AC 33-9
AC 33-9
AC 33-9
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
1. Purpose.
a. This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance on developing the
technical data needed for major repairs of critical and complex turbine engine parts. This
guidance will help persons developing major repair data meet the requirements of Title 14 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 43 to restore the engine to at least equal to its
original or properly altered condition. This does not mean that a repaired part must be returned
to a factory-new condition. However, the engine on which the repaired part is installed must
remain airworthy and in compliance with the applicable regulations. For repairs of turbine
engines and parts, the applicable requirements are Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines (14
CFR part 33) and Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emissions Requirements for Turbine Engine
Powered Airplanes (14 CFR part 34).
b. Additionally, this AC provides guidance to assist persons developing major repairs with
developing a continued operational safety plan. It also helps them evaluate engine parts
recovered from accidents and incidents prior to making a repair.
2. Applicability.
a. This AC provides guidance to all persons developing the technical data to substantiate
major repairs for critical or complex turbine engine parts, including type certificate (TC) and
supplemental type certificate (STC) holders.
b. This guidance is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a
regulation. It describes acceptable means, but not the only means, for demonstrating compliance
with the applicable regulations. The FAA (“we”) will consider other methods of demonstrating
compliance that a person developing repair data may elect to present. Terms such as “should,”
“shall,” “may,” and “must” are used only in the sense of ensuring applicability of this particular
method of compliance when the acceptable method of compliance in this document is used.
While these guidelines are not mandatory, they are derived from extensive FAA and industry
experience in determining compliance with the applicable regulations. On the other hand, if we
become aware of circumstances that convince us that following this AC would not result in
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compliance with the applicable regulations, we will not be bound by the terms of this AC, and
we may require additional substantiation as the basis for finding compliance.
c. This document does not change, create any additional, authorize changes in, or permit
deviations from, existing regulatory requirements.
b. AC 33.75-1A, Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.75, Safety Analysis; September 26,
c. AC 39-8, Continued Airworthiness Assessments of Powerplant and Auxiliary Power
Unit Installations of Transport Category Airplanes; September 8, 2003.
j. FAA Order 8120.11, Disposition of Scrap or Salvageable Aircraft Parts and Materials;
February 12, 1996.
4. Background.
a. The designs of many critical and complex turbine engine parts, hereafter referred to as
“parts,” require the use of advanced design and test methodologies, comprehensive materials
data, and refined manufacturing techniques to achieve high levels of safety, reliability and
performance. A person developing a repair for a critical or complex part should have a thorough
understanding of the part’s design characteristics, operational environments, operating
requirements, and failure modes and effects. This knowledge is useful for determining if a repair
to a part is major and for developing the appropriate technical data for FAA approval.
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b. Our previous evaluations of major repair data packages for critical and complex parts
have indicated that the data were not always adequate to support substantiation of the repair.
Data developed for major repairs of critical or complex parts may typically include rigorous
analyses and tests to show the engine on which the repaired part is installed will be at least equal
to its original or properly altered condition. An original or properly altered condition is an
airworthy condition that existed before the need for the proposed repair. An airworthy condition
means the aircraft conforms to its type certificate and is in a condition for safe operation.
c. This AC uses part categorization as an aid for persons to determine whether a part being
repaired is a critical or complex part. In addition, this AC recommends certain information be
included in major repair data packages to improve consistency and completeness. In Appendix 2
of this AC, we also provide templates for repairs related to various engine part families to assist
repair developers in identifying the technical elements and regulatory requirements when
developing and substantiating similar repairs, if determined major.
5. Part Categorization. This AC categorizes parts based on their most severe potential failure
effect using various methods for assessing malfunctions and failure modes. To assess
malfunctions and failure modes, repair developers may use the failure modes and effects
assessment described in Appendix 1 of this AC or other acceptable analytic techniques. Refer to
AC 33.75-1A for examples of other acceptable techniques.
a. Part Categories. The categories used in this AC are consistent with categories found in
Order 8120.2 and AC 39-8, and used in AC 43-18. The part categories are:
(1) Category 1. A product, i.e. engine, or part(s) thereof, whose failure could prevent
continued safe flight and landing; resulting consequences could reduce safety margins, degrade
performance, or cause loss of capability to conduct certain flight operations. A Category 1 part,
for the purpose of this AC and Orders 8110.37 and 8110.4, is a critical part.
(2) Category 2. An engine or part(s) thereof whose failure would not prevent
continued safe flight and landing; resulting consequences may reduce the capability of the
aircraft or the ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions or subsequent
failures. For the purpose of this AC and Order 8110.4, a Category 2 part is typically a complex
part that may affect a critical part.
(3) Category 3. An engine or part(s) thereof whose failure would have no effect on
continued safe flight and landing of the aircraft. The only consequence would be partial or
complete loss of engine thrust or power (and associated engine services). For single engine
applications, consider changing part categorization to Category 1 or 2 if complete loss of thrust
could prevent continued safe flight and landing or reduce the ability of the crew to cope with
adverse operating conditions or subsequent failures.
b. Tables of Potential Failure Effects. The following tables provide some potential failure
effects for Categories 1 and 2. We also listed a few examples of parts whose malfunction or
failure could result in one or more of the listed potential failure effects.
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(5) Failure of the engine mount Primary structures (for example, structures that
system leading to inadvertent provide support and rigidity of the main engine
engine separation. backbone and for attachment of engine to
(6) Release of the propeller by the
engine, if applicable. Thrust reverser control component if thrust
reverser control component is part of the engine
(7) Complete inability to shut the type certificate.
engine down.
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(1) Controlled fires (that is, those brought under Rotating parts that are not life-limited
control by shutting down the engine or by onboard (for example, compressor and turbine
extinguishing systems). airfoils)
(2) Case burn-through where it can be shown there is Accessory gearbox and internal
no propagation to hazardous engine effects. components
(7) Loss of integrity of the load path of the engine Combustion liners
supporting system without actual engine separation.
Fuel nozzles
(8) Generation of thrust greater than maximum rated
4/30/10 AC 33-9
6. Developing Data for Major Repairs. To improve the quality and adequacy of data for
major repairs of critical (Category 1) and complex (Category 2) parts, we recommend persons
developing the major repair data include the following information in their repair data packages:
a. A description of:
c. The applicable sections of the regulatory requirements from the certification basis for
the engine(s) that the repaired part is eligible for installation on.
e. The complete step-by-step “how to” instructions for accomplishing the repair. This
should include drawings and specifications, new materials and fabrication details, if any.
f. Technical data. The regulations require that when performing a major repair, the work
be done in accordance with technical data approved by the Administrator. Technical data also
includes substantiation data to show compliance to applicable regulatory requirements.
