Practical Research 1
The purpose of the Student Activity Sheet is to provide detailed information which will help student-
researchers to deeply understand the structure and procedures in writing qualitative research. Please write your
answer on the activity sheet.
Research may be a high-level intellectual activity but, in most cases, we do research unknowingly in our
everyday life. In fact, research is very simple and easy. What you need to do is to be patient with the research
work, and follow the instructions well. Do not get frustrated about it, keep in mind that this is part of refining
your experience in the research process. You may use the following as a guide in doing your own.
Important notes to remember: In selecting a topic, think of the why, who, what, where and when questions:
o WHY did you choose the topic? What interests you about it? Do you have an opinion about the issues
o WHO are the information providers on this topic? Who might publish information about it? Who is
affected by the topic?
o WHAT are the major questions for this topic? Is there a debate about the topic? Are there issues and
viewpoints to consider?
o WHERE is your topic important: at the local, national, or international level? Are there specific places
affected by the topic?
o WHEN is/was your topic important? Is it a current event or a historical issue? Do you want to compare
your topic by time periods?
Activity 1. By this time, you may write your own topic related to your strand:
After you finalize the topic, do not attempt to make the research problem, questions, etc.
You must first search for the Related Literature/study to assess the trends, patterns, issues, updates,
concerns and development about your topic.
This will help you decide what specific variables to study.
It will also help you discover the trend about your chosen topic and might even make your research
easier because similar studies can give you so much information.
After you are done reading all possible related studies, you may proceed to the next step as outlined in this
activity sheet.
The title of your paper is the first thing that the readers will see, and they will immediately form a view
on what to expect from your research paper.
Thus, it is important to write a clear, persuasive title that communicates what your study is about, and
engages the interest of the readers.
In qualitative, there is no hard and pass role (no limit) in writing its title as to its number of words so
long as it is captivating to the readers.
The title must also capture the essence of the paper, accurate and specific, comprehensive (i.e must not
contain unnecessary details), attractive, and should generate curiosity among the readers.
From the specific topic that you have; for instance, challenges meet by the students in the printed
modular instructions during the distance learning program, you may derive this title, “Exploring
on the Lived Experiences of the Students in Distance Learning Program during COVID 19
You may also explore on the different titles of qualitative research online [just make it sure that it is
related to your topic at hand] to enrich more your knowledge on crafting it.
Activity 2. At present, you have already identified your own topic, thus, you may start constructing your
own title. Follow the suggested formats for your guide.
In this particular section, you will be provided with different ways on how to come up an introduction. Of
course, the first thing you have to do as a writer is to describe the situation or a problem which will bring about
the focus of your study. By doing this, you are giving weight to your paper, and that this proves that your study
is worthy to be conducted.
Describe the phenomenon as it is happening globally (cite specific countries), nationally, or in the
local setting (source: newspapers or magazines, online news).
The growing transformation of technology has made the world issue about efficiency and
effectiveness. Students’ usage of social media has been raised about its impact on their literacy skills.
The modern-day communicative writings produced by the technologies have led to the emergence of
new spellings and informal written sentence structure (Tabuashvili, 2012).
Start with your observation of the local scenario, support that the phenomenon is also true in the
national setting, as well as in other countries (source: newspapers or magazines, online news).
It can simply be a common sight to see adolescents chatting anywhere especially in sensitive
and distinctly organized locations like church and lecture venues. In fact, as adolescents, students of
Picanan National High School are not even exempted to this issue.
Start with a theory. Then challenge the validity of the theory by proving or disproving the theory in a
chosen environment (source: books, journal articles).
Media System Dependency (MSD) Theory of Rokeach and DeFleur (1976) revolves on the
interaction between media and consumers. The theory suggests that men or women prefer to rely on the
media to satisfy a variety of their needs and gain their desires that can vary from a need for relaxation
and fun. At its essence, the fundamental principle states that the more people depend on media to meet
the needs, the more important media will be in the life of the individual, and thus the greater effects of
media will be on the individual.
