ISO 00188-2023
ISO 00188-2023
ISO 00188-2023
Sixth edition
Rubber, vulcanized or
thermoplastic — Accelerated
ageing and heat resistance tests
Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique — Essais de résistance au
vieillissement accéléré et à la chaleur
Reference number
ISO 188:2023(E)
© ISO 2023
ISO 188:2023(E)
© ISO 2023
ISO 188:2023(E)
Contents Page
Foreword........................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Scope................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions......................................................................................................................1
4 Principle............................................................................................................................................................. 1
4.1 General......................................................................................................................................1
4.2 Accelerated ageing test.......................................................................................................1
4.3 Heat resistance test..............................................................................................................2
5 Apparatus.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Calibration......................................................................................................................................................... 6
7 Test pieces......................................................................................................................................................... 6
8 Time interval between vulcanization and testing...............................................................................7
9 Ageing conditions (duration and temperature)...................................................................................7
9.1 General.....................................................................................................................................7
9.2 Accelerated ageing test.......................................................................................................7
9.3 Heat resistance test..............................................................................................................7
10 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
11 Expression of results...................................................................................................................................... 8
12 Precision............................................................................................................................................................ 8
13 Test report......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Annex A (informative) Determination of the air speed inside the ovens with forced air
Annex B (informative) Precision......................................................................................................................... 12
Annex C (informative) Guidance for using precision results....................................................................19
Annex D (normative) Calibration schedule..................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography................................................................................................................................................................ 22
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber
products, Subcommittee SC 2, Testing and analysis.
This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition (ISO 188:2011), which has been
The main changes are as follows:
— add oven type with a forced air circulation and high air speed/air exchange rate;
— editorial changes for better understanding.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national
standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at
Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests are used to determine the change of
defined properties of rubber and thermoplastic elastomers over a specified period.
These properties are compared before and after the accelerated ageing and heat
resistance tests.
In accelerated ageing, the rubber is exposed to an elevated temperature with the
intention to simulate the effect of natural ageing in a shorter time. The degree of
acceleration depends on the tested material as well as to the property being
In the case of heat resistance tests, the rubber is exposed to prolonged periods at the
operation temperature of the material.
Two types of ovens are specified in this document, cell ovens and cabinet ovens.
Cabinet ovens can be of four types as described in Clause 5.
The duration, temperature, and atmosphere to which the test pieces are exposed and
the type of oven to use depends on the purpose of the test and the type of polymer.
The change of properties not only depends on the temperature but can also depend on
the air speed. Consequently, even tests at the same temperature but at different air
speed (different ovens) may give different results.
Consequences of these effects are
a) accelerated ageing is only a simulation of the natural ageing and can therefore
produce different
b) If different materials are compared, it is recommended to perform the accelerated
ageing tests at more than one elevated temperature as different rubbers might
show a different temperature behaviour (change of properties) at certain operation
c) It is important to determine the properties of the rubber for the accelerated ageing
test, which are used for the intended material application. Only these properties
should be used for the evaluation of the test results. If these properties give a
different ranking of the materials tested, it is recommended to agree on a lead
property for evaluation. It is also recommended, that all evaluated properties are
measured according to an international standard or an equivalent test procedure.
Air-oven ageing should not be used to simulate natural ageing under stress (bent or
stretched test pieces) and the presence of light or ozone.
To estimate lifetime or maximum temperature of use, tests can be performed at
several temperatures and the results can be evaluated by using an Arrhenius plot or
the Williams Landel Ferry (WLF) equation as described in ISO 11346.
1 Scope
This document specifies accelerated ageing or heat resistance tests on vulcanized or
thermoplastic rubbers/thermoplastic elastomers. Four methods are possible, they are
detailed in Clause 5.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of
their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only
the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 18899, Rubber — Guide to the calibration of test equipment
ISO 23529, Rubber — General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test
4 Principle
4.1 General
Test pieces are exposed to air at a given elevated temperature and at atmospheric
pressure with controlled conditions of air circulation.
Physical properties are measured before and after exposure and the results compared.
The physical properties that are important for the intended application of the material
should be used to determine the effects of exposure. In the absence of any indication
of these properties, it is recommended that tensile strength, stress at intermediate
elongation, elongation at break (in accordance with ISO 37) and hardness (in
accordance with ISO 48-2) are measured.