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(a) Together with industry we developed the sample templates in Appendix 2 for
typical repairs that were previously determined major. These templates may be used as aids to
identify technical elements and regulatory requirements to be considered when developing your
data and substantiating your repair for similar repairs to Category 2 parts, if determined major.
These templates are not all inclusive; rather, they are for a limited number of typical Category 2
(b) Persons using these templates should discuss any questions with the PACO. If
a template is not available for a proposed major repair, consider developing a new template.
Using a format consistent with the templates provided will help ensure that your template
identifies the applicable technical considerations and regulatory requirements. You should
review the new template with the PACO early in the project to determine if any additional data
will be needed.
a. COS Management Plan. Repair approval holders and persons making a major repair
must perform their work in accordance with approved technical data and applicable performance
regulations. If service experience or FAA oversight audits show the repair data was inadequate,
in error, or the work was performed improperly, the FAA will evaluate the safety impact and
take appropriate action. That action may be to issue an AD, Special Airworthiness Information
Bulletin (SAIB), or other appropriate document. In such a case, the repair approval holder or the
person who performed the work, or both, may be requested to develop a corrective action
program or a design change to restore safety to an acceptable level. Therefore, the FAA
recommends that repair approval holders who develop data for major repairs and persons who
use that data to perform maintenance develop a COS management plan.
(1) Any original part markings, such as the part number and serial number, should be
maintained. Supplementary identification should be permanent and legible. It should include a
name, trademark, or other symbol of the person performing the repair. Supplementary
identification combined with adequate maintenance records ensures that if a problem occurs the
affected parts can be identified, tracked, and, if necessary, removed from service.
(2) Parts subject to an airworthiness limitation should retain their original markings in
accordance with § 45.14. When adding supplementary identification to the part, repair
developers must ensure that their repair identification does not adversely impact the part. For
example, do not apply repair identification on contact surfaces or near radii of parts because
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these are typically areas of high stress concentrations. When impractical, i.e., the part is too
small or applying the repair identification would compromise part integrity, we recommend
entering part identification information in the part’s maintenance records.
(a) Identify where repaired parts are in service or who the customer
owners/operators of the parts are.
(4) A means to identify and isolate parts that do not conform to approved data or are
(5) The capability to analyze failed parts and identify root causes of failures in order to
develop and implement corrective action(s) when needed.
b. The ICAs may be insufficient for this pre-repair inspection. Therefore, developing
special instructions for evaluating repairability of such parts may be appropriate. We suggest
repair developers review the part’s maintenance and operational records for relevant service
information and verify the history and origin of the parts when making that determination. Parts
that are determined to be unsuitable for repair should not be repaired and should be returned to
the owner with the appropriate entry in the part maintenance record. Refer to AC 20-62 and
Order 8120.11 for further information on the airworthiness and eligibility of such parts. Parts
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otherwise eligible for repair which do not exhibit evidence of irreparable damage may be
Francis A. Favara
Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate
Aircraft Certification Service
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Appendix 1
1. A failure modes and effects assessment is a qualitative process, independent of failure rates
and probabilities, by which each failure mode of a part in the engine system is analyzed. Some
top-level functions typically considered in an engine failure modes and effects assessment are:
2. Each system and subsystem of the engine is broken down into its basic functions using a
functional block diagram consistent with the Air Transport Association policy for identification
and definition of systems.
3. The functional block diagram defines each system and subsystem, and all their functions, in
the turbine engine. The experienced safety engineer performing the analysis determines the part-
to-part and part-to-system influences in both directions (input and output). The process flow is
shown in figure A1.1 below:
Determine consequence of
failure to provide the desired
function by design intent
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Appendix 1
4. The part categorization process is built around the fundamental understanding of the part
function and its potential effects on physically or functionally mating parts or both. The
fundamental premise in the categorization process, and in the physical operation and function of
the turbine engine, is system interactions.
a. System interactions are influences a part, or a set of parts, can have on the turbine
engine, propulsion system, or aircraft through form, fit, or function, where
(1) Form is the shape, size, dimensions, and other physical measurable parameters that
uniquely characterize a part.
(2) Fit is the ability of a part to interface or interconnect, physically and functionally, at
the common boundaries with another part or system of the engine.
(3) Function is the action(s) the part is designed to perform in the engine.
b. These influences may extend beyond the component being classified, may be direct or
indirect, and may develop immediately or over time. Characteristics of these influences include:
(1) Direct influences, which are form and fit. These influences are based on physical
contact or interface clearances between adjacent parts.
(2) Indirect influences, which are functional in nature. These influences are not based
on physical contact, but may be aerodynamic, thermal, or vibratory.
5. The interactions where the consequence of failure is the furthest from the cause are the most
difficult to identify. Many fundamental relationships in part interactions and subsequent system
effects exist. Figure A1.2 below provides four examples.
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Appendix 1
Indirect Effect
1 Stage 1 HPT Effective HPC press. Stall margin Stall at limiting Part Interaction
Nozzle area/flow ratio consumption condition
•Fluid interactions
• Air, fuel, oil
Indirect Effect
2 Fuel Pump Fuel flow Fuel to Starting Altitude re-light
•Direct interactions
Impeller schedule Combustor characteristic capability
• Mechanical
• Aero loading
• Contact/wear
3 Time Relationship
Stage 2 HPT Cooling flow to Purge flow Hot gas
Critical part • Chemical
Nozzle rotor level ingestion temperature & •Indirect interactions
• Vibration
Direct Effect • Acoustical
4 Rotor Blade
Loads and
moments on
Local dovetail Dovetail or slot
LLP life impact • Primary air
loading bottom life
disk • Secondary air
• Control
• Structural
• Sensor
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Appendix 2
1. Purpose. This appendix includes templates for major repairs related to 17 engine part
families, listed in Table A2-1 below. The FAA selected them based on typical repairs for
complex turbine engine parts submitted as major. These templates will aid repair developers in
identifying the technical elements and regulatory requirements they should consider when
developing and substantiating similar major repairs. Persons developing data must ensure that
any additional technical criteria or regulatory requirements are met for their specific proposed
major repair.