The above theory suggested that the level of the impact of the media among the students is
determined by the degree of their media dependency and usage. Similarly, this supports the idea that
students’ academic writing skills will also be influenced when they are too exposed to social media, and
thus they develop their level of use of cyber slang.
Start with a quotation. Based on it, you relate the quotation to the current problem. Be sure that the
quotation is popular enough that it attracts interest from the readers.
It is estimated that in the Philippines alone, there are 5.4 million out-of-school children and youth – and
the Department of Education is committed to help them by giving quality education. Hargreaves (2005) and
Harris (2009) clearly expressed, “Education to be the most important gatekeeper of chance and a tremendous
distributor of opportunities for life.” Indeed, 90 percent of younger students go to public schools with
expectations that their lives will improve later. This particularly true for individuals experiencing various
outcomes of deprivation where good education is the only way out of that. What is more, this is ought to be the
setting that various regulatory activities must be sought after to accomplish it.
Note: The leads presented in here will help you to develop your research introduction meaningfully. However,
you have to take note that the samples given (i.e in one, and or two paragraphs only) are weak enough to stand
as your introduction. Since introduction usually consume one page of a short bond paper. You have to add more
paragraphs when you intend to write it. The information that will support your developing paragraph may be
taken from books and other published materials. Sources online will help you too, but make it sure that they are
taken from credible sites. Wikipedia is a big NO source of information to be used in academic writing, much
more your idea is not yet counted in any research works. Therefore, avoid giving personal knowledge and ideas
in your research writing. Always remember to cite your sources in the paper.
Title: Social Media Exposure vis-à-vis Use of Cyber Slang and Academic Writing Competence
(Credit: Ricaforte’s Thesis in Masterand, 2018)
Long before the language was created as a tool for communication, hand signs, and body language were
served as a medium for communication. The primary function of language is to transfer messages from one to
another. English is one of the most extensively used languages throughout the world. Due to its restrictions,
most of the messages human beings wanted to express were extraordinarily simple and straight forward. But
everything was twisted with the emergence of languages (Yi Kay, 2014).
The fast changes brought by technology most particularly the social media has changed the people’s
lives from day to day. The birth of internet has provided tons of advantages especially in human
communication. As Crystal (2006) said, we stay in cyberspace.
In the beginning, simple communication tools like email and MSN (from Microsoft) were developed to
ease worldwide communication. Within number of years, these communication tools had been developed and
had advanced into more complex platform with hundreds of unique characteristics. The newest created systems
had been labelled such as social web, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are currently the most widely used
social networking sites in the world.
The remarkable increase of social networks was once accompanied with the support of a sequence of
new jargons known as Cyber slang. This is a term used to describe shortcuts, choice words, or even number of
characters an author can use at a time. Among the commented features of online writing are the use of initialism
like BFF (best friend forever), and LOL (laughing out loud), and others which are becoming more familiar in
social media (Tomaszewski, 2011).
With fast changes in the world, people are adopting more words quicker than ever before. Cyber slang
turns into a mode of living. And to be specific, students are the first group to be affected by this mechanism
specifically to those who have wide access on the internet. Since almost all students enrolled nowadays are in
the millennial era who interact normally with online sources (Lenhart et al., 2007). And it must be noted that
social media has brought on a new sort of communication which resulted to different Englishers. For
millennials, the whole thing goes at brilliant speed. As a result, they do no longer continually follow or obey
standard English grammar when they communicate.
Consequently, the developing transformation in technology has made the world issue about efficiency
and effectiveness. Students’ usage of social media concerns has been raised about its impact on their literacy
skills. The modern-day of non-formal writing produced by the technologies have led to the emergence of new
spellings and non-formal writings (Tabuashvili, 2012).
Nonetheless, this serious issue has come to be a source of fear to many who trust that social media
exposure can threaten the formality of English language writing. Hence, it should be noted that social media
combines cyber slang most of the time during written communication. In fact, countless of journals and articles
have raised and supported the same claim. Consequently, this emerging phenomenon has caught the
attention of the researcher to take into account on the effects of social media and cyber slang usage
towards the academic writing competence of the students of Picanan National High School especially on
their grammar, spelling, punctuation marks, and abbreviations – as they are all essential requirements in
academic writing.
