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100 Pirates to



100 Pirates to Encounter
Design: Neal Litherland

Editing and Layout: Adrian Kennelly

Cover and Page Backgrounds: Lord Zsezse Works

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.

Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd

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Introduction given a dishonorable discharge after break-
ing an admiral’s wrist for laying hands on
Pirates can be a common sight in a sea- her without her leave, according to pirate
borne campaign, or even one that spends legend Shanka smashed her way out of the
enough time in ports. This is a collection of brig and stole her former warship. Re-
100 different pirates that can be encoun- named the Blood Tide, the ruddy red hull
tered in a fantasy setting. Some of the list- has become a terror to anyone who has
ed pirates are captains of their own ships valuable goods in their hold.
whilst others are regular pirates, although 4. Eron “Eagle Eye” Shin: A thin young
ordinary they are not. Not all the pirates man with home-cut hair and an unflinching
are evil; although some will raid any ship gaze, this former cabin boy can identify a
that they can, often with no survivors, oth- flag at a thousand yards even in a gale.
ers are more particular about whom they Often found in the crow’s nest, he keeps
choose to prey on, targeting slavers and a crossbow and a dozen bolts up there for
corrupt merchants. company, and has been known to shoot
down birds for extra rations.
The pirates listed can be used for fleshing
5. Ezukail The Sea Devil: Though most
out a ship’s crew, whether a that of a foe
who’ve never laid eyes on this creature
or an ally, as individuals to be encountered
believe it’s a mere tiefling, those who have
in a dockside tavern or as a source of po-
been in Ezukail’s presence will swear that
tential adventure hooks, as characters are
it’s a devil from the deepest trenches of
hired to deal with the pirates or recover
the sea. Reports say the Ezukail’s hide
something they have stolen.
is thick enough to turn the sharpest cut-
lass, and that the fiend breathes smoke
Using the Pirates like a dragon. Its ship, Dead Man’s Reef,
is said to be crewed by abominations from
Random pirates can be selected using d100 beneath the waves, their eyes black and
but it is a better idea to choose appropriate empty. In some legends, it’s said that you
ones manually depending on the situation. can surrender yourself to Ezukail’s mercies,
but that to do so is to join the ranks of its
1. Brigham Hardacre: A short, balding crew... a fate worse than death to most
man with a stomach that’s going to fat, sane men.
and heavy, scarred hands, Hardacre has
6. Durgon “Ax” Bloodbeard: A burly,
been both a bosun and a quartermaster in
his time. While his speech is slow,
there is a remarkably agile mind
behind his thick features.
2. Barwin Marsh: A halfling with
an easy smile and a ragged mop
of dark hair, Barwin earns his keep
on any ship he takes service with
as a navigator. Able to read the
stars as well as maritime maps, he
makes sure he’s indispensable to
every crew he happens to join...
even if he takes a bit of a back
seat when battle is joined.
3. “Commander” Shanka Scar-
back: A rangy half-orc who was
blonde dwarf, Durgon is a smuggler first one seems sure who is actually in charge
and a pirate only out of necessity. When he of J’Accuse, or when he even got onto the
does draw the broad-bladed ax he keeps ship in the first place.
at his belt, though, he is ferocious enough 12. Darian Rivers: Often mistaken for
that his hair and beard run red. the ship’s cabin boy due to his youth and
7. Evonna “The Shark”: A long-legged slender build, Darian has proved himself
elven woman who always walks the deck a more than capable skirmisher when it’s
in her bare feet, Evonna was raised to the time to pull steel. Press-ganged into ser-
sea. Most of those she sails with believe vice before he was even old enough to
she can calm storms, and sing to fish to shave, he’s killed more men and taken
bring them closer. It’s her ability to scent more ships than anyone with three times
bloodshed on the air, though, that earned his years on the crew.
her such an unusual name among her 13. Dwina Barclay: A mining engineer
crewmates. who much preferred a life of adventure to
8. Fiona “Banger” Berwin: A halfling one of drudgery, this dwarf’s unique weap-
woman with a mad shock of ginger hair, ons can cripple a ship without sinking the
Fiona is half-deaf from her time working cargo. Though she might seem harmless,
with deck-clearers and alchemical muni- with her round cheeks and short-fingered
tions. She loves anything that explodes, hands, there’s a hard sharpness just be-
and as many of her crewmates have neath her soft exterior and good nature.
learned it’s a good idea to be far away 14. Chagga Thunders: A half-orc with
when she starts tinkering with her latest enormous shoulders and a huge, barrel
prototype. chest, Chagga is a former oarsman who
9. Horace “Hangman” Verger: Some now sets the ship’s pace at the drum. One
pirates are known for having a code that swing from his mallet is enough to cave in
they cling to, but for many it’s just a guide- a strong man’s ribs, whether he’s wearing
line during times of convenience. Horace armor or not.
