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GRADES 1 to 12
LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 7


A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of shapes, understanding of health implications of poor environmental
concept of timbre through colors, values, and the participation and sanitation.
recognizing musical principles of emphasis, assessment of physical
instruments aurally and contrast, and harmony in activity and physical fitness
visually. printmaking and
photography using new
B.Performance Standards The learner aurally The learner describes the The learner participates and The learner consistently practices ways to
determines the sound of a basic concepts and assesses performance in maintain a healthy environment.
single instrument in any principles of basic physical activities. assesses
section of the orchestra photography. physical fitness
C.Learning uses varied dynamics in a applies composition skills to . Displays joy of effort, explains the effect of pests and rodents to one’s
Competencies/Objectives song performance produce a printed respect for others and fair health. H6EH-IIIhi-7
1. piano (p) photograph for a simple play during participation in
2. mezzo piano (mp) photo essay. A6PR-IIIh physical activities. PE6PF-
3. pianissimo (pp) IIb-h-20
4. forte (f)
5. mezzo forte (mf)
6. fortissimo (ff)
7. crescendo

8. decrescendo

II.CONTENT Uses Varied Producing Printed All About Dance Effects of Pests and Rodents
dynamics in a song Photographs for a
performance Simple Photo Essay
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 327 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 327 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 327 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 327
2.Learners’s Materials pages 21st Century MAPEH in 21st Century MAPEH in 21st Century MAPEH in Health 6 TG 2. MAPEH Health 6 TG 2. MAPEH
Action Grade 6 Action Grade 6 Action Grade 6 in Action 6, REX Book in Action 6, REX Book
Store Ligaya Bautista Store Ligaya Bautista
Quinition , Personal Quinition , Personal
Health pp. 283-284s Health pp. 283-284s
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Musical instrument, pictures Picture Pictures Pictures, diagram Pictures, diagram
A.Reviewing previous lesson Direction: Write the Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous Recall previous
or presenting the new lesson musical ensemble that lesson. lesson.
is described by each
phrase as to BAND,

________________ 1.
players of strings
________________ 2.
usually without
________________ 3.
play brass and
________________ 4.
composed of four
voices ________________
5. play marches in
civic parades
B.Presenting Examples/ Let pupil’s sing “ Ako ay Ask: Look at the pictures Identify the following Continuation of the
instances of the new lesson Pilipino” Have you ever below. Have you ever pictures below. topic.
emotionally moved by a danced? Name the
picture? following familiar dance
What about by a series shown in the pictures.
of pictures? Look for your answer on
the box and write your
answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

C.Discussing new concepts Dynamics indicates level of Photo Essay- collection Dance is an activity where Buying organic food, regular exercise and
and practicing new skills #1 intensity and volume in or series of pictures or you move your body in meditation are often considered some of the
which a musical piece or images that are time with the music. staples in healthy living and wellbeing. Yet,
song is to be played or arranged in a specific Dancing is a part of not as many people associate their home as a
sung. Musicians interpret order to tell the human expression. People place that could harbor tiny little health
the dynamic level may progression of events, dance to celebrate, threats. For instance, many connect the word
affect the kind of mood a emotions, and recreate, compete, “pest,” to thoughts of – gross, creepy, and
composer would like to concepts. The photos perform rituals, and enjoy. annoying. But in reality, most pests can be
express to listeners. Music must work together to Some dance to stay fit. much more than a disgusting irritation. They
would be dull and lifeless convey the message, You, as a young person, can be a direct and indirect threat to you and
without dynamics. theme, and emotions of have all the qualities to be your family’s health and wellbeing. That is
the essay. Each involved in dance. You because many pests, like fleas, mosquitoes
Dynamics are one of the individual photo must should know what dancing and rats are a vector (or carrier) for human
most important parts of contribute to the overall can do to you. Dance, as disease.
playing music. You can story. physical activity, gives
express so much emotion benefits to young people Health is wealth, so they say! Well, the truth
with them. We use the like you. is, health is a broad subject that would take
word dynamics to describe thousands of books to cover, but one thing is
the volume of music for sure… most pests and rodents have
DYNAMICS- element of several negative impacts on human health.
music which refers to Pests- is any animal or plant harmful to
softness and loudness of a humans or human concerns. The term is
song or sounds. There are particularly used for creatures that damage
degree of intensity and crops, livestock, and forestry or cause a
volume in dynamics. nuisance to people, especially in their homes.
Wherein, the following Examples: Ants, Cockroaches and Bed Bugs.
dynamics markings are Rodents- are mammals of the order Rodentia
commonly observed in the which are characterized by a single pair of
most musical pieces. The continuously growing incisors in each of the
dynamic markings are also upper and lower jaws. Examples: Rats and
written in Italian. Mouse/Mice.