Directions: From the introduction, copy the paragraph which directly reflects the lead used by the researcher.
Afterwards, identify what lead is being used.
Consequently, this emerging phenomenon has caught the attention of the researcher to take into account
on the effects of social media and cyber slang usage towards the academic writing competence of the
students of Picanan National High School especially on their grammar, spelling, punctuation marks, and
abbreviations – as they are all essential requirements in academic writing.
The lead being used in this introduction is a combination of starting with a quotation and describing a
Get the title then break down its variable into components in terms of independent, dependent, and
Then state the general purpose why you are trying to pursue the study.
Please refer to the last paragraph of the introduction (i.e in bold letters) as provided for your reference.
Directions: By reflecting on the different leads presented, decide which lead/s you are going to use to develop
your introduction. You may choose one from any of the given, and or combinations to your writing. But take
note that your introduction must only be based on the topic which caught your interest (Remember also that
your topic and your title must really coincide). Afterwards, finalize the problem in the last paragraph of your
introduction as it tells on what you really intend to study. Above all, do not forget to write your title on top of
your introduction.
(You may utilize the back portion of this sheet in writing your introduction. Yes, you heard it right, you can
write on this activity sheet).
Navigating the Path: Challenges and Opportunities for TVL Students at Picanan National
High School
The world of education is constantly evolving, and the rapid advancement of technology has undoubtedly
left its mark on how we learn and communicate. As the late Dr. Neil Postman famously observed,
“Technology is not neutral. It has a theology.” He argued that the very tools we use to learn and
communicate shape our thinking and perceptions. This idea resonates deeply in today’s educational
landscape, particularly for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) students who are actively preparing
to enter the workforce.
TVL programs, by their nature, are highly hands-on and practical, demanding both technical skills and
the ability to adapt to changing industry demands. However, students navigating this path often face
unique challenges and opportunities that can profoundly impact their learning journey. One critical area
where this intersection becomes apparent is in the realm of communication.
The pervasive influence of social media and the rise of online communication have transformed how
information is shared, accessed, and interpreted. Students, immersed in this digital world, are exposed to
a constant influx of information and communication styles, including the use of abbreviations, acronyms,
emojis, and informal language. While this digital literacy can be beneficial, it can also present challenges,
particularly when it comes to maintaining formal communication standards in academic settings and
professional environments.
At Picanan National High School, a leading institution for TVL students, this dynamic becomes
particularly relevant. As students pursue their technical skills, they must also grapple with the
complexities of digital communication and its potential impact on their academic writing, formal
presentations, and overall ability to communicate effectively in the workplace. This research seeks to
explore the challenges and opportunities faced by TVL students at Picanan National High School in this
evolving communication landscape, specifically examining how their digital literacy impacts their
academic writing and communication skills. By understanding these challenges and opportunities, we
can better equip students to succeed in both their academic pursuits and their future careers.
This Activity Sheet is designed to provide students’ knowledge in searching for a theory to support and strengthen
their study. Moreover, students will also be taught on how to identify their research objectives as this will guide them to
the rest of the steps taken to conduct the research.
“Finding the Silver Linings in the New Normal Time: Exploring on the Challenges
and Opportunities through the Eyes of the Students”
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework for this study was based on the cognitive theory of coping developed by Folkman and
Lazarus (1988). This theory was selected because it links the constructs central to this study. The theory posits that
portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social
interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. People do not learn new behaviours solely by trying them and
either succeeding or failing, but rather, the survival of humanity is dependent upon the replication of the actions of others.
