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NOJA-718-03 TELUS Remote User Guide

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NOJA Power

User Manual
TELUS Remote
User guide

Revision History
Rev Author Date Comment
Draft Release OS 12-7-04 Draft release of TELUS Remote User guide.
1 OS 5-8-04 Added Wavecom modem configuration commands.
2 BOS 26-8-05 Expanded CommManager and CommServer documentation.
3 BOS 24-11-08 Updated functionality and installation sections.

Source: S:\Marketing-500\User Manuals\SCADA Protocols\NOJA-718.doc

This document is copyright and is intended for users and distributors of NOJA Power Switchgear product. It
contains information that is the intellectual property of NOJA Power Switchgear and the document, or any part
thereof, should not be copied or reproduced in any form without written permission from NOJA Power
NOJA Power is a trademark of NOJA Power Switchgear and should not be reproduced or used in any way
without written authorisation.
NOJA Power Switchgear applies a policy of ongoing development and reserves the right to change product
without notice. NOJA Power Switchgear does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage incurred as a
result of acting or refraining from action based on information in this User Manual.

© NOJA Power Switchgear Pty Ltd 2008

TELUS Remote User guide



1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Applicability.............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Requirements..........................................................................................................................................2
2 GENERAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................................................3
3 GENERAL ARCHITECTURE............................................................................................................................4
4 SOFTWARE MODULE FUNCTIONS ...............................................................................................................5
5 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................6
5.1 CommServer Configuration...................................................................................................................6
5.1.1 Locating and Accessing CommManager .......................................................................................6
5.1.2 Configuring Communications between CommServer and TELUS ..............................................7
5.1.3 Configuration of Communication Channels ..................................................................................9
5.1.4 Configuring Communication Sessions ........................................................................................11
5.1.5 Starting and Connecting to CommServer ....................................................................................12
5.1.6 Loading Settings into CommServer..............................................................................................13
5.2 TELUS Remote Configuration .............................................................................................................13
5.3 MPM Configuration ...............................................................................................................................16
6 USING COMMMANAGER ..............................................................................................................................18
6.1 CommManager Interface......................................................................................................................18
6.2 CommServer Channel Properties .......................................................................................................19
6.2.1 Application Layer Settings.............................................................................................................19
6.2.2 Data Link Settings...........................................................................................................................19
6.2.3 Physical Layer Settings..................................................................................................................19
6.2.4 Modem Control................................................................................................................................23
6.2.5 Log Settings ....................................................................................................................................24
6.3 CommServer Session Properties........................................................................................................26
6.3.1 Poll Configuration ...........................................................................................................................26
6.3.2 Control Mask ...................................................................................................................................27
6.3.3 Unsolicited Masks...........................................................................................................................28
6.3.4 Defaults ............................................................................................................................................28
6.3.5 Log Settings ....................................................................................................................................28
6.4 CommManager Options .......................................................................................................................29
6.4.1 Network Connection Options ........................................................................................................29
6.4.2 Bar Options......................................................................................................................................30
6.4.3 Event Log Options ..........................................................................................................................33
6.4.4 Unsolicited Reponses ....................................................................................................................34
6.5 Viewing Connections Using The On-Line Bar ...................................................................................35
6.5.1 NetChannel Information .................................................................................................................35
6.5.2 CommChannel Information............................................................................................................36
6.5.3 CommSession Information ............................................................................................................37
6.6 CommManager Event Log ...................................................................................................................38
7 WORKING DIRECTLY WITH COMMSERVER ..............................................................................................42
7.1 Comm State Console............................................................................................................................42
7.1.1 Hot Keys...........................................................................................................................................42
7.1.2 Summary of CommChannel Information Window .......................................................................43
7.1.3 Selected CommChannel Information Window .............................................................................43
7.1.4 Selected CommSession Information Window .............................................................................44
7.2 Network State Console.........................................................................................................................44
7.3 Event Console .......................................................................................................................................44
8 APPENDIX 1 - CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES............................................................................................45
8.1 Communication Channel Setup Using Wavecom GSM Modem ......................................................45

CA - Collision Avoidance
CommChannel - Communication Channel
CommManager - Communication Manager
CommServer - Communication Server
CommSession - Communication Session
RC - Recloser Control
UR - Unsolicited Response

TELUS Remote User guide 1.

This document provides guidelines for the setup and operation of TELUS with remote control capabilities,
referred hereafter as “TELUS Remote”.

1.1 Applicability
This document describes the TELUS remote and is applicable to TELUS software version 02.04.05 Rev 20 and

1.2 Requirements
In order to use TELUS Remote the user must already have an understanding of the OSM recloser, SCADA
principles and TELUS software.

TELUS Remote User guide 2.


TELUS remote contains additional components to support communications equipment and communications
interfaces (physical ports):

 CommServer – a “Communication Server” software package which acts as a MASTER station and
communicates with Slave devices in the field
 CommManager – a configuration tool for the Communication Server.

TELUS Remote is supported by MPM code versions S02.03.04 – 3295 and above.

The MPM Software Loading Procedure for MPM code upgrade is described in “NOJA-716 MPM Software
Loading Procedure”.

TELUS Remote User guide 3.


The general architecture of TELUS remote and its relationship between TELUS, Communication Server and
CommManager is represented in the diagram below.

Slave # 1

Communication Ports
Slave # 2

Slave # 3

TELUS Remote
Slave # N

The diagram above is also applicable when TELUS and CommServer are run on the same PC.

Where CommServer is located on another (central) computer and TELUS is located on workstations, connected
to the central PC over the network, then the configuration is as below:

Slave # 1 Slave # 2 Slave # 3 Slave # N

GSM Radio Radio Fibre optic

modem modem

DNP3 Protocol

Telephone Radio link Fibre optic

Modem modem

Com Com Com

port #1 port #2 port #N

TCP/IP Protocol
Central PC with CommServer

Workstation with Laptop with TELUS

TELUS and Local Area Network (LAN) and CommManager

TELUS Remote User guide 4.



The software modules perform the following functions:

 Communication Server.

This is a mini-SCADA system running DNP3 Master station software to communicate with field devices (Slaves)
using the communication ports available on the computer with Data Communication Equipment connected. It
can operate on multiple communications channels simultaneously if the PC physical interface supports it. It can
be located on a central PC (server) or on a local PC (laptop).