Verger’s code is ironclad, though, and 15. Arnault “Red Sails” Asher: A tall
those who break it endure the full brunt of young man who still wears the officer’s
his wroth. He’s hung a dozen members of coat he earned during his brief time as
his own crew who felt that killing captives a part of the Queen’s navy, his cuffs are
was easier than feeding them, or who have frayed and scorched. A wizard with pin-
tried to force themselves on a prisoner. point precision, one of his favored tactics
10. Dranner “Cookie” Marsden: A dark- for halting a fleeing vessel is to set their
skinned half-elf with an easy smile and a sails ablaze and watch the crew panic.
sensitive palate, Dranner makes sure any 16. Shannai Aetherwight: An elf with
crew he serves with is well fed. The brand moon silver hair and milk cream skin,
on his left cheek is unusual, though, and Shannai’s white robes seem to float about
those few who can read the high elven her; as if she’s a vision from beneath the
characters know that it marks him as an waves. She prays to the sea and the storm
exile from the Green Wilds. What he did to to keep her crew safe, and as far as her
earn that punishment, though, he prefers shipmates are concerned the sea favors
not to say. her greatly. That’s why whenever they take
11. J’Accuse: A goblin with pebbly gray a ship, at least one prisoner is bedecked
skin, a single, yellowed fang, and sever- in wealth and tipped over the side. The
al notches in his ears, J’Accuse is always weight of the gold drags them down, giv-
scrambling about the ship on some errand ing their thanks to the dwellers in the deep
from someone. The funny thing is that no that Shannai prays to.

17. Jarno Bosley, The Illustrated Man: hear it. A soft balm when singing, when
Seated on a heavy wooden throne behind she vents her wrath her words have been
the ship’s wheel, every inch of Jarno’s skin known to leave grown men trembling,
is worked with hundreds of strange, arcane blood and tears running from their eyes.
pictograms. Those who can hold their gaze 22. Gurny “The Fisherman” Halicut: An
on the sorcerer claim that the symbols older man with a scar-seamed face, Gurny
writhe beneath his flesh, and that strange, and the other crewmen aboard the Dead-
shadowy figures move behind the bindings. liest Catch don’t look all that remarkable.
Some claim they’re familiar spirits, others In fact, they look like fishermen... which
that they’re demons bound into his flesh, is what most of them were, once upon a
but whatever they are they seem to whis- time. With the huge schools of fish that
per to him, clambering onto his shoulders once lived in their waters frightened by
and reaching for his ears. the huge shipments of freight now passing
18. Sczarna “Salt Lips” Waterspout: A through, though, these hardened men now
gnome whose sunset hair is shot through prey on the merchants who drove their
with white streaks, Sczarna seems half livelihood away.
mad to most who meet her. According to 23. Zerk “Sea Dog” Bloodfinger: A gnoll
rumor, she was marooned on a deserted with patchy fur and a constantly lolling
island, and ended up drinking salt water tongue, Zerk is missing the little finger on
when she couldn’t find any fresh. It gave his left hand. A former slaver who barely
her dark dreams, and in her sickened, fe- escaped a mutiny with his life, Zerk was
verish state she claims to have wandered shown mercy by those he’d put in chains.
the old, sunken cities where the Forgotten These days he actively seeks out slave
live. She hates the sea, but she knows that ships, giving the unwilling crew a place
if she tries to leave it, she’ll wake back up among his sea-bound brothers.
on the shore with no memory of how she
came to be there. 24. “Lord” Arcanthus Harbinger: Known
all along the cost for the devil’s skull that
19. The Ferryman: A shrouded figure tan- grins from his black flag, Harbinger claims
gled in seaweed, this necromancer raises to be a noblemen, as well as a privateer
his servants from the depths of the sea instead of a pirate. Both of these claims
rather than from the soil of the earth. Even are dubious, at best, and those who ask for
his vessel, the Leviathan, is a hideous con- proof of either of his claims tend to be met
glomeration of creaking bones and aging with steel rather than with an official writ.
sinew held together by dark magic and fell
pacts. Gold rarely draws his attention, but 25. Caul “Slivers” Wartooth: A raw-
rare gems and shipments of potent relics boned, bald orc with gray skin that’s been
are blood in the water to this feared cap- left pebbled in an odd, scale-like pattern of
tain. scars, he speaks very little. Caul’s hands
are strong and steady, though, which
20. Turbin “The Lucky” Salan: A tall, makes him an excellent barber surgeon. In
dark-skinned man with eyes so brown fact, he’s so swift (and experienced) that
they’re nearly black, Turbin’s white ship is he can saw through most of a man’s leg
called the Albatross. Huge, and able to sail before the patient has even had a chance
long distances across troubled waters, it to cry out.
