Last Leap for NEET Part - I Chemistry Botany
Last Leap for NEET Part - I Chemistry Botany
Last Leap for NEET Part - I Chemistry Botany
Medical I I lT-IEE I Foundations
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1. Preface (, - (i)
I am pleased to release this package "Lastl*ap" for NEET 2018' This package
contains selected and important questions which has been prepared and
compiled by our expert faculties who have been teaching AIPMT/NEET since
decades. This package is available in 2 parts viz.Patt (I) and Part (II).
When a student will try to solve these questions, he/she can have a real feel
of the examination. These questions will open the different layers of the brain
and will stimulate the deepest neryous tissue to think and recall as well as
analyze the trick in the questions. I am very confident that if a student
sincerely solves these questions independently, there is no reason why he,/she
carurot be among the top rankers in the country in the NEET. The "Last Leap"
is going to be the winning tcap for every student who puts his heart and mind
on the questions grven in this package.
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd.
3. Equilibrium........... 35-54
4. Electrochemistry......... .55-66
Structure of Atom
5. Radius of the second orbit of an element is
0.070 nm. The energy associated for this orbit will
Objective Type Questions be
1 lf the uncertainty in position, momentum, energy, ('l) 2952 J/atom
time, angular momentum and angular displacement (2) 52 x 10-1s J/atom
are ax, AP, AE, At, A0 and A0 respectively. Which
(3) 4.9 x 10-18 J/atom
of the following is correct about Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle? (4) 5.45 x 10-1s J/atom
6. Splitting of spectral line in the magnetic field is
1r1 r-xoetrfi 121 toexo,)=fi called
(1) Stark effect (2) Zeeman effect
(3) Photoelectric effect (4) All of these
ta) rooxot).fi (4) All of these
7. Choose the orbital having two nodal planes
12. Wavelength of third spectral line in Balmer series 20. The frequency of the spectral line emitted when
for hydrogen is the electron in n = 3 in H-atom de€xcites to ground
100 21R
(1) (2) (1) 2.92 x 101ss-1 (21 1.62x 10-15s-1
21 R ioo
(3) 13.6 x 1012s 1 (4) 3.90 x 10-12s-1
(3) 5R
7s 5R 21 . fhe momentum of radiations of wavelength 0.33 nm
13. lf kinetic energy of electron is increased I times, is
the de Broglie wavelength associated with it
becomes (11 2.01 x 1024 kg ms-1 (2) 2.O1 x l0-2a kg ms-t
(1) 9 times (2) 3 times (3) 6.63 x 10-s kg ms-1 (41 6.63 x 10s kg ms-l
22. Which of the following is the incorrect set of
;J times
(3) (4) 81 times
quantum number? lwhere x is positive integer]
14. The ratio of the difference in energy of electron
between the first and second Bohr's orbits to that (1) n = x. 1= 1x- 1), m = (x- 1), s = *1
between second and third Bohr's orbits is
127 (2) n=(x -'t). t= (x - 2). m =(x-21,s=-)
5 (2) 5
94 (4) (3) n=(x+ 1), /=r, r=r,.=*1
Z e
15. How many electrons in an element with atomic
number 28 have (n + l) = 42
(4) n=(x -2\. l=x,m=(x-1),.=-;
(1) 6 (2) 8 23. lt the threshold wavelength of a metal and l.
Xo is
(3) 7 (4) 10 is the wavelength of the incident radiation. The
16. The wave number of first line of Balmer series of maximum velocity of the ejected electrons from the
hydrogen is 15200 cm-1. The wave number of the metal would be
first Balmer line of Li2. ion is
('l) 1
15200 cm (2) 136800 cm-l
[*[r*)]"' -, [+[Hll
cr-particle is 1t2 112
(1'12:1 (2)1:2 -). -t
(3) 1:4 (4)1:1
L (4\
[+t ), 0
18. Which of the following is incorrect about Bohr's 24. lf v and K.E are the frequency of incident light and
model of an atom? kinetic energy of photo electrons in the given
graph. The slope of the line will be
('l ) Orbit angular momentum = Znt
(2) lt is applicable for H- and H-like species 0
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Structure of Atom 3
25. lf the angular momentum of an electron in a Bohr's 32. An electron in an atom jumps in such a way lhat
orbit of the hydrogen atom is 3.164 x 1tr3 kg nfls.
The energy of the electron in the same orbit is its kinetic energy changes trom x to ! . fne
eV (21 3.4 ev change in potential energy will be
(1 ) -3.4
(3) -1 .5 eV (4) -13.6 eV
26. The probability distribution curve for 2 s electron
o1, @ -1,
appears like
,q f,, tq -!x
R R,
33 Line spectra is characteristic of
(1) (2\
(1) Atoms (2) Compounds
r r
(3) Molecules (4) All of these
R, R, 34 The magnetic quantum number for valence electron
of Ba (atomic number 56) is
(3) (4)
(1) 0 (2) ! 1
27. Which of the following d-orbital will have only two
(3) t2 (4) All of these
lobes? The ratio of the number of lines obtained in Paschen
series to Pfund series when eledron jumps from sixth
(1\ d*y (2) d_
excited state to first excited state is
(3\ d,z-rz $) d,, (1) 3 (2) 4
(3) s (4) 2
28. Which of the following line in hydrogen spectrum
Jt' lf one orbital can accommodate maximum of three
is obtained corresponding to second line of
eleclrons then last electron of calcium will be filled in
Brackett s€ries in He* ion spectrum having same
wavelength? (1) s-orbital (2) porbital
(1) First line of Lyman series (3) d-orbital (4) f-orbital
37 Which of the following has minimum number of
(2) Second line of Lyman series
angular nodes?
(3) First line of Balmer series
(1) 2p, (2) 3py
(4) Second line of Balmer series
(3) 3d,z_rz (4) 3d,2
29. The ratio of number of revolutions of electron per
38 Radius of first orbit of hydrogen atom is ao. Then
second in 2nd and 3rd orbit of H-atom is
the wavelength associated with electron in the 3d
tzYz Vz r:
orbit will be
(1) (2) trv,
r, r. v" v" (1.zao el2?
%% (4\ ii (3) 4nao (4) 6rrao
30. The total number of exchanges of electrons in d 39. Which of the following statements about spectral
system (degenerate orbitals) ls series is incorrect?
(1) 7 (2) I (1) The lines in the Balmer series corresponds to
(3) e (4) 10 electron transitions from energy levels higher
31. The electronic transition from n = 2to n = 1 will
produce shortest wavelength in (2) Paschen series appears in the infrared region
(1) H (3) The lines of Lyman series appear in the visible
(2) l-le.
(4) Transitions from higher energy levels to Sth
(3) Lr2 energy level produce Pfund series which falls
(4) H- in the infrared [egion
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4 Structure ofAtom Last Leap for NEET (PartJ)
40. To which electronic transition of hydrogen, the 47. One unpaired electron in an atom confibutes a
second line in the Balmer seriesbelongs? magnetic moment of .1 BM. The magnetic
(1) ;
1 (21 -;
I Il) '1.4 x 10-15 m (2) 5 x 10-15 m
z z (3) 7.0 x 1o-ls m (4) 12s x 10-15 m
(3) 1 l4l -1 49. lf the energy of an electron in 3d Bohr orbit is
42. The radius of hydrogen atom in the ground stiate is -E, what is the energy of the electron in 2nd Bohr
0.53 A. The radius of Be3* ion in a similar state is orbit?
(1) 0.17 A (2) 1.06 A (D _2.25 E (2) _s E
(3) 0.132 A (4) 0.26s A p) 4.7s E (4) _ E
43. Potential energy of Be3* electron is 50. Which of the following statement is correct for
orbital angular momentum ot 2p and 3pelec{ron?
(1) ^z
" - E{ (1) Orbital angular momentum of 2p-electron is
more than that of 3p-electron
(2) - 4fiEot (2) Orbital angular momentum of 3p-electron is
more than that of 2pelectron
56. The correct set of quantum numbers for last filled (3) 5 (4) 6
electron of cr-atom is given by 62. The total amount of energy released when electron
H-atom will be (3) 6 times of energy of photons
23 (2)
; i 1+1 J timesof energyof photons
o (,t Its 64. No shielding effect is observed in
58. The electron in Liz* ion transit from an excited (1) l-le (2) He-
state to ground state. Then its (3) Lf (4) O-2
(1) Kinetic energy decreases but potential and 65. Which have the same number of s-electrons as the
total energy remains same d-electrons in Fe*2?
(2) Kinetic energy increases but potential and total (1) Ca (2) M
energy decreases (3) N (4) P
(3) Kinetic energy and total energy
-' decreases and
potential energy increases 66. Which orbital is represented by yo, r, o ?
(4) 10 (4) 5
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6 Structure of Atom Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
69. An electron in an atom undergoes transition in 76. For electron the ratio of number of revolution per
such a way that its K.E. changes from x to x/4. second and time taken for one revolution in the
The change in PE. will be third orbit is
3 3 (1) 1 :3 (2) 2:3
(1) -x
(21 -i* (3)3;1 (4) 'l :1
c J
(3) -8x (4) +-x 77. Radiations of wavelength 253.7 nm strikes the
2 plate of a metal and energy required to stop the
70. The ratio of slopes of maximum kinetic energy e.iection of electron from the plate is 0.40 eV then
versus frequency and stopping potential (Vo) vs work function of metal is
frequency, in photoelectric effect gives
(1) 0.40 eV (2\ 4.49 ev
(1) Charge of rectron (2) Planck's constant (3) 6.2s eV (4) 0.7s eV
(3) Work function (4) Threshold frequency 78. The incorrect statement regarding photoelectrons
71. The value wave numbef in terms of is
Rydberg's constant, when transition of electrons (1) Kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends upon
takes place between two levels of He* ion whose
the frequency of the radiation
sum is 4 and difference is 2
8R 32R
(2) Kinetic energy of photoelectrons is
independent to the intensity of radiation
T (2)
I (3) Photoelectrons will be ejected when energy of
3R 4R
(3) 4 (4) 3
the radiation is greater than threshold energy
,.'(R-1) iR
(1) (21 1s 2s
IR i(R - 1) \, ,lt'
(1) (2)
(3) ),R(rR - 1) (4)
(^R-1) r r
41 (3) 15 (4) 10
(1) (2)
3R R 89. The ratio of velocity of an electron present in 1sr
Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom to 2nd Bohr's orbit
T (4) R
of Heo ion
84 lf we plot a graph between radial probability (1)1:1 (21 1:2
function and radial distance for 2p subshell, then
number of peaks obtained will be (3)2:1 $\1:a
(1) 2 90. A ball has a mass of 40 g and a speed of
(2) 1 45 m/s. lf the speed can be measured within
accuracy of 2%, then uncertainty in the position
(3) 0
(1) 1.46 x 10-33 m (2) 1.46 x '10-m m
(4) 3
(3) 1.7 x 10-31 m (4) 2.5 x 10{3 m
1s 2s 2p 3s
85 91. For d orbital which of the following statement is
1' 1t 1' 1 1 correct about radial and angular nodes?
The above electronic configuration of an atom (1) (n - 3) radial nodes (2) 2 angular nodes
violates (3) (n - 2) radial nodes (4) Both (1) & (2)
(1) Hund's rule
92. The number of orbitals in a shell n is given by
(2) Pauli's exclusion principle
(3) Autuau principle
(1) n2 (2) 2n2
(3) n (4\ 2n
(4) All of these
86. Total number of revolutions per second possessed 93. When a ce(ain metial was irradiated with light of
by an electron in a Bohr's orbit is directly wavelength l| the photoelectrons emitted had
proportional to thrice the K.E. as did the photoelectrons emitted
when same metal was irradiated with light of
22 n3 wavelength lr. Then which of the following relation
\/ )
^ (2t
v is true, if ).0 is the threshold wavelength?
(1) 311(lo - ir) = lr(lo - l,)
Z z2
(3) @\.n- (2) Ir0.o - ).r) = 3).r(i.o - l,)
(3) ).1(),0 - lr) = trr(lo - l,)
87. Find the correct statement about Bohr's theory
(4) 3(lr - lr) = (lo - i.,)
(1) The stationary orbits are arranged around the
nucleus concentrically 94. Choose the incorrect stalement among the
(2) When the electron move from a lower energy
state to higher energy state energy is emitted ('1) y2 represents an atomic orbital
(3) The angular momentum of electron in 3'd (2) A node is a point in 3-dimensional regron
h where wave function v is zero
Bohr orbit is 3,T
(3) A d orbital contains 10 e-
(4) Electron becomes stationary in orbit so these
(41 3d, 4d and 5d orbitals differ in energy
orbits are called stationary orbits
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I Structure of Atom Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
95. The change in orbit angular momentum 101. The number of radial nodes in 3s and 2p orbitals
corresponding to an electron transition from 4rh are respectively
excited state to ground state of a hydrogen atom
can be given by
(1) 2, o (21 o, 2
(3) 1,2 (4) 2. 1
4s (1) n=0, 1=0, m=O,s=
(2) t t t
3d 4s (2)n=1,1 =O,m=O,s= +1
(3) 1 J t
3d (3) n=1, t=1,m=O,s=+]
(41 t t t
98. Which of the following configuration is associated
with maximum exchange energy? 105. The size of isoelectronic species O2-, F-, Ne, Na*,
(1\ do (2) d5 Mg2' is afiected by
(3) de (4) d1o (1) Nuclear charge
99. The ratio of velocity of CHo and 02 molecules so (2) Principal quantum number
that they are associated with de Broglie waves of (3) Number of electrons in the outermost shell
equal wavelengths, is (4) Penetration effect
(1) 2: 1 (2) 1 :2 106. Which pair of orbitals given below for H atom are
(3) 1:a @)4:1 degenerate?
100. Which of the following correctly represents (1) ls,2s (2) 2s, 3s
Heisenberg's uncertainity principle? (3) 3s, 3p (a) as,3d
107. The permissible values of azimuthal quantum
(1) AE.At>I number (l) for electron belonging to fourth energy
level are
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Structure of Atom 9
108. Which of the following electron transitions in a 115. Number of electrons in Mg(Z = 12), having t = O
hydrogen atom will require the largest amount of 1
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10 Slructure of Atom Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
123. The conect electronic configuration of Pd (z = 46) 131. lnformation conveyed by principal quantum
(1) KrFd85s2 (2) Krl4dess1
(1) Energy of orbit
(3) [Kr]4d'osso (4) [K44d85s14f1
(2) Number of angular nodes
124. ln which of the following arrangement, filling of e-
(3) Orbital angular momentum
in orbital, obey's Aubau principle, Hund's rule and
Pauli's principle? (4) All of these
(1) ,t EE (2) @ N II 132. Correct graph between radial probability
(3) E ,t EI (4) E tlfoTl distribution @rP
is shown by
and radial distance (r) for 2s
(1) 2nr
(2) 21tt
(3) 2rcN (4) 21tt +V
127. Maximum wavelength for transition in visible region 4nr' \u
(1)R @!R I
(3) 5R9
s (4)
sR 4nf ,il'
128. Correct order of energy in visible region is shown (4)
('l) Violet < Blue < Yellow < Red 133. Value of all quantum numbers for 20h electron of
(2) Red < Yellow < Blue < Violet zinc (at number 30) will be
(3) Yellow < Red < Blue < Violet nlms
(4) Yellow < Red < Violet < Blue +1
'129. Which of the following is incorrect match? (1) 3 2
(1) u3:'&rhif - lsodiaphers -1
(2) 016 & cl4 - lsotones
(2) 3 2
(a) cali & Aqaj - lsobar
(3) 4 o o 2
(4) CO2 & N2O - lsoelectronic
(4)4 o 1 -l
130. de Broglie wavelength of an electron, having
kinetic energy of 0.35 J 134. lf the radius for the 2nd Bohr's orbit is given by
0.529 A, the unielectron species having above
6.6 x 10-e _......-m
radius is
' ) ----------------
0.8 x 10-'"
m (2)
0.8 x 10-'5
(1) H (2) He-
0.8 x '10 h
(3) Lr'z (4) Be'r
(3) (4) ---------------- tn
h 0.4 x 10-'"
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Structure of Atom 11
135. Circumference of the orbit depends upon 144. Which of the following radiation is of highest wave
(1) Energy of orbit (2) No. of the orbit length?
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) Neither (1)nor (2) (1) X-ravs
(2) Uv-rays
136. Which is the first shett to have 7 fotd degenerate
orbital? (3) Red tight of visibte part
(1 ) K-shell (2) L-shell (4) Violet light of visible part
(3) M-she1 (4)' N-shelt 145. Which of the following spectral line of H-atom
having same wavelength as second line of He.
137. The energy of electron in the 2nd Bohr orbit of H spectrum of Balmer series?
atom is _E, the energy in the first shell of Her ,"
(r) First line of Lyman series
(1) -16 E (2) 4 E
(2) First tine of Balmer series
(3) 2 E (4\ 4 E (3) Second tine of Lyman series
'138. The ratio of kinetic energy and total energy of
(4) second line of paschen series
electron In the 2d shell of He* is
146. Maximum number of electron in a suFshell is
(1) -1 (4 -: () $t + 2l (2\ (41- 2l
' (3) (4n + 2) (4) (4n + 1)
B\ _? 1
(4\ 1
147. Which of the following electronic transition occurs
i.n H-spectrum having same wavelength as in He.
13s. rhe votume or the nucteus is abour :ffTjx:jl}:iHlectron
iumps from 3d excited
152. The maximum number of sub-shells, orbitals and 160. The magnetic quantum number spocifies
electmns in N-shell of an atom are respectively (1) Size of orbitals
(1\ 4, 12,32 (2) 4, 16, 30 (2) Shape of orbitals
(3) 4, 16,32 (4) 4,32,U (3) Orientation of orbitals
153. The energy required to dislodge electron from Li2* (4) Nuclear stability
is sufficient lo ionize how many H-atoms?
(1) 3 (2) 6
161. When any nucleus has
ratio greater than that
(3) e (4) 12 ,
in stability zone. Which of the following nuclear
154. The energy of an electron in the 3rd orbit of an
change will be expected?
atom (H) is -E. The energy of an electron in the
first orbit will be (1) d-emission (2) o-emission
(3) Positron emission (4) K-electron capture
(1) -3E (2)
+ 162. The number of waves made by an electron during
E one complete revolution in fourth orbit is
(3) +I (4) -eE
(1) 3 (2) 4
155. Number of neutron in NI ion (3) 5 (4) 6
(1) Equals to e- 163. Potential energy of electron of H-atom in an orbit
(2) Three less than e- is -x eV then kinetic energy of electron in the
same orbit would be
(3) Three more than e-
(4) Three less than protons
(1) -x eV (2) +xev
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Structure ofAtom 13
'167. Among the following have most stable electronic 1 1
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14 Structure of Atom Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
179. Which of the following is the correct '184. Select the incorrect statement about the wave
representation of plot of the radial function against function V
the radial distance'r'from the nucleus for an (1) \, must be continuous
electron of 3s orbital?
(2) V has physical signiricance
(3) y has no physical significance
(4) v2 gives the probability of finding the electrons
(1) 185. Which of the following statement is not correct?
( 1 ) Magnetic quantum number may have +ve and
(2\ electrons is +,
while for other 23 electrons
(3) For H-atom energy of electron in different
subshell of same shell is in the order of
(3) s<p<d<f
(4) For H-atom and hydrogen like species, the
R order of energy is
1s < 2s = 2p < 3s= 3p = 3d. 4s = 4p = 4d
= 4f.....
(41 186. The number of spectral lines obtained in visible
region in hydrogen spectrum if electron jumps from
sixth excited state to second excited state is
180. lf the shortest wavelength of H-atom in Lyman
series is l, then longest wavelength in Balmer (1) 4 (2) 10
series of He* ion is (3) 15 (4) Zero
(1) 361. (2) I 187. The ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy of
5 4 electron of H-atom is
(3) 5).
(4) 9T
(1\ 1:2 (21 -1 :2
e 5 (3) 1:1 (4)-i:1
181 . Which of the following d-orbitals has electron
188. Which of the following orbital has no angular node?
density along all the three axes?
(1) 3cly, (2) 3dD<
(1) 3dt el ut t
(3) 3d,y @) 3d
? (3) 3d,y (4) Att of these
182. The respective value of orbital angular momentum
189. The correct energy order of orbitials for H-atom is
of an electron in 1s, 2s, 3d and 3p orbitials are
(1) 1s<2s<2p<3s<3p<3d
(1) 0,1,.i5*,J5* et o,o,Jn*,J6* (2) 1s=2s.2p=3s<3p<3d
(3) 1s<2s=2p<3s=3p=3d
(3) 1,1,J-4*,J2* @,) o.o,J6*,A* (4) ls = 2s = 2p < 3s < 3p < 3d
190 which of the following statemenb is incorrect?
1g3. which among the following is/are correct about (1) Kinetic energy of electron is maximum in first
chromium? orbit
(1) lts electronic conflguration is 3d4s1
(2) Total spin of chromium = 3 (2) velocity of electron is minimum in first orbit
(3) Magnetic moment of chromium = G8 (3) Radius of first orbit of H-atom is minimum
(4) All of these (4) The region of maximum electron density is
called antinode
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Structure ofAtom 15
191. lf the velocity of el6ctron becomes equal to the 199. lflEl of He atom is 24.5 eV then its lE2 will be
velocity of light then mass of electron will be (1) 24.5 eV (2) UA eY
(1) Zero (3) 108.8 eV (4) 100 eV
(2) lnfinity 200. ln the conversion of Cu2* from Cu* electron is lost
x from
(3) Lower than the rest mass (9.1 10-31 kg) of
electron (1 ) 4s orbital (2) 4p orbital
(4) Remains same (3) 4f orbital (4) 3d orbital
201 . Consider the following statement :
192. lf the magnitude of uncertainties in position (Ax)
and momentum (Ap) are equal then which of the l. porbital can accommodate maximum of two
following relation is correct? electrons.
ll. d-subshell has five orbitals.
(.,) o"=*\H rrr o,=,fl lll. Energy of electron decreases as it goes away
from nucleus in an atom
I [h 1 /h
(3) av = -:1-::- (4) = Choose the conect statements.
^v 2m {2,t (1) r&il (2)ll &lll
193. The shortest wavelength in hydrogen atom (3) r & ilr (4) I, ll & lll
spectrum of Lyman series is
202 Orbital angular momentum of 3d electron is
(1) 1050.75A (2) s25.1oA
(3) 911.7 A (+) 1510.22 A (l J2a @ Jaa
194. Which transition of electron in H-atom spectrum (g) J5 r (r) Jg t
occurs if electron iumps from sth excited state to 203 Maximum number of electrons which can be
first excited state in He* ion spectrum having same accommodated in 4h shell is
(1) 4 (2) I
(1) n=4ton=2 (21 n=3lon=1 (3) 16 (4) 32
(3) n=4ton= 1 (4) n=3ton=2
204 The possible sets of quantum numbers of electron
195. Photoelectric effect can be caused by prcsent in second shell is
(1) Visible light but not bY X-rays I
(1) n=2, l=O,m= 0, s= t ,
(2) Gamma rays but not X-rays
(3) Ultraviolet light only (2) n = 2, / = 0, /n = 1, s = 1
(4) Visible light, uhaviolet rays, X-rays and gamma
rays (3ln=2,,=1,m=0,s=t ;
196. Which spectral line may appear in both emission (4) All of these
and absorption spectrum of hydrogen?
205. Which of the following graphs plotted between
(1) Lyman (2) Balmer frequency of incident radiation and KE of
(3) Paschen (4) Humphery photoelectrons is correct for photoelectric effect?
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Structure ofAtom
Last Leap for NEET (Paru)
206. Number of waves made bv electron in 4h orbit of R : The total number of spectral line
H atom obtjained is
determined by :An.
:l tr tr
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Chapter 2
Chemical Bonding and
Molecular Structure
SECTION.A 7 Select the correct increasing order of dipole
Objective Type Questions
A chemical bond is possible only if CI ct CI
(1) The net result is repulsion and the total
energy of the system increases
(2) The net result is attraction and the total CH.
energy of the system decreases
(3) The net result is attraction and the total CI CI cr
energy of the system increases cH,
(4) All of these (2)
2 Which of the following compound as most covalent
in nature? CH,
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20 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
35. The ratio of percentage of 'p'and 'd'character in 41 . ln the conversion of N2 into N2' the electron will be
the hybrid orbital of central atom in a molecule is lost from which of the following molecular orbital?
3 : 1. The hybridisation of central atom may be (1) c'2p, (2) c 2p,
(1) sp3d2 (2\ sp3d (3) nzp, (4) n'2p,
(3) sp3d3 (4) sp3 42. Which of the following is conect statement?
36. Hybridisation of nitrogen I and ll in the following (1) The bond present in KCI is non{irectional
compound is
(2) The bond angle of It is more than H2O
(3) NH4CI contains ionic as well as covalent bonds
(4) All of these
H 43. The increasing order of dipole moments for
(1) dz,,dxy (21 d,, and d,,-r, tetrahedrally arranged. The bond angle in the
molecule is
(31 d,y, dy, (4) d,,-r, and d,, (1) 108' (21 120"
(3) 60' (4) 180'
38. lf the dipole moment of C-Cl bond is 1.2 D, then
the resulting value of dipole moment in 45. Which of the following combination of orbitals are
associated with the lowest bond energy?
(1) sp3-s (2) sp3-sp2
and are (3) sd-s (4) sp3-sp3
cr 46. The hybridization of P in solid PClu is
(1\ 1.2 and 0.6 respectively (1 sp3d
) (2) sp3 & sp3d
(2) 0.6 and 1.2 respectively (3) sp3 & sp (4\ sf & sp3&
(3) Less than '1.2 D and more than 1.2 D 47. Which of the following combinations gives the
respectively probability of finding of electrons in anti-bonding
molecular orbitals?
(4) More than 1.2 D an both
39. A molecule which contains same number of sigma ('l ) vA2 + tyB2
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 21
50. ln which of the following Fe,p > Ar,.oreticar? 57. The correct order of bond length of N-H in NH3
and bond length of N-F in NF3 is
H H!
(1) N-H = N-F (2) N-F < N-H
(1) (2\ (3) N-F > N-H (4) N-H <<< N-F
58. cu2cl2 is more covalent than CuCl2. This can be
justified on the basis of
CI (1) VSEPR theory (2) Hybridization
(3) (4)
(3) Fajan's rule (4) Hydration energy
59. The geometry of the molecule having 20%
s-character in hybrid orbitals of central atom will
51. ln cH3COoH both the carbon atoms are present
(1) Trigonal planar (2) Square ptanar
in and respectively (3) Trigonal bipyramidat (4) square bipyramidat
hybrid state
(1) sp' sd (2) sp2' sp3
60. The pair of molecures having same structure is
(3) spz, spz (4) sp3, sp3
(1) tct2*, t3- (2) tcl4,, sF4
52. C2 exist in vapour phase. Which type
' of bonds are (3) CO2' SO2
t. (4) BCl3' PCl3
present in C2 molecule?
6'1. The total number of nodes in o,,, and nrr,
(1) One o and one fi bond
orbitals will be respectively
(2) one o and three fi bond
('l) o and 1 (2\ 1 and 1
(3) Two r bonds
(3) 1 and 2 (4) 2 and 1
(4) Two o bonds
62. which of the forrowing has zero dipole moment?
53. The minimum angle around the central atom is ('1) Pcl2Br3 (2) PBr2cl3
present in
(3) cHCl3 (4) cH3cl
(1) oe Q) lz-
(3) No; (4) H2s tt of xeo2F2 and xeF4 are
54. A diatomic molecule has a dipole moment of (1) see-saw and square planar
1.2 D. lf its bond length r.o Ai *n"t t ot
" atom?
an electronic charge, exist on each
""tion (2) Square pyramidal and see-saw
(1) 12% ot e (2\ 18o/o ol e (3) See-saw and see-saw
(3) 25o of e (4) 29o/o ol e (4) Tetrahedral and tetrahedral
55. Which of the following sequence represents the 64. Which among the following is diamagnetic?
increasing order of polarising power of the (1) NO (2) NO2
cations? (3) cro2 (4) cro2-
I ca2*,
rl Mg2*, Be2* 65. of the following molecules sF4, xeF4, cF4 which
rrt lv has square planer geometry?
(l)tv<t<ll <lll (2) l<lV<ll < lll (1) SF4 (2) XeF4
(3) l< ll <lll <lV (4) lll <l<ll <lV (3) CF4 (4) All of these
56. ln which of the following reaction hybrid state of 66. The mrrect order of increasing dipole moment is
central atom changes? (1) cF4 < NH3 < NF3 < H2o
(2) CF 4 < NH3 < H2O < NF3
(1 ) H2O111--gL-a (2) NH3(s) --I4--,
(3) CF4 < NF3 < H2O < NH3
(3) Pcl5(r)--!p-+ (4) BF3(s)--!4--, (4) CF4 < NF3 < NH3 < H2O
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22 Chemical Bondinq and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
67 XeOrF, molecule has sp3d hybridisation 75. Which of the following contains maximum number
containing one lone pair. For most stable structure of covalent bonds?
the two fluorine atoms should be present at (1) 2.8 g C2H4
(1) Equatorial position only (2) 3 g C2H6
(2) Axial position only (3) 2.6 g C2H2
(3) One fluorine at axial and other fluorine atom at (4) Same in all of these
equatorial position
76. The number of bond angles equal to 90o in lF7
(4) Unpredictable molecule are
68 The number of 90o and '180o angles found in sp3l (1) 5 (2) 2
hybridisation respectively are
(3) 10 (41 14
(1) 6, 3 (2) 8,4 77. Pair of iso-structural molecules among following is
(3) 8, 3 (4) 12,3 (1) CO, and SO,
69 Which of the following pair have different bond (2) BF, and NF.
(3) ClO3 and NH3
(1) N2, CO (2) oi-, N, (4) XeF, and SFo
78. ln the formation of CO. from CO, one electron is
(3) C2, O' (4) Ni-, O' - removed from
70. The shape of XeO.F. molecule is (1) nzp, (2) nip,
(1) Square pyramidal
(2) Trigonal bipyramidal (3) ozp, (n) oi"
(3) See-Saw 79. Which type of bond is not present in HNO.
(4) Octahedral molecule?
7'1. Which of the following molecule is having a net (1) Covalent (2) tonic
dipole moment? (3) Dative (4\ w pn
(1)xeF. (2\ lF,
80. The species for which dipole moment is not equal
(3) XeO,F, (4) XeOi to zero is
72. The hybridisation of N in trisilyl amine and Si in SiQ (1) SiF4 (2) XeF4
are (3) XeF,- (4) TeCt6
(1) sl, sl (2) sf, sp3d 81. ln XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6, the number of lone pairs
(3) sfi, sp3 on Xe is respectively
(4) sp3, sl
(1) 2, 3, 1 (2) 1, 2, 3
73. What is the hybridization of P in solid PBrs ?
(3\ 4, 1, 2 (41 3, 2,
(1) sp3d (2) sp, 1
(3) sp3d
82. The number and type of bonds between two
(a) Both (2) & (3)
carbon atoms in calcium carbide are
74. The conect sequence of increasing bond angles (1) Two sigma, two pi
among the following molecules is
(2) Two sigma, one pi
L C,H4 ll. NH3
(3) One sigma, two pi
t. sF6 tv. crH,
(4) One sigma, one pi
(1) < <
t < tv t
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Last Leap lor NEET (Part-l) Chemical Bonding and lr.4olecular Structure 23
84. The type of bonds present in CuSO4.5H2O is/are 91. Which of the following does not apply to resonating
(1) Only co-ordinate structures?
(2) Only covalent and co-ordinate (1) The contributing structures should have much
difference in energies
(3) Covalent, co-ordinate, ionic and H-bonds
(2) The structure having negative charge residing
(4) Only ionic and co-ordinate on less electronegative element is less
85. Carbon dioxide molecule is isostructural with significant.
which of the following? (3) The number of unpaired electrons in different
(1) HsCl2 (21 H2o resonating structures should be equal
(4) Similar charges should not reside on adjacent
(3) SnCl, (4) NO, atoms
86. Consider the species NOa , NOi and NO, . Pick 92. Which of the following process involves cleavage
of hydrogen bonds?
up the conect statement
(1) Sublimation of dry ice
('l) The hybrid state of N in all the species is
(2) Melting of ice
(3) Dissociation of H2 molecules
(2) The shapes of both NOj and NO, is bent
(4) Condensation of ammonia
while NOt is planar
93. Among the species given below the largest angle
(3) The hybrid state of N in NO, and NO, is around the central atom is in
same (1) lt (2) 13-
87. Of the following sets which one does not contain 94. The bond order of NO molecule is
isoelectronic species? (1) 1.s (2\ 2
(1) BO33-, CO32-' NO3- (3) 2.5 (4) 3.0
(2) SOsr-, CO32-, NO3- 95. which of the following molecule the dipole
(3) CN-, N2, C22- rnoment is largest?
(2) CaO2
(3) cN-
(1) sp (21 sd
(3) sp3 $) dsf
(4) ru
97. Which of the following option is correct?
89. A certain diatomic molecule AB has dipole moment
1.6 D and the internuclear distance is '100 pm. (1) Bond dissociation energy c bond order *
The fraction of electronic charge existing on each 1
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24 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
98. A diatomic molecule AB has a dipole moment of 104. Which of the following option is true regarding
0.816 debye. lf its bond length is 100 pm. then H-bonding?
what percentage of an electronic charge will exist
(1) Orthonitrophenol is steam volatile due to
on each atom?
intermolecular H-bonding
(1) 830/o (21 37o/o
(2) Alcohols are soluble in water due to
(3) 10% (41 17v. intramolecular hydrogen bonding
99. ln order to conve( N2 into N2* the electron will be (3) lce is lighter than liquid water due to
removed from intermolecular H-bonding
(1) ,r--orbital (2) n--orbital (4) Ether in general form efiective H-bonding
(3) o-orbital (4) o.-orbital 105. Mixing of two or more than two orbital of same
100. Deduce the bond order of NO and CN-, energy level or approximately same and forming a
respectively new orbital is called hybridization and new orbital
is called hybridized orbital. What will be the
(1 ) 2.5, 3 decreasing order of bond length?
(2) 3.2.5 ('t) sp3- sp3 > sf- sd , sp- sp
(3) 2.5, 2.5 (2) sP- sP , sd- sf > sP3- sp3
(4) 3, 3 (3) sp3- sp3 > sp- sp > sp2- sf
101. Which of the following sketch for orbital (4) sp - sp > sp3 - sp3 > sp, - sp,
configuration (considering boundry surface only) is
conect for orbital type rt 2px ? 106. Lattice Enthalpy can be easily calculated by
(1) Born-Haber cycle (2) Kirchofls law
---'-- (3) Hess's law (4) Laplace law
107. The dipole moment of LiH is '1.96 x 10-2e C m and
the inter atomic distance between Li and H in the
molecule is 1.59 A. The percentage ionic character
in the molecule is
(1) 77o/o (21 27o/o
103. Which of the following molecule contains only 110. Which is paramagnetic in nature?
20o/o character?
d (1) Bz e) C,
(1) cH4 (3) o, (a) Both (1 ) & (3)
(2) SO, 1.11 . The molecule which is not of pyramidal shape is
(3) CrF3 (1) NF3 (2) H"O.
(4) CO, (3) BF3 (4) NH3
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 25
112. Which of the following is inconect match? 120 The hybrid state of C in CO, is same as in
(1) HCHO
(1) co3- ---------r Planar
e\ co|-
(2) SOs sp2 hybridization (3) Second carbon of propadiene
-) Bond order = 2
(3) Ctt- --------+ (4) Carbon 3 of propadiene
121 The linear structure is not possessed by
(4) xeoFz --------+T shape (1) SnCl, (2) C2H2
'113. When the species, H2O, Cl2O and F2O are (3) No' (4) cs2
arranged in order of increasing X-O-X bond
angles, then the conect order is 122 Which of the following is not isostructural with
(1) F2O < Ct2O < H2O
(2) F2O < H2O < Cl2O
(1) so;2 (2) Po;3
(3) H2O < F2O < Ct2O (3) NHi (4) scr4
(4) H2O < Cl2O < F2O 't23 The shape of XeOF2, XeO3 and XeOF4 is
f4. fhe ratio of fi bonds in benzene and naphthalene respectively
is (1) Square planar, trigonal pyramidal, square
(1)'l (2) 3:s (2) Square pyramidal, trigonal pyramidal, square
(3)5:3 (41 3:2 planar
115. Among the following, the compound having (3) T-shaped, pyramidal, square pyramidal
highest lattice energy is (4) Square planar, T-shaped, pentagonal
(1) CaF" (2\ BeFz
124 ln blue vitriol, the number of H2O molecule forming
(3) MgF2 (4) SrF2
H-bond is
116. Which of the following species is diamagnetic (1) 5 (2) 4
in nature? (3) 2 (4) 1
(1) Hi (2) oz 125 Which of the following is the conect order of dipole
(3) Ni (4) co moment?
'132. Which of the following molecules contain only ,r (4) All of these
bond? 141. lnmrrect matching of hybridisation is
(1) Nz Q) oz (1) Diamond (sp3) 121 Xeo. (sr3)
(3) cz (4) co (3) xeo4 (sp3) (4) xeF2 (sp)
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 27
142. Which of the following has maximum dipole '148. Correct match in the following is
moment? (1) CO2 - Zero dipole moment
NO. (2) XeF2- 3 lone pair
(1) PC|3F2 (2\
(3) o;* - Bond order 3
(4) All of these
(3) NH3 (4) NF3
'149. Conect match in the following is
143. Find out the correct statement
(1) PCls - Trigonal planar geometry
(1) Boiling point of HF is greater than H2O, as F
is more electronegative than oxygen
(2) SF4 - CH4 like geometry
(2) Bond angle of PH3 is greater than NH3, as (3) NHi - Tetrahedral geometry
lone pair-bond pair repulsion is less than
lone pair-lone pair repulsion (4) ClF3 - sl hybridisation of Ct
(3) o-nitrophenol has lower boiling point than 150. The hybridisation of HgCl, and H.O' is
p-nitrophenol respectively
5(+) 5(-)
(1) sp3
sp3, (2) sp, sd
(4) Strength of F- H -- F bond is less than (3) sp, sp3 $l sf , sd
6(,) 5(-)
'151. The
O- lotal number of 90o bond angle in PCls and
H --O bond
SF6 is respectively
144. Which of the following is mismatch regarding
shape? ('t) 2, 4 (2\ 2, 6
XeF4 (3) 6, 6 (4) 6, 12
(1) - Octahedral
(2) PCl3 152. The d-orbital involved in the structure of ClF3 is
- Trigonal planar
(3) SO2 - Linear (1\ d, (2) d,z-,2
(4) All of these (3\ d,z $) dy,
145. For CO*, which is inmnect? 153. When there is subtractive overlapping between
2p, alomic orbitals, the total number of nodes
(1) lt is isoelectronic with N,
present in the molecular orbital formed is
(2) lt is paramagnetic in nature like N, (consider z is the internuclear axis)
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) lts bond order is same as that of N,
(31 2 (4) Can't predicted
(4) Both (2) & (3)
154. During overlapping of atomic orbitals, which of the
146. Which is conect for carbonate ion? following will result in zero overlap? (consider z as
(1) Formal charge on carbon is -1 the internuclear axis)
A (1) s - p, (2) p,- py
(2) lts bond order is
5 (3) py - s (4) All of these
(3) lts shape is pyramidal 155. According to valence bond theory total number of
(4) Covalency of carbon is 2 attractive and repulsive forces resulted in the
formation of H2 from hydrogen atom is respectively
147. Which one of the following does not have H-
bonding? (1) 2, 1 (2\ 2,2
(1) Phenol (3) 4, 2 (4) 5, 4
(2) Liquid NH. 156. The incorrect order of polarity is shown by
(4) HCr (3) NH3 > NF3 (4) PF3C|2 > PCI3F2
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2A Chemical Bondinq and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
157 The intermolecular forcesthat is present when 165. The different types of bonds present in
sodium chloride dissolves in water and when ammonium chloride is
orygen gas present in water is respectively (1) lonic bond (2) Covalent bond
(1) Dipole - dipole interaction, hydrogen - bonding (3) Coordinate bond (4) All of these
(2) lon - dipole interaction, hydrogen - bonding '166. Carbon atoms in C2(CN)4 are
(3) Dipole - dipole interaction, dipole-induced sphybridized
dipole interaction
(1 )
(2) sfi-hybridised
(4) lon - dipole interaction, dipole-induced dipole
interaction (3) sp and sd hybridised
158 Total number of sigma, pi bonds, lone pair of (4) sp, sd and sp3 hybridised
electron present in urea is 167. According to M.O.T. for 02.
(1) 6o,1n,3/p (2) 8o,0t,3/P (1) B.O. is less than that of 02 and Or* is
(3) 7c, 1n, Slp (4'1 7c, 1n, 4lP paramagnetic
159 To explain the carbon - oxygen bond length in case (2) B.O. is more than that of 02 and Or* is
of carbon dioxide, out of the following structures, paramagnetic
which structure is used as contributing structure? (3) B.O. is less than that of 02 and Or* is
A. :ij::C::ci: a :bfc:::6: diamagnetic
(4) B.O. is more than that of 02 and Or' is
C. :6:::C:oY
168. The cyanide ion, CN- and N2 are isoelectronic but
(1) A only (2) B&Conly in contrast to CN-, N2 is almost inert, because of
(3) A&Bonly (4)A,B&c (1) Low bond energy
160. S.l. unit of dipole moment is (2) Absence of bond polarity
(1) debye (2) Cm
(3) Unsymmetrical electron distribution
(3) esu<rn (4) All of these
(4) Presence of more number of electron in
16'1. Formal charge on nitrogen in nitrate ion is bonding orbitals
(1) 0 (2\ +1 169. The hydration of ionic compound involves
(3) -1 (41 +2 (1) Evolution of heat
162. Total number of shared electron around central (2) Weakening of attractive forces in ionic
atom in sulphuric acid in Lewis structure is compound
(1\ 2 (2\ 4 (3) Dissociation into ions
(3) 6 (4\ 12 (4) All of these
163. Correct order of bond length is shown 170. Which of the following does not have pyramidal
(1) o, <oi <o;.o,' (2\ o22 <o2.or.o;
(1) sot'z (2) No3
(3) Or, < O; . O, . Oi (4) O, < O, .O; <Oi'
(3) NH3 (4) EH.
'15,4. Strength of hydrogen bond in terms of magnitude
is given by 171. Number of nodes present in r4r, antibonding
(1) 1000 - 10000 kJ/mol molecular orbital is (consider z as the intemuclear
(2) 100 - 1000 kJ/mol axis)
(3) 10 - 100 kJ/mol (1) 0 (2) 1
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Chemical Bonding and l\.4olecular Structure 29
172. ldentify the correct order of solubility of NiS, CUS CI
and ZnS in aqueous medium
(1) CuS > ZnS > NiS (2) ZnS > NiS > CUS 179. The dipole moment of is pro. The diPole
(3) NiS > CuS > ZnS (4) NiS > ZnS > CuS
moment of
173. Among KO2, AlO, , BaO2 and NOj , unpaired
electron is present in
(1) Trigonal
(3) N?-,oi'z, No-
(2) Tetrahedral
(3) Square Planar (4) 03, M* ' N2O
(4) Trigonal biPYramidal
181. The Xenon compound(s) that are isostructural
'178. The percentage ionic character of a bond having
1.275 A bond length and 1.03 D dipole moment with lBrt and Bro! respectively are
Compound Hydration Lattice (3) H2O > H2O2 > HF > H2S
enthalpy enthalpy (4) HF > H2O > H2S > H2O2
P +780 -920 191. The maximum number of hydrogen bonds that
Q +1012 -A12 can be formed by one molecule of HrO
5 Q)l
(2) sp3, sd 1
(3) sd, sp
5 @;
(4) sf, sp3d 215. Which of the following pair has same bond order?
(1) F,
Or2- and (2) r2andBz
206. Hybridization of nitrogen in pyrrole IS
(3) 82 and O22- (4) All of these
I 216. ln which of the following species the hybridization
H of central atom is not same like other species?
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32 Chemical Bondinq and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (PartJ)
217. Which of the following is correct statement 223. ln the Lewis structure of acetic acid, CH3COOH,
regarding PCls? the bondang pairs and lone pairs of electrons
('l) Hybridisation of P-atom is sp3d in gaseous present are respectively.
state and sp3 in solid pcl5 (1) 7, 2 (2\ 6, 4
(2) All P-Cl bonds are having same bond length (3) 8, 4 (4) s, 3
(3) Coordination number of P-atom is 5 in solid 224. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(1) lonic compounds are good conductor in
(4) All of these molten state
218. The correct order of stabitity is (2) Rate of ionic reactions are very slow
(1) o;- >oi >C,2>or>or- (3) Covalent bond is rigid and directional
(4) lonic compounds have high m.p. and b.p.
(2) oa- >o, >02 >oi >oi*
225. Which of the following pair is having same
(3) o, >o, >o2 >o, >or*
(1) SnCta
SFa and (2) CO2 and SO2
(4) oi >oi. >o2>or>o,
(3) la and Na (4) t3 and pcts
219. (i) ArF3
226. The bonding present between CH3OH molecules
(ii) At2o3 are
(iii) ArN (1) Dipole-dipote
The correct increasing order of lattice energy of (2) H-bonding
the above compounds is
(3) London forces
(1) (i) < (i,) < (iii) (2) (iii) < (ii) < (i)
(4) lon-dipole
(3) (ii) < (i) < (iii) (4) (iii) < (i) < (ii)
227 . Which combination is best explained by the
220. Higher mvalent character in ionic bond is favoured coordinate covalent bond?
(1) H2 + 12
(1) Large cation + small anion + low charge on ions
(2) Small cation + small anion + high charge on (2) Ms+
(3) ct' + cr
(3) ions
Large cation + larcB anion + low charge on
(4) Small cation + large anion + high charge on (4) H+ +HrO
228' Whidl of the following has fractional bond orden
221. Which of the follo\ ing are having same shape?
(1) co, and so, (2) so, and Noj () o;2 (2) o22
reason ls not the correct explanation of the
q assertion, then mark (2).
