The process of climate change and increasing energy prices has led to the usage
of Forecasting. The method uses forecasting to reduce the energy needed to heat
the building, thus reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Forecasting is used
in the practice of Customer Demand Planning in everyday business forecasting for
manufacturing companies. Forecasting has also been used to predict the
development of conflict situations. Experts in forecasting perform research that
use empirical results to gauge the effectiveness of certain forecasting models.
Research has shown that there is little difference between the accuracy of forecasts
performed by experts knowledgeable of the conflict situation of interest and that
performed by individuals who knew much less.
Similarly, experts in some studies argue that role thinking does not contribute to
the accuracy of the forecast. The discipline of demand planning, also sometimes
referred to as supply chain forecasting, embraces both statistical forecasting and a
consensus process. An important, albeit often ignored aspect of forecasting, is the
relationship it holds with planning. Forecasting can be described as predicting
what the future will look like, whereas planning predicts what the
future should look like. There is no single right forecasting method to use.
Forecasting can be used in Supply Chain Management as well to make sure that the
right product is at the right place at the right time. Accurate forecasting will help
retailers reduce excess inventory and therefore increase profit margin. Studies
have shown that extrapolations are the least accurate, while company earnings
forecasts are the most reliable. Accurate forecasting will also help them meet
consumer demand.
Estimating future events: The future events are estimated by using trend
analysis. Trend analysis makes provision for some errors.
Comparing results: The actual results are compared with the estimated results.
If the actual results tally with the estimated results, there is nothing to worry. In
case of any major difference between the actuals and the estimates, it is
necessary to find out the reasons for poor performance.
Follow up action: The forecasting process can be continuously improved and
refined on the basis of past experience. Areas of weaknesses can be improved
for the future forecasting. There must be regular feedback on past forecasting.
Demand Forecast
for operation
Above figures shows that there is inter relationship between planning, scheduling
and controlling the system and they are dependent on demand forecast. The
output of goods and services is obtained from planning, scheduling and controlling
system. Also the feedback system provides the opportunity to improve the error in
Approaches to Forecasting
The techniques by which we can forecast future events are called forecasting
techniques and these techniques may be qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative
forecasting techniques are subjective, based on the opinion and judgment of
consumers, experts; appropriate when past data is not available. It is usually
applied to intermediate-long range decisions. Examples of Judgmental and opinion
forecasting methods are informed opinion and judgment, the Delphi
method, market research, historical life-cycle analogy.
Quantitative forecasting models are used to estimate future demands as a function
of past data; appropriate when past data are available. The method is usually
applied to short-intermediate range decisions. Examples of quantitative
forecasting methods are last period demand, simple and weighted moving
averages, simple exponential smoothing, and trend projection method.
b. Sales force composite: The sales forces are always regarded as the good
source of information due to their direct attachment with consumers. What
consumers want can be viewed by the sales persons only in real sense, because
they are often aware about the choice and future plans of consumers.
Therefore, the view of sales persons is reviewed to make a proper forecast.
c. Consumer market survey: The demand of goods depends upon the taste and
need of consumers. So, the product should be introduced into the market as
per the taste and need of consumers. Every customer is the potential
customers of every product. Therefore, a great deal of case is necessary to
conduct or consumer market survey. After conducting consumer market
survey, the manager can predict what type and size of goods can be sold in
future market.
Survey methodology seeks to identify principles about the design, collection,
processing, and analysis of surveys in connection to the cost and quality of
survey estimates. It focuses on improving quality within cost constraints, or
alternatively, reducing costs for a fixed level of quality. Survey methodology is
both a scientific field and a profession. Part of the task of a survey
methodologist is making a large set of decisions about thousands of individual
features of a survey in order to improve it.
d. Delphi technique: It is the most popular technique particularly for
technological forecasting. It is a structured communication technique,
originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which
relies on a panel of experts. In the standard version, the experts answer
questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides
an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as
well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are
encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other
members of their panel. It is believed that during this process the range of the
answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct"
answer. Finally, the process is stopped after a pre-defined stop criterion (e.g.
number of rounds, achievement of consensus, and stability of results) and
the mean or median scores of the final rounds determine the results.
The name "Delphi" derives from the Oracle of Delphi. The authors of this
method were not happy with this name, because it implies "something
oracular, something smacking a little of the occult". The Delphi method is
based on the assumption that group judgments are more valid than individual
judgments. The Delphi method was developed at the beginning of the Cold
1. Naïve Approach
It is the simplest method of forecasting on which forecasted value of one period is
equal to the actual value of most recent period (i.e. just preceding period). It is the
most cost-effective and efficient objective forecasting model, and provide a
benchmark against which more sophisticated models can be compared. In order to
clarify the naïve approach, we take following example.
