Common technical terms in poultry production
Common technical terms in poultry production
Common technical terms in poultry production
• Poultry production
• Common technical terms frequently used in poultry production
• Summary
After going through this lesson, you will be able to:
• Know about poultry sector
• Describe various technical terms used in poultry farming
The term "Poultry" indicates all domesticated species of birds like chicken, duck, emu, geese,
guinea fowl, ostrich, pea fowl, pheasant, pigeon, quail and turkey. Commercial poultry
production in India is only 40 years old, although the poultry raising dates back to pre-
historic times. Hybrid layer strains were introduced into India in 1955 and broiler strains in
Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of livestock/ agriculture industry and
contributes a major share in terms of protein supplementation from eggs & meat. At present,
the poultry industry is vibrant and self-reliant. In spite of global melt down the Poultry
Industry in India is growing and will continue to grow as the billion odd population has just
begin relishing the taste and importance of nutritional value of chicken and eggs. With 10 kg
of similar feed in each case, chicken (both meat & egg type) gives more protein than pig, cow
(milk) and sheep.
The rearing of poultry on scientific lines is not a single job. It required expertise, skill,
complete knowledge and several inputs on the farming systems. Several technical terms are
frequently used while describing the activities of poultry farming either to farmers, students
and trainees. Some of them are as follows:
Ad lib (Latin): Ad libitum (full feeding) means as much as desired. It is commonly used to
express the availability of feed on a free choice basis. It is a labour saving system under
which poultry help themselves and eat as much as they wish. This means that the feed should
be offerd always in the feeders.
Age at sexual maturity: Sexual maturity is the duration (number of days) between the date
of hatch and the date of first egg laid or date of 5% egg production as the case may be. The
younger the bird when she begins to produce eggs, greater the egg production will be during
her laying year. Early sexual maturity is always advisable but too early sexual maturity is also
not good because it produces more number of small sized eggs (peewee eggs) which fetches
lower price and more incidence of prolapse (falling down or slipping out of place of an organ
or part such as uterus). Light breeds like Leghorn mature about a month earlier than heavy
breeds. Age at sexual maturity is usually related with the production of eggs and finally with
the profitability of the farm.
Artificial Incubation: is the hatching of eggs through a mechanical equipment such as
Artificial Insemination: is the technique by which seminal fluid (semen) of male is
introduced or deposited into the female reproductive tract by a pipette. One cock will yield
about 0.5 to 1.0 ml of semen depending upon the body weight. About 0.05 to 0.10 ml of
semen is enough to inseminate one hen. Artificial insemination carries several plus points
over the natural mating. Among these points the more number of hens can be inseminated
with the collected volume of semen from each cock. The chances of more fertility and
hatchability are also ensured through artificial insemination.
Feed Conversion Efficiency (in broilers) = One kg feed consumed by the bird
One kg body weight gain
Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER): A ratio expressed in terms of kg body weight gain divided by
kg feed consumed in case of broiler and kg egg weight or dozen eggs laid divided by kg feed
consumed in case of layers.
Feed Efficiency Ratio (in layers) = One kg egg weight or dozen eggs laid
One kg feed consumed by the bird