Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Deu 6:5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
Deu 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deu 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
thine eyes.
Deu 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
There is only one God, meditate on His Law and Don’t forget it!
1. From what time (may people) recite the evening Shema? “ From the hour that the priests come in to
eat of the Heave-offering, until the end of the first watch”; 9 these are) R. Eliezer’s words, but the Sages
say, “ Until Midnight.” R. Gamaliel says, “ Until the first light of dawn.” There was a case when his sons
came back from the feast; they said to him, “ we have not recited Shem.”
He said to them, “ if the first light of dawn has not appeared, ye are obliged to recite.” And not only (in)
this (case), but (in) every(case where’ the sages have said” Until midnight,’ the commandment ( applies)
until the first light of dawn… if so, why did the Sages say “ Until midnight”? In order to keep a man away
fro transgression.
2. From what time ( May People) recite the morning Shema? From ( the time on can ) distinguish
between blue and white. R. Eliezer says, “ Between blue and green. And he ( must ) finish it by sunrise.”
R. Joshua says, “ Within three hours ( of sunrise), since it is the way of Princess to arise at the third
Mishnah, Berakhot, Chapter One:
3. The house of Shammai say , “in the evening every man ( must ) recline and recite, and in the morning,
they (must) stand, as it is said, “When you lie down and when you rise up’” ( Deut. 6:7). But the house of
Hillel say, “ Every man reads in his (own) way, as it is said, ‘And as you go along the way
If so , why does it say, “ And when you lie down and rise up’?- At the hour the people( generally) rise
up.” Said R. Tarfon, “ I was once travelling and I lay down to recite according to the opinion of the house
of Shammai, and I endangered myself on account of robbers.” They(house of Hillel) said to him, “You
deserved to lose your life, since you violated the opinion of the House of Hillel.”
The Pharisees and various schools of Pharisees argued over what these verses mean- when and how
where they to recite the Shema?
What might Jesus say to scholars and Pastors today who make “truth “ unaccessible to the common
Midrash :
“That is this ”
( that particular Bible verse relates directly to this present situation I or my audience am facing)
1. Jewish Interpretation
C. Climaxed in the School of Hillel ( qualifying factors of surrounding circumstances) and Shammai ( strict
E. Alexandrian Judaism
Influence of the school of Alexandria - 1000 years of allegory ( beginning at the end of the 2nd century)
Literal sense
D. The necessity of every believer to interpret the Bible for himself( Luther)
The interpretation
of the
--- Good Samaritan---
Not born of woman , but appears for the first time between Jerusalem and Jericho
* Interpreted the parable allegorically and Chrsitologically, rather than literally and ethically
Three senses
1. literal
2. Moral
Priest = Law
Levite = Prophets
Inn = Church
In practice, though he still allegorized, and especially found justification faith in all
Samaritan = Christ
Oil = Grace
Man = Adam
Inn = Church
Wounds = Sins
Parable of the Good Samaritan = “ neighborliness not just to friends and neighbors , but
the entire human race.”
3. Unfortunately other reformers, down to the 1800’s did not follow Calvin but went back to allegory
Rejected Allegory
The details are meaningless; they only add local color to get the one point across.
2. Dodd
Followed Julicher but added that to understand the one main point you must understand the original
Sitz im Leben ( life situation) of Jesus
Built of Julicher & Dodd but added another Sitz im Leben : the life situation of the Evangelist writing for
the early Church
Redaction criticism
How the evangelist interpret and apply the parables for their own situations/ audiences
4. Stein
Using all of the above , ascertain what God is saying to you today through the parable.
Main point = Answering question, “ who is my neighbor?’ or “what does it mean to be a neighbor?”
Midrash :
“That is this ”
( that particular Bible verse relates directly to this present situation I or my audience am facing)
“Don’t bother me , I’m looking for a verse of Scripture to back up one of my Pre-conceived notions”