15.Biodiversity, Conservation and Environment issue

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15.Biodiversity, Conservation and Environment Issue Mr.

Pravin Bhosale

Definition of Biodiversity :
It is the part of nature which includes the differences in the genes among the individuals of
a species; the variety and richness of all plants and animal species at different scales in a
space - local regions, country and the world; and the types of ecosystem, both terrestrial
and aquatic, within a defined area.
The term biodiversity was actually coined by Walter Rosen (1982) but the term was
popularised by sociologist Edward Wilson to describe combined diversity at all the levels of
biological organisation.
15.1 Levels of Biodiversity:
Diversity of living world can be observed at various levels, ranging from molecular to
ecosystem level.
Major hierarchial and interrelated levels are genetic diversity, species diversity (community),
and ecosystem diversity (ecological)
a. Genetic diversity:
1. It is the intraspecific diversity.
2. It is the diversity in the number and types of genes as well as chromosomes present
in different species and also the variation in the genes and their alleles in the same
3. It includes variation within a population and diversity between populations that are
associated with adaptation to local conditions.
4. Genetic variations (e.g. allelic genes) lead to individual differences within species.
5. Such variations pave way to evolution.
6. They also improve chances of continuation of species in the changing environmental
conditions or allow the best adapted to survive.
7. Existence of subspecies, races are examples of genetic diversity.
8. Greater the diversity, better would be sustenance of a species. You know about 1000
varieties of mangoes and 50,000 varieties of rice or wheat in India.
9. Another case of genetic diversity is a medicinal plant Rauwolfia vomitoria which
secretes active component reserpine, is found in different Himalayan ranges.
10. This plant shows variations in terms of potency and concentration of active chemical,
from location to location.
11. Genetic diversity or variability is essential for a healthy breeding population of a
b. Species diversity:
1. It is the interspecific diversity.
2. The number of species of plants and animals that are present in a region, constitutes
its species diversity.
3. Some areas or regions are richer in species than in the other regions.
4. Species diversity deals with variety of species (species richness) as well as number of
individuals of different species (species evenness) observed in area under study.
5. E.g. amphibian species diversity is more in western ghats than in eastern ghats.

6. Natural undisturbed tropical forests have much greater species richness than
monoculture plantation of timber plant, developed by forest plantation.

7. India is one among 15 nations that are rich in species diversity.

c. Ecological (Ecosystem) diversity:

1. It is related to the different types of ecosystems/ habitats within a given
geographical area.
2. There are a large variety of ecosystems on Earth having their own complement of
distinctive interlinked species, based on the differences in the habitat.
3. It can be described for a specific geographical region.
4. Generally, there may be one or many different types of ecosystems in a region.
5. Thus, ecosystem diversity is very high in India while it is quite low in Norway.
6. In India, we can find a great variety of ecosystems - deserts, rain forests, deciduous
forests, estuaries, wetlands, grasslands, etc.
7. The Western ghats show great ecosystem diversity while regions like Ladakh and
Rann of Kutch do not show variance like we observe in Western ghats.
8. The diversity of life at all the three levels is now rapidly being modified by modern

15.2 Patterns of Biodiversity:

There are two patterns viz, Latitudinal and Altitudinal gradient and species-area
a. Latitudinal and altitudinal gradients :
Biodiversity, barring Arid/ Semiarid and aquatic habitat, show latitudinal and altitudinal
Latitudinal :
1. Ecological studies have revealed that the distribution of diversity is not uniform
around the Globe.
2. Species richness exhibits latitudinal gradient for many plants and animals (if not all).
3. It has been observed that species richness is high at lower latitudes and there is a
steady decline towards the poles.
4. Factors like overall stability of tropical regions for millions of years, lesser climatic
changes throughout the year and availability of plenty of sunlight that favoured
5. Tropical areas have less often experienced drastic disturbances like periodic
glaciations observed at poles.
6. Such a stability over millions of years might have favoured speciation.
7. Lesser migrations in tropics might have reduced gene flow between geographically
isolated regions and favoured speciation.
8. Scientists also have considered availability of more intense sunlight, warmer
temperatures and higher annual rainfall in tropics, as factors responsible for
bountifulness of these regions.
9. In more or less constant climatic conditions and abundance of resources, some
animals enjoy food preferences.
10. For e.g. fruits being available throughout the year in rain forests, variety of
frugivorous organisms is obviously more as compared to the temperate regions.
11. In short, species richness or diversity for plants and animals decreases as we move
away from equator to the poles.
12. It is maximum in tropical rain forests
13. e.g. Amazon rain forest (40,000 plants, 1300 birds, 427 mammals, 3000 species).
Altitudinal :
1. It speaks for the height from mean sea level (MSL) upwards.
2. Species diversity is more at lower altitudes than at the higher altitudes.
3. It is because at higher altitudes, change in the climatic conditions and drastic
seasonal varitations, lead to the decrease in the species diversity.
b. Species-Area relationships :
1. Scientists have tried to establish relationship between species diversity and the size
of the habitat.
2. It is considered that number of species present is directly proportional to the area.
3. It is understood that larger areas may have more resources that can be distributed
amongst the inhabitant species.
4. Does this always hold true? German naturalist Alexander Von Humboldt observed
that species richness does increase with the increase in area but upto a limit.
5. Observe the graph for species-area relationship.