5 Apparatus
The oven shall be of such a size that the total volume of the test pieces does not
exceed 10 % of the free space in the oven. Provision shall be made for suspending test
pieces so that they are at least 10 mm from each other and, in cabinet ovens and
ovens with forced air circulation, at least 50 mm from the sides of the oven.
The temperature of the oven shall be controlled so that the temperature of the test
pieces is kept within the specified tolerance for the specified ageing temperature (see
Clause 9) for the whole ageing period. A temperature sensor shall be placed inside the
heating chamber close to the test pieces to indicate the actual ageing temperature.
No copper or copper alloys shall be used in the construction of the heating chamber.
Method A: using a cell or cabinet oven with low air speed, laminar flow of air past the
stationary test pieces and air exchange rate between 3 and 10 changes per hour.
Method B: using a cabinet oven with high air speed, laminar flow of air past the test
pieces and air exchange rate between 3 and 10 changes per hour.
Method C: using a cabinet oven with high air speed, turbulent flow of air past the test
pieces, rotation of the test piece carrier and air exchange rate between 3 and 10
changes per hour.
For method A, B and method C, provision shall be made for a slow flow of air through
the oven of not less than three and not more than ten air changes per hour.
Method D: Using a cabinet oven with high air speed, turbulent flow of air past the
stationary test pieces and air exchange rate greater than 30 changes per hour.
For method D, an air flow between 0,25 to 3,0 m/s is necessary as well as an air
exchange rate above 30 changes per hour.
Depending on the influence of the air speed/air exchange on the results, to get
comparable results always the same method should be used to compare the ageing
behaviour of different materials.
The incoming air in the oven should be heated up to the temperature within a ±1 °C
tolerance before reaching the test pieces.
The ventilation (or air change rate) can be determined by measuring the volume of the
oven chamber and the flow of air through the chamber.
NOTE To ensure a good precision when doing ageing and heat resistance tests, it is very
important to keep the temperature uniform and stable within the oven and during the test.
Therefore, it is necessary and to verify that the oven used, is within the temperature limits at
all test piece locations and during the complete testing time. Increasing the air speed in the
oven improves temperature homogeneity. However, air circulation in the oven and ventilation
influences the ageing results. With a low air speed, accumulation of degradation products and
evaporated ingredients, as well as oxygen depletion, can happen. A high air speed may
increase the rate of deterioration, due to increased oxidation and migration of plasticizers and
NOTE Method D oven can be used for short term testing up to 168 h.
The oven shall consist of one or more vertical cylindrical cells having a minimum
height of 300 mm. The cells shall be surrounded by a thermostatically controlled good
heat transfer medium (aluminium block, liquid bath, or saturated vapour). Air passing
through one cell shall not enter other cells.
Provision shall be made for a slow flow of air through the cell. The air speed shall
depend on the air change rate only.
The oven should consist of a single chamber without separating walls. Provision shall
be made for a slow flow of air through the oven. The air speed shall depend on the air
change rate only, and no fans are allowed inside the test chamber.
1 test pieces
2 heating element
3 air blower
a Air inlet.
b Air outlet.
b) Method C cabinet oven with forced air circulation, turbulent air flow and provision
for rotating the test piece carrier (see Figure 2).
The air entering from a side-wall air-inlet into the heating chamber is turbulent
around the test pieces, which are suspended on a carrier rotating at a speed of five
to ten rotations per minute so that they are exposed to the heating air as uniformly
as possible. The average air speed shall be 0,5 m/s ± 0,25 m/s.
The average air speed near the test pieces can be calculated from measurements
made with an anemometer at nine different positions (see Figure A.1). A suitable
method of measurement is described in Annex A.
1 test piece carrier
2 test pieces
3 heating element
4 motor
5 air blower
a Air inlet.
b Air outlet.
c) Method D cabinet oven with turbulent air flow (see Figure 3).
The air entering from a back-wall air-inlet into the heating chamber is turbulent
around the test pieces, which are suspended inside the oven in such a way that
they are exposed to the heating air as uniformly as possible. The average air speed
shall be between 0,25 m/s and 3,0 m/s.
The average air speed near the test pieces can be calculated from measurements
made with an anemometer at nine different positions (see Figure A.1). A suitable
method of measurement is described in Annex A.
1 test piece carrier
2 test pieces
3 heating element
4 air blower
5 regulator for air exchange rate
a Air inlet.
b Air outlet.
NOTE The tolerances for method D are larger which makes it less suitable for exposures longer
than 168 h.