will always outlast any prey that it chases,
leaving them exhausted when it is finally 26. Lennifar “Lux” Kettlewax: While
time to cross swords. a middling sailor even under the best of
circumstances, Lennifar’s true skills lie in
21. Ithalla “The Siren” Lyrium: An an- entertaining and inspiring the crew during
gular sea elf with hair the color of kelp, times of hardship. This gnome can go for
Ithalla’s voice is enchanting to all who
an entire voyage without singing the same in hash-mark scars. Every scar represents
song twice, and when the wind dies she’s a life he’s taken with the silvered razor he
prone to holding deeply amusing, farci- wears on his hip, and the pain he’s been
cal trials of her fellow pirates where their willing to endure for the right to live anoth-
crimes (and sentences) are exaggerated to er day.
truly mythical proportions. 32. Tarkus Darkhair, The Draughr’s
27. Gleeda Spirox: A red-skinned kobold, Bastard: A dhampir pirate who wields his
Gleeda is the coal-minder on her ship. Able father’s blackened steel bastard sword in a
to handle the hot rocks without harm, she single hand, Tarkus is bloodthirsty in more
lights the lanterns, and ensures any heat ways than one. The captain of the Black
sources remain tightly controlled. She’s Sun, there are few sights more terrifying
also been known to sleep curled around than this ship’s black sails blooming out of
her coal bucket, sucking in its warmth on the setting sun, the gleaming red eyes of
chilly nights. its crew hungry for plunder.
28. Remiel “The Ram” Targoth: A mi- 33. Duriel “The Celestine”: With a voice
notaur whose frame ripples with powerful like silver chimes, and eyes that gleam the
muscles, Remiel is the master-at-arms color of amethysts, Duriel’s “choir” are a
aboard the Ironwood. This massive war terror to smugglers, slavers and greedy
galley is known for slamming through its merchants who put their own profits over
target’s hull, pinning the ship so it can’t people’s well-being. Their ship, Belgara-
run away before the crew swarms over thon, has nine sets of wings that double as
the gunwales. Remiel himself is known sails, but which can also be used to make
for leading these assaults, cutting a huge the ship fly. When fully awakened at Duri-
swath to make way for the rest of his men. el’s command, Belgarathon’s eleven eyes
29. Tendro “Undertide” Reefhammer: can channel potent beams of celestial fire
The designer and head engineer who capable of decimating a vessel.
built the unique ship known as the Trench 34. Shardis Darkmantle: A fetchling
Spike, Tendro is short, thin and sports a with a wry sense of humor, and a rather
full mustache instead of a more traditional disturbing smile, Shardis’s ship is crewed
beard. He is extremely proud of his inven- entirely by people of her own kind. While
tion, and accompanies the Spike every- they specialize in smuggling, using their
where she goes. The submersible vessel ship’s unique ability to slip into the shadow
typically emerges without warning from the realm, the Sideways is not averse to taking
sea, takes what it wants from the ships its an easy mark if they happen to stumble
marked out as victims, and then vanishes across one in open waters.
back into the depths where those above 35. Potswole Kettleblack: Those who
the waves cannot hope to follow. meet Potswole see nothing more than a
30. Traknskylt: A young half-orc with a round-bellied halfling living on a tiny, float-
stoic disposition, Skylt is always the first ing island with a small hut, a few chickens,
to lend a hand on the lines, and the last and a rain catcher. Looks can be deceiving,
to leave the bar when his ship is in port. though, as the remainder of Potswole’s
Though he wears a heavy-bladed knife at ship lies beneath the waves, out of sight of
all times, most of his fights are ended by potential victims. Ships who anchor near
his sunken knuckles, or with a single, deci- what is little more than a camouflaged
sive blow from his thick brow ridge. crow’s nest often find that the industrious
31. Jace “Cutter” Creed: A slender, halflings have slipped aboard in the night,
soft-spoken man with a shaven head and taken everything of value, and that the
a long beard, Jace’s entire body is covered island has vanished into the night.