6. For many species this curve is a rectangular hyperbola.

7. If we consider S to be species richness, A as area under study, C as the Y intercept
and Z as the slope of the line, this relationship can be described by the equation, log
S=log C+ Z log A.
8. On logarithmic scale this relationship is a straight line, as observed in the figure
9. For smaller areas, value of Z ranges between 0.1 to 0.2 regardless of species or
region under study.
10. But for the larger areas like the entire continents, slopes are closer to vertical axis i.e.
11. This observation indicates that in very large areas, number of species found, increase
faster than the area explored.
Importance of species diversity to the ecosystem:
1. A community is said to be stable, if average biomass production remains fairly
constant over a period of time.
2. It should be strong enough to withstand disturbances and recover quickly.
3. It also must be resistant to invasive species.
4. David Tillman carried out various field experiments and proved that species richness
does help the stability of an ecological community.
5. Rich diversity leads to lesser variation in biomass production over a period of time.
6. This is called ProductivityStability Hypothesis.
7. Paul Ehrlich, an ecologist from Stanford gave an analogy to explain significance of
8. It is called Rivet Popper Hypothesis.
9. He compared Aeroplane to ecosystem and the species as rivets that keep all parts of
the aeroplane together.
10. Of course, there are thousands of rivets needed to hold all the parts of the aeroplane
11. If each passenger decides to pop even one rivet or in other words, if one species gets
extinct, initially not much of the turbulence will be experienced but slowly, as
number of popped rivets will increase, there will be a serious threat to the safety of
the aeroplane.
12. Also, which rivets are removed will also matter.
13. Suppose, rivets at key positions such as the ones that bind the wings to the body of
the aeroplane, are removed, situation will become serious.
14. Thus, we can say that relationship between diversity and well being of ecosystem is
not linear.
15. But it is certain that loss of species may not pose threat to the ecosystem only
16. Loss of key species will certainly cause threat in very short span of time.
17. It will affect food chains, food web, energy flow, natural cycles, etc.
18. In short it will affect the balance of ecosystem.

15.3 Biodiversity Current Scenario

1. Though over 1.5 million species have been documented as per IUCN data (2004) so
far, we are yet to study lot more than these.
2. Most of the studies that have been carried out are in temperate regions.
3. Tropical rain forests, the major diversity hubs, are yet to be explored completely.
4. Some exorbitant numbers like existence of 20 to 50 million varieties have been
5. Robert May has given convincing estimate of about 7 million species round the
6. Observe the given pie charts and find out the relative share of various plant and
animal groups in the existing knowledge of biodiversity.
Graphic representation of known animal and plant groups

7. In the diagrams, we do not find any data of prokaryotes.

8. Several moneran species are not cultivable under laboratory conditions.
9. Also, conventional taxonomic methods are not suitable for identification of
prokaryotic species.
10. India boasts a handsome share of 8.1% of total biodiversity wealth of the earth.
11. One of the 12 megadiversity countries of the globe, India has 2.4% of total land area
of the world.
12. We have identified around 45000 plant species and nearly double the number of
animal varieties from our natural wealth.
13. If we consider May’s estimate of global biodiversity, we have recorded only 22% of
our natural wealth.
14. This situation underlines the need of taxonomists to study the biodiversity.
15. But major concern is the possibility of loss of these varieties before we identify them
because of activities like reclamation and deforestation.
15.4 Loss of Biodiversity:
1. Loss of biodiversity leads to the overall imbalance in the ecosystem.
2. The chief serious aspect of loss of biodiversity is extinction of species.
3. There are three types of extinction viz, natural extinction, mass extinction and
manmade (anthropogenic) extinction.
4. Damage to biodiversity takes place due to both, natural and manmade reasons.
5. Natural reasons include forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc.
6. Manmade reasons are habitat destruction, hunting, settlement, overexploitation and
7. The current loss of biodiversity is considered to be the Sixth extinction which is
progressing at an alarming rate which is estimated to be 100 to 1000 times faster
than prehuman times.
8. Ecologists blame this to the human intervention in natural habitats.
9. They do not forget to warn that if the current trend continues, we might lose about
50% of diversity.
10. Loss of biodiversity in any area can lead to the decline in plant production, lower
resilience to environmental disturbance like flood.
11. It may also lead to alteration in environmental processes like disease cycles, plant
productivity etc.
Causes of Biodiversity losses:
There are four major causes popularly known as, ‘The Evil Quartet’.
i. Habitat loss and fragmentation:

• It is the prime cause of destruction.

