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GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and
Time: JANUARY 27-31, 2025 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 6


A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner
understanding of the understanding of shapes, understanding of demonstrates
concept of timbre through colors, values, and the participation and understanding of the
recognizing musical principles of emphasis, assessment of physical health implications of
instruments aurally and contrast, and harmony in activity and physical poor environmental
visually. printmaking and fitness sanitation.
photography using new
B.Performance The learner aurally The learner describes the The learner participates The learner
Standards determines the sound of basic concepts and and assesses consistently practices
a single instrument in any principles of basic performance in physical ways to maintain a
section of the orchestra photography. activities. assesses healthy environment.
physical fitness
C.Learning uses varied dynamics in a applies composition skills . Displays joy of effort, practices ways to
Competencies/Objecti song performance to produce a printed respect for others and fair control/manage noise
ves 1. piano (p) photograph for a simple play during participation pollution. H6EH-IIIfg-6
2. mezzo piano (mp) photo essay. A6PR-IIIh in physical activities.
3. pianissimo (pp) PE6PF-IIb-h-20
4. forte (f)
5. mezzo forte (mf)
6. fortissimo (ff)
7. crescendo

8. decrescendo

II.CONTENT Dynamic Levels in Applying Composition Displaying Joy and Practices Ways to SUMMATIVE TEST
Music Skills to Produce a Respect during Control/Manage
Printed Photograph for Participation in Physical Noise Pollution
a Simple Photo Essay Activities (FOLK DANCE
- Haplik)
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. K TO 12 MELC 2020
327 327 327 p. 327
pages 6
2.Learners’s Materials 21st Century MAPEH in 21st Century MAPEH in 21st Century MAPEH in Health 6 TG 2.
pages Action Grade 6 Action Grade 6 Action Grade 6 MAPEH in Action 6,
REX Book Store
Ligaya Bautista
Quinition , Personal
Health pp. 283-284s
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials TANDON. 2020.
from learning resource "Noise Pollution".
(LR) portal Slideshare.Net.
B.Other Learning Musical instrument, Picture Pictures Pictures, diagram
Resource pictures
A.Reviewing previous Recall previous lesson. Name the parts of the Ask: Let us try to
lesson or presenting the camera and give its 1. What is the remember each
new lesson functions. Write your classification of the folk effect.
answer on your activity dance La Jota Yogad?
notebook. ____________
2. Where is this dance
3. What is the basic arm
position that is usually
used in this dance?
B.Presenting Examples/ Identify each musical Look at the set of Look at the pictures.
instances of the new instruments as to what pictures below.
lesson group are they belong.
Write the letter of the
correct answer.