2. Template Instructions. Each template shows both shaded and un-shaded (clear) cells
corresponding to the sample repair and its specific engineering, technical and regulatory
considerations. Those cells that are generally applicable are un-shaded. However, the repair
developer must decide if the cells need to be completed or not. The templates identify the
current part 33 regulations, Amendments 1-20 inclusive, applicable to turbine engines as an
example. When reviewing the associated regulatory considerations, the repair developer should
determine applicability and identify the corresponding methods of compliance to be used to
provide the supporting data.
a. The certification basis of the engine(s) on which the repaired part is eligible for
installation identifies the regulatory requirements that should be reviewed for applicability.
Applicable regulations are those regulations that must be evaluated to determine that the engine
remains in compliance and airworthy with respect to the repair work performed. For critical and
complex parts, the repair developer should determine which of the original compliance findings
to those applicable regulations could be affected by their proposed major repair. To do this, you
must understand how the part to be repaired functions in the engine operating environment, and
the associated regulatory requirements. Repair developers substantiate their repair to these
requirements, using acceptable methods, to show that the condition of the engine on which the
repaired part is installed will be at least equal to its original or properly altered condition.
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Appendix 2
(7) S - Similarity to previously FAA approved data. Repair developers will need to
show that the previously approved data is applicable to the new proposed repair, and to the
product type design if different than the type design for which the data was previously approved.
3. Sample Templates. If a template is not available for a particular major repair, the repair
developer can create or modify another as necessary.
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Appendix 2
Template 1
Categories of Bearing Compartment & Carbon Seal Part Family Repair. Determine which repair
description best fits the repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA
Advisor for guidance.
5. Blend Repair
6. Dimensional Restoration by Coating or Plating
7. Bushing/Helicoil Repair
8. Straightening, Re-twist, or Reforming Repair
• This repair includes straightening of bent knife edges
9. Surface Treatment Repair
• This repair includes peening, vibratory tumble (e.g.; restoration of surface
10. Machining Repair
• This repair includes lapping, skim cut, non-conventional machining.
11. Restoration of Adhesives, Bonding Agents, Potting Compound
When the cell under a category of repair is not shaded, the items listed under that requirement
should be reviewed for applicability, based on the repair design, and only the items pertinent to
this category of repair should be selected and addressed appropriately. Items not selected need
not be addressed.
An FAA-approved configuration means a new part (produced under a PC, TSO, or PMA) or a
previously approved repaired part.
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Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes:
Select all that apply based on the
function of the part and its operating
environment in the engine. This section
provides the background for
establishing the substantiation
a. Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated Temperature-Induced
Changes (Creep, Diffusion,
Ageing, Temperature
e. Wear due to: Adhesion,
Abrasion, Corrosion, Erosion,
Cavitation, Fretting, Oxidation
f. High Cycle Fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical,
and physical properties of the part
affected by the repair design, and
assess their impact on the part’s
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N,
Goodman, Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface
with the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy, as a
result of welds or braze, should be
evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
4. Select all Coating
Properties/Characteristics that apply
and evaluate them and their interface
with the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s physical and
operational capability, as a result of the
coating, should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable,
and assess its impact, if any, on existing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
7. Establish the Applicability of the
Repair and the Repair Processing
Sequence or evaluate any changes to an
existing repair sequence for potential
impact on the airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected
by the repair design, and evaluate system
a. Structural Strength, including
major load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics
and the allowable tolerances for the
repaired part features and for any
replacement detail(s) and give due
consideration to mating part(s):
• Surface finish/texture
• Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
• Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
• Pressure Strength Test
• Flow Capacity test
• Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
1) Roundness
2) Flatness
3) Parallelism
4) Concentricity
5) True Position Tolerances
6) Edge Distance Requirements
7) Finish Dimensions Requirements
10. Significant Operations Identified for
Validation that would include parameter
variability limits.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
11. Manufacturing requirements for
fabrication of repair details or
replacement sections used to
accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specs
• Quality Requirements
• Critical Process Validation needs
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Identified and Substantiated.
20. 33.21 Engine cooling
21. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
22. 33.25 Accessory attachments
23. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and
turbo-supercharger rotors
24. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
25. 33.29 Instrument connection
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
Subpart E – Design and
Construction; Turbine Aircraft
26. 33.62 Stress analysis
27. 33.63 Vibration
28. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
29. 33.66 Bleed air system
30. 33.67 Fuel system
31. 33.68 Induction system icing
(operability aspects) (Note 2)
32. 33.69 Ignitions system
33. 33.71 Lubrication system
34. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
35. 33.73 Power or thrust response
36. 33.74 Continued rotation
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Airworthiness Standards to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
No. Substantiated
Subpart E – Design and
Construction; Turbine Aircraft
Engines (continued)
37. 33.75 Safety analysis
38. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects
of ingestion)
39. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
40. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
41. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
42. 33.83 Vibration test
43. 33.85 Calibration tests
44. 33.87 Endurance test
45. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
46. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
47. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
48. 33.91 Engine component tests
(HCF/LCF bench testing)
49. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
50. 33.93 Teardown inspection
51. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
52. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
53. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power
unit (APU) mode
54. 33.97 Thrust reversers
55. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric
Concentrations of Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
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Appendix 2
Template 2
Categories of HPT Blade Part Family Repair. Determine which repair description best fits the
repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield, Strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(Without Material Removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength Test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position Tolerances
• Edge Distance
• Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
g. Airfoil Profile
• Leading & Trailing Edge
• Concave & convex contours
• Thickness
• Chord & Airfoil Length
• Twist/Lean/Bow
h. Tip Length
i. Airfoil wall thickness
10. Part Weight:
a. Mass
b. Moment
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
11. Platform width & (angel wing) Cross
Notch/Cross Shroud geometry
12. Cooling (Total flow, flow split, back flow
margin, hole exit geometry/angle/location,
cross-over hole size, metering plate)
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
13. Verification Plan with Significant Operations
Identified for Repair Source Qualification
14. Process Demonstration (including variability
15. Part Demonstration/Inspection
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
17. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
18. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
19. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
20. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
21. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
22. 33.15 Materials
23. 33.17 Fire prevention
24. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
25. 33.21 Engine cooling
26. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
27. 33.25 Accessory attachments
28. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
29. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
30. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
31. 33.62 Stress analysis
32. 33.63 Vibration
33. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
34. 33.66 Bleed air system
35. 33.67 Fuel system
36. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
37. 33.69 Ignitions system
38. 33.71 Lubrication system
39. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
40. 33.73 Power or thrust response
41. 33.74 Continued rotation
42. 33.75 Safety analysis
43. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
44. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
45. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
46. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. be Identified and Substantiated.
