● ......
XMIIIDOC01 Listener
Program ID XMII_ERP3
Client 200
System Number 62
Language EN
Message Dispatcher
Message Enquequer
Pre XSLT Transaction Parameter Specify the SAP OEE relevant operations within a production
or process order. You can do this by entering the control key
of the operations that are OEE relevant.
1. Log on to SAP MII with the OEE_ADMIN user using the following URL: http://
2. In the SAP ERP OEE Integration menu, choose SAP MII Configuration Message Listeners .
3. Select the XMIIIDOCnn that has been recently configured with the CTC wizard.
4. On the Details Configuration tab page, if the SAP Server name and SAP Client numberare blank,
choose Update.
If you notice any incorrect configurations in SAP NetWeaver XMIIIDOCnn resource adapter properties,
we recommend that you re-execute the SAPOEE INTCTC wizard with correct values.
This CTC can be run with the user OEE_ADMIN that was created when you run SAP OEE NetWeaver
Configuration CTC or a user who has the role OEE_SUPERADMIN assigned.
This CTC configures the system defaults for OEE such as activities, production operator dashboard (POD) and
so on.
You can access this CTC through NetWeaver Administrator Configuration Scenarios Configuration
Wizard: SAP OEE Configurations .
1. Creates default loading statuses along with descriptions in the languages supported by SAP.
2. Creates default activities along with descriptions in the languages supported by SAP.
3. Creates default dashboards along with default buttons, their associated activities and their descriptions in
the languages supported by SAP.
4. Creates default Customization names along with their allowed values (if applicable) and their descriptions
in the languages supported by SAP.
5. Collects the following information required to configure the system defaults for OEE:
ERP Plant 2010 – the name of an existing SAP ERP plant to be inte
grated with SAP OEE Management
ERP Client The ERP Client where the above Plant is configured
In a clustered environment, access SAP OEE CTC via the Webdispatcher URL for this SAP NetWeaver
If any of the SAP OEE CTC wizard was interrupted for any reason, resolve the root cause issue and re-execute
the SAP OEE CTC wizard.
Do not use the Resume or Takeover Session buttons to continue with any of the SAP OEE CTC templates. If any
template is in the Currently Executing status, choose Show Category Running Configuration Tasks . Select
appropriate task and choose Cancel Process.
After SAP OEE CTC templates are executed, one SAP OEE plant is configured. To configure multiple SAP OEE
plants, execute CTC templates SAP OEE Integration and SAP OEE Configurations for each plant.
To make minor corrections or modifications in the current configurations manually, see Configuration of SAP
OEE Integration Interfaces at SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence SAP
OEE Management ERP-Shop Floor Integration .
You can update role mappings by changing the actions assigned to the role. You can create new roles
that have access to a particular screen.
To check your SAP MII 15.4 installation, complete the following steps:
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