What are the ways to

reduce noise
pollution in our
What are they doing in the school? Is there an
pictures? impact of noise level
Follow – up Questions
What kind of dance is of students’ learning
1. What are the pictures
presented? performance?
shown in set A and set
B? Have you experienced
2. What do you think the dancing that one?
author wants to tell about
these pictures?
3. Can you write an
essay out of picture?
C.Discussing new Dynamics is one of the What is a photo essay? Meaning: Named after the Excessive noise
concepts and practicing elements in music. It is the dance step Haplik that is levels over a long
new skills #1 degree or levels of the A Photo Essay -is a used in Figure III period of time will
softness and loudness of collection of picture or Dance Culture: Christian damage your hearing.
sound or voice in the song. images that are lowland This may happen so
Like the other elements in arranged in a specific Place of Origin: Iloilo and gradually and
music, dynamics can be order to tell the Antique painlessly that you
represented by the different progression of events, Ethno Linguistic Group: may not notice the
musical symbols. The emotions, and Kinaray-a and Ilonggo minor deterioration
degree or levels of the concepts. It will often Classification: Social from one day to the
softness and loudness of show pictures in deep Dance Costume: next. Excessive noise
the sound or voice in the emotional stages and Female: Patadyong, in the workplace
song can be expressed in range from purely camisa and a soft paṅuelo presents a risk of
these symbols. Below is photographic works to over the Left shoulder hearing damage and
the illustration of the photographs with Male: Barong tagalong other health
different dynamic names captions or small and white trousers problems. As our
and their corresponding comments to full text Music: 2 /4 , population continues
dynamic symbols and essays illustrated with Composed of three parts: to grow, the sources
meanings or dynamic photographs. A, B and C of noise will continue
levels. Count: One, two; or One, to become more
and, two to a measure numerous.
Formation: In sets of two As individuals, we are
pairs. Partners stand incapable of
opposite each other about completely changing
six feet apart. Boys and our environment to
Girls stand alternately eliminate excess
(See diagram below). One noises—such things
to any number of sets may will need to be left up
take part in the dance. to government, city
planners especially in
our houses, in school
and in the community.
D.Discussing new Write the symbol of How to make photo Steps: Change Step – School Aside from
concepts and practicing dynamics and their essay? Step(1), Close(and), the teacher’s
new skills #2 corresponding name used Steps in making photo Step(2) performance that
in the song “High and Low” essay: influenced their
1. Think about a topic Conta-gansa - Leap students’
or theme, which you sideward to Right with achievements, many
would like to do your right (ct.1). Step left researchers have
essay about. across in front of Right (ct. suggested that
Make sure your theme &). Step Right foot in teacher’s quality is an
has a point or tells a place (ct.2). Next step important factor.
story. begins with Left to Left. Or However, external
2. Write down your (Jump(1), cross in factors such an
ideas for photo front(&), close(2) environment factor
composition and then also affect the
choose the best ones. Haplik Step - 8 measures student’s
3. Take photographs Measure 1: Step forward performance. One of
based on the topic or Right,Left (cts. 1,2) the environment
theme you planned.  Measure 2: Hop on Left, factors so called-
Make sure you have a raising Right knee in front noise pollution. The
large variety of photos and swinging Right foot effect of noise in the
to choose from. backward diagonal Left classroom can make
4. Make sure that your (ct. 1), hop again on Left several disorders in
photos flow together and swing Right foot the students hearing,
and are easily diagonal forward Right communication and
connected visually. (ct.2) intelligence. The
5. Finally, add captions Measure 3: Turn once following are the
explaining your photos clockwise in place with school practices ways
and the story they are three steps, Right, Left, to manage noise
portraying. Right (cts. 1,&,2) pollution: Create
Measure 4: Hop on Right, quiet zones in
raising Left knee in front classroom Noise-
and swinging Left foot activated warning
backward diagonal Right signs that light up to
(ct. 1), hop again on Right tell people when a
and swing Left foot pre-set level of noise
diagonal forward Left has been exceeded.
(ct.2) Measure 5: Turn Turn off noisy
once counter-clockwise in equipment when it is
place with three steps, not in use. Show
Left, Right, Left (cts. students how hard it
1,&,2) Measure 6: Hop on can be to hear when
Left and swing Right foot many children talk at
as in measure 2 the same time.
Measure 7: Step
backward Right, Left (cts. Home Finding peace
1,2) Measure 8: Close and quiet is one of
Right beside Left (ct.1), the major that we
hold (ct.2) Cut Step – aimed in our home.
rocking step or the We want our home to
transfer of weight Stamp – be safe haven. It is
stamping of the feet the place for rest and
Hand Movement: relaxation. But of
Clapping of Hands Clap course, this is not
(1,2) Clap (1,and, 2) always possible
because we cannot
handle things like our
unruly neighbors or
city commotions.
Here are the following
ways to consider in
reducing noise
pollution at home.
Sound proofing and
decor- as for
curtains can also
have a huge impact
on noise pollution. So
if you have bare walls
just put curtains that
suit to your style.
Indoor plants- can
absorb significant
amount of unwanted
noise. Putting indoor
plants to your house
can be beneficial in
many ways. Plants
can help people
working feel more
calm and relaxed.
Turn off your
electronics-most of
our gadget and
appliances produce
sound. We can turn
off when they’re not in
use. Aside from it, we
can save money in
doing a little effort.
Wearing earplugs- is
the simplest solutions
and the most
effective. Earplugs
can also be great if
you are in a noisy
event or place.
Wearing earplugs
don’t block out all the
noise; rather, they
bring sounds down to
a manageable level.

