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St7 EPB User Manual

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User Manual

Release 3.1

April 2004

This product is conform to the 89/336/EEC Directive. It complies with the ITE EN55022 standard for
EMC emissions and generic 50082-1 (1992 edition) immunity standards.
This product is an FCC Class-A apparatus. In a residential environment, it may cause
radioelectrical disturbances.
In addition, this programming board is not contained in an outer casing; consequently, it cannot be
immune against electrostatic discharges (ESD). It should therefore be handled only in static safe
working areas. Please refer to Appendix A Safety Requirements on page 13 for relevant safety


STMicroelectronics. As used herein:

1. Life support devices or systems are those 2. A critical component is any component of a life
which (a) are intended for surgical implant into support device or system whose failure to
the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose perform can reasonably be expected to cause the
failure to perform, when properly used in failure of the life support device or system, or to
accordance with instructions for use provided affect its safety or effectiveness.
with the product, can be reasonably expected to
result in significant injury to the user.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 About the user manuals... ............................................................................. 5
1.2 Host PC system requirements ...................................................................... 5
1.3 Getting assistance ........................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Delivery Checklist ......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Setting up your ST7-EPB .............................................................................. 7
2.3 Using the programming sockets ................................................................... 8
2.4 Using an in-circuit programming connection ................................................. 9
2.5 Additional information about ISP mode programming ................................ 11

Chapter 3: Hardware Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Parallel port connection .............................................................................. 12
3.2 About jumpers on the ST7 EPB .................................................................. 12

Appendix A Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Product Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Software updates ...................................................................................................... 14
Hardware spare parts ............................................................................................... 14
Contact List ............................................................................................................... 15

1 - Introduction ST7-EPB User Manual

Thanks for choosing ST7! This manual will help you setup and start using your
ST7-EPB programming board.
ST7-EPB programming boards allow you to program ST7 microcontrollers that
have EPROM, EEPROM and FLASH memories. Your programming board links, via
parallel port, to a host PC running ST7 Visual Programmer (STVP7) software. This
software interface allows you to customize and control the programming of an
application to your ST7.
The layout of your programming board varies depending on the type of EPB you
have ordered, as each programming board is designed to program a different sub-
family of ST7 MCUs.
Some programming boards also support either In-Circuit Programming (ICP), or
In Situ Programming (ISP) of your ST7 while it is mounted on your application
Note: A complete listing of the ST7 family of programming tools, including the devices and
programming modes that they support is provided in ST7 Programing Board Descriptions.

Parallel port
(P1 connector)


ICC cable
ICC connector
(10-pin, HE-10 connector)

Figure 1: Programming board with ICC cable

Note: The ST7 EPB is meant to program small numbers of microcontrollers (i.e. prototypes in the
development stage). For mass production programming, it is recommended that you use the
appropriate gang programmer.

ST7-EPB User Manual 1 - Introduction

1.1 About the user manuals...

This manual will help you setup your ST7-EPB programming board and connect it
to your PC. Here, you will find:
• Setup instructions
• Information about in-circuit programming connections
For information about the hardware and software intended for use with your
programming board, refer to the following documents that are included with it:
ST7 Visual Programmer online help - program your MCU
ST7 Programming Board Descriptions - a complete list of programming boards,
including the devices and programming modes they support
In-Circuit Programming Considerations - information about setting up your
application board for in-circuit programming
ST7xxxx Datasheet - programming information that is specific to your MCU

1.2 Host PC system requirements

Both the hardware and software that you will use to program your ST7 have been
designed to operate with:
• Microsoft® Windows® 98, 2000, Millennium, NT® or XP®.

• Intel® Pentium (or compatible) processor with minimum speed of 133 MHz.
• Minimum RAM of 32 MB (64 MB recommended).
• 50 MB of free hard disk space to install all of the ST7 tools.

Note: Windows® 2000, NT® and XP® users must have administrator privileges to install STVP7.

1.3 Getting assistance

For more information, application notes, FAQs and software updates relevant to all
the ST microcontroller families, check out the CD-ROM or our website:
For assistance on all ST microcontroller subjects, or for help using your
programming board, refer to the contact list provided in Product Support on
page 14. We’ll be glad to help you.