D.Discussing new concepts Direction: Try to sing the Steps in Making a What other benefits do EFFECTS OF PESTS AND RODENTS TO
and practicing new skills #2 song “Ako ay Pilipino” by Photo Essay you get from dancing? ONE’S HEALTH
applying the dynamic Dancing should be one of
markings present in the 1. Think about a your physical activities 1. They Harbor Diseases One of the biggest
musical score. Then, specific theme or topic even at a young age. negative effects of pests and rodents on
evaluate yourself using the you would like. Make When you dance, your: human health is that they can make you fall ill.
rubrics below. Put check on sure that your chosen • Immune system Most of them are disease carriers, either
the box. topic is relevant or becomes stronger. directly or indirectly. For instance,
interesting to tell a • Bones and muscles are cockroaches and flies are unhygienic and
story. strengthened. when they come into contact with your food,
2. Choose your subject • Joints become more they could leave bacteria, such as E. coli and
matter. Check if it is flexible. salmonella, which could cause gastrointestinal
suitable or related to • Entire body is toned. diseases and food poisoning to the consumer.
your chosen topic or • Balance and posture Rats, on the other hand, are known to harbor
theme. improve. a wide range of diseases, including
3. Plan your shoot. List • Stamina and flexibility leptospirosis, rabies, salmonellosis, plague,
down all the ideas for increase. and murine typhus, just to name a few. The
photo composition and • Confidence is developed list of diseases whose spread is caused by
choose the best one and social life may pests and rodents is literally endless, and the
that suited to your topic improve. best thing you can do to stay safe and healthy
or theme. You can also is to take measures to eradicate these
create an outline of all unfriendly creatures as soon as you notice or
the things you need to suspect the first signs of pest infestation or
consider in taking invasion in your home or commercial
photographs. premises. 2. A Giant Source of Nuisance
4. Start shooting. Make Once they invade our homes and places of
sure you have a large business, pests and rodents also become a
variety of photos to huge source of nuisance. For instance, the
choose from. In taking mere sight of a bunch of cockroaches in your
photographs, you need kitchen cabinet could easily make you lose
to apply the different your appetite or want to vomit your empty
principles and elements stomach off. The squeaking, chattering and
of art to come up with hissing sounds that rats produce could make it
good pictures. difficult for you to fall asleep. Likewise, the
5. Choose all your best stridulating of crickets or the annoying sounds
shots. Make sure that that mosquitoes produce can be a major
your pictures are source of insomnia. These and other pests will
connected visually to disrupt your sleep, infringe on your comfort,
each other. get on your nerves, and mess up your mood,
6. Finally, add captions all of which are bad to your overall health and
to each picture. well-being. If you have a specific phobia of
Captions are brief any of these animals, coming across them
explanations about often could lead to some sort of psychological
your photos. trauma or trigger an unhealthy outcome. 3.
They Can Impact Your Nutrition From veggies
to cereals, and even meats, many pests are
also destructive to our food. Especially rats,
rodents can be a real menace when they find
their way into your food storage spaces.
What’s worse, they’ll not only leave
destruction, but there’s a big chance that what
is left will be contaminated with germs and
toxins. The last thing you want is to consume
your food as “leftovers” from these pesky
4. They Introduce Allergies Many pests and
rodents are also a major cause of allergies
and poor indoor air quality in modern
households and commercial settings. Rats, for
instance, do shed fur, which can be a huge
cause of allergies. The same case applies to
their droppings or fecal matter. Pests can
carry allergens such as dust into the home.
For this reason, pest infestation often puts the
dwellers at a higher risk of suffering from
allergies such as asthma and upper
respiratory tract problem
E.Developing Mastery Direction: Identify the A. Write the letter of the Directions: On a separate Directions: Read the True or False.
following degree of correct answer. sheet of paper write the following test items Write true if the