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
false, then mark (3).
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
(11 6zp, Ql "),, statements, then mark (4).
1 . A : The melting point of NaCl is more than LiCl.
(3) n,^ (41 nzp,
R : LiCl is more covalent than NaCl.
236. The formal charge over 'Cl' atom in SOCI, is 2. A : PCl2Br3 has zero dipole moment.
237. Which of the following is having highest dipole- R: BF3 behave as a Lewis base.
moment (p)? 4. A : Bond order of CO* is more lhan CO.
(1) CH3C| (2) CH2CI2 R: Bond order of N; is also 3.5 because CO*
(3) CHC|3 (4) CCr4
and N; are isoelectronic.
238. Consider the following statements about
5. A : NaNO. is an ionic compound.
R : There is no covalent bond in NaNO3,
(i) The canonical forms have no real existence.
(ii) There is equilibrium between the canonical
6. A : The order of lattice energy of lithium halide is
LiF > LiCl > LiBr> Lil
R: Smaller the size of cation more will be
(iii) Resonance hybrid of a compound cannot be polarising power and more ionic nature of
depicted by a single Lewis structure. bond formed by cation.
Aakash Educational Services An. Ltd. Reqd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
34 Chemical Bondinq and Molecular Structure Last Leap for NEET (Part- r)
7. A: The hybridisation of PCls is sp3d. '15. A Bond angle in PF. is less than that of PCl3.
R: PCls consists of three equatorial bonds and R Lone pair - bond pair repulsion is greater than
two axial bonds. bond pair-bond pair repulsion.
8. A: N(CH3)3 is pyramidal but N(SiH3L is planar. 16. A lonic compounds are generally soluble in
R: Hybrid state of nitrogen in both the polar solvents.
compounds is sp3.
R lonic compounds are directional in nature.
9. A: The melting point of CaO is higher than NaCI.
17. A Order of ionic character of chlorides is
R: NaCl is 100% pure ionic compound while
NaCl > MgCl2 > AlCl3.
CaO is 20o/o covalent.
10. A: Both H2O and SO2 having same shape. R Higher is the charge on the cation, lesser will
be the ionic character.
R: Central atom in H2O and SO, are sp3
hybridised. 18. A ln solid PCls hybridisation of P is sp3 and
'11. A: N(S|H3)3 is weaker base than N(CH,).. sp3# both.
R: N(S|H3)3 and N(CH3)3 do not have any pn - R ln solid state PCls exist in ionic form as
dr bond. lPcr4l.IPCr6r.
12. A. Lattice energy is the energy required to 19. A KHF, exists but KHCI2 does not exist.
separate 1 mole of solid ionic substance
R F is smaller in size than Cl.
completely into gaseous ions.
R: Higher the lattice energy more is the stability 20. A Hybridisation of central atoms in both NH3 and
of ionic compound. HrO is sp3.
13. A: 3d and 4d can easily undergo hybridisation R N has 'llone pair electron and O has 2 lone
among themselves. pair electron in NH. and H2O respectively.
R: Hybridisation is mixing of atomic orbitals having
21. A: COa and Nf have same bond-order
large difference in energies.
14. A. PCI.F, has zero dipole moment. R: CO* has 15 electrons whereas N9 has 13
R: F-atom is present at axial position. electrons.
trtr tr
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Chapter 3
(1) Favour backward reactjon
obiective rvp" o*"tir" - (2) Favour forward reac{ion
(3) lncreases the reaction rate
1. .
For the equilibrium, PQi-
. P+
at 300 K. The (4) Has no effect
pressure at which 50% of PQ is dissociated is 6. The pure water has [H.o.1 = 19'6 M at 90"c The
(1) 6 (2) 14
(1) 3 Ke Ql 4\
(3) Kp (4) Can't be predicted (3) 1014 (4) 12
11 lf AgCl, PbCl2 and Ca3(PO4)2 have same value of 17. 40% N2Oa molecules are dissociated in a sample
solubility product, which of the following has of gas at 27"C and 760 mm Hg. Calculate the
minimum solubility in mol/litre? density of the equilibrium mixture
(1) Ascl (1) 13.11 g/L (2) 2.66 stL
(2) PbCt2 (3) 6.2 g/L (4\ 20.02 stt
(3) Ca3(PO4)2 18. pKh for a salt of weak acid and weak base is
(4) All have same solubility given by the formula
When 0.4 mole of HCI is added to one litre of (1) pKr = pq - pK"
solution containing 0.2 M each of HCN and CN (2) pKn = pK, - pK" + pKo
ion. pH of solution bemme (Ka = 1 .8 x 10-s)
(3) pKr, = 14 + logKa - pKu
(1) 3.5 (2) 1
(4) pKn = 14 - logK, + logKo
(3) 0.7 (4\ 4
19. On reducing the concentration of base to one half,
13 A certain weak acid has a dissociation constant in the buffer solution of NHaOH and NH4C|, the pH
1.0 x 10 s. The equilibrium constiant for its reaction observed was 7.82. What was the pH of the
with a strong base is original solution?
('l) 1.0 x 10 5 (2) 1.0 x 10-s (1) 4.6 (2) 10.34
(3) 1.0 x 10e (4) 1 .0 x 10 14 (3) 8.12 (41 7.52
14 For the reaction, 20. ln a reaction,
caco.(s) r- cao(s) + coz(g), K, = 1 .1 6
&(s) + 4Br(s) ;- 2ABo(s), AH > 0
the formation of ABa(g) will be favoured by
at 800'C. lf 40 g of CaCO, were kept in a 5 L
vessel at 800'C, the moles of CaCO3 remained at (1) Low temperature and low pressure
equilibrium is (2) Low temperature and high pressure
(1) 0.33 (2) 0.4s (3) High temperature and low pressure
(3) 0.63 (4) 0.21 (4) High temperature and high pressure
'15 Review the pK" data of the following equilibria and 2'1. Which of the following cannot act as buffer?
point out which buffer is to be used to study the
hydrolysis of methyl acetate at pH 9.25
(1) NaH2PO4 + H3PO4
(2) NH4OH + NH4CI
(1) HSO;;- SOo2 + H. (pK" = 1.92)
(3) NaOH + CH3COONa
(21 H2Poi i- HPo42- + H+ (pKa = 7.21\
(4) Both (1) & (3)
(3) COr(aq)+H2O r- HCO; + H'(pK" = 6.37) 22. lf solubility product of Ca(OH)2 is 10-11, the pH at
which Ca(OH)2 precipitate from a solulion
(4) HCOt ;- CO.'- + H' (PK" = 10.25) containing decimolar concentration of Ca2t is
16. For the reaction (i) and (ii) (1).s (2) 9<PH>5
Ai- B+C (i) (3) rg (4) 9<pH>7
D ;- 2E ... (ii)
23. What will be the pOH when 20 ml of 0.2 M HCN
(pK" = 5.0) is titrated with 20 ml of 0.2 M
Given Kpl : Kp, :: 16 : 1 ammonia solution (Plq = 5.0)?
lf the degree of dissociation of A and D be same (1) 7
then the total pressure at equilibria (i) and (ii)
(2) 5
would be in the ratio
(3) e
(1) 32: 1 (2) 1 :64
(3) 64:1 (41 1:4 (4) 12
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Last Leap lor NEET ( Part-l)
Equilibrlum J/
24. For the reaction, 31. What is the pOH of a buffer solution containing
0.04 moles of acetic acid and 0.4 moles of
CuSOo.5HrO(s) ;- CuSOo'3H2O(s) + 2H2O(g) Potassium acetate? (Ka = 10-5)
(1) pH will decrease and solution becomes acidic 33. Equilibrium constant (K") for the following reaction
(2) pH will increase ,|
(3) tAt(Hro)3(oH)3r (4) tAl(HrO)r(OH)J- 34. Which of the following can act as Buffer solution?
Aakas\ducational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd Offce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01'l-47623456
38 Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
39. K* for zinc phosphate is mnectly represented as 46. ln the system,
(1) * (2) 8sp MgCl, (s) + HrO(o) + Heat=:ysg(s) + 2t-tct(g)
(3) 27 * (4) 108 S equilibrium is established. More water vapour is
40. lf Ka for HCN is 10-5 and concentration of CN- is added to re-establish the equilibrium. The pressure
thrice than that of HCN. The pH of buffer is of water vapour is tripled. The factor by which
pressure of HCI is changed
(1)5 (21 s.477
(3) 4.s23 (4\ 6.2
(1) 3 (2\ Ji
41. For NHaCl, correct expression for degree of (3) 6 (4) J2
hydrolysis (h), (h < < 1) is
47. The equilibrium constant K, for the reaction
(1) FeCl3 (2) fiacN
(11 (2)
^ ; (3) AgrSOl (4) A of these
(3) 10x (4) x 49. A- + H2O + HA + oH represents the hydrolysis
43. Which of the following mixture act as buffer reaction. This indicates that the salt is made up of
solution? (i ) weak acid and weak base
(1) 100 ml of 1 M CH3COOH + 25 mt 5 M NaOH
(2) strong acid and weak base
(2) i50 mr o..l M HCooH + 20 mr 1 M KoH
(3) strong base and weak acid
(3) 200 H2so4
mr 0.5 M NH4oH + 50 mr 2 M
(4) strong acid and strong base
(4) 100 ml 1 M NH4oH + 40 ml 1 M HCt
44 ,,+r<=,. u'
This reaction is set up in aqueous medium. We What is the concentration of sulphate ions required
start with 1 mol of 12 and 0.5 mol of l- in 1L flask. to reduce the concentration of Pb*2 to
After equilibrium ii reached, excess of RgNO. 4 x 10 5 moles per litre? [K*PbSOa = 1.8 x 1O-s]
gave 0.25 mol of yellow precipitate, equilibrium (1) 4.5 x 10r
constant is
(2) 9 x 1or
(1) (2r 2.66
(3) 6 x 1o-s
(3) 2.oo (4) 3.oo
(4) 5 x 1o-s
45. For the reaction
A(s)+2a(s)+3c(s),K"=10'z. rrat t' I3i:,1i3'?,':ffi;
equilibrium one mole of A is added and 1 mole of
C is removed then the value of K" will be The pressure required for the 50% dissociation is
Arkarh Edrrcati,onal S€tvicos P\rt. Ld. Regd. Offc€ : Aak6h Tow, 8, Pusa Road, l'lew Deftf-1lOOO5 ph.011.t76&!f€6
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Equilibrium 39
52. Which of the following mixture of solution act as 58. The pressure necessary to obtained 50%
buffer? dissociation of AXr(O) as AX2(9) 1> AX(g) +
(1) 150 ml of 0.1 M HCI and 5 ml of 3 M NH4OH X(g) at 250"C is numerically equal to
(2) 200 ml of 1 M CH3COOH and 40 ml of 5 M (1) Three times of Kp (2) Four times of Kp
NaOH (3) Eight times of K, (4) Six times of Kp
(3) 100 ml of 1.5 M HCOOH and 20 ml 4 M KOH 59. For the equilibrium reaction
(4) All of these
2NOBr(g) <-s 2NO(g) + Brz(g) if PB,. =;,
53. pH of which of the following salt solution does not
where P is totial pressure then PNss, will be
depend on concentration?
(1) CH3COONa (2) NH4CI (1)
3P (2) 6P
(3) NH4NO3 (4) NH4CN
T 9
xeo4(g) + xeFu(g) <: xeoF4(g)+xeo3F2(g); lq
(4) kp = P' kp is directly proportional to The equilibrium constant for the reaction
pressure Xeo4(g) + zHr(g) <-: Xeo.F2(9) + Hzo(g) will
56. pH of 0.1 M CH3COONa solution is 12. Then the be
percentage hydrolysis will be K1
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40 Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
64 AGo for the reaction X + Y <-s Z is -4.606 kcal. 72. A white salt is readily soluble in water and gives
The equilibrium constant for the rcaction at 227oC a colourless solution with a pH of about 9. The salt
is nearly would be
(3) Qc remains constiant while lt decreases 88. When 100 ml 1 M H2SO4 is mixed with 50 ml of
(4) Qc remains constant while Kc increases 4 M NaOH solution. pH of resulting solution would
82. Which of the following aqueous solution will have
maximum value of \? (1) 6.05 (2) 8.10
(1) 1N Nacl (3) 7 (4) 6.20
(2) 1 M MsCl, 89. The degree of hydrolysis of 0.2 M NH4CI solution
will be (Ko for NH4OH is 1.8 x 10{)
(3) 1.5 N Arcrr
(4) All will have same value
(1) 5.27 x 10-s (2) 3.'10 x 10{
(3) 3.65 x 10-6 (4) 5.15 x 104
83. ln an aqueous solution of 1 L, when the reaction
2As-(aq) + cu(s) cu2t(aq1 + 2Ag(s) reaches
90. The value of equilibrium constant depends on
equilibrium [Cuz.1 = *y
and [Ag-] = yM. lf volume
(1) Pressure (2) Concentration
of solution is doubled by adding water then at (3) Temperature (4) All of these
equilibdum 91. When the volume of container is doubled then
which of the following equilibrium shifrs in the right
(1) tcu'z-l=;M; ton.t =I, direction?
(3) ;z (4) 4x
(1) Hz (21 H2O
(3) Fr (4) H3O.
96. Hydrolysis constant (l(l') of salt of weak acid and
105 The dissociation constant of acids HA, HB, HC and
weak base is given by
HD are 1.3x10'3, 1.8x10', 6.23x10' and
8.5x'10-8 respectively. The weakest acid among
rrl x, =* these
(1) HA (2) HB
(3) K. =
t+r xn=# (3) rc (4) FD
106 On increasing temperature the value of Kw
97 ln the given equilibrium
(1) lncreases (2) Decreases
H2O(r) H2O (V)
= (3) Not affected (a) Both (1)& (2)
At 100oC the vapour pressure is 'l atm. lf the
107 Which of the following statement is incorrect?
volume of container is halved, after sometime the
vapour pressure becomes (assuming constant (1) pH of pure water at 50'C is non-zero
temperature) (2) pH of 1013 M HCI is less than 7 al25"C
(1 ) atm
1 .5 (2\ 2.5 atm (3) Addition of one drop of conc. HCI in NH4OH
(3) 2 atm (4) 'l atm solution decreases pH of the solution
(4) Equimolar mixture of HCN and NaOH solution
98. 0.01 M NH4OH is 50% neutralised by using HCI
has pH of 7
solution. The pH value of final solution will be
108 The nature of solution for salt of weak acid and
(PKnx- = 9 26)
strong base is
(1) 7.26 (2\ 6.74 (1) Acidic (2) Basic
(3) 4.74 (4\ 8.74 (3) Neutral (4) Both (1)& (2)
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) EqLrilibrium 43
109. Correct representation for the solubility product of 117. At 300 K, the degree of dissociation of 0.066 M
Hg2Cl2? solution of an acid HA is 0.0145. What would be
(1) IHgr'ltct-], the degree of dissociation of 0.02 M solution of the
(2) tHgrr-ltcl-12
(3) tHs.rt"'r, (4) rHs:rtcr-, :::1jj,::";"#:,fffi'g$::,:t'#J'"n
110. Which of the fo owing is nota buffer? (1) 0.026 (2) 0.42
(1) MCN/HCN (3) o.o1 (4) 0.85
(2) C6H5NH, /crHrrul.Cl i18. which sotution acts as buffer solution?
(3) Na.Poo/NarHPo. (1) 50 mr 0.1 M cH3cooH + 20 mr 0.1 M NaoH
(4) NH4oH/NaoH
e) zo mt o..t M cH3cooH + 50 mt 0.1 M NaoH
111. The solubility of AzB3 is x mol dm-3. lts solubility
(3) NH4CI + HCI
product is
(1) 61 Mxa (4) 20 ml 01 M NH4OH + 50 ml 0.1 M HCI
(3) 361 (4) 108xs 119. AB2(s) <- ee(S) + B(g). tf the initiat pressure
112. NaOH (aq), HCI (aq) and NaCt (aq) have is 500 mm Hg and total pressure at equilibrium is
conc€ntration of 1O-3 M each. Their pH will be 700 mm Hg. Kp for the reaction is
respectively (1) 500.25 (2) 200.65
(1) 10,6, 2 (21 11,3,7 (3) 133.3 (4) 100.50
(3) 10' 3' 7 (4) 10' 4' 7
120. tf pH of 0.1 M (NHo)rco3 sorution is x then pH of
113. ln the reactlon O.O1 M solution would be
lz + l- --> It the Lewis base is (1) More than x (2) Less than x
(1) l: (21 r (3) Equat to x (4) Data is not sufiicient
(3) 13 (4) Mixture of l, + 1- 121 The solubility product constants of Ag2cro4 and
sorubiritvof their
114. rhe v.D. of pcts is 104.25 bur when rreateo ro l:,::r?::ilJ:;li"tn"'ut'oof
230'C, its VD. is reduced to 62. The degree of
dissociation of PCI' at this temperature will be (1 ) 90 (2) 50
(1)6.8% (2) 680/0 (3) 60 (4) 70
(3) 46% (4) 64yo 122. A mixlure containing 100 ml of each 0.2 M
124. Which of the following is correct? 131. lq for the reaction A(g) + B(g) + C(g) is 3 at 400
(1) plq increases with increase in temperature K. ln an experiment x mol of A is mixed with
same number of mole of B in a I L vessel. At
(2) pK* does not depend on temperature
equilibrium 3 mol of C is formed. The value of x
(3) On adding an acid, Pl(* decreases will be
(4) On increasing temperature, pH of neutral (1) 2.5 (2) 3.s
water decreases
(3) 4.0 (4\ 4.5
'125. For KAI(SO4)2, the solubility is x, then K* is given
132. 3 ml of a strong acid solution of pH = 3 is mixed
with 2 ml of a strong base of pH = 11. What is
(1) 4t' (2'1 2x2 the pH of new solution? (log2 = 0.3010, log5 =
(3) x2 (4) 4x3 0.6990)
126. Following reaction mixtures are given (1) 7.0 (21 2.0
Aakash Educational Seivices Ad. Ltd. Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Equ librlum 45
137. N2(g) + O2(S) -r 2NO(g) '145. Which of the following mixture will act as bufier
one mole of N2(s) and 1 mole of o2(g) is
allowed to react in a closed container. lf the (1) 100 ml of 1 M CH3COOH + 200 ml of 1 M NaOH
value of l(, is 5 x 10-31 at 25'C then the value (2) 100 ml of 'l M HCOOH + 100 ml of I M KOH
of Kp at 25'C will be
(3) 100 ml of 1 M HCN + 50 ml of I M NaOH
(1)2x 1030 (2) 5x 1031 (4) 100 ml of 'l M CH3COOH + 150 ml of 1 M
(3) 2 x 10-so (4) 5x l0r3l KOH
138. Equal volume of an acid (pH = 2) is mixed with 146. The solubility of Pb(OH)2 in water is 4 x 10-6 M,
a base (pH = 9). The pH of the resulting solution then solubility of Pb(OH)2 in the buffer solution of
will be pH=9
(1) 5.s (2) 11.7 (1) 2.56 x 10{ M (2) 1.25 t 10{ M
(3) 2.3 (4) 8.5 (3) 2.45 x 'l O-3 M (4) 5.6 x 10+ M
139. Number of [OH-l in 1 ml of solution having pH = 147. The vapour density of PCls at 200'C is found to
4 are be 60. The approx. percentage dissociation of
PCl" at this temperature would be (approx)
(1) 10-4 (2) 10ro
(1125% (2\ 45o/o
(3) 6.02 x 1023 (4) 6.02 x 1010
(3) 65% (4) 74o/o
140. The solubility of AgCl in 0.'l M NaCl solution is
(Ksp of AgCl = 1.8 x 10-10) 1a8. flra(5);-H2o(l)
(1) 2.5 x 10{ (2) 1.34 x 10i The above system is in equilibrium at certain
(3) 1.34 x 10{ (4) 1.8 x 10-e f#".sT#LH:;:ffi*,-:"ri#;ffi:;
141. The numerical value of equilibrium constant the following statement is conect?
changes with change in (1) Melting of ice decreases
(1) Concentration of reactants (2) Equilibrium wilt shifi towards teft
(2) Pressure (3) Formation of H2o(l) decreases
(3) Temperature (4) Metting of ice increases
(4) All of these 149. Which of the following reaction has Kp > Kc and
142. Solubility of Agcl is maximum in the value of equilibrium constant increases with
increase in temperature?
(1) Water (2) Ammonia
(3) Ho (4) AgNo3 (1 ) H2(g) + l2(g)i-2Hl(s)
143. ln the hydrolysis of CH3COONH4, which of the (2) PCts(S).-PCl3(g)+ Cl2(g)
following statement is conect?
(1) only anion undergoes hydrolysis (3) 2No2(g)i- N2o4(g)
144. 4 g NaOH is dissotved in 1oo ml water and (2) The degree of hydrolysis of salt of weak acid
treated with 20 ml of 1 M HCI then pH of and weak base depends on concentration
solution is (log 2 = 0.301, log 3 = 0.477) (3) At certain temperature pH of water is 6 and
46 Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
156. For which of the following solution pH will be less
151. CH3COCH3('):CH3CH3(') +CO(s) than 7?
lnitial pressure of CH3COCH3 is 100 mm. When (1) 0.5 M (NH4 )2SO4
(1) Ksp =[Hs+]2[cr-]2 (2) K,p = tHsS+lrcr ,' ,,uu. i?Ji'"r" o" ,"".,.o,1,?.?ft"oo
(3) Ksp = [Hg+]2tclrl (4) K"p = tHsrnltcl, j2 (1) Distilled water (2) 0 1 M Hcl
(3) 0.1 M CaCl2 (4) 0.1 M NaCt
153. some solid NHaHS is placed in a flask containing i59.
0.5 atm of NH3. Upon heating following equilibrium The solubility of A(oH). is x mol L_r. lts Ksp
vatue is
is attained and the pressure of HrS found to be
0.2 atm (1)gx3 e) 31
(3\27f (4) et'
NH4HS(s):NHslsy H2S1ry
+ 160. At 25"C, the dissociation constant of base BOH
then totar pressure deveroped at equiribrium i"
i" 1 0 x '10-10 The concentration of oH- in
0.01 M aqueous solution of the base would be
(1) 0.9 atm (2) 0.67 atm (t) 1 x L-1
10-5 mot (2) 1.0 x 10a mot L_j
(3) 0.17 atm (4) 0.50 atm (3) 2.0 x 10{ mot Lj (4) 1.0 x .t0_7 mot L_l
'154. 6 moles of A were mixed with 4 moles of B in a
161. pH of which of the following salt solution does not
5 litre container. At equilibrium, the reaction depend on concentration?
mixture was found to contain 4 moles of C
(1) NH4CI
according to the reaction
(2) (NH4)2CO3
2A1ny + Blny -- -----r 2c(s) * D(s)
(3) (NH4)2so4
The equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction is (a) All of these
(1)0.2 j62. A buffer solution of pH 9 can be prepared by
(21 4.0 mixing
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Equilibrium {/
164. To make a solution oI pH = 12, the amount of 173. CO2 forms carbonic acid with water, which is a
NaOH dissolved in one litre of the solution should weak dibasic acid and dissociates in two steps :
(1) 0.1 g (2) 0.2 s
H2CO3(aq) + H2O(l) <+
HCO3 (aq) + H3O+ (aq).. ...K"r
(3) 0.a g (4) 1.2 s
165. The equilibrium constant of reaction is afiected by HCO3 (aq) +HrO(l) 1i
(1) Temperature (2) Catalyst co32-(aq) + H3o
*(aq) ....K":
(3) (4) Both (1) & (2)
The correct relationship [stween K., and K.,
'166. N, + 3H,
= 2NH. Kr = x
(1) Ka, > Ka, (2) K", . K",
uu. = + 1n" Kz= ?
]n. 2' (3) K", = K", (4) Ka, < < < Ka,
'-'-s=f[,"]"u s=f!1]"'
concentration (3) (o)
(1)2 x 10.4 (2) 5 x 10-11 [ 108.J 6e12
\ J
(3) 5 ,. t0-rz (4) 10-8 177. Degree of hydrolysis of which of the following salt
172. Which of the following is bufier? is independent of concentration of solution?
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48 Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
178. Which of the following is basic buffer? 185. The value of the reaction quotient before any
reaction occurs is
(1) - (2) 0
(2) NHi + NHs (aq) (3) -1 (4) 1
179. Which of the following is not a Lewis acid? (1) 10-7NA (2) 1O-8NA
(1) BF3 (3) '10-16 NA (4) 1Or4 NA
(2) AtCt3
(3) CCl4 (4) 187. A certain buffer solulion contains equal
concentrations of X- and HX the lq for X- is 10-8.
180. The value of Kp varies with The pOH of the bufier is
(1)P e) r (1) 8 (2) 6
(3) c (4) Both (i ) & (2) (3) 14 (4) e
N.N 188. pH of 10 M HCI (aq) is
, 200 cc CH3COOH was mixed with
10 * ,
(1)-1 (2) 10
100 cc NaOH. What would be pH of the solution? (3) 0 (4) 6
(1) pK" of CH.COOH '189. What is the pH of 0.2 M HrS if the Ka vatues of
(2) pKb of CH3COONa HrS to HSr and HS 1 to S-2 are 10{ and 10-12
respectively? (log 2 = 0.301)
(3) pK" of CH3COOH (1) 1.85
, (2) 2.85
,| (3) 4 (4\ 2
(4) pKo of CH.COONa
, 190. At equilibrium, K, = 1 then the value of AG" will
182. 4Oo/o N2Oa molecules are dissociated in a sample be equal to
of gas at 27"C and 1 atm pressure, the density (1) 10 (2) 100
of the equilibrium mixture is
(3) 0 (4) 1
(1) 3.1 s/L (2) 6.2 gtL
'191 . The following equilibrium constant are given
(3) 2.67 gtt (4) 18.6 s/L
183. The dissociation of solid NH4HS in a closed
N2 + 3H2:2NH3, Kj
container produces a pressure of 4 atm at gS.C, N2 + 02 ::f 2NO, K2
then Ko for the reaction is 1
H2 + -02 i-H2O, K3
NHaHS(s)i- NH: (g) * HzS(g)
The equilibrium constant for the oxidation of
(1)4 (2\ I 2 mole NH, by oxygen to NO is
(3) 16 (4) 5
184. The rate of the elementary reaction at 25.C (1)ta (2) -7:
Nz + 3Hz -- r2NH. is given by ,^, KrK3 . _. K3K3
(3) K (4)
tate = 4 ' 10'" [Nz][Hz] the rate of K
decomposition of gaseous NH3 to N2 and H2 at 192. Which of the following is Lewis acid?
25'C is given by rate = 8 x 10 20 [NH3]2. Then (t ) CO,
equilibrium constant for the formation of
-. .NH. ".
.. .r at
(2) SjCt4
25"C is
(1)5 x 1oa (2) 105 G) znz.
(4) All of these
(3) 7 x 1oa (4) 1oo
Aakash Educatlonal Services PvL Ltd. Ragd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-11OOOs ph.01147623456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Equilibrium 49
193. For the reaction in equilibrium, 200. MX(sh- M* (aq) + X-(aq); AG" = 57 kJ
50 Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
208. A 0.1 N solution of an acid at room temperature 215 When Ss is heated to 950 K, at equilibrium the
has a degree of ionisation 0.1. The concentration pressure of S, falls by 30% form 1 atm because
of OH- would be some of the S, is converted to 52. The value of
(1) 10-12 (2) 1Q-tr y equilibrium constant kp for this reaction is
neutralise CH3COOH which is obtained from the 218 The species HrO, HCO;, HSO4- and NH, can
hydrolysis of 4.4 g CH.COOCTHT? (Degree of act both as Bronsted acids and bases. Find the
hydrolysis of salt is 'l ) incorrect match of conjugate acid and conjugate
('l ) 1000 ml (2) 7s0 ml
(3) 500 ml (4) 250 ml
Species Conjugate acid Conjugate
(3) Neutrat at higher temperature
(4) Basic
(3) JKl x K2 (4)
224. whicn of the following can act as Bronsted acid {G
and base both?
*' ilTff#;lii,lill'"h?fl^'":"i#Hffil:
(2) sol- 2Brcl(g). -Br2(s)+ct2(s); Kc = 32
solutions given 231. Fot the following three reactions 1 , 2 and 3
equilibrium constanb are given
(1) 3 M Hcl + 3 M cH3cooH
(2) 2 M cH3CooH + 2 M CH3CooNa (a) co(s)+H2o(S);-Co2(g)+Hr(g);Kt
(3) 4 M CH3COOH + 2 M CH3COONa (b) CH4(g)+H2O(s)i-CO(g)+3Hz(s);q
(4) 1 M cH3cooH + 2 M cH3cooNa (c) cHl(s)+ 2H2o(o). K3
226- gH of an acidic bufier is 5.7 and pKa is 5 then the which of the following relations is conect?
. _ [Salt] is
ratio of (1) K,K.K, =
ffi 1
232 Le Chatelier's principle is not applicable to 239. Which of the following is considered as Bronsted
acid but not as Lewis acid ?
(1) Fe(s)+ S(s):FeS(s)
('r ) (2) BF3
(2) Hz(s)+ lz(s).- 2Hl(g)
(3) NH4e (q zn2o
(3) Nz(s) + 3Hz(s)r-zNHr1g1
240. The dipole moment of HBr is 1.6 x 1N Cm and
(a) N2(s) + 02(s):2No(s) bond-length is 14. The percentage ionic
character of HBr is
IJJ A solution with pH-2.0 is more acidic than the one
with pH-6.0 by a factor of (1) s% (2) loyo
(1) 3 (2\ 4 (31 1o/o (41 2oo/o
(3) 10,00 (4) 10,000 241. On adding NHaCI to NH4OH solution the pH of
234 The aqueous solution of FeCl3 is acidic due to the solution will
Aakash Educalional Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd Oifice : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-{7623456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Equilibrium 53
246. Pbl2 has maximum solubility in 253. Which of the following cannot form its conjugate
base in aqueous medium?
(1) 0.1 M PbCl2 (2) 0.1 M Kl
(3) 0.01 M Cal2 (4) 0.01 M Nal (1) H2PO; (2) HrPO,
247. ll K.of the reaction, X(g)+Y(g):Z(g) is'3'.
lf 'a' mole of X and Y each are taken in a 1 L
(3) H, PO, (4) All of these
vessel initially and at equilibrium number of moles 254. 50 mL of 0.2 N HCI solution is added to 50 mL of
ol Z are '3' . The value of 'a' should be 0.1 N NaOH solution, pH of mixture will be
(1) 4.0 (2) 4.5 (1) 1.3
(3) 2.s (4) 3.s (2) 2.7
248. For the equilibrium, PCl.,n,:PCl.,n, +Clr,r, (3) 11.7
251. Which of the following is mismatched? (4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
statements, then mark (4).
(l)Milk : PH =6.8
(2) Gastric .iuice : PH = 11.2
1. A : Aqueous solution of CH3COOH and
CH3COONa shows PH > 7.
(3) Human blood : PH = 7.4
(4) Human saliva : R: The phenomenon is attributed to cationic
PH = 6 4
252. 1OO ml of 0.2 N HCI is added to 100 ml of
0.18 N NaOH and the whole volume is made one 2. A: pK^ value of acetic acid is lower than that of
litre. The pH of resulting solution is phenol.
A.kash E&rcdood Servicoa Art L6. R€gd. Oftc€ : M kash Tow€r, 8, Pusa Road, Norv Delhi-110005 Ph.0l1'47623456
${ Equilibrium Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
3 A : lf an inert gas is added to a dissociation rncreases.
equilibrium keeping pressure constant the 't2. A For a reaction, concentration quotient (Q) is
dissociation increases.
equal to K when the reaction is in equilibrium.
R: lnert gas exerts its own pressure in the R lf a catalyst is added to the reaction at
equilibrium, lhe value of Q remains no longer
4 A : pH of boiling water is 6.6. This means that equal to K.
boiling water is not neutral.
13. A Equilibrium constant of a reaction changes on
R : H* ion conc in boiling water decreases changing the stoichiometric mefflcients of the
because some water boils off. reaction.
5 A : pH of a buffer solution changes with change in
temperature. R : The reaction, 2NO2(g)i- N2Oa (g)
7 A: A catalyst does not influence the values of R Sodium acetate undergoes cationic hydrolysis.
equilibrium constant.
15. A H2SOa mainly dissociates into He and HSO| )
R : N of H2SOa would be lesser than NaOH. R When Kc > Qc, the reaction mainly goes In
forward direction.
9 A: pH of salt solution of weak acid and weak
17. A pH of NH4CN solution is independent of
base is independent of concentration of
R It is anionic hydrolysis.
R Oegree of hydrolysis of such salt solution is
independent of concenlration. 18. A A buffer solution has a capacity to resist the
change in pH value on addition of small amount
10. A The reaction for which An = 0 no effect of
of acid or base to it.
pressure on equilibrium.
R pH value of buffer solution does not change on
R Change of pressure results in no change in the
value of equilibrium constant. dilution or on keeping for long.
11. A pH of solution of CHTCOOH increases upon 19. A H- acts as both Bronsted Lowry base as well
addition of CH3COONa. as Lewis base.
R On dilution, degree of ionisation of CH.COOH R It acts as both Ho acceptor and lone pair
D tr o
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Chapter 4
6. lf for cell, AH of reaction is - 285.8 kJ/mol,
ELrr = 1.zs V. Thermodynamic efficiency of fuel
Objective Type Questions
cell is (n = 2)
10 g of a fairly conc. solution of CuSOo is (1) 50% (2) 83%
electrolysed using 0.0'l landay ot electricity. The
(31 41vo (4) 75%
weight of solution after electrolysis
7. Product of electrolysis of aqueous CuCl, using
(1) e.6 s (2) 10 s
platinum electrode at anode and cathode
(3) 9.75 s (4) 0.39 s respectively is
2 A half cell consist of a strip of cobalt dipped into (1) Cl, and Cu
a 1 M solution of Co2'. lf ammonium hydroxide is (2) O, and Cu
added to the half cell, then what will be effect on (3) 02 and H2
the emf of the cell? (E!o:.,"" = -0.277 Vl
(4) Cu2. comes into solution and Cu at cathode
(1) lncreases
8. Which of the following solution can be safely
(2) Decreases stored in copper vessel?
(3) Remains unchanged 11) ZnSOo (2) A9NO3
(4) Cannot be predicted (3) FeSoo (4) Both (1) & (3)
3 The reduction potential of hydrogen half cell will be 9. A galvanic cell is conslructed by chromium
negative if electrode dipped in 0.1 M Cr2(SO4)3 and silver
electrode dipped in 0.1 M AgNO.. lf resulting cell
(1) Px, ='l atm and tH.l = 1 M is feasible, then its emf would be approximately
(21 Pa, = 2 atm and IH.l = 2 M
lE!,,,,". = -0'74 V, Ein-,on = O.a V1
(3) Pn, = 6 atm and tH-l = 3 u
(1) 1.s0 v (2) 3.09 v
(a) Px, = 1 atm and tHtl = 2 M (3) 0.2s v (4) 4.70 V
4 The value of equilibrium constant for a feasible 10. ln the electrolysis of H2O, 11.2 litre of H2 was
reaction is liberated at cathode at NTP How much 02 will be
(1).1 (2\ Zero liberated at anode under the same condition?
(3)=t (4)>1 (1) 11.2L (2) 5.6 L
5 The ionisation constant of a weak electrolyte (HA) (3) 22.4 t (4) 16.8 L
is 36 x 10j while the equivalent conductance of 11. lf the pressure of hydrogen gas is increased
its 100 M solution is 20.4 Q-1cm2eq-1. The from 1 atm to 100 atm, keeping the hydrogen ion
equivalent conductance of the electrolyte at infinite concentration constant at 1 M, the voltage of the
dilution will be hydrogen half cell at 25'C will be
(1) 3.4 x '103 (21 3.4 x 102 (1) 0.0295 v (2) -O.029s V
(3) 10OO (4) 5 x 10-2 (3) -0.059 v (4) 0.059 V
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Offce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
56 Electrochemistry Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
12. The correct order of equivalent conductance at 20. 4 moles of electrons were transfened from anode
infinite dilution of NaCl, KCl, RbCl is to cathode in an experiment on electrolysis of
(1) NaCl > KCI > RbCl (2) RbCl > KCI > NaCl water. The total volume of the pure gases (at
STP) produced will be approximately
(3) NaCl > RbCl > KCI (4) KCI > NaCl > RbCl
(1\ 22.4 t (2) %.8 L
13 I g aluminium (Atomic weaght 27) is deposited
(3) 56.2 L (41 67.2 L
from aq. solution of its salt at cathode by passing
certain quantity of electric charge. The volume of 21. The volume of H2 gas at NTP obtained by passing
chlorine produced at S.T.P by the same quantity 4 A through acidified H2O for 1930 second is
of charge will be (1) 0.896 L (2) 89.6 L
(11 22.4 L (21 11.2 L (3) 214.8 L (4) 0.0448 L
(3) 5.6 L (4) 44.8 L 22. Chemically, rust of iron is
14 lf standard reduction potential of Cu2*/Cu and (1) Hydrated fenous oxide
Cu2*/Cu*1 is x and y respectively, then standard
(2) Hydrated ferric oxide
electrode potential of Cu'/Cu becomes
(3) Only ferric oxide
(1) x-y (21 2(x-y)
(4) A mixture of fenic oxide with a litfle of Fe(OH).
(3) 2x-y (41 2x+y
23. ff E, 0.34 . (i)
A.2/A =
lf Afl for BaClr, NaOH and NaCl are p, q and
B.3/B = -1.66 (ii)
r C) 1cm2 mol-l respectively, the equivalent
conductivity of Ba(OH), at infinite dilution is ctc- = 2.87 ... (iii)
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Last Leap for NEET (PartJ) Electrochemistry 57
27. 1 mole of AgrSOl solution is electrolysed by 34. ln the electrolysis of copper chloride solution using
passing a current of 1 amp for 965 s Moles of Ag- copper electrodes, the mass of cathode increases
left after electrolysis is by 3.175 g. At the anode,
(1) 0.99 (2) 1.98 (1) 560 ml of O, at STP witt be liberated
(3) 1.99 (4) 1.50 (2) 112 ml of Cl2 will liberate
28. The resistance of solution A is 100 O and (3) 3.2 mol of copper metal will dissolve
resistance of solution I is 200 Q in same
(4) 0.05 mole of Cu wilt dissolve
conductivity cell. Equal volume of solution A and B
are mixed and taken in same cell. The resistance 35. A cell contains two hydrogen electrodes. Anode is
of mixture is in contact with a solution of 1f
M Hr ions. E.M.F.
(1) 133.s3 o (2) 166.66 () of cell is 0.118 V at 25'C. pH of sotution at
cathode is
(3) 150 c, (4) 17s o
(1) 1 (2) 2
29. The specific conductance of saturated solution of
AgCl is 1.24 x 1O5 Q-i cm-r. Molar conductance
(3) 0 (4\ -1
at infinite dilution of AgCl is 119 Cfr crn, mol-1. The 36. When electric current is passed through
a cell
solubility of AgCl in moleil is having an electrolyte, the positive ions move
(1) 0.5 x 10i M (2) 1.04 x 10{ M towards the cathode and negative ions towards
the anode. lf the cathode is pulled out of this
(3) 1.5 x 10i M (4) 2 x 10j M solution
30. Emf of a cell Ni I Ni,'(1M) ll Au3' (1M) lAu is .... ('l) The positive ion and negative ions both wi
if E'for Ni&/Ni is -O.25 V E'forAuryAu is 1.50 V move towards the anode
(1) + 1.25 v (2) The positive ions will start moving towards the
(2) - 1.75 V anode, the negative ions will stop moving
(3) + 1.75 V (3) The negative ions will continue to move
towards the anode; the positive ion will stop
(4) - 1.25V moving
31. ln order to get greater value of emf of a cell
(4) The positive ions and negative ions will start
(1) Concentration of anode solution should be
moving randomly
lower than cathode solution
37. Four colourless salt solutions are placed in
(2) Concentration of anode solution should be
separate test tubes and a strip of copper is placed
higher than cathode solution
in each, which solution finally tums blue?
(3) Concentration of anode and cathode solution
should be 2 M and 1 M respectively
(1 ) Pb(NO3)2
(2) zn(No3),
(4) None of these
(3) AgNo3
32. ll Ei" is standard electrode potential for Fe/Fe.z
and E.' is tor Fe'zlFe'3 and E3' for FelFet3 then (4) Cd(NO3)2
which of the following relation is correct? 38. What will be Eqrinor,yc,one at pH = 2 if
+El E quinonycrone = 1 30 V?
(1) E3 _2Eo, (2') E\ =zEl +EZ
(3) E3 = E? +E! (4) E3 = 2E3 +3E?
33. A cell is constructed as follows + 2H', + 2e-
Pt : H, (1 atm) lHA, ll H&lH, (1 atm), if the pH
of two acid solution HA1 and HA2 are 5 and 3 OH o
respectively. The e.m.f. of the cell is
(1) 0.0se v (2) 0.029s v v
(1) 136 (2) 1.30 v
(3) 0.118 v (4) -0.118 v p) 1.42v (4) 1.2ov
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Ofice :Aakash Tower, 8. Pusa Road, New Delhi-'l1ooos ph.O11-47623456
58 Electrochemistry Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
39. Blocks of magnesium metal are often strapped to 44. The e.m f of the cell
the steel walls of ocean going ships in order to pt, H2(1atm) I HA(O.O1M) ll HC(1.0M) | H2(1atm),
(1 ) protection
provide cathodic Pt is 0.295 V The dissociation constant of the acid
HA is
(2) Provide sacrificial protection
(1) 1t 10{
o (2) 1 0 x 10-6
(3) Provide banier protection
(3) 10 x 10+ (4) 1 0 x 10-5
(4) All of these
40. when an aqueous sorution of tithium chtoride ,. ou :lin of the following is zero for concentration
electrolysed using graphite electrodes
(1) pH ofthe resulting solution increases (1) Ec"rr (2) E"c"rr
(4) All of these (3) To have maximum cell potential C2 < Cr and
P't Pz
54 When a graph is plotted between molar '
conductivity and (conc)1z for a strong electrolyte, (4) To have feasible cell reaction, oxidation takes
then which of the following is observed mnectly? place on electrode with lower concentration if
partial pressure is same
(1) lntercept equal to
^; 59 During electrolysis of H2SO4 at higher
(2) Slope equal to A
concentration the reaction which is preferred at
(3) The value ofA (constant) depend upon type of anode is
electrolyte, i.e. CaCl", CaSOa are 1-2 and
1-1 electrolyte (1) 2SOi -+ S,O!-+ 2e-
taq) (aq)
(4) All of these (21 2H2O(l\ -r 02 + 4H* + 4e-
55 Which of the following is mismatched? (3) 2H. -+ H,
(1) Charge on I mole - 96487 C mol-1 (4) All of these
60. Which of the following is mismatched regarding
(2) Reduction of 1 mole - 1 mole of e- number of faradays of electricity required for
required deposition of 1 mole of respective substance?
of Ag* ion
(1) Nikobenzene -+ Aniline -+ 6F
eo. wt. of substance
(J) Erecrocnemrcar - (21 Al2O3 -+ Al --+ 3F
equivalent (3) FeO -+ FerO, -+ 1F
(4) 1 F of electricity liberate-'l g equivalent of (4) MnO4- -+ -+ 5F
any substance
always 61 Correci statemenus with respect to the mercury
cell is/are
56 lf Een is greater than the Ecelt then
(1) Zinc-mercury amalgam is used as anode
(1) Electron flow from zinc to copper
(2) lts cell potential remains constant as reaction
(2) Electron flow from copper to zinc
does not involved any ion in solution
(3) The reaction stops
(3) During oxidation at anode ZnO is produced
(4) All of the above can occur
(4) All of these
57 lf the potential of hydrcgen electrode in contact
with a solution is nearly -{.6 V then the hydroxide 62 What will happen if no salt bridge is used in
ion concentration of the solution is electrochemical cell?
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd Offlce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10005 Ph.01147623456
60 Electrochemistry Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
63. Which statement is correct for equivalent 70 ln the electrolytic cell, the f,ow of elec'tron is from
conductance? (1) Cathode to anode in solution
(1) lt decreases for both strong and weak (2) Cathode to anode through extemal supply
electrolytes on dilution
(2) lt increases for strong electrolyte on dilution (3) Cathode to anode through intemal supply
but decreases for weak electrolyte on dilution (4) Anode to cathode through extemal supply
(3) Remains unaffected on dilution 71 A91.1lAgNOqooo1 r..r1 I I AONO.,o.or u1 I A91",. The
(4) lt increases with dilution for strong and weak EMF of the cell will be
electrolyte (1) s9.00 v (2) 5.90 v
64. What amount of current should be passed in the
(3) 0.0s9 v (4) 0.s9 v
electrolysis of acidulated water, if hydrogen gas
is required at the rate of 1cc per second at NTP 72 1.08 g of an element was displaced when a
condition? cunent of one ampere was passed through the
(1) 8.6A (2) 104 salt solution of the element for 16 minutes and
five seconds. The equivalent weight of the
(3\ 24 A (4) 12 A element is
65. ln which electrolysis pH of solution increases (1) 108 (2\ 5.4
using inert electrodes?
(3) 1.08 (4) 10.8
(1 ) AgNO3 solution (2) CUSO4 solution
(3) NaCl solution (4) Na2SO4 solution Which is mismatched?
