Sistema SCADA
Proyect : Port of Callao – Phase 2B Expansion Design and
Build Project
Code : ABB-PE-QAC-MAN-223
Versión :E
Project : CALLAO CONTAINER TERMINAL PHASE 2B Date : 11/07/2024
Document No. : ABB-PE-QAC-MAN-223 Checked by : RA
Rev No. :5 Status: Approved Approved: EB
1. GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. PROJECT OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4. PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5. SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1. MAIN MS2 SUBSTATION........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2. INTAKE SUBSTATION ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3. STS SUBSTATION ................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. DG SUBSTATION..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5. REEFER SUBSTATION ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6. E-RTG OUTDOOR PANELS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3. AC500 PLC AUTOMATION BUILDER ...............................................................................................................12
3.1. INTRODUCTION TO AC500 PLC AUTOMATION BUILDER ...................................................................................... 12
3.1.1. Operation ................................................................................................................................................. 12
4. SCADA - ABB ABILITY™ ZENON ......................................................................................................................14
4.1. INTRODUCTION TO ZENON ................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.1. Main Components of Zenon ................................................................................................................ 14
4.1.2. Startup Tool ............................................................................................................................................. 15
4.1.3. Zenon Runtime File for NEW EXPANSION OF THE TERMINAL, PHASE 2B ................................. 16
4.2. NAVIGATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.1. First View .................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2. Mouse Navigation ................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.3. Start Screen Configuration .................................................................................................................. 17 Navigation Menu ..................................................................................................................................................18 Sub Navigation Menu ..........................................................................................................................................18 Translate Button ..................................................................................................................................................19 Expansion Menu Button .....................................................................................................................................19 New Active Alarm indicator ..............................................................................................................................19
4.3. SCREEN OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Access .....................................................................................................................................................................19 Controls..................................................................................................................................................................20 Faceplates .............................................................................................................................................................20
4.3.2. MAIN SS ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Access for MAIN SS..............................................................................................................................................20 Faceplate for MAIN SS ........................................................................................................................................20 Indicators...............................................................................................................................................................23
4.3.3. INTAKE SS ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Access for INTAKE SS .........................................................................................................................................24 Faceplate for INTAKE SS ....................................................................................................................................24 Indicators...............................................................................................................................................................27
4.3.4. STS SS ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 Access .....................................................................................................................................................................27 Faceplate ...............................................................................................................................................................28
1. General
New expansion of Terminal, Phase 2B consists of SS type listed system, as part of an expansion project, there is a
requirement for automation of Intake substation, MS2, SE1.7, SE0.1, ERTG, DGS substation and high mast lighting
1.2. Applicability
1.3. Abbreviations
Abbreviation Explanation
I/O Input/output
SS Substation
DC Direct Current
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
• ABB developed the program logic per the SLD diagram and control narratives the customer gives for reliable
and efficient process operation.
• The IEDs are connected to the AC500 PLC PM5670 via MODBUS TCP. The automation builder is an engineering
tool used to develop the program code, and it has standard libraries where it can communicate directly to
2. System Overview
The EWS/OWS is installed with Zenon HMI software used for control operations; the system shall communicate with
AC500 PLC PM5670 through AC500 Codesys Driver, as per the architecture below.
All the MV substations and high mast lighting panel devices shall connect to AC500 PLC via MODBUS TCP and
• Operator:
Controls the process and acknowledge alarms, but does not tune or configure.
• Engineer:
Tunes the process and makes all application configurations. Handles the physical configuration, like server
configurations, adding users, and setting up security.
• Administrator:
A group with the security system disabled, i.e., a member of this group, has full access to everything.
Here, the operator can operate the incomer feeder, outgoing feeder, and some breakers monitored and controlled
through Hardwire.
Figure 1. Main SS Architecture (Devices in SCADA Cabinet, Workstation, and Hardwires Equipment).
2.4. DG Substation
All devices present in the substation will be connected to a local switch physically and communicate to the AC500
PLC PM5670 by the communication network, as shown below.
Figure 5. DG SS Architecture.
3.1.1. Operation
The controller must be protected to avoid accidental or intended access to the controller or the application.