dynamics. Choose your 1. It is used to augment letter of the correct below. Select the statements are
answers inside the box and lighting when natural answer. (Write your name, correct answer from the correct and false if
write your answer on the light is low or grade, section, subject, given choices and write the statement is
space provided before the insufficient. quarter, and module the letter only of your incorrect.
number. A. shutter release number.) answer in your activity ____1. Rodents
B. image sensor 1.The art of moving the notebook. can transmit
C. flash body in time with the 1. What creatures diseases such as
D. viewfinder music________. damage crops, leptospirosis.
2. It is the part of the A. Dancing livestock, and forestry or ____2.
camera that focuses B. Reading cause a nuisance to Cockroaches are
______________________ and directs incoming C. Running people, especially in pest.
1. Gradually becoming soft. light? D. Swimming their homes? ____3. Clean
______________________ A. lens 2. Why are ethnic groups A. Pests B. Rodents community is the
2. Very Loud B. power button dance for a bountiful C. Rats D. Mouse first and foremost
______________________ C. flash harvest? 2. What mammals of the defense against
3. Moderately Soft D. image sensor A. To recreate order Rodentia which pest.
_____________________ 3. What do you call the C. To pay respect are characterized by a ____4. Avoid
4. Very Very Soft small window most B. To give thanks single pair of producing too
______________________ likely to be found in D. To perform the ritual continuously growing much waste at
5. Very Very Loud traditional cameras 3. Which of the following incisors in each of the home.
______________________ through which you look dance steps shows ¾ upper and lower jaws? ____5. Store items
6. Gradually becoming with one eye to focus music? A. Rodents B. Pests in safe and
loud. on a picture? A. Hop Step C. Ants D. Cockroaches enclosed
______________________ A. memory card B. Hop Polka 3. Which of the following containers.
7. Soft B. lens C. Close Step does not belong to the
_____________________ C. flash D. Native Waltz group?
8. Moderately Loud D. viewfinder 4. What dance originated A. Cockroaches
______________________ 4. It is where are the from a place that B. Rats
9. Loud images are stored, highlights its cultural C. Ants
______________________ comes in different size roots? D. Bed Bugs
10. Very Soft and capacity A. Zumba 4. Which of the following
A. shutter release C. Modern Dance is an example of
B. memory card B. Hip-Hop rodents?
C. flash D. Traditional Dance A. Ants B. Mouse
D. viewfinder 5. For safety precaution, C. Cockroaches D. Bed
5. It converts the optical what should be done Bugs
image to an electronic before a dance activity? 5. Which is not an effect
signal, larger sensors A. Wear the costume of pests and rodents?
generally can B. Do the figures by a A. They Harbor
reproduce colors more group Diseases
accurately. C. Eat plenty of foods B. A Giant Source of
A. lens D. Do Warm-Up before Nuisance
B. power button the session C. They Introduce
C. flash Allergies
D. image sensor D. They eat you alive
F.Finding Practical application Ask: Take a picture of Answer the following Ask: A. Direction:
of concepts and skills in daily What is the importance of anything that is questions and write your How are you going to Explain the effect
living dynamics in our daily interesting to you. You answer in your notebook: prevent pests and of pests and
lives? can choose from your 1. What benefits can you rodents in coming into rodents to one's
photo collection on your get from dancing? your home? health?
mobile phone. Paste it _____________________
on a separate short _____________________
coupon bond. Write a _________________ 2.
short title. How does dancing help
your well-being and
G.Making generalization and Answer the following What is a photo essay? Ask: Ask: Write 5 ways of
abstraction about the lesson questions. What are the steps in Why do people dance? What are the effects preventing and
1. What is Dynamics? creating a photo essay? of pests and rodents controlling of
2. What are the Degree of to one’s health? pests and
Dynamics? rodents.
H.Evaluating learning Direction: Multiple choice. DIRECTIONS: Write Direction: Write T if the Directions: Read the Directions: Put a
Encircle the letter of the True if the statement is statement is true and F if following questions. heart ( ) if the