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
47. 33.83 Vibration test
48. 33.85 Calibration tests
49. 33.87 Endurance test
50. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
51. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
52. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
53. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
54. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
55. 33.93 Teardown inspection
56. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
57. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
58. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
59. 33.97 Thrust reversers
60. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 3
Categories of LPC/HPC Blade Part Family Repair. Determine which repair description best fits
the repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated Temperature-Induced
Changes (Creep, Diffusion,
Ageing, Temperature Gradients)
e. Wear due to: Adhesion, Abrasion,
Corrosion, Erosion, Cavitation,
Fretting, Oxidation
f. High Cycle Fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design, and assess their impact
on the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a result
of welds or braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
4. Select all Coating
Properties/Characteristics that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the
parent metal. The effect of any changes to
the part’s physical and operational
capability as a result of the coating should
be evaluated for airworthiness.
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable, and
assess its impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design and evaluate system
a. Heat Transfer
b. Secondary Airflow
c. Aerodynamics
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position Tolerances
• Edge Distance Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
g. Airfoil Profile
• Leading & Trailing Edge
• Concave & convex contours
• Thickness
• Chord & Airfoil Length
• Twist/Lean/Bow
h. Tip Length
i. Airfoil wall thickness
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Critical Measurable Characteristics
10. Dovetail functional fit test
11. Part weight test:
a. Mass Weight
b. Moment Weight
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
12. Technical Plan with Significant Operations
13. Process Demonstration (including variability
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections used
to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance
tests (Weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 4
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated Temperature-Induced
Changes (Creep, Diffusion,
Ageing, Temperature Gradients)
e. Wear due to: Adhesion, Abrasion,
Corrosion, Erosion, Cavitation,
Fretting, Oxidation
f. High Cycle Fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design, and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the
parent metal. The effect of any changes to
the part’s metallurgy as a result of welds or
braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(without material removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable, and
assess its impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design, and evaluate system
a. Structural Strength, including
major load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position Tolerances
• Edge Distance Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
g. Airfoils Profile
• Leading & Trailing Edge
• Concave & convex contours
• Thickness
• Chord & Airfoil Length
• Twist/Lean/Bow
h. Tip Length
i. Airfoil wall thickness
j. Throat Area
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Critical Measurable Characteristics
10. Part Weight:
a. Moment
b. Mass
11. Platform width & (angel wing) Cross
Notch/Cross Shroud geometry
MPE Repair Process Capability
Technical Substantiation Requirements
12. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
13. Process Demonstration (including
variability requirements)
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subpart A – General
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines (continued)
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 5
Categories of Combustor Part Family Repairs. Determine which repair description best fits the
repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes:
Select all that apply based on the
function of the part and its operating
environment in the engine. This
section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation
a. Thermo-Mechanical
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated Temperature-
Induced Changes (Creep,
Diffusion, Ageing,
Temperature Gradients)
e. Wear due to: Adhesion,
Abrasion, Corrosion,
Erosion, Cavitation, Fretting,
f. High Cycle Fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object
impact damage, O3 chemical
attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N,
Goodman, Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
i. Chemical Composition
(Alloy constituents)
j. Microstructure (grain size
– shape - boundary
precipitates, gamma prime
size and volume fraction,
k. Melting Point
l. Corrosion Resistance
m. Oxidation Resistance
n. Wear Resistance (Consider
wear types in (1)(e))
o. Crack Propagation Rate
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that
apply and evaluate them and their
interface with the parent metal. The
effect of any changes to the part’s
metallurgy as a result of welds or
braze should be evaluated for
a. Deposit material
b. Thickness, Coverage,
and Uniformity
c. Microstructure
d. Hardness
e. Sintering
f. Strip process
g. Residual stress
h. Lubricant properties
i. Spalling Resistance
j. Thermal Resistance
k. Erosion Resistance
l. Bonding (Interface
m. Contamination)
n. Environmental
o. Diffusion Zone
p. Hydrogen Embrittlement
Free Plating
q. Compatibility with base
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
5. Establish Measurable Characteristics
and the allowable tolerances for the
repaired part features and for any
replacement detail(s) and give due
consideration to mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen
c. Bearing bore dimensions
and location
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including
heat distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position
• Edge distance
• Finish dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
6. Evaluate any degradation in the
part’s function or durability due
to the following processes, when
applicable, and assess its impact, if
any, on existing ICAs.
a. Machining, Milling,
Broaching, or Grinding
b. Non-traditional Machining
c. Welding, Brazing or
d. Straightening, Re-twisting,
e. Blending
f. Honing
g. Lapping
h. Grit Blast
i. Stripping
j. Cleaning (Chemical, power
flash, Ultrasonic)
k. Residual Plating, Stripping,
or Cleaning Agents
l. Stress Intensity Factor (Kt)
m. Heat Treatment (time,
temp, atmosphere, etc.)