There are three meta-theoretical assumptions: transaction, process, and context. It is assumed, first, that emotions
occur as a specific encounter of the person with the environment and that both exert a reciprocal influence on each other;
second, that emotions and cognitions are subject to continuous change; and third, that the meaning of a transaction is
derived from the underlying context, i.e., various attributes of a natural setting determine the actual experience of
Literature identifies relevant concepts related to coping mechanisms used by students in printed modular
learning. These concepts include theories used to adapt coping mechanisms used by students, and teachers in dealing with
stressful, and challenging events. The study reviewed literature from different authors who have done research on coping
Note: The first line of the paragraph given is an existing and widely accepted theory while the rest of the lines attempt to
explain the relationship of the variable by connecting facts to complete a comprehensive theoretical framework.
Directions: Write the theoretical framework of your study. Take note that the framework must be aligned with your
chosen topic/title, and must attempt to explain the existing relationship in your variable/s. However, if you cannot find a
theory relative to your study, just back up it with scientific evidence to support your claim. (Therefore, it is recommended
to do further readings online. You may find them from existing studies such as from journals and articles found in the
internet. Use reputable sites only in searching for facts in your paper).
This study adopts a multifaceted theoretical framework to understand TVL students at Picanan National High
School, integrating Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), the Digital Divide Theory, and the concepts of resilience and
SCT (Bandura, 1986) emphasizes the interplay between behavior, personal factors (beliefs, attitudes, skills), and
environmental factors (social influences, opportunities). In this context, students’ exposure to digital media and
online communication influences their perceptions of language, which impacts their communication behaviors,
including academic writing. This is further shaped by the social environment within the school. Key SCT concepts
include observational learning and self-efficacy, which are crucial in shaping students’ confidence in their
communication skills.
The Digital Divide Theory highlights the disparities in access to technology and digital literacy skills. This can lead
to unequal opportunities for engagement in online learning, research, and communication.
The “new normal” demands resilience and adaptability. Students develop coping mechanisms to navigate
challenges and embrace new technologies, learning styles, and communication demands.
This framework helps identify challenges: the digital divide, informal language, and self-efficacy. However, it also
highlights opportunities: developing digital literacy skills, expanding communication networks, accessing online
learning resources, and building resilience and adaptability.
By understanding these factors, the research aims to contribute to strategies that support students in maximizing
their opportunities for success in their academic and professional journeys.
This framework provides a foundation for understanding TVL students in the contemporary educational
For example:
“Finding the Silver Linings in the New Normal Time: Exploring on the Challenges
and Opportunities through the Eyes of the Students”
Research Objectives
This study will deal with the challenges and opportunities faced by the students in printed modular instructions;
specifically, the Grade-12 students of Picanan National High School for the School Year 2024-2025.
Directions: Write the research objectives of your chosen study. Note, indicate your title first before you finally write the
Navigating the Path: Challenges and Opportunities for TVL Students at Picanan National
High School
Explore the opportunities presented by digital media and online communication for TVL
students at Picanan National High School. This includes examining how digital tools can
enhance their learning experience, expand their communication networks, and develop
valuable digital literacy skills.
Step 8. Scope and Delimitation
State the scope of your study to define the coverage and set limitation or boundary of the research.
This is helpful since the topic is very broad and focusing on specific aspect is better.
This will help you in your oral Défense on questions or concerns from the panellist that is no longer part of your
Scope and Delimitation
The study is determined to provide a view on the challenging issues and opportunities encountered by the students
in the distance learning program. This study will be conducted at Picanan, Zamboanga del Sur, Academic School Year:
Moreover, the study will be consisted of seven (7) Grade-12 students in Home Economics strand from the
aforementioned school. The participants will be selected according to the needs of the study.
Also, the study will employ qualitative form of research; specifically, the phenomenological type of research to
seek in-depth information regarding the lived experiences of students in modular learning modality. This includes the
challenges and opportunities they met in the new program implemented. [Note: In your case, you may not yet identify the
research design [the one that is being underlined] of your study as early as of now, as this will be discussed in the
succeeding activity sheets.
Directions: Identify the scope and the delimitation of your study. You may use the sample given for your reference.
