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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

12(11), 1590-1599

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/19982

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/19982


Badameli Pyalo Atina

Research and Expertise Center on the Dynamics of Spaces and Societies (PREDES), University of Kara.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The Plateau region of Togo is classified under the Guinean tropical
Received: 25 September 2024 climate based on its latitude. Therefore, it should experience two rainy
Final Accepted: 27 October 2024 seasons and two dry seasons. However, a rainfall study of the stations
Published: November 2024 in this region reveals a distinct characteristic compared to other stations
in southern Togo. The question arises as to whether the evolving
Key words:-
Rainfall Variability, Plateau Region, rainfall patterns in the region align with the previous classification. The
Togo aim of this study is to identify factors for a new categorization of
rainfall amounts in the Plateau region of Togo. The data used for the
study include rainfall amounts from the Atakpamé and Kouma-Konda
stations to examine the evolution of rainfall over time and track the
dynamics of the seasons. The rainfall data from the Tabligbo and
Niamtougou stations are used for comparison. The construction of
Gaussen diagrams is the primary method employed to monitor the
distribution of rainy and dry seasons over time. The results indicate that
the four seasons (two rainy and two dry) are gradually being replaced
by two seasons (one rainy and one dry). Thus, the Guinean tropical
climate shows a trend of shifting toward a Sudanian tropical climate in
the Plateau region of Togo.

Copyright, IJAR, 2024,. All rights reserved.

Rainfall, uneven and often insufficient across much of the country, concentrates agricultural activities in the
southern and southwestern regions, where conditions are more favorable (Bielders et al., 2006).

Crucial to crop development, rainfall influences both the selection of suitable varieties and the crops' response to
fertilizer application. In a context where water is a limiting factor, analyzing agricultural risks inevitably involves a
detailed study of rainfall variability, which not only determines the plants' water requirements but also affects the
efficiency of agricultural inputs (Bielders et al., 2006).

Rainfall variability, defined as fluctuations in the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation, can manifest as
changes in intensity, duration, or frequency. These fluctuations have significant implications, particularly in tropical
regions where agriculture largely depends on rainfall. For instance, in West Africa, marked alternations between dry
and wet years impact agricultural yields, especially for crops like millet and maize, while exacerbating food
insecurity and soil degradation (Nsegbé, 2023).

Corresponding Author:- Badameli Pyalo Atina

Address:- Research and Expertise Center on the Dynamics of Spaces and Societies
(PREDES), University of Kara. 1590
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

Tools such as the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) allow for tracking long-term rainfall trends. A study
conducted in the Tambacounda region of Senegal, for example, reveals a gradual decline in precipitation since the
1960s, confirming a similar trend in other Sahelian regions (Sambou, 2023).

This variability is further intensified by climate change, which increases the frequency of extreme events. This
context calls for adaptation strategies, particularly through the development of drought-resistant varieties, improved
water resource management, and the establishment of climate prediction systems (Sambou, 2023).

Togo is divided into two distinct climatic regions:

 The southern part, located between 6° and 8°N, experiences a Guinean tropical climate, characterized by two
rainy seasons and two dry seasons.
 In the northern part, between 8°N and 11°N, a Sudanian tropical climate prevails, dominated by a long dry
season and a long rainy season (Edjamé, 1994; 4th National Communication on Climate Change, Togo, 2022;
Atlas of Togo, 1981).

A study focused on the climate of West Africa leads to similar conclusions (Janicot & Fontaine, 1993). The Gaussen
diagrams constructed for the stations in this region should therefore show four seasons: two rainy and two dry. Map
1 presents the location of the Atakpamé and Kouma-Konda stations, which are the focus of this article.

The construction of ombro-thermal diagrams for the Atakpamé station did not yield the expected results.
This raises the research question: Is the climatic classification of the Plateau region from the 1980s still relevant

This question is significant as it challenges the previous climatic assumptions and necessitates an evaluation of
current precipitation patterns and seasonal trends. Considering the observed climatic shifts and the possible
influence of climate change on rainfall distributions, it is crucial to revisit and update the climate classification for
this region. The comparison with other regions and stations, such as Kouma-Konda, could further elucidate whether
the climatic characteristics in the Plateau region have evolved, supporting or challenging earlier classifications.

The objective is to identify elements for a new categorization of rainfall amounts in the Plateau region of Togo.

Data Collection and Processing
The data used in this study includes monthly rainfall measurements from the Atakpamé, Kouma-Konda, and
Tabligbo stations, spanning the period from 1961 to 2020, to analyze trends over time and track seasonal dynamics.
For the Niamtougou station, data covers the period from 1981 to 2020. Temperature data for the same period were
also collected.