correct answer. correct and False if it is false. Write your correct Select the correct following shows the
1.What is the symbol for not. answer in a separate answer from the given ways to
decrescendo? ____________1. Photo sheet of paper. choices and write the control/manage
a. > b. < c. = d. ^ essay is a collection or __________1. Dancing letter of your answer in noise pollution and
2. It refers to softness and series of pictures or can improve your social your activity notebook. wrong (X) if it is not.
loudness of a sound. images that are arranged skills, balance, flexibility 1. What mammals of _____1. Turn off
a. tempo in a specific order to tell and endurance. the order Rodentia radios when not in
b. crescendo the progression of __________2. When you which are use.
c. dynamics events, emotions, and dance, your immune characterized by a _____2. Shout so
d. decrescendo concepts. system becomes single pair of everybody could
3. P stands for ____________2. The stronger, the entire body continuously growing hear.
__________. photos must work is toned, and joints incisors in each of the _____3. Choose low
a. forte b. mezzo piano together to convey the become flexible. upper and lower jaws? noise tools.
c. forte d. piano message, theme, and __________3. Dancing A. Rodents B. Pests
4. It is moderately soft. emotions of the essay. is done with a group, and C. Ants _____4. Staying in
a. crescendo ____________3. not done alone. D. Cockroaches crowded area.
b. decrescendo Choosing a theme in __________4. Head 2. Which of the _____5. Talking
c. mezzo piano making a photo essay is bending, neck twisting, following does not softly to the people
d. mezzo forte not important. and arm stretching are belong to the group? around you.
5. Symbol for fortissimo. ____________4. You dance steps. A. Cockroaches
a. ff b. fff c. f d. mf can take pictures as __________5. Dance is B. Rats
6. It means very loud. many as you want as not a physical activity. C. Ants
a. f b. ff c. fff d. crescendo long as they are D. Bed Bugs
7. Degree of dynamics connected to each other. 3. Which is not an
refers to very soft. ____________5. One effect of pests and
a. piano picture is enough to rodents?
b. pianissimo create a photo essay. A. They Harbor
c. pianississimo ____________6. Diseases
d. mezzo piano Captions are brief B. A Giant Source of
8. It refers to moderately explanations about your Nuisance
loud. photos. C. They Introduce
a. Mezzo piano ____________7. Allergies
b. mezzo forte Sequencing photos is a D. They eat you alive
c. forte must. 4. What creatures
d. fortissimo ____________8. There damage crops,
9. What represents this are different themes you livestock, and forestry
symbol < . can choose from in or cause a nuisance to
a. dynamics creating a photo essay . people, especially in
b. crescendo ___________9. You their homes?
c. decrescendo need to apply the A. Pests B. Rodents
d. tempo different principles and C. Rats D. Mouse
10. fff stands for ________. elements of art to come 5. Which of the
a. very very loud up with good photos. following is an
b. very loud ____________10. example of rodents?
c. very very soft Choosing a topic should A. Ants B. Mouse
d. very soft not be interesting. C. Cockroaches
D. Bed Bugs
I.additional activities for Direction: Try to sing the Share a photo that you Write a small Compose a poem
application or remediation song “Sampung mga took of a recent event or paragraph about the about pests and
Daliri”, adopted by celebration that you effects of pests and rodents. Try to
Philippine Folksongs by attended. It can be a rodents on one’s include the effects
applying the dynamic birthday party, Christmas health. Make sure that of it on one’s
markings present in the event or a simple it is composed at least health. It should
musical score. Then, gathering of your family 100 words. be 8 line poem.
evaluate yourself using the or friends. Paste it on a Rubrics: 5- The
rubrics below. Put check on separate short bond poem is
the box. paper. Tell something composed of 8
about the photo and the lines with 4
way you took it. effects of pests
and rodents. 4-
The poem is
composed of 6-7
lines with 3
effects of pests
and rodents. 3-
The poem is
composed of 4-5
lines with 2-3
effects of pests
and rodents. 2-
The poem is
composed of 3-4
lines with 1-2
effects of pests
and rodents. 1-
The poem is
composed of 1-3
lines with 1 effect
of pests and


Teacher III Checked and Verified:
Master Teacher I MARIWEN T. ABU
Head Teacher II

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