Servers and workplaces not directly involved in the control and supervision of the process should preferably be
connected to a subnet that is separated from the automation system network using a router/firewall. This makes it
possible to control the network load better and to limit access to specific servers on the automation system network.
Note that servers and workplaces on this subnet are part of the trusted zone and, thus, must be subject to the same
security precautions as the nodes on the automation system network.
For process control security, a general-purpose information system (IS) network should not be considered a trusted
network, not the least since such networks are typically further connected to the Internet or other external networks.
The IS network is, therefore, a different lower-security zone, and it should be separated from the automation system
using a firewall. The IS and automation system networks should form separate domains.
• Zenon Operator:
The Zenon Operator is a cost-effective product that is adapted to machine operation. The primary function
conforms with Zenon Supervisor. Therefore, the Zenon Operator needs to improve functionality compared to the
Zenon Supervisor. Zenon Operator consists of an Editor and Runtime and can be used on all PC operating
• Zenon Supervisor:
The Zenon Supervisor is a comprehensive tool for creating and executing automation projects. It consists of an
Editor and Runtime, permits the quick creation of automation networks via a web connection, and can be used
on all current Windows operating systems. Zenon Logic is the programming environment integrated into Zenon
by IEC 61131. It is available as an Editor and Runtime (Soft PLC) for Zenon Supervisor and Zenon Operator.
• Zenon Editor:
Projects are created, configured, and maintained with the Zenon Editor. You can, for example, use symbols to
design a display element for temperature values. The Editor also serves to create Runtime files.
• Zenon Runtime:
Runtime is the program in which projects are executed. Monitoring of variables and parameter control can be
performed in this environment. For example, the current temperature from a device can be observed and
controlled in Runtime.
• Engineering PC:
The Zenon Editor and the Zenon Runtime are installed on the engineering PC. The customer SCADA engineering
team can improve the Zenon project's SCADA capabilities, make changes, and test newly added configurations
in the Zenon Runtime. For test purposes, this PC should have a connection to the PLC.
• Runtime PC:
The Zenon Runtime is installed on this PC, and is there the project runs. The operator handles the machine via the
Runtime project. It is also called the Workstation.
4.1.3. Zenon Runtime File for NEW EXPANSION OF THE TERMINAL, PHASE 2B
In the following chapters, a clear description will be given to explain how to use the SCADA system developed for the
current project.
All the details of how to access a display, navigate, send a command, create a trend, or generate a report are covered
in the present document.
We omitted the creation process on the editor workbench to keep things simple.
4.2. Navigation
The following pages will describe how to navigate through the project and how to get access to each screen and
After opening the Zenon Runtime, the “Overview” screen is displayed, which is shown below.
• Move Section
To move the displayed section of the worldview, you have several possibilities:
a) Press the space bar and click on the worldview. The form of the mouse cursor changes to a hand.
Now, you can move the worldview with the help of the mouse. Left mouse clicks are not registered in
the worldview when the space bar is pressed.
b) Click in the section with the right mouse button and move the mouse over the frame while holding
the right mouse button.
c) Press and hold the mouse wheel and move the mouse over the frame.
• Zooming
Click on the section and spin the mouse wheel to zoom. Zooming is carried out in the defined zoom steps.
During zooming, the mouse cursor remains over the selected position on the screen. (This feature is only
applicable to the Overview screen.)
The configuration for the Overview (start screen) has the following composition.
1 3 4
1. Navigation Button
2. Sub Navigation Menu
3. New Active alarm indicator
4. Expansion Menu
5. Diesel Generators Automatic Start Status
It is present on both screens (right and left) and takes you back to the start screen (left screen) no matter where you
This menu can be found at the top of the runtime screen, and the window below shows the navigation.
The menu will give you access directly to each substation, either indirectly using a submenu, as it is in case for ERTG
and REEFER substation group:
Or directly:
• SE0.1 STS SS
Provide the option to change the language from English to Spanish and vice versa.
Clicking on this button will give you access to a sub-menu where you can access the active alarm display, history
display, reports, trends, and other system functions like translate.