n. Plating
o. Dimensional Short-falls
p. Repetitive or Conflicting
q. Contamination
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements
No. to be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8. Select all that may be potentially
affected by the repair design, and
evaluate system effect(s):
a. Structural Strength, including
major load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics
and the allowable tolerances for the
repaired part features and for any
replacement detail(s) and give due
consideration to mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
g. Roundness
h. Flatness
i. Parallelism
j. Concentricity
k. True Position Tolerances
l. Edge Distance Requirements
m. Finish Dimensions
n. Diameter/Locating
o. Air Swirler Features
p. Mixing Air (dilution)
q. Datum Location Features
r. Air Cooling Hole Diameter
s. Flowpath Exit Features
t. Sealing Features
u. Aft Seal
v. Fuel Nozzles
w. Igniter interfaces
x. Flanges
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
10. Cooling Feature Characteristics:
a. Airflow
b. Hole Diameter
c. Blocked Hole
d. Cooling Slot
e. Quantity of Holes/Slots
11. Thermal Barrier Coating:
a. Thickness
b. Coverage
c. Type
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
12. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements
No. to be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
13. Process Demonstration Including:
a. Variability Requirements
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing Requirements for
fabrication of repair details or
replacement sections to accomplish
a. Drawings/Specifications
b. Quality Requirements
c. Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction Manual for Installing
and Operating the Engine
18. 33.7 Engine Ratings and Operating
19. 33.8 Selection of Engine Power and
Thrust Ratings
Subpart B – Design and
Construction; General
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress
(low cycle fatigue)
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83;
33.87; 33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments
and structure
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements
No. to be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and
turbo supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and
Construction; Turbine Aircraft
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics,
(Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing,
(operability aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability
aspects of ingestion)
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance tests
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests
(HCF/LCF Bench Testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements
No. to be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power
unit (APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33-Appendix A – Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness
Part 33-Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric
Concentrations of Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 6
Categories of Externals (Tubes, Manifolds, Ducts, Brackets) Part Family. Determine which
repair description best fits the repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the
FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a result
of welds or braze should be evaluated for
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable, and
assess its impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7. Establish the Applicability of the Repair
and the Repair Processing Sequence or
evaluate any changes to an existing repair
sequence for potential impact on the
airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design and evaluate system
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance requirements
• Finish dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
12. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
13. Process Demonstration (including
variability requirements)
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
50. 33.89 Operation test
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance
tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 7
Categories of Fuel Nozzle Part Family Repair. Determine which repair description best fits
the repair proposal based. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select all
that apply based on the function of the part
and its operating environment in the engine.
This section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation, fretting,
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Requirements to be Identified and
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by the
repair design and assess their impact on the
part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
dwell time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (yield, strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
i. Chemical Composition (alloy
j. Microstructure (grain size – shape -
boundary precipitates, gamma prime
size and volume fraction, etc.)
k. Melting Point
l. Corrosion Resistance
m. Oxidation Resistance
n. Wear Resistance (consider wear
types in (1)(e))
o. Crack Propagation Rate
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material Properties/Characteristics
for weldments or brazed joints that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the
parent metal. The effect of any changes to the
part’s metallurgy as a result of welds or braze
should be evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Requirements to be Identified and
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies (without
material removal) and evaluate effect(s), if any,
on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Requirements to be Identified and
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by the
repair design and evaluate system effect(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and location
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat distortion
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance requirements
• Finish dimensions requirements
g. Diameter/locating
h. Air swirler features
i. Mixing air (dilution) features
j. Datum location features
k. Air cooling hole diameter
l. Flowpath exit features
m. Aft seal
n. Flanges
o. Igniter interfaces
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated, Cont’d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Critical Measurable Characteristics
10. Material Debit Due To:
a. Heat Treat
b. Weld, Braze, Coat or Plate Processes
c. Machine Process
d. Blend
e. Hone
f. Lap
g. Grit Blast
h. Strip
11. Flow Volume
12. Flow Pattern
13. Pressure/Leak Test
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
14. Verification Plan with Significant Operations
Identified for Repair Source Qualification
15. Process Demonstration (including variability
16. Part Demonstration/Inspection
17. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication of
repair details or replacement sections used to
accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Subpart B – Design and Construction; General
22. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (Low cycle fatigue)
23. 33.15 Materials
24. 33.17 Fire prevention
25. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is associated
with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87; 33.88; and 33.90)
26. 33.21 Engine cooling
27. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and structure
28. 33.25 Accessory attachments
29. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo
supercharger rotors
30. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control systems
31. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
32. 33.62 Stress analysis
33. 33.63 Vibration
34. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
35. 33.66 Bleed air system
36. 33.67 Fuel system
37. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability aspects)
(Note 2)
38. 33.69 Ignitions system
39. 33.71 Lubrication system
40. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
41. 33.73 Power or thrust response
42. 33.74 Continued rotation
43. 33.75 Safety analysis
44. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
45. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice (operability
aspects of ingestion)
46. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
47. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Material Properties/Degradation
Modes/Product Qualities/etc. Technical
Substantiation Requirements
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
48. 33.83 Vibration test
49. 33.85 Calibration tests
50. 33.87 Endurance test
51. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
52. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
53. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
54. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF bench
55. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
56. 33.93 Teardown inspection
57. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance tests
(weight changes)
58. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
59. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit (APU)
60. 33.97 Thrust reversers
61. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 Appendix B- Certification Standard
Atmospheric Concentrations of Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 8
Categories of Gearbox Housing Assembly Part Family (shafts, gears, housings). Determine
which repair description best fits the repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate,
contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
1. Restoration of Protective Coating
• Includes Touch Up Coating
2. Weld or Braze Repair
• This repair excludes detail part replacement
3. Weld or Braze Repair
• Includes detail part replacement
4. Assembly and/or Disassembly
• This repair assembles, disassembles, removes and replaces detail parts, or sub-
assemblies without use of permanent attachment techniques (i.e.; welding or brazing).
Assembly is either bolted or riveted.
5. Sulfidation or Corrosion Repair
6. Blend Repair
7. Dimensional Restoration by Coating or Plating
8. Bushing/Helicoil Repair
9. Straightening, Re-twist, or Reforming Repair
• This repair includes straightening of bent knife edges
10. Surface Treatment Repair
• This repair includes peening, vibratory tumble (e.g.; restoration of surface
11. Machining Repair
• This repair includes lapping, skim cut, non-conventional machining
12. Restoration of Adhesives, Bonding Agents, Potting Compounds.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a result
of welds or braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(without material removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7. Establish the Applicability of the Repair
and the Repair Processing Sequence or
evaluate any changes to an existing repair
sequence for potential impact on the
airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design and evaluate system
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Bearing Bore:
a. Dimension
b. Location
10. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
g. distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance requirements
• Finish dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Critical Measurable Characteristics
11 Oil Nozzle Flow Test
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
12. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
13. Process Demonstration (including variability
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
. Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 9
Categories of LPC-HPC Stator Repair. Determine which repair description best fits the repair
proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
dwell time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (yield,
strength, elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
i. Chemical Composition (alloy
j. Microstructure (grain size –
shape - boundary precipitates,
gamma prime size and volume
fraction, etc.)