The Communication Server uses the DNP3 protocol for communication with field devices.

 CommManager

This is a tool for configuring the communication server. It provides an interface to configure the communication
channels (physical interface handling) and communication sessions within each channel for the Slave devices.

 TELUS Remote

TELUS Remote is used to configure and read information from the MPM on OSM reclosers remotely using
CommServer as a communication interface.

TELUS remote can still be used to connect directly to the MPM using the RS232 port on the MPM panel.

TELUS Remote User guide 5.



TELUS Remote is included as standard in the current release of TELUS.

Installation of TELUS is no different from any other software package – follow the simple wizard. If the computer
where TELUS Remote is to be installed already has TELUS, then it is strongly recommended you first back up
the device database if it has valuable information. This is a precautionary measure to ensure data is not lost in
the event of the installation being interrupted.

Installation of TELUS will automatically install CommSrv.exe, CommManager.exe and other associated files
onto your computer. These files will be automatically installed into the directory where TELUS was installed.

As for any other communication software, TELUS remote and CommServer have to be correctly configured
before use.

5.1 CommServer Configuration

The Communication Server (CommServer) is configured using the CommManager interface. Configuration
involves specifying the location of the CommServer for communication with TELUS, configuration of the
communication channels and configuration of the sessions.

5.1.1 Locating and Accessing CommManager

CommManager is located in the TELUS directory. To open this interface, go to the directory where TELUS
remote is installed, eg. “C:\Program Files\TELUS” and double click on “CommManager.exe” file:

Alternatively this interface can be activated from the TELUS menu. Go to “Tools” and click on “Server

This will open the Server Configuration Interface – “CommManager”:

TELUS Remote User guide 6.


5.1.2 Configuring Communications between CommServer and TELUS

To access the configuration screen, go to “Service -> Options”:

This will display the configuration screen, shown in the next chapter. There are two possible methods of

TELUS Remote User guide 7.

NOJA-718 TELUS and CommServer are running on the same PC.

In this case the tick box “Start Server on this PC” should be ticked (default).

“CommServer path” - specifies the location of the CommSrv.exe file.

“Start CommServer when start CommManager” and “Shutdown CommServer when exit CommManager”
– This specifies whether the CommServer is automatically started and stopped with CommManager. This is the
usual setting during normal operation but can be changed if required during testing.

“Network Address” – IP address of the computer where the CommServer is running. If “Start Server on this
PC” is selected, then this field is grayed out.

“TCP Port” – Communication port on the PC for connection with TELUS over the network. Default number is
9000. This should match the setup configuration in TELUS.

“Connection Timeout, s” – this is a timeout period for connection with CommManager, in seconds.

“Connect to CommServer on start automatically” – connects the CommManager to the Communication

Server when opening the Client.

“Upload Settings from CommServer automatically” – this function uploads and displays the settings currently
loaded in the CommServer.

TELUS Remote User guide 8.

NOJA-718 TELUS and CommServer are running on different PCs

In this case the “Start server on this PC” should be un-ticked and the IP address of the computer where
CommServer is running is used.

In “Network Address” the address of the computer where CommServer is installed and running has to be

5.1.3 Configuration of Communication Channels

A communication Channel needs to be configured in order to communicate with devices. One Communication
Channel operates on one communication port of the computer.

To begin configuration insert a new channel by clicking on the button:

Insert new Channel

This will create a communication channel with default settings.

TELUS Remote User guide 9.


The channel has to be configured to communicate over the connected Data Communication Equipment. All
related communications parameters must also be set.

A Master Station Address must be allocated which is then used as the addressing setting in the DNP3 protocol.

For example, the items to be configured when setting up the physical layer are shown below:

TELUS Remote User guide 10.

Configuration of the modem is achieved by using the options shown below:

When the communication channel is configured, use the on the Settings tool bar to save the
configuration. The complete tool bar is shown below:

Other functions available on the tool bar are explained below:

Insert Session Inserts a new Session into the currently selected Channel.

Delete Deletes the current Channel or Session.

Set default Set default values for all displayed settings for selected channel or session

Show changes Show changes between edited current settings (channel or session) and previous
saved settings.

Channel configuration requires a good knowledge of the DNP3 protocol and general SCADA principles.
Channel configuration involves setting up the communication port and the handling of data communication
equipment. The Slave configuration is done in “Sessions”.

5.1.4 Configuring Communication Sessions

To communicate with a Slave device using a configured communication channel, a session must be configured.
A separate communication session is set for each field device. To configure the session click on “Ses” (Insert
New Session) as shown below:

TELUS Remote User guide 11.

Configuring a session includes the addressing (eg. Phone number of the modem fitted in the cubicle) and other
parameters. An example of session configuration options is given below:

A “Slave Address” must be allocated as it is the main communication address used by the DNP3 protocol.

When the session configuration is complete, the settings must be saved using the same method as for the
communication channel.

If there are conflicts in the configuration (eg, two channels configured using the same com port) they will be
shown in RED.

5.1.5 Starting and Connecting to CommServer

Before loading the Channel and Session settings into CommServer it must first be started and a connection
established. To start CommServer click the “Start CommServer” button as shown below:

Start CommServer Button

Once the CommServer has been started it is now possible to connect to it by clicking on the “Connect to
CommServer” button:

Connect to CommServer Button

TELUS Remote User guide 12.

5.1.6 Loading Settings into CommServer
Once the Channels and Sessions are successfully configured, the settings then have to be loaded into
CommServer. This can be done using the Download button on the Tool bar:

or using drop down list from the menu:

To be able to load settings, the CommServer must be running and CommManager must be connected to the

5.2 TELUS Remote Configuration

When installation is completed, TELUS Remote must be configured to communicate with the Communication
Server (CommServer). This is achieved by going to “Tools”  “Options” on the menu.

Clicking on “Options” will open a new screen with default configuration for a direct connection.

TELUS Remote User guide 13.


The “Communication Type” has to be set to “Communication Server”:

When “Communication Server” is selected, the following screen will appear:

TELUS Remote User guide 14.


