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8. Research skills
Gone are the days when help documentation would sound like a
sermon, delivering the same content to users regardless of their experience
levels, role, etc. For instance, a car maintenance manual would describe the
entire process of “how to change a flat tire.” While a first-time car owner
might find this helpful, an experienced mechanic would find this trivial to
disrespectful. but a repeat user finds annoying.
Soft skills are general skills that most employers look for when
recruiting and are needed for most jobs. They're sometimes called
transferable skills or employability skills by employers. We gain soft skills in
life and work.
Basic skills training and opportunities to experience the work place can
help young people prepare for working life and support their transition from
education to employment. It can help young people develop the types of
behaviours, attitudes and skills that employers require from day one. These
include basic literacy, maths and IT skills as well as essential life skills such
as time-management, problem solving, good communication skills, and
understanding the requirements and culture of the workplace.
Personal qualities, habits, and attitudes influence how you interact with
others. Employers value employability skills because they are linked to how
you get along with coworkers and customers, your job performance, and
your career success.
Foundational Skills
Be organized.
Arrive to work on time, or early.
Be dependable.
Have a positive attitude toward work.