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ISO/TR 5863
Integrative design of the building First edition
envelope — General principles 2025-01
Conception intégrée de l'enveloppe du bâtiment — Principes
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ISO/TR 5863:2025

Reference number
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en) © ISO 2025
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

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ISO/TR 5863:2025


© ISO 2025
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ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

Contents Page

Foreword..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Terms and definitions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
4 Design philosophy and principles for the building envelope............................................................................................ 3
4.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
4.2 One thing increases, another decreases........................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 One structure variable relates to several function and behaviour variables..............................................5
4.4 Appropriate balance among the behaviours of environmental elements.......................................................5
5 Functions of the building envelope............................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
5.2 Flexibility.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Adaptability............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.4 Reusability................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6 Structure of the building envelope................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
6.2 Roof system............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Wall system above the ground...............................................................................................................................................................8
6.4 Wall system underground..........................................................................................................................................................................9
6.5 iTeh Standards
Base floor system............................................................................................................................................................................................10
7.1 General (
Behaviour of the building envelope ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Thermal performance ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.3 Daylight and visualDocument
information Preview ........................................................................................................................................................11
7.4 Ventilation
............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
7.5 Sound proofing................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.6 ISO/TR 5863:2025
Airtightness......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.7 Moisture protection..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.8 Sustainability and integration with technical building systems.......................................................................... 14
8 Relationship, synergies and trade-offs.................................................................................................................................................. 14
9 Adaptive building envelope................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
10 Integrative design process for the building envelope............................................................................................................ 16
11 Building envelope commissioning (BECx).......................................................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

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ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 205, Building environment design.
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ISO/TR 5863:2025

© ISO 2025 – All rights reserved
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

The building envelope is either a boundary or a space, or both, separating the indoor and outdoor
environments of a building. It is comprised of roofs, walls (above grade and under grade), windows, doors
and foundation. Windows and other openings for daylighting and ventilation are deemed to be an interface
between the indoor and outdoor environments. They transfer physical environment elements such as air,
heat and cold, light, sound and water. A good building envelope secures high environmental performance in
the building with low energy use as well as structural soundness and an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
The building envelope bears a direct relationship to the design and construction of the building. Designing
the building envelope requires a wide range of considerations covering structural, environmental and
aesthetic functions. A comprehensive approach is essential and achieved through an integrated design
process for buildings. This document focuses on the environmental factors and provides design principles
for the quality and energy-efficient building envelope.
The building envelope can also meet structural and safety requirements including earthquake protection,
wind resistance, flood resistance, fire resistance, durability, maintainability and security. However, those
requirements are out of the scope of this document, and can be found in other international standards,
guides and reports.

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ISO/TR 5863:2025

© ISO 2025 – All rights reserved
iTeh Standards
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ISO/TR 5863:2025
Technical Report ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

Integrative design of the building envelope — General


1 Scope
This document provides an overview of the design principles for the building envelope in order to achieve a
high quality and energy efficient built environment. The design principles include:
— thermal performance;
— daylight and visual environment;
— air quality;
— provisions of natural and mechanical ventilation;
— air barrier (airtightness);
— watertightness;
— moisture proof;
— soundproofing;
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— sustainability and integration with technical building systems and controls.

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This document is applicable to new buildings and the retrofit of existing buildings.

2 Normative references ISO/TR 5863:2025
There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​
building envelope
elements of a building as a boundary or barrier separating the interior volume of a building from the outside
[SOURCE: ISO 12569:2017, 3.5, modified — The words “elements of a building as a” have been added to the
beginning of the definition.]

© ISO 2025 – All rights reserved
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

building envelope commissioning
process of enhancing the delivery of the design and construction of a building envelope by verifying and
documenting the building envelope concepts, designs, materials, components, assemblies and systems that
have been designed, installed and performance tested, and are maintainable, in accordance with the owner’s
project requirements
[SOURCE: ISO 21105-1:2019, 3.5, modified — The words “enclosure” and “OPR” have been replaced by
“envelope” and “owner’s project requirements” respectively.]
daylight sensing control
device that automatically regulates the power input to electric lighting near the fenestration to maintain the
desired workplace illumination, thus taking advantage of direct or indirect sunlight
[SOURCE: ISO 16818:2008, 3.54]
design team
group of people who are responsible for building design
Note 1 to entry: The design team can consist of an architect, an interior designer, a lighting designer, a landscape
designer, engineers in electrical engineering, illuminating engineering, HVAC systems, structural engineering and
construction management and other specialists.

[SOURCE: ISO 19454:2019, 3.5]

3.5 iTeh Standards
heat island effect
phenomenon of elevated temperatures in urban and suburban areas compared to their outlying rural
Note 1 to entry: The temperatures canDocument
be influenced by variousPreview
aspects, including the presence of denuded landscaping,
impermeable surfaces, massive buildings, heat-generating vehicles and machines and pollutants.

[SOURCE: ISO 21929-1:2011, 3.14] ISO/TR 5863:2025
heat transfer coefficient
heat flow rate divided by the temperature difference between two environments
Note 1 to entry: Expressed in W·m–2·K–1.

HVAC system
system that provides heating, ventilation or air conditioning for buildings
[SOURCE: ISO 16814:2008, 3.18]
daylight opening on the roof or on a horizontal or near horizontal area of a building
[SOURCE: ISO 16817:2017, 3.19, modified — The words “or near horizontal” have been added.]