69. The standard reduction potential at 25"C of the Standard cell potential will be maximum when
reaction, 2H2O + 2e- <= H2 + 2OH- is (1)pHr > pH2, P1> P2
4.8277, lne equilibrium constant for the above
reaction is approximately? (2\ pHz, pH,, P, > P,
Aakash Educational Services h/t. Ltd. Regd. Orfice : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-110005 Ph.01'l{7623456
Last Leap for NEET ( Paru)
Electrochemistry 61
76. From the following facts 82 During the process of electrolysis of brine
solution using inert electrode, which of the half
(i) 2f + Y2----+ 2Y- + X2
cell reaction will take place at anode?
(ii) 2W- + Y, ----+ No reac{ion
(1 ) Nao (aq) + e(-) -------+Na(s)
(iiilzz- + X2---) 2X- + 22 ,|
Ho (aq ) + e(-)
----------r H, (g)
Which of the following is true? 12) 7
(t) E*r,*-'Evrtv-'E*"tr'Ezrtr 1 ..
(3) Cl(-)(aq)---r, Cl,(g) + e'-'
(2) E*r,*- uE*r,*
'Errtr- 'Er",a 1+1 H,O(l)
-+ + fie(aq)+ 2e( )
(3) Ewzlw-
'er,,lr 'Er"l"- 'E*r,* OJ The charge present on tin (Sn) if 7.42 g ot
(4) E*rr*- uE*r,* metallic tin is deposited by passage of 24125 C'
'Err,r-'Err,T through a salt of tin in molten state [At wt of Sn
77. Which of the following is conect statement about
= 1181
concentration cell?
(1) +1 (2) *Z
(1) Eh=o (3) *3 (4) +4
(2) Ecdr +0 84 Which of the following option is true for galvanic
(3) E""rr = o.ossrooft fi c2> cl (1) Anode is positive electrode
(4) All of these (2) Salt bridge completes the electrical circuit
through metallic conductance
78. The equivalent condu@nce of 0.05 N monoprotic
acid is 7.40 O-1 cm2 eq-l at a given (3) There is flow of current from anode to
temperature. lf the equivalent conductance at cathode through outer circuit
infinite dilution is 390.0 o-l cm2 eq-1 then, the (4) The elecrolyte present in the salt bridge
dissociation constant of the acid will be should have same ioniGmobility
(1) 1.8 x '10-5 (2) 1.8 x 10-7 85 Which of the following statement regarding redox
(3) 1.8 x 1O-3 (4) 1.8 x10-6 reaction is correct?
79. Thermodynamic efficiency of a cell is given by (1) Oxidant is a substance undergoing increase in
oxidation number by loss of electrons
(1)-# (2) -H (2) EMF of cell is the difference in the electrode
potentials of two electrodes in a cell when
cunent flows through the cell
131 -!IE
(4) -nFEo
(3) Reduction involves loss of electrons
80. For completely reducing 20 ml of 0.5 M MnO4
(4) Galvanic cell is a device in which redox
to Mn2*(aq). The charge required is
change occurs decreases the free energy that
(1) 482s C appears as electrical energY
(2\ 48250 C
86 Ef,,a.,o, =-1.66V and E],:*,r, =+1'26V
(3) 48.25 C
On the basis of above data which statement is
(4)sF incorrect?
81. Electrolysis product of aqueous NaF using (1)Tl3- is unstable in solution while Al3* ion is
graphite electrodes
(1) Anode : H2 ; Cathode : 02 (2) Aluminium has high tendency to make Al3*
(2) Anode : F2 ; Cathode : H2 ions
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62 Electrochem istry
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
87 . The stiandard emf of the cell 93 For the galvanic cell
znlzn2t (M) ll Cu2.(1M)lCu As I Ascr(s), Kcl(0.2 M) ll KB(0.001 M);
E" fd Zfi-lzn = -{.76 V E" for Cu2./Cu = + 0.34 V AsB(s) | As.
(1) v
* (2) -1.i0 v Calculate the emf generated and assign correct
(3) -0.76 V polarity to each electrode for the spontaneous
(4) 4.42 v
process after taking into account the cell reaction
88. The feasible cell reaction, if E0 of Ni/Ni-2 = 0.25
al 25'C.
V and Mg/Mg*2 = 2.37 V is
Given k"o(AgCl) = 2.8 x 10-10
(1) Mg+Ni-)Mg*2 +Ni*2 kse(AgBQ=3.3x'10-13
98. Which of the following statement is inconect? 104. The El,r.,rz' values for A, B, C and D are
-0.41 V, +'1.57 V, + 0.77 V and
+1 97 V
(1) lncrease in temperature increases electrolyte
conductivity but decreases metallic respectively. For which one of these metals the
conductivity change in oxidation state from +2 to +3 is easiesP
(3) lncreasing temperature increases rate of 105. lf the reduction potential of x, y and z are in the
exothermic reactions orderz>Y>x,then
(4) lncreasing temperature increases defects in (1) y can oxidise r r
and not
NaCl (2) y can oxidise r and not r
99. Which of the following are @nect? (3) y can oxidise both r and T
(1) Electrolysis of dil. NaOH solution gives H2 at (4) y. can reduce both x and z
cathode and 02 at anode
106. ln a galvanic cell, flow of electrons is from
(2) Electrolysis of molten CaH2 produces H2 at (1) Cathode to anode in solution
anode and calcium at cathode
(2) Cathode to anode through extemal wire
(3) Electrolysis of CuSOo solution using copper
(3) Cathode to anode through internal supply
electrode do not show any change in molarity
of solution (4) Anode to cathode through external wire
(4) All of these 107. The standard oxidation potential E' for the half
reactions are as
100. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution
containing a mixture of 1 M Y- and 1 M Z- at Zn -___) Zn2* + 2e- E. = + 0.76 V
25"C. lf the reduction potential of z > Y > X; then
Fe ______+ Fe2* + 2e- E. = + 0.41 V
(1) Y will oxidize X but not Z The standard EMF for cell reaction
(2) Y will oxidize Z but not X Fe2* + Zn ----) Zn2* + Fe is
(3) Y will oxidize both X and Z (1) - v
o.3s el + 0.35 V
101. Which process occurs in the electrolysis of an 108. What cunent is to be passed for 0 25 second, for
aqueous solution of nickel chloride at nickel deposition of certain weight of metal which is
anode? equal to its electrochemical equivalent?
(1) Ni ------; Ni*2 + 2e- (2) Nit'z + 2e- -----+ Ni (1)4A (2) 5A
(3) 2cr cl" + 2a- (4) 2H. + 2e- --'---+ H, (3)6A @) 2A
--) 109. Which ion has highest conductivity in aqueous
102. A4.O molar aqueous solution of NaCl is prepared
and 500 mL of this solution is electrolyzed Find solution?
out number of moles of Cl2 gas evolved is (1) Lr (2) Nat
(1) 1.0 mole (2) 2.0 mole (3) MS2- (4) Be2-
(1) M el r-
Zn(s)lzn2{-)(aq1 1l Cu2{.)(aq)lCu(s)
l. Electrons move from Zn to Cu
(3) Li (4) cr ll. Concentration ot 2n21.) will increase and that
116. lf Cu strip is put in the solution of AgNO.(aq) then of Cu2(*) will decrease when cell operates
(1 ) Nothing wi happen lll. When cetl becomes dead, E; = O
(2) Ag. witt be reduced Choose the correct statement(s)
(3) Cu will become Cu2* (1)r,il&ilt (2)I&ilt
(4) Both (2) & (3) (3)r&il (4)il&ilt
Atkash Educationat Seruices p\d. Ltd. Regd. Offtce Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Electrochemistry 65
123. Choose the conect statement(s) 129. The products of electrolysis of AgNO3(aq) using
Ag electrodes are
(1) E;, is zero for concentration cell
(2) E""rr = 0, when cell reaction approaches Cathode Anode
(1)As' Ast
(3) Specific conductance of all electrolytes
decreases on dilution (2) As 02
(4) All are correct (3) As Ag-
124. Consider the following EMF diagram for Fe, (4) As. As
FeOi( ) 2_20 V
Fe3(+) 0.77v ) Fe2(+) 130. Four faraday of electricity were passed through
aqueous solutions of AgNO., CuSOo and PbClo
the value for E:eo2c)/Fe2(*) will be connected in series, using inert electrode. The
ratio of number of moles of Ag, Cu and Pb
(1)7.37 v (2) 3.685 V deposited will be
(3) 2.456 V (4) 1.843 V (1)1:2:4
125. The amount of electricity required to obtain 10
mole of Al from molten AlCl3 is
(1) 10 F (2) 60 F (3)4:2:1
(3) 20 F (4) 30 F (4) 1 :2 :3
126. During rusting following redox reaclion takes 131 . Cathodic and anodic product when dilute
aqueous solution of NqSOo is electrolysed using
inert electrode are respectively
ztl@ +1o,+ Fe----------lH,o + Fe2(+)' E' = 1.67 V
2' (1) H2, 02
What is AG' of the reaction? (2) Na, 02
(1)-322.31 kJ (2) -161.15s kJ
(3) 02, H2O
(3) 322.31 kJ (4) +161.155 kJ
(4) Na, So,
127. Oxide that can be reduce by hydrogen
(1) Na2O 132. The reduction potential of hydrogen electrode at
(2) Mgo
(3) At2O3
(1) - 0.14 volt
128. The rusting of iron takes place by these two half (3) + 0.39 volt
(4) + o.o8 volt
z1r +2e' *lor-------nro1t;, E" = 1.23y 133. ff En"ou"tion of 12 < Bt2 < Clr, then Brr(l) can
Fe*2 + 2e- -_+Fe(s); E" = _ 0.214 V (1) Oxidise l- to 12 and Cl- to Cl2
(3) - 1s2 kJ/mol (4) - 76 kJ/mol (4) Cannot oxidise (l-) and (Cl-)
66 Electrochemistry Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false 7. A: For the reaction, r"=Ei +E! is not always
statements, then mark (4). valid.
'1. A : Corrosion of metals is essentially an R: For the reaction AG' = AG; + AG; is always
electrochemical phenomenon. valid.
R : Corrosion of iron metal can be prevented by 8. A: Electrolysis of aqueous FeSO4 gives Fe at
cathode in preference to H2.
2. A : E|, is zero for concentration cell. R: Ei,F, < EL"F"
R : AG is zero for working concentration cell. 9. A: Specific conductivity decreases on dilution.
3. A: ln galvanic cell anode is negative electrode. R: Number of ions per unit volume decreases on
R : Anode is the source of eleckon. dilution.
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Chapter 5
14. SO2 acts as an oxidant when reacts with 23. The oxide of nitrogen formed when Zn reacts with
hot and conc. HNO" is
(1) Acidic lqCr2OT (2) Acidic KMnO4
() Nzo
(3) H2S (4) All of these
(2) NO,
15. Colour of iodine solution is discharged by shaking
(3) r',ro
it with an aqueous solution of
(4) N2O5
(1) H2SO4 (2) KrS
24. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(3) NarSrO. (4) NarSOo
(l) N2 diffuses faster than 02
16 The halogen which gives 02 with hot conc. NaOH (2) Solid PCls exist as tetrahedral cation and
is octahedral anion
(1) Fz e) o2 (3) NO2 has the tendency to dimerise
(3) B% (4\ tz (4) HNO3 exists as non-planar molecule in
gaseous state
17 Which is incorrect?
25. The inconect statement is
(1) SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3 (Boiling point)
(1) (CH3)3N is pyramidal but (S|H.).N is planar
(2) BiH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3
(2) Both N2O and N2O5 are neutral oxides
(Reducing) character
(3) White phosphorus consists of discrete
(3) PH. > AsH. > SbH3 > NH3 > BiH3 (Volatility)
tetrahedml molecule, Po
(4) NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 (HEH angle (')) (4) Fluorine does not show disproportionation
18 xeF4 + H2o --------+ A [Complete hydrolysisl reaction
26. Which of the following is mixed anhydride?
Hybridisation and shape of xenon product A is
(1) (2) N2Os
(1) sp34 T-shaped
(3) (4) SO3
(2) sp3d, see-saw
27. Which of the following has maximum
(3) sp3d, square pyramidal electronegative nature?
(4) sp3, pyramidal (1) F- (21 Ct
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Last Leap for NEET (Partl) p-Block Elements ( croup 15-18) 69
31 . During etching of glass by hydrofluoric acid, which 40. Which of the following is conect structure ol S2Cl2?
chemical compound is formed?
lll X;ij' :,':"
NO2 is released on heating
'='(" "' ",''e,{
(4) cl =S=S=Cl
(1) Pb(NO3)' (2) KNO3
(3) NaNO, (4) NaNO3 41. The number of P-O*l links in orthophosphoic acid
(2) All of them are monobasic 42. Which of the following hydride is best reducing
(3) They may be monobasic and polybasic hydrile?
(4) They have general formuh Hxo (1) NHs (2) PH3
(3) SbH3 (4) BiH3
34. ln which of the following properties, white
phosphorus resembles red phosphorus? 43. A white precipitate is obtained on hydrolysis of
(1) Reaction with caustic alkali (1) PCl5 (2) NCl"
(2) Buming in air (3) BiCl3 (4) AsCl3
(3) Dissolution in CS2 44. ln the solid state, SOi exist as
(4) Chemiluminescence (1) Cyclic tetramet (2) Cyclic trimer
35. Which of the following is formed when phosphoric (3) Discrete molecule (4) Dimer
acid is heated to 600'C? 45. xeF6 on partial hydrolysis gives
(1) HPO3 (2) H4P2O1 (1) XeOF, (2) XeOF.
(3) pH, and PrOu (4) P2O5 and H2O (3) XeOr (4) XeF,
36. Among chalcogen, the highest tendency to form 46. yclo S. exist in the
r(g) ion is exhibited by (1) Boat form
(2) chair form
(3) Te urium setenium
(3) Puckered ring structure
37. Iryhen dropleb of concenfated H,SO, fall on cotbn
(4) oclahedral arangerrent
fabric, the spots blacken with tf,e Jppearance of
hole. This is because 47. The starting material for the preparation of
cross-linked silimnes is
(1) H2SO4 bums the cotton
(2) Causes cotton to form respective sulphates (1) R Sicl'z (2) Rlsicl
(3) Rsiclr (4) siRr
(3) Removes water from the fabric
38. The halogen having live vacant orbitals in the
(1) P1o. (2) Astq
outermost shell belongs to
(1) 3d peri:d (2) 4h perio<l (3) Sbp' (4) Bip!
(3) 2d period (4) 5h period 49' Which of the following halogen does not
disproportionate with hot and concentrated NaOH
39. Which halogen acid has highest percentage ionic solution?
charactea (1) o. (z) Brz
(1) H (2) HF
(3) HCI (4) HBr
70 p-Block Elements (Group 15-'18
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
50. Which of the following is the correct sequence of 59. Which of the following compound of Xe is
increasing electron affinity among oxygen family isostructural with lCf and BrO3- respectively?
(1) XeFo, XeO. (2) XeO3, XeFl
(1) Te<Se<O<S (2) O<Te<Se<S
(3) XeO., XeF, (4) XeF a, XeF2
(3) Se<Te<O<S (4) O<Se<Te<S 60. Which of the following are not conecfly arranged
51. Conect statement about NCl3 is that as per the property given in ftont of it?
(1) lts hydrolysis produces HNO. and HCt (1) H2Te > HrSe ....... acidic character
(2) lts hydrolysis produces NH3 and HCt (2) Br2> F2 ...... enthalpy of dissociation
(3) lts hydrolysis produces NH3 and HOC| (3) NH3 >PH3 ......... basic nalure
(4) lt can't be hydrotysed (4) TlCl3 > 1nct3..... stabitity
52. The basicity of hypophosphorus acid and 61. Most acidic oxide among the following is
hybridisation of 'P -atom in it, is (1) N,Os (2) P,q
(1) 3, spj (2) 3, sp2 (3) N,O. (4) As,O3
(3) 2, sp2 (4) 1, sp3 62. What is the crystalline form of pBr5?
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) p-B lock Elements ( Group 15-18) 71
71. Ammonia on reaction with hypochlorite ion 80. On heating, orthophosphorous acid
produces disproportionates to give
77. NH3 reacts with excess of Cl2 to give (3) N2 and NH4CI (4) NCl3 and HCI
(1) NH4CI (2) q 87 PCl" in solid state exists as
(3) NCr3 6) NCl5
(1) IPCU tctrl (2) tPcl4r [crl
78. The van der Waals forces are greatest in
(3) IPCU- lPcl6l- (4) All of these
(1) f{eon (2) Argon
The basicity of pyrophosphorus acid (HoPrOu) is
(3) Krypton (4) Xendr
(1) 4 (21 3
453-473 K
79. 2NH, +CO, 22O atm
X+H2O;X is
(3) 2 (4) 1
(1) Ammonium carbonate g9. The strongest oxidizing agent among the following
(2) tJrca is
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72 lock Elements Grou 15-18 Last for NEET Part-l
90. Which of the following acid has S-S bond? 100. Which molecule has minimum bond angle?
(1) H2S2O8 (2) H2S2O7 (1) NH3 el H2o
(3) H2S2O6 (4) Alt of these (3) AsH3 (4) CH4
91 The conect bond energy order of halogen is 10'l. The shape of XeF6 is
(1) Cl2 > Brr> Fr> 12 e\ CJ2> F2> Bt2> 12
(1) Octahedral
(3) F2> Cl2 >Brr>1, (4) F2> Cl2> 12>Bt2 (2) Pentagonal bipyramidal
92 The correct statement is (3) Distorted octahedrat
(1) SO, bleaches by reduction (4) Square pyramidal
(2) Cl2 bleaches by oxidation 102. From which compound iodine displaces chlorine?
113. Complete hydrolysis of XeF6 forms a compound 'A (2) CtO; Tetrahedral 109'28'
which explodes violently in dry state. 'A is
(1) XeO3 el x&2Fz (3) ClOt Pyramidal 1@"28'
(3) XeOF4 (4) xeF4
114. XeF 2 reacts with PFs to form
(4) NOt Trigonal planarl2o'
(1) txeflttPF'f (2) txeF31'tPFJ 122. Conect order among the given below ls
(3) txeFl-tPF6l' (4) xeF4 l. H* < H < H- (AtomicJionic radii)
115. The strongest oxidizing agent among the following ll. O<N<F (First ionization energy)
lll. Br, < Cl, < F, (Oxidilng poiver)
(1) B]o; lV. 8.2 < Cl2 < F2 (Bond energy)
(2) [, il
(3) clo; (3) r, il, m
(4) All har€ sam€ oxidizing power (4) r, il, ilr, rv
Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005 Ph.01'l -47623456
74 lock Elements 15-18 Last Lea for NEET Part-l
126. ln which of the following bond angle is minimum? 3. A: Helium does not form clathrates.
(1) H2S R : Helium has the smallest atomic size among all
(2) It the elements of group 18 & can escape from
the cavities.
(3) No;
4. A : When PCl. is hydrolysed then tribasic acid of
(4) H2O phosphorous is formed.
127 . Find the inconect match R : H.PO. as a tribasic acad.
(1) N2os(s) - lonic compound
5. A : Oxidzing power are in order
(2) NO(g) at low temperature - Paramagnetic
nafure Broo->lO;>ClO;
(3) - lonic compound
PClu(s) R : Standard rcduction potential for pefialates will
(4) XeOFI - Polar molecule be in same order-
128. Which of the following is the corr€ct order of the 6.A N cannot form NClu.
melting point of hydrogen halides?
R P cannot form PHs.
(1) HF > HCI > HBr > Hl
7. A Partial hydrolysis of XeF6 is not a redox
(2) HF > Hl > HBr > HCI reaction.
(3) Hl > HF > HBr > HCI R Complete hydrolysis of XeF. is a redox
(4) Hl > HF > HCI > HBr reaction.
tr tr o
Aakash Educational Sarvicgs Pvt. Ltd. Regd Offlce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road. New DelhF11OO05 Ph.O1147623456
Chapter 6
Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Prineiples
and Techniques
6 Which alkene will show maximum
QI hyperconjugation?
(1) CH.-CH=CH,
(2) CH3CH, - CH = CHz
(3) (4)
(3) CH,-C-CH=CH,
2 Which of the following is most acidic?
cooH cooH
(4) CHr-C-CH=CH,
(1) (21
7 The correct order of acidic strength is
3 Which of th€ following has highest value of pKa?
(1) C6H5CH2NH2 ocH3 NH,
(2) C6H5NHC6H5 (1) >t> t (2) I> t >t
(3) C6H5CONH2 (3) I>ilt >il (4) t>r>il
(4) (C6HJ3N 8 The conect increasing order of stability is
4 The number of chiral carbon in mannose and N
fructose in open chain struclures are respectively
(1) 4 and 3
(2) 3 and 3 t.
(3) 4 and 4
(4) 3 and 4
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f, organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques Last Leap ior NEEI (Part-l)
@ H H
e (1) Staggered (2) Eclipsed
tv. cH3 - C- CH.
(3) Skew (a) Both (2) & (3)
13. Select the correct order of basic strength in
(1)t< <It <tv (2) lv< lll <ll <l aqueous solution
(3) < t <t<tv (4) lll <l<ll <lv (1) NH3 < (C2HJ2NH < C2H5Ntt < (C2H5)3N
9 Lowest and highest acidic character is associated (2) C2H5NH2 < NH3 < (C2H5)SN < (C2HsLNH
respectively with the compounds
(3) NH3 < C2H5NH2 < (C2HJ3N < (C2H5)2NH
(4) NH3 < (C2H5)2NH < (C2H5)3N < C2H5NH2
14. Which among the following compounds behave
both as an electrophile as well as nucleophile?
Iililt lv
(1) r, lll a. CH, = Q11, b. CHr=cn-8n,
(2) rv, il c. CH3-C-CH3 d. cH3-c-ct
(3) il, ilr
o o
(4) il, r
(1) Both a& b (2) Both b &c
'10. The following pair of structure represents
(3) Both c&d (4) Only c
MeH 15. 0.3 g of organic compound contain 40% bromine in
silver bromide determined by Carius method, the
mass of silver bromide is
(1) 0.12 g (2) 0.28 s
H BrH Br (3) 0.18 s (4) 0.021 g
'16. C-atoms in C2(CN)4
HMe are
(1) Enantiomers (2) Conformers (1) sp hybndised
(3) Position isomers (4) Homologues (2) sd hybridised
'11. Which of the following carbanion is most stable? (3) sp and sl hybridised
o o (4) sp, sd and sp3 hybridised
17. The total number of optically active isomers for
X - CH2 - (CH - X). - CHO are
(1) (2)
(1) 16 (2) I
NO, CN (3) 4 (4) 2
o o 18. ln which of the following bond angles on sp3
H, H,
hybridised are not contracted due to lone pair of
(3) (4)
(1) oFz @ \o
oH cH. (3) cH3ocH3 (4) cH3oH
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Last Leap for NEET (Partl) Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques 77
19. Which of the following has most acidic proton? 26. Which of the following statements is inconect?
(1) CH"COCH3 (1) But-2-ene can exhibit geometrical isomerism
(2) (CH3)rc = cH, (2) Propyl amine and isopropyl amine are position
(3) Methyl propyl amine and diethylamine are
(4) CH3CH2OH
20. m-Dihydroxybenzene is also called
(4) CH3-CH=CH2+HBr-#J
(1) Catechol (2) Resorcinol
(3) Quinol (4) Pyrogallol I
(1) (2\ CHr= cH - CH2
27. Which of the following exhibit geometrical
(3) cH3cficH3 (4) 8H3 (1) 1-phenyl-1-butene (2) &phenyl-1-butene
22. Which of the following has minimum plq value? (3) But-1-ene (4) 2-methyl-but-2-ene
NH, 28. Which of the following has zero dipole moment?
(1) 12)
(1) Cis-2-butene (21
N (CHa)z H
o NH
o,(') NH
sd, sd, sp
sp'z, sp3,
O a,w (21 sf, sf, sd, sd, sp
(3) spt, sd, sd, sd
(4) sp3, sd, sf, sd, sp
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office:Aakash Tower,8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011'47623456
78 Organic Chemi stry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Last Leap for NEET (Part-l
39 Which of the following is not a pair of resonating
32. The degree of unsaturation in IS structure?
(1) 2 (2) 3 o o I
(3) 4 (4) 5 c
33. The number of isomers exhibited by C2BrClFl is
o- o- lt"\
o o-
(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6 o
34. Two volatile tiquids A and B differ in their boiling
point by 10 K. The process which can be used to
separate them is
(1) Steam distillation e
o CH. _ CH
(1) lV (2) E
(3) 6)o
47. cH360 (CH.).6 CH, =66- dr. 52. Most stable carbocation among the following
(r) (D (rD
cH3 cH'
(rv) (1) (2\
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80 Organic Chemist ry Some Basic Principles and Techn rques Last Leap for NEET (Part-l
53. The nudeophile in RMgBr is
59. CH3CH2OH--E!--+CH, = 6g,
(1) Br- (2) R- 170.C
(3) MsBr- (a) RMs- The stability of the intermediate of this rcaclicn can
be explained by
54. The priority order of the following groups in IUPAC
naming of organic compounds is (1) Resonance
-OH, -C=C-, -C=C-, -NH,
(2) Hyperconiugation
(3) Resonance or hyperconjugation
(1) lt (4) Resonance and hyperconjugation
-Nl-12 > -C = C- > -C = C- > -OH 60. Which of the following H is most acidic?
12) -NH2>-C=C->-OH>-C=C
(3) -o H>-C=C->-C=C->-NHz CH"_C H=C
t' I
Hr-CH 2
(4) ll @ 1o
-OH > -NH2 >-C=C->-C=C-
(1) O (2) O
(3) O (4) O
55. The IUPAC name for the compound, (J
H-C Which of the following compound exisl in two
enantiomeric pair?
will be F
(1) R - CHO
-lgr--rR - COOH (1) R-8 = 6: +-+ R-C = o':
(21 ,a\,/ -""r---, ry' .e H3
(2\ <1-----|
(3) R-cN--$g:--rR-COOH
(4) R-O--!9-I9[-+R-OH
66. The compound having maximum number of 1' (3) cH <-----+CH.-c_(
carbon atom is QLH
(1) 2, 2dimethylpropane
(2) 2,2, 3,3-tetramethyl butane (4) <----+
o o
A (21
A (2)
H+d , Frc-O
I o, .ar\,tr\
(3) and
and U o
H (41
82. Tautomerism will be shown by
(1) Primary nitroalkanes only
(2) Secondary nitroalkanes only
89. Which of the following compound is most pola2
(3) Li
Both Primary and secondary nitroalkanes
(4) Primary, secondary and tertiary nitroalkanes (1) Ag (2)
83. Which of the following carbocation is most stable?
(1) cH3 -co (2) cH3 _ CH,
(3) (4) All are equally polar
(3) Cn. -cnr$H 2 @) Cu, = 6H Ag
84 Which of the following halogen cannot be tested 90. ln the given conformer of 2-chlorobutane
by Lassaigne test?
(1) Br (21 Ct
(3) | (4) F
85 0.,14 gm of an organic compound on Kjeldahlised
gave NH. which required 17.25 ml of 1N HrSOo for CI
complete neutralisation. The approx. percentage of H H
nitrogen in the compound is CH.
(1) 25 (2) 3s After dehydrohalogenation by using alcoholic KOH,
(3) 54 (4) 30 the major producl formed is
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques 8it
(1) cis-2-butene 97. Which of the following is non-benzenoid aromatic
compound or species?
(2) trans-2-butene
(3) 1-butene o
(4) No elimination is possible
(1) (21
91. Which of the following is most reactive when
treated with Na metal?
('l)Methanol (2) Ethyne (3) (4) All of these
(3) Phenol (4) Acetic acid 98. Which of the following is not a pair of homologues?
92. Which of the following is most stable carbocation? (1) Methanol and isopropyl alcohol
H2 CH, (2) Ethene, hexene
(1) (2)
(3) Haxane and cyclobutane
(4) Propanal and butanal
93. The IUPAC name of the complex formed in (l) Cyclohexanol bromide
Lassaigne's test for detection of 'N' is
(2) Bromoformyl cyclohexane
(l) lron hexacyanofenate (lll) (3) Cyclohexane carbonyl bromide
(2) lron (lll) hexacyanoferrate (ll) (4) Both (1) & (3)
(3) Fenic hexacyanoferrate (lll) 100. lmproper matching of IUPAC name
(4) Fenic hexacyanofenate (ll)
94. The ratio of o and ,r bond is maximum in (1) CH \cH,--cH,--oH
(1) Benzene
3-phenyl pentan-1-ol
(2) Tetracyanoethene
(2) CH"--C|€H"
(3) Carbon dioxide "l'tt'
(4) Toluene CN CN CN
Propane 1,2,3
95. The electron cloud ofr bond lies Carbonitrile
(1) ln molecular plane ct-t-{--cH"
(3) ll ll
(2) At angle of 120" from bonding plane oo2-oxopropanal
(3) Parallel to bonding plane
(4) Above and below the plane of bonding atoms
96. Which of the following is inappropriate matching of
species and shape? Bicyclo [4, 3, 2] nonane
(1) CH2O - Trigonal planar '101. Number of isomer of CoHrBr having a chiral carbon
(2) H-Cll - Linear
(1) 4
(3) CH3 Tetrahedral (21 1
(3) 3
(4) CH3 Trigonal planar (4) 0
u Organic Chem istry : Some Basic Principles and Techn iques Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
102. Which of the following exists in the form of 109. Which of the following pairs of structures do not
tautomers? constitute resonance structure?
(1) CH3--+{O2 (2) NH,--C--+''IH, (1) CH"-N:O
-l and CH.--0--l.| =O
o o
(3) CH,--C--{H,--CH, (4) All of these
o " \b-- " \o
(2) CH"--€-=O anA CH.--C(o
103. Which of the following is purified by sublimation? (3) CH3CH = CH - CHo and CH.CHT- CH = CH,
(1) Acetone (2) Benzoic acid (4) Both (1)& (3)
(3) Ethanoic acid (4) Both (2) & (3) 110. Conect order of stability of following species is
1M. Sodium extract of which of the following compound O cx, = CH--CH = o
does not form blood red ppt with aqueous FeCl3? (l) -CHr--€H
= CH--O-
(1) NH2CSNH2 (2) NH,--C--+.1H, (lD -CHr--CH = CH --O-
o (1) l= ll = lll (2) l> ll = lll
(3) CH,--C|+--CH,NH, (4) Both (1) & (2) (3) t> > t (4) t<[< t
11',t. Which of the following is most acidic compound?
105.0.2 g of organic compound is digested with HH
conc. HrSOo in the presence of QSO, and trace NO,
of Cu, the resulting compound was heated which (1) (21
0) rcz-
(3) (CH!ICH (2) o-
(3) cN-
(4) CH, = CH - CH, (4) (CH3LN'
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Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l) Orqanic Chem Some Basic Principles and Techniques 85
115. Tautomerism is not exhibited by o
(2) is non-aromatic compound
(1) o o
(3) cH. - 6H is more slable than CH.6H2
(3) (cD3tc€ (4) (CDJTCFI@ 121. The correct IUPAC name of the following
compound is
117. Which of the following exist in maximum form of
enol contenp
o OH
(1) cH -o-cH"
(1) 2-Hydrorycyclohex-5-enone
(2) cH3-fi--cH'ffr.
(2) GHydroxycYclohex-2-enone
o o
(3) &Hydroxycyclohex-2€nol
(3) C _C H (4) 2-Hydroxycyclohexane carborylic acid
o 122. ln an estimation of sulphur by Carius method,
0.468 g of an organic compound gave 0.678 g of
CH=O o/o of sulphur in the
(4) barium sulphate. The
compound is aPProximatelY
118. The most reactive species towards H* ions is
(1) 2ovo (2) tr/"
= CHz
(3) 10% (41 l0Do/o
(i) (ii) x (1) >tV> >t (2)tv> > t >t
(3) t> > >tv (4) t > >t>tv
132. Optical isomerism is shown by
(1) ButanoFl
A A'
(2) Butanol-2
(iii) x A (3) 3-pentanol
Y (4) +heptanol
(1) (i) & (ii) (2) onty (ii)
133. tn which of the following free radical, carbon atom
(3) only (i) (4) onty (iii) is sp3 hybridised ?
'128. The IUPAC name including the stereochemical (l).CFs (2) .CCts
notation (for the chiral C) is (3) .CBra (4) All of these
o 134. Which has a z-bond formed by overlapping of
hybrid orbitals?
HH (1) (2\
(1 ) (Sf2-bromo-(Zfhex-3-€n4-one
CH = CHz
(2) (R!2+romo(Ef hex-3-en4-one
(3) (Rf$bromo-(Zlhex-3-ene-2-one
(4) (S)-Sbromo-(Efhex-3-en-2-one
(3) (4) CHr=Q = 611,
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Organi c Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and Techniques 87
135. Which of the following molecule will be planan A1. fhe most stable carbocation in the following
compounds is
(1) HCHo (2) CH, = s = 6H,
136. IUPAC
(4) All of these
name of the following compound
[(crHu)rc].c - cH, is
(1) 2, 2, 2-Triethylpropane
(2) 3, 3, 5, 5-Tetraethyl4-(1 , 1'-diethylpropyl)'4-
A (o)o
142. Which of the following is an anti-aromatic ion?
(3) 4-lsopropyF3, 3, 5, $tetraethylheptane
(4) 3, $Tetraethylmethylpentane e
(1) (2)
137. IUPAC name of
(1) Hex-4-en-1-yne (3) (4) All of these
(2) Hex-5-yn-2-ene
143. Nitrogen can be detected by
(3) Hex-I -yn-4-ene
(1) Soda lime test
(4) Hex-2-en-5-yne
(2) Lassaigne's test
138. Which of the following statement is conect about
(3) Beilstein test
the tautomerism?
(4) Both (1)& (2)
(1) ln phenol, enol form is more stable than keto
fum CH" OH
t' .+ I
c{' cH
144, CH,_C_CH,_OH
CH._ c
- crHs
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88 nic Chemi Some Basic Principles and Techniques Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
148. Find the inconect order 155. Which of the following is conect about methyl tree
(1) -CH3 < -CH2CH3 < -CH(CH3)2 (+t effect) radica'l?
(2) -NO2 > -CN > -COOH (-t effect) (1) Carbon is sp2 hybridised
e@e (2) Unused p-orbitat is at right angte to the plane
(3) CH3 > CH,CH" > CH(CH,), (Hyperconjugatjon) of hybrid orbitals
(3) lt is paramagnetic in nature
6)E.o.o (Resonance) (4) All of these
156. The conect statement about hyperconjugation is
149. The most stable carbocation will be produced by
(1) lt is a permanent effect
heterolysis of which of the following C - Br bond?
(2) lt operates through o-n electrons
(1) CrH5-N-CH,-Br
I delocalisation
(3) lt is weaker than resonance effect
(2) C2Hs-O-CH2-Br
(4) All of these
(3) CH.CH, - Br
157. Which of the follo\,ving is conect about fiee radical?
(4) All have equal stability
('l) lt is formed by homotytic cleavage
150. Stability of carbocations cannot be explained by
(2) Carbon ftee radical generally have one unpaired
(1) lnductive effed (2) Resonance effect electron
(3) Hyperconiugation (4) Etectromeric effect (3) They do not show hyperconjugative effect for
151. Which of the following is a nucleophile? stabitity
(1) DzO (2) CH3OH (4) Both (1) & (2)
(3) CN- (4) Ail of these 158. The hybrid state oi fourth carbon atom in the
following compound
152. Which of the following is corect about aromaticity
of the compound? CH3 - CH = CH CH COOH
(3) CH, - NO, (4) All of these
'167. The given two molecules are related to each other
NH2 - NH2HC|
(4) NH2CONH2
175. Before testing halogens, Lassaigne's extract is
boiled with HNO3 acid because
(1) NaCN is soluble in dil. HNO3
OH (2) NarS is soluble in dil. HNO,
(1) Geometrical isomers (2) Structural isomers
(3) Silver halides are soluble in dil. HNO3
(3) Enantiomers (4) ldentical
(4) Na2S and NaCN are decomposed by dit. HNO.
168. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
176. Alkyl groups when attached to ,r system behaves
(1) Conjugation is essential for resonance
(2) r-bond is not necessary for resonance
(1) Electron donor due to inductive effect
(3) lf there is conjugation resonan@ is not always
necessary (2) Electron donor due to hyperconiugation
ICH, - NH, exhibit resonance (3) Elechon acceptor due to inductive efiect
(4) Electron withdrawl due to resonance effect
177. Most acidic position in the given compound
169. The IUPAC name of IS
HO (d)
H =C-H(")
(1) 3,3-Dimethyl-1-hydroxycyclohexane
(2) 1,'l-Dimethyl-3-hydrorycyclohexane H
(3) 3,3-Dimethyl cyclohexan-1-ol (1) a (2) b
(4) 1,1-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexanot (3) c (4) d
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90 Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
178. Among the following, the least stable resonance 184. Tautomerism is not exhibited by
stucture is
(1) (2\
o6 eo o
(3) (4)
oo oo
179. Cyclic hydrocarbon molecule has all the C and H (3) CH:CH-OH
atoms in single plane. All the C-C bonds have
same bond length, less than 1.9 A but more than
1.34 A. The angle C-C-C is
(1) 109'28', (2) 180" (4)
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques 91
188. Which of the following is non-aromatic? '194. Mixture of ether and toluene is separated by
('l) Distillation
(1) (21
(2) Distillation under reduced pressure
e @ (3) Sublimation
(4) Chromatography
(3) (4)
195. How many chiral centres are present in 2,4-
o diphenyl-3-chlorohexane?
189. Find oul correct representation of triplet carbene
(11 4 (2) 3
H (3) 2 (4) 1
(1) H-C-H c@ 196. Acetone (b.p. = SZS K) and methanol (b.p. = 338 K)
H can be separated trom their mixture by
(1) Azeotropic distillation
(2) Fractional distillation
(3) H-C H (4) All of these (3) Steam distillation
(4) Vacuum distillation
190. Find out correct statement regarding resonance 197 The different resonating structures of
p-nitrophenoxide ion is given below, which of the
following resonating structures is not conect?
(1) lt is equal to energy of resonance hybrid e-
(2) lt is equal to the difference in energies of the "-ffi7o oo
most stable canonical structure and resonance
tr tr tr
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Chapter 7
Ob,ective Type Questions
c.H" H
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94 Hydrocarbons
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l
H'/A 12. The number of moles of Hl required for the following
8 cH - CH3
----------> A conversion is
Ph (Major)
The compound 'A is I
R-C-OH -illE--+ n-CH.,
(1) CH = CH^ (1)2 Ql 3
Ph (3) 4 (4) 6
Ph cH,
by electrolysis and with soda lime respectively
(3) (1) 2,3dimethyl bulane and propane
(2) lsopentane and butane
C H3 (3) 3,4-dimethyl hexane and butane
(4) Butane and 3,4-dimethyl hexane
(1) OH (2)
(2) CH3 \ /. cHCH3
*rt =' tH HO
10. The reaction used for ascending homologous (1) Glyoxal, methylgtyoxal
series is (2) 1,2-dimethyt gtyoxat, gtyoxat
(l) Decarboxytation (2) Cracking (3) Glyoxat onty
(3) Pyrolysis (4) Wurtz reaction (4) Methyt gtyoxat, gtyoxat, 1,2{imethyl gtyoxal
11. Select the correct chain propagation step
P . Then, P will be (3) R'-c=cR (4) R'- R'
26. Cyclohexene on ozonolysis yields
CH-CH 3 (1) CH3CH2CHO (2 moles)
(1) (2) cH. -? = O (2 moles)
C H3 o
(3) CH.CHTCHO + CH. - c -cH3
(4) OHC - (CH2)4 - cHo
20. An alkane of formula C.H,o form only two 27. :ihe correct order of reactivity of halogens when
monobromo alkane' the alkane is reacts with alkane
(1) Hexane (1) Brz> Cl2> F2 \2\ F"> Clr> Br,
(2) 2-methyl Pentane (3) Br2 > F2 > Cl2 (\ Clr' g'r",
(3) 2, Himethyl butane 28. When 2-butyne is treated with dil H2SO4 and
HgSOo, the Produci formed is
(4) 2, 2dimethyl butane
(1) 2-butanol (2) 2-butanone
21. From the following reaction
(3) Butanol (4) Butene
OH 29. When mixture of two alkyl halide reacts with
P(Major) sodium metal in dry ether, mixture of 2-methyl
(r)NBS alc.KOH
propane, ethane and 2, 3-dimethyl butane was
The compound P will be obtained. The alkyl halides are
(1) 2-chloropropane and chloroethane
(1) (2\
(2) Chloromethane and chloroethane
tr (4)
A (3) 2+hloropropane and methyl chloride
(4) 1-chloropropane and chloromethane
96 Hydrocarbons
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l
30. A hydrocarbon on reductive ozonolysis gives An alkyne on oxidation with KMnO4 gives
formaldehyde, glyoxat and acetaldehyd;. tnen tfre
hydrocarbon is
(1) CH3CH = CH cH,cooH +
- CH = CHz
(2) CH3CH=C=CH-CH:
The alkyne should be
(3) CH2 = CH - CH2 - CH = CH2
(4) CH3CH2-CH=C=CHz (1) cHrc= cH
31. Propene when treated with chlorine at about
(21 C=CH
(1) Cn, = CH - CH2C| (2) C|CH, _CH_CH3
(3) C
cH. _CH_CH, (4) CH2 C
32. Propane on heterolytic cleavage produces
36. The total number of structural isomeric dihalo
Oo dedvatives possible in n-pentane are
(t; 6H.anocH.dH. (2) cHrBH, Eu.
"no (1)5 €)6
(3) 6x. ano cn.6n. (4) EH. ano cH.iH, (3) 8 (4) s
37. A chiral centre is generated when 2_methyl _ 2-
butene is treated with
33. cH3-cHr-CH-CH3 (1) Dit. Hrsq
Alc. KOH
(2) B2H6 I H2O2t oH-
(3) (ACO)2Hg / NaBH, _ HrO
A and B respectively is
(4) HCt
('l)CH3-CH2-CH= CHr, CH.-CH= CH_CH.
(2) CHr-CH = CH-CH3, CH2-CH2-CH CHz H CH,
= -
(3) CH3CH2-CH=CHr, CH._CHr_CH=CH, + Reagent + catalyst -
38. -r)
(4) CH.-CH=CH-CH3, CH3-CH
CH ln the above reaction, reagent / catalyst will
(1) CH3CH,
H2SOa(conc) A (major) - Ct / Anhyd.Atct3
(2) CH2= CH2, Conc. H2SO4
(3) CH3CH2_ oH, BF3
The product 'A in this reaction (4) All of these
CH CH 3 39. Correct order of given four alkenes for
NO, hydrogenation reaction will be
(1) (2) CH2:CH2 CH3-CH:CH2
CH Itt-
CH 3
NO, CH 3 )c:CH.- CH3-CH:CH-CH3
orN No, CH.
(3) (4\
(1) >tv> >t (2) t> >tv> t
Nq (3) t> >l >tv (4) [>t> >tv
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Hydrocarbons 97
40. Acetylene when lreated separately with N|(CN), in cH"
THF and passed in red hot iron tube gives two ACI' ,
product A and B. The correct information about 46. * cn.J-cH--cH.
products A and B is
(1) Both A and B are aromatic The major product of this reaction
(2) A is antFaromatic and B is aromatic
(3) A is non-aromatic and B is antFaromatic
(1) HH,-CH3
(4) A is non-aromatic and B is aromatic
41. Which of the following is most reactive towards
electrophilic substilution? CH"
('l)Toluene ?'.
(2) tsopropyt benzene
(3) Neobutyl benzene (4) o-nitrotoluene (2) c- c--{H
HroH CH ,cl CH
(1) (2)
OH COOH 47. Which compound in the following will give only one
monochlorination product in presence of light?
(3) (4) (1) (CH3LC (2) (CH3)3CH
(3) (4) CI
(3) CH.-C = CH,
conc. HNO. D
- CH.
conc. H2SO.
(4) CH3-C = C-CH.
@ 55. cH3-cHr-cH2-cH2-cH3 cH3-cH-cH2-cH3
T conc. HNO3 - T T tll
conc. HrSO. CH.
T T T T t'
o CH.
Conect statement about the above reaction ilr
The correct decreasing order of melting point of
('l) Rate of reaction is maximum for O above alkanes is
(2) Rate of reaction is maximum for @ (1)t>[>l (2) lr >l>lll
(3) Rate of reaction is maximum for O (3) t >t> (4) lll >ll >l
56. Which of the following alkyl benzene having highest
(4) Rate of reaction is equal in 6, O, O electron density?
CHTCH, Brzlr ,6
(1) (2)
The major product E is
(1) (21
Br (3)
57. The coneci increasing order of bond energy of given
H-CH3 CH,CH3 bonds undergoing homolytic fission is
(3) (4)
cl,(1 mole)
(2) trans and cis butene-2
(3) Both are cis 2-butene
72. CH,=Qf{-{lJ=6P.
Cl,(1 mol6)
(4) Both are trans 2-butene
high temp.ratube 76. Gases produced at cathode and anode on Kolbe's
A and B respectively are electrolysis of HCOONa will be respectively
CH ,-QH-CH=CH,, CH,-CH=CH-CH, (1) C2H6 and CO2
CI ct ct ct
(2) H2 and H2
(3) CO, and H,
(2) CH,-CH=CH-CH., CH,-CH-CH=CH.