The IP address and Port settings must correspond with the parameters set in the CommServer configuration.
To go online with the switchgear using the communication server, first select the Recloser you wish to connect
to from the Device list in TELUS, then click on the connect button:

TELUS Remote User guide 15.


If the slave and master addresses are not configured to be automatically retrieved from the SCADA settings
then they will have to be manually entered in the following two dialog boxes when they appear.

Enter the Slave address of the device to connect to as allocated in the CommServer.

Enter the Master address of the device to connect to as allocated in the CommServer.

5.3 MPM Configuration

The MPM connected to the OSM Recloser has to be configured to work on the appropriate type of connection.
This is done using “SCADA Settings” in TELUS. These can only be changed by directly connecting to the MPM
via the RS232 port on the MPM panel.

TELUS Remote User guide 16.

Modem Settings can be configured on the following screen:

Note: A full description of Modem, DNP3 and SCADA settings can be found in the following documents:

 NOJA-520 SCADA Interface Description

 NOJA-519 DNP3 Protocol Implementation.

TELUS Remote User guide 17.


6.1 CommManager Interface
The CommManager Interface is used to configure the CommServer. Configuration involves specifying the
location of the CommServer for communication with TELUS, configuration of the communication channels and
configuration of the sessions. Once a connection is established, the CommServer’s operation can be monitored.

The CommManager interface has the following main components:

 Offline Bar – Used to configure channels and sessions. Refer to Section 5.1 for a
tutorial on how to add channels and sessions to this panel.
 Settings Bar - Used to configure physical layer, application layer, data link settings and log
settings for individual channels and sessions.
 Output Bar - Displays the Event Log. Refer to section 6.6 for a full list of events.
 Online Bar - Displays network and communications states for currently active connections.
Refer to section 6.5 for details.

TELUS Remote User guide 18.


6.2 CommServer Channel Properties

Below is a full list of Channel properties. These are configured using the Settings Bar.

6.2.1 Application Layer Settings

Name Description Range Default

Inactivity Time Inactivity time is used to detect when no transmission 0 – 3600s 10s
or reception activity has occurred for a set length of Step size 1s
time. Once this time has expired the connection is

Maximum block The maximum data block size, in bytes, used for file 64 – application 1024
size for file transfer transfer. layer buffer size

6.2.2 Data Link Settings

Name Description Range Default

Master Address This is the link layer address of the master 1 – 65534
CommChannel and is used as the source address for Step size 1
all CommSessions configured on a given

Confirmation Mode Used to configure when a master will request Never Never
confirmation from a slave when sending link layer Sometimes
frames. Always
Confirmation This setting determines how long to wait for a 0 – 60s 3s
Timeout confirmation from the slave if the Confirmation Mode Step size 1s
is sent to Sometimes or Always.
Maximum Retries The maximum number of times a master will re- 0 – 32767 2
transmit a link layer frame if no confirmation has been Step size 1
received within the timeout period. Only applies if the
Confirmation Mode is sent to Sometimes or Always.
Maximum Frame Maximum number of bytes in a link frame. 64 – 292 292
Size Step size 1

6.2.3 Physical Layer Settings

Serial Connection

Name Description Range Default

DCE Type The type of DCE connected to the PC Phone Modem Phone Modem
physical or virtual port. GSM-Modem
RS485 Converter

TELUS Remote User guide 19.

NOJA-718 Configuration

Name Description Range Default

Port PC physical or virtual port number. 1 – 255 Lowest
Port number 255 is reserved for the PC network Step size 1 available
adaptor. If this is selected then a TCP/IP-based port number
protocol will be used for the connection. from free
Baud Rate Transmission rate in bits per second. 300/600/1200/2400/ 19200

Duplex Mode Defines whether Rx and Tx can occur at the same Half Full
time (full-duplex). Full

Parity Type of parity used for Port. None None

Data Bits Byte size. 8 or 7 8

Stop Bits Number of stop bits to use. 1 or 2 1

DTR Data Terminal Ready. Ignore Low Control

Ignore High
This signal determines whether a DTE is ready to Control
begin communicating.

Some communications equipment may define a

high signal as being ready while others define a low
signal as ready. Some equipment have no DTR line
at all.

If you need to ignore the DTR signal, select Ignore

Low or Ignore High depending on which signal is
used to determine ready.

If DTR is set to Control then the DTE on this line

will have a High signal whenever it is ready to
transmit or receive data.

DSR Data Set Ready Monitor Monitor

If DSR is set to Monitor then the DTE will watch this
signal and only send data or commands to the DCE
if this signal is ON.

RTS Request To Send Ignore Low Flow Control

Ignore High
The RTS signal can be used in Control PTT (Push Control PTT
To Talk) mode, Flow Control mode, or it can be set Flow Control
to either a low or high condition and then ignored.

In Control PTT mode, RTS is set to ON after the

Pre Tx Time starts and is turned OFF after the data
transmission has been completed and the Post Tx
Time has expired.

In Flow Control mode, RTS is set to ON when the

DTE is ready to receive data and OFF if the DTE is
not ready to receive data.

TELUS Remote User guide 20.


Name Description Range Default

CTS Clear To Send Monitor Monitor
CTS is used to indicate whether the DCE is ready
to accept data for transmission on the data

This signal is used when set to Monitor.

If CTS is set to Ignore, the DTE will send data

regardless of the state of this signal.

DCD Data Carrier Detect Monitor Monitor

Used to indicate when a data carrier signal is

When set to Monitor the DTE behaviour depends

on duplex type:

With Full Duplex the DTE will be able to both send

and receive data when this signal is ON. When the
signal is OFF during the DCD Fall Time, the DTE
will not be able to send any data. If at any other
time the DTE receives any valid data it will assume
a data channel has been established and it can
also send data as well.

With Half Duplex a DCD ON signal indicates the

communication channel is busy. The DTE will
receive the data and will not be able to send until
the DCD signal turns OFF. After the transition to
the OFF signal, the DTE will wait until both Tx
Timeout and Pre Tx Timeout have expired before
transmitting data.

When set to Ignore the DTE assumes a data

channel is present whenever it receives any valid
data. Duplex type affects the DTE behaviour in this

With Full Duplex, if valid data is received the DTE

assumes a communication channel is established
and it can send data.