Community Noise
pollution is unwanted
sound; it needs your
workplace more
comfortable. It is not
just disturbing but it
can affect human’s
health such as
deafness, fatigue and
stress. Taking
measures to block
noise pollution will
help you and your
family happier and
healthier. The
following are the
practices ways to
control noise
pollution: Check
noise pollution laws in
your area.
 Make sure
residences are
following rules.
 Speak up about
banning noisy
motors/cars near your
. Get involved in a
community tree-
planting project.
 Don’t use your
motor/car horn
. Keep your music
 Respect quiet
hours at night.
E.Developing Mastery Match the dynamic Guess what the photos Directions: Fill in the Directions: Match
symbols in column A from all about. Choose one statements with their column A to column B.
its dynamic names in scene and write down correct answers from the Write the letter only on
column B. your ideas about it. Do box below. Write your your journal.
it in your activity answer in your activity
notebook. notebook.
1. You should display
good _________ towards
your co-performers.
2. Dancing is fun when
you perform it
3. Joy, respect and
___________ should be
shown during the
participation of any
physical activities.
4. Building harmonious
relationship with others
can make the
performance _________
5. Every performer should
be _________ on what
they are performing.

F.Finding Practical Identify each dynamics Ask: What did you feel after Instruction: Make your
application of concepts symbol used in the song executing the steps of own version of earplugs
and skills in daily living “High and Low” and give If you are using the “Haplik”? made of cotton.
its meaning to distinguish camera of your friend, _____________________ Remember, enjoy
the different dynamic how will you show 2. Did you do it with joy, making your activity and
levels. importance to it? respect and fairness? Why be creative enough.
did you say so?
G.Making generalization Answer the questions. A Digital camera can Directions: Write True if The simplest ways in
and abstraction about create better professional the statement is correct preventing noise
the lesson 1. Why does dynamics looking photos. You can and if it is wrong, change pollution is using
important in a song or also use phone camera the underlined word/s to earplugs. Earplugs can
music? which is mobile phone make it correct. have amazing benefits
that able to capture __________1. The folk for you, it helps you
photographs and often dance “Haplik” is getting a peaceful
record video using one or classified as a social night’s sleep or helping
more built-in digital dance. __________2. you to study in a noisy
camera. Some phone Barong Tagalog and room, it can also help
camera can get dark trousers are the you to protect your
application for editing costume for the male health by preventing
images while others are dancers. __________3. noise-induced hearing
not. Any camera can This dance is originated loss.
capture photos and to from Iloilo and Aklan.
produce photo essay __________4. The time
would easily visualize signature used in its
depending how music is 2 4 .
photographer express __________5. The step
their mood of interest and “Haplik” is performed in
ideas. Figure I.
H.Evaluating learning Sing the song “High and Directions: Read each Directions: Execute the INSTRUCTION:
Low” following the music to statement carefully. given step patterns or Categorize each
be played and apply the Choose the letter of the the dance steps involved practice ways to
different dynamics used in correct answer. Write it in the folk dance Haplik. manage/control noise
the song. on your activity Identify the missing step pollution. Choose your
notebook. patterns or dance steps answer from the box.
1. Which tool is used to and write it in your
capture beautiful images, activity notebook. Note:
views or photos? Always observe safety
a. projector b. printer precautions and do
c. camera d. television 2. warm-up before doing
What do you call a the activity.
person expert in 1. (Jump (1), cross in
capturing photos? front (&), close (2) :
______. __________________
a. painter b. sculptor 2.
b. poster designer ____________________
d. photographer 3.Which ________ : Close Step
type of essay that often 3. stamping of the feet :
shows picture in deep ____________________
emotional stages and ___________
range from purely
photographic works to
photographs with
captions or small
comments to full text
essays illustrated with
photographs? .
a. essay writing
b. photo essay
c. essay making
d. easy writing
4. When making photo
essay, what will you
have to choose your
a. variety of letters
b. variety of words
c. variety of photos
d. variety of writings
5. What is the essential
point to tell a picture
a. idea
b. setting
c. theme
d. all of the above
I.additional activities for Directions: Choose your
application or favorite site, views or
remediation images that you captured
and write a simple essay
about it. Do it on your
activity notebook.


Prepared by: WINSTON M. RETIRO

Teacher III

Checked by: IMELDA V. LOPEZ

Master Teacher I

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