k. Melting Point
l. Corrosion Resistance
m. Oxidation Resistance
n. Wear Resistance (consider wear
types in (1)(e))
o. Crack Propagation Rate
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a result
of welds or braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(without material removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req. Repair Design Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. Identified and Substantiated, Repair
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
Critical Measurable Characteristics
8. Select all that may be potentially affected
by the repair design and evaluate system
a. Structural Strength, including
major load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength Test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position
• Edge Distance
• Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
g. Airfoil Profile
h. Leading & Trailing Edge
i. Concave & Convex Contours
j. Thickness
k. Chord & Tip Length
l. Twist/Lean/Bow
Critical Measurable Characteristics
10. Outer Band Rail Functional Fit
11. Inner Band Arc Length
12. Outer Band to Inner Band Dim
13. Assembled Honeycomb Inner Radius
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
14. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
15. Process Demonstration (including
variability requirements)
16. Part Demonstration/Inspection
17. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
18. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
19. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
20. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
21. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
22. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
23. 33.15 Materials
24. 33.17 Fire prevention
25. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
26. 33.21 Engine cooling
27. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
28. 33.25 Accessory attachments
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
29. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and
30. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
31. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
32. 33.62 Stress analysis
33. 33.63 Vibration
34. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
35. 33.66 Bleed air system
36. 33.67 Fuel system
37. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
38. 33.69 Ignitions system
39. 33.71 Lubrication system
40. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
41. 33.73 Power or thrust response
42. 33.74 Continued rotation
43. 33.75 Safety analysis
44. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
45. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion (operability
aspects of ingestion)
46. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
47. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
48. 33.83 Vibration test
55. 33.85 Calibration tests
49. 33.87 Endurance test
50. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
51. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
52. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
53. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
54. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
55. 33.93 Teardown inspection
56. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
57. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
58. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
59. 33.97 Thrust reversers
60. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 10
Categories of LPC-HPC Stator Repair. Determine which repair description best fits the repair
proposal based. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select all
that apply based on the function of the part
and its operating environment in the engine.
This section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation, fretting,
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by the
repair design and assess their impact on the
part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield, Strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for weldments or
brazed joints that apply and evaluate them
and their interface with the parent metal. The
effect of any changes to the part’s metallurgy
as a result of welds or braze should be
evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(without material removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the following
processes, when applicable, and assess its
impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
7. Establish the Applicability of the Repair and
the Repair Processing Sequence or evaluate
any changes to an existing repair sequence for
potential impact on the airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by the
repair design and evaluate system effect(s):
a. Structural Strength, including major
load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
d. location characteristics
e. Pressure strength test
f. Flow capacity test
g. Dimensions, including heat distortion
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance requirements
• Finish dimensions requirements
Airfoil Profile
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Repair Properties & Requirement to be 1 2 3 4
Identified and Substantiated.
Critical Measurable Characteristics
10. Outer Band Rail Functional Fit
11. Inner Band Arc Length
12. Outer Band to Inner Band Dim Relationship
13. Assembled Honeycomb Inner Radius
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
14. Technical Plan with Significant Operations
15. Process Demonstration (including variability
16. Part Demonstration/Inspection
17. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication of
repair details or replacement sections used to
accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
18. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness
19. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
20. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
21. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
22. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle fatigue)
23. 33.15 Materials
24. 33.17 Fire prevention
25. 33.19 Durability(Note that 33.19 is associated
with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87; 33.88; and
26. 33.21 Engine cooling
27. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
28 33.25 Accessory attachments
29. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and
turbosupercharger rotors
30. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control systems
31. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
32. 33.62 Stress analysis
33. 33.63 Vibration
34. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
35. 33.66 Bleed air system
36. 33.67 Fuel system
37. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
38. 33.69 Ignitions system
39. 33.71 Lubrication system
40. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
41. 33.73 Power or thrust response
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines (continued)
42. 33.74 Continued rotation
43. 33.75 Safety analysis
44. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
45. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice (operability
aspects of ingestion)
46. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
47. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
48. 33.83 Vibration tests
49. 33.85 Calibration tests
50. 33.87 Endurance tests
51. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
52. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
53. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
54. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF bench
55. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
56. 33.93 Teardown inspection
57. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance
tests (Weight changes)
58. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
59. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
60. 33.97 Thrust reversers
61. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification Standard
Atmospheric Concentrations of Rain and
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 11
Categories of Major Cases Part Family. Determine which repair description best fits the repair
proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select all
that apply based on the function of the part and
its operating environment in the engine. This
section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced changes
(creep, diffusion, ageing, temperature
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation, fretting,
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact damage,
O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req. Repair Design Requirements to be Identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield, Strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material Properties/Characteristics
for weldments or brazed joints that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the
parent metal. The effect of any changes to the
part’s metallurgy as a result of welds or braze
should be evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and
Requirements to be Identified and
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the following
processes, when applicable, and assess its
impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. Identified and Substantiated.
7. Establish the Applicability of the Repair and
the Repair Processing Sequence or evaluate
any changes to an existing repair sequence for
potential impact on the airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design, and evaluate system effect(s):
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Hole dimensions and location characteristics
10. Flange & Case Wall thickness & configuration
11. Establish Measurable Characteristics and the
allowable tolerances for the repaired part
features and for any replacement detail(s) and
give due consideration to mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat distortion
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance requirements
• Finish dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. Identified and Substantiated.
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication of
repair details or replacement sections used to
accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. Identified and Substantiated.
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is associated
with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87; 33.88; and
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control systems
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. Identified and Substantiated.
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice (operability
aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF bench
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance
tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification Standard
Atmospheric Concentrations of Rain and
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 12
Categories of Major Rotating (Non-Life Limited) Part Repairs. Determine which repair
description best fits the repair proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA
Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
dwell time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (yield,
strength, elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
i. Chemical Composition (alloy
j. Microstructure (grain size –
shape - boundary precipitates,
gamma prime size and volume
fraction, etc.)
k. Melting Point
l. Corrosion Resistance
m. Oxidation Resistance
n. Wear Resistance (consider wear
types in (1)(e))
o. Crack Propagation Rate
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a result
of welds or braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(Without Material Removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable, and
assess its impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by
the repair design, and evaluate system
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
g. Distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position Tolerances
• Edge Distance
• Finish Dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
13. Verification Plan with Significant
Operations Identified for Repair Source
14. Process Demonstration (including
variability requirements)
15. Part Demonstration/Inspection
16. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
17. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
18. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
19. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
20. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
21. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
22. 33.15 Materials
23. 33.17 Fire prevention
24. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
25. 33.21 Engine cooling
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
26. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
27. 33.25 Accessory attachments
28. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
29. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
30. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
31. 33.62 Stress analysis
32. 33.63 Vibration
33. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
34. 33.66 Bleed air system
35. 33.67 Fuel system
36. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
37. 33.69 Ignitions system
38. 33.71 Lubrication system
39. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
40. 33.73 Power or thrust response
41. 33.74 Continued rotation
42. 33.75 Safety analysis
43. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
44. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
45. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
46. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
47. 33.83 Vibration test
48. 33.85 Calibration tests
49. 33.87 Endurance test
50. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
51. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
52. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
53. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
54. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
55. 33.93 Teardown inspection
56. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
57. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
58. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
59. 33.97 Thrust reversers
60. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B -– Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 13
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select all
that apply based on the function of the part
and its operating environment in the engine.