Example 1
Months January February March April
Sales (Rs 12 10 15 18
The forecasted sales in May or June = Rs 18,000.
often used in technical analysis of financial data, like stock prices, returns or
trading volumes. It is also used in economics to examine gross domestic product,
employment or other macroeconomic time series. Mathematically, a moving
average is a type of convolution and so it can be viewed as an example of a low-
pass filter used in signal processing. When used with non-time series data, a
moving average filters higher frequency components without any specific
connection to time, although typically some kind of ordering is implied. A simple
moving average value can be calculated as:
Sum of value for choosen periods
Simple moving average (SMA) = Choosen number of periods
Example 2 You are given the sales information of Parichaya bakery of
Months Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June
Sales 8 14 10 15 16 14
a. Forecast for July using 6 months moving average.
b. Forecast for July using 3 month moving average.
c. Forecast for August using 4 month moving average.
a. Forecasting for July using 6 months moving average.
Sales of January to June 8 + 14 + 10 + 15 + 16 + 14 83
SMA = 6 = 6 = 6 = 13.83
The forecasted sales of July is Rs 13.83 thousand.
b. Forecasting for July using 3 month moving average.
Sales of April to June 15 + 16 + 14
SMA = 3 = 3 = 15
The forecasted sales of July is Rs 15 thousands.
c. Forecasting for August using 4 month moving average.
Sales of April to July 15 + 16 + 14 + 15
SMA = 4 = 4 = 15
The forecasted sales for August is Rs 15 thousands.
assigning some weights and the moving average value with respect to the
corresponding weights moving average (WMA).
A weighted average is any average that has multiplying factors to give different
weights to data at different positions in the sample window. Mathematically, the
moving average is the convolution of the datum points with a fixed weighting
function. In technical analysis of financial data, a weighted moving average (WMA)
has the specific meaning of weights that decrease in arithmetical progression. The
moving average value is calculated as:
W = weight or proportion of demand
D = demand of specific periods
[Note: If the probabi
must be one.]
Example 3 The sales of June, July and August are Rs 18,000, 20,000 and 16,000
respectively. There is one third chance of selling in June and one fourth chance of
selling in August. Find the forecasted sales in September.
Computation table
Month Sales (D) Probability (W) DW
June 18,000 1/3 6,000
July 20,000 5 / 12 (rest) 8,333
August 16,000 1/4 4,000
SDW 18‚333
WMA = SW = 1 = Rs 18,333
The forecasted sales in September is Rs 18,333.
3. Exponential Smoothing
Exponential smoothing is a technique that can be applied to time series data, either
to produce smoothed data for presentation, or to make forecasts. It is the most
popular statistical forecasting methods for its simplicity and low cost. It requires
less data memory storage and has fast computational speed. Since the late 1950s,
various exponential smoothing models have been developed to cope with various
types of time series data. For example, time series data with trend, seasonality, and
other underlying patterns.
Exponential smoothing is the revised form of weighted moving average method.
Under this method a single weight called alpha (i.e. α) is used instead of various
weights of respective time periods. It is commonly applied to financial market and
economic data, but it can be used with any discrete set of repeated measurements.
The forecasted value as per exponential smoothing is given by the formula below:
yt+1 = ^
yt ^
t - y t)
yt = actual value for current period t
yt = forecasted value for current period t
yt+1 = forecasted value for next period t+1.
= n+1 (if not given)
n = number of periods in moving average.
In order to clarify the formula of exponential smoothing, we take same specific
periods instead of t and t + 1 as:
^y2005 = ^
y 2004 ^
2004 -y 2004)
^y2006 = ^
y 2005 ^
2005 - y 2005)
y2007 = ^
y 2006 -^
y 2006) and so on . . .
Example 4 Demand for a certain item for January, February and March are 1000
units, 1500 units and 800 units respectively. The forecasted demand for January is
2000 units. Forecast the demand in April with smoothing factor 0.20.
Given that
Months Actual demand Forecasted Smoothing factor
(units) demand (units)
January 1000 2000 0.20
February 1500 – 0.20
March 800 – 0.20
Forecasted demand for April =?
In order to forecast the Aprils demand we must have the forecasted demand of
March. So following calculations should be made before the actual requirement.
yFeb. =^
y Jan. -^
yJan.) = 2000 + 0.20 (1000 – 2000) = 12000 – 200 =
1800 units
yMarch = ^
y Feb -^
yFeb) = 1800 + 0.20 (1500 – 1800) = 1800 – 60 =
1740 units
yApril = ^
y March -^
y March) = 1740 + 0.20 (800 – 1740) = 1740 – 188
= 1552 units
The forecasted demand for April is 1552 units.