• Reduction in vast natural habitats and local degradation by pollution, create crisis
situation for the living beings.
• Loss of local habitat due to human activities, creates threat to migratory birds as well
as those animals that need larger territories.
• Tropical rain forests are being lost at an alarming rate.
• Tropical rain forest cover has reduced from 14% to 6% over the years.

ii. Over-exploitation:

• Basic difference between human beings and other animals is that, humans have the
tendency to accumulate beyond their needs.
• This has resulted in the overexploitation of resources which in turn causes threats to
various organisms.

• Dodo bird, stellar sea cow and passenger pigeon are few examples of extinction due
to overexploitation.
iii. Alien species invasion:

• When a new species gets introduced into any ecosystem accidentally or

intentionally, there are chances that it proves harmful for existing species.
Sometimes, it can lead to extinction of local species.
• In such a case, it is called as invasive species.
• E.g. the carrot grass (Parthenium), Lantana and Water hyacinth (Eichhornia).

• Introduction of predator fish –

Nile perch in Lake Victoria, proved deleterious for 200 local species of Cichlid fish

Nile perch Cichlid fish

• In India, introduction of African catfish Clarias gariepinus for aquaculture purpose

has proved harmful to endemic catfish varieties

Clarias gariepinus Endemic catfish variety

• One of the major reasons of such a harmful effect of alien species is, lack of local
iv. Co-extinctions:

• Many a times, organisms are associated with each other in obligatory way.
• In such cases, extinction of one variety leads to loss of associate variety from the
• e.g., Extinction of host fish causes extinction of unique parasites. Coevolved plant-
pollinator, also will have such a threat.
• We are aware of threat to diversity and loss of species from earth.
• When any species is totally eliminated from earth, it is called extinct. e.g. Dinosaurs.
• When the number of members of a species starts dwindling, it is said to be
• The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
maintains a Red Data Book also known as Red List, where conservation status of
plant and animal species is recorded.

After a given species has been thoroughly evaluated, it is placed into one of following
several categories.
1. Extinct (EX) , a designation applied to species in which the last individual has died or is not
2. Extinct in the Wild (EW), a category containing those species whose members survive
only in captivity
3. Critically Endangered (CR), a category containing those species that possess an extremely
high risk of extinction with very few surviving members (50).
4. Endangered (EN), a designation applied to species that possess a very high risk of
extinction as a result of rapid population decline of 50 to more than 70 percent over the
previous 10 years (or three generations).
5. Vulnerable (VU), a category containing those species that possess a very high risk of
extinction as a result of rapid population decline of 30 to more than 50 percent over the
previous 10 years (or three generations).
6. Near Threatened (NT), a designation applied to species that are close to becoming
threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future.
7. Least Concern (LC), a category containing species that are pervasive and abundant after
careful assessment
8. Data Deficient (DD), a condition applied to species in which the amount of available data
related to its risk of extinction, is lacking in some way.
9. Not Evaluated (NE), a category used to include any of the nearly 1.9 million species
described by scientists, but not assessed by the IUCN
15.5 Conservation of Biodiversity :
Conservation of biodiversity means protection, upliftment and scientific management of
biodiversity to maintain its optimum level and to derive sustainable benefits for the present
and future strategies.
Why to conserve Diversity?
The reasons for conservation of biodiversity can be classified into three categories:
a. Narrowly utilitarian reasons:
1. Since time immemorial, humans are reaping material benefits from biodiversity
2. It may be deriving resources for basic needs such as food, clothes, shelter or
industrial products like resins, tannins, perfume base etc. For aesthetic use as in
ornaments or artefacts
3. Medicinal use of plants and animals, is another major factor
4. It shares 25% of global medicine market.
5. Around 25000 species are put to use by tribals worldwide as traditional medicines.
6. Several are yet to be explored for their potential as medicinal plants.
7. Nowadays bioprospecting of economically important species is carried out.
8. Bioprospecting is systematic search for development of new sources of chemical
compounds, genes, micro-organisms, macro-organisms, and other valuable products
from nature.
b. Broadly utilitarian reasons:
1. If we find out the cost of oxygen cylinder and try to calculate the value of oxygen we
breathe with such ease; we will understand what nature is giving us for free!
2. Animals play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal.
3. Amazon forest is estimated to produce 20% of total oxygen of earths atmosphere.
4. We need to consider recreational use of diversity too.
5. You must have come across the news about devastating fires in amazon rainforest in
August 2019.
6. These are mainly caused in Brazil and are more manmade than natural.
7. The slash and burn policy of locals to reclaim forestland has caused a towering
906000 hectares of forest devastation, only in the year 2019.
8. We the humans, need to rethink about our attitude towards nature!
c. Ethical reasons:

• We have no right to destroy the diversity simply because we share the earth with
• All living beings have equal right to survive irrespective of their known or prospective
economic use.
• How do we conserve biodiversity?
• Conservation means sustainable use of natural resources.
There are two main types of conservation strategies :
a)In situ conservation:

• Protection of an organism will automatically takes place, if its natural habitat is

protected. e.g. Announcing Kanha forest as tiger reserve
• This is called in situ conservation
• This is the most appropriate method of conservation
• It is nothing but conservation ‘at home’
• Around 34 Biodiversity hotspots have been identified by the conservationists
• These are the regions with high species richness as well as density
• These areas need to be protected strategically by setting legislative measures apart
from awareness and conservation
• In situ conservation also includes introduction of varieties traditionally used into
farming and horticulture
• E.g. In Maharashtra, Pawra tribals in Satpuda have protected varieties of corn with
different coloured kernels

• India has three of world’s biodiversity hotspots (the areas with high density of
biodiversity), Western ghats, Indo-Burma and Eastern-Himalayas.
• It has been estimated that protection of these diversity rich hotspots could reduce
extinction rate by almost 30%.
• India, at present has 14 biosphere reserves, 90 national parks and 448 wildlife
• In Maharashtra, there are 5 national parks and 11 sanctuaries.
• Indian culture and traditions are always connected with nature and rituals are laid
down to protect biodiversity.
• In many cultures, stretches of forests were set aside and protected in the name of
Almighty, which are called sacred groves.
• Such sacred groves are found in Khasi and Jaintia hills in Meghalaya, Western ghat
regions of Maharashtra and Karnataka, Aravali hills of Rajasthan and Bastar, and
Chanda and Sarguja areas of Madhya Pradesh.
• Sacred groves serve the only chance of survival for some endangered varieties of
animal and plant species.
• Tribals do not allow to cut even a single branch of tree from sacred grove.
• But with the increasing lust and greed, are sacred groves safe? We must think about
b. Ex situ conservation:
Sometimes when a species is critically endangered, special measures have to be under taken
to protect it.
It might be protected in captivity, as one of the measures of protection.
This is called Ex situ conservation.

• In this type of conservation, living beings are protected away from their natural
habitats in special settings.
• Wild life safari parks, zoological parks and botanical gardens serve this purpose.
• Animals which have decreased in number, are allowed to breed in captivity in order
to protect them.Eg crocodile bank of Chennai.
• Seed banks are established to conserve wild varieties of food grains and vegetables.
• Now a days, modern techniques like tissue culture, in vitro fertilization of eggs and
cryopreservation (preservation at low temperature -1960C) of gametes, are used to
protect endangered species.
• By now we have, thus, understood the immense importance of biodiversity and dire
need to protect it.
15.6 Biological diversity Act 2002:
1. India participated in Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro and is a party to Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD-1992).
2. In order to provide framework for the sustainable management and conservation of
our country’s natural resources, government passed Biological Diversity Act (BD Act)
in the year 2002 in compliance with CBD.
3. The law broadly defines biodiversity, as plants, animals and microorganisms and
their parts, their genetic materials and by-products.
4. It excludes value added products and human genetic material.
5. Regulation of access to Indian biological resources as well as scientific cataloguing of
traditional knowledge about ethnobiological materials, were the main objectives for
proposing this act.
6. A three-tier system has been established with National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)
at the national level, the State Biodiversity Boards (SBBs) at the state level, and
Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) at the local level for approval of
utilization of any biological resource for commercial or research purpose.
7. It is mandatory for foreigners, NRIs as well as Indian citizens and institutions to seek
permission from NBA before exploiting local resource.
8. NBA has powers of civil
9. Not seeking approval f NBA, produces a fine up to 10 lakh rupees and jail
15.7 Environmental issues:
1. Exponential growth of human population coupled with industrial development, has
resulted in the rampant loss of natural resources over last ten decades.
2. This uncontrolled exploitation of nature disturbed the delicate balance between
living and non-living components of biosphere.
3. Utilization and production of synthetic materials and construction activities have
pumped several undesired substances in ecosphere.
4. This has resulted in severe pollution.

5. Any substance that causes pollution, is called Pollutant.

6. In order to protect and improve the quality of our environment, the Government of
India has passed the Environment Protection Act 1986.
a.Air Pollution :
Effect of air pollution :

• Respiratory surfaces of living beings are constantly interacting with air.

• Any unfavourable alteration in air quality, affects the respiratory system.
• Severity of damage depends on concentration of pollutant, duration of exposure and
the organism. Even in case of plants, air pollution results in poor yield of crops and
premature death of plants. Nowadays automobiles are omnipresent.
• They are major cause for atmospheric (air) pollution.
• Regular maintenance of vehicles and use of lead-free petrol or diesel can reduce
pollutant from exhausts.
Types of air pollutants :
Air pollutants are of two types – 1)Particulate pollutants and 2)Gaseous pollutants.
Particulate pollutants
1. Particulate air pollutants may be solid or liquids.
2. Particles with diameter 10 μm may settle in the soil but particles with 1 μm or less
remain suspended in the air.
3. According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), particulate matter of size 2.5μm
or less in diameter (PM2.5) are responsible for causing the greatest harm to humans.
4. These fine particulates can be inhaled deep into the lungs and are responsible for
irritation, inflammation and damage to lungs.
5. In addition to this, it causes breathing and respiratory disorders and premature
6. Examples are Smoke, smog, pesticides, heavy metals, dust and radioactive elements