CI ct ct cr
(4) C2H6 and H2
77. Reductive ozonolysis of an alkene produces
(3) CH,-CH-CH=CH,, CH --CH-CH=CH- acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, its oxidative
ct ct ct ct ozonolysis will produce
(4) H.-CH=CH -tH,, CH.-CH=CH-CH,
(- I cl cr cr
(2) CH3COOH, CO, and HrO
(3) HCOOH, CO2 and H2O
KMnoa (1%)
(4) CH3COOH, HCOOH, CO, and HrO
'[ 78. Best yield of propane can be obtained from CH3CI
cH3-c+l OsO. and CrH.Cl using the
H"oz B
The product A and B respectively are (1) WurE reaction
(1) Meso form, meso form (2) Frankland reaction
(3) Ullmann reaction
(2) Racemic mixture, racemic mixture
(4) Corey-House synthesis
(3) Meso form, racemic mixture
79. The major product on monochlorination of 2-methyl
(4) Racemic mixture, meso form butane will be
74. An hydrocarbon on ozonolysis followed by (1) l rhloro-2-methyl butane
reductive hydrolysis gives 1 molecule of each (2) 2-chloro-2-methyt butane
acetone, CO2 and acetaldehyde, The slructure of
hydrocarbon is
(3) 2-chloro-3-methyt butane
(4) 1-chloro-&methyt butane
(1) CH2=C=CH-CH=CF€Hg
(2) CH.-C=C=CH-CH.
CH" *o Gl; CH.CH"
' Cl^/hv
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Hydrocarbons
CI c"')c=c,a, t')o'
CHC H3 CH, u. CH( I'i) H2o
CH. trl
cH'\LcH. rzl
ct cH( cH{
(3) and
CH, I cH. I
(3) c-cH,D (4\ c-cH,D
cr-cHCH. ut-l CH
o and
Conc H"SO,
(4) Mixture of (1) & (3) (3) Ethene and propene are obtiained with ethene
as the maior product
(4) Equimolar amounts of ethene and propene are
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102 Hydrocarbons Last Leap for NEET (Parl-l)
89. Anange the following in increasing order of heat of 93. ldentify the end product in the following reaction
CHg-C=CH H o/H
H' @
(1) CH3-CH'-CHO (2) CH3COCH3
(1) Acid (2) Base
CH CH (3) Neutral
CH, (4) Satt
99. Monochloro derivative of which carbon are formed
CH ,cH. o/o
C H3 in maximum
(3) H.C CH, cH.
(1) 1"t e) 2,n
CH, (3) 3d (4) 4t,
92. Which of the following alkanes give only 100. Among the paraffins it is generally found that with
monochloro substitution product in chlorinafion? an increase in the molecular weight
101 . Alkene of highest heat of hydrogenation 106. The major product of the reaction
(1) (2')
H3 cH-cHr-cH, NO,
cHr-cH-cH, No.
102. Whid process is not govemed by peroxide efiecl? (21
(1) CH3--CH = CH--CH3 + HBr
(3) H3C - CH=CH-CHz Br
(2) CH3--CH = CH2 + HCI
(3) CH.-CH, + Br, cH(80 - cH(80 o2
(4) H3C -
(4) All of these
Br, (hv)
CH. CH, 1eqv. 6
BLl^ r(P) Br, / AlCl3
103. l equivalent ' ' 1eqv.
(1) (2) Br
Br I
Br (2\
cH -cH3 CH, - CH,BT
(3) (4)
104. Friedel Craft alkylation reaction is most easily I
shown by cH - cH" in both cases
(1) CH, F
cH3o-/cH3oH ) (A)
108. , '/\
(2) NO.
cH. cH.
ldentify the compound (A) in the reaction
(3) COOH
(1). Qt /\
(3),,A,/\ (4) .,,^.
(4) NH. 109. Which of the following compounds can form only
two chloro derivatives upon monocfi lorinations?
105. The treatment of methanol with ethylmagnesium
iodide liberates a gas at STP The gas is
(1) CHn (2) CH3CH3 (21 CH,
(3) CqONr (4) CH3-CH-OH (3) (CH3)2 - CH2
@ can be
(1) 'A' is opt,ca y active while ,B'is optically
(1) ecz inaclive
(2) At4C3 (2) 'A' is optica y inactive while ,B' is optically
(3) Mg2C3 active
(4) Nic, (3) Both 'A and 'B' are optically active
112. Which of the following is most reactive towards (4) Both 'A and 'B' are opticafiy inactive
electrophilic substitution?
118. To prepare a pure sample of n-hexane using Na
(1) Toluene metal as one reactant, the other reaclant or
(2) Ethyl benzene reactants will be
(3) Benzene (1) Ethyl chtoride and n-butyl chloride
(4) 3' butyl benzene (2) Methyl bromide and n-pentyt bromide
113. When cyclohexane is poured in water it floats (3) Ethyl bromide and n-butyl bromide
(4) n-propyt bromide
(1) lt is in boat form
'119. Acetylene may be obtained
(2) Water is more denser than cyclohexane by the electrolysis of
aqueous solution of
(3) lt is in chair form
(1) Sodium formate
(4) lt is in crown form
(2) Sodium tumerate
1'14. Which species as given below will undergo
electrophilic attack most readily on the ring? (3) Sodium acetate
OH (4) Sodium succinate
{1) (2) '120. Which of the following groups
aclivate the benzene
ring when direcfly aftached?
(1) -NO2
(3) (4)
(2) -cooH
115. Dehalogenation of meso-2,3{ibromobutane with Zn (3) -oH
in ether gives
(4) Both -OH and -COOH
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Hydrocarbons 105
CrHu Br
121. cH3 -C-CH=CH ,-tiL.4, A is (1) cH, : cH-cH-cH2 -Br I
Ph (21 Br
- CH, - CH:CH - CH, - Br
CrHu (3) CH, CH CH = CHz
(1) CH3
- c-cH-cH3 lt
Br C6H5
(2) CH3-C- cH -
- CH'
- CH
- CH'
(1)o (2)
(3) (4)
w ,i
127. During the preparation of ethene by Kolbe's
electrolytic method using inert elecfodes the pH of
124. ldentiry the end prcduct the resulting solution
(1) lncreases progressively as the reaction
2cH-cHffia# t proceeds
(2) Decreases progressively as the reaction
C proceeds
solvent and (3) Remains constant through out the reaction
high temperature
(4) May decrease if the concentration of the
The product C of reaction is electrolyte is not very high
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Ofitrce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.O11-47623456
106 Hydrocarbons Last Lea p for NEET (Part-l)
'128. Electrophilic as well as nucleophilic addition (3) CH3 (CH2)2 CH3
reaclions are shown by
- -
(4) cH3 cH
(1) Alkane (2) Alkene - I
(3) Alkyne (4) All of these
129. The compound CH.CHTC- CH can be 133. The mnect order of nitration of following compound
distinguished from alkane and alkene using HDT
(1) Bromine in CCla (2) Ammonical CurCl, H H D D T T
(3) Ammonical AgNO3 (a) Both (2) & (3)
130. CH2: CH-CN Hx >product. HDT
The major product of the reaction is
(1) t>[> t (2) I< <
(1) CH, : CH CN (3) l= ll = lll
- (4) lt > t> ttt
Br (21
(2) CH2= CH - CH2 - CH = CH - Br and CH, _CH_CH
(3) CHr-CH, -CHr-C= CH and
CH3-CH2-CH2-C=CH CH. - - CH.
(4) CH3-CH, -CH2-C = CH2 and (4)
136. How many moles of H, would be required to
CH, = 611 -CHr-CH=CH, produce saturated hydrocarbon from given
132. CH3-CH2-C=CH
H'oEllso' ra Zn HCI
The product B is
(1) cH3
- - C- CH3
(1) 1 (2) 4
(2) CH3 CH2 CH3 (3) 8 (4) s
- -
Aakash Educalional Services Pvl. Ltd. Regd. Offibe : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-.110005 ph.O11-47623456
Last Leap for NEET (Parl-l) Hydrocarbons lQ/
137. ln which of the following, dipole moment is not 145. The correct order of reactivity towards nitration
ze/o? reaction
H\ /cl CH 3\/ H
il il
(1) (21
C t. .
H/ \cr H/
CI N o,
CI cr (1)t> > t >tv (2) ll >t> >tv
138. Alkanes can be obtained by the hydrolysis of (3) >t>tv> t (4) >tv>t>
(1) CaC, (2) MgzC: BrJCCl. NaNH"
(3) Be2Ca (4) Al4C3
+Bt2--Y-+ A B.Bis (1) C=CH
--.r,/ (ii)Dro
(1\ .2...../o (2)-o Br Br
(3),,\t (21 CH = CH- Br C=CH
140. Mesitylene is a polymerisation product of (3) C = CH,. CH,
(1) Acetylene (2) Propyne
(3) Ethylene (4) Vinylacetylene
(4) c=cH, cH, - cH3
141. Ethane gives_different substitution product on
reaction with chlorine 147. An alkene'A contains three C - C o bond, eight
(1) 1 (2) 6 C - H o bond and one C - C n bond.'A' on
(3) 7 (4) e ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde of
molar mass 44 u. IUPAC name of 'A is
142. Which of the following alkane is liquid at room
(1) Propene (2) But-2-ene
(1) Propane (2) Butane
(3) 2{ethyFbut-2-ene (4) Pen!3-ene
(3) Nonane (4) Ethane 148. ldentify the alkyne in the following sequence of
143. ln which of the following polysubstitution may
takes place? Bssoo
AtkynB --H'---1 4-939!9!:5 onry
cH = cH
(1) Acylation of benzene
(2) Methylation of benzene (1) HsC - C = C - CHs
(3) NiFation of benzene (2) H.C - CH, - C = CH
(3) HC = C - CH' - C = CH
(4) Sulphonation of benzene
(4) H'c = cH - c = cH
144. 1+uten€ ard 2-bubne can be differenliated bv
(1) Hydrogenation
149. Addition of water to CH. - C = CH is
(1) Etectrophitic addition
(2) oxidation by acidic KMnoo (Hot) (2) Nucreophiric additirn
(3) Baeye'',s reagent test (3) Erectrophiric substihition
(4) Both (1) A (2) (4) tsomerisarion
108 Hydrocarbons Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
150. The reagent which is most appropriate for the 154. Which of the following on dehatogenation will give
following conversion, trans alkene?
"\4",'--'-+ H--E-H (1)
(1) Alcoholic KOH Br
(2) Alc. KOH followed by NaNH2 CH: H
(3) Aq. KOH followed by NaNH2
(4) All of these
151. I - Bromo - 3-chlorocyclobutane will react with two CHs CHa
moles of Na in ether producing (3) cHg CH:
(1) Br
(4) cH3 CHa
(21 Br
155 > Product
Br dry ether (Final)
What is product?
(1) CH.CH:CH,
(3) Br Mo
- Br
152. But2-yne
2. H2OlZn
Product \,-\,/
Product is (4)
(1) Glyoxal
"r,-o, ;ffi1o1
Major Producr.
(2) Methylglyoxal )
(3) What is A?
(4) Cl2 and benzene is exposed to tight
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Hydrocarbons 109
160. cH,-cx:cH, + Hcl @I!et Major Product
(4) CH3-CH-CH3
161. Whicfi of the following will give aceton6?
(a) c[-c-cH 4F
(4) (b) CH3-C=CH
ox? H,o,
158. 4$prc6us1.
c)x KMnO,
Cold & dil.
The product is
(o> Hot
KMnO.. OHo
(1) (a), (b) & (d) (2) (a) & (d)
(3) (a), (b) & (c) (4) (a) & (c)
Br Br
162 ---!3-+
Dryether (Majo0
Br Br
(1) (4)
110 Hydrocarbons
Last Leap for NEET (Pa(l)
CH, 169. Product of reaction will be
164. CH, - Jr- - CH3+ pohss'um terrbubxiie -i (y) CH.- CH = CH CH, --1CH.N"
f,H (cis form) N gas, hv
Hr .,CH-
tzl cH"-Xl'cx-crr, (3)
cH. (4) Mixture of (2) & (3)
(3) cH, - CH - cH = cH,
1 70. When trans-1 -bromo-2-phenyl cyclohexane react
(4) CH3 - CH = CH - CH: with alcoholic KOH, it mainly gives
165. Elimination reaction by alc. KOH will be fastest in ('l) l-Phenytcyclohexene
CI (2) 3-Phenylcyclohexene
(1) (3) 2-Phenytcyctohexene
(4) Phenol
'171. Conect order of melting point
(2) is
(1) n-pentane > Neopentane > lsopentane
(2) Neopentane > n-pentane > lsopentane
(3) (3) Neopentane > lsopentane > n-pentjane
(4) lsopentane > Neopentiane > n_pentjane
172. -CC\ is deactivating if aftached to the benzene
(4t ring. The most appropriate factor for this is
(1) Resonance
166. Tertiary butyl bromide undergoes elimination
reaction through (2) Electromeric effect
(1) E, mechanism (2) E2 mechanism (3) Hyperconjugation
(3) E,cB mechanism (4) Borh (1) & (2) (4) Revers€ hyperconjugation
167. Fehling's solution test is given by
173. The cyclic compound having minimum angle strain
(1) Benzatdehyde
(1) C3H6 (2) C4H8
(2) Acetone
(3) CsHlo (4) C6H12
(3) Acetatdehyde
174. Which of the following does not decolourise
(a) Both (1) & (3)
Baeye/s reagent?
168. Maior product of the reaction is
(1) CH3-C=C-CHg
(21 CH2= CH -
\-/' - oarK, cold
CH =CH - CH = CH2
(1) CsHsCt (2) C6H6C|6
(3) C6Ct6 (4) C6Ct12 (4) HrC=C=CH,
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l
Hydrocarbons 111
6. A : NBS gives benzylic substitution on reaction
with toluene.
(3) R : But-2-yne has acidic hydrogen.
Br cH" 7. A : Lower the heat of hydrogenation of an alkene,
the more stable it is.
R : Diels-Alder reaction may take place between
(4) buta-1, 3iiene and ethylene.
8. A: Hydration of ethene and ethyne proceeds via
same mechanism.
R: Ethyne is more reactive than ethene towards
Assertion - Reason TYPe Questions chlorination reaction.
ln the following questions, a statement of assertion 9. A : Buta-l. 3diene is more stable than but-2-ene
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R) R: Buta-1, 3-diene is resonance stabilised
(1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the molecule.
reason is the correct explanation of the 10. A : WurE reaction is not given by t-butyl chloride'
assertion, then mark (1).
R : t-butyl chloride cannol form a free radical.
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the 11. A : Bu!1-yne and But-2-yne can be distinguished
reason is not the correct explanation of the by ammonical silver nitrate solution.
assertion, then mark (2).
R : But-2-yne will react but but-l-yne does not.
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
12. A: Alkenes are more reactive than alkynes
false, then mark (3). towards electrophilic addition reactions.
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false R: Alkenes form more stable carbocation than
statements, then mark (4). alkyne in electrophilic addition reaction.
1. A : Aniline does not undergo Friedal Craft's 13. A: During pyrolysis of alkanes, C C bond is
broken in Preference to C H bonds.
reaction. -
R : Bond energy of C C bond is lower than that
R : -NH, group is strongly deactivating.
2. A: Acetylene on reaction with sodium gives
14. A : Cis-2-butene has higher boiling point than the
trans isomer.
R : sp hybridised carbon atoms of acetylene are
sd hybridised carbon
R: Cis-isomer is more closely packed in the
less electronegative than
crystal lattice structure.
New Delhi-110005 Ph'011-47623456
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112 Hydrocarbons Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
15. A: Tert-butyl benzene on nitration gives ortho and 18. A: Alkenes show nucleophilic addition reactions.
para nitro-lbutyl benzene.
R: Alkenes are the rich source of n-electrons
R: Tert-butyl group is ortho, para directing group. which attract nucleophile.
16. A: Neopentane forms only one monochlorinated 19. A: l,ldichloro ethane on reaction with sodium in
product upon free radical chlorination. presence of dry ether gives but-2-ene.
R: Neopentane has four identical methyl groups R: Wurtz reaction is more efficient in the
preparation of alkenes.
attached to a quaternary carbon.
20. A: Hydroxylation of cis-but-2-ene with osmium
17. A: Both alkanes and alkenes can be prepared by
tetroxide and NaOH gives meso compound.
Kolbe's electrolysis method.
R: Hydroxylation of alkene with osmium oxide and
R: But-1-yne is more acidic than but-2-yne.
NaOH is syn in nature.
tr tr tr
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Road, New Delh!11ooo5 ph.o11*47623456
Biological Classification
SECTIOi{ -A 7. Members of actinomycetes are considered as
intermediate form between bacteria and fungi.
Objective Type Questions These actinomycetes
1 . Heterocyst in blue green algae (l ) Are chemo-organoheterotrophs
(1) Lacks photosystem-l (2) Reproduce by oidia onty
(2) Are specialised cells for photosynthesis
(3) Are unbranched and filamentous
(3) May perform reproouction
(4) Lack peptidoglycan in cell wall
(4) performs nilrogen fixation in aerobic condition
2. MarK the incorrect statement S Members of the chrysophytes
('l ) Primordial utricle (2) ChlorophylFa (1) Bears long tinsel type flagellum
(3) p-carotene (4) Cell wall (2) Shows dual mode of nutrition
4. According to three klngdom classification, the (3) Sexual reproduction involves zygotic meiosis
eukaryotic members are present in
(4) Paraflagellar body is a photosensitive structure
(.1 ) protista
Ark*h EdtH$on l S.rvfc6 h4 !U. Regd. O,lrce: Aakash Torver, 8, Pusa Road, l'l€\ DohF11oqls PhOll.{,Fa6B
1 14 Biological Classification Last Leap for NEET (Pa(-l)
12. ln basidiocarp ol Agaicus campestris, each gill 19. Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria
(1) Two zones of monokaryotic hyphae
(1 ) Play a great role in recycling nutrients
(2) oxidises various organic substances
(2) Three zones of monokaryotic and diploid
hyphae (3) Release 02 due to involvement of OEC
(3) Three zones of dikaryotic hyphae (4) Are most abundant in nature
(4) Two zones of dikaryotic and diploid hyphae
20. Myxomycetes show
13. There are five types of spores in the life cycle of
Puccinia graminis t tbi. Which one of the foilowing (1) Prokaryotic, pigmented, mycelial bacteria
is not dikaryotic (2) pigmented, stimy body, photosynthetic fungi
(1) Uredospores and Aeciospores bacteria
(2) Teleutospores and Pycnidiospores (3) Eukaryotic, non-pigmented, saprophytic
(3) Basidiospores and Aeciospores (4) Slimy body, prokaryotic. oxygenic
(4) Pycnidiospores and Basidiospores 21. Fruiting bodies are edible for which of the fungi?
14. ln which of the foflowing statement afl risted fungi (1) zygomycetes, oomycetes
belong to the same class?
(2) Basidiomycetes only
(1) puff balls, honey mushroom, stinkhorn,
toadstools (3) Ascomycetes, basidiomycetes
(2) Deathcup, sponge mushroom, sacred (4) Phycomycetes, basidiomycetes
mushroom, shelf fungi 22. Bacteria differs from BGA in
(3) Morels, truffles, pink mould, pin moutd
(1) Being prokaryotic in nature
(4) Ergot fungi, Baker's yeast, stinkhorn, dung
moutd (2) Performing oxygenic photosynthesis
15. fungi?
What is incorrect for ray (3) Having peptidoglycan in cell wall
(1 ) Acid fast positive (4) Presence of flagella in some forms
(2) Source ofseveral antibiotics 23. All given features are characteristic to
(3) chemo-organotrophicandfacultativeanaerobic dinoflagellates,except
(4) Cell wall non-peptidoglycan and non-cellulosic (1) Pectocellulosic plates covering the body
16. A Gram negalive bacteria differs from a Gram (2) Presence of chlorophyll a and c as
positive bacteria in presence of photosynthetic pigments
(1) Mesosomes and 2 rings in basal body (3) Bioluminiscent nature of cerlain members
(2) Teichoic acid and pili (4) Their frustules can be used as bacterial filters
(3) Pili only 24. Croziet formation as a method of dikaryotisation,
(4) DAPA and LpS a short dikaryotic phase with septa having central
as rruitins bodv are
17. which or the foilowins is incorrecfly matched? i""#r:Jl"iJ,Hlihecium
(1) PSP - Dinoflagellates
() penicillium (21 peziza
(2) statospores - Diatoms
(3) Neurospora (4) ctaviceps
(3) Pseudoplasmodium - Aceltular slime moulds
25. Archaebacteria can survive in extremes of
(4) Diplanetism - Saprolegnia condations due to
18. Lomasomes are smal vesicurar bodies present in (t) presence of antrons in DNA
funga. These structures help in
(2) Branched chain lipid with phytanyl side group
(1) Cell wall synthesis in cell membrane
(2) Endocytosis (3) presence of more than one type of RNA
(3) lncreasing surface area for diffusion polymerase
(4) More than one option is correct (4) Absence of muramic acid in cell wall Educatibiial Servlcea P\rt Ltd. Regd. O,?ic€: Aal€sh Toruef, I, pusa Road, l,kry Delhi-llOOOS ph.O11-AfGAAf56
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classification 1 l5
26. Acellular slime moulds 33. Gram positive bacteria have
(1 ) sporangium
Do not possess €pillitia in (1) Only proximal set of rings as L and P
(2) Have isogamous sexual reproduction and (2) Both proximal and distal set of rings
zygotic meiosis (3) proximal set with S and M rings present in
(3) Produce holocarpic and polycentric plasmodia plasma membrane
(4) Aggregate to form pseudoplasmodium (4) Two rings present in LPS layer of cell wall
27. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. edible 34. Cell envelope in bacteria consists of
mushrooms (1) Plasma membrane only
(1) Rhizomorph do not have root cap like structure (2) plasma membrane and mesosome
(2) Spawn is used for their culture (3) Glycocalyx only
(3) Edible part is actually basidiocarp (4) Gtycocalyx, ce wall and plasma membrane
(4) Dikaryotisation occurs by crozier formation 35. Find odd one out w.r.t. mode of nutrition in
28. Which of the following feature is associated with bacteria
cellular slime mould? (i ) purple sulphur bacteria
(1) Solidification of vacuoles in sporangia forms a (2) Sulphur bacteria
branching system of calcified threads called
(3) Green sulphur bacteria
(4) Purple non sulphur bacteria
(2) Fusion product of two myxamoeba secrets a
thick wall and becomes a 36. Which one of the following groups of bacteria
obtain energy by oxidizing nitrite into nitrate?
(3) shows division of labour and sporangia without
(4) Contains branched veins which are pathways (2) N,lrosococcus and N,lrocysfis
of both way cytoplasmic streaming (3) N,trocystis and Nitrobacter
29. The causal agent of the disease responsible for F\ Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas
great lrish famine spreads by the formation and
release of
37. ,en the plasmid integrates with bacterial
cmosome, it is called as
(1) Chlamydospores (2) Blastospores
(1) F. (2) Super femate
(3) Conidiosporangia (4) Oidia (3) Super mate (4) F_
30. sexduction phenomenon occurs due to conjugation
3g. Find the correct match wrt. role of bacteria
(1) F- x F- (2) F- x F.
(a) Sewage disposal (i) Acetobacter
(3) F x F- (4) Hfr x F- (b) Curing of tobacco (ttl ctostidium
31. Gram negative bacteria differs from Gram positive leaves butylicum
bacteria in (c) Decomposition of (iii)Bac,Ius
('l ) Presence of more muramic acid and less lipid DDT megatherium
content (d) Riboflavin production (iY\ Escheichia coli
(2) Absence of phospholipid in cell wall (1) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii) (2) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)
(3) Absence of L-Lvsine (3) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (4) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)
(4) Formation of protoplast after lysozymal 39. Monerans showing oxygenic photosynthesis
both (l ) Are photolithotrophs
32. Bacteria with two or more flagella attached at
ends are called as (2) Have nonpeptidoglycan nature of cell wall
(1) Amphitrichous (2) Lophotrichous (3) Have photoorganotrophic mode of nutrition
(3) Cephalotrichous (4) Peritrichous (4) Are Gram positive bacteria
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Aaka.h Educdonel servlco. Prrt L6. Regd. Ottcs : Aakash Tower,
1't6 Biological Classiflcation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
40. Obligate anaerobic monerans with pseudomurein 46. Bacillariophycean members have
in their cell wall
(1) Diplontic life cycle
(1) Have exonic ss-DNA without histone
(2) Haplontic life cycte
(2) Show photoautotrophic nutrition
(3) Haplo-diplontic tife cycle
(3) Show presence of introns
(4) Diplohaplontic life cycte
(4) Have unbranched chain of lipids in cell
membrane 47. Holophytic spindle-shaped protistan with blunt
anterior end and pointed posterior end shows
41. Unicellular, simplest, free living prokaryotes which which one of the following features ?
are also said to be "Bacteria with their coats off',
show one of the following features ('l) Have heterokont acronematic flagella
(2) Mycolic .,,.id is present in their cell wall (3) Stigma is attached to the membrane of the
(3) Pleomorphic nature with sculptured cell wall
(4) Paramylon as reserve food material is stored
(4) Reproduce by binary fission only in the matrix of chloroplast.
42. Organisms showing great diversity in the mode of 48. Vegetative stage or plant body of physarum is
nutrition are included in called _ and its ploidy is _
(1) Monera (1) Pseudoplasmodium, N
(2) Protista (2) Plasmodium, 2N
(3) Fungi
(3) Mla(amoebae, N
(4) Plantae
(4) Microcyst,2N
43. A group of protist is known as 'whirling whips'
because of the
49. Acellular slime moulds differ from cellular slime
moulds in
(1) Presence of pecto-cellulosic cell wall
(1) Being holocarpic and monocentric nature
(2) Spinning movement of flagella
(2) Having peptidoglycan type of sporangial wall
(3) Presence of contractile and noncontractile
vacuole (3) Presence of peridium around sporangium
(4) Emission of light during night (4) Presence of anisogamous type sexual
zl4. Which one of the following is incorrect for the
members of chrysophyta? 50. ln the life cycle of communal slime moulds, which
one of the following stiatement is incorrect?
(1) These are nonmotile, bivalved organisms
(1) Complete absence of flagellated cells during
(2) Presence of primordial utricle around a central life cycle
(2) Spores with cettulosic wa :
(3) Reserve food materials are paramylon and
volutin granules (3) Chemotropic movement of myxamoebae
(4) Movement occurs by mucilage propulsion (4) Primitive form of multicellularity and division of
labour is exhibited by pseudoplasmodia
45. Auxospores are formed in the life cycle of diatoms,
these structures are 51. Select odd one out w.r.t. mode of nutrition
(1) Vegetative cells with ptoidy tevet N (1) Paranema
(2) Asexual spores with ploidy level N (2) Rhabdomonas
(3) Statospores with 2N ptoidy tevet (3) Dictyostelium
(4) Sexual spores with ploidy level 2N (4) Physaretta
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Last Leap for NEET (Partl) Biological Classification l'l7
52. Which one of the following statements is 58. Plasmogamy or sexual reproduction in the
incorrect w.r.t. fungi? members of class zygomycetes takes place by
(1) Mostly terrestrial and prefer to grow in shady (1) Planogametic copulation
places at optimum pH (5 - 6) (2) Gametangiat contact
(2) Fungi growing on burnt wood are epixylic (3) cametangiat coputation
moutd - is water
(3) Salmon disease causing pathogen t,
(4) Somatogamy
(4) Thalloid plant body is nonvascular 59 ln the life cycle of bread mould' trisporic acid
induces the formation of
(1) Rhizoidal hyphae
53. ln the members of class oomycetes, cell wall s
made up of (2) Stoloniferous hyphae
(1) Chitin (2) Cellulose (3) Sporangiophore hypha
(3) Suberin (4) Lignin (4) Zygophore hypha
Y. Hard resting body resistant to unfavourable 60. Which one of the following structure is associated
conditions and formed by LSD producing fungi with the end of dikaryon stage into diploid
called structure in pigmented moulds?
(1 ) Appressorium (2) Rhizomorph
(1) Uttimate ce
(2) penultimate ce
(3) sclerotium (4) snare (3) Antipenultimate ce (4) sperm mother cel
55. Dikaryotic mycelium or hyphae is a short-lived
structure in 61. Diplohaplontic life cycle is exhibited by
(.1) Asexuat stage ofphycomycetes (1) Fission yeast (2) Budding yeast
(2) Asexual stage of deuteromycetes (3) Helobial yeast (4) False yeast
(3) Sexual and vegetative stage of 62. Fertile layer of gill in mushroom fungi is
basidiomycetes (1) Trama as prosenchymatous structure
(4) sexual stage of ascomycetes
12) prectenchymatous subhymenium
56. Select unicellular group of fungi out of the
following ,li; Hymenium with tubular epibasidium and
(a\ Saprolegnia diploid basidiospores Educ.ton l S.ilrlcc trt- tE Rogd. Ofioo : Arldr tros, 8, Puse Roed, t{ev D*ittgt06 Ph.01t'0764}{56
118 Biological Classification Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
66. Select the correct statement w.r.t. mycorrhiza 72. Bacteriochlorophyll is not found in which of the
following group of bacteria?
(1) Ectomycorrhiza forms hartig net in the
intracellular spaces of cortex (1) Purple sulphur bacteria
(2) Endotrophic mycorrhiza are mosfly (2) purple non-sulphur bacteria
basidiomycetes members
(3) Sulphur bacteria
(3) vAM is a special type of endomyconhiza and
(4) More than one option is conect
absorbs phosphate
(4) Mycorrhizal or fungal roots have root cap and T3 During coniugation in E'coli' plasmid gets
integrated with main bacterial chromosome to
root hairs convert it into
6T rnwhichoneof the speciar stru,cture of richens,.the
(1) Super mare (2) Super femare
fungal partne ,s same as in the thallus but algal
partner is different from the thallus? (3) F. (4) Pathogenic form
(1 CypF,
) 74. Which of the following statement is correct?
(2) Cephalodia (1) Beijerinckia and Clostridium are symbiotic
(3) ls jia N2 - fixing bacteria
A.Ilsh Educatonal Seryices P\rt. LU. Regd. O,tice : Aak6h To er, g, pusa Road, Ner^, DelhLllOOoS ph.Oii47e3456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classillcation 11 9
78. ln case of communal slime cells 83. ln Puccinia graminis frlfici, teleutospores and
moulds many
come close together to form pseudoplasmodium pycniospores are produced on plants respectively
stage. Which of the following factor is responsible (1) Wheat and barberry (2) Barberry and wheat
for it?
(3) wheat and Bartey (4) Barberry and Bartey
a. Exhausted food supply 84. The tife cycte in budding yeast is _
b. Stimulation by cAMP (1) Diptohaptontic (2) Diptontic
c. A chemical called acrasin (3) Haplontic (4) Triphasic
(1) Both (a) & (b) (2) only (c) 85. The superticial outgromhs of the tichens which are
(3) Both (b) & (c) (4) All of these primarily meant for increasing surface area and
photosynthetic activity and also help in
79. Match the following *""0
corumn - r corumn -, ilTil[:# ,r,
a. Cytopharynx (i) Slime moulds (3) lsidia (4) "o.."0,"
Cyphe ae
b. Kieselguhr (ii) Dinoflagellates g6. Whirling whips inctuded in kingdom protista of
c. Sporocarp (iii) Euglenoids Haeckel
(2) Secondary mycelium is long - lived (1) Peptidoglycan in their cell membrane
(3) Sex organ is called basidium (2) Well defined nucleus
(4) Basidiospores are produced exogenously (3) Branched chain lipids in their celt wall
(1) NAM and DAPA are present in Gram positive 100. ln methanogens, the pseudomurein is made up of
bacterial cell wall NAG and
(2) NAM and NAG are linked by g-1, 4 glycosidic (1) NAM
bonds in bacterial cell wall (2) D-amino acids
(3) Pili are very common in Gram negative
(3) Branched chain lipids
(4) Murein is not the part of glycocalyx (4) N-acetyltalo samiuronic acid
95. Holophytic protistans as whirling whips show one 101. All of the following features are possible in
of the following features oomycetes, except
(2) Somatic body is free living diploid plasmodium (2) Spore coat and cortex
(3) Sexual reproduction is isogamous (3) Cortex and core wall
(4) Cortex and cytoplasm
(4) Absence of swarm cells in the life cycle
1'10 Gram negative monerans lacking cell wall show
104. Select an incorrect statement with regard to reproduction by
different nutritional categories
(1) Elementary bodies
(1) Photo-organotrophs use organic compounds
as electron donor (2) Binary fission
116. Theca is replaced by pellicle in 124. Tough and hard perennating structure formed by
compact mass of hyphae in sac fungi is
(1) Zooflagellates
(2) Zooxanthellae
(,1) Rhizomorph (2) Sclerotium
165. Sterile male method of coniugation is present in (4) Absence of chemolithotrophic nutrition
between the 172. Thermoacidoph iles are able to withstand at
(1) F- and F- e)dremely low pH and high temperature due to
126 Biological Classiftcation
Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
174. Cotk screw like heterotrophic monerans are (1) a,d,e&f (2) b,c,d&e
) Spirochaetes (2) Rickettsia
(3) c,d,e&f (4) c,e&f
(3) Halobacterium (4\ Chlamydia
183. Select the correct match
175. Holophytic protistans with armoured nature are
Column - Column.ll
('1)Diatoms (2) Dinoflagelates
a. Red tide (i) Gymnodinium
(3) Euglenoids (4) Stime moutds
176. Life cycle involves zygotic meiosis in
b. Red sea (ii) Tichodesmium
(1) Gymnodinium (2) Noctituca
c. PSP (iiil Noctiluca
(3\ Lyngbya (41 Melosta
d. Bioluminescence (iv) Gonyaulax catenetta
177. Flagella are heterokont in (1) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(1) Dinoflage ates (3) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iii) (4) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
(2) Diatoms 184. Select the incorect statement w.r.t. slime moulds
(3) Euglena (1) Vegetative stage resembles protozoa
(4) More than one option is correct (2) Have holophytic as well as saprobic mode of
178. Photosynthetic protists as whirling whips show
(1) Silicified ce wa (2) Contractile vacuote (3) All members are holocarpic
(3) Paraflagellar body (4) crooves in theca (4) Spores have cellulosic wall
185. Anisogamous sexual reproduction with zygotic
179. Mesokaryon type nucleus is associated with the
meiosis is characteristic of
members of
(1) Pyrrophyta (2) Chrysophyta (1) Cellular slime moulds
(3) Bacillariophyceae (4) Eugtenophyta (2) Acellutar slime moutds
180. Reserve food material in wall-less photosynthetic (3) Archaebacteria
protists is (4) Diatoms and desmids
(1) Leucosin (2) paramyton 186. Which one of the following structure is formed
(3) Chrysotaminarin (4) clycogen chemotactically in slime moulds?
189. Motile stage is present in 196. Which one of the following statement is incorrect
for beer yeast?
(11 physarella and Anabaena
(2) Diatoms and celular slime moulds (1) Vegetative cells are both haploid and diploid
and (2) Common mode of asexual reproduction by
(3) Acellular slime moulds, cyanobacteria
dinoflagellates fission
(4) Spirochaetes, plasmodial slime moulds and (3) Produces four ascospores in €ach ascus
pyrrophytes (4) Have diplohaplontic life cycle
'190. Choose odd one out wr.t. Ascomycetes
i97. Type of fruiting body in Crayiceps is
(1) Sponge mushroom (1) cleistothecium (2) Apothecium
(2) Pigmented moulds (3) perithecium (4) Hysterothecium
(3) Toadstool
198. Most advanced and most commonly seen fungi
(4) Cup fungi that decompose cellulose and lignin are the
191. common type of asexual spore in a group of fungi
members of
having shorter dikaryophase in their sexual life (1) Phycomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
cycle is
(3) Basidiomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
(1) sporangiospore (2) conidia
199. which one of the fofiowing is corecfly matched
(3) Zygospore (4) Zoospore w.r.t. all columns?
'192. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. plasmogamy. Column I Column ll Column lll
(1) Spermatization - Puccinia (1 ) Smut fungi - Club fungi - Clamp
202. The fertile structure of fruiting body in common 211 SO, pollution indicator is
field mushroom is
(1) Fungi (2) Diatoms
(1) Peridium (2) Annulus
(3) Lichen (4) Mycorrhiza
(3) Stipe (4) Gill
212 ln most of the lichens, phycobionts are
203. ln basidiomycetes, sexual spores are discharged
through (1) Blue green algae (2) Green algae
(1) Catapult mechanism (3) Golden algae (4) Brown algae
(2) Water droplet mechanism 2 3 ln which one of the following members,
(3) Chemotactic mechanism basidiocarp send puffs of spores on ripening?
(4) Ants ('l)Polyporus (2) Lycoperdon
204. Dikaryon spore formed on alternate host in (31 Amanita (4) Fomes
Pucc,nla life cycle is
214 Thallus is attached to the substratum with the help
(1) Uredospore
of rhizines in
(2) Teleutospore
(1) Crustose lichens (2) Foliose lichens
(3) Aeciospore
(4) More than one option is correct (3) Fruticose lichens (4) Reindeer moss
205. Which one of the following group of fungi 215 Pinocytic reproduction occurs in
represents similar sexual spore? (1) phage
T4 (2) ), phage
(1) Puffballs, shelf fungi, Caeser's mushroom
(3) Hepatitis B virus (4) T2 phage
(2) Gill fungi, wood fungi, cup fungi
(3) Yeast, laboratory mould, dung mould 216 Microscopic lichen propagules produced inside
pustules as a most efficient means, of asexual
(4) Black mould, water mould, powdery mildew reproduction are
206. Bengal famine was caused by a fungal member
(1) lsidia (2) Soredia
which belongs to the class
(3) Cyphellae (4) Cephalodia
) Oomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
(3)Basidiomycetes (4)Deuteromycetes 217 Septate mycelium and asexual reproduction by
207. Cell wall shows complex chemical nature with conidia are major features of artificial class of
glucan and mannan also in fungi known as
(1\ Saccharomyces (2) Armillaria (1) Ascomycetes (2) Basidiomycetes
(3\ Ustilago (41 Penicillium (3) Oomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
208. Bordeaux mixture 218 Basidiomycetes members commonly form a
(1) ls inorganic fungicide network of mycelium in the intercellular spaces of
(2) ls organic fungicide the cortex of Pinus root, known as
(3) Was first used to control downy mildew of traps
(1) Hyphal (2) Haustoria
grapevine disease
(3) Snares (4) Hartig net
(a) Both (1) & (3)
219 Find the set of correct statements w.r.t. life cycle
209. The ultimate branches of conidiophores in ol Puccinia graminis tritici
(1) Possess sterigmata a. Uredospores are bikaryotic and stalked
(2) Are sterigmata b. Teleutospores are unicelled and monokaryotic
(3) Cut-otr conidia in basipetal order c. Spermatization occurs towards upper
(4) Are rami epidermal surtace ol Triticum
210. Harlig net as network of intercellular hyphae is d. Aeciospores are produced towards lower
present in epidermis of secondary host
(1) All mycorrhiza (2) Ectomycorrhiza ('l) c
a, (2) b, c
(3) Endomycorrhiza (4) VAM (3) a, d (4) c, d
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classification 129
220. Hymenium is the fertile layer of gill in Agaricus 227. Photosynthetic protists having soap box like
basidiocarp and includes structure are not related to
(1) Paraphyses and subhymenium (1) Chlorophyll a and c
224. A. Oidia can be produced in amino acid rich (1) Akinetes (2) Cyst
medium. (3) Heterocyst (4) Hormogonia
B. Dikaryophase is dominant in life cycle of club 231. Select an incorrect match
(1) Tolypothrix - Rice fields
C. Flagellated cells are found in class
zygomycetes (2) Anabaena - Sago Palm
225. Find odd one out w.r.t. plasmodial slime moulds (1) Casuaina (2) Nocardia
(1) Physarum (2) Fuligo (3) Frankia (4) Corynebacteium
(3\ Physarella (4) DictYostelium 233. When Hfr conjugates with an F- bacterium, the
226. Gonyaulax catenella and Noctiluca are specific (1) F- cell will convert to F* but always a
examples of respectivelY. recombinant
(1) Bioluminescence and mesokaryotic nature (2) F- cell will convert to F* but is never a
(3) Red tide -and bioluminescence (3) F- will remain F- and may or may not be a
(4) Red stripe and diatomaceous earth
(4) F- will convert to Hfr without recombinations
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
1 30 Bjological Classiflcation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
234. Matk the odd one (w.r.t. photolithotrophs) 240. Some dinoflagellates like Gonyaulax catenella
(1\ Chloronema, undergo such rapid multiplication that they make
the red appearance of sea. Toxins released by
(21 Chlorobium, Thiospiillum such large number
(31 Chromatium, Chlorobium (1) May kill shell fishes
(4) Thiospirillum, Chromatium (2) Cause PSP in fishes
235. Gram positive bacteria are different from Gram (3) Are poisonous to vertebrates
negative forms in having (4) Cannot enter in food chain
(1) Diaminopimelic acid in cell wall 241. Toad stools, puff balls and morels are similar in
(2) High lipid content ie., 20-30% the presence of
237.Find the correct set of the given kingdoms (1) Can tolerate air pollution
proposed by Whittaker which perform (2) Are perennial
(3) Show rapid growth
(1) Monera, protista and plantae
(2) (4) Show asexual reproduction only
Fungi, monera and protista
243. Pathogen of potato spindle tuber disease
(3) Protista, plantae and animalia
(4) Plantae, monera and fungi
(1) ls infectious RNA with high motecutar weight
238. A. Consciousness is the most obvious and (2) ls infectious to both plants and animals
technically complicated property of living (3) ls a tightly folded RNA with tow motecutar
beings weight
B. Metabolic reactions cannol be performed ,n (4) Has protein coat as well as genetic material
244. Choose the correct statement w.r.t.
C. Paratype is a specimen described alongwith phycomycetes
(1) Gametes are always similar in morphology
(1) All are correct
(2) Mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic
(2) Only B is incorrect
(3) Produce non-motile asexual spores, not
(3) Only A is correct zoospores
(4) Both B and C are correct (4) Presence of dikaryophase
239. Gram positive bacterial cell wall is different from 245. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. eubacteria
Gram negative bacterial cell wall in the (1) Cocci are nonflagellated and Gram positive
(1) Presence of very little amount of lipids (2) They have crystal violet stainable property
(2) Absence of porins and NAM and become bluish purple
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Last Leap for NEET (Partl) Biological Classification 131
246. plasmodial slime moulds difier from cellular slime 251. Neurospora, Ustilago and Agaricus are similar in
moulds in the presen@ of _during sexual life cycle
(1 ) nature
Sporic wall chemical (1) Endogenous meiospore
(2) Mode of nutrition (2) Dikaryophase
(3) Presence of wall-less vegetative stage with (3) Exogenous meiospore
holocarpic nature (4) Basidiocarp
(4) Presence of isogamous type reproduction
252. which of the foflowing bacteria is used to remove
247. Choose the correct set of characters for sac fungi bitterness of tobacco leaves?
from given features
a. Coenocytic mycelium with chitinous wall
(1 ) Bacilus megatherium
(2) Baci us subtilis
b. primary mycelium with cellulosic wall
c. woronin bodies
(4\ Lactobaci us
d. Exogenousry formed meiospore
253 Some dinoflagellates produce a toxin that causes
e. Exogenously formed asexual spore severe illness in man. This toxin
f Ascocarp (1) Causes PSP in mussel
(1) b' c' d' f (21 c' e' f
(2) Enters in man by consumption of an organism
(3) c, d, e, t (4) a, d, e, f which is unaffected by the toxin
248. Which one of the following statement is incorrect (3) ls highly poisonous to invertebrates only
for lichens?
(4) Does not interfere with neuromuscular
(1) Mycobiont is dominant partner transmission in humans
(2) Rhizines are associated with fruticose lichens 2 . What is the site of meiosis in 'Ray fungi'?