The graph showing trend line and original line of profit by graphic method.
68 Trend line
66 Observed line
Sales (000)
Computation table
Year Production(in Semi- total Semi- average
2005 10
2006 17 39 13
2007 12
2008 15
2009 20 57 19
2010 22
Graphical representation of trend and observed line
26 Trend line
Production (in tons)
As per above figure there is increasing trend in production. Also the forecasted
value of production in 2012 is 25 tons.
Example 7 Plot the following data and find the trend line by the method of semi-
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Sales '000 10 6 14 16 8
Here, number of years n = 5 odd so we should avoid the sales of middle year 2005
and then we should take an average of the first three and last three sales values.
Computation table
Year Sales’000’ Semi- total Semi- average
2003 10
16 8
2004 6
2005 14
2006 16
24 12
2007 8
Graph showing the trend line by semi average method.
Trend line
Sales (000)
10 Observed line
y = dependent variable
a = y-intercept (or constant value)
b = slope of trend or growth rate
x = deviated value of time period
= (T – middle year) → If n is odd
or = 2(T – Middle year) → If n is even
In order to obtain the value of trend parameters 'a' and 'b', we have to solve
following two normal equations.
y = na + bx
xy = ax + bx2
By solving above equations, we get following formula to obtain the value of 'a' and
nSxy - Sx Sy Sy - bSx –
'b' b = nSx2 - (Sx)2 ; a= n = y – b –x
Sy Sxy
a= n ; b = Sx2
[Note: if x = (T-middle year), then b represents the annual growth rate and if x
= 2(T-middle year), then b represents the semi-annual growth]
Fit the line of best fit and forecast the expenditure in agricultural sector for the
year 1990 - 91 and 1992 - 93.
Computation table
Year T(let) Expenditure X=2(T- x2 Xy
(y) 1984.5)
1980 - 1980 7 -9 81 - 63
1981 - 1981 11 -7 49 - 77
1982 - 1982 15 -5 25 - 75
1983 - 1983 14 -3 9 - 42
1984 - 1984 17 -1 1 - 17
1985 - 1985 21 1 1 21
1986 - 1986 20 3 9 60
1987 - 1987 23 5 25 115
1988 - 1988 33 7 49 231
1989 - 1989 30 9 81 270
∑y = 191 ∑x = 0 ∑x2 = ∑xy =
330 423
The trend line that best fits the given data is given by:
y = a + bx ………….……(i)
Since x = 0, so the value of a and b can be obtained as:
∑y 191
a = n = 10 = 19.1 which is Y- intercept.
∑xy 423
b = ∑x2 = 330 = 1.28 which is semi annual growth rate.
From equation (i), we get
^ = 19.1 + 1.28x.
Value for the year 1990 - 91,
We have, T= 1990
x = 2(1990-1984.5) = 11
^ = 19.1 + 1.28 × 11 = 33.18
Value for the year 1992 - 93,
We have, T= 1992
x = 2(1992-1984.5) = 15
^ = 19.1 + 1.28 × 15 = 38.3
Thus the estimated expenditure for 1990 - 91 and 1992 - 93 are 33.18 and 38.3
million rupees respectively.
Casual Model
Casual quantitative model establishes the relationship between the different
variables and their effect on each other. It is the most sophisticated method of
forecasting. Following two methods are involved under the casual model of
Regression analysis
Econometric modeling
Regression analysis
Regression analysis can be defined as the statistical tools used to estimate or
predict the value of unknown dependent variable with the given value
independent variable. It shows the relationship between dependent and
independent variables. It also shows the cause and effect analysis between
variables. More specifically, regression analysis helps to understand how the
typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent
variables is varied, while the other independent variables are held fixed. Most
commonly, regression analysis estimates the conditional expectation of the
dependent variable given the independent variables that is, the average value of
the dependent variable when the independent variables are fixed. In regression
analysis, it is also of interest to characterize the variation of the dependent variable
around the regression function, which can be described by a probability
Regression analysis is widely used for prediction and forecasting, where its use has
substantial overlap with the field of machine learning. Regression analysis is also
used to understand which among the independent variables are related to the
dependent variable, and to explore the forms of these relationships. In restricted
circumstances, regression analysis can be used to infer causal
relationships between the independent and dependent variables. However this can
lead to illusions or false relationships, so caution is advisable.
nSxy - Sx Sy
byx = regression coefficient when y depends upon x = nSx2 - (Sx)2
Example 9 The following table shows the number of motor registration and the
sale of Gorakhali Motor tyres by a whole sale dealer in Kathmandu for the term of
5 years.