2 - Getting Started ST7-EPB User Manual

Your ST7-EPB programming board is equipped with the sockets you will need to
program a sub-family of ST7 MCUs. In addition, some programming boards also
support connections for In-Circuit Programming (ICP) or In Situ Programming
To help you get started programming with your EPB, the following sections provide:
• Section 2.1 – a checklist of components delivered with your ST7-EPB
• Section 2.2 – instructions for setting up your programming board
• Section 2.3 – instructions on the use of programming sockets
• Section 2.4 – instructions on setting up a connection for in-circuit programming
• Section 2.5 – additional notes about in situ programming

2.1 Delivery Checklist

The following items are delivered with your programming board (see Figure 2):
1 One ST7MDTxx-EPB programing board.
2 One power supply
3 One parallel cable
4 One 10-pin, HE-10 type ribbon cable with programming boards that support ICP
or ISP

Figure 2: Parts delivered with ST7-EPBs (not to scale)

ST7-EPBs come in several types, which support the programming of different families of ST7 and
package types. The sockets and connectors on your programming board will vary depending on the
type of ST7-EPB you have ordered, and may not correspond exactly to the version shown here.

ST7-EPB User Manual 2 - Getting Started

Figure 2: Parts delivered with ST7-EPBs (not to scale)

2 3


2.2 Setting up your ST7-EPB

To setup your ST7-EPB programming board:
1 Shut down and power-off the host PC.
2 Connect one end of the supplied parallel cable to the EPB’s P1 connector and
the other end to one of the host PC’s parallel ports (LPT1 or LPT2).
Note: Be sure to use the parallel cable provided with your kit — using a longer parallel cable may
cause malfunctions.
Connect the cable directly between the host PC and the programming board — inserting
additional cables or switch boxes between the host PC and the programming board may
cause malfunctions.
If a dongle (a hardware key required by some software packages) is already connected to the
PC’s parallel port, it should not interfere with the programming board. However, if a
malfunction of the board occurs, please remove the dongle and reconnect your EPB.

3 Connect the power supply to the programming board. Ensure that the power
supply is adapted to the mains voltage and outlet type used in your country.

2 - Getting Started ST7-EPB User Manual

Note: The board can be supplied from the integrated power supply provided with the board, or from
an external +15 VDC / 0.5 A power supply.

4 Power on the host PC.

2.3 Using the programming sockets

All ST7-EPBs come with one or more sockets for programming. The sockets that
are available to you for programming will vary depending on the packages for the
ST7 sub-family that your programming board supports.
Regardless of the type of socket, when installing an ST7 for programming you must
ensure that pin 1 of the ST7 corresponds with pin 1 of the socket.
To install your ST7:
1 Set up the EPB as described in Section 2.2 on page 7.
2 Identify the socket for your device package on the programming board.
3 Open the socket, or lift the lever (for ZIF sockets) and place the device into the
socket with pin 1 matching the pin 1 indicator on the programming board.
Caution: Take care when placing the device into a socket so as not to damage the device or the board.
Forcing the MCU into the socket may result in damage to the socket.

Pin 1 indicator

Pin 1

Pin 1 indicator

Figure 3: Installing MCU in a ZIF socket

4 Lock the device in place by lowering the lever again.

ST7-EPB User Manual 2 - Getting Started

Use the ST7 Visual Programmer to program your device. For more detailed
information about using ST7 Visual Programmer, refer to the software’s online

2.4 Using an in-circuit programming connection

Some ST7-EPB programmers allow in-circuit programming (ICP) of supported
ST7 Flash microcontrollers, thanks to the In-Circuit Communication (ICC) protocol
developed for ST7. This section provides information to help you setup your
application board for in-circuit programming of your ST7.
To take advantage of ICP you must have an ICC con- HE-10 type connector
nector (10-pin HE-10 type connector) installed on your
application board so that you can connect it to your pro-
gramming board using the provided ICC cable (10-pin,
HE-10 type ribbon cable). This connection is illustrated
in Figure 4.