4.3.1. Overview
This figure 13, shows the entire single-line diagram for NEW EXPANSION OF THE TERMINAL, PHASE 2B project,
provides access to all information related to the status, measurements (using faceplates), and control for elements in
each small substation that make up the entire electrical deployment, that means that you can have a complete view
of what is happening in the system using this display and take the required actions to keep the regular operation on
the site. Access
• This is the start screen on the left monitor; thus, we will have direct access just by opening the runtime.
• Using the Navigation button.
• And using the Main sub-menu and clicking upon the overview. Controls
From this display, you can control all circuit breakers and disconnectors for all substations connected to the MV
system. For more details, please refer to the control section for the substation at issue. Faceplates
All the faceplates for the circuit breaker and disconnector you can open in each substation display are also available
on the overview display just by clicking over. For more details, please refer to the faceplate section for the substation
at issue.
4.3.2. MAIN SS
Show the status and measurements for each incomer and outgoing circuit, as well as alarm summary for the system
• By being on the overview screen and clicking on the name of the MAIN SS, you will get access to the MAIN
• Clicking in MAIN SS in the Sub Navigation.
The faceplate will be opened just by clicking over the desired circuit breaker or on the protection symbol.
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what incomer are clicking.
b) Measure: give access to the measure faceplate for the selected incomer.
c) Status: shows the real-time status of circuit breaker.
d) Commands: by clicking on the open button, an open command will be sent in contrast to the red
close button, which will then send a close command.
e) Alarm Summary: is a compendium of all alarms taken from the REF-615 relay.
To get access to this faceplate: Use the measure button in “Digital Faceplate Incomer.”
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what incomer are you clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: provide the data for the electric measurements in real-time. Indicators
4.3.3. INTAKE SS
• By being on the overview screen and clicking on the name of the INTAKE SS, you will get access to the
INTAKE SS display.
• Clicking in INTAKE SS in the Sub Navigation
The faceplate will be opened just by clicking over the desired circuit breaker or on the protection symbol.
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what incomer are clicking
b) Measure: give access to the measure faceplate for the selected incomer
c) Status: Shows the real-time status of circuit breaker
d) Commands: By clicking on the open button, an open command will be sent in contrast to the red
close button, which will send a close command.
e) Alarm Summary: is a compendium of all alarms taken from the REF-615 relay
To get access to this faceplate: Use the measure button in “Digital Faceplate Incomer.”
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what incomer are clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: provide the data for the electric measurements in real-time.
To access this faceplate, click over the circuit breaker symbols at issue or in the desired protection symbol.
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what feeder you are clicking
b) Status: Shows the real-time status of circuit breaker
c) Commands: By clicking on the open button, an open command will be sent in contrast to the red close
button, which will send a close command.
d) Alarm Summary: is a compendium of all alarms taken from the REF-615 relay
To get access to this faceplate: Use the measure button in “Meter Indicator.” Indicators
It shows real-time information for currents and lets you open the measurement faceplate related to any M4M meter.
4.3.4. STS SS Access Faceplate
In this display, you can get access to the following faceplates
To access this faceplate, click over the circuit breaker symbols at issue or in the desired protection symbol.
a) Name: contain the name information depending on what incomer or outgoing you are clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: Provide real-time data for the electric measurements.
To access this faceplate, click over the circuit breaker symbols at issue or in the desired protection symbol.
a) Name: dynamic text label with the name of the STS Outgoing
b) Measure: give access to the measure faceplate for the selected outgoing
c) Status: Shows the real-time status of circuit breaker
d) Commands: By clicking on the open button, an open command will be sent in contrast to the red close
button, which will send a close command.
e) Alarm Summary: is a compendium of all alarms taken from the REF-615 relay
To access this faceplate, click over the disconnector symbols at issue on the STS display or in the Overview screen.
a) Name: dynamic text label with the name of the STS FEEDER and the name of the cubicle
b) Status: Shows the real-time status of the disconnector
c) Alarm Summary: This is a compendium of all alarms taken from the earth switch and disconnector
4.3.5. ERTG SS
The following description is suitable for:
• Clicking in the desired group of E-RTG (ERTG-3A, ERTG-3B, ERTG-3C, ERTG-3D, ERTG-E, ERTG-4A, ERTG-4B,
ERTG-4C, ERTG-4D, ERTG-4E) Sub Navigation, a sub-menu with the list of all E-RTG will be displayed; click
over the selected E-RTG.