Annual totals, decade-based monthly rainfall averages, and decade-based monthly temperature averages were
calculated. These data were then used to construct Gaussen diagrams, following the P=2T rule (where P represents
precipitation and T represents temperature). This methodology allows for a detailed analysis of the relationship
between temperature and precipitation and provides insights into the temporal distribution of seasons in the Plateau
region of Togo.

Year-on-Year Evolution of Precipitation
The first step of the study is the analysis of the temporal evolution of annual rainfall data.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

Figure 1:- Geographic Location of the Research Area.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

Tabligbo 1961-2018 2600

Kouma-Konda 1961-2020 b
y = -4,1678x + 9956,3
1600 y = -0,6238x + 2274,7
1400 2000
1200 1800
800 1200
600 1000
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Atakpamé 1961-2020 c
Niamtougou 1981-2020 d
2500 2000.0 y = 0.796x - 246.5
y = 0,3565x + 646,76
1500 1400.0
1000 1000.0
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Figure 2:- Interannual Precipitation at the Study Stations.

The regression coefficients derived from linear trends reveal notable disparities in the precipitation evolution of the
studied stations, highlighting a contrasted regional dynamic. In Tabligbo, a slight decrease of -0.6 mm is observed,
while in Kouma-Konda, this decrease is significantly more pronounced at -4.16 mm, indicating an increased
vulnerability of this area to precipitation deficits.

In contrast, the stations in Atakpamé and Niamtougou show opposite trends, with respective increases of 0.35 mm
and 0.79 mm. This interregional contrast underscores the influence of local climatic particularities and
microclimates on precipitation distribution.

A striking aspect is the contradictory evolution of the two stations located in the Plateaux region: Kouma-Konda
registers a notable decrease, while Atakpamé shows a slight increase in precipitation. This difference suggests that
local factors, such as topography or specific interactions between atmospheric dynamics and geographical
characteristics, play a decisive role.

Furthermore, the similarity between the trend observed in Atakpamé and that of Niamtougou, despite belonging to
two distinct climatic regions (soudano-guinean for Atakpamé and tropical sudanian for Niamtougou), illustrates the
complexity of regional climatic influences. This invites further investigation into the underlying mechanisms,
particularly considering the interactions between precipitation variability and large-scale climatic phenomena, such
as monsoon dynamics or atmospheric circulation anomalies.

This finding calls for a differentiated management of water resources and adaptation of agricultural strategies, taking
into account local particularities and future projections.

Variability of Monthly Precipitation on Ombro-Thermic Diagram

To track the evolution of the rainy seasons, Gaussen diagrams are created for the study stations by decade. Figure 3
presents the diagrams for the Atakpamé station.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

Atakpamé 1961-1970 Atakpamé 1971-1980

260 130.0 200 100.0
240 120.0 180 90.0
220 110.0
200 100.0 160 80.0
180 90.0 140 70.0
160 80.0 120 60.0
140 70.0 100 50.0
120 60.0
100 50.0 80 40.0
80 40.0 60 30.0
60 30.0 40 20.0
40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Atakpamé 1981-1990 Atakpamé 1991-2000

220 110.0 260 130.0
200 100.0 240 120.0
180 90.0 220 110.0
200 100.0
160 80.0 180 90.0
140 70.0 160 80.0
120 60.0 140 70.0
100 50.0 120 60.0
80 40.0 100 50.0
80 40.0
60 30.0 60 30.0
40 20.0 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Atakpamé 2001-2010 Atakpamé 2011-2020

260 130.0 260 130.0
240 120.0 240 120.0
220 110.0 220 110.0
200 100.0 200 100.0
180 90.0 180 90.0
160 80.0 160 80.0
140 70.0 140 70.0
120 60.0 120 60.0
100 50.0 100 50.0
80 40.0 80 40.0
60 30.0 60 30.0
40 20.0 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 3:- Gaussen Diagrams for the Atakpamé Station by Decade.

The analysis of climate data highlights the presence of two distinct seasons at the Atakpamé station, with a dry
season lasting 4 to 5 months. This observation diverges from classical descriptions that typically attribute four
seasons to this region. This apparent simplification of the seasonal regime may reflect a recent evolution in local
climatic characteristics or variations related to topographical and atmospheric factors influencing precipitation

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

For the Kouma-Konda station, also located in the Plateaux region, the Gaussen ombro-thermal diagrams (shown in
Figure 4) allow for a deeper analysis. The available climate data, covering the period from 1981 to 2020, provide a
solid basis for assessing long-term trends. The evolution of precipitation and temperature over this period could
explain the observed differences in seasonal distribution and offer insights into the potential impacts of climate
change in this area.

These results underscore the necessity of considering local specificities when analyzing seasonal regimes,
integrating robust tools such as climate diagrams, and comparing observations with historical averages to identify
possible climatic shifts or transitions.