(3) Sex organs and frutifications are offungalorigin (1) Ascus mothercell (2) Ascus
(4) lsidia are photosynthetic as well as reproductive (3) Ascospore (4) No meiosis
vegetative structure
255. Neurospora, Penicitlium, Polyporus, ctaviceps
249. Select an incorrect match and Agaicus
(1) Frankia - Actinomycetes - Root nodules (1) Produce predominant dikaryophase in life cycle
(21 Mycoplasma - Wall less - Obligate aerobic (2) Possess aseptate mycelium
(3\ Anabaena - BGA - Heterocyst (3) Develop ftuiting body in sexual life cycle
(41 Xanthomonas - Bacteria - citrus canker (4) Produce exogenous meiospores
250. Match the following 256. T2 bacteriophage and tobacco mosaic virus
258. Diploid sporophyte as dominant phase and single 265. Trichoderma, bracket lungi, Neurospora,
to few celled haploid gametophyte are present in Colletotrichum and Aspergillus are similar in
the life cycle of all presence of
(1)Algae (2) Bryophytes (1) Dolipore septa in mycelium
(3) Fungi (4) Spermatophytes (2) Cross wall in their hyphae
259. Cell wall of Gram positive bacteria resembles with (3) Sexual reproduction
Gram negative bacteria in all characters, except (4) Simple septa in mycelium
(1) Presence of D-alanine 266. Beijerinckia, Frankia, Anabaena, Nitrobacter and
(2) Presence of muramic acid Rhizobium
(3) Absence of L-glutamic acid (1) Are nitrogen fixers
(4) Presence of F1, 4-linkages between the NAG (2) Produce nitrogenase enzyme
and amino acids
(3) Take part in nitrogen metabolism
260. Monerans having peptidoglycan and mycolic acid
(4) More than one option is conect
in their cell wall
Are facultative anaerobes 267. Oscillatoria, Myconhiza and Azospirillum
('l )
(2) Are motile and important decomposers (1) lncrease nitrogen content only
(3) Reproduce commonly by endospore (2) Enrich the nutrient quality of soil
formation (3) Are used in organic farming
(4) Are connecting link between bacteria and (4) More than one option is conect
268. Amitotic cell division, absence of 9+2 organisation
261 . Acellular slime moulds are characterised by
in flagella and peptidoglycan cell wall are features
(1) Free living multinucleate, haploid, naked related to kingdom
somatic body
(1) Prorista (2) Ptantae
(2) lsogamous sexual reproduction
(3) Monera (4) Fungi
(3) Zygotic meiosis
269. Photosynthetic protists showing movement by
(4) Formation of single fructification from somatic mucilage propulsion are
(1) Bioluminescent in nature
262. Plasmogamy in wheat rust fungi occurs by
(2) Jewels of the plant kingdom
(1) Gametangial contact
(2) Somatogamy (3) Ray fungi
(3) Spermatization (4) Coenocyte with naked protoplasmic body
(4) Gametangial copulation 270. Select an incorrect match
263. Absence of sex organs, general absence of (1) Lophotrichous - Spiillum volutans
asexual spores and plasmogamy by means of (2) Cephalotrichous
somatogamy are features characteristic to - Pseudomonas
(1) Ascomycetes
(3) Amphitrichous - E. coli
(2) Deuteromycetes
(4) Monotrichous - Vibrio
(3) Basidiomycetes
271.Ihe peculiar amino acid present in cell wall of
(4) Phycomycetes gram negative bacteria only is
264. According to five kingdom classification system,
(1) L - lysine
which of the following kingdom has multicellular/
loose tissue level body organisation? (2) D - glutamic acid
('l ) Protista (2) Plantae (3) D - alanine
(3) Animalia (4) Fungi (4) Diaminopimelic acid
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classification 1 33
272. All given features are related to cell wall of gram 279. Binary fission in a bacterial cell
positive bacteria, except a. Occurs during most unfavourable conditions
('t ) Muramic acid content is 70-95% b. Requires replication of DNA using Cairns
(2) Presence of teichoic acid model
(3) Low lipid content (24%) c. ls helped by mesosomes
(4) Low peptidoglycan content (1) All are conect (2) Only'a'is incorrect
273. Polysome refers to (3) Only 'b' is incorrect (4) Only 'c' is inconect
(1) Chain of volutin granules found in bacterial 280. Putrefaction is specific for
cytoplasm (1) Anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates
(2) PHB granules
(2) Anaerobic breakdown of proteins
(3) Chain of ribosomes attached to mRNA (3) Aerobic breakdown of organic compounds
(4) Free ribosomes in bacterial cytoplasm (4) More than one option is correct
274. Plasmid of which bacterium has the quality to
281. Which wall layer of endospore contains Ca-DPA
degrade hydrocarbons/oil spills?
complex working as anticoagulant?
(11 Pseudomonas putida (1) Exosporium (2) Spore coat
(2\ Agrobacteium tumefaciens (3) Cortex (4) Core wall
(3) E. coli 282. Resting asexual spore stataspore is formed in
(4) Acetobacter aerogens (1) Navicula (2) Physarum
275. Rhodopseudomonas and Rhodospirillum ate (31 Melosira (4) Slime moulds
photosynthetic forms belonging to
category. 283. Select the incorrect match
a. Use of ATP and NADPH (4) Chemoorganotroph - Methanomonas
b. Anorygenic process 284. Astaxanthin pigment is found in of
c. No splitting of water (1) Paraflagellar body
d. H2o as a source of e- and H. -
(2) Reservoir
e. pigment
chtorophyll a as photosynthetic
(3) contractile vacuote & ptastid
Find the correct statements for photosynthesis in .
(4) stigma
(3) a, b, c &. e (4) a, b &
" (1).F. ____=_+ F
277.The reaction H2S + O ------+ H2O + S + Ene(ly i I(2) F- --------+ F*
is canied out by '-
(3) F- ------+ Hfr
('ll Ferrobacillus (2) kggiatoa
(4) Hfr ----+ F-
(3) Hydrogenomonas (41 Leptothrix
286' slime moulds with sporic meiosis show
278. select the lncoEec{ statement wr.t. dinoflagellates
zooxanthellae (1) Diploid somatic stage
(1) Theca is absent in
(2) Ribbon like flagellum is present in the girdle (2) Motile stage in life cycle
(3) Have condensed chromosomes with histones (3) Chemotaclic movement
(4) Have noncontractile vacuole (4) Sporangia with capillitja
1 34 Biological Classifi cation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
287. Match the following 292. Mycoplasma differs from eubacteria in
Column I Column ll (1) Not having 70 S ribosome
a. Retting of fibres (i\ Bdellovibio (2) Having cell wall
bacteivorus (3) Having linear dsDNA
b. curing of tea reaves (iil crostridium (4) Showing penicilin sensitivity
0.":.n''nntn" 293. All given are characters of archaebacteria, except
c. Vitamin 812 (iii) Micrococcus
cendisans ('l ) Pseudomurein cell wall
288. The stage of karyogamy in communal slime moulds 294 Unicelled' flagellate' wall-less protista having
pigments similar plants
to higher have/shows
(1) Sexual reproduction by isogamous method
(1) plasmodium
(2) Two stichonematic flagella
(2) small myxamoebae
(3) Mixotrophic nutrition
(3) Pseudoplasmodium
(4) Transverse binary fission
(4) Large myxamoebae
295 Celular slime moulds are similar to acellular slime
2gg. The mycelial bacterium which can symbiotically fix
N2 in non-leguminous plants is
(1) Having true wall around spores
(1) Eradyrhizobium (21 Frankia
(2) Presence of pseudoplasmodium
(3) Nocardia Mycobacterium
(3) Being true multicelled organisms
z9o. a. Fragefla are absent throughout the life in BGA
(4) Lacking wall around sporangium
b. Hormogonia are commonry absent in
osciltatoria 296. Select the correct match
(1) a & c (2) a, b & f (1) Red sea (2) Red rust
(3) a, b & e (4) a & d (3) Red tide (4) Red rot
Aat*h Eduofonal Sorvlcos P\rt. Ltd. Regd. O,r?ce : Aal€sh Torter, 8, Pusa Road, New Ddhi-liooos ph.011.1762-3456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classification 135
300. Consider the following statements 306. The process of plasmogamy where a fertilisation
tube develops to facilitate the migration of male
a. Naked protoplast is called plasmodium
nucleus into female gametangium, is known as
b. Spore dispersed by air cunents
(1) Spermatization
c. Position in class myxophyceae
(2) Gametangial copulation
d. Mode of reproduction is isogamy and
(3) Planogametic fusion
(4) Gametangial contact
Find inconect w.r.t. slime moulds
(1) c&d (2) a&b 307. The set of vegetative hypha in Rhizopus is
represented by
(3) b&c (4) Only c
('l) Rhizoidal and zygospore hypha
30 1. Aseptate, multinucleate condition called'coenocyte'
is characteristically found in
(2) Srtoloniferous and rhizoidal hypha
313. Which one of the following is incorrectly matched? 3'19. A dakaryotic spore in life cycle ol Puccinia graminis
tritici having bicelled structure
(1) Diptontic tife - ceratium
(1) lnfects the secondary host
(2) Mesokaryon - pyrocystis
(2) Gives rise to pycniospores directly
(3) wriggling movement - Euglena
(3) ts involved in karyogamy and meiosis
(4) Silicified protists - Leucosin (4) tnfects the primary host
3'14. All given statements stand true w.r.t. Lichens, 320. Spawn, fairy rings, pileus and stipe are terms
excePt related to the life cycle of
(1 ) These are indicators of SO2 pollution, as tungi
(.1) Btack rust (2) Gill fungi
shown by there abundance in these areas (3) Blue mould (4) smut tungi
(2) Breathing pores help in qas exchanqe. these
are round ro*r,0" upp"iJr-rll"
-- t" and asexuar spores is a
"i 1ff18,:fi;:1T'
(3) This association is also termed ashelotism (1) Ascomycetes (2) Basidiomycetes
(4) crustose lichens are pioneers of rock (3) Deuteromycetes (4) oomycetes
322. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus presists during
315. Most efficient structure for asexual reproduction in division in
lichens is
(1) Diatoms
(1) tsidia (2) cyphe ae
(2) stime moutds
(3) Cephatodia (4) Soredia (3) Eugtenoids
316. Select the incorrect match (4) More than one option is correct
(1) Edible lichen - Letharia 323. Which of the given antibiotics is not produced by
(2) Litmus - Rocella an actinomycetes member?
332. Heterocysts are large sized, pale coloured, (4) Exosporium is four layered and endosporium is
mucilage free, specialiied cells that single layered
as well as diplophase
(1) Are universatty present in all members of 338. Haplophase, dikaryophase
(2) Have oxidising environment which is ideal for () Mucor (2\ Ustilago
nitrogen fixation
(3) Agaricus (4) Puccinia
(3) Do not occll- in oscillatoria
(4) Lack ps]aswer as ps-r '* :#T5""[til,::iffi::::r::lli;flt:":ffi
333. Which of the following statement is wrong about in lichen thallus are called
thermoacidophiles? (j ) Cyphe[ae
(1) They have resistant enzymes which can (2) Cephalodia
operate under acidicconditions (3) tsidia
(2) They are photosynthetic in nature (4) Soradium
Ad16sh Educeuonsl Sorv66 Art Ltd. RaSd. Ofice : Aakaih Tovuer, & Pusa Road, NBw Ddhl'110005 Ph.01147623458
! $$ Bioloqical Classification Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
340 How many types of vegetative hyphae are present 347. Match the following
in the life cycle of Rhizopus?
Column I Column ll
(1) 1 (2) 3
a. Ustilago nuda t ici (i\ Brown leaf spot of
(3\ 2 (41 4 rice
341 Vibrio cholerae, Xanthomonas citri, Lactobacillus, b. Albugo candida (ii) Ergot of rye
Clostridium tetani and Rhizobium
c. Claviceps (iii) Loose smut of
(1) Are pathogens wheat
(2) Are chemo-organoheterotrophs d. Helminthosporium (iv) White rust of
(3) Play a greal role in recycling nutrients crucifers
(4) Can survive in some of the most harsh habitats (1) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (2) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
342 Euglenoids arc Euglena like unicellular flagellates (3) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (a) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
that belong to division euglenophyta. These 348. Examine the figure given below and select the
right option giving all the three parts (A, B and C)
(1) Are usually found in running fresh water correctly identified
(2) Have pellicle which makes their flagella flexible
(3) Have pigments identical to higher plants B
(4) Cannot behave like predator
343 Mark the fungal classes in which plasmogamy is
immediately followed by karyogamy to form diploid
(1) A - Dikaryotic mycetium
(1) Oomycetes, Zygomycetes
(2) Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes - Hymenium
(3) Protista .-
(3) Spores possess true walls in slime moulds
(4) Protista and Animalia
to' slime moulds are dispersed bv air
351. vast malority of bacteria are :#::l'"
(1 ) Photosynthetic autotrophic 35g. Select the sexual spores w.r.t. fungus
(2) Heterotrophic (1) Oospores, conidiospores, basidiospores,
(3) Chemosynthetic autotrophic ascospores
The correct statements are 362. Consider the following four statements (a-d) and
option for two correct statements
(1) b & d (2) b & c
(3) a&c (4) a&d
are/ a Mycelium is aseptate
3ss. chrysophytes, euglenoids and dinoflagellates
have b Aplanospores are motile and exogenous in
('l ) Chemosynthetic in nutrition
(2) Chlorphyll a and b
c Zygospores are formed by fusion of gametes
in sexual reproduction.
(3) single celled eukaryotes
d. lt is the parasitrc fungi on mustard'
(4) silicified cell wall
The correct statements are
356. ln diatoms the cell walls form two
(1) b & c
(1) Thin non-overlapping shells
(2) a & c
(2) Thin overlapping shells
(3) a & d
(3) Thick non-overlapping shells
(4) c & d
(4) Suberised overlapping shells
Aakash Educational Sorvice3 P\rt Liil F&gd. Olfiee; Aakastr Towet 8, Pura Road, Nert, DdhL110005 Ph.01147623456
140 Biological Classification Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
363. Which of the following fungi is used extensively 370. Albugo candida and Mucor are similar in having
biochemical and genetic
(1) Hemicellulosic cell wall
l'l) claviceps (2\ Neurcspora (2) peptidogtycan in cell walt
(3) Penicillium (4) tJstilago
(3) cametangial contact
3&. Sex organs are absent and plasmogamy is brought
(4) Aseptiate and coenocytic mycelium
about by fusion of two vegetative or somaticcells
of different strains or genotypes 371. select the conect option w.r.t. Aspergittus
(1) Penicillium (2) colletotrichum (1) lt is catted weed of laboratory and produce
l3l Agaicus (4'1 Tichoderma conidiospores
365. (A) Only the asexual or vegetative phases of these (2) lt is also called bread mould forming trisporic
fungi are known. acid during sexual reproduction
(B) Large number of members are decomposers (3) lt is a member of club fungi used to produce
of litterand help in mineralcycling. antibiotics
These statements (A & B) are true for (4) The asci are ananged in fruiting bodies called
(l) Deuteromycetes (2) Ascomycetes
(3) Basidiomyceres (4) phycomyceres
366. Lichens are mutually useful assoclations between each node is seen in
(1) Autotrophic and heterotrophtc members (1) Submerged hydrophytes
(2) Two autotrophic partners (2) Water hyacinth, water chestnut
(3) Two heterotrophic partners (3) Floating hydrophytes
(4) Fungi and roots of higher planb (4) Mint and Colocasia
367. During unfavourable conditjons, the plasmodium of 373. Match the following
slime moulds ditferentiates and forms fruiting
bodies bearing
- Column I Column ll
(1) Spores at thelr tips a. Jasmine (i) Sucker
(2) Gametes at their basal part b. Pineapple (ii)
(3) Gametes at their tips c. Zaminkand (iii) Stolon
(4) Spores at their basal part d. Ginger (iv) Corm
368. Match the Column twith Cotumn [ (i) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii)
Column I Cotumn [ (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
a. Rhodopseudomonas (i) Ca-DpA (3) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
b. Ray tungi (ii) psittacosis (4) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
c Bacterial endospore (iii) Bacteriopurpurin 374. choose odd one out w.r.t. structure of axillary bud
d. Chlamydia (iv) Mycotic acid origin
(1) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) (2) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (1) Thom (2) Tendrit
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(i!) (a) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii) (3) Butbit (a) Spine
369. Type of DNA and RNA found in Mycoplasma arc 375. pneumatophore
and stilt roots are seen in which
respectively of the following plants respectivety?
(1) Double stranded and single stranded
(1) Sugarcane, Rhizophora
(2) Single stranded and double stranded
(2) Mangroove plants, Grasses
(3) Linear and circular
(3) Ficus, Rhizophora
(4) single stranded and circular
(4) Grasses, Mangroove prants
Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l)
Biological Classification 1
376. Persistent fibrous root system arise from 383. ldentify the following diagram and choose correct
(1) Radicle (2) Base of stem
(3) Leaf (4) Stem internode
377. Archaebacteria can survive in extreme climatic
conditions due to
(1) Cell wall structure
(2) Presence of peptidoglycan in cell wall
(1) Basidiospores are formed in subhymenium
(3) D - Amino acids in cell wall
(2) Plasmogamy occurs through somatogamy
(4) Presence of introns in DNA
(3) Haplophase is predominant in life cycle
378. select the odd one out w.r.t. chrysophytes
(4) Rhizoids are Present
(1) lncludes diatoms and golden algae
384. Nutritionally, majority of the bacteria are
(2) They are microscopic planktons (1) photoautotrophs (2) Chemoautotrophs
(3) Most of them are photosynthetic or predators (3) Heterotrophs (4) photoorganotrophs
(4) They are fresh water as well as marine 385. Selecl the con€cl match (column-l with column-ll)
379. Sexual spores in fungi are Column - | Column - ll
404. Select the correct stalement w.r.t. extra (3) They form diatomaceous earth
chromosomal DNA of bacteria (4) Diatoms are the chief producers in the oceans
(1) lt is always found as the part of nucleoid 41'1. Dinoflagellates are characterised by all, except
(2) lt is always longer than nucleoid DNA (1) The cell watl has stiff cellulose plates on the
(3) lt may provide resistance for antibiotics outer surface
(4) lts genes have vital role in viability and grolvth (2) The cell walls form two thin ovedapping shells,
which fit together as in a soap box
of bacteria
(3) Most of them has one longitudinal and other
405. Genetic recombination in bacteria in which transfer
transverse flagellum
of genetic material from one bacterium to another
bacterium occurs with the help of surrounding (4) Photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a, c
medium, is known as and (l-carotenes
(.1) Transduction (2) Binary flssion 412. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. Euglenoids
(3) Transformation (4) Conjugation (1) They are photosynthetic in sunlight and
behave like heterotrophs in absence of light
406. Bacterial blight of rice as caused by' (2) The pigments are identical to those present in
(1) Xanthomonas orvae higher plants
(2) Xanthomonas citri (3) They have protein rich cell wall made up of
(3\ Clostridium botutinum pellicle
(4) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (4) The reserve food material is in the form of
407. which of the following feature of archaebacteria is
responsible for their survival in extreme conditions? 413 slime moulds
ln the life cycle of acellular
('l ) Spores are walled
(1) Presence of exons in DNA
RNA (2) somatic stage is haploid plasmodium
(2) Presence of histone proteins and circular
(3) Spores are dispersed by biotic agents
(3) Presence of 70s ribosomes
bacteria (4) y::j:,:yst represents site of karyogamy
(4) Different cell wall structure from other
408 select the correct statement w r't Halophiles
4r4. white spots seen on mustard leaves are due to
(1) They are capable of tolerating high acidity a parasitic fungus known as
(2) They are obligate anaerobes occurring in high () puccinia graminis
salt concentration
(3) They oxidise sulphuric acid to sulphur under
er phytophthora,nfestans
428. Slime layer of cell envelope in bacteria is made of (1) Pyrophytes (2) Chrysophytes
(1) Peptidoglycan (2) LPS (3) Euglenophytes (4) Myxomycetes
(3) Murein (4) Polysaccharides 436. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly
shows matched while the remaining three are correct?
429. ln motile bacteria, flagellum
(1) 9 + O arrangement of microtubules (\ Frankia - Root nodules in
(2) Eleven stranded structure of tubulin protein
(2) Soredia - Lichen
(3) Single stranded structure of flagellin protein
(4) I + 2 arrangement of microtubules (3) Proteinaceous - Rinderpest disease
infectious particles
430. Nutritionally which group of bacteria are involved
in the recyling of itost of the minerals? (4) Neurospora - Drosophila ol planl
(1) Photolithotrophs (2) Photoorganotrophs
43T Auxospore is found in diatoms as
(3) chemolithotrophs (4) chemoheterotrophs
(1) Resting haploid sexual spore
431. Which one of the following option gives the
correct matching of disease with its causative (2) Resting asexual spore
organism? (3)
Diploid sexual spore
(1) Tetanus - Heliobacter Pvlori '
(2) Red rot of sugarcane - Pseudomonas (4) Perennating thick walled haploid spore
rubilineans 438. Euglena resembles with higher plants in
(3) Citrus canker - Xanthomonas (1) Mode of sexual reproduction
campesf's (2) Reserve food material
(4) PSTD - viroid
(3) Types of chtorophyu
432. Select the incorrect statement for archaebacteria
(4) Nutrition
(1) They tack D-amino acid in their cell wall
439 select the incorrect statement w r.t slime moulds
(2) They are similar to eubacteria in having
peptidoglycan in cell wall (1) Plasmodium differentiates into spores
producing structure in favourable condition
(3) Their ribosomal proteins are highly acidic
(4) Methanogens assist in fermentation of (2) Motile stage is present in the life cycle of
cellulose acellular slime moulds
433. Monerans having peptidoglycan and mycolic acid (3) Spores have true cellulosic wall
in their cell wall are (4) pseudoplasmodium stage is chemotactically
(1) Branched filamentous bacteria formed in cellular slime moulds
(2) Facultative aerobes and important 440. Fungi prefer to grow in
decomposers of dead organic matter (1) Coor and humid conditions
(3) Giving fried egg rike appearance in cuture (2) Warm and humid praces
(3) Cool and dry places
(4) Both (1)& (2) are correct
(4) Dry and organic rich soil
434. consu me r-decom poser protists and red-tide
causing protists respectively 441. Causal organism of white rust on crucifers shows
(1) Diatoms and Euglena (1) Branched and septate primary mycelium
(2) Slime moulds and Dinoflagellates (2) Plasmogamy by gametangial contact
(3) Slime moulds and Diatoms (3) Chitinous cett watl
(4) Dinoflagellates and Euglena (4) Sexual spore as zygophore
A.t th Educdonal S.ndc.. Pvt L6. Reg4 Ofu: ,€ll66ft Toi,Br,8, Pusa Road, l,eliv HhFl10005 Ph.0l1-d7623456
1 46 Biological Classafication Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
442 Asexual spores formed exogenously during 448 Choose the correct option w.r.t. fungi forming
favourable conditions, is a feature of fruiting bodies in which reduction division occurs
(1) Egg fungi (2) Sac fungi leading to formation of haploid spores.
(3) Conjugation fungi (4) Club fungl (11 Albugo, Penicillium
443 Edible fruiting body stage is present in the sexual (2) Saccharomyces, Puccinia
life cycle of (3) Agaricus, Mucor
(1) Penicillium and Ustilago (41 Agaicus, Morchella
(2) Aspergi us and Amanita 449 Sole members of the Kingdom Monera
(31 Morchella and Agaricus (1 ) Are very simple in behaviour and metabolic
(4) Puccinia and Aspergillus
(2) Have been grouped under two categories
444 Most of the members of deuteromycetes are based on their shape
actually related to
(3) Occur almost everywhere and characterised
('l ) Basidiomycetes (2) Ascomycetes by a rigid cell wall
(3) Oomycetes (4) Zygomycetes (4) Have loose tissue type of body organisation
445 Select the incorrect statement 450, Structures produced in the life cycle of slime
(1) Fungal partner is commonly basidiomycetes moulds which possess true walls are
in ectomycorrhiza (1) Plasmodium (2) Spores
(2) Orchids seldom occur without mycorrhiza (3) Gametes (4) Myxamoebae
451. The given events in sexual life cycle is conect for
(3) ln ectomyconhiza fungal hyphae do not occur
which group of fungi?
in the intercellular spaces of root cortex
(4) Fungal roots lack root cap and root hairs & A? sex organs -+ Plasmogamy -+
446. The mycobionts of lichen thallus do not show
Dikaryophase (n + n) + Karyogamy -+ Meiosis --;
Sexual spore
which one of the functions?
(l Agancus, puffball, Bracket fungi
Formation of sex organs
(2) Rust fungi, smut fungi, bread mould
(2) Fruitiflcation
(3) Morels, Ttultles, Penicillium
(3) Body structure and covering (4) Puccinia, Aspergillus, Agaicus
(4) Nitrogen fixation 452. Gracilaia and Gelidium reproduce sexually by
447 Select the correct match (1) Non-motile spores
Column I Column ll (2) Fragmentation
a. lnfectious RNA (i) Coliphage 0x t Z+ (3) Flagellate gametes
particles (4) Non-flagellate gametes
b. Dumbell shaped (ii) Sub-viral
agent 453. Three different genera viz. Solanum, Petunia and
genome with Datura belong to the same immediate category
dsDNA i.e.
Aakash Educational Servlces Pvt. Ltd, Regd Ofrce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi110005 Ph.01147623456
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Biological Classificalion 1 47 a
455. Which of the following bacteria are mosl abundant 7. A Halophiles show ability to convert light energy
in nature? into chemical energy by developing
(1) Photosynthetic autotrophic bacteria characteristic orange red pigment in cell wall.
ln the following questions, a statement of assertion R ln these members, asci are naked without
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R) ascocalrp.
(1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the 10. A Heterocysts are thick walled nitrogen fixing
reason is the correct explanation of the structures in BGA.
assertion, then mark (1) R These have chlorophyll 'a'and thylakoids.
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the 11. A Five kingdom system is a phylogenetic system.
reason is not the correct explanation of the R Monerans are common ancestor of all
assertion, then mark (2) kingdoms and includes nutritionally one type
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is of organisms.
false, then mark (3) 12. A Woese found that the six kingdoms naturally
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false cluster into three main domains.
statements, then mark (4) R Progenote is believed to be originated from
these domains.
1. A : Nucleoprotein entity which is able to utilize the
synthetic machinery of a living organism is 13. A Halophiles are able to trap sunlight for ATP
obligate parasite. synthesis.
R : lt is inert outside the host cell. R They develop purple pigment in cell wall to
perform cyclic photophosphorylation.
2.4 Spirulina is the only vegetable source of
vitamin 812. 14. A Primordial utricle condition does not exist in
R It has 71% protein rich in lysine and
tryptophan. R Sap vacuole is absent.
3.A Viroids are the smallest self replicating 15. A: Budding yeast shows conlugation.
particles. R Diploid phase is absent in sexual life cycle.
R They are infectious ss-RNA particles. 16. A: Sex organs are differentiated in edible
4. A Loose smut of barley is caused by Ustilago
hordei. R Basidiocarps are formed in favourable
conditions when hyphae of primary mycelium
R lnfecting spores called chlamydospores are collect at places to produce buttons.
exposed while attached to the host.
17. A: VAM are endotrophic mycorrhiza.
5.A Transverse binary fission in diatoms leads to
R: They help in phosphate absorption from soil.
the reduction in size of one of the daughter
cells. 18. A: AIDS virus are enveloped ribovirus.
R Only one half of the cell wall is conserved by R: They have envelope and two copies of
each of the daughter cells. SSRNA.
'19. A: Soredia are most emcient means of asexual
6.A Oxyphotobacteria performs photosynthesis by
reproduction in lichens.
involvement of single pigment system.
R: These are composed of central fungal cells,
R PS I is located in vegetative cells only. surrounded by algal cells.
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Offlce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Dethi-110005 ph.01147623456
148 Biological Classiflcation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
20. A: Plasmid and bacterial chromosome are 30. A Slime moulds are also called as imperfect
similar in their double stranded circular nature. fungi.
R: Plasmid is an extra chromosomal circular R These are spore producing protistans without
DNA found in all organisms. cell wall.
31. A Mycoplasma are smallest living cells known
21. A: Endospores can remain unharmed even after and can survive without 02.
R Mycoplasma can be pathogenic in both
R: Endospores can withstand temperature as animals and plants.
high as '100'C. 32. A Protista forms a link with monera.
22. A: Stigma or eye spot performs photoreceptive R They shares some common features.
function in Euglena. 33. A Both diatoms and desmids constitute the
R: lt contains a red orange pigment called division Chrysophyta.
astaxanthin. R These groups have common photosynthetic
pigments i.e-, Chlorophyll 'a' and 'b'.
23. A: Mycelium is septate and coenocytic in
members of oomycetes. 34. A Members of Cyanophyceae are strictly
unicelled, as considered in five kingdom
R: Mycelial cells show karyokinesis without system.
failure of septa formation.
R Monera includes unicelled prokaryotes.
24. A: Bacteriophages are usually double stranded 35. A Deuteromycetes is called artificial class of
DNA viruses. fungi.
R : They show lytic cycle of reproduclion. R Members of this class have septate mycelium.
29. A: Some fungi may have different names for R Noctiluca is coloured unicellular eukaryote.
asexual and sexual stages. 42. A Mycoplasma are obligate aerobes.
R: Sexual reproduction is not known to occur in R They are smallest living cells and cannot
members of class deuteromycetes. survive without oxygen.
tr o tr
('l ) Offsets, Water hyacinth
(2) Offsets, Water lettuce
Objective Type Questions
(3) Turions, Water lily
1. Select the correct statement w.r.l. gemmae (4) Bulbils, Potamogeton
a. These are specialised reproductive saudures in 4 Select the correct match between column I and
members of thallophytes and bryophytes column ll w.r.t artificial methods of vegetative
b. These are green, unicellular & asexual bud-
Column I Column ll
c. These are formed in small receptacles located a. Raspberry (i) Mound layering
on thalli
b. Clerodendrcn (ii) Stem cutting
d. Single gemma forms two new individuals after c. Clematis (iii) Gootee
d. Pomegranate (iv) Serpentine layering
e. These are chlorophyllous and multicellular e. Gooseberry (v) Root cutting
structures (1) a(iv), b(ii), c(v), d(iii), e(i)
f. They germinate and make monoecious thallus (2) a(v), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii), e(i)
ol Marchantia (3) a(v), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii), e(i)
(1) a, d, e and f (2) b, c, d and f (4) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(v), e(i)
(3) c, d and e (4) b, c and f 5 ln the life span of which group of plants, vegetative,
reproductive and senescent phases are clearly
2. Which one of the following is incorrect statement distinct?
with respect to life span of organisms? (1) Annual plants
(1) Peepal tree has a much longer life span as (2) Biennial plants
compared to a mango tree (3) Perennial plants
(2) Life spans of organisms are not necessarily (4) More than one option is conect
correlated with their size 6 Select the correct statement w.r.t. phases in
(3) Single celled organism like Amoeba does not organism's life
show natural death (1) Most of the perennial plants are monocarpic
(4) lt is conelated with the complexity and habit of (2) Neelakuranii is perennial, polycarpic plant, native
to North lndia
(3) Very few perennial plants bear flowers
3. An aquatic plant which is commonly known as throughout the year
"Terror of Bengal", can propagate vegetatively by
(4) External fertilization is prese,,t in all aquatic
and it is also called algae and bryophytes
Aakash Educationat Services Pvt. Ltd, Regd. Offce: Aakash Tott/er, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
150 Reproduction in Orqanisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
7 Zoospores differ from zygospores in 14. The most important pollen characteristics used as
(1) Presence of thick wall taxonomic tool in classification is
(2) Absence of thick wall and motility (1) Chemical nature of exine and intine
(3) Ploidy and flagellation (2) Shape and size of pollen grain
(4) Dispersal and absence of flagella (3) Ridges, tubercles, spines etc. on the surface
8 What is corect w.rt. chromosomes number in the of pollen grains provided by tectum
sexual reproduction oI Ophioglossum? (4) Sculpturing over the surface of pollen grains
(1) Embryo = 1260, Endosperm = 1890, Oosphere = provided by endexine
m0 15. What is true for pollen tube of flowering plants?
(2) Sporocyte = '1260, VCC = 630, Oosphere = 630 (1) lt is glandular with secretory function only
(3) Oospore = 1260, Oosphere ='1260, Leaf cells = (2) Growth occurs by tip activity containing dense
1m active cytoplasm
(4) Gametes = 630, NCC = 1260, Gametangium = (3) Vesicles are absent in its apical cap block
9 Endothecium layer of anther wall is also called as
fibrous layer due to the presence of (4) lts wall is made of sporopollenin and pectin
(1) o-cellulosic thickening on inner tangential wall 16. Co-operative cells have
(2) Non-hygroscopic thickening on outer tangential (1) Filiform apparatus at the micropylar tip
wall (2) Filiform apparatus in the entire wall
(3) o-cellulose thickening on outer tangential wall
(3) Micropylar vacuole and central nucleus
(4) Ligno-suberin on inner tangential and radial wall
(4) Non-vacuolated cytoplasm without cell wall
Most abundanvcommon type of pollen tetrad is
and it is formed due to 17. Select one of the following group of plants having
cytokinesis. common or similar pollinating agent
('l) Tetrahedral, successive (1) Santalum, Amorphophallus, Ficus, Bauhinia
(2) Tetrahedral, simultaneous (2) Yucca, Ricinus, Cannabis, Zostera
(3) lsobilateral, successive - (3) Coconut, Bamtu, Potamogeton, Wiophyilum,
(4) lsobilateral, simultaneous Sugarcane
11 Double fertilization is different fiom single fertilization (4) Anthocephallus, Kgelia, Lemna, Callistemon
because of the presence of
18. The mode of entry of pollen tube into ovule of
(1) Syngamy Juglans is
(2) Seed (1) Porogamy (2) Chatazogamy
(3) Triple tusion (3) Mesogamy (4) Acrogamy
(4) Megaspore and microspore
19. Find correct match between column I and
12 Allergic pollen grains belong to a group of plant column ll
species which are mostly
(1) Entomophilous
Column I Column ll
(2) Anemophilous a. Nuclear endosperm (i\ Phoenix
(3) Omithophilous b. Metaxenia (ii]' Trapa
(4) Hydrophilous c. Absence of (iii) Capse/a
'13 The microsporocytes develop which one of the trophomixis
following structure that breaks the plasmodesmal d. Obturator (iv) Placenta / Funicle
connections among themselves?
(1) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
('l) Outer layer of pectinase
(2) lnternal layer of ft1,3glucan polymer (2) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv)
(3) Stomium and release of callose (3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
(4) Paramular bodies (4) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
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20. Find out the ploidy of oospore, coleoptile and 26. Functional megaspore develops into Polygonum
aleurone layer cells developed from the hexaploid type of female gametophyte by
female and diploid male parents
(1) One meiotic and two successive mitotic
('l ) 4n, 3n,3n respectively divisions
(21 4n, 4n,8n respectively (2) Three successive mitotic divisions
(3) 3n, 3n, 4n respectively (3) One meiotic and one mitotic divisions
(4\ 4n, 4n, 7n respectively (4) Two meiotic and one mitotic divisions
21. Which one of the following mndition leads to the 27. Match column I with column ll
development of diploid oosphere?
(1) Aplospory (2) Apogamy
Column I Column ll
(3) Sporophytic budding (4) Diplospory a. Turn pipe mechanism (il Aristolochia
22. When the ovule is curved more or less at right b. Trap door mechanism (ii) Centaurca
angle to funicle and mycropylar end is bend down c. Pitfall mechanism (iii) Sage plant
slightly the type of ovule is
d. Piston mechanism (w) Ficus caica
(1) Anatropous (2) Campylotropous
(1) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) (2) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
(3)Hemianatropous (4)Circinotropous
(3) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (4) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii)
23. What is incorrect for pollination of the Ophrys?
(1) Pollination
28. Juvenile phase or vegetative phase is related with
is done by Colpa wasp
all, except
(2) lt is called pseudocopulation mechanism
(1) lt is pre-reproductive phase in the life cycle of
(3) Female wasp lays eggs inside the ovary of an individual
(2) lt is the period of growth
(4) The orchid employs sexual deceit to get
pollinated (3) lt is of different durations in different organisms
24. Whal is not true for the plant given below? (4) lt involves appearance of flowers in higher
29. Zoospore is
(1) Formed by fusion of two gametes
(2) Flagellated and motile structure
(3) The net resull of sexual reproduction
(4) Always diploid
30. Pollen grain in angiosperms
(1) ls derived from a megaspore
(1) lt is monoecious (2) Remains permanently embedded in the
(2) [ is probgynous
(3) ls generally shed in 2-celled stage
(3) lt pertunns oogamy
(4) tt is a gr€€n atga (4) ls 7€ll€d and I nudeabd sbuctJr€
25. Find odd one out w.r.t. intemal brtilisafion 31' ln anemophilous flo\lt/ors
32. Coleorhiza is 40. Find the ploidy level of central cell at maturity,
(1) Part of embryonal axis in between cotyledonary perisperm cell and endosperm cell for sunflower
node and radicle 3n
(1) 2n, 2n, (2) n,2n,3n
(2) Part of embryonal axis in between cotyledonary
(3) 2n,3n,3n (4) n, n, 3n
node and plumule
(3) Covering around plumule 41. When a dicot embryo develops from a zygote in
(4) Covering around radicle
33. The micropylar end of Polygonum lype ot a. The zygote divides by transverse division first
embryosac has the following structural cells, b. The apical cell of zygote divides by two
except transverse and a vertical division to produce an
(1) Definitive nucleus (2) Synergid octant embryo
(3) Egg cell (4) Oosphere
c. The basal cell divides transversely to produce
34. Which of the following inflorescence is associated a suspensor of 6-10 cells
with trap door mechanism of pollination?
d. The basal cell directly performs suspensor
('l ) Capitulum (2) Verticillaster
(3) Hypanthodium (4) Cyathium
(1) All are conect
35. Number of chromosomes present in meiocyte of
potato and apple are (2) b and d are inc,onect
(1) 16,24 respectively (2) 48,34 respectively (3) a and d are incorrect
(3) 16,20 respectively (4) 24,48 respectively (4) c and d are correct
36. ln the polycarpic perennial plants which of the
following phase is present additionally as compared
42. Ovule as well as embryo sac is curved like horse
shoe in
to monocarpic perennial ones in the life cycle?
(1) Senescent phase (2) Reproductive phase (1\ Lemna
(3) Vegetative phase (4) lnterffowering phase (21 Alisma
37. Seeds offer which of the following advantages to (3) Ranunculus
(4) More than one option is correct
(1) Shows better dispersal strategies
43. Ploidy of endosperm and zygote would be
(2) Dormancy of seed allow it to be utilised as food and respectively, if a
source throughout the year octaploid female and tetraploid male plants are
(3) Forms the basis of agriculture crossed.
(4) Asexual seed development allows hybrid seed (1) 10n,6n
to maintain their superior characters
(2) 6n, 10n
38. Select odd one oul w.r.t. organ of vegetative
propagation (3) 3n, 2n
(1) Adiantum (2\ Wophyllum (4) 20n,8n
(3) Narclssus (4\ egonia 44 Find the correct match (w.r.t. vegetative
39. Which of the given is not related to wind
pollination? (1) Narclssus - Tuber
(1) Flowers are nectarless, odourless and
(2) Tamaindus indica - Root
(2) Versatile stamens in grasses
(3, Adiantum caudatum - Corm
(3) Dry, unbranched short stigma
(4) Winged pollens in Plnus
(41 Chrysanthemum cineraifolium - Rhizome
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Reproduction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 153
45. Strasburger cells are found in non-flowering seeded 49. Egg apparatus consists of
plants. Find the correct statement in relation to (1) Central cell + egg cell
these cells (2) Synergids + polar nuclei + egg cell
(1) Stain lightly with cytoplasmic dyes (3) Synergids + oosphere
(2) Contain abundant starch (4) Antipodal cells + synergids + egg
(4) Roots are appeared after 9-10 months (2) Study of trees and shrubs
(3) Study of grasses
48. ln a transverse section, a typical microsporangium
of flowering plants is generally surrounded by four (4) Cultivation of plants for their flowers
wall layers - the epidermis, endothecium, middle
layers and the tapetum. Cells of the tapetum
55. Which of the following event is not seen during the
pollination in Eel grass?
(1) Possess dense cytoplasm and generally have (1) Opening of male flower on the surface of water
more than one nucleus
(2) Female flowers reach the surface of water afler
(2) Nourish the developing microspores as well as breaking of stalk
(3) Closing of female flower afrer pollination
(3) Help in dehiscence of anther
(4) Two tepals of male flower form a boat shaped
(4) Perform the function of protection structure
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154 Reproduction in Orga nisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
56. Snake plant can be propagated by leaf cutting. For ('l ) ls one of the most resistant inorganic material
this purpose (2) ls temperature and enzyme resistant
(1) Leaves are cut vertically into 2 or 3 parts
(3) ls resistant for strong acids, not for alkali
(2) Parts of leaves are planted in vertical section
in soil (4) ls resistant for strong alkali, not for acids
(3) Rooting hormone can not be used 63. Water hyacinth is also known as 'tenor of Bengal'
because it
(4) GA3 is used to induce roots
(1) Releases saxitoxin
57. Mark the incorrect statemenl w.r.t. grafting
(2) Drains 02 fiom the running water
(1) Used in cambium containing eustelic plants
(2) A small shoot of plant with superior characters (3) Leads to death of fishes
is required (4) ls one of the most invasive crop
(3) The shoot of the stock is often cut 10-30 cm M. What is the possible advantage if hybrids are made
above the base of the root into apomicts?
(4) Buds should be absent in graft
('l) Segregation of characters in the hybrid progeny
58. What is the most common shape and size of (2)
pollen grain in angiospermic plants? Farmers can keep on using the hybrid seeds
to raise new crop in first year only
(1) Spindle shaped, 25-50 pm
(3) Absence of segregation in the hybrid progeny
(2) Spherical, 2-5 llm
(4) More than one option is conect
(3) Spherical, 25-50 pm
(4) Spindle shaped, 2-5 65, Passflora, Annona and Mynsfica plants are similar
59. ln flowering plants, endosperm
(1) Presence of mosaic endosperm
(1) ls pre-fertilizing tissue
(2) Absence of trophomixis
(2) Development rarely involves free nuclear
divisions (3) Absence of syngamy
(3) Development precedes embryo development (4) Presence of endosperm with uneven surface
(4) ls triploid tissue always 66. Mark the incorrect one
60. Hydrophilous flowers are similar to anemophilous (1) Pollen consumption has been claimed to
flowers in increase the performance of athletes and race
(1) Presence of nectar horses
(3) 10-15% (4) 33-37% (3) Sterile and fertile anther lobes
94. Wind pollinated flowers often (4) Nectar at the base of ovary in flower
(1) Have a single ovule in each ovary 101. ln Cucutbita and Casuaina' type of entry of pollen
tube into ovule is
(2) Produces light and sticky pollen grains
(3) Have sticky and inserted stigma (1) Mesogamy and chalazogamy respectively
(4) Produces heavy and non-sticky pollen grains (2) Chalazogamy and mesogamy respectively
95. The device to prevent inbreeding in hermaphrodite (3) Porogamy and chalazogamy respectively
flowers is all, excePt (4) Porogamous
('l) DiclinY 102. Mark the incorrect statement for zoophily
(2) Protandry ('l) Lemurs, arboreal rodents and gecko lizard are
(3) Presence of self-incompatibility Pollinators
(4) HomogamY (2) Entomophily is not possible in small flowers
96. Mark the odd one (w.r.t. advantage of cross (3) Nectar and pollen grains are the usual floral
pollination) rewards for insects
(1) lncreases resistance to diseases (4) Moth and Yucca cannot complele their life
cYcles without each other
(2) Good characters of a race can be diluted
103. Development of tetrahedral microspore tetrad is
(3) Enhances adaptability of the ofispring to change different from isobilateral type in
in the environment
('l) Presence of two karyokinesis
(4) lntroduces variations due to genetic
(2) Absence of cytokinesis between the
karyokinesis of meiotic I and ll
97. Protogynous flowers are present in all, except
(3) Presence of cytokinesis after each meiotic
(1\ Magnolia (2) Helianthus division (l and ll)
(3) Aistolochia \4\ Ficus (4) Absence of karyokinesis
98. Flowers of aquatic plants like water hyacinth and 104. Hay fever is allergic reaction to the presence of
water lily pollens in the air. Plants commonly causing hay
(1) Are not pollinated bY water fever are
(2) Emerge above the level of water for (1) Cynodon dactylon and Prosopls chilensis
ePihydroPhillY (21 Ricinus communis and Sorghum vulgare
(3) Reach the surface of water for hypohydrophilly (3) Prsum sativum and Mangifera indica
(4) Have exine in their pollen grains (4) More than one oPtion is correct
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158 Reproduction in O anisms and Sexual Reproduction in plants
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
105. Ubisch bodies are made by pro-ubisch bodies after 112. All organisms have to reach a certain stage of
the coating of groMh and maturity in their life, before they can
(1) Pollenkitt reproduce sexually. That period of growth
(2) Pectin and cellulose (1) ls called juvenile phase, not vegetative phase
(3) Sporopottenin (2) ls called vegetative phase, not,uvenile phase
(4) Starch and callase (3) While ends then marks the beginning of the
106. There are several records of very old yet viable reproduclive phase
seeds. The oldest is that of (4) ls variable in same organisms
(1) Lupine (2) Date-patm 113. Onion seed is
(3) Maize (4) Rice (1) Non-endospermic seed
107. Mark the incorrect statement (2) Small, btack and wrinkled seed
(1) Hybrid seeds have to be produced every year (3) With soft, thin seed coat
(2) Production of hybrid seeds is cosfly (4) Having embryo with smal cotytedon
(3) lf the seeds collected from hybrids are sown,
the progeny do not maintain hybrid characters
114. Plants like _ and _ types, show
clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent
(4) Cultivation of hybrids has decreased
productivity (l) Annual, bienniat
108. Type a pollination present in the flowers of (2) Biennial, perennial
Callistemon, Strelitzia and Erythrina is (3) Perennial, annual
(1) Omithophity (2) Matacophity (4) Perenniat, potycarpic
(3)Cheiropterophity (4)Myrmecophily 1'15. Mafi the odd one (w.r.t. zygote)
'109. Moth and bees pollinate the flowers which (1) Formed in the water or inside the body of the
(1) ln day time organism
(4) 8n,5n
111. What is similarity between the amoeboid and
glandular tapetum? 117. During the Onagrad type of embryogeny
(1) Cells undergo breakdown and entire protoplasts (1) Zygote elongates and divides transversely into
move to nourish microspores a small basal cell and large terminal cell
(2) Cells remain intact throughout the microspore (2) The first cell of the suspensor lies towards the
(3) Terminal cell undergoes one longitudinal and
(3) Ultimately both types of tapetum degenerates
two transverse divisions
(4) Both secretory in nalure
(4) The last cell of suspensor ls called haustorium
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118. Mark the odd one (w.r.t. ploidy level) (1) Embryo cell is formed towards the chalazal
(1) Testa (2) Tapetum
(2) single celled suspensor
(3) Perisperm (4) Pericarp
(3) Embryo cell divides longitudinally into a
119. Minimum chromosome number in gamete is terminal and a middle cell
concemed with organism
(4) Terminal cell divides vertically and transversely
(1) onion (2) House fly into globular embryo
(3) Garden pea (4) Fruit fly
126. potamogeton and utricuraria are vegetativery
120. Development of a new individual from a single propagated by
gamete without fusion with another gamete is
ca[ed ' ,.