Motor Registration in (000 No. of tyres sold (000
nos) nos)
1 60 125
2 63 110
3 72 130
4 75 135
5 80 150
i) Estimate the sale of tyres when expected motor registration in next year is
Computation table
Y X1 X2 YX1 YX2 X1X2 X12 X22 Y2
2 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 4
3 2 2 6 6 4 4 4 9
5 3 2 15 10 6 9 4 25
4 5 3 20 12 15 25 9 16
1 7 4 7 4 28 49 16 1
2 6 4 12 8 24 36 16 4
5 4 5 12 15 20 16 25 9
3 5 6 10 12 30 25 36 25
2 3 6 15 30 18 9 36 9
3 4 6 12 18 24 16 36 4
Y = X1 = 40 X2 = 40 YX1 = YX2 = X1X2 = X12 = X22 = Y2 =
30 111 119 171 190 186 106
Here Y is the dependent variable. So, the regression line of Y on X1 and X2 is
given by:
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2………………………………….……..(i)
Here, a. b1, & b2 are estimated by solving the following 3 normal equations:
Σy = na + b1 ΣX1 + b2 ΣX2
ΣX1y = a ΣX1 + b1 ΣX21 + b2 ΣX1X2 ………………….….(ii)
ΣX2y = a ΣX2 + b1 ΣX1X2 + b2 ΣX22
Now substituting corresponding sum values in normal equations, we get;
30 = l0a + 40b1 + 40b2 ……………………….…….………(iii)
111 = 40a +190b1 + l71b2 ……………………….…………(iv)
119 = 40a +171b1 + 186b2 ………………………….…….…(v)
Multiplying equation (iii) by 4 and solving with (v), we get;
120 = 40a + 160b1 + 160b2
111 = 40a + 190b1 + 171b2
- - - -
9 = - 30b1 - 11b2
or, 9 = -30b1 -11b2 …………………….………………….…….(vi)
On solving equation (iv) and (v), we get;
111 = 40a +190b1 + l71b2
119 = 40a +171b1 + 186b2
- - - -
- 8 = 18b1 - 15b2
i.e. RY..X1X2 = =
X Y 10 10 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 7 .9 6 3 7 .5 1 8 1 2 .4 9 5 9 0 2 .9 3 7
= = = 0.428
16 16
Econometric Modeling
Some forecasting methods use the assumption that it is possible to identify the
underlying factors that might influence the variable that is being forecast. For
example, including information about weather conditions might improve the
ability of a model to predict umbrella and raincoat sales. This is a model of
seasonality which shows a regular pattern of up and down fluctuations. In addition
to weather, seasonality can also be due to holidays and customs such as predicting
that sales in college football apparel will be higher during football season as
opposed to the off season.
It is also subject to the discretion of the forecaster. There are several informal
methods which do not have strict algorithms, but rather modest and unstructured
Seasonal Variations
The fluctuation in time series due to seasonal factors like weather, climate,
festivals and occasions is called seasonal variation. Seasonal variations are
generally related with less than one year time period. Most of business and
economic data expressed weekly, monthly or quarterly show the seasonal
variation. If the data is observed annually, in this situation we draw trend line and
compute trend values. If the data is observed seasonally (or in a part of year), in
this situation we can measure seasonal variation (effect of season). In order to
measure the seasonal variations in the time series, we need to calculate seasonal
index and the seasonal index can be observed in two forms. They are as follows:
Simple average seasonal index
Ratio to moving average seasonal index
a. Multiplicative model
b. Additive model
Example 12 The Reliable Home Builders has collected data on the homes
it has started during the last 5 years.
b. If additive model
RTMA = Y - Ye
Construct seasonal index (SI) table
The sum of seasonal Indices (∑SI) must be 400 for multiplicative model and zero
for additive model. But, if it is not so, then the adjusted SI should be calculated by
using correction factor as below:
Required SSI
a. Correction factor for multiplicative model = Actual SSI
Actual SSI
b. Correction factor for additive model = 4
4- Central
Year & quarterly Central value =
Values (y) quarterly moving
quarter moving moving col. (2)
(2) moving average
(1) average total (5) col. (6) ×
total (3) (6)
(4) 100
Q1 75
Q2 60
248 62
Q3 54 126.75 63.375 85.21
259 64.75
Q4 59 130.75 65.375 90.25
264 66
Q1 86 134.25 67.125 128.12
273 68.25
Q2 65 141.75 70.875 91.71
294 73.50
Q3 63 148 74 85.14
298 74.50
Q4 80 150.75 75.375 106.14
305 76.25
Q1 90 153.25 76.625 117.46
308 77
Q2 72 155.25 77.625 92.75
313 78.25
Q3 66 159 79.5 83.02
323 80.75
Q4 85 163 81.5 104.29
329 82.25
Q1 100 166 83 120.48
335 83.25
Q2 78 169.5 84.75 92.04
1975 343 85.75
Q3 72
Q4 93
Assuming multiplicative model of the time series the trend (moving average)
values are eliminated on expressing the given value (y) as a percentage of the
trend values.