36. Audura Steeplechase: A dark- order to call on beings whose names can
skinned woman with a fiery tongue and only be spoken of in whispers at sunset.
a prodigious thirst for spirits, her father 41. Sae Song, The Crossbones Wife:
was hanged as a pirate when she was a This elegant half-elf has the bearing of a
little girl. Called “The Renegade Queen” by queen, but in another life she was a com-
some, she rarely turns down an opportuni- mon whore. A favorite of the infamous
ty to make a profit, and has never once left Captain Grayson Riptide, she was his lov-
a crewman behind. er, and in time became his sea wife. When
37. Jack “Stowie” Silver: A quickling Riptide was killed, she stepped into his
with a devious mind and fast hands, Jack place, and led his ship to a bloody victo-
stowed away on the Lost Sunrise to escape ry. Now she commands a fleet of dozens
a small gang of cutthroats who meant to of vessels, though she has taken no other
sell him as a curiosity. Before revealing husband but the black flag since Grayson
himself to the crew, Jack poisoned the cab- slipped beneath the waves.
in boy to ensure there was an opening on 42. Doldrun Smollett: A halfling with a
the ship for him to fill. friendly demeanor and a large crow on
38. “Mama” Cacklewraith: An ag- his shoulder, Smollett hires himself onto
ing harpy with an eye for young meat, merchant vessels, learns their route, then
“Mama” spends the majority of her time in sends Croaker off to bring the rest of the
the crow’s nest. She tends to have a fair crew to pluck the bounty. It’s good luck to
amount of company up there, as well, and have a halfling on board, or so many crews
sometimes that company even climbs up believe, so he rarely has trouble planting
the rigging of their own volition. the seeds for this particular scheme.
39. Krell “Kris” Gutter: A broad-shoul- 43. Starnam Vale: An old man in a tat-
dered hobgoblin with a single eye, Krell is tered robe with a ratty beard, this most-
the commander of the unusual ship known ly mad scholar has been a key advisor
as The Bridge. This massive catamaran to many pirate captains over the years.
is actually constructed from more than Found marooned on an island in the Gulf
two dozen ships, each of them crewed by of Treason, clutching a black pearl the size
a distinct group of goblinoids. With giant of a man’s heart, he often seems like little
bat riders as an air force, several pieces more than a scatter-brained dotard. When
of mobile artillery that can be brought to his attention is focused, though, he speaks
bear from any angle, and shielding that with the certainty of a coming doom that
can be dumped as ballast, The Bridge can all would do well to heed. Able to sniff out
assemble or scatter as needed. While the traps, predict storms and to locate buried
disparate crews often squabble over loot, treasures, those who treat him well find
the commander and her wavy-bladed knife the stars are often in their favor.
always have the final say. 44. Blanche Tender, The Man Eater:
40. Amalie “Caller” Brimstone: A beau- One of three captains who form the dread-
tiful young woman with an aristocratic ed Skull Island Coven, this storm hag’s
bearing, Amalie is rarely found without the temper puts even the deadliest of hurri-
twisted little imp named Spite who acts as canes to shame. She treats her men well,
her counselor and assistant. The front deck but she’s been known to eat those who
of the ship is reserved for her workings, displease her. When fresh captives are tak-
and the summoning circle where she calls en back to the island, she enjoys deceiving
on the aid of malignant forces to assist in several of them into laying with her, re-
their raids. Sometimes, if they face a par- vealing herself only after they thought they
ticularly strong adversary, she will even had a chance of escape. Her daughters are
sacrifice a crewman of lower standing in marked by a single, cloudy gray eye that
flashes when they grow angry. offers blood and treasure to a bevy of dark
45. Boris “The Bravo” Tagosi: A man powers, and while no one seems entirely
with his hair dyed a vibrant red, and his sure that infernal forces safeguard him, all
dark leather surcoat burned in fanciful agree that he has the devil’s own luck.
patterns, Boris has been likened to a par- 50. Shaquel Vain: A spearman with a
ticularly deadly peacock. His sword has head of long, green hair, and a powerful
fought for a dozen different pirate captains, physique, Shaquel is one of the Air Raid-
and though the price he charges is high, all ers. This mer-vessel, captained by Tauri-
agree that gold is cheap if it buys his steel. el Sha’Far, targets ships that sail on the
46. Delilah “The Dealer”: A gambler by surface of the water. The raiders come up
trade, and a killer by necessity, this ra- from below wearing specialized helmets
ven-haired beauty has left more than a few that allow them to breathe in the open air,
bodies floating face down in her wake. Able and take whatever items they determine
to turn even a simple deck of cards into to be of value. These raids often confuse
deadly weapons, she often disguises her- the crews subjected to them, as items that
self as a fortune teller in port cities to pick may be considered worthless above water
up word on big scores and full ships. She are greatly prized beneath, and objects of
even takes passage on board those ships, great worth on the surface as considered
using her unique talents to assist her com- dross beneath the waves.