6 Calibration
The test apparatus shall be calibrated in accordance with Annex D.
7 Test pieces
Select and prepare the test pieces necessary for the tests to be carried out, in
accordance with the requirements of ISO 23529.
Only test pieces of the same dimensions, having the same exposed areas shall be
compared with each other. The number of test pieces shall be in accordance with the
International Standard for the appropriate property tests.
The test pieces shall be capable of being identified after the test, for example by
marking. Any method can be used that can withstand the exposure and does not affect
the properties of the test piece or change the air flow.
NOTE Heat resistant tags attached with heat resistant string are satisfactory. Some marking
inks can affect the ageing of the rubber or wear off during exposure.
9.1 General
Unless otherwise specified for technical reasons, the following requirements, in
accordance with ISO 23529 for ageing time and temperatures, shall be observed.
Different type of rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers may require different periods
of testing to observe any changes in properties. The ageing duration should not lead to
a damage of the test pieces so that it is impossible to measure the required properties.
The use of high ageing temperatures may cause different degradation mechanisms
than at operating temperatures, which invalidates the results.
To get the temperature as accurate as possible a calibrated temperature sensor shall
be placed close to the test pieces and use this to set the oven to the required
temperature. Use the correction factor from the calibration certificate of the oven to
get as close as possible to the true temperature.
For methods A, B and C the ovens shall have a set point resolution of 0,1 °C. For Method
D 1 °C resolution is acceptable.
It is crucial for comparable and reproducible results that the temperature is kept as
stable as possible. Temperature tolerances stated in ISO 23529 are ±1 °C (up to and
including 100 °C) and ±2 °C (125 °C up to and including 300 °C). However, studies
have shown that a 1 °C change in temperature corresponds to a 10 % difference in
ageing time at an Arrhenius factor of 2, or 15 % at a factor of 2,5. This means that two
laboratories carrying out ageing at 125 °C can have ageing times which differ by 60 %
from each other and still be within the specification.
10 Procedure
Heat the oven to the required temperature and place the test pieces in it. When using
a cell-type oven, only one rubber or compound shall be placed in each cell. The test
pieces shall be free from strain, freely exposed to air on all sides and not exposed to
When the heating period is complete, remove the test pieces from the oven and
condition them for no less than 16 h and no more than 6 days, strain-free in the
atmosphere as required in the appropriate test method for the property being
11 Expression of results
The results shall be expressed in accordance with the International Standard for the
appropriate property tests.
The test results for both the unaged and the aged test pieces shall be reported
together, as well as the percentage change in the value of the property measured as
calculated by Formula (1):
xa x0
100 (1)
12 Precision
See Annex B.
13 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) a reference to this document, i.e. ISO 188:2023;
b) the sample details:
1) a full description of the sample and its origin,
2) details of the compound and its condition of cure, if known,
3) the time interval between forming and testing,
4) the method used to prepare the test pieces (e.g. moulding, cutting from the
sample) and the location where the test pieces were taken from the sample;
© ISO 2023 – All rights reserved 9
ISO 188:2023(E)
c) the test method:
1) a reference to this document,
Annex A
Determination of the air speed inside the ovens with forced air
A.1 Scope
This annex describes a method for determining the air speed method B, method C and
method D type
A.2 Apparatus
A portable anemometer can be used.
A.3 Procedure
A.3.1 The air speed should be measured at nine positions at the level of the centre of
a suspended test piece. For this purpose, prepare an at least 2 mm thick transparent
plastic plate made of PVC [(poly(vinyl chloride)] or PMMA [(poly(methyl methacrylate)],
of the same size as the door of the oven chamber. Drill three holes into the plate, each
big enough to allow an anemometer to be inserted through it, two located 70 mm from
the left and right edge, respectively, and one centred between the other two (see
Figure A.1).
A.3.2 The measurement of the air speed should be carried out at a standard laboratory
A.3.3 Open the door of the chamber and fix the plastic plate in the door opening.
Make sure that the oven can be operated even the door is open.
A.3.4 Operate the oven and insert the anemometer sensor through each aperture.
Measure the air speed at all nine positions as indicated in Figure A.1. Keep the gap
between the plate and the handle of the anemometer airtight. The two not used
apertures shall be closed during measurement.
A.3.5 For method D type ovens make sure that the anemometer is inserted in the
direction of the main airflow (back to front) of the oven.