Q2 70
262 65.5
Q3 62 131.5 65.75 –3.75
264 64.66
Q4 110 130.137 68.50 41.50
284 71
Q1 22 146.5 73.25 –51.25
302 68.75.5
Q2 90 164 82 8
354 73.88.5
Q3 80 181.5 90.75 –10.75
372 74.93
Q4 162 199 99.5 71.25
424 76.106
Q1 40 214 107 –67
432 108
Q2 142 230 115 27
488 122
Q3 88 247.75 123.875 –35.875
503 125.75
Q4 218 256 128 90
521 130.25
Q4 300
Now, RTMA value i.e. short term fluctuations are used to obtain the seasonal
indices because we have used the additive model of the time series.
Computation of Seasonal Indices
Short term fluctuation
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2006 – – –3.75 41.50
2007 –51.25 8.00 –10.75 71.25
2008 –67.00 27.00 –35.875 90
2009 –79.50 32.125 –8.125 79
2010 –87.375 26.75 – –
Total –285.125 93.875 –58.5 281.75
Average seasonal
–171.28 23.469 -14.625 70.4375
Adjusted seasonal
- 73.28 21.47 -16.630 68.44
Sum of the seasonal indices = – 71.28 + 23.469 – 14.625 + 70.4375 =
Hence an adjustments to the seasonal indices are to be made by subtracting each of
the seasonal index by the correction factor k where k = 8.0015/4 = 2.000375
Adjusted seasonal index for Q1 = –71.20 – 2.000375 = – 73.28
Adjusted seasonal index for Q2 = 23.469 – 2.000375 = 21.47 and so on.
Forecasts are predictions of future values and are bound to have some errors in
them. Error is the difference between the actual value and forecasted value. If we
want to measure the degree of relationship between dependent and independent
variables, than there may occur some error because we generally avoid many
independent variables. For example, demand depends upon many factors but we
often show the relationship of demand with price. Therefore, it is necessary to
measure the accuracy of forecasted values. It enables the managers to choose the
best method of forecasting.
The measurement of accuracy of forecasting depends upon the measuring the
forecasting errors and there are various methods to measure forecasting errors.
Some of them are as follows:
Error or residual (E)
Standard error estimate (SE)
Mean squared error (MSE)
Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
Mean absolute percent error (MAPE)
(i) Error or residual (E)
Error is simply the forecasting error which the gap between actual value and
forecasted value. In simple cases, a forecast is compared with an outcome at a
single time-point and a summary of forecast errors is constructed over a collection
of such time-points. Here the forecast may be assessed using the difference or
using a proportional error. By convention, the error is defined using the value of
the outcome minus the value of the forecast. Mathematically, it can be expressed
E2 S(y - ^
SE or Syx = n = n
S(y - ^
MSE = (SE)2 = n
(iv) Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
It represents the average value of non negative deviation of variable taken from its
mean value. It is obtained by taking absolute deviation between the actual value
and forecasted value. The equation for mean absolute deviation is as follows:
S |E| S |y - ^
MAD = n = n
(v) Mean absolute percent error (MAPE)
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), also known as mean absolute
percentage deviation (MAPD), is a measure of accuracy of a method for
constructing fitted time series values in statistics, specifically in trend estimation.
It helps to relate the forecast error to the level of demand. It usually expresses
accuracy as a percentage, and is defined by the formula:
S|y - ^
S(|E|/y) × 100 y × 100
MAPE = n = n
Example 11 The number of cases of Merlot wine sold by a Paso Robles
winery in an 8 year period as follows:
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Cases of wine 270 356 398 456 358 500 410 376
(y - ^
y)2 17150.17
Syx = n = 8 = 213.77 = 46.30
S|y - ^
× 100
S|y - ^
y| 303.54 y 144.37
MAD = n = 8 = 37.94 MAPE = n = 8 = 18.05
Each period, the CFE and MAD are updated to reflect current error, and the tracking
signal is compared to some predetermined limits (±4).
DW 4375
WMA = = 1 = 4375
The forecasted value for 6th day is 4375.