Kouma-Konda 1981-1990 Kouma-Konda 1991-2000

300 150.0 260 130.0
280 140.0 240 120.0
260 130.0 220 110.0
240 120.0 200 100.0
220 110.0
200 100.0 180 90.0
180 90.0 160 80.0
160 80.0 140 70.0
140 70.0 120 60.0
120 60.0 100 50.0
100 50.0 80 40.0
80 40.0
60 30.0 60 30.0
40 20.0 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Kouma-Konda 2001-2010 Kouma-Konda 2011-2020

260 130.0 260 130.0
240 120.0 240 120.0
220 110.0 220 110.0
200 100.0 200 100.0
180 90.0 180 90.0
160 80.0 160 80.0
140 70.0
120 60.0 140 70.0
100 50.0 120 60.0
80 40.0 100 50.0
60 30.0 80 40.0
40 20.0 60 30.0
20 10.0 40 20.0
0 0.0 20 10.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 4:- Gaussen Diagrams for the Kouma-Konda Station by Decade.

The analysis of climate diagrams highlights significant differences between the studied stations while revealing
common characteristics specific to the Guinean tropical climate zone. At Kouma-Konda, the four climatic seasons
are distinctly discernible, confirming the alternation between two wet and two dry seasons. A notable feature of this
station is the observed decrease in precipitation during August, often interpreted as a short second dry season within
the year. This characteristic, well-documented in tropical regions, results from the rainfall pause associated with
monsoon dynamics.

To deepen the comparison, the climate diagrams for the Tabligbo and Niamtougou stations were also examined.
Tabligbo, located in the same climatic zone as Kouma-Konda and Atakpamé, should logically display similarities
with these stations. However, discrepancies may arise due to local influences, such as topography, proximity to large
water bodies, or specific microclimates. These factors play a key role in the distribution of precipitation and seasonal

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

The data from Niamtougou, situated in a different climatic zone (Sudano-tropical), complement this comparative
analysis. Although belonging to another climatic region, points of convergence with the Plateaux stations can be
observed, particularly in seasonal cycles related to major atmospheric oscillations, such as the advance and retreat of
the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone).

This analysis underscores the importance of studying not only regional climate averages but also local specificities.
These nuances enhance the understanding of precipitation dynamics and help anticipate potential impacts on
ecosystems and agricultural practices.

Tabligbo 1961-1970 Tabligbo 1971-1980

180 90.0
220 120.0 160
200 80.0
180 100.0 140 70.0
160 90.0 120 60.0
140 80.0
120 70.0 100 50.0
100 60.0 80 40.0
80 50.0
40.0 60 30.0
60 30.0
40 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Tabligbo 1981-1990 Tabligbo 1991-2000

180 90.0 180 90.0
160 80.0 160 80.0
140 70.0 140 70.0
120 60.0 120 60.0
100 50.0 100 50.0
80 40.0 80 40.0
60 30.0 60 30.0
40 20.0 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Tabligbo 2001-2010 Tabligbo 2011-2020

200 100.0 180.00 90.0
180 90.0 160.00 80.0
160 80.0 140.00 70.0
140 70.0 120.00 60.0
120 60.0 100.00 50.0
100 50.0
80.00 40.0
80 40.0
60 30.0 60.00 30.0
40 20.0 40.00 20.0
20 10.0 20.00 10.0
0 0.0 0.00 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 5:- Gaussen Diagrams for the Tabligbo Station by Decade.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

The analysis of climate data from the Tabligbo station, as shown in Figure 5, highlights a clear distinction of the
four typical climatic seasons of the Guinean tropical zone. This configuration is particularly marked by the
emergence of a short dry season in August, visible on the precipitation histograms, where values are equal to or
lower than the temperature curve. This phenomenon corresponds to the characteristic rainfall pause, often associated
with variations in the dynamics of the African monsoon.

This short dry season emphasizes the seasonal regularity specific to Tabligbo, reinforcing the idea that this station
shares the same fundamental climatic traits as other locations in the zone, such as Kouma-Konda or Atakpamé. Such
a distinction is crucial for agricultural planning, as it directly influences crop choices and water resource
management strategies. Indeed, a nuanced understanding of these seasonal cycles can optimize agricultural
calendars and mitigate the impacts of climatic variations.

These observations are part of a broader analysis of regional precipitation regimes, highlighting both the similarities
and local particularities of the studied stations.

Niamtougou 1981-1990 Niamtougou 1991-2000

300 150.0 300 150.0
280 140.0 280 140.0
260 130.0 260 130.0
240 120.0 240 120.0
220 110.0 220 110.0
200 100.0 200 100.0
180 90.0 180 90.0
160 80.0 160 80.0
140 70.0
140 70.0 120 60.0
120 60.0 100 50.0
100 50.0 80 40.0
80 40.0 60 30.0
60 30.0 40 20.0
40 20.0 20 10.0
20 10.0 0 0.0
0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Niamtougou 2001-2010 Niamtougou 2011-2020

300 150.0 300 150.0
280 140.0 280 140.0
260 130.0 260 130.0
240 120.0 240 120.0
220 110.0 220 110.0
200 100.0 200 100.0
180 90.0 180 90.0
160 80.0 160 80.0
140 70.0 140 70.0
120 60.0 120 60.0
100 50.0 100 50.0
80 40.0 80 40.0
60 30.0 60 30.0
40 20.0 40 20.0
20 10.0 20 10.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 6:- Gaussen Diagrams for the Niamtougou Station by Decade.