patriots when they make a play for the 51. Dane Duckling: A gnome with a nas-
vessel and its cargo. ty facial scar, stained teeth from years of
47. Briss “Night Eyes” Bonebane: A chewing the weed, and a noticeable hunch,
half-orc woman with a deep, olive skin Dane was often called an ugly duckling
tone and a thick head of unruly braids, growing up. He has a talent for strategy
Briss originally found her calling in the river and unexpected maneuvers, though, which
country. Able to steer and keep a look- has made him a respected officer among
out without so much as a lantern on deck, the crew of the beautiful and deadly pirate
“Night Eyes” has been essential for avoid- ship the Blonde Swan.
ing dozens of ambushes, and for springing 52. Jacqui “Misty” Sandbar: A deep-
more than twice that number. ly-tanned half-elf from the Radiant Islands,
48. Taldori Tunnelblaster: An engineer Jacqui is a talented illusionist. Using her
who specialized in clearing huge amounts subtle spells to disguise her ship, and even
of rock, this dwarven alchemist found a her fellow crewmates, Jacqui has been
new calling in mining well-traveled sea instrumental in some of the most brazen
lanes. Her unique devices float unseen be- raids ever seen along the coast. However,
neath the surface, and cause just enough it’s her fondness for using phantom fog
damage to the ship to strand it, scuttling banks to hide a retreat that earned her
the ability of those on board to resist. And nickname.
if they insist on putting up a fight, Taldori 53. Connard “The Vulture” Briskett:
and her crew are more than happy to dive With a ship barely large enough to deserve
down to recover the treasure from the the title, a much-patched sail, and as mot-
wreck once there are no more defenders. ley a crew that ever floated on the sea,
49. Raka Masterson: A black sheep noble most don’t take Connard and his men seri-
bastard, Raka has his father’s green eyes, ously. Despite their appearances, though,
and his mother’s charcoal complexion. A the Vulture’s crew are fierce fighters, and
devoted diabolist, his ship is hung with like any skilled predators they have a
strange fetishes made from the bones and knack for finding the most vulnerable prey.
sinew of a dozen different creatures. He 54. Captain Ratchet: An impossibly tall

and angular figure, this mithril golem has Van Velt’s ship has never run tighter than
seen better days. Commanding the mech- with Charice making sure everything is in
anized crew of the Iron Monger, this cap- its proper place.
tain’s goals and pattern are impossible 59. Triond “Squire” Hedgerow: A young
for most to comprehend. This has caused man who left squiring behind, he reads
some speculation that Ratchet is just a ser- and writes for his crewmates and captain.
vant of another power, though no one can Capable of wielding a sword and shield if
figure who would have built a contraption called upon to do so, Triond is much more
as complex and deadly as the Iron Monger comfortable with a pen in his hand.
and her crew.
60. “Busted” Luck Loggins: The unluck-
55. Honor VanDemar: The only honor iest halfling in the world, his shipmates
among thieves, or so this bosun often says claim that Luck is cursed. Some of his ill
with a laugh, Honor is a man with silver fortune seems to rub off on their enemies,
hair and an unbent bearing. Loyal as he is though, making the dour halfling a kind of
hard, he has served every captain that’s mascot among his cohorts.
taken him on faithfully, and his word is
considered good by all who know his repu- 61. Bant “Tithes” Prentice: A skinny old
tation. man with flyaway hair and an ever-grow-
ing bald spot on top of his head, Bant was
56. “Brokeback” Bree Basher: A half- a tax man in a former life. Hard as boiled
orc whose tusks are chipped, and her tat- leather, and unwilling to bend, he ensures
toos faded, Bree was grievously injured that everyone on the ship gets their dues,
when she was a young warrior. Unable to and that all give an equal portion to cover
walk, and bound to a wheeled chair, she their damages to keep the ship afloat.
has proven no less willful or dangerous.
With a crossbow near to hand, and enough 62. Obsidian: A brooding figure often
strength in her hands to snap a man’s neck found on the fore of the ship, Obsidian is a
like a twig, there are some who say she’d gargoyle that’s claimed the Maelstrom as
be completely unstoppable if she still had its home. Dangerous in the extreme when
her legs. the vessel or any of its crew are threat-
ened, Obsidian has been known to take a
57. Duro Fen, The Chainbreaker: Duro liking to those who stand the dark watch.
Fen was a half-elf who was born a slave, It’s become something of a rite of passage
and knew nothing but the lash and the for new ship members to not be told Ob-
collar his entire life. It wasn’t until he was sidian is alive, and to wait and see how the
forced onto the ship known only as the gargoyle reacts to them.