A.3.6 Read the maximum value of the air speed at each position to avoid any effect
due to the directionality of the sensor.
A.4.1 Calculate the mean value of the air speed measured at the nine measurement positions.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 plastic plate
2 aperture
3 door opening
4 measurement position
Figure A.1 — Positions for measuring air speed inside the oven
Annex B
B.1 General
Two interlaboratory test programmes (ITPs) and the precision calculations to express
repeatability and reproducibility were performed in accordance with ISO/TR 92721).
The first ITP was organized in 1996 and the results analysed in 1997, and the second
one in 2005. Consult ISO 19983 for precision concepts and nomenclature. Annex C gives
guidance on the use of repeatability and reproducibility results.
B.2.1 Prepared test pieces were sent out to all participating laboratories using four
compounds (of types NR, NBR, EPDM and AEM). Ageing was carried out by both
method A and method B.
The ageing time was 168 h for all compounds, at 70 °C for NR, 100 °C for NBR, 125
°C for EPDM and 150 °C for AEM.
B.2.3 The hardness was measured in accordance with ISO 48-2, method M, before
and after ageing. The three tensile strength properties were measured in accordance
with ISO 37 on five test pieces before and after ageing. Type 1 and type 2 dumb-bell
test pieces were used.
B.2.4 The precision determined in this ITP is a type 1 precision, i.e. fully prepared
test pieces were submitted to all laboratories. The precision is also an intermediate-
term or intermediate time period precision, with a time of two to three weeks between
the two replicate determinations. This is in distinction to the more usual day 1 to day 2
replication with a few days between the determinations.
B.3.1 The precision results are given in Tables B.1 to B.4 for method A (low air speed)
and in Tables B.5 to B.8 for method B (high air speed). In these tables, no values of the
relative precision (r) and (R) are given for the individual materials because many of the
mean values of the performance parameters are near zero and this gives very large (r)
and (R) values that have little meaning. The tables do give a mean value (similar but
not equal to a pooled value) for all four materials together. These overall means are
useful in comparing the relative precision of the four types of test performed. The
relative precision for these overall means enables the two methods (A and B) to be
B.3.2 On reviewing the tables, it will be observed that there is only a small difference
between the repeatability r and the reproducibility R, and in several cases the two are
equal. This phenomenon has been observed in the previous edition of this document
ageing-precision testing. This demonstrates that a very large component of the
variation observed in this type of testing is not due to differences between laboratories
but is due to some inherent source of variation that is just as likely to occur “within” a
laboratory as on a “between”-laboratory basis. This unknown source is connected with
the ageing process.
Table B.2 — Ageing precision determined from change in tensile strength (TSb)
(method A: low air speed)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR −8,7 8,43 9,34 11
NBR 6,6 9,26 11,83 11
EPDM 4,1 8,24 14,92 11
AEM −9,3 8,13 10,71 11
Absolute mean (without 7,2 8,5 11,7
re- gard to sign)
Relative precision 118 162
Table B.3 — Ageing precision determined from change in stress at 100 % elongation (S100)
(method A: low air speed)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR 25,2 13,4 16,0 11
NBR 38,4 26,8 26,8 11
EPDM 247,1 78,9 135,3 11
AEM 0,4 15,4 22,7 11
Absolute mean 77,7 33,6 50,2
(without regard to
Relative precision 43 65
Table B.4 — Ageing precision determined from change in elongation at break (Eb)
(method A: low air speed)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR −13,3 10,36 10,36 11
NBR −17,7 14,00 14,00 11
EPDM −66,5 4,85 7,44 11
AEM 0,8 7,72 17,12 11
Absolute mean (without 24,2 9,2 12,2
re- gard to sign)
Relative precision 38 50
Table B.6 — Ageing precision determined from change in tensile strength (TSb)
(method B: high air speed)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR −8,5 7,07 9,23 10
NBR 12,3 12,88 12,88 10
EPDM 7,9 11,88 11,88 10
AEM −4,4 8,93 10,73 10
Table B.7 — Ageing precision determined from change in stress at 100 % elongation (S100)
(method B: high air speed)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR 24,3 10,3 14,0 10
NBR 54,4 25,0 26,7 10
EPDM 392,1 62,5 194,0 10
AEM 19,3 12,0 14,1 10
Absolute mean 122,5 27,4 62,2
(without re- gard to
Relative precision 22 51
Table B.8 — Ageing precision determined from change in elongation at break (Eb)
(method B: high air speed)
Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
Material change
% r (r) R (R)
NR −14,8 6,86 9,65 10
NBR −19,3 9,41 13,14 10
EPDM −73,0 5,76 8,89 10
AEM −3,3 9,39 11,80 10
Absolute mean 27,6 7,9 10,9
(without re- gard to
Relative precision 29 39
B.4.1 Prepared test pieces were sent out to all participating laboratories using three
compounds (of types of NR, NBR and EPDM). Ageing was carried out in type 1 and
type 2 ovens using method B (method B cabinet ovens and method C cabinet ovens).