With Half Duplex, any valid or non-valid data

indicates the communication channel is busy. The
DTE will continue to receive data until the last byte
has been received and the Tx Time has expired.
Once Tx Time has expired the DTE will assume the
channel is now free and can send data.

TELUS Remote User guide 21.

NOJA-718 Collision Avoidance

Name Description Range Default

Mode Collision Avoidance is used with point-multi-point Enable Disable
radio and direct CommChannels. It prevents multiple Disable
devices from attempting to start transmission at the
same time.

Collision Avoidance is implemented as a time delay

equal to:
Minimal Idle Time + Random Maximum Delay x
Random Number.
The Random Number is automatically generated and
is between 0 and 1.

Minimal Idle Time Used to calculate random access time. 0 – 120000ms 2000ms
Step Size 10ms

Random Maximum Used to calculate random access time. 0 – 120000ms 5000ms

Delay Step Size 10ms Time

Name Description Range Default

Pre Tx Time Time interval between assertion of RTS and the start 0 – 5000ms 0ms
of data transmission. Step size 10ms

Post Tx Time Time interval between sending the last character of 0 – 5000ms 0ms
data and negating RTS. Step size 10ms

Tx Delay Minimum time after receiving a character before 0 – 5000ms 0s

starting to transmit a character. Step size 10ms

This delay is particularly useful in multi-dropped

RS485 or radio-modem applications where the
master must be given time to disable its transmitting
hardware before it is ready to accept data from the
slave device.

DCD Fall Time A time interval after DCD has dropped to OFF 0 – 25500ms 700ms
indication. When this time has expired the connection Step size 10ms
is closed. Typically used for dialup connections to
automatically close a connection.
DTR Low Time The time interval the DTR must be in the OFF state 50 – 5000ms 500ms
before performing a DCE reset. Step size 10ms

TELUS Remote User guide 22.

6.2.4 Modem Control

Name Description Range Default

Leased Line Mode Used when a modem is connected through a Enable Disable
leased line. Disable


Name Description Range Default

Retries Number of autodial retries. 1-5 3

Interval Time interval between a failed connection 0 – 255s 15s

and the next attempt to dial. Step Size 1s


Name Description Range Default

Predial String Dialing prefix commands for the modem. This string Char string ATDP
is concatenated with the phone number. starting with the
command prefix.
255 chars
maximum length.
Init String A list of modem commands to send to the modem Char string ATZ
before using it. starting with the
command prefix.
255 chars
maximum length.
Hangup String This string is only used if DTR is set to Ignore High or Char string ATH
Ignore Low. starting with the
command prefix.
If DTR is set to Control then the modem is instead 255 chars
reset by the DTR signal being set to low for the DTR maximum length.
Low Time.
Offhook String This string is sent to the modem when it is needed to Char string Empty
go offhook (ie, to lift the handset). This string is sent starting with the string
before the Predial String and waits for the modem to command prefix.
answer OK. 255 chars
maximum length.
Auto Answer On Sets the modem to automatically answer an incoming Char string ATS0=1
call after a given number of rings. starting with the
command prefix.
255 chars
maximum length.
Auto Answer Off Used to disable modem auto-answer mode. Char string ATS0=0
starting with the
command prefix.
255 chars
maximum length.

TELUS Remote User guide 23.


Name Description Range Default

Connection The length of time to wait for a dialup 0 – 255s 60s
Timeout connection to be established after the dial Step Size 1s
string has been sent to the modem. If this
time is exceeded, the autodial is activated.
Response Time The modem must respond to control 0 – 255s 3s
commands within this time. Dialling is the Step Size 1s
only exception. 0 = do not check
Inactivity Time If there is no reception activity for the 0 – 600s 180s (for
duration of this time the communication link is Step Size 1s modem)
closed. If this time is set to zero it has no 15s (for direct)
effect. Radio Modem Settings


Name Description Range Default

Mode Preamble is often required by radio modems Enable Disable
for synchronisation purposes. Disable

If enabled the modem will send the Preamble

Char plus the Preamble Last Char and will
repeat this process for the amount of times
set in Repeat Count.

Preamble Char Preamble ASCII character. Represented by 0x00 – 0xFF 0x55

its hexadecimal equivalent.

Preamble Last Final ASCII character of the preamble. This is 0x00 – 0xFF 0xFF
Char used to distinguish the end of the preamble.

Repeat Count Number of times the Preamble is sent. 0 – 25 3

Step size 1

6.2.5 Log Settings

Log Settings

Name Description Range Default

Mode Sets whether a diagnostic log will be written. Enable Enable

TELUS Remote User guide 24.



Name Description Range Default

Clear At Start Clear the log file when CommServer is Enable Disable
started. This will delete the existing log file Disable
and start a new empty log.

Maximum File Size Maximum size of the log file in Mb. Determined by 1Mb
available space
Once this size is reached: on PC.

If Number Of Files = 1 the log file contents

will be cleared and writing will commence
from the start of file again.

If Number Of Files > 1 a new log file will be

created and writing will commence at the
start of the new file.

Number Of Files Number of log files that will be created before Minimum number 1
they are cycled. of 1

Location Location of log files. If left empty the log files 255 chars max Empty string
will be located in the CommServer directory. length.

File Name Base name of the log files. 255 chars max Diag.txt

Control Mask

Name Description Range Default

Link Layer Write Link Layer information. Enable Disable
Transport Layer Write Transport Layer information. Enable Disable
Application Layer Write Application Layer events to log. Enable Disable
Static Data Write Static Data events to log. Enable Disable
Static Headers Write Static Headers events to log. Enable Disable
Event Data Write Event Data to log. Enable Disable
Event Headers Write Event Headers to log. Enable Disable
Physical Layer Write Physical Layer events to log. Enable Disable
Errors Write Error events to log. Enable Enable
Application File Write Application File events to log. Enable Disable
Request Response Write Request Response events to log. Enable Disable
Drv Comm Write Drv Comms events to log Enable Disable

TELUS Remote User guide 25.


6.3 CommServer Session Properties

Below is a full list of Session properties. These are configured using the Settings Bar.