Rack that he had his first act of rebellion,
though. Wriggling his bloody wrists free 63. Oaken Broadleaf: A slender tre-
from his manacles, he slew the breaker on ant who has become the caretaker of the
duty in the hold. Duro freed the others, Floating Forest, this unusual galley is made
and their mutiny sent dozens of slavers from dozens of living, breathing plants
down to a watery hell. On their stolen ves- that have all banded together. Beneath the
sel, they seek more slavers to prey upon, waves are thick coils of roots that catch
the numbers of men and ships growing fish while also filtering the water for the
ever greater in the Broken Fleet. crew above to drink. The Forest is a hun-
gry beast, eating enemy vessels and crews
58. Charice Harrihaut: A young half-elf while its own gang of pirates salvages the
with a gift for conjuration, Charice soon valuables the trees have no interest in.
found that what was a cheap trick to those
on land was a life-or-death matter for 64. Naline “Hawk” Menillin: An intense
those who lived upon the sea. A supply elf who has more in common with the
clerk for the Ignoble Glory, Captain Darene raptors she cares for than with most of the
people she sails with, the crew tends to expression, Selene has an uncanny percep-
give her a fairly wide berth. Her charges, tion of everything around her, even though
once released from their hoods and cages, her eyes are milky with cataracts. Often
can cripple an enemy ship’s defenders in found conversing with empty air, some
moments, gouging flesh and rending sails believe her mad... others that she can see
until the other ship is ripe for plundering. into the world beyond, and bargain with
65. Sturn “Stones” Stronghand: A dwarf the spirits that lurk unseen on the open
whose left hand is a twisted lump of black- ocean.
ened scar tissue, Sturn is a relentless hunt- 70. Traksys Waverider: A tall orc with
er. When he takes a ship on a raid, the first a shaven head and fish belly white skin,
thing he does is replace the losses on his Traksys is never seen without his necklace
own crew with members of the captives. All of teeth taken from dangerous ocean pred-
the other remaining captives, the ballast as ators. When a target is spotted, and the
he calls them, are tossed over the side. attack is called, Traksys dives over the side
66. Willow “Wisps” Swamplight: A of the ship, and emerges soon after on the
gnome with verdant green hair, Willow’s back of a deadly killer whale that he rides
eyes glow with a sickly, swampy light when into battle.
this witch casts her spells. One of her fa- 71. Hark Bowers: A half-orc with charcoal
vored tactics is to lure target ships into fog hide, an eagle’s eyes and a steady hand,
banks with the sounds of cries for help, or Hark is one of the deadliest bowmen on
with shadowy figures struggling to swim, the seas. Able to take out defenders with
preying on the better natures of a crew be- pinpoint accuracy, even in high winds and
fore her own swarms over their deck. in the dark of the night, Hark has sin-
67. Hera “Half Moon” Howlette: A gle-handedly captured ships before his
rangy woman with skin like teak and hair vessel even drew close enough to board.
like tightly curled onyx, she has an almost 72. Bluchard Durant: A heavyset man
animal-like energy about her. With a half with a black beard, barrel chest and arms
moon scar around one eye, and a tenden- like dock pilings, Bluchard was a long-
cy to dress in captured finery, she cuts a shoreman on the take for years before he
dramatic figure on the main deck. What set foot onto the high seas. He holds loyal-
most don’t know is that the sea dogs she ty to no one, and there is practically noth-
commands are far more than they appear; ing he won’t do if the price is high enough.
every man and woman on her crew has 73. Sargassa: Called the Witch of the
been infected with lycanthropy by Howl- Shallows by some, the pale figure calls on
ette’s own jaws. the plants of the waters to come to her aid.
68. “Prince” Rashid Cain: A strikingly The weeds entangle a ship’s oars, snare
handsome young man who wears his dark the rudder and bring even stout vessels
hair in ringlets, and his black beard in a to a standstill before her crew boards with
single braid, Rashid was born to the ocean. steel in hand.
The second child of the Pirate Queen Pri- 74. The Plague Doctor: A bird-masked
anna Cain, Rashid was given the Dawn’s figure in a ragged cloak perching on the
Blood as a gift on his seventeenth naming upper deck of a plague ship, this creature
day. Despite his family ties, though, Rashid is spoken of only in whispers. This strange
has distinguished himself in the bloody captain seems more interested in flesh,
coastal trade, and his crew follows him, medicine and magic than it is in gold, and
rather than his name. most would rather submit than risk infec-
69. Selene “White Eyes” Li’Care: A blind tion from the strange, sore-ridden wretch-
drow with a willowy frame and a serene es that constitute the plague ship’s crew. If

anyone does resist, then the Plague Doc- ating manner, Maralute claims his crew is
tor takes the wounded as compensation... made up of skilled performers and enter-
though for what purpose no one seems to tainers. In fact, these brigands can put
know. on quite a show. Often they will pull up to
75. Volon Vale, the Storm Lord: A young pleasure barges and other ships owned by
man whose dark, tangled hair seems to the wealthy or the nobility, and then once
always be caught in a breeze, Vale has the performance has enthralled everyone
the essence of the storm boiling through watching, they strike.