This section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation, fretting,
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements to be Identified and
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by the
repair design, and assess their impact on the
part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
dwell time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (yield, strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for weldments or
brazed joints that apply and evaluate them
and their interface with the parent metal. The
effect of any changes to the part’s metallurgy
as a result of welds or braze, should be
evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(Without Material Removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the following
processes, when applicable, and assess its
impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics and the
allowable tolerances for the repaired part
features and for any replacement detail(s) and
give due consideration to mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and location
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat distortion
1) Roundness
2) Flatness
3) Parallelism
4) Concentricity
5) True Position Tolerances
6) Edge Distance
7) Requirements
8) Finish Dimensions
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle fatigue)
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is associated
with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87; 33.88; and
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control systems
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice (operability
aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
46. 33.83 Vibration tests
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance tests
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF bench
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance
tests (Weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification Standard
Atmospheric Concentrations of Rain and
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 14
Categories of Static Structure Parts Family Repairs. Determine which repair description best fits the
repair proposal based. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes:
Select all that apply based on the
function of the part and its operating
environment in the engine. This
section provides the background for
establishing the substantiation
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion,
ageing, temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion,
abrasion, corrosion, erosion,
cavitation, fretting, oxidation
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack,
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical,
and physical properties of the part
affected by the repair design, and
assess their impact on the part’s
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N,
Goodman, Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (yield,
strength, elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for
weldments or brazed joints that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s metallurgy as a
result of welds or braze should be
evaluated for airworthiness.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
4. Select all Coating
Properties/Characteristics that apply
and evaluate them and their interface with
the parent metal. The effect of any
changes to the part’s physical and
operational capability, as a result of the
coating, should be evaluated for
Material Properties/Degradation
Modes/Product Qualities/etc. Technical
Substantiation Requirements
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(Without Material Removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable,
and assess its impact, if any, on existing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Select all that may be potentially affected
by the repair design and evaluate system
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength Test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position
• Edge Distance
• Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to
No be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6
13. Process Demonstration:
• Including variability
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for
fabrication of repair details or
replacement sections used to
accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing
and operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and
thrust ratings
Subpart B – Design and
Construction; General
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
fatigue) (weight and CG location
changes effects on disks)
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83;
33.87; 33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments
and structure
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and
turbo supercharger rotors
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to
No be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
General; continued
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument Control
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Subpart E – Design and Construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
35. 33.68 Induction system icing
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects
of ingestion)
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test(see Note 2)
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50 33.89 Operation test (operability aspects)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 —Appendix A – Instructions DER
for Continued Airworthiness
Part 33— Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations
of Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 15
Categories of LPC-HPC Stator Repair. Determine which repair description best fits the repair
proposal based. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select all that
apply based on the function of the part and its
operating environment in the engine. This
section provides the background for establishing
the substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced changes
(creep, diffusion, ageing, temperature
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation, fretting,
f. High-cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact damage,
O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by the
repair design, and assess their impact on the
part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield, Strength,
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be Identified
No. and Substantiated. Repair Properties and 1 2 3 4
Requirements to be Identified and
3. Select all Material Properties/Characteristics
for weldments or brazed joints that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the parent
metal. The effect of any changes to the part’s
metallurgy as a result of welds or braze should
be evaluated for airworthiness.
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the following
processes, when applicable, and assess its
impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
7. Establish the Applicability of the Repair and the
Repair Processing Sequence or evaluate any
changes to an existing repair sequence for
potential impact on the airworthiness of the part.
8. Select all that may be potentially affected by the
repair design, and evaluate system effect(s):
a. Structural Strength, including major
load paths
b. Heat Transfer
c. Secondary Airflow
d. Aerodynamics
e. Weight
f. Center of Gravity
g. Moment of Weight
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Establish Measurable Characteristics and the
allowable tolerances for the repaired part
features and for any replacement detail(s) and
give due consideration to mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and location
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat distortion
• roundness
• flatness
• parallelism
• concentricity
• true position tolerances
• edge distance
• requirements
• finish dimensions requirements
g. Airfoil profile
• leading & trailing edge contours
• concave & convex contours
• thickness
• chord & tip length
• twist/lean/bow
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated, Cont’d. 1 2 3 4
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
18. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness
19. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
20. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
21. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust ratings
Subpart B – Design and Construction; General
22. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle fatigue)
23. 33.15 Materials
24. 33.17 Fire prevention
25. 33.19 Durability(Note that 33.19 is associated
with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87; 33.88; and 33.90)
26. 33.21 Engine cooling
27. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and structure
28. 33.25 Accessory attachments
29. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
30. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control systems
31. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and Construction; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
32. 33.62 Stress Analysis
33. 33.63 Vibration
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
Subpart E – Design and Construction; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
34. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
35. 33.66 Bleed air system
36. 33.67 Fuel system
37. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability aspects)
(Note 2)
38. 33.69 Ignitions system
39. 33.71 Lubrication system
40. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
41. 33.73 Power or thrust response
42. 33.74 Continued rotation
43. 33.75 Safety analysis
44. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
45. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion (operability aspects
of ingestion)
46. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
47. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
48. 33.83 Vibration test
49. 33.85 Calibration tests
50. 33.87 Endurance test
51. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
52. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
53. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
54. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF bench
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft
55. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
56. 33.93 Teardown inspection
57. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance tests
(weight changes)
58. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
59. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit (APU)
60. 33.97 Thrust reversers
61. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B- Certification Standard
Atmospheric Concentrations of Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 16
Categories of HPT Vane Repair. Determine which repair description best fits the repair
proposal. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for guidance.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No, Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
5. Select Surface Treatment that applies
(Without Material Removal) and evaluate
effect(s), if any, on airworthiness:
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the
following processes, when applicable, and
assess its impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Dimension of sealing features (leakage,
secondary circuits)
10. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen intensity/coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure strength test
e. Flow capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True position tolerances
• Edge distance
• Requirements
• Finish dimensions
• Requirements
g. Airfoils Profile
• Leading & trailing edge
• Concave & convex contours
• Thickness
• Chord & airfoil length
• Twist/lean/bow
h. Tip length
i. Airfoil wall thickness
j. Throat area
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
14. Part Demonstration/Inspection
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections
used to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and construction;
Turbine aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress Analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics
(Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air system
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion (operability
aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 -Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 -Appendix B – Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Template 17
Categories of LPT Vane Part Family Repair. Determine which repair description best fit the
repair proposal based. If no repair description is appropriate, contact the FAA Advisor for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
1. Applicable Degradation Modes: Select
all that apply based on the function of the
part and its operating environment in the
engine. This section provides the
background for establishing the
substantiation requirements.
