BIOLOGY 0610/53
Paper 5 Practical Test October/November 2018
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: As listed in the Confidential Instructions.
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This syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.
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1 Catalase is an enzyme found in plant and animal cells. It catalyses the break down of hydrogen
peroxide to form water and oxygen.
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
The oxygen produced during the reaction forms a foam on the surface of the mixture of hydrogen
peroxide and catalase. The height of the foam can be used as a measure of the activity of the
catalase present.
You are going to investigate the effect of cooking on the activity of catalase in potato tissue.
Read all the instructions but DO NOT CARRY THEM OUT until you have drawn a table for
your results in the space provided in 1(a)(i).
You should wear the gloves and eye protection provided during the practical work in
question 1.
Step 1 Label one large test-tube C and the other large test-tube U.
Step 2 You are provided with two potato sticks, place them on the white tile. Cut each potato
stick to exactly 4 cm in length.
Step 3 Cut one potato stick into four, 1 cm long, pieces as shown in Fig. 1.1. Repeat this with the
other potato stick.
1 cm
not to scale
Fig. 1.1
Step 4 Raise your hand when you are ready for hot water to be added to the beaker labelled
hot water.
Step 5 Place four of the 1 cm pieces of potato into the hot water. Leave them in the hot water
for five minutes.
Step 6 After five minutes use forceps to carefully remove the four cooked potato pieces from the
hot water and put them into the large test-tube labelled C.
Step 7 Put the remaining four uncooked potato pieces into the large test-tube labelled U.
Step 8 Use the syringe to put 15 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution into each of the large
test-tubes. Leave them for three minutes.
Step 9 After three minutes place the ruler against the outside of each of the large test-tubes and
measure the height of the foam produced in each large test-tube. Think about how you
will do this so that the height measured can be compared between the two test-tubes.
(ii) Describe how you made sure that your measurements of the height of the foam in each
large test-tube could be compared.
(b) (i) Identify the variable that was changed (independent variable) in this investigation.
(ii) State three variables, other than the way in which you measured the height of the foam,
that should have been kept constant in the investigation.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
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1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
(e) Potatoes contain a lot of starch. When potatoes start to grow to form new plants, the starch is
broken down by the enzyme amylase to form reducing sugars.
Explain how you could test samples of potato to show that starch and reducing sugars are
starch ........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 24]
The rate of respiration of a woodlouse can be measured using a simple respirometer as shown in
Fig. 2.1.
As the woodlouse respires the drop of coloured liquid moves along the capillary tube.
mesh barrier cm
1 2 3 4 5 6
capillary drop of
potassium woodlouse tube coloured liquid
hydroxide to absorb airtight
carbon dioxide bung
After 30 minutes
mesh barrier cm
1 2 3 4 5 6
drop of capillary
potassium woodlouse coloured liquid tube
hydroxide to absorb airtight
carbon dioxide bung
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Record the position of the drop of coloured liquid in the capillary tube shown in Fig. 2.1 at
the start and after 30 minutes.
Start .........................................................mm
(ii) Using the information in 2(a)(i), calculate the rate of movement of the drop of coloured
liquid in mm per minute. Give your answer to one decimal place.
(b) The rate of movement of the drop of coloured liquid along the respirometer can be used
as a measure of the rate of respiration. A student used the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.1 to
investigate the rate of respiration in different species of small animals.
Table 2.1
(i) Plot a bar chart on the grid to show the average rate of movement of the drop of coloured
liquid in the capillary tube for the four different species of animal.
(ii) State which letter represents the animal species with the highest rate of respiration.
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(iii) The student decided it would be better to calculate the rate of respiration per gram of
animal so that the values could be compared.
Describe how the student could find out the rate of respiration per gram of animal.
Fig. 2.2
© UCLES 2018 0610/53/O/N/18
Measure the width of the woodlouse along line PQ. Include the unit.
Calculate the actual width of the woodlouse using the formula. Include the unit.
Show your working and give your answer to two decimal places.
[Total: 16]
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