his veins. Though he lacks the years to 80. Arondale the Sea Slain: The mad
have properly grown into his frame, this captain of the Drowning Tide seems like a
living tempest has smashed a dozen ships normal man to those who first meet him.
to splinters with the force of his lightning. His shoulders are hard with muscle, and
Those who feel the air grow tense know his hands roughed from a lifetime of han-
better than to try to fight the Storm Lord; dling lines, but there is something about
it isn’t worth the price. his eyes that unsettles most people. A
76. Narash “The Taskmaster”: A sensation that he has seen things no oth-
bare-chested, thick-bearded man with er man atop the sea has witnessed. Years
a whip of braided angel skin at his hip, ago, Arondale was tossed overboard in
Narash commands the fiends who row and a storm. He says the goddess of the sea
fight for the Devil’s Backbone. Those who showed him her underground palaces, and
have looked into his eyes see that while he that she swore she would bring him there
might be a man, he fears neither the gods to live among her people... if he pleased
above, nor the devils below. her.
77. Eovayne Lehue, Queen of The Nar- 81. Trevor Boggins: One of the many
rows: Never put your ship through the sons of Blackfoot Boggins, Trevor has
narrow straits under a new moon, or so a mop of black hair and a wide, wicked
the old salts will tell you. If you sail in that grin. He and his siblings are feared by all
blackness, and find yourself in the mist, merchants who try to bring their goods
then you may be accosted by a crystal ship through the Briny Marsh. The halfling raid-
captained by a lavender-hued lady. Those ers’ rafts are light enough, even when
who are cordial, and who offer her gifts, loaded with stolen plunder, that they nev-
may find her willing to grant you passage. er get stuck in the black waters and thick
Those who stand and fight will find they mud. And their small size means they
need iron to hold against the queen, and can escape through secret tributaries that
her crew of fey creatures. those who don’t live in the marsh could
never find.
78. “Papa” Loska: An old man with a
hide that’s been tanned dark from years in 82. Pliny the Pike: The leader of a small
the sun, and a beard that’s been yellowed group of river pirates, Pliny and his cohorts
rather than whitened, Loska looks like a claim to be a mercenary company in order
kindly old grand pap. Just beneath that to take service with captains going through
kindly exterior, though, is a will of iron. The bandit country. Once the river boats are
captain of the Lost, the ship’s crew is made out of sight of civilization though, Pike and
up almost entirely of children. Runaways his men toss the crew overboard, stealing
and unwanteds, Loska taught them ev- the ship and all it has in its holds.
erything he knows, and they are far more 83. Taliana Trueform: A gnomish sor-
vicious than they might appear. ceress with a plume of hair as colorful and
79. Maralute the Smiling: An effusive wild as any exotic bird’s, Taliana books
man with nimble fingers and an ingrati- passage on ships for herself as a dealer in
rare raptors and parrots. It’s only when the
ship is underway, though, that she takes a booming voice, Glorian’s chest is covered
the birds out of their cages and restores in deep scars from wounds that would have
them to their true forms; the warriors of killed lesser warriors. Though he looks and
the Black Eagle. Never has a ship been so sounds like a brute, rumors say that he is
surprised as when these hardened killers far more shrewd and sly than many would
come boiling from below decks, eager for believe. What they don’t know is that the
blood. true Glorian Harras is actually the monkey
84. Brash Breyfogle: A middle-aged pi- sitting on the half-orc’s shoulder. A poly-
rate with a wild streak that’s only gotten morphed wizard, Glorian recruited his first
meaner with every passing year, he has mate Grizzen to pretend to be the captain,
a face like a meat ax, and a laugh like a and to advise him. Grizzen simply does
warthog in rut. Though he makes an ade- what his captain tells him to, and so far
quate sergeant, creating bonds of cama- he’s managed not to give the game away.
raderie with a small group of men, he is 89. Ashante Merrincup: An old man with
worthless as a captain as he tends to let a bald head and a straight back, Ashante
his love of drink (along with his temper) was once a valued manservant held in high
get in the way. esteem by the old Lord Balthus. When
85. Trish Tarys, the Fiend of Fallaway: the old man died and his son took over,
A red-haired noble bastard, Trish was though, Ashante was unceremoniously cast
the first woman to ever be sentenced to out. While he did not have a penny to his
hang on the island of Fallaway. Her crimes name, what he did have were years of se-
ranged from the petty to the cardinal, but crets. Secrets about where valuables were
it was her own father, Lord Judge Rushtide, hidden, which shipping lanes were decoys
who presided. The sentence was never car- and which were used to send true treasure,
ried out, though. Trish escaped that night, and about which posts were commanded
slew her father, and escaped with his ship. by which warriors. Secrets that he happily
None know how she did it, and many claim gave to the pirate captain Cerise Darkwa-
that the charges of witchcraft she faced ter, along with his services as her chate-
may not have been as false as some be- laine.