The ageing time was 72 h and 168 h for all compounds at 85 °C for NR, 100 °C for NBR
and 125 °C for EPDM.
B.4.3 The three tensile strength properties were measured in accordance with ISO 37
on five test pieces before and after ageing. Type 1A test pieces were used. Hardness
1 © ISO 2023 – All rights reserved
ISO 188:2023(E)
was omitted from the analysis because there were insufficient test results.
B.4.4 The precision determined in this ITP is a type 1 precision, i.e. fully prepared
test pieces were submitted to all laboratories. The precision is also an intermediate-
term or intermediate time period precision, with a time of two to three weeks between
the two replicate determinations. This is in distinction to the more usual day 1 to day 2
replication with a few days between the determinations.
The symbols used in Tables B.9 to B.14 are the same as those for the first ITP.
B.5.1 The precision results are given in Tables B.9 to B.11 for type 1 ovens (method B
cabinet ovens) and in Tables B.12 to B.14 for type 2 ovens (method C cabinet ovens).
In these tables, the values for the two ageing times, 72 h and 168 h, are included, but
no values of the relative precision (r) and (R) are given for the individual materials, as
in the first ITP. The relative precision for these overall means enables the two types of
oven to be compared in the same way as in the first ITP.
B.5.2 On reviewing the tables, it can be seen that the type 1 and type 2 ovens
(method B cabinet ovens and method C cabinet ovens) give almost the same precision.
The type 2 oven (method C cabinet oven) in fact gives slightly more uniform ageing and
a slightly larger change in the properties on ageing.
Table B.9 — Ageing precision determined from change in tensile strength (TSb)
(type 1 oven) (method B cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h −3,2 4,2 8,7 5
NR, 168 h −11,5 6,7 15,7 5
NBR, 72 h 0,5 6,0 13,8 5
NBR, 168 h −4,0 11,6 11,3 5
EPDM, 72 h −6,0 7,7 10,3 5
EPDM, 168 h −7,8 14,9 19,0 5
Absolute mean 5,5 8,5 13,1
(without regard to
Relative precision 155 238
Table B.10 — Ageing precision determined from change in stress at 100 % elongation (S100)
(type 1 oven) (method B cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h 26,6 30,0 30,8 5
NR, 168 h 45,6 54,1 45,7 5
NBR, 72 h 39,5 7,4 48,5 5
NBR, 168 h 52,1 8,2 59,7 5
EPDM, 72 h 78,3 44,5 58,0 5
EPDM, 168 h 102,5 48,0 78,2 5
Absolute mean 57,4 32,0 53,5
(without regard to
Table B.11 — Ageing precision determined from change in elongation at break (Eb)
(type 1 oven) (method B cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h −12,5 11,9 9,6 5
NR, 168 h −19,3 1,4 13,8 5
NBR, 72 h −23,0 4,7 15,6 5
NBR, 168 h −29,3 9,1 13,1 5
EPDM, 72 h −42,8 5,9 4,2 5
EPDM, 168 h −49,3 13,3 11,4 5
Absolute mean 29,4 7,7 11,3
(without re- gard to
Relative precision 26 38
Table B.12 — Ageing precision determined from change in tensile strength (TSb)
(type 2 oven) (method C cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h −4,4 7,5 5,5 6
NR, 168 h −16,1 9,4 9,5 6
NBR, 72 h −6,7 7,8 17,2 6
NBR, 168 h −9,6 7,3 8,2 6
EPDM, 72 h −9,5 7,2 10,3 6
EPDM, 168 h −9,6 12,7 14,0 6
Absolute mean 9,3 8,7 10,8
(without re- gard to
Relative precision 94 116
Table B.13 — Ageing precision determined from change in stress at 100 % elongation (S100)
(type 2 oven) (method C cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h 38,4 31,5 24,5 6
NR, 168 h 59,1 36,7 29,8 6
NBR, 72 h 53,7 10,4 24,7 6
NBR, 168 h 75,0 28,5 28,9 6
EPDM, 72 h 88,2 27,4 32,2 6
EPDM, 168 h 112,1 39,6 59,6 6
Absolute mean 71,1 29,0 33,3
(without re- gard to
Relative precision 41 47
Table B.14 — Ageing precision determined from change in elongation at break (Eb)
(type 2 oven) (method C cabinet oven)
Mean change Within laboratory Between laboratories Number of
% r (r) R (R) labs
NR, 72 h −15,6 13,8 10,2 6
NR, 168 h −26,1 13,0 10,2 6
NBR, 72 h −29,6 9,1 12,7 6
NBR, 168 h −36,0 1,6 3,9 6
EPDM, 72 h −47,9 14,5 14,7 6
EPDM, 168 h −53,2 10,4 16,9 6
Absolute mean 34,7 10,4 11,4
(without regard to
Relative precision 30 33
Annex C
C.1 The general procedure for using precision results is as follows, with the symbol |
x1 − x2| designating a positive difference in any two measurement values (i.e. without
regard to sign).