This research study focuses on the challenges and opportunities related to digital literacy and
communication skills experienced by Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) students enrolled at
Picanan National High School during the current academic year. The study delves into the following
specific areas:
Digital Divide: Examining disparities in access to technology and digital literacy skills among TVL
Communication Skills: Analyzing the challenges of transitioning from informal language to formal
academic and professional writing styles.
Coping Mechanisms: Exploring the strategies students employ to manage challenges and adapt to
changing learning environments, especially within the context of a modern, digitalized educational
The study will utilize qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and focus group
discussions, to gather rich data from TVL students and their teachers.
Geographic Area: The research is confined to TVL students at Picanan National High School. Findings
may not be generalizable to other schools or regions.
Time Frame: The study focuses on the current academic year and does not examine historical trends or
long-term impacts of digital literacy and communication skills.
Subject Matter: While digital literacy and communication skills are central, the study does not delve into
specific subjects or technical skills taught within the TVL curriculum.
Specific Technologies: The study explores the general impact of digital technologies but does not focus on
specific platforms, software, or applications.
Quantitative Data: The study primarily employs qualitative methods and does not include quantitative
data analysis, such as large-scale surveys or standardized testing.
This delimitation clarifies the study’s boundaries, ensuring a focused investigation and acknowledging its
This activity sheet is designed to provide better understanding on writing the significance of the study, scope
and delimitations, and definition of terms as provided in this activity sheet. Likewise, the process displayed in
this activity sheet will cover the remaining parts in writing Chapter-I of the paper.
Step 9. Significance of the Study
It refers to the possible worth of the study in terms of the weight of its potential contribution.
State the potential contribution of the study to the Academe, Profession, and Research Community.
Since it is potential, state it in the future tense.
Provide an introductory part before finally enumerating the beneficiaries of the study.
The order of presentation of the beneficiaries must be according to who will benefit the most, and NOT
according to rank and position.
Application by example:
How it is done?
This study may additionally provide significant contribution, treasured expertise and worthwhile
Students. The results of this study will deem to convince students that motivating themselves is
necessary to cope challenges in the midst of learning crisis. Having this in mind, then, they will be able to
reflect the value education, and tick to their own goals in life despite the given situation.
Teachers. Through this study, teachers will enable to design modular instructions that will meet
students’ need more adequately with respect to the quality of learning and the content. Similarly, the result of
the study will motivate the teachers to continually follow-up and assess students’ progress throughout the
modular implementation program. Hence, the very essence of modularization is that students are at the centre of
School Administrator. The results of the study may provide sensibility to the school-administrator to
better understand that implementing modular instruction is not an ordinary event but an obligation to oversee
and evaluate the outcome of the program. Hence, the significant part of his job is to provide a technical support
to his teacher in any way to give good quality learning among the student-learners.
Parents. The outcome of this study would like to provide awareness to the parents that they themselves
are partners of teachers in education. They are also the ones who should inculcate the value of patience to their
children. Thus, they should establish a good connection and guide towards their children – being the home
Directions: Identify the different beneficiaries of your study. Arrange them to what has been suggested (i.e
according to who will benefit the most in your study). Then include the possible benefits they will likely obtain
from your study.
This study on TVL students at Picanan National High School benefits multiple stakeholders.
Primarily, TVL students gain self-awareness of the digital divide’s impact, enhancing their digital literacy and
communication skills, boosting self-efficacy, and equipping them with coping strategies.
Educators utilize the findings to tailor instruction, improve pedagogical practices, and enhance student support.
School administrators and policymakers leverage the research to inform policy decisions, optimize resource
allocation, and advocate for improved resources.
Community stakeholders can then develop targeted initiatives to support student success and foster
Finally, the study contributes to the broader academic community by advancing knowledge on digital literacy,
communication skills, and student resilience, informing future research.
In essence, this research offers a multifaceted contribution, directly impacting students while informing the
practices of educators, administrators, and community stakeholders.
Define the variables of the study. Definitions may include operational and conceptual definition.
Operational definition of term includes dictionary meaning, and or the definitions are taken from any
reliable source of information [See samples like, academic writing performance, cyber slang, Facebook,
and social media exposure].
