Group topic-Draft
Group topic-Draft
Group topic-Draft
Outcome 1: Demonstrated basic and higher levels of literacy for teaching and learning
Outcome 2: Demonstrated deep and principled understanding of the teaching and learning process
Outcome 3: Mastered and applied the subject matter content and pedagogical principles appropriate
for teaching and learning
Outcome 4: Applied a wide range of teaching related skills in curriculum development, instructional
material production, learning assessment and teaching delivery
Outcome 5: Articulated and applied clear understanding of how educational processes relate to
political, historical, social and cultural contexts.
Outcome 6: Facilitated learning in various classroom setting, diverse learners coming from different
cultural backgrounds.
Outcome 7: Experienced direct field and clinical activities in the teaching milieu as an observer,
teaching assistant or practice teacher
Outcome 8: Created and innovated alternative teaching approaches to improve student learning
Outcome 9: Practiced professional and ethical standards for teacher anchored for both local and
global perspectives
Outcome 10: Pursued continuously lifelong learning for personal and professional growth as teachers
Which of the outcomes are you developing in the subjects you are taking or have developed in the
previous subjects that you took?
These outcomes are set at the beginning of your degree plan. You must put these to heart, so as you
go along, you will be able to master these in four years and will be ready to be employed after you get
your teachers' license.
Following the principles of OBE, this refers to Principle 1 Clarity of Focus and Principle 2. Designing
Backwards. Refer to your Module 7.1 The Four Essential Principles in OBE.
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, which is built on NCBTS, complements the
reform initiatives on teacher quality from pre-service education to in-service training.
Based on the level of education as PQF Level 6, the PQF describes career path for baccalaureate
degree programs including teacher education degrees.
All of the above degree programs except BSESS adhere to the common program outcomes
stated earlier to be achieved during the college preparation of pre-service teachers. Also embodied in
the intended program outcomes are those of the PPST for Beginning Teachers and other Teacher
B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge – The subjects will provide foundation, theory and practice in the
different aspects of teaching.
➤ Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching and Learning > Assessment in Learning 1
➤ Assessment in Learning 2
> Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 > The Teacher and the School Curriculum
> Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
C. Experiential Learning Courses – These are subjects that bring together theory and practice.
> Field Study 1- Observations of Teaching and Learning in Actual School Environment
> Field Study 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship > Teaching Internship
Cluster 3: Electives
Any additional subjects in other degree programs for teacher education can be offered as electives.
Topic (Samooc): Pedagogical Approaches to Deliver the Content and Achieve the Outcomes
The uniqueness of teaching future teachers is that the delivery of strategy and methods come in two
layers. The first layer, will enable to learner who are college students to desired learning outcome of
the lesson and the second layer is the find a strategy that will teach the content in the future work
place which is the basic education. In other word the pedagogy utilized should be "teaching how to
The delivery modes may vary from the three modes or a combination of the three:
Face-to-Face (F2F)- a traditional delivery mode where the teacher and the students are physically
present to hold classes in a designated place. One class can be taken as a whole group or small
groups at one setting. The different strategies maybe utilized appropriate to the students grouping
Distance Learning or Remote Learning- on line or printed module. Distance learning is a delivery
mode where the students and teachers are not physically present in one designated place or
classroom. For the on-line the teacher is stationed in a control hub while the students are
connected to the hub. Classes are either synchronous or asynchronous. On the other hand,
distance learning using a printed module utilize hard bound materials in printed form, where
detailed instructions by the teacher will be followed by the learner. Knowledge and skill of on-
technology is required for the first while the second one requires independent learners.
Blended Learning or Flexible Learning- This is a combination of the F2F and the Distance learning.
The whole course will be using the two delivery modes and should be reflected in the curriculum
Experiential Learning (Lifelong learning)- Following the theory of learning by doing, experiential
learning approach allows the learners to experience learning first hand. Sometimes it is also called
immersion, apprenticeship or practicum.
P Desired
I Content
Methods E Assessment for
Assessment of
Figure 5 - Constructive Alignment of Desired Outcome, Content and Methods and Assessment
In curriculum:
P – PLANNING includes the formulation of the desired outcome for course or lesson, then
this should be aligned with appropriate Content and Methods in the
I – IMPLEMENTATION involves delivering instruction, providing feedback, monitoring
progress, and encouraging active learning.
E – EVALUATION which will determine whether the Desired Outcomes have been achieved.