Figure 4: In-Circuit Communication interface

Note: When using the ST7MDTS1-EPB, the VDD_APPLI is not connected to the ST7. When
setting up your application for in-circuit programming, refer to the ICP Interface diagram in the
In-CIrcuit Programming section of the ST7SCR Datasheet, instead of the diagram provided

2 - Getting Started ST7-EPB User Manual

Using the ICC protocol for in-circuit programming requires that a minimum of 4 and
as many as 6 pins of your ST7 be connected to your programming board (see
Table 1). Additional notes about these connections are provided in this section.

ST7 pin Connects to...

ICCDATA ICC input serial data pin ICCDATA

ICCCLK ICC output serial clock pin ICCCLK


ICCSEL/VPP Programming voltage ICCSEL/VPP

OSC1 or OSCIN # Main clock input for external ICCOSC

VDD Device power supply VDD_APPLI

VSS Device power supply (ground) GND

Optional connection for ST7MDTxx-EPB, see text.

Table 1: ICC connection requirements

Isolation of ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins
From the moment that your ST7-EPB is plugged into the application board, the
ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins must not be used by other application devices, even
when you are not programming the ST7. If the application uses these pins as
inputs, isolation such as a serial resistor must be implemented to prevent other
application devices from forcing a signal on either of these pins. The application
board must not drive current in excess of 1mA.
If the ICCDATA and ICCCLK pins are only used as outputs by the application, no
signal isolation is necessary.
For ST7 without an ICCSEL pin, during normal operation the ICCCLK pin must be
pulled-up internally or externally (10KΩ pull-up required in noisy environments).
This is to avoid entering ICC mode unintentionally during a reset.

Isolation of the RESET pin

During an ICC session, your ST7-EPB must control the ST7’s RESET pin. No
external reset can be generated by the application. This can lead to a conflict if the
application reset circuitry signal exceeds 5mA (push-pull output or pull-up resistor
<1k). To avoid such conflicts, a Shottky diode can be used to isolate the application
reset circuit.

The application pull-down resistor must not be lower than 10kΩ.

ST7-EPB User Manual 2 - Getting Started

ICCOSC pin #
The ICCOSC pin of the ICC connector must be connected to the ST7’s OSC1 or
OSCIN pin if the clock is not provided by the application, or if the application clock
source is not programmed in the option byte. This connection allows you to start
your ICP session using the ICP OPT Disable programming mode. In this mode,
your ST7-EPB provides a clock source to initiate communication with the ST7 at a
frequency of 16MHz.
For ST7 devices with multi-oscillator capability, when the ICCOSC pin is
connected, the OSC2 pin should be grounded.
Caution: For all versions of the following EPBs, the ICCOSC pin must not be connect to the device’s
OSCIN pin:


If your application provides a clock signal and you are certain that it is programmed
in the ST7’s option byte, you can start your ICP session using the ICP OPT Enable
programming mode. In this mode, your application clock source provides the clock
signal for initiating communication with your ST7 and ICCOSC is not connected to
your ST7.
Your ST7-EPB programming board provides a clock signal when using both the
ICP OPT Disable and ICP OPT Enable programming modes. If you start your ICP
session using ICP OPT Enable, the clock signal provided by the programmer may
conflict with the application clock and can cause a communication failure with your
ST7. To avoid this we recommend installing a jumper on the connection between
ICCOSC and the ST7. This jumper is removed when starting in the ICP OPT
Enable programming mode. If the user requires a clock signal from the
programming board in order to start in the ICP OPT Disable mode, the jumper is
left in place.

This pin is used by the programming tool’s power supply follower, which adapts the
voltage of the tool’s signals to your application’s VDD.
The VDD_APPLI pin must be connected when using any ST7MDTxx-EPB
programmer with ICP capability, except the ST7MDTS1-EPB.

2.5 Additional information about ISP mode programming

Before programming the OSCx option bits, make sure you have chosen the right
options configuration.The OSCx option bits are very important. If you program the
wrong OSCx option bits, depending on your hardware configuration, you may not
be able to reprogram the device in ISP mode.