The analysis of climate diagrams shows that the Niamtougou station is characterized by a long rainy season lasting
seven months, followed by a five-month dry season, typical of the Sudano-tropical climate. Interestingly, the
Kouma-Konda and Atakpamé stations, although located in the Plateaux region, exhibit Gaussen diagrams that are
more similar to those of Niamtougou. This suggests a gradual shift from the Guinean tropical climate, characteristic
of this region, toward a Sudano climate regime.

This phenomenon is particularly evident in the interpretation of the short dry season often described in the Guinean
tropical climate. In the Plateaux, this period appears to correspond more to a simple decrease in precipitation
intensity within the rainy season, without a significant interruption of rainfall. This nuance highlights the complexity

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

of climatic transition in this region and reflects the increasing influence of Sudano factors on the precipitation

These observations underscore the need to rethink climatic classifications in transitional areas such as the Plateaux
of Togo. Such an approach would enhance the understanding of the impacts of this climatic transition on local
ecosystems and agricultural practices, particularly regarding crop choices and water resource management.

The questioning of the existence of a true short dry season in southern Togo, as raised by Edjame (2011), is based on
solid climatic arguments. Contrary to the traditional idea of a marked interruption of rainfall between mid-July and
the end of August, this period is characterized by specific weather conditions that do not meet the criteria for a true
dry season.

During this time, temperatures are significantly cooler, sometimes reaching 17° to 18°C, which is exceptionally low
for a tropical area. This cooling coincides with a reduction in sunlight, resulting in often overcast skies. Although
precipitation is less abundant in volume, it does not completely cease. Instead, it manifests as light and persistent
rains, reflecting the constant humidity of the atmosphere. These characteristics diverge from the typical conditions
of a dry season, which is marked by a near-total absence of rainfall and high sunlight.

The terminology of "short dry season" for this period thus seems inadequate. It would be more appropriate to refer
to it as an "atypical period" or "moderate rainfall anomaly," highlighting its transitory nature and distinctness from
the classic regime of tropical seasons. The observed cooling could be attributed to incursions of cool air aloft or
atmospheric disturbances, such as increased cloud cover related to variations in monsoon dynamics.

This distinction is not merely a matter of terminology; it has practical and scientific implications. For agriculture, for
example, this period, although it presents less rainfall, can still support certain crops sensitive to excess water, while
requiring adapted management due to reduced sunlight. In climatic terms, a better understanding of this
phenomenon could refine regional forecasting models and enable more effective adaptation to local climatic
conditions, especially in the context of climate change.

Thus, the debate around this period highlights the complexity of climatic dynamics in tropical zones, calling for
more nuanced analysis and a revision of concepts to better reflect climatic reality and its implications.

The analysis of climate data from the Atakpamé and Kouma-Konda stations reveals a significant dynamic: the
gradual transition from a four-season regime, typical of the Guinean tropical climate, to a two-season regime,
characteristic of the Sudano tropical climate. This shift reflects a climatic transformation in the Plateaux region,
illustrating changes in the seasonal distribution of precipitation and temperatures.

This observation calls for a thorough reflection on the factors underlying this transition. Several hypotheses can be
considered. First, the role of global climate change must be assessed, particularly its impact on the regional
dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the West African monsoon. Variations in rainfall
regimes might reflect a local response to global changes, such as rising temperatures or the intensification of
extreme weather events. Second, it is also necessary to evaluate the relevance of current climatic classifications.
These may no longer accurately capture local specificities, especially in transitional areas like the Plateaux of Togo.

A detailed analysis of precipitation and temperature trends over longer periods, along with the integration of modern
tools such as regional climate models and satellite data, would deepen this study. This would help determine
whether the observed shift is the result of a natural climate variability process or if it is exacerbated by
anthropogenic factors.

Finally, these potential climatic changes have significant implications for local populations, particularly in terms of
agricultural management and water resource availability. A better understanding of these dynamics is essential to
anticipate future impacts and develop resilient adaptation strategies. This work highlights the need for collaboration
among climatologists, agronomists, and policymakers to effectively address these challenges.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(11), 1590-1599

Future perspectives stemming from this article include studying more stations in the Plateaux region, determining
the start and end dates of the rainy season and their duration, and investigating humidity and potential
evapotranspiration (ETP).

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