0. The Python Tutorial — Python 3.9.5 documentation
0. The Python Tutorial — Python 3.9.5 documentation
0. The Python Tutorial — Python 3.9.5 documentation
Python s an easy to learn, powerful programm ng language. It has eff c ent h gh-level data
structures and a s mple but effect ve approach to object-or ented programm ng. Python’s elegant
syntax and dynam c typ ng, together w th ts nterpreted nature, make t an deal language for
scr pt ng and rap d appl cat on development n many areas on most platforms.
The Python nterpreter and the extens ve standard l brary are freely ava lable n source or b nary
form for all major platforms from the Python Web s te, https://www.python.org/, and may be freely
d str buted. The same s te also conta ns d str but ons of and po nters to many free th rd party
Python modules, programs and tools, and add t onal documentat on.
The Python nterpreter s eas ly extended w th new funct ons and data types mplemented n C or
C++ (or other languages callable from C). Python s also su table as an extens on language for
custom zable appl cat ons.
Th s tutor al ntroduces the reader nformally to the bas c concepts and features of the Python
language and system. It helps to have a Python nterpreter handy for hands-on exper ence, but all
examples are self-conta ned, so the tutor al can be read off-l ne as well.
For a descr pt on of standard objects and modules, see The Python Standard L brary. The Python
Language Reference g ves a more formal def n t on of the language. To wr te extens ons n C or
C++, read Extend ng and Embedd ng the Python Interpreter and Python/C API Reference Manual.
There are also several books cover ng Python n depth.
Th s tutor al does not attempt to be comprehens ve and cover every s ngle feature, or even every
commonly used feature. Instead, t ntroduces many of Python’s most noteworthy features, and w ll
g ve you a good dea of the language’s flavor and style. After read ng t, you w ll be able to read
and wr te Python modules and programs, and you w ll be ready to learn more about the var ous
Python l brary modules descr bed n The Python Standard L brary.