(1) Bulbils (2) Turions
(1) Organism shows great synchrony between the (3) The development of diploid embryo sac
sexes (4) Azygospore formation
(2) Small number of gametes areploduced 128. Male and female plants are not separate in case
(3) Female gamete is not released into water d
(4) Male gamete should develop before the female (1) Papaya and dat+palm
gamete (2) Mulberry and papaya
122. Male, female as well as monoecious plant all (3) Date-palm and mulberry
categories are possible ,n (4) Castor and maize
(1) Mango 129. cametophytic sef incompatibility is determined by
(2) Litchi genotype of pollen or male gametophyte in the
members of
(3) sr,Tene
(1) solanaceae and Liliaceae
(4) More than one option is correct
(2) Liliaceae and Asteraceae
123. Penicillium spinulosum is different fiom P. digitatum
in (3) Brassicaceae and Poaceae
(2) Are called as asterosclereids
organism Life span
(1) Peepal 200G3000 years
(3) Are rich in lipids
(2) Madozamia 1000G12000 years
(4) Are deveroped on the rower node of main axis
(3) Seguotb 20G300 years
125. Mark the odd one (w.r.t. Sagitfaria type of
embryogeny in monocots) (4) Panot 140 years
160 Reproduction in O nasms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Parll)
132. What is meant by false polyembryony? '138. Select correct statement w.rt. ovule
(1) Production of extra embryos from the tissue (1) Body and embryosac are curved in
lying outside the ovary campylotropous ovule
(2) Funiculus contains a vascular strand for the
(2) Production of more than one embryos within a
supply of nourishment to the ovule
slngle embryo sac
(3) lt is surrounded by two integuments in
(3) Production of more than one embryos from Asphodelus
different embryo sacs
(4) The anangement of megaspores in a tetrad is
(4) More than one option is conect a commonly tetrahedral in dicots
133. Bamboo plant flowers 139. What is the ploidy of endosperm when male
gamete of a tetraploid plant fuses polar nuclei
(1) Generally after 100-150 years which is formed aposporously from normal plant?
(2) Produce low amount of fruits and die (1) 6n (2) 3n
(3) Only once in their life time (3) 4n (4) 5n
140. Asexual reproduction in some liverworts occurs by
(4) Generally after 5-10 years a green, multicellular, asexual structure formed in
134. Basal part of a lower branch is bent down and tip receptacle is which prod uce
is kept outside the soil in daughter plants'
(1) Tuber' one (2) Gammae' Two
('l) Mound layering (2) Tip layering
(3) Gammae, One (4) protonema, Two
(3) Air layering (4) Gootee
141. The callose layer around microspores tetrad is
135. X-bodies are darkly stained DNA containing bodies formed by
found in (i) Middte tayer (2) Microspore
(1) Between the embryo sac and ovule wall (3) Endothecium (4) Tapetum
(2) Both of the synergids 142. fhe sexual incompatibility which prevents free
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Reprod uction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 161
145. The pollen tube was first observed in Portulaca by 152. Organisms that reproduce by binary fission are
said to be immortal because
(1) G. B. Amici
(1) Parent continues to live as two daughter
(2) Swingle
(3) Focke
(2) Mitosis occurs without spindle formation
(4) Maheshwari and Guha
(3) Only a part of parent body forms the
146. Asexual reproduction by conidia is a common reproductive unit
method in Penicillium, where conidiophores are
(4) Daughter individuals formed are clones of
branched with
(1) Conidia ananged basipetally on rami
153. 'Terror of Bengal' was introduced in lndia for its
(2) Conidia arranged acropetally on sterigmata beautiful flowers and shape of leaves. lt can grow
(3) Conidia ananged basipetally on metulae vegetatively at a phenomenal rate through
147. Hc^N many total meiotic and mltotic divisions are (3) Sucker (4) Rhizome
required to produce a monosporic Polygonum
154. Artificial method of vegetative propagation that €n
embryo sac from megaspore mother cell? help in developing a composite plant of two varieties
(1) divisions
3 (2) 4 divisions is
(3) 2 divisions (4) 5 divisions (1) Layering (2) Cuttings
148. The point of dehiscence of stamens in plants is (3) Grafting (4) Gootee
(1) Annulus (2) Endothecium 155. Which of the following is a disadvantage of
(3) Stomium (4) Diaphragm vegetative propagation?
149. Which of the given feature is not related to (1) Only method of multiplication in seedless
ornithophillus flowers but related to plants
chiropterophilous fl owers? (2) Genetic uniformity
(1) Large flower (3) Can cause overcrowding
(2) Presence of nectar (4) Rapid multiplication
(3) Bright coloured corolla
156. Ultimate branches of rami in biverticillate
(4) Dull coloured with fruity odour conidiophores of Pen icillium
150. Bulbils are multicellular fleshy buds that take part (1) Do not bear phialides
in vegetative propagation and
(2) Bear conidia in acropetal order
(1) Germinate when separated from mother plant
only (3) Form metulae
(2) Borne at the base of fleshy roots in Dioscorea (4) Are unicellular and aseptate
(3) Can develop on floral axis also 157. Match the column I and column ll
(4) Formed only in angiospermic plants I
Column Column ll
151. Life span of an organism a. Root cutting (i) Tea, Ooton
(1) Does not include phase of senescence b. Stem cutting (ii) Tamarind, lemon
(2) ls not necessarily correlated with body size of c. Trench layering (iii) Gooseberry, apple
(3) ls very short in unicellular organism like d. Mound layering (iv) Walnut, mulberry
Amoeba (1) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(4) lncludes accidental death of organism also (3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (a) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)
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162 Reproduction in O nisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
158. Grafting is possible in 181. Number of chromosomes in gametes of maize,
apple' rice and potato are respectively
(1) All plants with conjoint vascular bundles
(1) 10' 17' 12'24 (21 20'34'24'48
(2) Alf plants having atactostele
(3) ptants with vascutar bundtes scattered in P\ 10' 12' 24' 17 (4) 16' 17 12' 24
ground tissue 165. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. Crara
(4) All eustelic plants except with bicollateral a. Nucule and globule occur on same plant
vascular bundles usually
159. Nemec phenomenon means the presence of b. Shield cells make jacket of nucule
(1) 8-nucleated embryo sac c' Nucule has five coronary cells
(2) 8-nucleated embryo sac type organisation in d Nucule matures earlier than globule
pollen grain (1) b, d (2) a, c
(3) 3 + 2 + 3 organisation of nuclei in embryo sac (3) a, d (4) b, c
(4) 8-nucleated and 7-celled embryo sac 166. The most vital event of sexual reproduction is
160. ln maiority of sac fungi, asexual reproduction (1) Fusion of gametes (2) Gamete formation
occurs commonly through conidia which is
(3) Gamete transfer (4) Release of gametes
(1) Thick walled and always uninucleate
167. withering of accessory floral parts, hardening of
(2) Formed on erect hypha called as ovules and ripening of ovary in fruits occur during
sporangiophore (1) Vegetative phase
(3) produced exogenousry and thin wafled (2) pre_fertirization events
(4) Non-motire and dispersed by insects (3) post-fertirization events
161. ln tongue grafting (4) Fertilization stage
(1) Oblique cut is given only to stock 168. Majority of sexualy reproducing organisms form
(2) Scion and stock are not of same diameter (1) Homogametes
(3) V-shaped notch is given to stock while wedge (2) Motite female gametes
like cut is made in sclon
(3) Heterogametes
(4) Oblique cuts are made in both scion and
(4) lsogametes
169' which of these plants are monoecious?
162. choose the odd one out w.r.t. sexual reproduction
(1) Gourds' cycas' Pinus' Acalypha
(1) First described by camerarius in plants
(2) Mango' Litchi' Neem' Marchantia
(2) Always biparental
sl'7ene' Papaya' Palm' Cucurbits
(3) hvolves both meiosis and mitosis
() Acalypha' coconut' Pr'hus' cucurbits
(4) Multiplication is not so rapid as in asexuar
reproduction 170. Development of zygote into indaviduals of new
163. lnterflowering period in a perennial plant
' (1) Depends on type of life cycle the organism has
(1) Represents juvenile phase and the environment it is exposed to
(2) ls used for building up resources for next (2) ls independent of environment to which the
florcring organism is exposed
(3) Can be observed in both monocarpic and (3) Always occurs through embryo formation
polycarpic plants
(4) Never needs a period of rest before its
(4) Can occur twice in one year in henbane germination
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Rep roduction in Orga nisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 'l$t
171. Endosperm of castor, co@nut, maize and garden 177. Which of the following is the common feature of
pea plants are similar in anemophilous and hydrophilous plants?
('l ) Chemical nature (1) Produce pollen grains mated with mucilage
(2) Chromosome number (2) Scentless flowers and abundant nectar
(3) Ploidy level (3) Flowers are not very colourful and do not
produce nectar
(4) Unicellular organisation
(4) Non-sticky pollen grains and brightly colourful
172. Which of these plants show clear cut vegetative,
reproductive and senescent phases in lffe span?
178. ln Polygonum type of embryo sac, polar nuclei
(1) China rose, radish, wheat
(2) Wheat, marigold, rice
(l ) Are haploid
(4) Tapetum and middle layers (3) Derived from chalazal megaspore of tetrad
a. Secretory tapetum do not degenerate upon 180. Total number of nuclei involved in pseudofertilization
maturity is/are
c. Cells are polyploid and nutritive 181. Ovule with body curved more or less at right angle
d. Can contribute pollenkitt in anemophilous pollen to funicle and the micropylar end is bent down
grains slightly in
(3) ls larger than generative cell but lacks reserve (2) Solanaceae
bod (3) Poaceae
(4) Has a large inegulady shaped nucleus (4) Liliaceae
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'164 Reproduction in O rganisms and Sexual Re production in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
'184. Match the following plants and their respective 190 Remnants of nucellus in the seed is known as
pollinators perisperm, which is found in
Column I Column ll (1) Black pepper (2) Beet
a. Ficus (i) Beetle (3) Castor (4) Att of these
b. Yucca (ii) Gall insect 191 Viability of seeds
c. Ravenela (iii) Moth (1) May be lost within a few months
d. Amoryhophallus (iv) Lemur (2) ls 1000 years in Lup,,7lus arcticus
(1) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i) (2) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) (3) Recorded in Phoenix is 10000 years
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) (4) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (4) Can be tested by 1% sotution of TTC
185. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. hydrophily 192 Occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed is
known as polyembryony which may be due to
(1) Limited to about 30 genera of angiosperms
(1) Sporophytic budding
(2) The most of the genera belong to monocots
(2) Polyspermy
(3) Pollen grains have mucilage coating
(3) Vegetative fertilization
(4) Occurs in all aquatic plants
(4) More than one option is conect
186. Continued self pollination results in inbreeding
193. Development of diploid embryo sac direcfly from a
depression therefore to prevent this, the type of
outbreeding device developed in apples and grapes differentiated megaspore mother cell is called as
is (1) Apospory (2) Diptospory
(1) Diheterostyly (2) Self-incompatibitity (3) Aplospory (4) Adventive embryony
(3) Pre-potency (4) Dictiny 194.. Ploidy level of endosperm will be _
ff cross is
made between tetraploid female and diploid male
187. Endosperm with sugary and starchy parts forming
different colour patches of yellow and white is
called (1) 3n (2) 5n
(1) Mosaic endosperm (3) 6n (4) 7n
(2) Ruminate endosperm 195. ldentiry the labels A, B and C in the given diagram
(1\ Datua (21 Petunia (3) Rejection occurs due to genotype of pollen
(3) Capse//a (41 Asphodelus (4) Nuclear fusion takes place
mitotic divisions required for the development
202. Formation of asymmetrical rPrr rv'|v fibres be 209 Total
can ev
iivivv w.
of mature male and female gametophytes
observed when respectively from 20 microspores and 20
(1) Megaspore nuclei undergoes free nuclear megaspores in an angiosperm is
mitotic divisions (1) 40 and 20 (2) 10 and 20
(2) pEN undergoes free nuclear mitotic divisions (3) 40 and 40 (4) 40 and 60
(3) Second mitosis occurs in pollen to produce 210. Most common type of endosperm in flowering
two male gametes plants is
(4) Pollen grain undergoes first mitosis to produce (1) Cellular type (2) Nuclear type
generative and vegetative cell (3) Helobialtype (4) Ruminate endospem
their 2i1. Common vegetative propagute, capable of giving
203. Pollen grains lose viability within,.3o minutes of
release in the members of family -
ria" to new individuals in Agave s
(1) Rosaceae (2) Solanaceae (1) Leaf bud (2) Bulbil
(3) poaceae (4) Leguminoseae (3) Rhizome (4) Otrset
204. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. vegetative 212. Readthe following statements carefully and select
propagules the correct
(1) Eyes - Potato a. Tapetum cells possess dense cytoplasm and
(3) Offs€t - water hyacinth b. sporopollenin is absent in the areas called
germ Pore
(4) Bulbil - Btyophyltum
shaped with a
20s. rhe arransement or nuctei in potysonum type ot " f.ll",'.]il".ffi|j:t0"fl:i:,*'-"
embryo sac
d. spindle of lirst mitosis in pollen is asymmetric
(1) 2+3+3 (2\3+2+3 (i) a,b,c&d (2) a,b&c
(3\ 2+4+2 (4) 3+3+2 (3) a,c&d (4) a,b&d
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186 Reproduction in O rganisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
213. All given statements about synergid are correct,
z',t9 Removal of anther ftom _ flower _
maturation of anther is called emasculation
(1) Cellular thickenings at the micropylar end ('l) Unisexual, after (2) Bisexuat, before
(2) lntact synergid provides seat for the entry of (3) Unisexual, before (4) Bisexual, after
pollen tube
220 Read the following statements carefully
(3) Cytoplasm is vacuolated towards chalazal end
a. Neelakuranji flowers once in 12 years
(4) Acting as shock absorber for inward growing
pollen tube b. ln majority of organisms, male and female
gametes are motile
214. Endosperm persists in the mature seeds of
(1) Pea (2) Groundnut
c. During embryogenesis, zygote undergoes
mitosis and cell differentiation
(3) Gram (4) Maize (1) All are conect
215. How many meiotic divisions are required to produce
(2) Only (b) is incorrect
200 male gametes in a typical dicot plant?
(3) All are inconect
(1) s0 (21 %
(3) 100 (4) (a) and (b) are correct
(41 2N
216. Which of the given statement is incorrect for the 221 ln over 60 % of angiosperms, pollen grains are
following diagram? shed at two celled stage. Generative cell of this
(1) Has dense cytoplasm
(2) Floats in the nucleoplasm of the vegetative cell
(3) ls diploid
(4) ls larger than tube cett
222 How many meiosis are required in megasporocyte
to produce 12 Polygonum type of embryo sacs?
(1) 3
(1) Member of chlorophyceae
(2\ 6
(2) Cap of 5 coronary cells in each nucule
(3) 11
(3) A- main axis; B-lateral branch
(4) 12
(4) The nucule matures prior to globule
223 Sexual reproduction is
217. Functjonal megaspore in Polygonum divides by free
nuclear mitotic divisions and develops into (1) Fast and simple process
8 nucleated and 7 celled female gametophyte. The
(2) Slow and simple process
largest cell of this gametophyte is
(1) Antipodalcell (2) Central cell (3) Fast and complex process
(3) Synergid cell (4) Egg cell (4) Slow and complex process
218. Transfer of pollen grains from anther of one flower 224. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. outer layer present
to stigma of another flower of same plant is called in pollen grain
(1) Possesses most resistiant inorganic material
(1) Xenogamy
(2) Possesses germ pores
(2) Autogamy
(3) Exhibits fascinating array of patterns and
(3) Geitonogamy designs
(4) Cleistogamy (4) lt has enzyme resistant sporopollenin
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Last Leap lqll.,JEET (P"rt-l) Repn d roduction in Plants 167
225. Find correct match w.r.t. asexual/vegetative 231. Most of the aquatic and land plants are pollinated
reproduction by
Column] Golumn-ll (1) lnsects or wind
a. Tenor of Bengal (D Goobe (2) Water and insects respectively
b. Bladder wort (iU Ofbet (3) Abiotic factors only
c. Pomegranate (iii) Twion (4) Water and wind respectively
d. Marchantia (iv) Gemmae 232. The figure given below shows fertilised embryo sac
(1) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (2) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv) of the flowering plants. Which one set of two parts
out of (a - e) have been conectly identmed?
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
226. Pollen grains are the carriers of male gametes in
(1) Pinus, Chan (b
(2) Solanum, Oryza
(3) Marchantia, Allium (c)
(4) Ophioglossum, Fucus
227. Find odd one out w.r.t. pollination by biotic agents
('l) Sugarcane, wheat, papaya
(2) Ophrys, Salvia, Aistolochia
(31 Anthocepha us, Kigelia, Adansonia
(4) bmbax, Callistemon, Errthrina
22g. Find the lncorect statements w.r.t. pollen grain ifr - Primary endosperm nucleus
(3) Sucker
236 Juvenile or vegetative phase
(4\ Zygob b. Tuber ,,,ry
(1) ls of variable durations in different organisms
(2) ls also called reproductive phase
(3) ls a feature of monocarpic plants only c. Rhizome (iii)
(4) lnvolves gamete production
(3) 24 (4) 6 (1) a(i), b(iv), c(iii), d(ii) (2) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii)
238 Mark the correct statement (w.r.t. reproduction) (3) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii) (4) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(1) A biological process to produce new offsprings 241. Consider the following stalements (a-d) about
(2) Enables the continuity of the species, '"tenor of Bengal".
generation after generation a. An aquatic plant which can propagate
(3) lncorporates genetic variations and makes vegetatively at a phenomenal rate
basis of evolution b. One of the most invasive weeds growing in
(4) More than one option is correct standing water
239. Match column I to column ll and choose correct c. lt drains oxygen from water which leads to
option death of fishes
Column I Column ll
a. Offset (i)
13 b
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Reproduction in Org anisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 1 69
(1) Both 'a' and 'b' are sex organs where 'a' is 248. Which of the following sfucture represents vital link
nucule and 'b' is globule between two suc@ssive generations?
(2) Both 'a' and 'b' are sex organs where 'a' is cell
(1) Spore mother (2) Zygote
antheradium and 'b' is oogonium
(3) Antheridium (4) Zygophore
(3) Both 'a' and 'b' are vegetative propagules
249. ln which of the following plants male gamete
known as bulbils
canier is pollen grain and transfer of male gametes
(4) Both 'a'and 'b' are non-jacketed sex organs occurs through pollen tube?
present in Chara
(1) Algae (2) Bryophytes
243. Match column I with column ll and choose correct
(3) fteridophytes (4) Spermatophytes
244. Gootee is an ancient horticultural technique for (2) Sexual reproductive sfuclurc ot Penicillium and
propagation of tropical and sub-tropical trees and Cladophon
shrubs. lt is also called as (3) Asexual reproductive structure produced by
(1) Trench layering (2) Serpentine layering Penicillium and Asperyillus
(3) Stool layering (4) Air layering (4) Sexual reprcduclive stud.u,e ot Penbillium and
245. Raising of new plants from a small plant tissue
with the help of tissue culture technique is called 252. Iefin'vegetative reproduc{ion' is frequently used in
as (1) Plants
(1) Micropropagation (2) Grafting (2) Monerans
(3) Layering (4) Breeding (3) Animals
246. Which of the following group ('l 4) comprises - (4) Both plants and animals
both monocarpic and polycarpic plants?
253. Select the odd one w.r.t. asexual reproduction
(1) Wheat, Rice, Bambusa
(1) Need of both male and female parents
(2) Mango, Apple, JacKruit
(2) Produces a large number of individuals
(3) Wheat, Rice, Mango, Orange
(3) Rapid method
(4) Grapevine, Orange, Mango
(4) Absence of haploid - diploid altemation
247 . ln angiospermic plants, embryogenesis
254. Find odd one out w.r.t. ploidy level in a flowering
(1) Refers to the process of development of zygote
from embryo
(1) Hypocotyl, Epicotyl
(2) lnvolves cell division and cell differentiation
(2) Embryo, Oospore
(3) Refers to the process of development of
embryo from zygophore (3) Scutellum, Zygote
(4) lnvolves meaotic as well as mitotic divisions (4) Endosperm, Aleurone layer
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170 Reproduction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in PIants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
255. ln Bryophyllum vegetative propagation is brought 261. ln most of the angiosperms, pollen grains are shed
about by at
(1) Axillary buds present at the margins of leaves (1) 3-celled stage (2) 4-celled stage
(2) Axillary buds present at the tip of leaves and (3) 2-celled stage (4) 1-celled stage
262. ln which of the following plants endosperm is not
(3) Adventitious buds present at the margins of completely used up during embryo development?
(1) Sunflower, castor (2) Maize, pea
(4) Adventitious buds present at the tip of leaf and
stem (3) Groundnut, barley (4) Wheat, groundnut
256. Most vital event of sexual reproduction is 263. ln pollen banks, pollens are stored at
(1) Embryogenesis (1) - 196"C of liquid nitrogen
(2) Essential for fusion of gametes (2) , zo"c of liquid nitrogen
(3) Pollination
(3) 0'C of liquid nitrogen
(4) Development of fruits
(4) 4'C of liquid nitrogen
257. During the most common type of endosperm
development in flowering plants 2 . Mark the mis-matched pair
('1) Cell wall formation is completely absent (11 Orchid - Tiny seeds
(2) PEN undergoes suc@ssive nuclear divisions to (2) Hydrophily - Common in dicots
give rise to free nuclei
(3) Pollen grain - 25 to 50 pm in diameter
(3) Each division of PEN is immediately followed
by wall formation
(4) Pafthenium - Pollen allergy
(4) Free nuclear divisions are absent 265. The stalk by which an ovule is attached to the
placenta is called
258. The innermost layer of anther wall in angiospermic
plants is (1) Funicle (2) Hitum
(1) Tapetum and it nourishes the developing pollen (3) Chalaza (4) Micropyle
266. Match column I with column ll and choose correc{
(2) Endothecium and it nourishes the developing option
pollen grains
Column Column ll
(3) Tapetum and its cells possess thin cytoplasm
and uninucleate condition a. Epiblast (i) Endosperm
(4) Endothecium which protecls and nourishes the b. Triple tusion (ii) lnsects
pollen grains
c. Entomophily (iii) Grass embryo
259. During microsporogenesis
d. TTC (iv) Seed viability
(1) Microspore tetrad is developed by meiosis in
sporogenous tissue (1) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(2) Pollen grains are developed by mitosis in (3) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (a) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv)
sporogenous tissue 267. Choose the correct match w.r.t. angiosperm
(3) Microspore develops into male gametophyte ('l)
(4) Male gametes are produced by pollen grain
Microsporangium - ovule; Megasporangium -
female gametophyte
260. Pollen wall contains sporopollenin which is one of (2) Megasporangium - ovule; Embryo sac - female
the most resistant organic material. lt is found in gametophyte
(1) Exine (3) Megasporangium - female gametophyte;
(2) lntine Embryo sac - ovule
(3) Both exane and intine (4) Nucellus - male gametophyte;
(4) Endexine and intine Megasporangium - ovule
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Last Leap for NEET ( Partl) Reprod uction in Orqanisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 171
268. Formation of embryo sac from a single megaspore 276. Choose the correct one
nuclei is termed as
(1) Apomixis - production of seeds without
(1) Bisporic development fertilization; Parthenocarpy - production of seed
(2) Monosporic development with many embryos
(3) Tetrasporicdevelopment (2) Apomixis - production of seeds without
(4) Polysporic development fertilization; Parthenocarpy - production of fruits
without fertilization
269. A typical angiospermic embryo sac is
(1) 8 - nucleate, 8 - celled (3) Apomixis - production of multiple embryo in
seeds; Parthenocarpy - production of seeds
(2) 7 - nucleate, 8 - celled without fertilization
(3) 8 - nucleate, 7 - celled
(4) Apomixis - production of seeds with multiple
(4) 7 - nucleate, 6 - celled embryo; Parthenocarpy - production of fruits
270. Functionally cross-pollination but genetically similar with multiple seeds
to autogamy is
277. Persistent nucellus is seen in the seeds of
(1) Xenogamy (2) Geitonogamy
(3) Chasmogamy (4) Cleistogamy
(1) Arachis hypogea (2\ Ricinus communis
271. Abiotic agents for pollination are (3) Pisum sativum (4\ Dolichos lablab
(1) Wind, animals 278. Examine the figure of microsporangium and select
(2) Wate( animals the part correctly matched with its feature or
(3) Wind, water
(4) Wind, water and animals
272. ln @rcals like rice and wheat, pollen viability is
upto (c)
(1) 30 seconds (2) % hour
(3) 30 hours (4) Several months
273. Emasculation is a process of
(1) Removal of female part from flower (A)
(2) Removal of male part from flower
(3) Removal of all axillary buds ftom plant
(4) Removal of both types of sex organs from (1) Part (D): Endothecium - Development of
flower sporoderm
274. Whal will be the ploidy of secondary nucleus and (2) part (A): lnnermost wall layer - Dense
PEN if the cross is made between 4n t nlant ano cytoplasm in cells
8n d ptant?
(3) part (c): Middte tayers - Nutrition to
(1) 2n, 3n (2) 4n,6n
(3) 4n, 8n (4) 2n, 6n (4) Part (B): Tapetum - Sporic meiosis
275. What is true for cotyledon in grass family? 279. A. Orchids, paddy - many ovules in an ovary.
(1) Called as scutellum that is situated at the B. Special cellular thickenings play an important
apex of embryonal axis role in guiding the pollen tubes into the
(2) Called as scutellum that is situated towards synergid.
lateral side ofthe embryonal axis.
(3) Called as coleoplile that is situated at the apex
c. charaza- basar part ofthe ovure.
of embryonal axis D. Ovules generally differentiate a single
(4) Called as coleoptile that is situated towards megaspore mother cell in the central region of
lateral side of the embryonal axis nucellus'
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172 Reproduction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
Choose correct option w.r.t. above given 285 Select incorrect statements w.r.t. sexual
statements reproduction in perennials
(1) B, C & D are correct a. Produce seeds many times in their life span
(2) C&Darecorrect b. Can reproduce only once in their life span
(3) B&Carecorrect c. May have long juvenile stage
(4) A,C&Darecorrect d. lnterflowering period represents vegetative
280 At lower end, the embryonal axis in grasses has
the radical and root cap enclosed in/by (1) Only d 12) a, d
(1) Coleoptile
(3) b, c (4) c, d
(2) They always have half the number of (2) To prevent self-pollination
chromosomes than thal of main plant body (3) To prevent stamen from being contaminated
(3) Bryophytes produ@ them by mitosis (4) To produce female plant
(4) Bryophytes do not show meiosis since plant 318. Find the incorrect one w.r.t. post-fertilization
body is haploid changes
(1) Nucellus - Perisperm
312. Clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent
phases are absent in (2) lntegument - Seed coat
('l)Pea (2) Bamboo (3) Pericarp - Ovarian wall
(4) Central cell - Endosperm
(3) Rice (4) Litchi
319. Look at the diagram given below and answer
313. Read the given statements carefully and select appropriately
correct option for all the three blanks.
(i) The reprcduc{ive processes and the associated
behavioural expressions of organisms is
regulated by the interaction between A
and certain environmental factors. B
(ii) Megasporocyte of potato has B esoc€rp
chromosomes while oosphere conta ins
(a) since A A
is associated with fruit' it is
o- B c called as (i)
(1) lntemal physiology 24 12
1b) Since (B) is present' fruit cannot be
(2) Habitat 48 ; called as (ii)
(3) Hormones 4 24 (l) A - Pericarp, (i) - True fruits
(4) Honnones 24 24 (2) B _ seed, (ii) _ Ex-atbuminous
314. ldentify the correct match (3) A - Tharamus, (i) - True fruit
Column I Column ll (4) B _ Seed, (ii) _ parthenocarpic
(1) Grasses - Runners 320. ldentry the conect match
(2) Potato - Rhzome Column I Column ll
(3) Crocus - Tuber (1) Coleothiza - Dicot family
315. Asexuar reproduction in penicirium
(3) Residuar nucerus - Maize
(1) lnvorves formation of mitospores (4) Residuar endosperm _ pea
(2) lnvolves exogenously produced spores 321. The early stages of embryo development are similar
(3) lnvolves meiospores within sporangia in both monocotyledons and dicotyledons uptill
(4) More than one option is conect ('l) Octant stage (2) Globular stage
316. Formation of false fruit is due to
(3) Heart stage (4) Mature embryo
322' A typica,l dicot embryo is characterized with
(1) Persistent calyx in apple
(1) Major part of root developed from hypophysis
(2) Thalamus in brinjal
(2) Cotyledons formed from entire octant
(3) Persistent and fleshy thalamus in pear proembryo
(4) lnvolvernent of many ovaries in bnnation of fuit (3) Hypocotyl terminates as radicle
like mango (4) Embryonal axis on either side of cotyledons
l/$ Reproduction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
323. Double fertilization as unique event In flowering Single large cell containing dense cytoplasm and
plant which prominent nucleus, undergoes meiosis and present
(1) Occurs solely in PEC within ovule is
(2) Occurs partly in central cell (1) Megaspore
(3) lnvolves formation of diploid nucleus in central (2) Microspore mother cell
cell (3) A nucellar cell
(4) More than one option is correct (4) Perisperm
324. Coconut liquid endosperm is
Asexual reproduction mimics sexual reproduction
(1) Free nuclear type when
(2) Cellular type (1) Seed formation occurs without fertilization
(3) Helobial type (2) Thalamus is associated with fruit
(4) Mosaic endospermous condition
(3) Pseudocarpic fruits are formed
325. Which one of the following statement is
incorrect? (4) There is no fruit formation
(1) The generative cell divides dunng the gro\,vth of JJJ Aleurone layer has same ploidy as that of
pollen tube in the stigma (1) PEN (2) zygote
(2) ln some species floral rewards are in providing (3) PericaQ (4) Scutellum
safe places to lay eggs
334 Male gametophyte in angiosperms is
(3) The embryo development precedes endosperm
(1) Highly reduced
(4) Scutellum is lateral to the embryonal axis in (2) Can have maximum two cells
grass family (3) Developed after two asymmetric mitosis
326. Pollen-pistil interaction includes (4) A mitospore haploid structure
(1) Entry of pollen tube into ovule via micropylar Pollination in most angiosperms is
end only
(1) At 3-celled stage
(2) Chemotactic movement of pollen tube down the
style (2) Entomophilous
(3) Micropylar end of embryo sac as entry point (3) Direct at 2-celled stage
into male gametophyte (4) Anemophilous
(4) Re.iection reaction in style for certain cases 336 A typical anther shows
327 . E99 apparatus, embryo sac and pollen grains most a. Two lobes with two theca each
commonly have _ cells respectively.
b. Each lobe as dithecous
(1) 8,8&3 (2) 3,8&3
(3) 3,7&3 (4\ 3,7&2 c. All cells in a given microsporangium as
potential PMC
328. Which one of the following flowers produce
assured seed-set even in the absence of d. Thousands of microspores per microsporangium
pollinators? Out of these statements
(1) Autogamous (2) Homogamous (1) b is incorrect
(3) Cleistogamous (4) Herkogamous (2) a and b are conect
329. Cross pollination is encouraged if (3) c and d are inconect
(1) Flower is self fertile (4) a, b, c and d are correct
(2) Homogamy is present 337. Sporopollenin is one of the most resistant organic
(3) Flower is dioecious material as
(4) Flowers are hermaphrodite (1) Homopolymer of fatty acids only
330. Find the incorrect statement w.r.t. Commelina (2) Biopolymers of carotenoids
(1) Cleistogamous flowers (3) Heteropolymer of long chain of fatty acid,
(2) Assured seed set phenolics and some carotenoids
(3) Abiotic pollinators (4) Heteropolymer of lipid, carbohydrates and
(4) No anthesis proteins
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Reproduction in Orga nisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 177
338. Find the incorrect statement 346. Zygote is dormant for sometime in a fertilized ovule
('l) c-cellulose thickening is associated with inner because
tangential wall of endothecium (1) Moisture and oxygen are not adequate
(2) Pollenkitts are associated with anemophilous (2) Nutrition source is not developed
(3) lt has thick, dessication resistant wall
(3) No enzyme can degrade sporopollenin
(4) lt is a vital link to ensure continuity of species
(4) Advanced pollen tetrad is the product of
successive cytokinesis 347. Select incorrect statement w.r.t. life span.
339. Mark corect match a. lt is the period from reproductive phase to the
Column I Column ll senescent phase.
a. Thick and swollen (i) Castor b. Life spans of organisms are not necessarily
cotyledons correlated with their sizes.
b. Unused endosperm in (ii) Legumes c. No individual is immortal, whether single-celled
mature seed or multi-celled.
c. seed
Unused nucellus in (iii) Cashewnut d. The life span of banana tree is 25 years.
d. Thalamus contributes (iv) Beet (1) a&d (2) a&b
to ftuit formation
(3) a&c (4) c&d
(1) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (2) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
348. Consider the given figure and select correct set of
(3) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii) statements.
340. Which of the following structure is not associated
with megasporangium in angiosperms?
(1) lnteguments (2) Funicle
(3) Micropyle (4) Tapetum
341. Which of the following feature is uncommon
between entomophilous and omithophilous groups?
(1) Colourful flowers (2) Copious nectar
(3) Sticky pollen grains (4) Scented flowers
342. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a. Common asexual reproductive struclure in sac
(1) Flies and beetles visit white flowers with sweet
fragrance b. The structure labelled by 'A is sterigmata as
uppermost branching of conidiophore.
(2) Floral rewards are usually pollen and nectar
(3) Pollen grains are protected from wetting by c. Development of exogenous asexual spores.
mucilage covering in certain groups d. Basipetally arranged sexual spores at the tip
(4) Anemophilous flowers have generally single of labelled structure 'B' as basidium.
ovule in ovary (1) a&c (2) b&d
343. Find the odd one w.r.t. chasmo-cleistogamous (3) a&d (4) c&d
349. lryhob plant can be developed vegetatively in Agave
(1) Oxal,s (2\ Commelina from a propagule like
(3) Pansy (4) Pea
(1) Rhizome (2) Corm
344. Female gametophyte is not involved in
(3) Bulb (4) Bulbil
(1) Diplospory (2) Aplospory
350. Find odd one w.r.t. monoecious condition.
(3) Adventive embryony (4) Apospory
(1) Chan (2) Marchantia
345. Ovules with more than one embryo sacs are
involved in (3) Cucurbits (4) Coconuts
(1) Simple polyembryony 351. The proximal end of the filament in stamen is
(2) Mixed polyembryony attached to the
(3) Sporophytic budding (1) Anther (2) Conneclive
(4) Cleavage polyembryony (3) Thalamus or petal (4) Both (1) & (2)
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178 Reproduction in Organisms and Sexual Reproduction in Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
352. Which of the following layers of anther wall perform 359. "Flowers produce enormous amount of pollen
the function of protection and also help in grains when compared to the number of ovules
dehiscence of anther to release the pollens? available for pollination". Given statement is true
(1) Tapetum and middle layer
(1) Water hyacinth, water lily
(2) Epidermis and tapetum
(2'1 Zea mays, Vallisneria
(3) Epidermis, endothecium and middle layers
(3\ Yucca, Amorphophallus
(4) Endothecium and tapetum
(4) Mango, cucumber
353. Pollen grains are well-preserved as fossils because 360. Which one of the following statement is false in
of the presence of respect of flowering plants?
(1) Pollenkitt (2) Sporopollenin (1) Parthenocarpy can be induced through the
(3)Pecto-cellulose (4)Lignorellulose application of groMh hormones
3Y. Megaspore mother cell differentiates from (2) lnteguments encircle the ovule except at the
tip where a small opening called the germ pore
(1) Nucellus in the micropylar region is organised
(2) lntegument in the chalazal region (3) Endosperm development precedes embryo
(3) Primary parietal cell in chalazal reglon development
(4) lntegument cell in micropylar region (4) Apomicts have several advantages in
horticulture and agriculture
355. Which one of the adaptation is not related with
361. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given
anemophilous ffower?
(1) Compact inflorescence and well-exposed
slamens Fertilisalion, Gametogenesis, Dioecious,
(2) Pollen grains are minute, light and sticky Monoecious, Embryo, Gametes
(1) The cenkal cell becomes primary endosperm (iii) Most critical event in sexual reproduction
cell (PEC) isC
(2) Endosperm persists in mature seed of castor (1) A - Gametes
(3) Scutellum lies lateral of the embryonal axis in B - Monoecious
grass family C - Gametogenesis
363 What is the ploidy of egg & polar nuclei, 371. ldentify the labels A, B, C and D in the figure given
respectively formed after the double fertilisation in below
C a psell a b u rsa-p a stoi s?
Gametophyte Male Female (4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
gametophyte gametophyte statemenls, then mark (4)
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180 Reproduction in Org anisms and Sexual Reproduction in Planls Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
5.4 Vegetative fertilisation provides a stimulus for 19. A An ovule generally has a 7-nucleated and
growth and formation of endosperm. 8-celled embryo sac formed from megaspore
R It is triploid in all flowering plants. through reduction division.
R Vegetrtive, reproductive and senescent phases 27. A Zoospores are most common asexual
are distinct clearly. reproductive structures in algae.
16. A Water hyacinth spreads very fast in water R Algae and fungi require water for fertilization
body. always.
R It is an exotic weed. 28. A Megaspore mother cell forms only one
17. A Cleistogamy is advantageous to the plants. functional megaspore commonly.
R It results in the assured seed formation even in R Ovules generally differentiate the single
the absence of pollinators. megaspore mother cell in nucellus.
't8. A ln sporophytic budding, embryo directly 29. A Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed
develops from a diploid cell other than egg. set even in the absence of pollinators.
R Embryo is formed without meiosis and R Cleistogamous flowers are invaria bly
syngamy in agamospermy. geitonogamous.
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Chapter 3
(1) 5'G C UAACGAU C3' 9 At how many locations, SNPS are present in
human beings?
(2) s',CGAUUGCUAG3',
(3) 3'CGAU UGC UAG5'
(1) billion
1.4 (2) 1.4 million
10. Which one of the following step comes after 16 Which of the following is not correct w.r.t. DNA
electrophoresis in DNA finger printing? replication?
(1) Use of restriction endonuclease (1) Eukaryotes have several thousand origins of
(2) lsolation of DNA replication
36. Many new organs and tissues which were 44. lntertwining coiling of chromonemata in
originally absent, develop subsequently de novo chromosomes is
due to mysterious vital force. This idea was of (l ) sotenoidal (2) supersolenoidal
(1) Theory of epigenesis (3) paranemic (4) plectonemic
(2) Preformation theory 45. Histone proteins are rich in which set of amino
(3) Theory of pangenesis acids?
(r) 1-e (2)1-6 ()z (21 3
(3) 3-e (4) 3-3 (3) 4 (4) 5
40. ll a hybrid DNA molecule labelled with N15 is 49. Choose the incorrect match
allowed to replicate four times in culture medium
(1) one gene one polypeptide - Yanofsky
having Nla, tne percentage-ot nvo"J orln
third generation would be "tt"r (2) One gene one enzyme - Beadle and
(1)50% 25Yo
(3) one gene one character - de vries
(3) 12.5o/o (4) 6.5%
(4) One mRNA one polypeptide - Jacob
41. What is incorrect for DNA?
50. Third nitrogen base of nodoc pairs with which
(1) Radius of DNA is 'l nm nitrogen base of codon forming methionine in
(2) Phosphate moiety is at s'-end of deoxyribose eukaryotes?
sugar (1) cuanine (2) Uracit
(3) Nitrogen bases linked to sugar moiety pro.tect (3) Adenine (4) Cytosine
inward s1. Cap region of mRNA has nucleotides which are
(4) Distance between two successive base pair complementary to
strands is 3.4 nm (1) 3,end of 18s rRNA (2) 5, end of 18s rRNA
42. Which of the folowing is not present in DNA? (3) 3'end of 28s rRNA (4) 5'end of 28s rRNA
('l ) Guanine (2) Cytosine 52. Who proposed sem lconservative mode of
(3) Thiamine (4) Adenine replication in DNA?
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005 Ph.O1147623456
186 Molecular Basis of lnheritance Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
70. A seven base sequence to which RNA polymerase 78. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. human DNA
binds during transcription in eukaryotes is sequence
(1) TATA box (2) Homeotic box (1) 50 percent of genes discovered has unknown
(3) CAAT box (4) Pribnow box functions
71. The sequence of mRNA is 5, (2) 99.9 percent of base sequences are similar in
AUGCGCCGCUAU3'. How many amano acids will all humans
be present in the polypeptide formed from this (3) Snips are identified at about 1.4 million
mRNA, if overlapping is considered? locations
(11 4 (2\ I (4) About 45% DNA is intronic in humans
(3) I (4) 10 79. During HGP, fragments of DNA were sequenced
72. How many phosphodiester bonds are present in using
a DNA molecule if its one strand has 60 ('1) Sangeis method
nucleotides? (2) Hershey and Chase method
('l) 120 (2) 59 (3) Maxam and Gitberts method
(3) 119 (4) 118 (4) H.G Khorana,s merhod
73. How many nucleotides are. appro^ximately g0. A model organism of plant
category which has also
connected with one nucleosome inDNA? been sequenced along with rice is
(1) 50 (2) 100 () Agropyron (z\ Anabaena
(3) 150 (4\ 200 (3) Agros s (41 Arabidopsis
74. During early years of HGP,.- became the g1. HGp methodology
based upon identifying all DNA
ma.ior partner of the project
sequences expressed as RNA was referred as
(1) U.S. department of energy (j ) UTR,S (2) ORF,S
(2) Nationat institute of heatth (3) EST'8 (4) SSR,S
(3) welcome trust, u.K. g2. what is the length and number of phosphodiester
(4) NBPGR bonds in a B-DNA with 2 Kbp?
75. VNTR belongs to a class of satellite DNA and its (1) 2000 A and '1999 respectively
size in a genome varies from 0.1 to _
el zoo Aand 4000 respectively
(1) 20 kb (2) 30 kb (3) 6800 A and 1999 respectivety
(3) 40 kb (4) 50 kb (4) 680 nm and 3998 respectivety
76. During DNAflnger printing experiment DNA bands g3. lf nitrogenous base sequence on mRNA is
of different sizes gives a characteristic pattern for ccucuAGCAGAU then find out the sequence on
an individual, called as sense strand
(1) Dendrograph (2) Autoradiogram (1) 3'GGAGATCGTCTAs'
(3) Cladogram (4) phenogram (2) 3'CCTCTAGCAGATs'
77. DNA potymorphism is equivalent to afietic sequence (3) s,CCTCTAGCAGAT3,
a These are inheritable g4. During post transcriptional processing, a complex
b. These can be observed in non coding DNA called Spliceosome is formed
c. Satellite DNA is an example for such variations (1) Between 5, end AG and 3, end GU
(1) All are correct (2) Between 5'end cU and 3'endAG
(2) Only c is correct (3) And recognised by components of ScRNA
(3) Both a and c are incorrect (4) And adjacent exons are brought together by
(a) only b is incorrect DNA ligase
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Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l) l,4olecular Basis of lnheritance 187
85. During translation, the mdon-anticodon reaction in 93. Human genome is said to have approximately
eukaryotes occurs in the presence of protein (1) 2968 genes
factor, namely
(2) 9 billions nucleotides
(1) elF3 (2\ etFl
(3) 3x10sbp
(3) eEFl (4) eEF2
(4) 30000 - 40000 bP
86. lnducible operon is under positive control through
94. What will be the percentage of G in a dsDNA if
(1) Lactose (2) Glucose the amount ol T is 2Oo/o?
(3) Cga protein (4) TryPtoPhan (1) 70 o/o (2\ 80 o/o
90. RNA synthesis stops as soon as polymerase (1) lnhibitorgene (2) Structural gene 'z'
reaches the terminator region. Which is required (3) Slructural gene 'y' (4) Structural gene 'a'
for this process?
98. About 1.4 million locations were identified in human
(1) F-factor (2) Nus-factor genome where single base differences occur,
(3) Rho factor (4) Sigma factor these locations are called
91. Which one of the following is incorrectly matched (1) Scyrps (2) Snurps
pair w.r.t. DNA flngerPrinting?
(3) UTR'S (4) SniPs
(1) Size separation - Gel electrophoresis Find the number of phosphodiester bonds and
(2) VNTRS from Gel to Nylon paper - Blotting glycosidic linkages associated with E. coli DNA
technique respectively
(3) Microsatellites ESTS (11 9.2 x - 2,9.2 ' - 1Oo 2
- 1Oo
112. Which of the following sequence on mRNA is 120. Which of the following antibiotic inhibits peptidyl
required for efficient translation? transferase activity?
(3) Part of both coding and non-coding sequences a. Binding of amino acyl - IRNA complex with
(4) More than one option is correct
b. Activation of amino acid
118. An mRNA synthesized by using 144 nucleotides
is capable of producing a polypeptide chain of c. Polypeptideformation
(1) Phosphate group lies at 5, end of one strand 133.50 molecutes of E. coll DNA with both heavy
while at 3' end of complementary strand strands is allowed to replicate twice in laNHoCl
medium, the resultant generation will have
(2) A DNA with 4 percent thymine nucleotides is
more stable than a DNA with 40 percent (1) 200 molecutes, a hybrid
cytosine nucleotides (2) 100 molecules having laN and other 100
(3) Purine : pyrimidine ratio is constant for a molecules as hybrid
species only (3) 50 molecules hybrid and 150 molecules with
(4) Purine nucleosides have 1,-3, glycosidic linkage
a. Kornberg enzyme (i) EF-G a. RNA is labile, easily degradable and reactive
as compared to DNA
b. DNA gyrase (ii) primer removal
c. Severo Ochoa (iii) Topoisomerase b. Presence of thymine at the place of uracil
confers additionat stability to DNA
c. Both DNA and RNA are able to mutate, viruses
d. Translocase (iv) polynucleotide having DNA genome mutate and evolve faster
phosphorylase d. DNA can easily express the characters direcfly
(1) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i) (1) b & d
(2) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (2) c&d
(3) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) (3) b&c
(a) aO, b(iii), c(ii), d(iv) (4) a&c
136. Predominant site for the control of gene expression (2) Promoter, Non-coding, Terminator
in prokaryotes is (3) Promoter, Template, Structural gene
(1) Transcriptional level (2) Processing level (4) Terminator, Template, Promoter
(3) mRNA transport level(4) Translational level 143. lf code is overlapping, then mRNA with
137. ln eubacteria, predominant site for regulation of
GUGUCAUGAGCC will specify how many
gene expiession is amino acids?