Gaseous pollutants
Include CO2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2 etc.
a)Carbon di-oxide
1. It is a greenhouse gas. In the past, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere remained low.
2. Due to burning of fossil fuels, as well as increasing deforestation the levels of CO2
are rising at alarming rate.
3. Photosynthesis process balances CO2 : O2 ratio of the air to a great extent.
4. CO2 is also removed from the air by weathering of silicate rocks forming limestone.
5. A jet plane in a single trip across the Atlantic uses 35 tonnes of oxygen and releases
70 tonnes of CO2.
b)Carbon monoxide (CO) :
1. It is a poisonous gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel such as coal or
2. Vehicular exhausts are the largest source of CO.
c)Nitrogen di oxide (NO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO):
1. These are released by automobiles and chemical industries as waste gases.
2. NO2 when combines with water vapours forms nitric acid. It causes irritation to eyes
and lungs.
3. At high concentration, it causes injury to lungs, liver and kidneys.
Control measures:

• Regular maintenance of vehicles and use of lead free petrol or diesel can reduce
pollutant from exhausts
• Various ingenious mechanisms have been developed to control emission of gaseous
and particulate pollutants through vehicles and industries.
Few examples are explained below:
Electrostatic precipitator :

1. It is most widely used for removing particulate matter like soot and dust present in
industrial exhaust.
2. It can remove almost 99% particulate matter present in exhaust from a thermal
power plant.
3. In this method, high voltage is applied and electric discharge takes place which
causes ionisation of air in the smokestack.
4. Free electrons in the ionised air get attached to the gaseous/dust particles moving
up the stack. These negatively charged particles move towards the positive electrode
and settle down there. These particles are removed by vibrations of the electrodes
and collected in the reservoir.
Exhaust gas Scrubbers

• Are used to clean air for both dust and gases by passing it through dry or wet packing
• It can remove gases like SO2. In the scrubber, the exhaust is passed through a spray
of water or lime.
Catalytic converters:
Motor vehicles equipped with catalytic converter should use unleaded petrol because lead
in the petrol, inactivates the catalyst.

Controlling Vehicular Air Pollution : A case study of Delhi

1. In the year 1990, Delhi ranked fourth among 41 most polluted cities of the world.
2. In response to PIL (Public Interest Litigation), Supreme court of India sent orders to
Delhi government to take appropriate actions.
3. In response, several measures were taken by Delhi Government.
4. By 2002, all the city buses were converted to run on CNG (compressed natural gas).
5. CNG is advantageous over other fuels because it is economic, burns efficiently and is
adulteration proof fuel.
6. According to new fuel policy, the norms are set to reduce sulphur and aromatic
content of petrol and diesel.
7. Another provision is upgradation of engines.
8. For this, Bharat stage emission standards (BS) are set.
9. These standards are equivalent to Euro norms and have evolved on similar lines as
Bharat Stage II (BS II) to BS VI from 2001 to 2017.
10. Let us observe how the norms have changed in the following table 15.7

11. Have you noticed that BS V is missing in above table?

12. Note that, in 2001, Bharat stage II emission norms were set for CNG and LPG
13. It stipulates that emission of sulphur be controlled at 50 ppm in diesel and 150ppm
in petrol. Aromatic hydrocarbons should be just 42% in concerned fuel.
14. The aim is to reduce sulphur emission to 50ppm in petrol and diesel along with
aromatic hydrocarbons to 35%. Government of India directly adapted BS VI in the
year 2018, skipping BS V. These efforts decreased the levels of CO2 and SO2 in Delhi.
15. Colder weather and stagnant winds, trap smoke from various sources like
firecrackers, burning crop stubbles, lit garbage and road dust. Citizens suffered
breathlessness, chest muscle contraction, irritation in eyes, asthma and allergy.
16. Administration took certain measures like closing educational institutions,
suspending of construction or demolition work, undertaking vacuum cleaning of
roads etc.
17. Even Badarpur thermal power plant was temporarily closed down.
18. We must encourage means like car pooling and use of public transport.
b. Noise pollution :
1. In India, the Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981, amendment 1987,
includes noise as an air pollutant.
2. Noise is an undesired high level of sound.
3. Noise causes psychological and physiological changes in human beings.
4. There is dire need of creating awareness about noise pollution caused during
festivals and processions in our society.
5. Exposure to extremely high sound level (150 decibels or more) generated during a
takeoff of a jet plane or rocket, may damage ear drums and cause permanent
hearing loss.
6. Noise also can cause sleeplessness, increased heartbeat, altered breathing pattern
and psychological stress.
7. Noise may negatively interfere with child’s learning and behaviour pattern.
8. The common sources of noise pollution are machines, transportation, construction
sites, industries etc.
9. Reduction of noise in our industries can be brought about by use of sound absorbent
materials or by muffling the noise.
10. Laws which prohibit blowing horn in the areas of schools and hospitals, need to be
implemented strictly to curb decibel levels.
11. Govt. of India has rules and regulations against firecrackers and loudspeakers.
12. Supreme court of India has banned loudspeakers at public gatherings after 10pm.
c. Water Pollution and its Control:
1. Water has been a controlling factor in distribution and density of living beings in an
2. Human water consumption increased many folds with increased industrialisation.
3. Increased utilisation and discharge of harmful waste water in water bodies has
caused severe pollution.
4. Most of the water pollution is manmade. Polluted water may be turbid, foul
smelling, and may contain number of pathogens, heavy metals, oils etc.
5. Realising the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the water bodies,
Government of India has passed the Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act
1974 to safe guard our water resources.
Domestic sewage and Industrial Effluents:

• Even a small quantity of about 0.1% impurities in water, can make it unfit for human
consumption. Solids are relatively easy to separate but dissolved salts such as
nitrates, phosphates, other nutrients and toxic metal ions as well as organic
compounds, are difficult to remove.
• Domestic sewage is one of the most common source of water pollution.
• It contains biodegradable organic matter. It readily gets decomposed by bacteria and
other microorganisms.
• They use organic matter as substrate and utilise some amount of sewage.
• It is possible to estimate biodegradable organic matter in sewage water by
measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
• It is the amount of dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms for decomposing
the organic matter present in water.
• It is expressed in milligram of oxygen per litre (mg/L) of water.
• High BOD indicates intense level of microbial pollution.
• Microorganisms involved in biodegradation of organic matter in water body
consume lot of dissolved oxygen.
• This results in sharp decline in oxygen level of water which leads to mortality of fish
and other aquatic creatures.
• Presence of large amount of nutrients in water causes excessive growth of
planktonic free-floating algae specially, blue green algae.
• This is called algal bloom which gives colour to the water bodies.
• Algal bloom often releases toxins in water. So, fish die due to toxicity.
• Quality of water deteriorates and becomes toxic for human beings and other
Another threat to aquatic ecosystem, is water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes).

• It is an aquatic plant, native of amazon basin, highly problematic invasive species.

• It was first introduced in India for its lovely purple coloured flowers.
• But, now it is a nuisance as it grows excessively and covers entire water body.
• This plant grows faster than our ability to remove it. It is commonly called ‘Terror of
Natural Eutrophication

• It is aging of a lake due to nutrient enrichment of water.

• Depending on the size of the lake, climatic conditions and other factors, natural
aging of lakes require thousands of years.
• However, due to pollutants from human activities like effluents from agricultural
lands, industries and homes (house hold) have accelerated this aging process.
• This phenomenon is called Cultural or Accelerated Eutrophication.
• Observe the flow chart and understand the process of eutrophication.
• This results in non-availability of dissolved oxygen for aquatic organisms.
• This leads to death of fish and other aquatic organisms.
• Its decomposition further depletes the dissolved oxygen.
• So, a lake can literally get choked to death.
A few substances usually present in industrial waste waters can undergo biological
1. The phenomenon through which certain pollutants get accumulated in tissues in
increasing concentration along the food chains (successive trophic levels) is called
Biological Magnification (Biomagnification)

2. Many of the pesticides are non-degradable.

3. So, they get accumulated in the tissues of organisms. They neither get metabolised
nor are excreted.
4. They are passed on to the next trophic level.
5. This is commonly seen in case of DDT and Mercury.
6. Observe the food chain in the given figure.
7. It shows how biomagnification of DDT takes place.
8. Thermal pollution of water is caused due to rise in temperature of water.
9. The main source of thermal pollution are the thermal and nuclear power plants.
10. The power plants use water as coolant and release hot water.
11. As many organisms are sensitive to temperature, sudden rise in temperature leads
to loss of flora and fauna.
Measures to reduce sewage water:

• In order to conserve water and prevent creation of sewage, ecosan is a sustainable

system for handling human excreta using dry composting toilets.
• This is a practical, efficient and cost-effective solution for human waste disposal.
• Ecological sanitation (Ecosan) is an approach to sanitation provision which safely
reuses excreta in agriculture.
• It reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
• Ecosan toilet is a closed system that does not need water.
• It is an alternative to leach pit toilets in place where water is scarce or where there is
risk of ground water contamination.
• It is based on the principle of recovery and recycling of nutrients from excreta to
create a valuable resource for agriculture.
• When the pit of an ecosan toilet fills up, it is closed and sealed.
• After about 8-9 months, the faeces are completely composted to organic manure.
• There are working EcoSan toilets in many areas of Gujrat, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Sri
• Recycling of sewage water by reverse osmosis will help to solve the problem of not
only scarcity of water but also the disposal of sewage water.
• At Tirumala hills, millions of pilgrims visit.
• Every building here has R.O. system which solves the problem of huge water
• Recycling of sewage water is seen in many townships in Mumbai.
• Rain water harvesting is encouraged and made mandatory for new constructions by
Municipal Corporation.
Solid Waste Management :

• Solid waste is everything that goes to trash.