Example 17 Calculate the MAD and MAPE from the following data:
Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Actual demand (000) 95 107 110 96 109 105
Forecast (000) 100 100 100 100 100 100
Computation of MAD and MAPE
Year Actual demand Forecast |y - ^
y| (y - ^
y)/y × 100
(y) ^
1990 95 100 5 5.26
1991 107 100 7 6.54
1992 110 100 10 9.09
1993 96 100 4 4.17
1994 109 100 9 8.26
1995 105 100 5 4.76
-^y| = -^y)/y × 100 =
40 38.08
We know,
|y - ^
y| 40
MAD = n = 6 = 6.67
|y - ^
y × 100 38.08
MAPE = n = 6 = 6.35
y1992 = ^
y1991 + (y1991 – ^
y 1991) = 270 + 0.4(270 – 270) = 270
y1993 = ^
y1992 + (y1992 – ^
y 1992) = 270 + 0.4(356 – 270) = 304.4
y1994 = ^
y1993 + (y1993 – ^
y 1993) = 304.4 + 0.4(398 – 304.4) = 341.84
y1995 = ^
y1994 + (y1994 – ^
y 1994) = 341.84 + 0.4(456 – 341.84) = 387.5
y1996 = ^
y1995 + (y1995 – ^
y 1995) = 387.5 + 0.4(358 – 387.5) = 375.5
y1997 = ^
y1996 + (y1996 – ^
y 1996) = 375.5 + 0.4(500 – 375.5) = 425.3
y1998 = ^
y1997 + (y1997 – ^
y 1997) = 425.3 + 0.4(410 – 425.3) = 419.18
y1999 = ^
y1998 + (y1998 – ^
y 1998) = 419.18 + 0.3(376 – 419.18) = 401.90
b. Computation table
Year Case of wine ^
y |y – ^
y| (y – ^
1991 270 270 0 0
1992 356 304.4 51.6 2662.5
1993 398 341.84 56.16 3153.9
1994 456 387.5 68.5 4692.25
1995 358 375.5 17.5 306.25
1996 500 425.3 74.7 5580.09
1997 410 419.18 9.18 84.27
1998 376 401.90 25.9 670.81
y| = 303.5 –^
y)2 =
S|y – ^
y| 303.54
MAD = n = 8 = 37.94
S(y – ^
y)2 17150.17
Standard error of estimate (SYX) = n = 8 =
2143.77 = 46.30
Example 19 The following data represent the short-term interest date (90
day commercial paper) in the United States from 1991 to 2000.
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Short-term interest 5.87 3.75 3.22 4.67 5.93 5.41 5.59 5.38 5.23 6.34
rate (in %)
a. Fit a 3-year moving average to the data.
Forecasted value
Sales (000)
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
c. ^
y2001 = ^
y2000 2000 –^
y 2000) = 5.192 + 0.05(6.34 – 5.192) = 5.25
data. The first 12 values can be used for initialization of the model.
Sugar production (in Sugar production (in
Month tons) Month tons)
(y) (y)
1 30.50 11 25.70
2 28.80 12 30.90
3 31.50 13 31.50
4 29.90 14 28.10
5 31.40 15 30.80
6 33.50 16 29.50
7 25.70 17 29.80
8 32.10 18 30.00
9 29.10 19 29.90
10 30.80 20 31.50
Also calculate the mean absolute deviation, and mean squared error.[PU 2007, Fall]
a. Computation table:
Sugar prodn. Forecasted Sugar
Year |y – ^
y| (y - ^
(y) prodn. (^
1 30.50 30.50 0 0
2 28.80 30.50 1.7 2.89
3 31.50 30.33 1.17 1.37
4 29.90 30.44 0.55 2.40
5 31.40 30.39 1.01 1.02
6 33.50 30.49 3.01 9.06
7 25.70 30.79 5.09 25.90
8 32.10 30.28 1.82 3.31
9 29.10 30.46 1.36 1.85
10 30.80 30.32 0.48 0.23
11 25.70 30.37 4.67 21.81
12 30.90 29.90 1.00 1.00
|y – ^
y| = (y - ^
y)2 =
2186 93.61
y2 = ^
y1 + (y1 – ^
y1) = 30.50 + 0.1(30.50 – 3.50) = 30.50
y3 = ^
y2 + (y2 – ^
y2) = 30.50 + 0.1(28.80 – 30.50) = 30.33
^ ^ ^
y4 = y3 + (y3 – y3) = 30.33 + 0.1(31.50 – 30.33) = 30.447
y5 = ^
y4 + (y4 – ^
y4) = 30.447 + 0.1(29.90 – 30.447) = 30.3923
y6 = ^
y5 + (y5 – ^
y5) = 30.3923 + 0.1(31.40 – 30.3923) = 30.49307
y7 = ^
y6 + (y6 – ^
y6) = 30.49307 + 0.1(33.50 – 30.49307) = 30.79
y8 = ^
y7 + (y7 – ^
y7) = 30.79 + 0.1(25.70 – 30.79) = 30.28
y9 = ^
y8 + (y8 – ^
y8) = 30.28 + 0.1(32.10 – 30.28) = 30.46
y10 = ^
y9 + (y9 – ^
y9) = 30.46 + 0.1(29.10 – 30.46) = 30.32
y11 = ^
y10 + (y10 – ^
y10) = 30.32 + 0.1(30.80 – 30.32) = 30.37
y12 = ^
y11 + (y11 – ^
y11) = 30.32 + 0.1(25.70 – 30.37) = 29.90
S|y – ^
y| 21.86 S(y - ^
y)2 93.61
MAD = n = 12 = 1.82 MSE = n = 12 = 7.80
Example 21 The quarterly sales of a department store chain were recorded for the
past four years. These figures are shown in the accompanying table. Apply the
exponential smoothing technique with exponential constant 0.2 and graph the results.