• By being on the overview screen and clicking on the name of the E-RTG, you will get access to the E-RTG
display. Faceplates
In this display, you can get access to the following faceplates.
To get access to this faceplate: Use the measure button in “Meter Indicator.”
a) Name: contains the name information depending on what incomer are you clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: provide the data for the electric measurements in real-time.
To access this faceplate, click over the disconnector symbol at issue just on the E-RTG screens.
4.3.6. REEFER SS
The following description is suitable for:
• SE1.7-1, SE1.7-2, SE1.7-3, SE1.7-4, SE1.7-5, SE1.7-6 Access
• Clicking in the desired group of REEFERS SS in the Sub Navigation, then a sub-menu with the list of all
REEFER SS will be displayed; click over the selected SS.
• Directly clicking the name of the desired substation in the Sub Navigation bar
• Being on the overview screen and clicking the reefer substation gives you access to the desired SS
display. Faceplates
To access this faceplate, click over the circuit breaker symbols at issue or in the desired protection symbol.
a) Name: contain the name information depending on what incomer or outgoing you are clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: Provide real-time data for the electric measurements.
To access this faceplate, click over the transformer symbol at issue on the REEFER display or the Overview screen.
a) Name: dynamic text label with the name of the related transformer.
To access this faceplate, click over the disconnector symbols at issue on the REEFER display or in the Overview
a) Name: dynamic text label with the name of the REEFER incomer disconnector.
b) Status: Shows the real-time status of the disconnector
c) Open and Close commands.
To access this faceplate, click over the breaker symbol at issue on the REEFER display or in the Overview screen.
a) Name: dynamic text label with the name of the REEFER incomer disconnector.
b) Status: Shows the real-time status of the disconnector
c) Open and Close commands.
To access this faceplate, click over the bank capacitor symbol at issue on the REEFER display.
Figure 47. Digital faceplate for real time measurement from Automatic Power Factor Converter in REEFER SS.
4.3.7. DG SS Access
• Clicking DIESEL GENERATOR in the Sub Navigation bar
• Being on the overview screen and clicking the DG SS name gives you access to the desired SS display. Faceplates
To access this faceplate, click over the circuit breaker symbols at issue or in the desired protection symbol.
a) Name: contain the name information depending on what incomer or outgoing you are clicking
b) Dynamic numeric labels: Provide real-time data for the electric measurements.
a) Name: contain the name information depending on what incomer you are clicking.
b) Dynamic numeric labels: Provide real-time data for the electric measurements.
c) Status: Show summary of signals status taken from the diesel generator controller.
d) Operational Mode: show actual operational mode.
e) Speed: shows actual speed measurement of diesel generator motor.
4.4. HML
For High Mast Lightning, several screens will allow the operator to monitor and control by their operation protocol.
a b
a) Summary for all HML: it shows the information for each HML, ON/OFF status, and % of luminance.
b) Location and status for an individual HML.
a) Status summary: it shows the status for the main signals related to HML operation like LOCAL/REMOTE
selector, Contactors status, Manual or Timer operation.
b) Controls Button: those buttons allow the remote operation of the HML.
Figure 55. Faceplate for Setting Schedule for Automatic Control of HML.
a) Turn on HMLs Time: this allows to set a specific hour and minute to turn on HMLs automatically.
b) Turn off HMLs Time: this allows to set a specific hour and minute to turn off HMLs automatically.
c) Apply Setting Command: This button allows you to load the new schedule configuration for automatic control
of HML in the SCADA System.
d) Status: shows the actual status of HMLs.
To get a successful command performance from SCADA, the LOCAL/REMOTE selector must
be set in REMOTE.
a) New Alarm indicator: when a new alarm appears, a flashing behavior is displayed.
b) New Alarm Counter: shows the quantities of new alarms that have not been acknowledged.
The idea of this brief list is to provide a quick view of any alarm without changing the display you are monitoring.