• It includes wastes from home, offices, stores, schools, hospitals etc.
• Wastes are collected and disposed by municipality.
• Municipal solid waste generally consists of paper, food, plastic, glass, metals, rubber,
leather, textile etc;
• Burning reduces volume of the waste.
• Generally, it is not burnt to completion. So open dumps become breeding ground for
rats and flies.
Sanitary landfills
1. These are substitute for open burning dumps.
2. Here wastes are dumped in depression or trench.
3. Everyday wastes are added to this pit.
4. Landfills get filled very soon especially in metro cities.
5. The amount of garbage generated is too high.
6. In addition to this, there is a danger of chemicals percolating and reaching down to
ground water and contaminate this water source.
All wastes can be categorised in three types

• Bio degradable
• Recyclable
• Non bio degradable
1. Our rag pickers and kabadiwallahs do a great job of separation of materials for
2. Primary goal of all citizens should be to reduce generation of waste.
3. The biodegradable materials can be put into deep pits in the ground and left for natural
degradation. Non biodegradable wastes have to be disposed off.
4. Hospitals generate harmful waste that contains disinfectants, harmful chemicals and
also pathogenic microorganisms.
5. Such wastes require careful treatment and disposal.
6. Irreparable computers and other electronic goods as well as electrical waste are known
as e wastes. They are buried in landfills or are completely burnt.
7. Major part of e waste generated by developed countries are exported to developing
countries like China, India and Pakistan.
8. During recycling process of this waste, metals like copper, iron, silicon, nickel and gold
are recovered.
9. Developed countries have facilities for recycling of e waste.
10. In developing countries, manual participation is involved.
11. So, workers are exposed to toxic substances from e waste.
12. Treatment of e waste should be carried out in environment friendly manner.
Greenhouse effect :

1. It is responsible for heating of earth’s surface and atmosphere.

2. Without greenhouse effect, the average temperature of Earth would have been -180C
rather than average of 15 C.
3. Of the solar radiation that reaches earth, Clouds and gases reflect about 1/4th and
absorb some of it.
4. But half of total incoming radiations reach the earth’s surface and heat it.
5. Small portion of it, is reflected back.
6. Earth’s surface re emits the heat in the form of infrared radiations.
7. Part of these radiations do not escape into the space because atmospheric gases (CO2,
CH4) absorb a major portion.
8. The molecules of these gases radiate heat energy and a major part of it comes back to
earth’s surface.
9. Thus reheating the earth.
10. This cycle is repeated many times. Hence CO2 and CH4 are commonly called
greenhouse gases.
11. The atmosphere around the earth acts as glass wall of a greenhouse.
12. It absorbs solar radiations from the sun and radiates it to earth.
13. Atmosphere prevents infrared radiations emitted by the earth to escape into the space.
14. Gases responsible for this effect are carbon di-oxide (CO2), Methane (CH4),
chloroflorocarbons (CFC), Nitrous oxide (N2O) and water vapours.
15. Because of burning of fossil fuels in industries, by automobiles, burning of agricultural
wastes, levels of CO2 are increasing.
16. Biogas plants, paddy fields, cattle sheds add methane to atmosphere.
17. Chloroflorocarbons are emitted by fire extinguishers and air conditioners.
Global warming :
Increase in atmospheric concentration of green house gases, has resulted in the heating of
Earth or rise in the temperature.
Effects of Global warming
1. During past century, the temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.60C, most of it
during last three decades.
2. This rise in temperature leads to unfavourable changes in environment and resulting in
odd climatic changes.(eg; EI Nino effect).
3. EI Nino effect results in melting of polar ice caps and Himalayan snow caps which may
be the cause for submerging of the coastal areas.

Global warming can be controlled by

1. reducing use of fossil fuel,
2. improving efficiency of energy usage,
3. reducing deforestation, planting trees and
4. checking of human population growth.
15.9 Ozone depletion :

• Ozone is a form of oxygen.

• In the stratosphere, ozone is photo-dissociated and is generated by absorption of
short wave length UV radiations.

• Generation and dissociation of ozone are in equilibrium leading to steady

concentration of ozone in the stratosphere (12 to 15 kilometers from Earth’s surface
in the atmosphere).
• This ozone layer acts as shield that absorbs UV radiations from the sun and protects
all types of life on earth.
• Absorption of UV radiations by ozone blanket is proportional to its thickness.
• Thickness is more above the poles than at the equator.
• UV rays are highly injurious to living organisms since DNA and proteins of living
organisms absorb UV rays and its high energy breaks the chemical bonds within
these molecules.
• Thickness of the ozone in a column of air from the ground to the top of the
atmosphere is measured as Dobson units (DU).
• The ozone shield has been disturbed due to increased rate of ozone degradation by
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC).
• CFCs move upwards and reach stratosphere.
• UV rays act on them and release Cl atoms.
• Cl degrades ozone releasing molecular oxygen.
• Cl atoms act as catalyst.
• So they remain in the stratosphere and continue the effect of ozone degradation.
• This results in ozone depletion. Although it occurs widely in the stratosphere, the
depletion is particularly marked over the Antarctic region.
• This has resulted in formation of large area of thinned ozone layer, commonly called
ozone hole.
• UV radiations of wave length shorter than UV-B i.e. 100-280nm are almost
completely absorbed by earth’s atmosphere, given that the ozone layer is intact.
• UV-B (wavelength 280-322nm) damages DNA and mutation may occur.
• It causes aging of skin, damage to skin cells and various types of skin cancers.
• In human eye, cornea absorbs UV-B radiations and a high dose of UV-B causes
inflammation of cornea called snow blindness, cataract etc;
• Such exposure may permanently damage cornea.
• Recognising the harmful effects of ozone depletion, an international treaty, known
as the Montreal Protocol was signed at Montreal (Canada) in 1987 to control
emission of ozone depleting substances.
• Later many more efforts have been made and protocols have laid down definite
roadmaps separately for developing and developed countries for reducing emission
of CFCs and other ozone depleting chemicals.
15.10 Deforestation :