lieved. 90. Eranelle Swift: An abjurer of uncom-
86. Tame “Strop” Mudgett: A quiet man mon skill, Eranelle lost a hand and a leg
with a thick mustache, Tame is always early on in her career as a pirate. With the
putting a razor’s edge on his own, and his right spells and proper expenditure of trea-
crewmates’, blades. Your sword can never sure to acquire the necessary rare compo-
be too sharp, he’s fond of saying. Gifted nents, her ship the Invincible became as
with steady hands, he often passes the good as its namesake. Though the crew
time during calms by shaving his fellows, gets only a fraction of their take, most of
and cutting their hair. them are more than happy to contribute to
maintaining the enchantments and protec-
87. Rowena “the Rake”: A powerful- tions of their unusual vessel.
ly-built half-elf with a wild mane of dark
hair, Rowena’s skin is covered in black, 91. Jezare Blackbones: A tall, gaunt
tiger-stripe tattoos. Often seen pacing figure wrapped in layers of ragged, black
before battle is joined, she lets loose with cloth, this tiefling was born with see-
a roar, transforming into a vicious beast. through skin. With their dark meat and
Those who stand before her learn that thorny bones naked for all to see, and their
tigers need no steel; their claws and teeth eyes burning like coals in the devil’s own
are more than enough to rend and rake. furnace, few are willing to stand and fight
this terrifying specter.
88. Glorian Harras: A huge half-orc with
92. Doro Strand: This hulking skragg
leads a horde of monstrous pirates. Her 97. Boragi Blackwell: A balding dwarf
ship, the Ebb Tide, rides low in the water, with a thick scar across his potato nose,
and the lower decks are completely flood- the Bulwark is much like him; heavy, unre-
ed. Despite her coarse appearance and lenting and able to weather storm and fire
harsh voice, Doro is a lover of all things alike. While the ship would never be ac-
pretty. Whether it’s gold, harpers, singers, cused of swiftness, the Bulwark is a float-
or dancers, she treats all of her pretties ing fortress, able to man dozens of fighters
like treasures once she gets her hands on and carry enough provisions to keep them
them. at sea for months at a time. Often it lurks
93. Bors Brokenhead: A big man thought out in the open waters, occasionally being
by many to be a simpleton, Bors has a div- mistaken for a small island.
ot in the back of his head from where his 98. Tran Tarker: A gnome with a lust for
skull was cracked as a child. The tow-head- adventure, the life of a treasure hunter
ed brute rarely feels pain, but he often and occasional pirate appealed greatly to
suffers from blinding headaches that come Tran. With hair the color the sea, and a
on for no apparent reason. They’re often nose able to scent gold at a hundred yards
proceeded by turbulent mood swings that (or so Tran claims whenever he tries to get
have left more than one companion with a in on the captain’s dealings), there is no
busted head, and cracked ribs. danger serious enough to discourage Tran
94. Dragg Bloodgutter: A whipcord-thin if there is a fortune to be found.
half-orc who inherited all the cruelty of his 99. Olaf the Oar Dancer: A man capable
human side, and all the brutishness of his of cleaving an enemy’s skull with a single
orc parentage, Dragg is a nasty piece of swing of his crescent moon boarding ax,
work. Most of his shipmates are glad he’s Olaf is surprisingly graceful for a man of
on their side, though. his raw bulk. He’s boasted that he could
95. Avery Turntide: A buccaneer whose leap from one oar to the next, even while
moods often shift with the wind, this dark- the ship was underway. Those who’ve
haired half-elf is not as mercurial as she been brave enough to drink with him claim
pretends to be. Her reputation as a brash they’ve even seen him do the oar dance...
and unthinking scoundrel who relies mainly for a little while, anyway.
on luck masks a cold, calculating mind that 100. Polyphea Seaborn: With skin the
always ensures she’s on the right end of shade of the deep sea, and a hypnotic
any business dealing. voice, Polyphea seems beautiful and ma-
96. Snotra Wandslinger: A halfling who jestic to most. While she is both of these
lacked the skills to master the intricacies of things, the aasimar’s black moods can de-
the arcane arts, Snotra and her crew utilize stroy the strong, and scatter the weak. It’s
uniquely portable forms of magic. Though said that in her rage her voice rings like
wands and scrolls are expensive weapons, the horn of judgment, and that the light
she finds that the rewards a few well- from her eyes can blind those who meet
placed enchanted items can lead to is more her gaze.
than worth their cost.

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