(4) Are performed by snRNPs 145. Select the conect statement w.r.t. HGP
141. trp oqon as well as /ac operon both (1) Sequencing of 3.'1647 million nucleotide bases
(1) Show positive control (2) Largest gene is allosomal with 2.4 million
(2) Are inducible systems
(3) HGP was completed by sequencing of
(3) Are repressible systems
expressed mRNA genes only by sequence
(4) Are present in bacteria annotation technique
142. ln the given below transcription unit, what does A, (4) Protein coding genes are exonic and make
B and C represent respectively? more than 2 percent part of genome
192 Molecular Basis of lnheritance Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
146. Select the correct match 151. Which of the following for ds-DNA is correct?
(1) Severo Ochoa - DNA polymerase (1) A/T=0 (2) A+T=G+C
(2) Meselson and Stahl- Chromosome (3) A+G=C+T (4) C/G = 0.5
replication in faba 152. choose the correct option w.r.t. sickle cell
beans anaemia
(3) Hershey and chase - E coli a. substitution of amino acid in the globin protein
(4) Griffith - Salmonella results due to single base substitution at the
codon of the beta globin gene from GAG
147. Read the following statements carefully
to GUG
a. A very low level of expression of /ac operon
has to be present in the cell all the time
b. Heterozygous individuals exhibit sickle-cell
b. Every operon of a prokaryotic cell can be
regulated by the same repressor protein c HbA peptide has amino acid sequence as
c. The codon in mRNA is read in a contiguous
fashion d. Mutant haemoglobin molecule shows
polymerisation under low oxygen tension'
d. RNA porymerase-I r is for
transcription of ssrRNA, 23srRNA, snRNA and
(1) a' c' d (2) a' b' c
IRNA (3) b, c, d (a) a, b, d
(1) Both c and d are correct 153. ln a double stranded DNA molecule the
(2) All are correct, except 5 Percentage of cytosine is '18, what will be
percentage of bicyclic nitrogen bases?
(3) All are correct, excepl d
(1) 50% (21 640/o
(4) Both a and c are correct
(3) 36% (41 18%
148. A=T, G =C pairing is present in DNA. This base
pairing confers very unique property to the 154 During replication' DNA synthesis occurs
polynucleotide chains and they are said to be discontinuously on one strand because
complementary lo each other. From this we can (1) DNA molecule uncoils gradually
deduce all the following, except (2) Hydrogen bonds keep the two strands
) The quantity of A is equal to the quantity of T together
(2) G/C = I (3) Topoisomerase and helicase can act only on
(3) The quantity of A + T is equal to the quantity one side of DNA molecule
of G + C (4) DNA polymerase can polymerise the
(4) lf the sequence of bases in one strand is nucleotides in only one direction
known then the sequence in other strand can 155. Allosteric protein which can exisl in two forms, in
be predicted one form it is paratactic to an operator and in
149. ln eukaryotes, RNA polymerase binds to a region another form it is paratactic to inducer (like
of DNA which is recognised by lactose) is coded by a gene known as
(1) o_factor (2) p-factor (1) Producer gene (2) Promoter gene
(3) Transcription factor (4) Core enzyme (3) Structural gene (4) Regulator gene
'150. Transcription as well as translation processes 156 Find the incorrect match
- -. expressron
(2) Thymidine' E coli
(c) Regutator gene is one that produces the
(3) Guanosine, Vicia faba repressor molecule in Lac operon
(4) Protein, Drosophila (1) Only A is conect (2) B & C are correct
(3) only c is conect (4) A & B are mnect
161. which of the following catalyse the nucleotide
polymerisation in template independent manner? 168 Which enzyme helps to cut one strand of DNA
duplex to release tension of coiling of two
(1) DNA polymerase stands?
(2) Reverse transcriptase (1) DNA ligase (2) DNA polymerase I
(3) Polynucleotide phosphorylase (3) Topoisomerase (4) Helicase
the rate of peptide bond formation during
162. How many phosphodiester bonds are present at translation in Nosfoc?
one strand in genetic material of bacteriophage (1) 16 S rRNA
lambda? (2) Kornberg enzyme
(1) 97002 (2) 48502 (3) 23 S rRNA
(3) 97004 (4) 48501 (4) Translocase
194 Molecular Basis of lnheritance Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
170. Match the following (column I with column ll) 174. lf hybrid DNA (N14N15) is allowed to replicate
Column I Column ll thrice in a medium containing N15, then what is
the proportion of pure light, pure heavy and hybrid
a. Chromosome 1 of (i) 4000 genes DNA obtained respectively?
('l) (2\7:1:O
b. Human genome (ii) 231 genes
(3)0:7:1 (4\2:1:5
c. Genome of Ecoli (iii) 2968 genes
175. Select the correct option with respect to the given
d. Chromosome Y of (iv) 30000 genes
(1) a(i), b(iv), c(iii), d(ii) (2) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) Transcription start site
(3) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (4) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) (A) Template strand
3 s',
171. Which of the following is not a feature of genetic
code? 5 3',
(1) Degeneracy (2) Ambiguity
(3) SpeciJicity (4) Universality (1) Part (B): End of the process of translation
'172. DNA fingerprinting involves (2) Part (C): Complementiary sequence of mRNA
(1) ldentifying difierences in some specific regions (3) Part (A): DNA sequence that provides binding
in DNA sequence site for RNA polymerase
(2) Satellite DNA (4) Part (C): lt has the polarity and the sequence
(3) Repetitive DNA same as RNA, except uracil at the place of
(4) More than one option is mrrect
176. Which one does not explain Chargafs rule?
(1) Applicable only for ds DNA
173. (c) (A)
(2) Molar concentration of A + T and G + C are
(B) A+T
(3) ratio is constant for a species
(1) Exonic genes are > 2olo (1) ONA dependent RNA polymerase
(2) Longest and smallest genes are (2) DNA dependent oNA polymerase
(3) Single base DNA differences exist at 1.4 (3) RNA dependent DNA polyrnerase
billion locations (4) Dl{A independent RNA polymerase
(4) 9.9% nucleotide bases are same in all people 189. A new aminoacyl RNA compex rea€hes the A-site
183. RNA being a catalyst is more reactive hence of ribosome and forms complex with the codon'
except this requires in prokaryotes'
unstable because of all,
(2) Presence of uracil
(2) GTP dep€ndent lFz
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Molecular Basis of lnheritance 197
201. Consider the given diagram of IRNA and select 206. Catalytic property of RNA is shown by all of the
the right choice w.r.t. amino acid following, except
(1) snRNA
(2) hnRNA
(3) Ribonuclease-P
(4) Peptidyl transferase
207. What will be the number of N-glycosidic
linkage [A], phosphodiester linkage [Bl and
phosphate molecules [C] in a DNA molecule of
bacteriophage lambda?
Anticodon Anticodon
(1) A-48502, B-48501, C - 48502
(2) A- 5386, B - 5385, C - 5385
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| $t Molecular Basis of lnheritance Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
211. Select corect match w.r.t. genetic codes. Fill-up the blanks with correct answers
Column I Column ll ABC
a. Codon with dual function (i) GUG ('l ) Nucleosome Chromosome Euchromatin
b. Non-degenerate codon (ii) UGG (2) Histone octamer Nucleosome eErodlro.nalin
c. Ambiguous codon (iii) AUG Nucleoid
(3) Histone octamer Euchromatin
d. Stop codons (iv) UAA (4) Nucleosome Nucleoid etercdtromatin
(1) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv) 216. Select the correct statements from the following
(2) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) regarding transcription.
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) A. ln transcription only a segments of DNA and
only one of the strands is copied into RNA.
(4) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
B. Terminator is located at upstream of the
212. Which one of the following is incorrectly
structural gene.
C. lntervening sequences do appear in processed
(1) Ribozyme - 23s rRNA
(2) Laca - Permease
D. ln bacteria translation can begin much before
(3) ESTS - Exons the mRNA is fully transcribed.
(4) Chromosome 1 - 2968 genes (1)A&D
213. Given diagram is the representation of a certain (2) B&C
event or stage of protein synthesis, identiry this
(3) A&C
(4) B&D
217 . How many amino acids can be translated from the
c given sequence of nucleotides in mRNA if .6th
(D nucleotide undergoes deletion?
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200 Molecular Basis of lnheritance Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
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Chapter 4
11 . Which of the following is correct w.r.t. vascular (3) Primary phloem is obliterated during primary
bundles of monocot stem? growth
(1) Presence of collenchymatous or (4) Phloem lies always external to xylem
parenchymatous bundle sheath
19. Absence of archegonia and presence of
(2) Presence of phloem parenchyma companion cells in phloem are characteristic
(3) Vessels are arranged in V-shaped manner features of _
(4) Schizogenous water cavity is present (1) Monocots only (2) Dicots only
12. ln certain plants like Salvadora, Chenopodium, (3) All angiosperms (4) All spermatophytes
Boerhaavia and Amaranthus the type of phloem 20. Which of the following tissue is not related to shoot
present is apex?
(1) Only external (2) lntraxylary (1) Dermatogen (2) Periblem
(3) lntenylary (4) Only internal (3) Plerome (4) Calyptrogen
13. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
21. Choose odd w.r.t. collenchyma
(1) Closed vascular bundle - Dicot leaf
(1) Living mechanical tissue
(2) Amphivasal vascular bundles - Dracaena
(2) lntercellular space is absent in angular type
(3) Well developed pith - Monocot root
(3) Thickening of wall is due to deposition of lignin
(4) Diffuse porous wood - Quercus
(4) Found in hypodermis of dicot stem
14. ln monocotyledonous stem
22. Match correctly
(1 ) Hypodermis is parenchymatous
(2) Each vascular bundle is surrounded by
Column Column ll
collenchymatous bundle sheath a. Libriform fibres (i) Phloem
(3) Peripheral vascular bundles are generally b. Bast fibres (ii) Vessels
larger than centrally located ones c. P-proteins (iii) Sieve tube
(4) Water containing cavities are present within the d. Tylosis (iv) Xylem
vascular bundles
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (2) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
15. Primary meristem
(3) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (4) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
(1 ) Originates from permanent tissue
(2) Possess non-vacuolated cells 23. Select incorrect statements from the given below
(3) Develops from secondary permanent tissue (i) Endodermis with casparian strips are found in
dicot stem
(4) Represents primordial meristem
(ii) Endodermis is a part of stele
16. ln grasses, like maize and Psamma, certain
adaxial epidermal cells along the veins modify (iii) Amphivasal vascular bundles are found in
themselves into large, empty, colourless cells, monocots
called (iv) Bulliform cells are found in upper epidermis in
(1) Transfusion tissue (2) Albuminous cells isobilateral leaf
(3) Bulliform cells (4) Leptoids (1) (i) and (ii)
'17. A tree can be killed by removing its bark, as this (2) (ii) and (iii)
also removes the_. (3) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(1) Phelloderm only (2) Phellem only (4) Only (iv)
(3) Primary xylem (4) Secondary phloem
24. Periderm includes
18. Which one is not true w.r.t. phloem?
(1 ) Only cork cambium
(1) Companion cell and Sieve tube are (2) Cork cambium and cork only
ontogenetically similar in angiosperms
(2) lncluded phloem is produced from vascular (3) Cork and secondary cortex
cambium (4) Cork, Cork cambium and secondary cortex
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25. Fusiform initials and ray initials are part of 32. Plant tissue as air tight dam is
(1) Vascular cambium (1) Epidermis (2) Hypodermis
(2) Fascicular cambium (3) Endodermis (4) PericYcle
(3) lntrafascicular cambium 33. Whole cork cambium originates from
(1) Endodermis in dicot stem
(4) Cork cambium
(2) Hypodermis in monocot stem
26. Which of the following is secondary in origin?
(3) Pericycle in dicot root
('l ) Phellogen
(4) More than one option is correct
(2) lnterfascicular cambium
34. Mark the incorrect match
(3) Wound meristem (1) Brachysclereids - Fruit of pear plant
(4) More than one option is correct (2) Macrosclereids - Seed coat of legumes
27. Meristems are not characterised by (3) Osteosclereids - Leaves & seed coat of
(1) High surface arealvolume ratio many monocots
(2) Vacuolated cytoplasm (4) Trichosclereids - Leaves of tea
(3) Presence of proplastids 35. Find the odd one out w.r.t. vesselless families of
(4) Cellulosic cell wall angiosperms
(1) Trapaceae (2) Tetracentraceae
28. Dicot roots do not have cambium in vascular
bundles, but during secondary groMh cambium is (3) Trochodendraceae (4) Winteraceae
derived from 36. Periderm includes
(1) Pericycle cells only (1) Phellem, phellogen and secondary xylem
(2) Pericycle and coniunctive tissue (2) Cork, bark and vascular cambium
(3) Conjuctive tissue only (3) Phellogen, cork and secondary cortex
(4) Pericycle and cortex (4) Medulla, phellogen and phelloderm
29. Which is not a feature of monocot stem? 37. Soft wood differs from hard wood in having
(3) Low RNA and high DNA ('l ) Dermatogen (2) Catyptrogen
(4) High DNA and high RNA (3) Periblem (4) Histogen
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Anatomy of Flowering Plants 205
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of botany dealing with internal 65. Which of the following is not the characteristic of
57. Branch cells which are formed as a result of tangential
organisation of Plants is called
and periclinal divisions of phellogen cells towards
('l ) Plant histology the outer face?
(2) Plant anatomy (1) Thermal insulation quality
(3) Plant cytology (2) Light weight and inflammable
(4) More than one option is correct (3) lmpervious to water
58. Which one of the following shows heteroxylous (4) Having high amount of suberin
66. The outer dead cells region of the bark is called
(1) Trochodendron (2) Tetracenfion
(3) Taxus (4) shorea (1) Extractives (2) Polyderm
60. Match the column I and column ll and choose the (4) Sieve element - Sanio
correct from the assigned codes 68. The monocot showing secondary growth with the
I Column Column ll help of sPecial cambium in
206 Anatom of Flowerin Plants
Last Lea for NEET Part-l
74. Root cap is formed from which tissue in dicot 82. Tissue which provides mechanical strength and
flexibility to young dicot stem is present in
(l) Catyptrogen (2) Dermatogen (1) Pith (2) Endodermis
(3) Procambium (4) periblem (3) Hypodermis (4) Cortex
75. Which type of thickenings are generally present in 83. The ground tissue system is constituted by all of
the first formed tracheids?
these, except
(1) Spiral and sclariform (2) Annular and pitted (1) Meduttary rays (2) pericycte
(3) Pitted and reticulate (4) Spiral and annular (3) Mesophy (4) Xytem
76. Secondary medullary rays are formed from 84. ln dicot root, lateral roots and vascular cambium
(1) Fusiform initiats (2) Ray initiats arise from
(3) Phellogen (4) tntercatary meristem (1) Cortex & endodermis respectively
77. During the formation of vegetative shoot in higher (2) Cortex & pericycle respectively
(3) Cortex & conjunctive tissue respectively
(1) Summit cells are more active than flank (4) Pericycle & conjunctive tissue respectively
(2) Ftank shows high mitotic activity 85. Plant tissue enriched with starch granules in dicot
(3) Both flank and summit cells are equally active stem is
(4) Leaf primordia differentiated from summit cells (1) Present outside pericycle
undergo mass meristem division (2) Cottenchymatous
78. Activity of secondary meristem in steler region in (3) Parenchymatous with intercellular spaces
dicot stem leads to
(4) Pecto-cellutosic thick walled
(1) Obliteration of secondary phloem
86. Conjoint, collateral, closed vascular bundles
(2) Ditation of cambium without phloem parenchyma are found in plants
(3) Obtiteration of primary xytem which have
(4) Distinct sap wood and heart wood in tropical (1) Differentiated ground tissue in stem
79. Anatomically the wood of angiosperms is different (2) Dedifferentiated pericyclic structure in mature
from that of gymnosperms in the rool
(1) Absence of secondary xylem as wood (3) Sclerenchymatous hypodermis in stem
(2) Presence of secondary phloem for food (4) Developed pith in stem
conduction 87. The tissue belonging to bark but not to periderm is
(3) Presence of companion cells controlling (1) Vascular cambium
osmotic balance of ontogenically related cell;
(2) Secondary phtoem
(4) Absence of parfly primary and parfly
secondary origin of cambium (3) Phettem
80. Secondary growth in dicot roots is (4) Secondary cortex
characterised by 88. Which of the following is correct w.r.t. lenticels?
(1) Partly primary and parfly secondary origin of a. Phellogen forms parenchymatous cells on
cambium outer side
(2) PuIely secondary origin of cambium b. lt is a lens shaped opening
(3) Wavy ring of cambium c. Helps in exchange of gases
(4) Deditrerentiation of conjuctive parenchyma cells d. Present mosfly in woody trees
81. A xerophytic plant having multilayered upper (1)a&bconect
epidermis of leaf and sunken stomata is
(2) c&dcorrect
(1) Capparis (2) Nerium (3) b,c&dcorect
(3) Casuarina (4) Agropyron (4) All are correct
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89. ldentify the incorrect match w.r.t. wood 96. lnterxylary phloem is
characters given in A, B, C mlumn
(1) Developed from procambium
A ; C
Large no. (2) lnternal phloem
(1) Early Spring VVide
of xylary (3) Associated with bicollateral bundles
wood wood cavities
Late Few xylary Autumn Nanow
(4) lncluded phloem
wood elements wood cavities 97. Which of the following is not the component of
Filled with secondary phloem?
(3) Heart Dark brown Dead
resins and
wood in colour elernents gums (1) Protophloem (2) Bast fibres
104. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. monocot root 112. Select the group of tissues which are formed by
(1) The xylem bundles are usually more than six deiifferentiation in a dicotyledonous plant
(2) Pith is very large (1) Secondary xylem, cork cambium and root
(3) Secondary groMh does not take place
(4) Endodermis possess thick walled passage (2) lnterfascicular cambium, intrafascicular
cells cambium and cork cambium
105. Essential oils are found in (3) Root cambium, cork cambium and inter
fascicular cambium
(1) Sap wood
(2) Heart wood (4) Cork cambium, vascular cambium ring of
stem and phellem
(3) Duramen
113. Elongated or tube like cells with thick and lignified
(4) More than one option is correct
walls and tapering ends is
106. Plant tissue with thin walled living cells, vacuoles
(1) Tracheids
and intercellular space is
(1) Meristem (2) Lacunate collenchyma (2) Vessel
(3) Parenchyma (4) Angular collenchyma (3) Sieve tube
107. Dimorphic mesophyll cells are not differentiated in (4) Collenchyma
the leaf of
114. As compared to monocot root, the dicot root
(1) Pea (2) China rose
(3) Sunflower (4) Banana
('l) Large and well developed pith
108. Secondary permanent tissue is produced from
precursor cells or tissues afler (2) Primary grorvth only
(1)Differentiation (2)Dedifierentiation (3) Sclerenchymatous pericycle
(3)Redifferentiation (4)Accretion (4) Fewer xylem bundles
'109. Which one of the following are elongated single- 1'15. Which of the following wood is darker and has
celled water conducting dead structures with high density?
bordered pits?
(1) Spring wood
(1) Tracheids
(2) Vessels (2) Late wood
(3) Sclerenchyma fibres (3) Early wood
(4) Sclereids (4) More than one option is correct
110. Lenticels are present in 1'16. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. stem hairs called
(1) Outer primary protective tissue trichomes
(2) Outer layer of secondary protective tissue (1) Can be soft or stifi
(3) Middle layer of secondary protective tissue (2) Usually multicellular
(4) lnner layer of secondary protective tissue (3) May be secretory
111. Cells having cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin (4) Always unbranched
deposits on wall and shows its presence
commonly in petiole of leaf and growing green 117. Stems of Zea mays and sunflower are similar to
stems belong to each other in having
(1) Sclerenchyma (1) Phloem parenchyma
(2) Collenchyma (2) Endarch primary xylem
(3) Aerenchyma (3) Conspicuous undifferentiated ground tissue
(4) Parenchyma (4) Ring arrangement of vascular bundles
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118. Which of the given figure repreisents internal 124. Choose the conect option vv.rt. sclereids
structurar detairs of a monocot root? (1) physiologicafly active
(2) Pits are present
(3) Derived from meristems directly
(4) Little amount of protoplasm is present
(1) (2t '125. Find the correct match
132. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. bast fibres '139. ln which of the following tissue the cells are much
(a) Generally absent in primary phloem thickened at the corners due to a deposition of
cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin?
(b) Elongated, branched with blunt ends
(1) Parenchyma (2) Collenchyma
(c) Parenchymatous in nature
(3) Sclerenchyma (4) Prosenchyma
(d) Becomes dead at maturity '140. Mark the incorrect option w.r.t. inlernal structure of
(1) a & d monocot stem
(2) b&d (1) Absence of pith
(3) b&c (2) Parenchymatous hypodermis
(4) a&b (3) Endodermis is absent
133. Monocot root is anatomically similar to the dicot (4) Scattered vascular bundles
root in
14'1. Polyderm is
(1) Possessing radial vascular bundles with
(1) A protective tissue
exarch xylem
(2) Presence of well developed central pith (2) A living tissue
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145 Which of the following statement is concemed with 151 Mark the conect statement (w.r.t. lateral meristem)
the anatomy of dicot root? (1) Secondary meristem producing primary
('l) Presence of small or inconspicuous medulla permanent tissues
(2) Towards periphery, mature into secondary b. Sclereids (ii) Long cylindrical
tube-like structure
(3) Towards pericycle, mature into secondary c. Phloem parenchyma (iii) Food and tannins
xylem as well as secondary phloem d. Vessel (iv) Fruit walls of nuts
(4) Mature into secondary vascular tissues (1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
147. Phellem as well as phelloderm both (3) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (a) a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
('1 ) Make up the phellogen 153 which of the following occurs first during
secondary growth in dicot root?
(2) Are secondary permanent tissues
(1) Primary meristem becomes active present
(3) Are formed during steler secondary groMh below phloem
(4) Are made by vascular cambium (2) Cambium strips are formed from conjunctive
tissue lying just below each phloem strand
148. The part of grass consumed by a grazing animal
can be regenerated by the activity of (3) Cambium strips develop from pericycle
opposite to protoxylem
(1) Lateral primary meristem
(4) A wavy ring of cambium develops
(2) Lateral secondary meristem
154 a. Annual rings are bands of secondary phloem
(3) lntercalary meristem and medullary rays.
(4) Apical meristem b. Wood of Cycas has vessels.
149 Bark includes a variety of tissue types like c. Conjoint vascular bundles are found in leaves
(1) Phellem, secondary xylem and secondary of sunflower and maize.
phloem Which of above statement(s) is/are correct?
(2) Periderm and all kinds of secondary tissues (1) a&barecorrect (2) b&careconect
(3) Phellogen, secondary phloem, phellem and (3) Only a is conect (4) Only c is conect
secondary cortex 155 Choose the conect statement
(4) Phelloderm, secondary phloem and primary (1) Annual rings are formed by the activity of cork
rylem cambium
150 Stem of barley differs from stem of sunflower in (2) Fibres are abundant in secondary xylem and
presence of protophloem
(1) Conjoint, collaterai bundles (3) Primary xylem does not show distinction into
protoxylem and metaxylem
(2) Endarch, eustelic bundles
(4) At certain regions, the cork cambium cuts off
(3) Scattered, closed bundles parenchymatous cells on the outer side
(4) Well differentiated ground tissue instead of phellem
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212 Anatomy of Flowering Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
'156. Mechanical support to the growing parts of the 163 Select the odd one out w.r.t. tissues
plant such as young stem and petiole of leaf is
provided by a living tissue called
('l ) A group of cells having a common origin
(2) They usually perform a common function
(1) Collenchyma (2) Aerenchyma
(3) Complex tissues are made of more than one
(3) Chlorenchyma (4) Sclerenchyma type of cells
157. Which of the following is correct statement for (4) They are not capable of division
intercalary meristems?
164 Which of the following component of phloem is
(1) They lie at tip of root apex mainly responsible for storage of food material and
(2) They lie at base of stem always other substances like resins, latex and mucilage?
(3) They are short lived and consumed during (1) Sieve tube (2) Companion cell
primary growth (3) Bast fibres (4) Phloem parenchyma
(4) They are long lived and cause increase in 165 Complimentary tissue is characteristically present
length in
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Anatomy of Floweri Plants 213
17'l . Living mechanical tissue with thickening at the cells 176. When protoxylem lies towards the centre (pith)
corners possess deposition of and the metaxylem lies towards the periphery of
(1) Lignin the organ, the primary xylem is called
(2) Cellulose and Pectin only (1) Endarch; present in stem
(3) Cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin (2) Endarch; Present in roots
(4) Cellulose only (3) Exarch; Present in stem
172. Which of the following is absent in monocot root?
(4) Exarch; present in roots
(1) Phloem Parenchyma
177. Mark the inconect statement w.r.t. guard cells in
(2) Pith
(3) Sieve tube
(1) ln grasses these are dumb-bell shaped
(4) Contripetal xylem
(2) They possess chloroplasts
173. Which of the following statement for trichomes is
correct? (3) Regulate opening and closing of stomata
(1) Usually unicellular (4) Outer walls are thick and inner walls are thin
(2) Epidermal hairs of stems and roots in dicots
(3) Always non-secretory 178. Which of the following pair of characters (A & B)
(4) Help in preventing water loss due to is correct for the internal structure of monocot
transpiration stem?
174. Which one of the following statement is incorrect? (1) A - lt has sclerenchymatous hypodermis
(1) xylem fibres have obliterated central lumens and sclerenchymatous bundle sheath
(2) Phloem parenchyma is absent in monocot B - lt has large, conspicuous
stem parenchymatous ground tissue
(3) The first formed secondary phloem consists of
protophloem (2) A- Radial and tangential walls of the
endodermis have a deposition of waxy
(4) Adaxially arranged mesophyll cells are
material suberin
elongated and vertically or parallely placed to
each other in dicots B- Pith is large and well developed
175. ldentify the mismatched Pair: (3) A - Conjunctive tissue, lie between xylem
Tissue Feature and phloem
(1) Thick walled, elongated
and pointed cells Present
B- Vascular bundles are ananged in rings
in hypodermis of dicot (4) A - Phloem parenchyma is present, and
stem water containing cavities are present
outside the vascular bundles
(2\ Forms the major
B- Vascular bundles are surrounded by a
component within plant
organs layer of thin walled bundle sheath cells
G Commonly found in pulp
of fruits like guava, Pear
and sapota
the veins modify themselves into large, empty and
colourless cells, known as
(1) MesoPhYll
(4) D
(2) Loss of solution having \rs as more negative
200. Pericycle is related to all the given activities, 3 A: ln winter the sieve tube elements may
except become blocked with deposition of p, 1-3
g lucan.
(1) Origin of lateral roots in both dicots and
monocots R : Submicroscopic fibrils called p-protein occur in
the sieve tube elements.
(2) Origin of cork cambium in dicot root
4 A: The secondary xylem is derived from
(3) Origin of part of cambium in dicot root procambium during secondary growth.
(4) Origin of cork cambium in monocot root R: The amount of secondary xylem is almost
201. Mark the correct statements w.r.t. meristematic equal to the amount of secondary phloem.
tissues 5 A : Cork is not peeled out when the plant age is
A. The meristem that occurs at the tip of roots below 20 years.
and shoots contributes to the formation of the R : lt gives virgin cork with little commercial value.
primary plant body.
B. The lateral meristems are responsible for
6 A: Amount of secondary xylem produced is more
than the secondary phloem in dicot stem.
producing the secondary tissues.
C. Some cells 'left behind' from lateral meristem,
R: Cambium is generally more active on the
inner side than on the outer.
constitute the axillary bud.
D. The cells which are structurally and 7 A: Phellogen is secondary meristem that form
functionally specialised and lose the ability to cork on outer side and secondary cortex on
divide are called meristems. inner side.
(1) A&C (2) A&B R: Phellogen is formed every year from
hypodermis and pericycle in dicot root and
(3) B&c (4) c&D
dicot stem respectively.
8 A: Phelloderm and phellem are secondary
SECTION . B permanent tissues.
Assertion - Reason Type Questions R: They are formed through redifierentiation.
ln the following questions, a statement of assertion
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R)
9 A: ln dicot stem, the amount of heart wood
remains constant throughout the life span of
(1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the plant.
reason is the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark ('l ) R: The activity of cambium ring stops after
certain time.
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the
reason is not the correct explanation of the 10. A Vascular cambium is completely secondary in
assertion, then mark (2) origin in dicot root.
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is R It is formed by redifferentiation.
false, then mark (3)
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false 11. A Meristematic zone of root has thin cells,
dense cytoplasm and vacuolated condition.
statements, then mark (4)
1. A : Pericycle is always made up of both R This zone shows maximum groMh.
parenchyma and sclerenchyma. 12. A Spring wood is darker in colour and has lower
R:The pericycle is heterogenous as well as density.
homogenous in monocot.
R Cambium is less active in spring season.
2. A: Parenchymatous cushions like structure of
13. A Secondary groMh is absent in monocots.
ovary bear ovules.
R : The whole ovary matures into seeds. R Monocots lack vascular cambium.
o D tr
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Chapter 5
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) (2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) (3) Castor, bean
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (a) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (4) More than one option is correct
2 Phylloclade is different from phyllode in the 8 Floral formula of mustard plant is
presence of
61 Yo( \urc,.r.ra &rn G,
(1) Axallary bud (2) Photosynthesis
(3) Nodes and flowers (4) Limited growth p1 o$,9,,",orr,oeo
Leaves that stand at right angle to next upper or
lower pair in 1e1 *{q,,6,}.q,
(1) Calotropis (2\ Eugenia 4 z--
(4) e I P3_3&_3G{!'
(3\ Alstonia (4\ Helianthus
9. Solanum tuberosum and Allium cepa are similar
4 ln hypanthodium inflorescence in presence of
(1) lnvolucre is cup shaped (1) Axile placentation
(2) Three types of bisexual flowers are present (2) Epipetalous condition
(3) Flowers are not exposed (3) Versatile anther
(4) The receptacle does not become fleshy (4) Obliquely placed ovary
5 Which of the following figure represents the 10. Find out the incorrect statement
quincuncial aestivation?
(1) ln F,bus, several achenal fruitlets are present
in each syconus fruit
(1) (2)
(2) ln pineapple and strawberry, the fruit is formed
by fusion of many flowers
(3) The schizocarpic fruits of maple are winged
,r, (4) (4) ln pomegranate, the edible part is succulent
\ ) testa
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$ Morphology of Flowering Plants Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) lvlorp hology of Flowering Piants 219
25. Aestivation in which one margin of floral leaves 30. Which is incorrect w.r.t. pneumatophore?
overlaps regularly the margin of an adjacent floral (1) They are found in all aquatic plants
leaf is
(2) They are also known as respiratory roots
(1) lmbricate (3) They bear small pores lenticels
(2) Quincuncial (4) They have corky layer in lower part
(3) Contorted 31. Woody climbers are
(4) Descending imbricate climber
(1) Tendril (2) Scramblers
26. Below labelled structures (A and B) in the diagram (3) Lianas (4) Root climbers
represent modification of 32. Choose incorrect Pair
(1) Offset - Eichhornia
(2) Corm - Allium ceqa
(3) Phylloclade - Oquntia
(4) Cladode - Ruscus aculeatus
33. Large pitcher in Nepenthes is modified
(1) Stipule of leaf (2) Petiole of leaf
(3) Leaf aPex (4) Lamina
(4) Trimerous and epigynous flower c' Hypanthodium \iii\ Ocimum sanctum
d' verticillaster (iv) colocasla
28. Multiple root cap is found in
t3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (4) a(ii)' b(i)' c(iv)' d(iii)
(3) Eichhomia (4) Pandanus
36. Shape of intundibuliform corolla is
29. Match the following (1) B€ll-shaped (2) Funnel-shaped
Column I Column ll (3) Hood-shaped (a) Bilipped
a. Conical root (i) Raphanus sativus 37. ln syngenesious andr@cium
b. Fusiform root (ii) Mirabilis ialapa (1) Anthe6 are ft€e while filamenB are fused
are tree
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (2) a(iv)' b(i), c(ii)'d(iii) (4) s-tamens are tus6d by borh firaments as wel
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (4) a(iii)' b(iv)' c(i)' d(ii) as anther
-,--"rfr"r* IiifiT
220 Morphology of Ftoweri ng Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
38 Choose correct pair (1) Phyllode (2) Phyttoctade
Placentation Example (3) Cladode ( ) Hypsophytt
(1) Marginal - Dianthus, Silene 47. Find correct match
(2) Axile - pea, Acacia Column-l Column-ll
(3) Parietal - Lemon, petunia a. Spikelet (i) lnvotucre
(4) Basal - Titicum, Sun flower b. Capitulum (ii) Spathe
39 Position of ovary is superior in c. Hypanthodium (iii) Gtume
('l)Hypogynous flower (2) Perigynous flower d. Spadix (iv) Gall flower
(3) Epigynous flower (4) Mesogynous flower (1) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (2) a(iii), b(i), qii), d(iv)
40. Which of the following fruit is formed from superior (3) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i) (4) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii)
unilocular monocarpellary ovary with marginal
placentation? 48. Find correct match with respect to edible parts of
(1) Pod (2) Siticuta
(3) Siliqua
Column{ Golumn{l
(4) Capsute
41. Choose correct w.r.t. type of fruit
a. Mango (i) Fleshy thalamus
(1) Litchi
b. Apple (ii) placental hairs
- Berry
c. Orange (iii) Succulent testa
(2) Mango - Drupe
(3) Apple
d. Pomegranate (iv) Fleshy mesocarp
- Nut
(1) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii) (2) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
(4) Tomato - Hesperidium
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (a) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
42. Supporting roots of screwpine which develop
obliquely from the basal nodes of the stem like the 49. Find correct match
ropes of pole Columnl Column-ll
(1 ) Bear much folded multiple root caps a. Tetradynamous (i) papilionaceae
(2) Have simple root cap b. Diadelphous (ii) Brassicaceae
(3) Also possess spongy velamen c. Syngenesious (iii) Liliaceae
(4) Do not help in absorption of water d. Epiphyllous (iv) Asteraceae
43. Umbel differs from corymb inflorescence in (1) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii) (2) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
('l ) Having bisexual pedicellate flowers (3) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (4) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
(2) Presence of anvolucre at the base of flowers 50. An example of epiphytic plant in which the whole
(3) Having indeterminate branched peduncle leaf is modmed into an open pitcher for storing rain
water is
(4) Absence of centripetal arrangement of flowers
(1) Nepenthes (2) Sanacenia
44. Largest angiospermic family of dicot has
(3) Utricularia (4') Dischidia
(1) Axile placentation
(2) Synandrous stamen
51. ln which inflorescence single pistillate and many
staminate flowers arranged in such a way that
(3) Syngenesious and epipetalous condition complete inflorescence looks like a flower?
(4) Ligulate corolla in disc florets (1) Capitulum (2) Capitate
45. Drupes are also called as stone fruits because (3) Cyathium (4) Coenanthium
('1) The seeds are stone like 52. Which type of fruit contains edible juicy succulent
(2) Endocarp is always hard and stony testa and placental hairs respectively?
(3) Pericarp is undifferentiated and sclerified ('l ) Pome and pepo
(4) The mesocarp is edible in most fruits (2) Balausta and hesperidium
46. Aerially modified struclure of stem with several (3) Sorosis and syconus
internodes for assimilatory function is (4) Berry and caryopsis
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
l\.4orp hology 221
of Flowering Plants
53. Select an incorrect statement regarding 62. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t. fleshy part of
(1) Orange - Placental hairs
(1) Receptacle is the modiJied flattened peduncle
on which flowers lies in a specific manner (2) Custard apPle - MesocarP
(2) Members of family Labiatae exhibit cyathium (3) Banana - EPicarP and mesocarp
(3) Hypanthodium in fig is edible inflorescence 63. Coleoptile and coleorhiza are absent in
(4) A whorl of bracts called involucre occurs at (1\ Zea mays seed
base of umbel, cyathium and head (2) Titicum turgidum seed
inflorescence (3) Gram seed
54. Select incorrect match (4) More than one oPtion is correct
Oldest name of New name of family 64. A short aquatic runner may be called as
(1) Gramineae - Poaceae (1) Trailers (2) Stolon
(3) offset (4) Sucker
(2) Labiatae - Lamiaceae
(3) Asteraceae - ComPositae
65. A leafless peduncle which develops from the
ground level among the radical leaves is called
(4) Cruciferae - Brassicaceae (1) Scape (2) Receptacle
55. The style present in Ocimum is (3) Pedicel (4) Thalamus
(1) Terminal (2) Lateral and branched 66. Among the given inflorescence, which two types
show more closeness?
(3) Gynobasic (4) Sl/opodium
(a) Hypanthodium (b) Coenanthium
56. The pitcher in pitcher plant is a modification of
(c) Verticillaster (d) CYathium
(1) Leaf base (2) Petiole
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c)
(3) Lamina (4) Leaf aPex
(3) (c) and (d) (a) (a) and (d)
57. Which roots keep the underground organ to its
67. The modification in which petiole is changed to leaf
proper depth? like structure and leaves are highly reduced is
(1) Contractile (2) Assimilatory roots called
(3) Stilt roots (4) Reproductive roots (1) Phylloclade (2) PhYllode
91. Tendrils in SmtTax are the modification of 98 Angiospermic family with Aluy G 1ry
condition is
( l) tip
Leaf (2) Petiole and shows _ placentation
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226 Morphol ogy of Flowering Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
132. The type of placentation in plants in which ovary Which of the given characteristics are found in
is unilocular but it becomes two chambered due to Asteraceae?
the formatlon of false septum is (1) a,c,d&e (2) a,b,c&d
(1) Free central (2) Basal (3) b,c,d&e (4) a,b,c&e
(3) Parietal (4) Marginal '139. lnflorescence with reduced main axis and
133. Match the following centripetally arranged pedicellate flowers is
Column I Column ll (1) Panicle (2) Scorpioid cyme
(Plant) (Edible part of fruit) (3) Capitulum (4) Umbel
a. Mango (i) Aril 140. Characters like hypogynous and pentamerous
b. Litchi (ii) Endosperm flower, gamopetalous, superior ovary with axile
placentation and epipetalous condition are shown
c. Coconut (iii) Mesocarp
by angiospermic family
d. Banana (iv) Mesocarp and endocarp
(1) Fabaceae (2) Solanaceae
(1) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii) (2) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
(3) Asteraceae (4) Liliaceae
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (4) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
141. The fleshy fruit with persistent calyx and
134. Which of the floral formula is concerned with the
developing from inferior ovary is
family of tulip, Asparagus and Colchicum?
(1) Cypsela (2) Regma
(1) @
f x,,,ffn,o. (3) Pepo (4) Balausta
q G, 142. Diagram given for an angiospermic family is
Q) "/" K,., c,, A,,n,
explaining the presence of
(3) of P,..4..G, a
(4) of K,.,c..A,..Gal ?t
135. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. placentation b o
(1) Basal - Marigold l2
(2) Free central - Primrose
(3) Marginal - Pea
(4) Parietal - Brinjal ('l ) Syngenesious stamens
136. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. family (2) Axile placentation
(3) Marginal placentation
(1) Fruit is generally berry
(4) Tetradynamous stiamens
(2) Flower is bisexual and actinomorphic
143 Half superior-half inferior ovary is found in
(3) Seed is endospermous perigynous flower of
(4) Ovary is trilocular with many ovules (1) Peach (2) China rose
137. The edible part of jack fruit is
(3) Mustard (4) Sunflower
(1) Bracts, perianth and seeds
144 Select the correct match
(2) Mesocarp and seeds
(1) Tuber root - Daucus
(3) Fleshy thalamus
(2) Stolon - Pineapple
(4) Mesocarp, endocarp and seeds
(3) Sucker - Banana
138. Consider the following floral characteristics
(4) Whorled phyllotaxy - Calotropis
a. Single ovule with basal placentiation
'145 ln whrch plant, petals in a whorl just touch one
b. Versatile anther
another at the margin, without overlapping in floral
c. lnferior ovary bud?
d. Persistant calyx (1) Cassia (2) Calotropis
e. Syngenesiousandroecium (3) China rose (41 Trifolium
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) l\y'orphology of Flowering Planls 227
146. Match the Column-l with Column-ll 153. Select correct statement
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230 Morphology of Floweri ng Plants Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
189. Which of the following type of inflorescence is 197. Match the following plants to the respective edible
lound in Ocimum? part of fruit
(1) Hypanthodium (2) Umbel Column-l Column{l
(3) Spadix (4) Verticillaster a. Punica granatum (i) Endocarp witr nresocarp
190. %Q Klsr cr-z*12y A1e,, G, is the floral formula of b. Litchi (ii) Endosperm
(1) Solanaceae (2) Fabaceae c. Cocos (iii) Fleshy testa
(3) Liliaceae (4) Poaceae d. Musa (iv) Aril
191. ln banana, pineapple and Chrysanthemum, lne (1) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (2) a(i), b(iv), c(iii), d(ii)
lateral branches originate from the basal and
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i) (a) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
underground portion of the main stem, grow
horizontally beneath the soil and then come out 198. Which of the given figures represent the aestivation
obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots. This of corolla in Gulmohur and Cassia?
branch is termed as
(1) Stolon (2) Runner
(3) Sucker (4) Offset
(1) (2)
192. Stilt roots present in some plants are
(1) Originated from the base of stem
(2) Tap roots
(3) Hygroscopic roots
(4) Supporting roots
193. lf gynoecium is situated in the centre and other (3) (4) (
floral parts are located on the rim of the thalamus
almost at the same level, then the flower is said
to be
('l ) Perigynous (2) Epigynous 199 Reduced leaf at the base of pedicel is known as
(3) Hypogynous (4) Protogynous
(1) Stipule (2) Ligule
'194. Mark the incorrect match (w.r.t. edible part of
fruit) (3) Bract (4) Bracteole
(1) Walnut - Succulent testa 200 Lateral branch arising from the basal and
underground portion of stem, growing horizontally
(2) Peat - Fleshy thalamus beneath soil and then coming out obliquely upward
(3) Orange - Placental glandular hairs giving rise to aerial shoot is known as
(4) Litchi - Aril (1) Runner (2) Offset
195. Floral formula of Solanum nlgrurn represents (3) Stolon (4) Sucker
(1) Epitepalous condition 201 The cells proximal to the meristematic zone in root
(2) Polyandrous androecium tip represents
(3) Polysepalous calyx (1) Zone of cell elongation
(4) Tricarpellary gynoecium (21 Zone of deacceleration
196. The placentja developing at the base of ovary with (3) Zone of differentiation
a single ovule attached to it is found in all, except
(1) Sunflower (4) Zone of maturation
(2) Carrot grass 202 Double fertilisation is seen in
217. Grasses show 225. l-:eaf tip tendrils that can coll around a support and
(1) Unicostate parallel venation help the weak stems mechanically is found in
(3) Phylloclade (4) Cladophyll (3) Fleshy receptacle with hollow cavity
(4) ls made up of parenchyma cells which lack (4) Swollen placenta in obliquely placed ovary
chloroplasts 229. ln guava and cucumber flowers
221. Select the odd one out w.r.t. veins (1 ) Stamen is superior in position
('l) Provide rigidity to the leaf blade (2) Ovary is superior in position
(2) Act as channels of transport for water and (3) Stamen is inferior in position
(4) Ovary is half inferior in position
(3) Veins are fllled with parenchyma
230. Select correct set of characters for lily family
(4) Middle prominent vein is mid+ib
a. Stipulate leaves with reticulate venation
222. ln a racemose inflorescence the flowers
b. Actinomorphic and hypogynous flower
(1) Are only pistillate
c. Tricarpellary ovary
(2) Open centrifugally
d. Basal placentation
(3) Are arranged basipetally
e. Generally berry fruit with endospermous seed
(4) Are arranged acropetally
(1) a, c, e (2) b, c, d
223. Edible part of ripe mango fruit and coconut fruits
(3) b, c (4) a, d
231. Pneumatophores are modilication of
(1 ) Epicarp & mesocarp respectively
(2) Mesocarp & endosperm respectively (1) Prop root for exchange of gases
(3) Mesocarp & mesocarp respectively (2) Tap root for retention of moisture
(4) Pericarp & endosperm respectively (3) Adventitious root for breathing
224. One internode long branches of stem arising from (4) Tap root for respiration
nodes which take over photosynthesis and help in 232. Australian Acacra possesses modified expanded
preventing transpiration is green photosynthetic structure called
(1) Cladode (2) Phylloclade (1 Phyllode
) (2) Cladode
(3) Cladophyll (4) Phyllode (3) Phyllome (4) Cataphyll
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) [,4orphology of Flowerin s Plants 233
233 First formed flower is basal in which one of the (1 ) Region of maturation
following inflorescence?