a. Thermo-mechanical fatigue
b. Oxidation
c. Corrosion
d. Elevated temperature-induced
changes (creep, diffusion, ageing,
temperature gradients)
e. Wear due to: adhesion, abrasion,
corrosion, erosion, cavitation,
fretting, oxidation
f. High cycle fatigue
g. Rubbing, foreign object impact
damage, O3 chemical attack, etc.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
2. Select all mechanical, metallurgical, and
physical properties of the part affected by
the repair design, and assess their impact on
the part’s airworthiness:
Mechanical Properties:
a. Stress-Strain
b. Fracture Toughness
c. Fatigue Strength (S-N, Goodman,
Dwell Time)
d. Creep
e. Tensile Properties (Yield,
Strength, Elongation)
f. Hardness
g. Young’s Modulus
h. Natural Frequencies
Metallurgical Properties:
Physical Properties:
p. Density (weight)
q. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
r. Refractive Index (X-Rays)
s. Center of Gravity
t. Polar Moment of Inertia
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
3. Select all Material
Properties/Characteristics for weldments
or brazed joints that apply and evaluate
them and their interface with the parent
metal. The effect of any changes to the
part’s metallurgy as a result of welds or
braze should be evaluated for
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Design Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Properties and Requirements to be
Identified and Substantiated.
4. Select all Coating
Properties/Characteristics that apply and
evaluate them and their interface with the
parent metal. The effect of any changes to
the part’s physical and operational
capability as a result of the coating should
be evaluated for airworthiness.
a. Burnishing
b. Peening
c. Butterfly Polish
d. Mass Media Finishing
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties & Requirement to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6. Evaluate any degradation in the part’s
function or durability due to the following
processes, when applicable, and assess its
impact, if any, on existing ICAs.
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Critical Measurable Characteristics
9. Cooling (Total flow, flow split, back flow
margin, hole exit geometry/angle/location,
cross over hole size, metering plate)
10. Dimension of sealing features (leakage,
secondary circuits)
11. Establish Measurable Characteristics and
the allowable tolerances for the repaired
part features and for any replacement
detail(s) and give due consideration to
mating part(s):
a. Surface finish/texture
b. Shotpeen Intensity/Coverage
c. Bearing bore dimensions and
location characteristics
d. Pressure Strength Test
e. Flow Capacity test
f. Dimensions, including heat
distortion effects
• Roundness
• Flatness
• Parallelism
• Concentricity
• True Position
• Tolerances
• Edge Distance
• Requirements
• Finish Dimensions
• Requirements
g. Airfoils Profile
• Leading and Trailing Edge
• Concave and convex contours
• Thickness
• Chord and Airfoil Length
• Twist/Lean/Bow
h. Tip Length
i. Airfoil wall thickness
j. Throat Area
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repair Process Capability Technical
Substantiation Requirements
15. Manufacturing requirements for fabrication
of repair details or replacement sections used
to accomplish repair:
• Drawings/Specifications
• Quality Requirements
• Source Substantiation Requirements
Applicable 14 CFR Part 33 Requirements
Subpart A – General
16. 33.4 Instructions for Continuous
Airworthiness (ICA's)
17. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and
operating the engine
18. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations
19. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
20. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low cycle
21. 33.15 Materials
22. 33.17 Fire prevention
23. 33.19 Durability (Note that 33.19 is
associated with 33.27; 33.63; 33.83; 33.87;
33.88; and 33.90)
24. 33.21 Engine cooling
25. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and
26. 33.25 Accessory attachments
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to be
No. Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subpart B – Design and Construction;
27. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbo-
supercharger rotors
28. 33.28 Electrical and electronic control
29. 33.29 Instrument connection
Subpart E – Design and construction;
Turbine Aircraft Engines
30. 33.62 Stress analysis
31. 33.63 Vibration
32. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics (Note 2)
33. 33.66 Bleed air systems
34. 33.67 Fuel system
35. 33.68 Induction system icing (operability
aspects) (Note 2)
36. 33.69 Ignitions system
37. 33.71 Lubrication system
38. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems
39. 33.73 Power or thrust response
40. 33.74 Continued rotation
41. 33.75 Safety analysis
42. 33.76 Bird ingestion (operability aspects of
43. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion—ice
(operability aspects of ingestion)
44. 33.78 Rain and hail ingestion
45. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor
4/30/10 AC 33-9
Appendix 2
Req Repair Properties and Requirements to
No. be Identified and Substantiated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subpart F – Block Tests; Turbine
Aircraft Engines
46. 33.83 Vibration test
47. 33.85 Calibration tests
48. 33.87 Endurance test
49. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test
50. 33.89 Operation test (Note 2)
51. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection
52. 33.91 Engine component tests (HCF/LCF
bench testing)
53. 33.92 Rotor locking tests
54. 33.93 Teardown inspection
55. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor
unbalance tests (weight changes)
56. 33.95 Engine-propeller system tests
57. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit
(APU) mode
58. 33.97 Thrust reversers
59. 33.99 General conduct of block tests
Part 33 - Appendix A – Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness
Part 33 - Appendix B- Certification
Standard Atmospheric Concentrations of
Rain and Hail
Part 34 – Exhaust Emissions