Name Description Range Default

Session Name CommSession Name 255 chars max Session Name

Slave Address The link address of the slave. This is the 1 – 65534 Lowest
destination address for the Session. The Step Size 1 available
address must be unique within the Channel. address
number within
the current
Phone Number Phone Number is only available if the DCE 255 chars max Empty string
type is Phone or GSM-Modem. Phone length
Number strings can consist of the following
0-9, #, * - Digits for dialing
P - Pulse dialing
T - Tone dialing
, - Pause
; - Return to command state
after dialing
! - Hook flash
@ - Wait for a 5 second silence
before proceeding
R - Reverse handshake (go
online in answer mode)
W - Wait for second dial tone

6.3.1 Poll Configuration

Poll Time

Name Description Range Default

Class 0 Time interval between sequential class 0 0 – 259200s 0s
polls. 0 = poll is disabled. Step size 1s
Class 1 Time interval between sequential class 1 0 – 259200s 0s
polls. 0 = poll is disabled. Step size 1s
Class 2 Time interval between sequential class 2 0 – 259200s 0s
polls. 0 = poll is disabled. Step size 1s
Class 3 Time interval between sequential class 3 0 – 259200s 0s
polls. 0 = poll is disabled. Step size 1s

TELUS Remote User guide 26.

Sync Time

Name Description Range Default

Class 0 Used to grade class polls in time. A class 0 0 – 259200s 0s
poll start begins on time divisible on sync Step size 1s
Class 1 Used to grade class polls in time. A class 1 0 – 259200s 0s
poll start begins on time divisible on sync Step size 1s
Class 2 Used to grade class polls in time. A class 2 0 – 259200s 0s
poll start begins on time divisible on sync Step size 1s
Class 3 Used to grade class polls in time. A class 3 0 – 259200s 0s
poll start begins on time divisible on sync Step size 1s

6.3.2 Control Mask

Name Description Range Default

Auto Clear Restart Submit a “Clear Restart” request if an IIN is Enable Enable
received from a slave where the “restart” bit Disable
has been set.
Auto Integrity Submit an “Integrity Restart” request (class 0, Enable Disable
Restart class 1, class 2, class 3 poll) if an IIN is Disable
received from a slave where the “restart” bit
has been set.
Auto Integrity Local Submit an “Integrity Local” request (class 0, Enable Disable
class 1, class 2, class 3 poll) if an IIN is Disable
received with a cleared local bit where the
local bit was previously set.
Auto Integrity Submit an “Integrity Overflow” request I Enable Disable
Overflow (class 0, class 1, class 2, class 3 poll) if an Disable
IIN is received from a slave where the “buffer
overflow” bit has been set.
Auto Delay Submit a “Delay Measurement” request if an Enable Disable
Measurement IIN is received from a slave where the “need Disable
time synchronisation” bit has been set.
Auto Time Sync Submit a “Time Sync” request if an IIN is Enable Enable
received from a slave where the “need time Disable
synchronisation” bit has been set.
Auto Event Poll Submit an “Event Poll” (class 0, class 1, class Enable Disable
2, class 3 poll) when an IIN is received from a Disable
slave with the class 1, 2, or 3 bit set.
UR Points Match Request additional information when an Enable Disable
Unsolicited Response (UR) is received from Disable
the Recloser Controller (RC).

TELUS Remote User guide 27.


6.3.3 Unsolicited Masks

Name Description Range Default

Auto Enable UR Enable Unsolicited Responses for classes 1, 0–7 0
2, or 3 using a control mask.

If the mask does not equal zero the Recloser

Control will be sent the mask to enable
unsolicited responses when an IIN is
received which has the “restart” bit set.

For example, to enable UR for class 1, the

mask is set to 1. To enable UR for both class
1 and 3 then the mask is set to 5.

Auto Disable UR Disable Unsolicited Responses for classes 1, 0–7 0

2, or 3 using a control mask.

If the mask does not equal zero the Recloser

Control will be sent the mask to disable
unsolicited responses when an IIN is
received which has the “restart” bit set.

For example, to disable UR for class 1, the

mask is set to 1. To disable UR for both class
1 and 3 then the mask is set to 5.

6.3.4 Defaults

Name Description Range Default

Response Timeout This is the default response timeout for any 1 – 600s 20s
requested in this CommSession. This timeout Step size 1s
is applied to any request which has no
response timeout already applied to it.

Passive Time Passive Time is applied when the Number of 1 – 600s 20s
Request Repetitions has expired resulting in Step size 1s
the request being terminated. This is required
to allow requests from another
CommSession to be started.

Number of Number of repetitions to apply if the current

Repetitions request execution fails. Once the repetitions
have reached this number the execution is

6.3.5 Log Settings

These settings are the same as those described in section 6.2.5.

TELUS Remote User guide 28.

6.4 CommManager Options
The Options dialog is accessed from the CommManager menu under Service -> Options. It is used to configure
network settings, CommServer startup conditions, Unsolicited Responses and Event Log options.

6.4.1 Network Connection Options

This dialog determines how and where the CommServer is started. These settings are also briefly explained in
section 5.1.2.

Name Description Default

Start CommServer on this CommServer will be run on this PC. Enable
CommServer Path Location of the CommServer executable. CommManager
home folder
Start CommServer when Sets whether CommServer is started whenever Disable
start CommManager CommManager is started.
Shutdown CommServer Shutdown CommServer when exiting CommManager. Disable
when exit CommManager
Network Address The network address is either a string representing the PC NA
name on a network, or the IP address of the PC.

If there is no network or CommServer is set to start on this

PC then local host address is used.
TCP Port Sets which TCP port will be used to listen for incoming 9000
Connection Timeout, s The length of time in seconds to wait while making a 5s
connection to the CommServer.

This setting is also used to prevent disconnection from the

CommServer by sending network packets if no other data is
Connect to CommServer Connect to CommServer whenever the CommManager is Disable
on start automatically started.
Upload settings from Automatically upload settings from the CommServer after Disable
CommServer CommManager has been started and is connected to the
automatically CommServer.

TELUS Remote User guide 29.


6.4.2 Bar Options

The CommManager interface has online, offline, output and settings bars as described in Section 6.1. This
dialog is used to configure their options.

