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1. Integrating M&E tool for ensuring Project KKK 1. Organization of Child 2023- School School CPP 1000
children’s rights in adherence to child (Kaalaman sa Friendly School 2028 Head,
the design of all right/RBE education Karapatan at Committee teachers,
DepEd policies, framework and legal Kaligtasan ng mga 2. Orientation of parents Parents,
plans, programs, obligations and Mag-aaral) on administrative Students
projects, processes commitments on children’s matters and CPP
and systems rights are developed and 3. Orientation of
utilized students on
administrative matters,
school rules and
4. Monitoring and
2. Ensure that learners Learning resources on Project TARPS 1. Organization of CPC School School 1500
know their rights children’s and learners’ (Teachers’ 2. Send teachers on Head, Handbook
and have the life rights in education are Awareness on the training/seminar- Teachers,
skills to claim their developed and utilized Rights and workshop Students
education-related Protection of 3. Contextualized CPC
rights from DepEd Students) handbook
and other duty 3. Monitoring and
bearers to promote evaluation
learner’s well-being
3. Nurture and protect Teachers trained in Project ISIP 1. Organization of School School Training 2000
learners’ mental handling students suffering (Improving Self- Guidance Team Head, Kits,
and psychosocial from mental and awareness through 2. Conduct of Training on School Psychosocial
health psychosocial health issues Integrating mental and psychosocial Health Activity
Psychosocial health Officer, Materials
activities) 3. Administering District
psychosocial activities to Nurse
students at least once a
4. Monitoring and
4. Protect education DRRM/CCAM, and Project SARIPDA 1. Orientation of SDRRM School NSED 2000
investments from Peacebuilding Plans, (Sama-samang 2.Organize the School Head, reports
the impacts of Contingency Plans, and Aksyon, Disaster Risk Reduction Teachers
natural and human Public Service Continuity Responsibilidad ng Management (SDRRM)
induced hazards Plans in all governance Institusyon at 3.Conduct of NSED
levels developed Pamayanan tungo quarterly
sa Dakilang Adhikain 4.Submission of reports
on RADAR/DRRM Portal
5.Monitoring and
5. Promote learner’s School sports and fitness 8. Project GALAW 1. Integrating physical School PFT forms, 1500
physical and socio- development program (Getting Active and activities in teaching and Head, Sports
emotional skills framework developed Live Accessible learning process Teachers, Materials
development Wellness) 2. Conduct of PFT Students and
3. Maintenance of Equipment
sports and fitness
facilities and playgrounds
in school
4. Conduct of Zumba
dance every after-flag

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