C.2 Enter the appropriate precision table (for whatever test parameter is being
considered) at an average value (of the measured parameter) nearest to the “test” data
average under consideration. This line will give the applicable r, (r), R or (R) for use in the
decision process.
C.3 With these r and (r) values, the following general repeatability statements may be
used to make
a) For an absolute difference: the difference |x1 − x2| between two test (value)
averages, found on nominally identical material test pieces under normal and
correct operation of the test procedure, will exceed the tabulated repeatability r on
average not more than once in twenty cases.
b) For a percentage difference between two test (value) averages: the percentage
difference is given by Formula (C.1):
x1 x2
1 10 (C.1)
x1 x2 0
between two test values, found on nominally identical material test pieces under
normal and correct operation of the test procedure, will exceed the tabulated
repeatability (r) on average not more than once in twenty cases.
C.4 With these R and (R) values, the following general reproducibility statements may
be used to make decisions:
a) For an absolute difference: the absolute difference |x1 − x2| between two
independently measured test (value) averages, found in two laboratories using
normal and correct test procedures on nominally identical material test pieces, will
exceed the tabulated reproducibility R not more than once in twenty cases.
b) For a percentage difference between two test (value) averages: the percentage
difference is given by Formula (C.2):
x1 x2
1 100 (C.2)
x1 x2
between two independently measured test (value) averages, found in two
laboratories using normal and correct test procedures on nominally identical
material test pieces, will exceed the tabulated reproducibility (R) not more than
once in twenty cases.
Annex D
Calibration schedule
D.1 Inspection
Before any calibration is conducted, the condition of the items to be calibrated shall be
determined and documented in a calibration report or certificate. It shall be indicated
whether calibration is carried out before the first operation or after a repair or
correction of the item.
It shall be insured that the item is generally suitable for the intended purpose,
including all needed specifications even they are not necessary for calibration. If such
parameters can change, the need for periodic checks shall be included in the detailed
calibration procedures.
D.2 Schedule
Verification/calibration of the test device is a mandatory part of this document. The
frequency of calibration and procedures used are at the discretion of the individual
laboratory, unless otherwise stated, using ISO 18899 as a guide.
The calibration schedule given in Table D.1 has been compiled by listing all the
parameters given in the test method along with the specified requirement. A
parameter and requirement can relate to the main test device, to part of this device or
to an additional device required for the test.
For each parameter, a calibration procedure is given with reference to ISO 18899, to
another publication or to a procedure specific to the detailed test method. If a more
specific or detailed calibration procedure is available than given in ISO 18899 it shall
be used in preference.
The checking frequency for each parameter is indicated by a code-letter. The code-
letters used in the calibration schedule are:
P particular procedure;
U in use.
In addition to the items listed in Table D.1, the use of the following elements is implied,
all of which shall be calibrated in accordance with ISO 18899:
— a timer;
— a thermometer for monitoring the conditioning and test temperatures.
[1] ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
[2] ISO 48-2, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 2: Hardness
between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD
[3] ISO/TR 9272, Rubber and rubber products — Determination of precision for test
method standards2)
[4] ISO 11346, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Estimation of life-time and
maximum temperature of use
[5] ISO 19983, Rubber — Determination of precision of test methods