Main Settings

Name Description Default

Protection mode for Checking this box allows the user to select a mode of protection for Enable
download settings the download button from the dropdown list. The two protection
button options are:

Confirmation When the download settings button is clicked a Confirmation

request confirmation dialog box is displayed allowing the request
user to continue the operation or cancel it.

Disable The download settings button is greyed out and

button cannot be accessed in CommManager.
Hide to system Sets how CommManager is displayed on Startup or when
tray: Minimised.

On startup Hide the main window and display a tray icon when Disable
CommManager is started.

On minimize Hide the main window and display a tray icon when Disable
CommManager is minimized.

Always show Always display the CommManager tray icon while CommManager Disable
system tray icon is running.

TELUS Remote User guide 30.

Online Bar

Name Description Default

State Poll NetChannel time, s Time interval between automatic 5s
NetChannel status polls.

CommChannel time, s The time interval after a state change 5s

occurs in a CommChannel or
CommSession before CommManager
automatically receives the state.

Show parameters If enabled, the following parameters are shown along with the time Enable
with time they last changed state:

NetChannel - Errors

CommChannel - channel state, channel errors, CRC errors,

call drop outs

CommSession - Session state, executed requests,

terminated requests, unsolicited
responses, repetitions

TELUS Remote User guide 31.

Offline Bar

Name Description Default

Show help panel for settings Displays help items in a window below the settings as they Enable
are selected.

Automatically apply settings All changed settings will be automatically applied before Enable
before Download they are downloaded into the CommServer.

Automatically apply settings All changed settings will be automatically applied before Enable
before Save they are saved to file.

Request confirmation on Deleting a CommChannel or CommSession will result in a Enable

delete confirmation dialog being displayed allowing the user to
CommChannel/CommSession continue deleting or to cancel the operation.
Request confirmation on Clicking the “Shutdown” button will result in a confirmation Enable
shutdown CommServer dialog being displayed allowing the user to continue the
shutdown or to cancel the operation.

TELUS Remote User guide 32.

6.4.3 Event Log Options
CommManager events can be logged and saved to a file. This dialog is used to set what type of events are
logged and where the log file is stored.

Name Description Default

Clear at start Clears the event log and starts again every time Enable
CommManager is opened.

File name Event log file name. Mngrlog.txt

File path Location of event log file. CommManager

home folder
Place events: Log all “Notification” events. Enable
Place events: Log all “Automatically state requests” events. Disable
Automatically state
Place events: Log all “Conflict avoidance” events. Disable
Conflict avoidance

TELUS Remote User guide 33.


6.4.4 Unsolicited Reponses

CommManager can be set to monitor any unsolicited responses and run a script when they are received.

Name Description Default

Monitor unsolicited CommManager will monitor unsolicited responses. Disable

External script Allows the execution of an external script whenever an Disable

unsolicited response is received.

Path Location of the external script. By default this is the Urpad is

Urpad.exe utility which is used to display the unsolicited located in the
response in a text format. CommManager
home folder by

TELUS Remote User guide 34.

6.5 Viewing Connections Using The On-Line Bar
When a connection is made with the CommServer the current channel status and statistics can be viewed by
selecting the connection in the on-line bar. This information can also be viewed using the CommServer terminal
window as described in Section 7.

6.5.1 NetChannel Information

Selecting NetChannel will display information about every network connection to CommServer.

Name Description
Host Name Network name of the PC connected to CommServer.
IP Address IP address of the PC connected to CommServer.
Connection Time Date and time CommServer established a connection with the network client.
Tx Bytes Total number of transmitted bytes.
Rx Bytes Total number of received bytes.
Errors Total number of application layer errors

TELUS Remote User guide 35.


6.5.2 CommChannel Information

Selecting a CommChannel will display status information as shown below.

Name Description
Master Address CommChannel master address.
Port Communications port number.
Channel State CommChannel state – Open or Closed.
Connection State DCE/Port state – Disconnected, Connected, Closing, Closed.
Channel Event Last CommChannel diagnostic event.
Tx Bytes The total number of physical layer bytes transmitted.
Rx Bytes The total number of physical layer bytes received.
Tx Frames The total number of data link frames transmitted.
Rx Frames The total number of data link frames received.
Tx Fragments The total number of transport layer fragments transmitted.
Rx Fragments The total number of transport layer fragments received.
Channel Errors The total number of application layer errors.
CRC Errors The total number of data link frames received with a CRC error.
Call drop outs The total number of modem calls where CommChannel did not initiate a hang
DTR, RTS, DSR, CTS, Shows the com port line states.

TELUS Remote User guide 36.

6.5.3 CommSession Information
Selecting a CommSession in the On-line bar will display status information as shown below.

Name Description
Slave Address CommSession slave address
Session State CommSession state: Open or Closed.
RC Device / MPM# Recloser Control device information and factory MPM identification number.
Executed Requests Total number of successfully executed requests.
Terminated Requests Total number of terminated requests.
Repetitions Total number of application layer repetitions.
Unsolicited Responses Total number of unsolicited responses.
Tx ASDU Total number of Application Service Data Units transmitted.
Rx ASDU Total number of Application Service Data Units received.

TELUS Remote User guide 37.


6.6 CommManager Event Log

The output bar displays all events as they occur in CommManager. Below is a full list of possible events.

Command /
Event Additional Info Comments
CommManager Started - Feedback: The CommManager
Control application was started.
CommServer Start Request Path: X:\xxx\xxx\ Command: Start local
Control CommServer application.

Parameters: Application path.

Possible Events:
Manual Start, Automatic Start
Started - Feedback: The Start Request
command was executed
Start Failed The system cannot find the path Feedback: The Start Request
specified. command failed due to the
application path being wrong.
The network path was not found. Feedback: The Start Request
command failed due to the
network path not being correct,
or present.
The device is not ready. Feedback: The Start Request
failed due to the device not being
Shutdown - Command: Shut down local
Request CommServer.
Shutdowned - Feedback: The Shutdown
Request command was
State Request - Command: Request for network
or communication state.
State Received - Feedback: The State Request
command executed successfully.
CommServer State Changed NetChannel ID:xxx Open Notification: A new network
Notification connection was opened.

