Icrc 1096
Icrc 1096
Icrc 1096
Abstract. LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) Installed together with the infrared camera in the
is an important method in measuring atmospheric JEM-EUSO telescope the LIDAR system provides a tool
transparency that is used to correct fluorescence light for calibration of the JEM-EUSO detection efficiency,
yield from extensive air showers. For the JEM-EUSO using the molecular backscatter signal from the laser
(Extreme Universe Space Observatory on Japanese beam and/or the signal scattered from cloud top and
Experimental Module) mission to observe ultra-high surface, and absolute measurements of the range to the
cosmic rays at the ISS (International Space Station) top of the opaque clouds in the FOV of the JEM-EUSO
orbiting at 400 km altitude the method is used also telescope [2]. The direct observation data of the cloud-
to measure the cloud-top altitude which is one of top altitude obtained by the LIDAR serves as calibration
crucial information to estimate the energy of primary data from the infrared camera because of the better
cosmic rays. A novel type of space-LIDAR system has ranging resolution of the LIDAR which is about 30 m.
been proposed for JEM-EUSO telescope. This system From data by both the infrared camera and the LIDAR,
utilizes an array of rapid MEMS (Micro-Electro- accurate 3-dimensional cloud distribution and cloud-top
Mechanical Systems) micromirrors that allow shoot- altitude are determined.
ing the source laser light in any direction in the A LIDAR system is an assembly of a laser beam
view of the telescope. The detection of backscattered source, robotic steering mechanics of the light transmit-
photons is made with the JEM-EUSO telescope. The ter, photon detector, and the control electronics. In the
key element of the rotatable micromirrors is the elec- JEM-EUSO mission, the proposed new LIDAR method
trostatic analog two-axes actuators with resonance has the special beam reflector which is rotatable rapidly
frequencies of about 1 kHz. The micromirror plates in two-axes so that the direction of the LIDAR beam can
installed on top of the actuators are designed to have be instantaneously changed to any direction in the view
high-quality surface roughness (lower than 4 nm in of the telescope. Such a reflector can be fabricated using
average) and robustness in a long-term exposure to the optical MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)
the LIDAR beam. A prototype of the micromirror technologies. The technology has been widely applied
array was successfully tested on the ISS. The LIDAR in many fields including most commonly used optical
concept, system design, and initial test results are device which is micromirror with the typical size of
presented. hundreds of micrometers.
Keywords: JEM-EUSO, LIDAR, MEMS Micromir- The MEMS-mirror beam steering method has several
ror advantages over the conventional mechanical ways es-
pecially in space applications like the JEM-EUSO or
I. I NTRODUCTION the TUS telescopes [3]. The MEMS LIDAR concept,
the design and fabrication, and initial test results are of backscattered LIDAR photons is made with the JEM-
discussed in the following sections. EUSO telescope.
IV. FABRICATION AND P ERFORMANCE OF MEMS tion of the micromirror performance was found after the
MICROMIRROR space environment tests. In addition to the ground test, a
A prototype array of 8 x 8 micromirrors were suc- test bed instrument equipped with the micromirrors was
cessfully fabricated with the design concept described in delivered to the ISS Russian Segment (RS) and tested in
the previous sections. Fig. 2 shows the SEM (Scanning the pressurizes module for one week starting from April
Electro Microscope) images of the micromirror [6]. The 11, 2008. The results demonstrate that the proposed
surface of mirror array is shown in the left (a). One of micromirrors are suitable for optical space systems. And
the mirror plates is opened to show the actuator under the successful operation of the micromirror in the ISS
the plate. The closer view of the comb actuator is shown proved the validity and applicability of the ground en-
in Fig. 2 (b). vironment test procedure for space qualification. Details
The performance has been tested under several con- in the test are described in Ref. 10.
ditions. First, the rotation angle is checked as a function
of the bias voltage. The result is shown in Fig. 4 (a)
The micromirror has up to about 7 deg of static tilting A novel type of space-LIDAR method is being de-
angle. And the dynamic response of the mirror is shown veloped using the optical MEMS technology for the
in Fig. 4 (b). The torsional resonance of the structure JEM-EUSO telescope. The key characteristics is in the
was found to be at frequencies of 2 kHz and 1 kHz for steering method for the laser beam where an array of
two rotational axes. The rotation time is less than 5 ms, MEMS micromirrors rotating rapidly in two axes reflects
which is in the level of the designed performance. [8][9]. the beam from the UV source to any direction in the
Space is a unique environment that may cause se- view of telescope. The operation of micromirrors is
vere failures of MEMS devices. The micromirrors were controlled by the steering electronics which is a part of
designed to sustain their performance in the shock and DAQ electronics. The feasibility of the application has
vibration environment of the ISS. The performance of been confirmed as the fabrication of the MEMS mirrors
the fabricated micromirror was tested for shock and and the space test at the ISS have been successfully
vibration, stiction, outgassing from depressurization and finished. The remaining task in finalizing the method
heating, and electrostatic charging effects. No degrada- is to check the long term stability of the mirror and the