Year Time period Quarter Quantity of petrol sold (y)
1 1 39
2 2 37
3 3 61
4 4 58
5 1 18
6 2 56
7 3 82
8 4 27
9 1 41
10 2 69
11 3 49
12 4 66
13 1 54
14 2 42
15 3 90
16 4 66
Time Quantity of petrol ^
Year Quarter y
period (y)
1 1 39 39
2 2 37 39
3 3 61 38.6
4 4 58 43.08
5 1 18 46.064
6 2 56 40.4512
7 3 82 43.56
8 4 27 51.23
9 1 41 46.38
10 2 69 45.304
11 3 49 50.04
12 4 66 49.03
13 1 54 53.06
14 2 42 53.25
15 3 90 51.00
16 4 66 58.8
y2 = ^
y1 + (y1 – ^
y1) = 39 + 0.2(39 – 39) = 39
y3 = ^
y2 + (y2 – ^
y2) = 39 + 0.2(37 – 39) = 38.6
y4 = ^
y3 + (y3 – ^
y3) = 38.6 + 0.2(61 – 38.6) = 43.08
y5 = ^
y4 + (y4 – ^
y4) = 43.08 + 0.2(58 – 43.08) = 46.064
y6 = ^
y5 + (y5 – ^
y5) = 46.064 + 0.2(18 – 46.064) = 40.4512
y7 = ^
y6 + (y6 – ^
y6) = 40.4512 + 0.2(56 – 40.45) = 43.56
y8 = ^
y7 + (y7 – ^
y7) = 3.56 + 0.2(82 – 43.50) = 51.23
y9 = ^
y8 + (y8 – ^
y8) = 51.23 + 0.2(27 – 51.23) = 46.38
y10 = ^
y9 + (y9 – ^
y9) = 46.38 + 0.2(41 – 46.38) = 45.304
y11 = ^
y10 + (y10 – ^
y10) = 45.304 + 0.2(69 – 45.304) = 50.04
^ ^ ^
y12 = y11 + (y11 – y11) = 50.04 + 0.2(49 – 50.04) = 49.83
y13 = ^
y12 + (y12 – ^
y12) = 49.83 + 0.2(66 – 49.83) = 53.06
^ ^ ^
y14 = y13 + (y13 – y13) = 53.06 + 0.2(54 – 53.06) = 53.25
y15 = ^
y14 + (y14 – ^
y14) = 53.25 + 0.20(42 – 53.25) = 51
^ ^ ^
y16 = y15 + (y15 – y15) = 51 + 0.20(90 – 51) = 58.8
Graphical representation
70 Forecasted value
Forecasted value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
|y – ^
y'| 378
For WMA; MAD' = n = 5 = 75.6
From the above, there is not much difference in accuracy between the two
forecasts, although the weighted moving average is slightly better.
Theoretical Questions
1. What is forecasting? Explain its importance to the operations managers.
2. Differentiate quantities and qualitative methods of forecasting.
3. Describe the Delphi technique of forecasting? When would you use this
4. What do you mean by time series analysis? Explain its components.
5. What kind of forecasting techniques are used for long range strategic
6. Explain the weighted moving average method of forecasting. How it is differ
from the simple moving average methods?
7. What is exponential smoothing? How do you decide the smoothing factor?
8. What is linear regression? Explain the difference between dependent and
independent variables under the regression model.
9. What are the different measures of forecasting accuracy? Which one is the
10. What factors do you consider to select the forecasting technique?
Numerical Problems
1. The following is the historical demand of a product.
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.
Demand 15 11 12 12 16 17
Forecast the demand for July by using:
a. 3 month simple moving average.
5. The demand for a certain commodity was 200 units in June, 50 in July and 150
in August. The forecasted demand in June was 100 units with the smoothing
factor 0.20, forecast the demand of September.