Parameter: NetChannel ID
NetChannel ID:xxx Closed Notification: A network
connection was closed.

Parameter: NetChannel ID
CommChannel M: All Open Notification: CommChannel was
CommChannel M: xxx Open
Parameters: M – Master
address, All – for all
CommChannel M: All Closed Notification: CommChannel was
CommChannel M: xxx Closed
Parameters: M – Master
address, All – for all

TELUS Remote User guide 38.

Command /
Event Additional Info Comments
CommChannel M:xxx S: All Notification: CommSession was
Open opened.

CommChannel M: xxx S: xxx Parameters: M – Master

Open address, S – Slave address, All
– All CommSessions.
CommChannel M:xxx S: All Notification: CommSession was
Closed closed.

CommChannel M: xxx S: xxx Parameters: M – Master

Closed address, S – Slave address, All
– All CommSessions.
CommChannel M:xxx Port: xxx Notification: Port was opened.
Parameters: M – Master
address, Port – Port number.
CommChannel M:xxx Port: xxx Notification: Port was closed.
Parameters: M – Master
address, Port – Port number.
CommChannel M:xxx Port: xxx Notification: DCE was initialized.
Parameters: M – Master
address, Port – Port number.
Settings - Notification: Settings were
Changed changed.
Network Connect Network address: xxx Port: xxx Command: A request to
Connection Request establish a connection with

Parameters: Network address,

port – TCP port number.
Connected - Feedback: The Connect Request
command was executed
Connect Failed TCP connection could not be Feedback: The Connect Request
established. failed.

Reasons: Wrong network

address, wrong TCP port, or the
CommServer is not running.
Too many connections. Feedback: The Connect Request

Reason: The maximum number

of connections was exceeded.
Closed - Feedback: Network connection
was closed due to a
CommManager or CommServer
Aborted - Feedback: Network connection
was closed for an unknown
Disconnect - Command: Request to close the
Request network connection with the
Disconnected - Feedback: The Disconnect
request executed successfully.

TELUS Remote User guide 39.


Command /
Event Additional Info Comments
CommChannel Open M:All Command: Open CommChannel
Control CommChannel
M:xxx Parameters: M – Master
address, All for All
Close M:All Command: Close CommChannel
M:xxx Parameters: M – Master
address, All for All
Open Port M:xxx Command: Open a Port

Parameters: M – Master
Close Port M:xxx Command: Close a Port

Parameters: M – Master
Open M:xxx S:All Command: Open a
CommSession CommSession.
M:xxx S:xxx
Parameters: M – Master
address, S – Slave address, All
– for all CommSessions.
Close M:xxx S:All Command: Close a
CommSession CommSession.
M:xxx S:xxx
Parameters: M – Master
address, S – Slave address, All
– for all CommSessions.
Init DCE M:xxx Command: Initialize DCE.

Parameters: M – Master
Response UR: Enable Command: Enable or Disable
Control Unsolicited Response control.
UR: Disable
Parameters: UR: Enable / UR:
Disable – Controls reception of
Unsolicited Responses from
Executed - Feedback: The last
CommChannel control command
was executed successfully.
CommSession UR Received M:xxx S:xxx points:xxx Notification: Unsolicited
Notification Response (UR) was received.

Parameters: M – Master
address, S – Slave address,
points – UR point number.
Comms Settings Upload Request - Command: Upload settings from
Uploaded - Feedback: The Upload Request
was successful.
Download - Command: Download settings
Request into CommServer.
Downloaded - Feedback: The Download
Request was successful.

TELUS Remote User guide 40.

Command /
Event Additional Info Comments
Conflict Ch M:xxx is already used. Feedback:
Avoidance Changed on Ch M:xxx
Requirement Check: The
CommChannel master address
is unique within the
CommChannel tree.

Parameters: M – Master
Ch M:xxx port:xxx is already Feedback:
used. Changed Ch M:xxx
port:xxx Requirement Check: The port
number is unique within the
CommChannel tree.

Parameters: M – Master
address, port – port number.
Ch M:xxx S:xxx is already used. Feedback:
Changed on Ch M:xxx S:xxx
Requirement Check: The
CommSession slave address is
unique within the

Parameters: M – Master
address, S – Slave address.
Value xxx is not in valid range Feedback:
[xxx to xxx]. Changed on xxx
Requirement Check: Checks
whether the value entered into
the parameter is within the
allowable range.

Value – entered value,
range – the correct range for the
parameter entered,
Change on – the adjusted
parameter value.

TELUS Remote User guide 41.



CommServer itself runs in a terminal window. A set of consoles can be accessed within the terminal window to
view states and perform manual control actions.

7.1 Comm State Console

The Comm State console is used to indicate CommServer states and to manage CommChannels and
CommSessions. There are four sections inside the console:

 Hot keys
 Summary of CommChannel Information
 Selected CommChannel Information
 Selected CommSession Information

7.1.1 Hot Keys

At the top of the console is a list of Hot Keys used to display information and control the CommServer manually.

Name Description
F3/Shift+F3 Cycle through the Comm State, Event and Network State consoles in both
F4 Sequential switching between CommChannels.
F5 Sequential switching between CommSessions.
F6/Shift+F6 Open or Close the currently selected CommChannel.
F7/Shift+F7 Open or Close the port on the currently selected CommChannel.
F8/Shift+F8 Open or Close the currently selected CommSession.
F9 Initialize the DCE on the currently selected CommChannel.
F10 Exit CommServer. If pressed once, CommServer will shut down after the DCE
has been correctly initialized (no longer than 10s). If pressed twice the
CommServer will shutdown immediately without waiting.

The CommServer can also be exited by pressing “Q”, “Alt+F4” or “Ctrl-C”.

TELUS Remote User guide 42.

7.1.2 Summary of CommChannel Information Window
This window displays common information about the current state of all CommChannels configured in

Name Description
Name CommChannel name as specified in the CommServer settings.

Master Address CommChannel master address.

State CommChannel state – Open or Closed.
Port Communications port number.
Connection State Driver state – Disconnected, Connected, Closing, Closed.

7.1.3 Selected CommChannel Information Window

This window displays states and statistics for the currently selected CommChannel.