3 - Hardware Features ST7-EPB User Manual


3.1 Parallel port connection

The ST7 EPB communicates with your host PC (running STVP7) via a parallel port
Most communication failures between the host PC running STVP7 and your
programming board stem from problems in the parallel port connection.
To prevent communication problems, when setting up your parallel port
• Configure your PC’s parallel port suing either the Centronics, EPP, ECP, or
bidirectional parallel port configuration.
• Use the parallel cable provided with your kit—using a longer parallel cable may
cause malfunctions.
• Connect the cable directly between the host PC and the programming board—
the insertion of additional cables or switch boxes between the host PC and the
programming board may cause malfunctions.
• Remove any parallel port dongles.

3.2 About jumpers on the ST7 EPB

There are two jumpers, labelled JP2 and JP3, located on the following ST7 EPBs:
These jumpers are present for manufacturing testing only. Use of these jumpers
could permanently damage the programming board!

ST7-EPB User Manual Appendix A Safety Requirements


• Any tester, equipment, or tool used at any production step, or for any
manipulation of semiconductor devices, have its shield connected to ground.
• The product must be placed on a conductive table top, made of steel or clean
aluminum, or covered by an antistatic surface (superficial resistivity equal to or
higher than 0.5 MΩ/cm2), grounded through a ground cable (conductive cable
from protected equipment to ground isolated with a 1 MΩ resistor placed in
series). All manipulation of finished goods must be done at such a grounded
• The worktable free of all non-antistatic plastic objects.
• An antistatic floor covering grounded through a conductive ground cable (with
serial resistor between 0.9 and 1.5 MΩ) should be used.
• It is recommended that you wear an antistatic wrist or ankle strap, connected to
the antistatic floor covering or to the grounded equipment.
• If no antistatic wrist or ankle strap is worn, before each manipulation of the
powered-on tool, you touch the surface of the grounded worktable.
• It is recommended that antistatic gloves or finger coats be worn.
• It is recommended that nylon clothing be avoided while performing any
manipulation of parts.

Product Support ST7-EPB User Manual

If you experience any problems with this product, contact the distributor or the
STMicroelectronics sales office where you purchased the product. Phone numbers
for major sales regions are provided in the Contact List, below.
In addition, at our Internet site mcu.st.com, you will find a complete listing of ST
sales offices and distributors, as well as documentation, software downloads and
user discussion groups to help you answer questions and stay up to date with our
latest product developments.

Software updates
All our latest software and related documentation are available for download from
the ST Internet site, mcu.st.com.

Hardware spare parts

Your development tool comes with the hardware you need to set it up, connect it to
your PC and connect to your application. However, some components can be
bought separately if you need additional ones. You can order extra components,
such as sockets and adapters, from STMicroelectronics, from the component
manufacturer or from a distributor.
To help you find what you need, a listing of accessories for ST development tools
is available on the ST internet site, mcu.st.com.

ST7-EPB User Manual Product Support

Contact List
North America

Canada and East Coast Mid West

STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Lexington Corporate Center 1300 East Woodfield Road, Suite 410
10 Maguire Road, Building 1, 3rd floor Schaumburg, IL 60173
Lexington, MA 02421 Phone: (847) 585-3000
Phone: (781) 402-2650

West coast
STMicroelectronics, Inc.
1060 E. Brokaw Road
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: (408) 452-8585

Note: For American and Canadian customers seeking technical support the US/
Canada is split in 3 territories. According to your area, contact the appropriate
sales office from the list above and ask to be transferred to an 8-bit
microcontroller Field Applications Engineer.


France +33 (0)1 47 40 75 75

Germany +49 89 46 00 60
U.K. +44 162 889 0800

Asia/Pacific Region

Japan +81 3 3280 4120

Hong-Kong +85 2 2861 5700
Sydney +61 2 9580 3811
Taipei +88 6 2 2378 8088

Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the
consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this
publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.
STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written
approval of STMicroelectronics.
The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics
©2004 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved.
Purchase of I2C Components by STMicroelectronics conveys a license under the Philips I2C Patent. Rights to use these components in an
I2C system is granted provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips.
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