• Deforestation is conversion of forest area into non-forest area.

• According to an estimate, almost 40% forests are lost in the tropics and only 1% in
temperate region. The scenario of deforestation is grim in India.
• At the beginning of 20th century, forest cover was about 30% in India.
• By the end of the century, it got reduced to 19.4 %. The National Forest Policy 1988
of India has recommended 33% forest cover for the plains and 67% for the hills.
• Deforestation takes place by conversion of forest to agricultural land so as to feed
the growing human population.
• Trees are cut for timber, firewood, for keeping cattle in farm and for other purposes.
• Slash and burn agriculture commonly called Jhum Cultivation in north eastern parts
of India, where farmers cut down trees of the forest and burn the plant remains.
• The ash is used as fertilizer and the land is used for farming and cattle grazing. After
cultivation, the area is left for several years so as to allow its recovery.
• Major Effect of Deforestation is the increased concentration of CO2 in the
atmosphere because trees hold lot of carbon in their biomass, are lost with
• It leads to the loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction, disturbs hydrologic
cycle, causes soil erosion and desertification in extreme cases.
Reforestation is the process of restoring a forest that once existed but was distroyed or
removed at some time in past.

• Reforestation occurs naturally in a deforested area.

• We can speed up this by plantation of tree with due consideration to biodiversity
that existed before.
1. Best example of peoples 4. She was also conferred with
participation in reforestation is Padma Shri in 2019.
Saalumara Thimmakka, an Indian
environmentalist from state of
Karnataka noted for her work in
planting and tending to 385
banyan trees along a 4km stretch
of highway between Hulikal and
2. She has also planted nearly 8000
other trees.
3. Her work has been honoured with
the National Citizens Award of
1. Moirangthem Loiya from Manipur
dedicated 17 years of his life to
restore Punshilok forest
2. He left his job and took over the
task of bringing back the lost glory
of 300 acres forest land
3. He planted a variety of trees like,
bamboo, oak, ficus, teak, jackfruit
and magnolia
4. Today the forest has over 250
varieties of plants including 25
varieties of bamboo
5. It is now selected as home by
great diversity of animals too
Case study of people’s participation in conservation of forests.
History of people’s participation in India can be traced back to 1731.

• The ministers of the king of hundreds of other Bishnois too

Jodhpur in Rajasthan tried to cut lost their lives.
forest to procure wood for a new
• Local Bishnoi community known
for peaceful coexistence with
nature, opposed king’s men.
• A Bishnoi woman Amrita Devi
hugged the trees and lost her life
in an attempt for protecting the •
forest. Her three daughters and
The Government of India has recently instituted Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife protection
Award for individuals or community from rural areas that have shown extraordinary
courage and dedication in protecting wildlife.
In 1980s, realising the significance of participation of local communities, Government of
India introduced the concept of Joint Forest Management (JFM) so as to work closely with
local communities for protecting and managing forests.
In return, for their services to the forest, the communities get benefit of various forest
products (Fruits, gum, rubber, medicine etc.) and thus the forest can be conserved in a
sustainable manner.
Mission 15.11 Harit Maharashtra :

• An ambitious project of planting 50 crore trees in four years was taken up by

Government of Maharashtra in the year 2016.
• Under this project yearly targets were given to each district.
• The plantation drive is in line with National Forest Policy (NFP) which aims at
maintaining 33% forest cover in the country.
• A 24-hour toll free helpline number 1926 called ‘Hello Forest’ has been set up to
provide information regarding plantation, protection and for mass awareness.
• The Forest Department has created a mobile application called ‘My Plants’ to record
details of the plantation such as numbers, species and location.
• Authorities are expected to take care of saplings in the first year i.e., year 2016, 2.87
crore saplings were planted. In 2017, 5.17 crore and in 2018, 15.17crore plantation
count was achieved!
• In the year 2019, the government aimed at a phenomenal 33 crore sapling
plantation which was launched at Anandwan, Warora.

I. The government has decided to adapt Japanese Miyawaki method of plantation for
this project.
II. State Forest Department and Social Forestry Department have run successful pilot
plantation programmes using Miyawaki pattern in various districts like, Beed,
Hingoli, Pune, Jalgaon, Aurangabad etc.

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