In the following picture, you can see the parts that make up the list:
b c
a) Column’s name:
• Alarm Status: Show a warning flashing triangle symbol fully painted in red for new alarms, and
for acknowledged alarms, the triangle will present the borders in red.
• Identification: is a description of the signal
• Variable name: provide the system variable name.
• Value: it depends on the nature of the variable for physical disconnector devices like breakers,
switches, and disconnectors. The abnormal value is 0, which means that the value that will be
shown as an alarm state is 0, in contrast with digital flags or wired status from the field where
the abnormal state is displayed with the value 1.
• Time received: the time stamp from the appeared abnormal state.
• Time cleared: shows the time stamp where the abnormal state changed to the normal state.
• Time acknowledged: the time for the acknowledging.
• Measuring Unit
b) Acknowledge All button: this lets you acknowledge all alarms with one click.
c) Open Button: provide you access to Active Alarm Display.
The columns shown are the same as those in the Brief Active Alarm List; nevertheless, some more functionalities are
immersed in the labels and buttons explained below.
a b c
a) Filter Controlling: provides the option to create several filters to select the desired signals. We will find the
buttons that will be explained below.
• Filter Button: gives you access to the dialog box, where you can select the type of signals (active,
non-acknowledge, or cleared), the period desired, and the area (substation) that belongs to the
b) Alarm’s statistics: Shows the quantities of active alarms and the non-acknowledge signals
c) Acknowledge Controls: include three buttons with several actions explained below
• Stop/Continue: stop the coming alarms
• Acknowledge all: all alarms will be acknowledged
• Acknowledge page: the alarms that are shown on the present page will be acknowledged
The color depends on type of alarm and whether the signals alarms have returned to the normal state or remain in the
abnormal state.
• Red: for critical signals alarms, which remains in an abnormal state and has not been acknowledged.
• Yellow: for informative signal alarms, signal has not been acknowledged.
• Green: after the signal is acknowledged, and signal has return to the normal state.
4.6. Trends
Trend Displays are used to present historical and live data to the operator. The history data and run-time data are
seamlessly integrated.
In the present project, there are two different types of trends in terms of variable type:
• Power Trends: provides the trend for the active power for the selected SS or group of substations
• Consume: shows you the trend for the Consumption for the fixed SS or group of substations
Furthermore, in terms of time, the trends could be defined as follows:
Real-time: shows the values in real-time
Archive: provide a trend for the value since the last day.
The trends in the present project depend on the operator's desire to consult Real-time or Archive data.
• Real-time: To get access to the Extender Trend screen, a button in the M4M faceplate has been
integrated with a function that commands the action to open the related screen.
Figure 62. Typical Extended Trend for Real Time for M4M Meter Values.
• Archive: provide a trend for the Active Power and Consumption to get historical information from the
last seven days and one month, respectively. By a Trend Button in the navigation menu, the operator
can select the desired M4M.
The following displays the information after selecting and clicking over your desired trend.
• Visualization
o Current (sinus wave display)
o Voltage (sinus wave display)
o Digital signals (binary bar chart display)
o Display of values at a selected cursor position.
o If an element representing neither current nor voltage is selected (such as frequency), this is again
visualized in both analog areas (current and voltage).
• Navigation:
o Zoom in and zoom out using the mouse wheel, scroll bar, and Multi-Touch gestures
o Enlargement of the area Selection of the area by clicking the mouse
o Move the display area using the right mouse button, scroll bar, or Multi-Touch gestures.
The control supports IEEE C37.111 (IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange
(COMTRADE) for Power Systems) standards-compliant files. ASCII or binary files by the 1999 or
2013 edition can be visualized. Older files or files without a year identification are not supported.
A warning dialog is called up when selecting an invalid/unsupported file.
• The historic data already created by Runtime must be copied to the new folder manually
if necessary.
• For multi-user projects, the path can only be amended in subordinate projects if the
higher-level project is unlocked for changes.
The Runtime files of the project are saved in this folder. The path is entered into zenon6.ini when the start project is
set. The Runtime folder can be amended in the project properties.
In the Runtime folder, there is the subfolder RT and a subfolder with the name of the computer. In the RT folder, there
are all Runtime files that are created by the Editor. In the Computer name folder, there are all data files that are created
in Runtime.
