Done - OBE Syllabus - PathFit 1 - Movement Competency Training

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Course Code : PE118

Course Title : Movement Competency Training or MCT
Course Credit : 2 units or 36 hours
Pre-requisite : None
Modality : Hybrid Learning
Course Description : This course provides training in different movement patterns and core engagement in conjunction with principles of healthy eating and a physical active life.
Students will be able to adapt and transfer the movement competency indifferent context

Informatics Vision and

Mission : “We are the most preferred and leading private educational institution offering IT-enhanced programs transforming students to globally competitive individuals who can be
innovators of the world.”

Course Expected Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Access, synthesize and evaluate information
2. Apply concepts such as fair play, empathy, respect for others’ abilities and diversity by understanding how these can influence their interaction with others.
3. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities in accordance with national global recommendation for PE.
4. Devise, apply and appraise a range of strategies to improve their own physical performances and those of others.
5. Propose practical and creative interventions that will create community connection and contribute to the health and well-being of the school and/or larger community.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
Learning Plan

Week Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Matter Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Resource/Materials
1 Students develop confidence 1. Learning expectations Presentation of COR and roll call of Expectations presentation COR
through sharing of expectations and getting to know officially enrolled students. (verbally). Students
and getting to know each other each other confidently share about Cellphone
and course facilitator 2. Discussion of the Group work on expectation from the themselves their Laptop
Student Manual course and sharing in class expectations from the
regarding the school course, classmates and Course Syllabus
policies Presentation of Course Syllabus course facilitator
3. Discussion of the
Grading System
4. Setting the learning
2-4 At the end of the chapter the Physical Education Discussion Reflection Paper on the Laptop
students must have: 1. Legal Bases of Physical Legal Bases of PE Cellphone
Education Lecture-Demonstration Method
1. Interpreted the 2. Health and Fitness Skills / Performance Test Projector and Multimedia Device
meaning of physical 3. Importance of Physical Cooperative Method Learning
education and Education Recitation Weighing Scale
identified its relevance 4. Components of Physical Tape Measure
to wellness Education Pen and Paper Test
development as well as 5. Physical Fitness Battery Calculator
to their course. Test
2. Explained the 6. Body Mass Index
importance of legal 7. Physical Education and
bases of PE and Healthy Safety
components pf physical Guidelines
Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by
April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
3. Specified the reasons
why fitness is the major
of PE
4. Explained the
significance of safety
guidelines in
performing PE
5. Calculated BMI
6. Performed conditioning
exercises for physical
fitness test
7. Illustrated the
relationship between
nutrition and physical
activity engagement
8. Specified the reasons
why it is important to
observe basic principles
in beginning a fitness
9. Define Basic Anatomy
and Physiology
10. Identified the proper
functions of the organ
systems of the human
11. Explained the
relevance of Muscular
and Skeletal system as
initiator of movements
12. Compared and
contrasted the role
that muscular and
Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by
April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
skeletal system play in
the science of human
5-8 At the end of the chapter the Movement Group Discussion Skills / Performance Test Laptop
students must have: Enhancement
(Movement Patterns, Lecture-Demonstration Method Recitation Projector and Multimedia Device
1. Define Nutrition and Exercise Based)
identified the benefits 1. Physical Activity and Cooperative Learning Method Pen and Paper Test Video Presentation
of suggested food Nutrition
pyramids 2. Basic principle for
Execution of Skills Body System Charts
2. Illustrated the beginning a Fitness
relationship between Program
3. Nutrition Mat
nutrition and physical
4. Basic Anatomy and
activity engagement
3. Specified the reasons 5. Organ Systems of the
why it is important to Body its Composition
observe basic principles and Function
in beginning a fitness 6. The Science of Human
program Movement the