Name Description
Connection State DCE/Port state – Disconnected, Connected, Closing, Closed.
Channel Event Last CommChannel diagnostic event.
Tx Bytes The total number of physical layer bytes transmitted.
Rx Bytes The total number of physical layer bytes received.
Tx Frames The total number of data link frames transmitted.
Rx Frames The total number of data link frames received.
Tx Fragments The total number of transport layer fragments transmitted.
Rx Fragments The total number of transport layer fragments received.
Port Lines Shows the com port states – DTR, RTS, DSR, CTS, DCD, RI.
Current Request Information about the currently executed request.

TELUS Remote User guide 43.


7.1.4 Selected CommSession Information Window

This window displays states and statistics for the currently selected CommSession.

Name Description
Executed Requests Total number of successfully executed requests.
Terminated Requests Total number of terminated requests.
Repetitions Total number of application layer repetitions.
Unsolicited Responses Total number of unsolicited responses.
Tx ASDU Total number of Application Service Data Units transmitted.
Rx ASDU Total number of Application Service Data Units received.

7.2 Network State Console

The Network State console displays information about the current network client connections.

Name Description
Name Network name of the PC connected to CommServer.
IP Address IP address of the PC connected to CommServer.
Time Date and time CommServer established a connection with the network client.
Tx Bytes Number of bytes transmitted through the network connection by CommServer.
Rx Bytes Number of bytes received by CommServer through the network connection.

7.3 Event Console

The Event console displays essential events and also events configured to be recorded by the CommServer’s
log settings.

TELUS Remote User guide 44.



8.1 Communication Channel Setup Using Wavecom GSM Modem

To establish the communications between the MPM and TELUS remote, take the following steps:

1. Make sure the appropriate versions of TELUS, CommServer and CommManager are installed in the
appropriate locations on the server or stand alone PC.

If the TELUS remote is used on the stand alone PC, then the recommended directory for the installation

C:\Program Files\TELUS

2. Ensure the Wavecom SIM card supports the following:

- Data Calls
- Asynchronous, Non-Transparent mode

Please consult your service provider if these are required.

3. Program Wavecom GSM modem

The recommended set of commands is:


The recommended initialization command is ATZ.

4. In TELUS prepare the SCADA settings to be loaded into the MPM. Recommended settings are:

General and Port Settings:

Comm device Modem

Protocol Type DNP3
Port Type RS-232
Duplex Type Full
Parity None
Baud Rate 9600
RTS Flow Control
CTS Monitor
DTR Control
DSR Ignore
DCD Monitor
DTR Low Time, ms 200
DCD Fall Time, ms 500
Tx Delay, ms 0
Char Timeouts, char 2
Pre-Tx Time, ms 0
Post-Tx Time,ms 0

TELUS Remote User guide 45.

Modem Settings:

Dial out YES

Init String ATZ
Pre-Dial string ATDT
Dial Number 123123123 (Phone number to call)
Autodial interval, s 0
Connection Timeout, s 60
Response Time, s 3
Hang Up Inactivity Time, s 20
Hang Up Command ATH
Auto Answer On ATS0=1

DNP3 Protocol Link Layer Settings:

Slave Address {Consult SCADA Engineer}

Confirmation Mode Never
Confirmation Timeout, s 3
Maximum Retries 2
Maximum Transmitted Frame Size 292
Validate Master Address {Consult SCADA Engineer}

DNP3 Application Layer Settings:

SBO Timeout, s 5
Confirmation Mode Events
Confirmation Timeout, s 10
Need Time Delay, min 1440
Cold Restart Delay, ms 5000
Warm Restart Delay, ms 1000

Unsolicited Response:

Master Address {Consult SCADA Engineer}

Retry Delays, s 60
Retries, s 20
Offline Interval, s 300

Please consult your SCADA engineer to confirm the addresses and other associated DNP3 settings
where necessary.

5. Next, configure the Channel in CommServer. Recommended settings are:

Application Layer Settings:

Inactivity Time, s 30
Maximum Block Size for File Transfer 1024

Data Link Layer Settings:

Master Address {Consult SCADA Engineer}

Confirmation Mode Never
Confirmation Timeout, s 2
Maximum Retries 2
Maximum Frame Size 292

TELUS Remote User guide 46.

Physical Layer Settings:

Serial Device Type Dial Up


Com Port Number <Port Number>

Interface Type RS-232
Baud Rate 9600
Duplex Type Full
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
DTR Control
DSR Ignore
RTS Flow Control
CTS Monitor
DCD Monitor

Pre Tx time, ms 0
Post Tx Time, ms 0
Tx Delay, ms 0
DCD Fall Time.ms 200
DTR Low Time, ms 700

Retries 2
Interval, s 60

Predial String ATDT
Init String ATZ
Hang Up String ATH
Auto Answer ON ATS0=1

Connection Timeout, s 40
Response Time, s 7
Inactivity Time, s 25

Note: These settings are based on the Toshiba Software AMR modem. Please refer
to your modem’s manual for details on AT commands and timing.

6. Configure the Session for each device to dial in. The recommended settings are:

Session Name <Name>

Slave Address <Address>
Phone Number <Phone Number>

Poll Configuration
Poll Time (All Classes) 0
Synch Time (All Classes) 0

Control Mask
Auto Clear Restart Enable
Auto Integrity Restart Enable
Auto Time Sync Enable
Auto Event Poll Enable
Other(s) Disable

TELUS Remote User guide 47.


7. Configure CommServer. If all the software is to be run on one stand-alone PC and not connected to the
network, then the recommended settings are:

Start Server on This PC Checked

CommServer Path: <Path>
Port 9000
Connection Time Out, s 5
Other boxes Not checked

8. Configure the TELUS connection type from Tools/Options/Communications. The following settings are
recommended when using TELUS Remote in stand-alone mode:

Communication Type Communication Server

Time between answer and next query (ms): 1500
Communication Server IP address
Communication Port 9000
Communication Server Time Out (s) 5
Automatically Get Slave Address Unchecked
Automatically Get Master Address Unchecked
Automatically Start and Stop CommServer Checked

Note: These settings are recommended based on tests done using a certain type of modem and
network type. In some cases different AT commands and timings may be required.

TELUS Remote User guide 48.

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