While conceptual definition utilizes the technique of defining the term according to how it is used in the
study [See samples like, Grade 10 students, KNHS].
Some terms used in the study cannot be defined operationally as they are not found in any dictionary.
With that, they need to be defined conceptually [See samples below like, KNHS, and Grade 10-students
Define only the important terms as used in the study like variables, the setting of the study, the research
respondents, and the type of instrument possibly required in your study. Other than that, should no
longer be defined in the in this section.
Provide an introductory part before defining the terms.
Application by example:
Definition of Terms
The following are the terms used appreciably in this study and shall be taken according to the definition
given as they are fundamental to absolutely know the issue in focus:
Category A. This is a type of classification program where learners are expected to undergo Computer-
Category B. This is another type of classification program where learners are identified to undergo
audio-based instruction in the distance learning modality, as they are assumed to have unstable internet
Category C. This is the last type of classification program where students are expected to belong in the
low socio-economic status in the community. They are manifested to have lack of gadgets and internet
Conducting a Survey. Refers to a process where schools specifically the course-advisers scout and
also as a type of blended learning where teachers can simply give synchronous and asynchronous tasks to the
students. In the study, this platform will be used to attempt to address the learning needs of the students.
KNHS. It stands for Kumalarang National High School. It is an institution where the research study will
be conducted.
program where students are given chances to connect teacher’s live discussion and interact through phone calls.
Print-Based Education. Refers to a type of distance learning program where less but privilege students
are given chance and opportunities to learn course materials through printed materials.
Important to note:
Terms that are in italic form are the important words used in the study.
Most of the terms are being defined using the combination of operational, and conceptual definition. See
the example below for more detailed structure/process.
Operational definition [i.e statement in sky blue color]. Conceptual definition [i.e statement in yellow green color].
Directions: Define all the important terms in your study using conceptual, operational, and or
combinations of both. Be sure to arrange them in ascending order (alphabetical order). You may use separate
sheet of paper in doing this. Good luck!
Adaptability: The capacity to adjust to changing circumstances. Operationally, this refers to TVL
students’ ability to adjust to new technologies, learning styles, and communication demands within their
educational environment.
Communication Skills: The ability to effectively convey information. Operationally, this encompasses
written communication (formal essays, reports), oral communication (presentations), and digital
communication (online interactions).
Coping Mechanisms: Strategies used to manage stress and challenges. Operationally, this study examines
both problem-focused (e.g., seeking help) and emotion-focused (e.g., relaxation techniques) coping
strategies employed by students.
Digital Divide: Unequal access to and use of technology. Operationally, this refers to disparities in
technology access, internet connectivity, and digital literacy skills among TVL students at Picanan
National High School, assessed through interviews and observations.
Digital Literacy: Proficiency in using digital technologies. Operationally, this includes accessing,
evaluating, and creating digital content, navigating online learning environments, and effectively
communicating using digital tools.
Self-Efficacy: Belief in one’s ability to succeed. Operationally, this refers to TVL students’ confidence in
their communication abilities, assessed through self-reports, interviews, and observations of their
engagement in communication-related tasks.
Technology: Tools and systems that enhance human capabilities. Operationally, this encompasses
computers, mobile devices, internet access, and software used by students for learning and
TVL Students: Students enrolled in the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track. Operationally, this refers
to students enrolled in the TVL track at Picanan National High School during the study period. These
definitions ensure clarity and consistency throughout the research.
Aliswag, E., Jopida, A., Batario, J., Cortez, E., Delarosa, R., Cleofas, J., Angkayah, B., Villanueva, J., Notario,
A., Gatdula,E. and Alvarez, M., 2017. Professional Guidelines in research writing. 2nd ed. Nicanor St.
Manila: Aliswag Review Center, pp.21-37.
Ricaforte, L. (2019). Finding the silver linings in the new normal time: Exploring on the challenges and
opportunities through the eyes of the students [Unpublished doctorate thesis]. Universidad de
Zamboanga-Main Campus, Zamboanga City.