6. The following tale shows the number of tourists in Pokhara over a 10 years
time period. Forecast the number of tourists in 2013 by using exponential
smoothing model with smoothing constant w = 0.10.
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Number of tourist 28 27 33 25 34 33 35 30 33 35
12. A computer software firm has experienced the following demand for its
"Personal Finance" software package.
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Units 56 61 55 70 66 65 72 75
Develop an exponential smoothing forecast using = 0.40. Compute the
accuracy of the forecast using MAD and Bias (i.e. Error of estimate).
13. Suppose you are the capital budgeting officer of a small corporation whose
financing requirements over the last few years have been.
Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Millions of rupees 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.9 2.8
a. What is the trend equation which best describes the above data?
b. Calculate the percent of trend for the above data.
c. Calculate the relative cyclical residual for the above data.
d. In which year does the largest fluctuation from trend occur, and is it the
same for both methods? [PU 2005, Spring]
14. A computer firm specializing in software engineering has compiled the
following revenue records for the year 1989 to 1995.
Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Revenue (in million) 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.8
The second degree equation that best describe e the secular trend for these
data is
y = 2.119 + 0.375x + 0.020x2, where 1992 = 0 and x units = 1 year.
a. Calculate the percent of trend for these data.
b. Calculate the relative cyclical residual for these data.
c. In which years does the largest fluctuation from trend occur and is it same
for both methods?
d. Calculate MAD and MSE for these data.
15. The following table shows the assets of Nepal Bank limited in crors of rupees.
Year 2048/49 2049/50 2050/51 2051/52 2052/53 2053/54
Assets 83 92 71 90 169 91
Fit a straight line least square trend and forecast the figures for 2055/56.
16. Mr. x has a car dealership for Indica in Kathmandu. The number of cars sold for
first 8 months are given below.
Months Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept
Cars sold 45 52 41 36 49 47 43 48
Mr. X wants to predict the car sales for the month of November for the same
year. You are requested to satisfy his wish.
17. Below are given figures of production (in 000 units)
Year 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
Production 77 88 94 85 91 98 90
Fit a straight line by the least square method. Forecast the production in 1986.
What is monthly increase in production?
18. Using 1974 as the origin, obtain a straight line trend by the method of least
Year 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1979
Value 140 144 160 152 168 176 180
Find the trend value of missing year of 1971, 1977 and 1978.
19. Forecast the probable value of x when y is 17 by using simple regression
X 5 9 13 17 21
Y 3 8 13 18 23
20. The data relating age of husband and wife is given in following table.
Age of wife 18 20 22 23 27 28 30
Age of husband 23 25 27 30 32 31 35
If the age of wife is 45, then what will be the age of husband.
21. From the following table compute line of regression for estimating blood
pressure (BP)
Age 56 42 72 36 63 47
BP 147 125 160 118 149 128
Forecast the B.P. of man whose age is 50 years.
22. A panel of judge A and B graded seven debaters and independently awarded
the following marks.
Debaters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Marks by 'A' 40 34 28 30 44 38 31
Marks by 'B' 32 39 26 30 38 34 28
An eighth debater was introduced and awarded by 36 marks by judge 'A'. The
judge 'B' was not present at that time. If the judge B were also present, then
how many marks would you expect by him for that eighth debater.
23. Construct the indices of seasonal variations from the following time series data
on consumption of cold drinks of 1000 bottles.
Years 1995 1996 1997 1998
1st 90 75 80 85
2nd 75 80 78 75
3rd 85 78 75 80
4th 70 75 72 81
24. Determine the seasonal index for each quarter in order to measure the
seasonal variations from the data given below.
Fall Winter Spring Summer
1990 - - 90 30
1991 150 120 98 35
1992 160 115 95 30
1993 152 108 100 28
1994 145 115 107 32
1995 152 120 - -
25. Following data relates to the number of customers in post office in a particular
I 145 200 180 180 110 90 10
II 170 280 275 200 165 150 8
III 55 252 250 160 90 52 7
IV 75 220 142 112 70 60 10
Calculate the daily indices to measure seasonal variations.
26. Calculate the seasonal averages and seasonal indices for the following time
Month 1974 1975 1976
Jan 15 23 25
Feb 16 22 25
March 18 28 35
April 18 27 36
May 23 31 36
June 23 28 30
July 20 22 30
August 28 28 34
September 29 32 38
October 33 37 47
November 33 34 41
December 38 44 53
27. Calculate the seasonal indices by using ratio to moving average method with
the reference of.
(a) Multiplicative model
(b) Additive model
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1991 68 62 61 63
1992 65 58 66 61
1993 68 63 63 67