Ensure that there is sufficient memory where the Runtime data is stored, because there can be much
data, due to archiving, AML, CEL etc.
• User: Can conduct actions according to the authorization levels they have been assigned.
• Administrator: Can also conduct all other administration tasks such as cancelling blocks, resetting
passwords, create users, etc.
The concept of user administration assumes that different users have different operating rights, authorization levels,
and function authorizations. These rights are issued regardless of user type.
Users can be administered via Zenon and the Windows Active Directory; each user can be assigned several different
authorizations. A maximum of 128 (0 to 127) authorizations can be configured.
Once the runtime file is running, a login screen will be displayed for the user to log into the SCADA system.
You can also create or edit a user by clicking on the User List option in the expansion menu. This will take you to a
User List screen, figure 66, where all existing users are displayed; and depending on the authorization level, the New,
Edit, and Delete buttons will be enabled.
Upon selecting New or Edit in the User List screen, the following screen appears, figure 67, where you can create a
new user or edit an already created user.
6.3. DG Substation
a) Verify that there is communication.
b) Verify that the control circuits are powered.
c) Verify that the user is registered with the appropriate permissions.
d) Verify that it is in remote mode (all knobs).
e) Verify that no interlock is enabled (keys or any other).
f) Verify that it is not in trip.
g) Verify that the switch is in service.
h) Verify that the ground disconnect is open.
i) Verify that the spring is charged.
j) Verify that TCS is okay.
k) Verify that the low voltage CB spring is charged.
l) Verify that the control switches in the cell are closed (ON).
6.7. Highmast
a) Verify that there is communication.
b) The AUTO/MANUAL knob should be in MANUAL.
c) The LOCAL/REMOTE knob should be in REMOTE.
d) To operate in automatic mode through SCADA, enable the button called Automatic mode.
e) To operate it manually from SCADA, disable the button called Automatic mode.
7.1. Monitoring
You can customize the widgets you can view in the interface. Each widget provides information of a specific measured
property. This allows to watch in real time how the measurements change and analyze the current state of the system
elements. Thus, the dashboard are widget clusters who share the same topic.
7.1.1. Energy
The dashboard shows the trend lines for a selected group in comparison to another, in a specific period. This allows
the user to observe the energy behavior of each significant element in the system, including the incomers. It also
saves the data and generates a table for each asset with the active energy for a historic reporting and reflects the
energy cost using as a reference the market price.
Figure 69. Provided ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Interface Energy dashboard.
7.1.2. Power
Shows the power behavior in a selected period, for an asset, dividing it in Active, Reactive in Apparent power
trendlines who reflect its quality, and compares it with the other assets.
Figure 70. Provided ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Interface Power dashboard.
7.1.3. Current
Shows the current values and its trendlines for each asset in amperes and compares them in a table, displaying the
metering of each phase and the neutral.
Figure 71. Provided ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Interface Current dashboard.
7.1.4. Voltage
Shows the voltage values and its trendlines for a selected asset in volts for a selected period and voltage type and
compares the phases of that asset in a graphic chart.
Figure 72. Provided ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Interface Voltage dashboard.
7.1.5. Connectivity
For the last one, only one widget is shown. It displays the connection status of all assets linked to the system.
Figure 73. Provided ABB Ability™ Energy Manager Interface Connectivity dashboard.
7.2. Reporting
To generate a report, we have to hover the mouse over the “Analysis” section. Then it will display a menu with two
options, being “Reports” one of them. After selecting it, a menu will appear with the “Generate report” option.
After getting into the report window, we will have many options to select a specific report, if needed.
The “Report type” field allows us to select a specific measurement.
We click on “Add Items” to display a list of each asset. Then, we can select a particular asset or many, to compare.
After selecting the assets and clicking on “Generate Report” in the lower left corner, a notification will appear on the
“Reports” section of the drop-down menu associated with the User, allowing us to download a xlsx file with the
requested data.
Document Name : IP LIST FOR SCADA SYSTEM Prepared By : ER
Document No. : LE-055.011-300-19-425 Checked by : RA
Rev No. :1 Status : Approved Approved by : EB