© ISO 2025 – All rights reserved
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

solar heat gain coefficient
ratio of the solar heat gain entering the space through the fenestration area to the incident solar radiation
Note 1 to entry: Solar heat gain includes directly transmitted solar heat and absorbed solar radiation, which is then
reradiated, conducted or convected into the space.

[SOURCE: ISO 16818:2008, 3.216]

technical building system
technical component for heating, cooling, mechanical ventilation (filtration and exhaust), humidification,
dehumidification, domestic hot water, water supply, drainage and sanitary equipment, lighting, building
automation and control, and electricity production on site
Note 1 to entry: A technical building system can refer to one or to several building services (e.g., heating, cooling,
lighting and domestic hot water).

Note 2 to entry: Lifts and fire extinguishing systems can be included in technical building systems.

Note 3 to entry: A technical building system is composed of different sub-systems.

Note 4 to entry: Electricity production can include cogeneration, wind power and photovoltaic systems.

[SOURCE: ISO 16813:2024, modified — The words “on site” have been added.]
thermal mass iTeh Standards
materials with mass heat capacity storing or releasing heat as the interior or exterior temperature, or both,
convective and radiant conditions fluctuate, and affecting building thermal load
Note 1 to entry: Expressed in J·K .

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thermal resistance
R-value ISO/TR 5863:2025
ratio of the temperature difference between the two faces of a material to the rate of flow of heat unit area
normal to the faces
Note 1 to entry: Expressed in m2·K·W–1.

ventilation rate
magnitude of air flow to a room or building through the ventilation system, device or building elements
Note 1 to entry: Expressed in h–1.

window-to-wall ratio
ratio of the net glazing area to the gross exterior wall area above the ground
[SOURCE: ISO 16818:2008, 3.249, modified — The word “fenestration” has been replaced with “net glazing”
and the words “above the ground” have been added.]

4 Design philosophy and principles for the building envelope

4.1 General
Both the client and the designer can have a philosophy and set ethics concerning building environment in
general terms. They can also rely on ideas related to architectural and environmental design. Philosophy

© ISO 2025 – All rights reserved
ISO/TR 5863:2025(en)

and ethics are a base on which the target level of each environmental element is determined and the
design strategies are planned. A building is evaluated from different aspects. Clients and designers can
wish to decide which aspect is crucial or less critical on the basis of their own philosophy and ethics. This
consideration is possible, provided it does not violate the environment design criteria. Philosophy and ethics
relate to the aspects which are determined on more than the others. The theories also encourage a designer
to employ a particular design strategy and work as the rationale on which the behaviours and functions of a
building from its structure are based.
This document introduces Gero’s theory in design[9] and expands it. Four classes of variables can be defined
to describe different aspects in designing buildings as follows:
— function (F) variables that describe the teleology of the object, i.e. for what it is;
— behaviour (B) variables that describe the attributes that are derived or expected to be derived from the
structure (S) variables of the object, i.e. what it does;
— structure (S) variables that describe the components of the object and their relationships, i.e. what it is;
— experience (E) variables that describe the interaction between the object and users, i.e. how it is utilized.
The notion of function (F) refers to the teleological characteristics of an artefact. The purpose of designing
is to transform function (F; where is a set) into a design description of structure (S) in a such a way that
the artefact being described is capable of producing the functions. The design description is expressed and
documented in the form of drawings and notes.
The notion of behaviour (B) refers to the characteristics of an artefact or mechanisms of an artefact that are
deterministically derived or expected to be derived from the structure (S) of the artefact and that articulate
iTeh Standards
the functions (F) of the artefact. The physical properties of an artefact are classified into behaviour (B).
The notion of structure (S) refers to the substantial characteristics of an artefact that can be determined
directly in designing. The(
structure (S) represents an artefact's elements and their relationships, and
determines the behaviours of the artefact.
The notion of experience (E) refers Preview
to the interactive characteristics between an artefact and users. Humans
build connections between the function (F), behaviour (B) and structure (S) through experience (E) and
development of causal models based on interactions
ISO/TR with an artefact.
For example, consider designing a library. One of the objectives of a library is to provide a built environment
where occupants can read books comfortably. This objective can be expressed in terms of functions of the
library, that is, visual performance, visual comfort and visual safety. The functions are articulated in terms
of values of behavioural variables such as luminance, illuminance and colour temperature of light. The
structural variables – form and materials – are determined to meet the requirements of the above variables.
Since the structure of a building envelope can enhance the behaviour of a certain environmental element
and detract from the behaviour of another environmental element, to design a building envelope is to solve
a multi-objective optimization problem. However, the problem definition is not so easy in the sense that
the formulation of its evaluation function depends on the requirements for the building envelope. The
requirements are co-defined by the clients, architects, engineers and other specialists involved in the design.
Each of the diverse functions of a building can be articulated as a combination of the behaviours of certain
environmental elements. The behaviour of each environmental element is affected by the structure of
the building environment. Therefore, the relationship between the structure and the behaviour of each
environmental element is meant to be clarified prior to designing the building envelope.

4.2 One thing increases, another decreases

Philosophy 1: There are trade-offs between function variables in a project definition, and more than one
optimum solution exist. There is no logical method to select an optimum solution.
Principle 1: A design team determines what is crucial and what is less crucial among the function variables.

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