4. Define basic anatomy Muscular and Skeletal
and physiology
7. Body of Planes
5. Identified the proper 8. Type of Joint
functions of the organ Movements
systems of the human 9. Body Posture
body 10. Types of Stretching
6. Explained the
relevance of muscular
and skeletal system as
initiator of movements
7. Compare and
contrasted the role
Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by
April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
that muscular and
skeletal system play in
the science of human
8. Describe the different
body planes
9. Explained the
significance of having a
good posture.
10. Demonstrated the
different types of joint
11. Performed the
different types of
Preliminary Examination
9 -12 At the end of the chapter the Human Movements Discussion Recitation Laptop
students must have: 1. Definition of Human
Movement Lecture-Demonstration Method Pen and Paper Test Projector and Multimedia Device
2. Physical Exercise
1. Interpreted the
3. Benefits of Regular Cooperative Learning Method Video Presentation
definition of human Performance Test
Physical Activity
movement 4. Four Different Types of
2. Explained the benefits Execution of Skills
of Physical Exercise and 5. Physical Activity and
identified its Injury
importance in their life 6. Ways to Prevent Injuries
during Physical Exercise
as a student
7. Warm up
3. Executed the four 8. Conditioning Exercise
different types of Set #1
Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by
April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
4. Defined physical Conditioning Exercise Set #2
activity and injury
5. Interpreted the
meaning of each way of
preventing injuries
during physical exercise
6. Explained the
importance of warm-up
7. Performed conditioning
exercise set number 1
8. Performed
Conditioning Exercise
number 2
12 Midterm Examination
13 - 15 At the end of the chapter the Exercise for Fitness Discussion Skills / Performance Test Laptop
students must have: 1. Dynamic Stretching
Exercise Cooperative Learning Method Recitation Projector and Multimedia Device
2. Benefits of Stretching
1. Define dynamic
Exercise Video Presentation
stretching exercise Practice of Skills
3. Warm-up Exercise in
2. Performed stretching Routine
Execution of Skills Mat
exercise 4. Advantages of Warm-Up
3. Defined warm-up Exercise
exercise with music 5. Cooldown Activities
4. Defined cool down 6. Benefits of Cooldown
5. Performed cool down
exercise with music
16 - 18 At the end of the chapter the Aerobic Exercise Lecture-Demonstration Method Performance Test Laptop
Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by
April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
students must have: Program
1. Aerobic Exercise Cooperative Learning Method Pen and Paper Test Projector and Multimedia Device
1. Explained Aerobic 2. Importance of Aerobic
Exercise Exercise Video Presentation
Practice of Skills
2. Performed at least two 3. Benefits of Aerobic
examples of aerobic Exercise
Execution of Skills Mat
exercise. 4. Examples of Aerobic
3. Choreograph, Practiced Exercise
and performed with
mastery an aerobic
dance exercise with
music incorporating
warm-up, stretching
and cool down

Final Examination

References  Claravall, D (2018), PE 1 Movement Enhancement Mindshaper Co. Inc.

 Cobra,A.G. (2017) Physical Education for Optimized health. Cronica Bookhaus, QC.
 Piamonte, RM et al (2002) Physical Fitness for College Freshmen

Course Requirements
Grading System Suggested:
Prelim: 20% Midterm: 20% Finals: 20% Quizzes: 15% Class Participation: 10% Project: 15%
Classroom Policies Sample Ground Rules for Discussions
Listen actively and attentively.
Ask for clarification if you are confused.
Do not interrupt one another.
Challenge one another, but do so respectfully.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development
Critique ideas, not people.
Do not offer opinions without supporting evidence.
Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones).
Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion.
Build on one another’s comments; work toward shared understanding.
Always have your book/readings in front of you.
Do not monopolize discussion.
Speak from your own experience, without generalizing.
If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately.
Consider anything that is said in class strictly confidential.

Sample Ground Rules for Lectures

Arrive on time.
Turn your cell phone off.
Use laptops only for legitimate class activities (note-taking, assigned tasks).
Do not leave class early without okaying it with the instructor in advance.
Ask questions if you are confused.
Try not to distract or annoy your classmates.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development

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