(2) Region of cell elongation
(1) Capitulum (2) Spikelet
(3) Region of meristematic activity
(3) Cyathium (4) Umbel
(4) Region of cell difierentiation
2U Select correct match
241. Underground stems of ginger, turmeric and
(1) Lomentum - Coriander zaminkand are modified to/and
(2) Siliqua - Mustard
(1) Store food and chlorophylls
(3) Samara - Mirabilis
(2) Act as sex organs
(4) Regma - Salvia
(3) Protect the root apex
235 Find the odd one wr.t. perigynous flower
(4) Act as organ of perennation
( l) Guava (2) Plum
242. fuugainvillea and Crtrus plants are protected from
(3) Rose (4) Peach
browsing animals as
236 Plant order, polymoniales, includes families like
(1) Adventitious buds get modified into thorns
(1) Convolvulaceae and Poaceae
(2) Axillary buds get modified into spines
(2) Poaceae and Anacardiaceae
(3) Lateral buds get modified into pointed
(3) Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae structures
(4) Anacardiaceae and Solanaceae (4) Apical buds get modified into thorns
237 Find correct match w.r.t. gynoecium and
243. Mark the odd w.r.t. modified sub-aerial stem for
placentatlon in respective family
vegetative propagation
Column Column ll
(1) Jasmine (2) Pineapple
a. G.,, Axile (i) Brassicaceae
(3) Chrysanthemum (4) Banana
b. c:\z) , Basal (ii) Liliaceae
244. Most important vegetative organs for
c. G(a, Parietal (iii) Solanaceae
d. G*, Axile (iv) Asteraceae (1) Are ananged in a basipetal order
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) (2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) (2) Originated from shoot apical meristems
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i) (4) a(iv), b(i!), c(i), d(iii) (3) Develops at the internode and bears a bud
238 Which set of plants have fruit developing from (4) Are leaves that attached to the stem by
monocarpellary superior ovary and have single pedicel
seed? 245. Leaves ol Dionaea and Nepenlhes are modified
(1) Cocos, Mangifera into
(2) Mangifera, Tagetes (1) lnsectivorous pitchers
(3) Datun, Pisum (2) Phyllodes
(4) Titicum, Lycopersicon (3) Spines
239 Roots in some plants change their shape and (4) lnsect catching structures
structure and become modified to perform
functions like 246. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(1) Additional support and absorption of water (1) ln Calotropis, a pair of leaves arise at each
node and lie opposite to each other
(2) Absorption and conduction of water and
minerals (2) A bud is present in the axil of both simple and
(3) Storage of food and respiration compound leaves
(4) Absorption of minerals and storage of food (3) Leaves are small and long lived in Australian
240 Very fne, delicate, unicellular, thread like struclures
developed from the zone of root that is proximal (4) Veinlets form a network in lhe leaves of most
to dicotyledonous plants
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234 Morphology of Flowering Plants Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
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Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l)
[,lorph ology of Floweri Plants 235
261. A lateral branch with short internodes and each c. Chinarose and tomato possess most common
bearing rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is type of Placentation.
found in d. The ploidy level of coleoptile is 3N.
(1) Pistia, Eichhornia a. Cr * z + tzt condition shows vexillary aestivation
(2) Mint, Jasmine with equal sized Petals.
(1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the 5. A : The lid is absent in pitcher ol Dischidia.
reason is the correct explanation of the R : A lid is present for attracting insects.
assertion, then mark (1).
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the
6. A: Adventitious roots are present in monocot
reason is not the correct explanation of the
assertion, lhen mark (2). R : Primary root is not produced in these plants.
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is 7. A : Bulbils are specialised buds which store food
fatse, then mark (3). materials.
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false R: They are concerned with vegetative
statements, then mark (4). reproduction.
'1. A : The marketed produce of almond contains 8. A: Storage tap root is present in carrot.
stony endocarp that encloses seed having
edible cotyledons. R : Canot possess reduced stem.
R: The unedible velvetty epicarp and tough
9. A : Some members of fabaceae family are good
mesocarp are removed before marketing. source of edible oil.
2. A: The floral organ ol Nymphea shows all stages R: They yield medicines like belladonna and
between sepal and petal and between a petal ashwagandha also.
and stamen. 10. A: Fibrous roots originate fiom the base of stem.
R : Flower is modified shoot. R : Primary roots are short lived in monocots.
3. A : Rhipidium is a modiflcation of scorpioid cyme 11. A: Rolling of leaves in monocots occurs during
having all the flowers in one plane. summer.
R: ln cincinus, the flowers are borne in different R: Loss of water occurs from stomata during
otr D
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Chapter 6
1:1 t.
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240 Principles of lnheritance and Variation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
35. Chemical mutagen that can intercalate between (1) 10s (2) 30s
nitrogenous bases and interfere with DNA (3) a0 g (4) 50 g
replication is
(1) HNO2
43. Gene for pod colour in Pisum is present on which
(2) Alkylating agents chromosome number?
(3) Acridines (4) Base analogue (1) One (2) Forr
36. Frequency of non{aster population is 16 percent,
(3) Fi\,e (4) Seven
then calculate the total number of recessive alleles
out of 2000 individuals zl4. What will be the sum total of genotypic classes
and phenotypic classes in a trihybrid polygenic
(11 2M (2) 1600
cross in F2 generation?
(3) 1440 (41 1280
(1) 16 (2) 35
37. A trihybrid plant showing partial linkage between
(3) 34 (4) e
first two loci is test crossed, then what is
expected in next generation? 45. What will be the number of surviving individuals in
a population of 2000, if the frequency of recessive
('l) All progenies are of four phenotypes
lethal allele is 0.1%?
(2) Progenies with more parental combination of
(1) 1620 (2) 1800
eight phenotypic classes
(3) Progenies with more recombinants (3) 380 (4) 1980
(4) All progenies wilh 12.5o/o population 46. Find odd one out w.r.t. pleiotropism
38. Select correct match between Column I and ('l) Sickle cell anaemia (2) Cystic fibrosis
Column ll (3) Marfan's syndrome (4) Coat mlour in rabbit
Column I Column ll 47. Select inconect match between the organism and
number of its linkage group
a. Gaucher's disease (i) Glucocerebrosidase
deficiency Organism Linkage group
b. Cystic fibrosis (ii) lnherited disease of (1) Dtosophila 4
mucus & sweat (2) Human male Zj
(3) Neuroqpora 7
c. Achondroplasia (iii) Sex-linked recessive
(41 Pisum 7
d. DMD (iv) Dwarfism
48. When dextral male (DD) snail is crossed with
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) (2) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv) sinistral female (dd), all F1 snails are sinistral.
(3) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) What will be the phenotypic ratio in F2 if these Fl
39. ln which of the following plant, Mendel failed to sinistral females were selfed?
produce same result ? (1) 3 dextral : l sinistral (2) 3 sinistrat : ldextral
(1) Duckweed (2) Hawlweed (3) All sinistral (4) All dextrat
(3) Milkweed (4) Kalmathweed 49. Mr X is a colour blind and his father was albinic.
40. What would be the number of tall and pink plants, What proportion of his sperms will have both these
if tall and pink plants (TtRr) are selfed? Given that defects?
first character shows complete dominance and (1) 25o/o (21 37.5Vo
second character shows incomplete dominance (3) 50% (41 1o0o/o
(1) e/16 (2) 8t16 50. A dihybrid test cross produced the following
(3) 6/16 (4) 3/16 offsprings
4'1. How many types of gametes are produced by AB/ab 960
AaBbCc genotype, where A and B are linked? Ab/ab 60
(1) 4 (2) 8 aB/ab q
(3) 16 (4) 32 ab/ab 94O
42. lf maximum average weight in lemon is 60 g and What is the distance between gene A and B?
minimum average weight is 30 g. What will be the
average weight of lemon variety with Aabbcc (1) 5 map units (2) 100 map units
genotype ? (3) 20 map units (4) 10 map units
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Principles of lnheritance and Variation 241
51. Which one of the following scientist is not included 59. Genes which are present very close to each other
in the list of rediscoverer of Mendelism? produce related phenotypes and can be
(1) Hugo de Vries (2) Kolreuter distinguished through rare crossing over are called
(3) Cad Conens (4) Tschermak
('l) lsoallele (2) Multiple allele
52. Which arrangement of ascospores in ascus is
representing first generation segregation of genes? (3) Pseudoallele (4) Allelomorphs
(1\2:2:2'.2 60. S-bromouracil replaces _ of DNA and pairs
with _
(1) Thymine, adenine (2) Thymine, guanine
(21 4:4
(3) Guanine, adenine (4) Guanine, thymine
61. Which of the following abnormality always passed
(3)2: 4 :2 from father to his son only?
AA BB AA (1) Colour blindness
(4)2:4:2 (2) Haemophilia
BB AA BB (3) Porcupine skin
53. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. factors (4) Lesch Nyhan's syndrome
affecting crossing over
62. lf we change the position of genes on
(1) Crossing over decreases with age chromosomes it will be included in
(2) Centromere and heterochromatin decreases (1) Gene mutation
crossing over
(2) Chromosomal mutation
(3) X-rays and temperature decreases crossing
o/er (3) Polyploidy
(4) Male D,osophila shows little crossing over or (4) Transversion mutation
no crossing over 63. How many types of gametes are possible in
54. Somatic crossing over was observed by Pontecorvo Drosophila, if independent assortment of
in chromosomes occurs during meiosis?
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242 Pranciples of lnheritance and Variation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
66. What will be the sex of Drosophila if its genetic 73. What will be the genotype of proposita in the family
make up is AA + XXY? if following pedjgree chart is given?
(1) Male (2) Meta male
(3) Female (4) Meta female
67. Which of the following is always sterile?
a. Triploid
b. Amphidiploid
c. Autotehapolyploid
d. Allotetrapolyploid
(1) AA (2) M
(1) a and d only (2) b and c only (3) )(9f (4) xe
(3) a only (4) d only 74. A haemophilic man marries a colour blind woman,
what proportion of their children will have both these
68. Following figure represents which type of defects?
chromosomal abenation?
(1) 100% (2) 50yo
a a (3) 25% (4) zso
b 75. lf F2 phenotypic ratio 9 : 3 : 3 : 'l is modified to
C d
9 : 6 : 1 ratio, it is due to which gene interaction?
(1) Complementary Q) Suplementary
d C
(3) Epistatic (4) Polymeric
f t 76. What is the F2 phenotypic ratio in double
recessive epistasis?
(1) Deletion
(1) 9:7 (2)9:3:4
(2) Duplication
(3) 12:3:1 (4) 13:1
(3) Paracentric inversion
77. lnteraction of two genes in which one gene has no
(4) Pericentric inversion effect when alone but it modifies the effect of
69. PTC non-taslers are 45 out of 500 individuals. another gene when present in dominant form, is
Calculate the number of heterozygous taster called _ interaction
individuals in this population (1) lnhibitory gene (2) Dominant epistatic
(11 210 (21 410 (3) Duplicate (4) Supplementary
(3) e0 (4) 2e0 78. Who gave the status of laws to some postulates
70. What is the percentage of mullatoes in F2 if very of Mendel?
dark and very light individuals are taken as parents (1) Hugo de Vries (2) Conens
for F1, lf this character is controlled by three pair
(3) Blixt (4) Kolreuter
of genes?
(1) 23.4% (2) 31.2yo 79. What is the sequence of genes on chromosome if
frequency of crossing over between A-B is 20%,
(3) s.5% (4) 50% A-C is 15%, B-C is 5%, A-D is 10olo and B-D is
71. How many double homozygous individuals are 30Yo?
produced by the selfing of a dihybrid? (1) ABCD (2) CBDA
(1) 2 (2\ 4 (3) DACB (4) DABC
(3) 6 (4) 8 80. How many chromosomes will be present in a
72. ln a hospital five children are born on a particular double monosomic individual if its gametic
day. What is the probability of three male children? chromosome number is 10?
1 1
(1) I
(1) ; (2)
8 (2) 18
J 5
(3) 1e
5 (4)
'16 (41 2
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Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l) Principl es of lnheritance and Variation 243
81. What is frequency of DCO if two SCOS are 5% 87. Select conect staternent for Mendelian hybridization
and 1O% and this also show 20% interference? experiment
1OO. What is the probability of white flowered plants in (2) lt can complete its life cycle an 12 months
F2 generation while performing the dihybrid cross (3) lt can be grown in complex nutrient medium only
in Pisum sativum? (4) Single mating produce large number of progeny
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Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l) Principles of lnheritance and Variation 245
108. What is the sex oI Drosophila having genotype (1) GAq Glutamic acid (2) GUq Valine
AAiq + XX? (3) GAG, Valine (4) GUG, Glutamic acid
(1) Sterile male (2) Super male 114. Choose odd one out w.r.t. chromosomal disorder
(3) Fertile female (4) lntersex
(1) Down's syndrome
109. How many types of gametes will be produced by
(2) Klinefelter's syndrome
genotype AabbccDd, when last two genes will sho{
complete linkage? (3) Tume/s syndrome
(1\ 2 (21 4 (4) Thalassemia
(3) 8 (4) 16 115. which of the following as@spore arangement in
110. Find the probability of gametes having genotype ascus of Neu/ospora will confirm that crossing over
PqR for the three incompletely linked genes shown occurs at 4-strand stage?
in the given below diagram (1)1:1 (21 1:2:2:2:1
(31 2:4:2 (41 4:a
P o
'20 cM
116. ln which of the following chromosomal abbenations
o q ther6 is a change in gene number in a cell?
40 cN4
('l) lnversion, Duplication
(2) Duplication, Deletion
(3) Duplication, Translocation
(1) 8% (2) 4% (4) lnversion, Translocation
(3) 60% (4) 30% 117. A heterozygous purple flowered sweet pea plant is
crossed with plant having genotype ccPP What is
11'1. The given pedigree shows
phenotypic ratio obtained?
(1) 1:1 (21 3:1
(3) 15:1 (a) 9:7
118. ln turtes _ regulate(s) the sex determination.
(1) Sex chromosome
(1) Allosomal recessive trait inheritance
(2) Sex hormones
(2) Autosomal recessive trait inheritance
(3) Environmental temperature
(3) Allosomal dominant trait inheritance
(4) Autosomes
(4) Autosomal dominant trait inheritance
of nitrogenous
119. Point mutation in which change
112. Choose the correct one w.r.t. eflect of UV rays base changes the amino acid coded by it, is
(1) A-+G (2) T = T dimer called
(3) A -r 2AP (4) G -+ HX ('l) Silent mutation
113. ln the given below figure what does (a) and (b) (2) Mis-sense mutation
(3) Non-sense mutation
srcKLE-cELL Hb(s) cENE :...:::.:13........ (4) Same.sense mutation
120. Which of the following chromosome complement in
I plant can show gigantism?
Y (1) PORS (2)
mRNA---(a).--. ORR
(3) PPPP (4) POOS
J '121. Which of the following represents Prctenor type ot
Thr sex determination system found in Dioscorca?
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246 Principles of lnheritance and Variation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
122. Which of the following nitrogenous base is '130. Pattern baldness in human male is
methylated form of uracil? (1) Holandric trait
(1) Guanine (2) Thvmine
(2) Sex limited trait
(3) Adenine (+) cytosrne
(3) sex linked trait
123. which set of gametes wilt be produced by the
genotype AaBbCc, if last two genes are completely (4) Sex influenced trait
linked? 13.1. which of the following disease occurs due to
(1) ABC, Abc, aBC, abc frame shift or gibberish mutations?
(2) Abc, aBC only (1) Thalassaemia (2) Alkaptonuria
(3) ABC, abc only (3) Tay sach's disease (4) Haemophilia
(4) ABc' ABc, Abc' Abc, aBC, aBc, abc, abc
132. which of the following is correct w.r.t. sickle cell
124. Morgan worked with the tiny fruit flies - Drosophila anaemia?
melanogaster, which were suitable for genetical
studies, as
('l) Occurs due to point mutation involving hansition
a. They could be grown on simple medium (2) ln heterozygous condition, shows incomplete
b. They complete their life cycle in about two
weeks (3) An example of mis-sense mutation
c. Single mating muld produce a large numb€r of (4) At 6lh position in beta chain, valine is replaced
progeny flies by glutamic acid
d. No clear cut sexual dimorphism is found 133. ln a genotype AaBbCCDdEEFf if the first two genes
(1) Only d is incorrect are completely linked then how many types of
gameles can be produced?
(2) Both a and d are incorrect
(3) only b is correct
(\ / (2) 22
(4) Both c and d are incorrect P) 2t @f
percentage population of phenotypically parental
125. Melandrium and Coccinia show which tvoe of sex 134.
determination? '' type offsprings in the F2 generation of trihybrid test
cross is
(i) )c(-xy type (2) )c(-xo type
(3) Zv\t-zzrype g) zl-zzttq (\ 125 Q) %
126. ln Drosophi/a, the individual with genotype
(3) 37'5 (4) 50
AAA + XXY is considered to be 135. What would be the frequency of dominant allele in
(1) Superfemale (2) Normal male 16 percent albinic human population?
(1) Green pod and green seed (4) Cystic fibrosis - Mendelian disorder
149 A dihybrid organism (AaBb) is crossed to its pure
(2) Yellow pod and yellow seed
recessive parent (aabb). What would be the
(3) Terminal and white flower phenotypic ratio if both loci are linked completely?
(4) Wrinkled seed and inflated pod (1)1:'l:1:1 (2\3:1
142. Experimental verification of chromosomal theory of (31 1:2:1 (4) 1:1
inheritance was given by
150 A pedigree analysis is glven below
(1) Sutton and Boveri
(2) Thomas Hunt Morgan
(3) de Vries
(4) Mendal
'143. ln a random mating population of 400 individuals,
64% individuals are PTC tasters. Find out the
number of homozygous dominant individuals in the Which of given genetic disorder can be explained
given population for this trait using this presentiation?
() 1n (1) Haernophilia
(2) u (2) Myotonic dystrophy
(3) 144 (3) Colour blindness
(4) 136 (4) Lesch Nyhan syndrome
24fJ Principles of lnheritance and Variation Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
151. Which of the type of mutation is represented by '156. Match the genetic phenomenon with their
the following diagram? respective ralios
Column I Column ll
abcdef abcdefqr (Genetlc interaction) (Dlhybrid
mnopqr mnop phenotypic
ratio in F,
(1) Duplication generation)
(2) Translocation a. lnhibitory genes (i) 9:3:4
(3) lnversion b. Complernentary genes (ii) 15 : 1
1 1
u i
1 1
(3) (4) What is the genotype of organisms a and b in the
G ag
163. The phenotype of an individual may be affected if
the modified allele produces
(1) a-Aa,b-aa (2) a-aa,b-AA
A. The normal/less efficient enzyme (3) a-Aa, b-AA (4) a-aa,b-Aa
170. Choose correct option w.r.t. given figure for
B. No enzyme at all
determination of sex by chromosomal differences.
C. A non-functional enzyme
(1) Only A is conect (2) C & A are conect
(3) Only B is correct (4) B & C are conect
1Al. Ability of a gene to have multiple phenotypic
effects is known as
F a. b
(1) Hominance
(2) Pleiotropy
Multiple allelism
lncomplete dominance
c. d.
165. Morgan and his group observed when the two
genes in a dihybrid cross were situated on the (1) b after spermatogenesis forms only one type of
same chromosome, the proportion of parental gene
combinations were much higher than the non- (2) b & c represents same sex
parental type, this is due to (3) a, d are heterogametic
(1) lndependent assortnent (4) Sex determination in d is similar to
(2) Linkage
171. Study the pedigree chart given below and select
(3) Crossing over the set of correct statements.
(4) Competence
166. Type of sex determination in Melandrium is 1 ?
(1) )c( - (2) )c( - xo
(31 zz-zv{ (41 zo-zz
167. Phenylketonuria in humans is caused by the 2 34 5
absence of one liver enzyme required for synthesis
of tyrosine from phenylalanine, this enzyme is t
172. Mark the odd one (wr.t. monohybrid cross for size 177 . ln ZZ-ZW type of sex determination
of starch gtain in Pisum sativuml (1) Male individuals are heterogametic
('l) Phenotype of hybrid (F1) does not resemble (2) Female individuals have two types of sex
either of the Parent chromosomes
(2\ ln F2 generation, 75% individuals show (3) Male individuals produce some gametes
phenotype of F1 generation without sex chromosomes
(3) The effect in hybrid is intermediate of the (4) Male and female individuals both have two
expression of the two alleles types of sex chromosomes
(4) Phenotypic and genotypic ratios are same in
178. F1 progenies resemble both the parents in c€se of
F2 generation
(1) Dominant - recessive relationship between two
173. Match the column I with column ll non-allelic genes
Column Column ll (2) lncomplete dominance
a. X$ody (i) Sutton and Boveri (3) Alleles contributing the trait equally
b. Linkage (ii) Wilkins and Franklin (4) Traits controlled by more than one gene
c. Chromosomal theory (iii) Henking 179. lf a cross is made between pure tall and hybrid
of inheritance yellow seeded pea plant with hybrid tall and hybrid
d. X-ray diffraction data (iv) Morgan yellow seeded pea plant then number of plants
of DNA hybrid for both traits in a population of 320 plants
(1) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i) will be
(a) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) 180. Drosophila with genotype AA + XXXY will be a
174. Which of the following genetic disorder is caused (1) Super female
due to the presence of an additional copy of the (2) Normal female
chromosome number 21?
(3) lntersex
('l) Patau syndrome
(4) Normal male
(2) Edward syndrome
181. ln a hybridization experiment with three
(3) Cridu chat syndrome heterozygous genes for seed shape, seed colour
(4) Mongolism and pod colour in garden pea plant, the percentage
population obtained with green pod, round seed
175. lf the frequency of an autosomal dominant allele is and green cotyledon is
0.6. Calculate the number of recessive phenotypic
individuals in a population of 10000. (1) 14%
(1) 6000 (2) 3600 (2) 25%
(3) 1600 (4) 4800 (3) 12.5yo
176. Which one of the following statement is incorrect? (41 4.60/0
(1) Sturtevant used the ftequenry of recombination 182. The figure below shows the chromosome
between gene pairs on the same chromosome segregation during germ cells formation with four
as a measure of the distance between genes stages labelled as (A), (B), (C) and (D). Select the
right option giving all the four stages correctly
(2) Sutton and Boveri argued that the pairing and identifed
separation of a pair of chromosomes would
lead to the segregation of a pair of factors they Bivalent
(3) Y-linked genes are holandric \!. r\a
(4)7:1: 1:7 as linkage ratio in case of (A) (B)
=H :rr
dihybrid test cross means that there are 8
parental and 8 recombinant plants (C) (D) Germ cells
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Principles of lnheritance and Variation 251
(1) (A) lnterphase (B) Metaphas+'l 189. ln pedigree analysis, the meaning of symbol
(C)Telophasel (D)AnaPhasell IS
252 Principles of lnheritance and Variation Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
194. Match Coloumn I with Column ll 199. Read the following four statements (A-D)
Column Column lt A. The characters never blend in heterozygous
a. Super male (i) Trisomy of 13h
chromosome B. Change in a single base pair of DNA does not
b. cause mutation.
Patau's syndrome (ii) 2n + 'l + 1
(3) 50 $) 7s
(3) 4. 1,7,5 (4) 1,4,7,5
207. Genotype of parent's blood group which cannot 213. ldentify the A, B & C in the following diagram w.r.t'
produce same blood group type in genotype of segregation of chromosomes during germ cells
their offspring is formation.
(1) lAlA and lAlB (2) nlB and lBlB
(3) flB and lolo (4) lAlB and lAlo B C Germ cells
215. Females are heterogametic with two sex (4) Generation of non-parental gene combinations
chromosomes in 220. Males are heterogametic with only one sex
(1) Fruitily chromosome besides the autosomes in
216. The possibility of a female becoming a haemophilic (4) More than one option is corect
is extremely rare because mother of such a 221. Same degree of polymorphism is obtained if DNA
female has to be at least is isolated from
('l) Carrier and father should be normal (1) Hair-follicle samples of two different organisms
(2) Carrier and father should be haemophilic (2) Blood and skin samples of same individual
(3) Haemophilic and father should be normal (3) Sperm samples of two different organisms
(4) Normal and father should be normal (4) More than one option is correct
217. Find correct match 222. Which of the following options gives one correct
example of dominant and recessive traits or
Column I Column ll
a. Gynaecomastia (i) AA + XO
Dominant Recessive
b. Turner's syndrome (ii) AA + )Ory
(1) Green pod Terminal flower
c. Down's syndrome (iii) Autosomal
(2) Thalassaemia Huntington's chorea
recessrve gene
(3) Yellow bodied
d. Thalassemia (iv) AA + 1 + X)(/XY
Brown bodied
(1) a(ii), b(i), c(lv), d(iii) (4) Muscular Myotonic dystrophy
(2) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv) dystrophy
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) 223. Which of the following is a non-parental type of
progeny obtained by Morgan while carrying out
(a) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii)
dihybrid cross?
218. Read the following statement having two blanks (A & w' m'
B): @
"The functioning allele, which represents the original
phenotype is the A allele and the modified wm
allele is generally the B allele,'. (2) ,---------rf.
- wm
The one correct option for the two blanks is wm
(1) A- Dominant B - Codominant (3) .---------."-r-r-,
(2) A- Recessive wm
B -Dominant
(3) A- Dominant B -Recessive -r--r-o-'
(4) A- Recessive B - Ccdominant
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Principles of lnheritance and Variation 255
224. Which of the following pedigree chart represents
inheritance of hypertrichosis?
sEcnoN - B
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
ln the following questions, a statement of assertion
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R).
(1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the
reason is the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark ('l)
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the
reason is not the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark (2)
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
(3) false, then mark (3)
(4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
statements, then mark (4)
1. A : Height expression in human beings is a
polygenic inheritance.
R : Three non-allelic gene pairs affect the same
(4) IM
character in the same way.
2. A'. ln humans, minimum number of genes are
present on holandric chromosome.
225. How many kinds of genotype and phenotype will be R : Largest gene is sex linked gene.
produced respectively in trihybrid test cross? 3. A : Genes are synthesized artificia y or may be
(1) 8 and 27 (2) 4 and 9 lsotated and mapped while studying forward
(3) 8 and 16 (4) 8 and 8 genetics
226. Select incorrect option w.r.t. sickle cell anaemia R : The products of genes are unknown
(1) lt is an example of point mutation 4 A : Dominant allele influences the appearance of
phenotype even in presence of an alternative
(2) lt occurs due to base substitution i.e. transition allele.
(3) Glutamic acid is replaced by valine at sixth R: The product of dominant allele is said to be
position in polypeptide chain normal or unmodified giving full expression.
9. A: Nondisjunction of chromosomes at the time of R: They have less number of autosomes than
gametogenesis results in the gain or loss of a normal female.
chromosome in gametes. 12. A: Holandric genes are found on Y chromosome.
R: These mutations are called aneuploidy. R: lnheritance of holandric genes is always from
10. A: A reciprocal cross can distinguish between father to son.
nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance. 13. A: A dihybrid always produces four kinds of
R: It does not help to distinguish sex linked and gametes.
autosomal inheritance. R: Law of segregation and law of independent
11. A: ln Tumer's syndrome, females lack secondary assortment are always followed during
sexual characters. gametogenesis.
tr o tr
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Chapter 7
14. Which of the following synthesizes proteins for (3) Flimmers are found in flagellum oi Euglena
export? and Chlamydomonas
('l ) Free ribosomes (2) SER (4) Nucleolonema is considered to be precursor of
granular region of nucleolus
(3) Lysosome (4) RER
15. Which parl of nucleolus is rich in calcium and 21 . Single envelope system is characteristic feature of
non-histone proteins? (1) Prokaryotic cell
(1) Pars granulosa (2) Pars chromosoma (2) Eukaryotic cell
(3) Nucleolonema (4) Pars amorpha (3) Mesokaryotic cell
16. For the fluid mosaic model of membrane given by (4) More than one option is correct
Singer and Nicolson, which of the following
conditions are not associated? 22. Thin, amorphous and cementing layer between two
adjacent cells, is
(1) Lipids enable the lateral movement of proteins
in the membrane (1) Primary wall (2) Middle lamella
(2) Fluid nature of membrane helps in secretion (3) Secondary wall (4) Plasma membrane
(3) Lipids can show flip flop movement from one 23. Choose incorrect statement regarding fluid mosaic
layer of membrane to other model of plasma membrane
(4) Fluidity of membrane is mainly due to (1) Protein icebergs in sea of lipids
(2) Glycolipid and glycoprotein present on outer
17. Select the incorrect statement(s) w.r.t. functions surface
of various cellular mmponents
(3) Extrinsic proteins in lipid bilayer cause flip-flop
a. Middle lamella works as glue to hold the movement
adjacent cells together.
(4) Two lipid layers are joined by hydrophobic
b. Mitochondria, chloroplast and vacuoles are attraction
part of endomembrane system as their
functions are coordinated. 24. Dictyosome is
c. Lipoidal steroid hormones are synthesized by (1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
ER component which is not associated to 80 (2) Smooth endoplasmic reliculum
S ribosomes.
(3) Non-connected cistemae in plants
(1) Only b (2) Only a
(4) lnterconnected cisternae in animals
(3) Both a and c (4) Both b and c
18. Select the correct match 25. Heterophagosome is
ribosome -
70 'S' (1) Primary lysosome
(1 ) Bacterial mesosome
(2) Cytoskeleton - Lipoproteins (2) Secondary lysosome
(3) Kinetochore - Centromere (3) Residual bodies
(4) Lysosome - Catalase (4) Autophagic vacuole
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Cell : The Unit of Life 259
26. Both chloroplast and mitochondria show similarity 35. ln condensed state of mitochondria
ll (1) ATP synthesis is reduced
(1 ) Presence of DNA with more AT (2) Oxidative phosphorylation and ETS occurs at
fast rate
(2) Presence of 70s ribosome
(3) lntermembranal space becomes smaller
(3) Presence of Porins
(4) Core or matrix is enlarged
(4) More than one option is correct
36. What is true for plasma membrane?
27. Choose incorrect match
(1) lt is asymmetrical due to presence of
('l ) Chloroplast - Thylakoid glycocalyx at inner side only
(2) Golgi bodies - Cristae (2) Lipids show flipflop movement
(3) Mitochondria - Oxisome (3) Exlrinsic proteins are more abundant on the
outer surface
(4) Centriole - Microtubules
(4) Percentage of carbohydrates is higher than
28. Which of the following is not associated with proteins
chloroplast of higher Plants?
37. The endomembrane system of cell includes
(1) Thylakoid (2) Grana
( l) ER + Golgi body + Mitochondria
(3) Quantasome (4) PYrenoids (2) ER + Golgi body + Vacuole + Microtubules
29. Enzymes for p-oxidation of fatty acids are found in (3) ER + Golgi body + Lysosome + Vacuole
(1) Glyoxysome (2) SPhaerosome (4) ER + Golgi body + Chloroplast + Lysosome
(3) Peroxisome (4) Lomasome 38. Kinetochores are associated with
30. Cell organelle with property of detoxification of (1) Outer part of primary constriction
drugs is (2) Cenkomere in its inner central part
(1) RER (2) Lysosome (3) Secondary constriction
(3) Sphaerosome (4) SER (4) Satellite
31. Microtubules are structural part of all, except 39. lf a karyotype shows fewer metacentric
chromosomes then it is
(1) Blepharoplast (2) Flagella
(1) Asymmetric karyotype
(3) Spindle fibres (4) Fibrous lamina
(2) Symmetric karyotype
32. Chromosome found in oocytes of many animals is
(3) Primitive karyotype
(1) Lampbrush chromosome
(4) ldiogram
(2) Polytene chromosome
40. Choose the correct statement regarding orthodox
(3) B-chromosome state of mitochondria
(4) More than one option is correct (1) lt is an active state of mitochondria
33. How many microtubules are associated with the (2) Matrix is enlarged while outer chamber is
structure of centriole? narow
(1) 11
(3) Mitochondria are actively engaged in
performing Krebs cycle, ETS and oxidative
(2\ 18 phosphorylation
(3) 20 (4) Cristae are more randomly distributed and
outer chamber quite large
(4\ 27
34. Plasma membrane is regarded as asymmetric
41. Find the correct statement regarding RER
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260 Cell : The Unit of Life Last Leap for NEET (Pa(- r)
42. Microfilaments are 49. Which of the following is true for macrotubules?
(1) Non-contractile & hollow fibrils (1) Made up of proteins tubulin and actin
(2) Contractile & hollow fibrits (2) Microtubules are restricted to animal cells only
(3) Contractile & solid fibrits (3) They are tube like branched cylindrical
(4) Non-contractile & solid fibrits
(4) T.S. of microtubules shows anay of 13 rows
43. Cilia and flagella in a eukaryotic cell
of subunits
(1) Are motile at base 50. ln which of the following group of families there is
(2) Are made of 20 microtubules deposition of Ca-oxalate and Ca-carbonate
crystals on cell wall respectively?
(3) Are devoid of matrix and flagellar sheath
(1) Moraceae and Cruciferae
(4) Shows rotatory movement
(2) Acanthaceae and Papilionaceae
44. A similarity between sap vacuoles of eukaryotes
and periplasmic space of bacteria is that (3) Cucurbitaceae and Poaceae
(4) Urticaceae and Cucurbitaccae
( l) Both contain hydrolytic enzymes
(2) Both contain anthocyanin pigments
51. Luciferase enzyme, generating light in fire flies, is
57. How many satellite chromosomes are present in . Choose the incorrec-t statement
the somaiic cell of human beings suffering from (1) Glycocalyx acts as eye and ear of the cell
Patau's syndrome? (2) Tertiary wall is made uP of xylan
(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) DNA as well as RNA both are absent in the
(3) 6 (4) 11 plasma membrane
58. The ability of proteins to move laterally within the (4) Spectrin and cytochrome oxidase are the
overall bilayer lipid molecules of plasma membrane intrinsic Proteins
is measured as its
65. Ribosomes attach lo endoplasmlc reticulum by
(1) Stability their
(2) Thickness (1) 50 'S' sub-unit
(3) Degree of Permeability (2) 60 'S' sub-unit
(4) Fluidity (3) 40 'S' sub-unit
59. Term 'Ergasome' explains
(4) More than one option is conect
('l) mRNA associated with Proteins bound
(2) ER cisternae associated with ribosomes
-- Which of the following is not a membrane
66. plant?
cett organette present in the cell of mango
(3) mRNA associated with group of ribosomes (1) Mitochondria (2) ChloroPlast
(4) ER vesicles in sarcoplasmlc reticulum (3) Ribosome (4) Centriole
60. 9 + O microtubule constitution with cartwheel of 67. How many statements are incorrect amongst
structure is present in the proximal region
(1) Basal bodies (2) Kinetosomes
a. Microfilaments help in the formation of
(3) Blepharoplast (4) All of these cleavage funow during cell division
6'1. Match the following b. Microtubules present in the cytoplasm are
Column I Column ll highly labile
a. ER (i) Tubulin c. Nuclear lamina is a network of acidic
(2) Transosomes - Double membrane (4) Protein enables lateral movement of lipids
bounded organelle within the overall bilayer
(3) Oleosomes - Discovered by 93. What will be the ratio of number ofaxoneme
in a
_ Mitochondria rifl:ff;1ril3,":$'J"iJjlrof
(4) Janusgreen B
()g:2 (2)9:O
(3) I : 1 (4) 27 :0
class and acidic condition ins-ide the
lysosome is maintained by 94. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. Golgi
('l) protons
oxidoreductases, pumping
(1) The cis and trans faces of the organelle are
(2) Hydrolases, secretion of acids
similar but interconnected
(3) Hydrorases, pumping of- protons , concentricarrv
(4) Lyases, removarof nr;;;;;";" '') lffnn!:'::":','n:"ln;,3'"
87- Find the odd one wr.t. Lysosomal inefflciency (3) lt remains in close association with the
(1 ) Hunter's disease (2) Jacob's syndrome endoplasmic reticulum
(3) Hurler',s syndrome (4) Tay-Sach',s disease (4) The ER vesicles fuse with the cis face
88. p450 found in SER is concemed with detoxification 95. Which of the following sequence is correct w.r't
of drugs and the mechanism involved is basically size?
a (1) Eukaryotic cell > PPLO > Viruses > Bacteria
(1) Methylation (2) Glycosylation (2) Eukaryotic cell > Bacteria > ppLO > Viruses
(3) Hydrorylation (4) Sulphation (3) Eukaryotic cell > PPLO > Bacteria > Viruses
89. Naked DNA is found in (4) Eukaryotic cell > Viruses > PPLO > Bacteria
(1) Chloroplast and leucoplastonly 96. Which one of the following organelles is not
(2) Leucoplast and chromoplast only associated with endomembrane system?
(3) Chloroplast and chromoplast only (1 ) bodies
Golgi (2) ER
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264 Cell : The Unit of Life Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
100. Read the statements carefully and select the set 106. Match the following
of correct statements Column-l ColumnJl
a. Palade particles are found in all cellular a. ER (i) Packaging of material
b. A membrane bound structure in nucleus is the
b. Cytoskeleton (ii) Dense granules
site of ribosomal RNA synthesis c. Golgi complex (iii) Synthesls of steroidal
c. The mitochondria can divide meiotically to
produce daughter mitochondria d. Ribosome (iv) Proteinaceous
d. Vacuoles can occupy about 90% of the volume
of a plant cell (1) a(ii.), b(iv), c(i), d(ii)
(1) All except b (2) a & c (2) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
(3) b&d (4) a&d (3) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
101. How many radial spokes and microlubules are (4) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)
found in an axoneme of a eukaryotic flagellum 107. ATP powers the movement of cilia and flagella in
respectively? eukaryotic cell. These ATP molecules are
('l) 9 and 20 (2) I and 18 hydrolysed into ADP + iP in cilia and flagella by the
(3) 18 and 18 (4) 18 and 20 activity of
102. How many microtubules are present in the ('l ) Nexin protein
(2) Dynein protein
axoneme part of eukaryotic flagellum? (3) Myosin of muscles (4) Flagellin protein
(1) e (2) 27 108. For the sectional view of chloroplast which is given
(3) 18 (4') 20 below. Choose the correct statement
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Last Leap for NEET (Paru) Cell : The Unit of Life 265
112. Which of the following protein shows ATPase 1'19 Correct statement in relation to vacuoles is
activity? (1) lt is a triple membrane bound space found in
(1) c-Tubulin of flagella cytoplasm containing sap
(2) Dynein of cilia (2) lt can occupy 90% of cell volume in plants
(3) Nexin of flagella (3) lts membrane allows transport of materials
along the concentration gradient only
(4) Cathepsin of lysosome
(4) Concentration of ions is significantly lesser in
113. Plasmodesmata connections help in vacuole than cytoplasm
(1) Cytoplasmic streaming 120. Find out the incorrect statement
(2) Mitotic division (1) Middle lamella is mainly made up of Ca-
(3) Movement of substances between the cells pectate
(4) Osmosis only (2) Cell wall is formed from inner side therefore
secondary wall formed before primary wall
114. How many statements are inconect?
(3) Middle lamella glues the different neighbouring
a. Colchicine prevents assembly of cells together
(4) Pits are present in secondary wall
b. Wall of microtubule is made up of 13 laterally
121 Vesicles from ER fuse with
associated and helically arranged tubulin
proteins (1) Maturing face of golgi body
c. Protofilaments are made of altemate spirals of (2) Forming face of golgi body
c-tubulin and P-tubulin (3) Primary lysosome for intercellular digestion
d. Pectin controls orientation of cellulosic (4) Plasma membrane to femove them out from
subfibrils cell
(1) One (2) Three 122. Fluidity of the cell membrane is measured
(3) Zero (4) Two (1) On the amount of cholesterol and protein in
115. Which of the following feature is common in all
types of plastids?
(2) On the amount of carbohydrate in membrane
(3) On the lateral movement of proteins within the
(1) Double membrane
overall bilayer
(2) Presence of chlorophyll
(4) On the flip-flop movement of protein
(3) Storage nature Which of the following cell organelle is a major site
(4) Presence of linear DNA for the synthesis of steroidal hormones?
116. A nuclear pore allows (1) SER (2) Golgi bodies
(1) Unidirectional movement of DNA (3) Ribosomes (4) Peroxisome
(2) RNA movement only 124 The content of nucleolus is continuous with
(3) RNA and protein movement
(4) Protein movement only
(1 ) Through microtubules
(2) Through nuclear pores
117. Disc shaped proteinaceous structure attached to
(3) Oue to lack of membrane
c€ntromere of a chromosome is called
(4) Due to presence of channels in membrane
(1) Chromocentre (2) NOR
125 The part of chromosome beyond secondary
(3) Chromomere (4) Kinetochore constriction is known as
118. Which of the following cell structure is made by (1) Chromomere (2) Satellite
(3) Kinetochore (4) Centromere
(1) Aleuroplast
tzo The central part of proximal region of centriole is
(2) Nucleolous called hub which is made of
(3) Sphaerosome (1) Protein (2) Lipoprotein
(4) Rough ER (3) Phospholipid (4) Oligosaccharide
Aakash Educational Services hd. Ltd. Regd. Orfica :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-'110005 Ph.011-47623456
266 Cell :The Unit of Life Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
127. Which of the following cell organelle is associated 134. Which of the following is not a part of
with muscles constriction by release and uptake cytoskeleton?
of Ca** ions? (1) Microtubule (2) Microfilament
('l ) Vacuole (3) lntermediate filament (4) Microfibril
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
135. Which of the following statement is correct for the
(3) Golgi complex given diagram?
(4) Microtubules
128. Middle lamella is first structure formed between
the newly formed daughter cells E
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
Cell : The Unit of Life 267
139. A number of proteins synthesized by ribosomes on 146. Lysosomes are membrane bound vesicular
the endoplasmic reliculum are modified in the structures and are very rich in
of the Golgi apparatus before they are (1) DNAS, proteases and lipases
released from its trans face
(2) Enzymes optimally active at the basic pH
(3) Almost all tyPes of hydrolases
(2) Vesicles
(4) RNAS, carbohydrase and cathepsin
(3) Cisternae
(4) More than one option is conect 147. Nucleolous organising region is
(4) Enables flip-flop as well as lateral movements (1 ) Glyoxysome - p oxidation of fatty acid
of proteins (2) Peroxisome - Enzyme for peroxide
154. Which of the following statement for eukaryotic
flagellum is correct? (3) Sphaerosome - Synthesise and storage of
(1) Basal body has nine pairs of doublets of (4) Mitochondria
radially arranged peripheral microtubules - Absence of enzymes in
outer membrane
(2) lt emerge from a centriole like structure called 160. a. Cytoskeleton is proteinaceous and helps in
axoneme motility and cell division.
(3) ln axoneme, central tubules are connected by b. Endomembrane system includes GERL and
bridge peroxisome.
(4) lt has a number of microfibrils running parallel c. Protein can show lateral movement in
to the long axis membrane, dependent on lipids.
(1) a, c are correct (2) b, c are correct
155. Elaioplasts, amyloplasts and aleuroplasts
(3) a, b are correct (4) All are conect
(1) Contain ds DNA molecule
161. Select the incorrect statement
(2) Store nutrients and pigments (1) Movement of protein and RNA takes place in
(3) Store starch, fat and prolein respectively both directions through nuclear pore
(2) Basat body of citia or ftage a is similar to
(4) Divide by muttipte fission
centriole by structure in eukaryotes
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
Cell : The Unit of Life 269
(3) Few chromosomes have non-staining (1) a(iii)' b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
secondary constrictions at a constant location (2) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii)
(4) Microbodies are not present in plant cells (3) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
162. Select the odd one out w.r.t. chloroplasts (4) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
(1) Found in mesophyll cells of the leaves 168. Which of the following statement is not related to
(2) lt contains small, double-stranded linear DNA centriole?
(3) Chlorophyll pigments are present in the (1) Made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral
thylakoid membrane fibrils of tubulin protein
during cell division in plant cells
(3) Central part of the proximal region is called the
163. Endomembrane system in eukaryotic
(1) Refers coordinated functions of all
(4) lt form the basal body of eukaryotic flagella
membranous ce organellel
membranous cell organelles (1 ) Having circular DNA and 70s ribosomes
(3) Does not include endoplasmic reticulum and (2) Phase of division or duplication during cell
peroxisome cycle
(4) lncludes single membrane bound structures (3) Having porins in outer membrane
only (4) Having enzymes for carbohydrate synthesis in
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27O Cell: The Unit of Life
Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
174. Read the following statements carefully: 177. fhe organelle considered as the site of aerobic
A. Lipid component of the plasma membrane respiration
mainly consists of phosphoglycerides. (1) Produce cellular energy in the form of ATp
B. Polar molecules can pass through the lipid hence called 'Kitchen of cell,
bilayer of plasma membrane, therefore they (2) Outer membrane forms number of infoldings
do not require carrier proteins to facilitate their known as cristae
(3) Divide by fission
C. Secondary wall is capable of groMh and it is
formed on the outer side of the cell.
(4) Matrix possesses single, circular and single
stranded DNA molecule
D. Quasifluid nature of lipid enables lateral 178. Match the cotumns (l with ll)
movement of proteins within the overall lipid
bilayer of plasma membrane. Column{ ColumnJl
E. Middle lamella glues the different neighbouring a. Microbodies (i) Ribosome
cells together. b. Chromosome (ii) Sap vacuole
How many statements are incorrect? c. Polysome (iii) peroxisome
(1) Three (2) Five d. Tonoplast (iv) Kinetochore
(3) Four (4) Two (1) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
175. Membrane bound vesicular structures formed by (3) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) (4) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
the process of packaging in the Golgi apparatus '179. Ribosomes are present
in how many types of
(1) Contains materials not useful for cell and is semiautonomous organelles in animal and plant cell
bounded by half unit membrane respectively?
(2) Contains all types of hydrolytic enzymes (1) One, two (2) Two, three
optimally active at the acidic pH
(3) Three, four (4) Two, one
(3) Are concerned with photorespiration in plants '180. Chromatin contains
and animals
(1) DNA, histone protein, basic non-histone
(4) Possess enzymes for Krebs cycle
protein, dsRNA
176. ln the following diagram, select the part correcfly
(2) DNA, basic histone protein, non-histone
matched with its character or function.
protein, RNA
(3) DNA, acidic histone protein, basic non_histone
protein, RNA
(4) DNA, acidic histone protein, non_histone
protein, dSRNA
'181 . Membrane bound vesicular structures which
contain digestive acid hydrolases are formed by
(1) Centrosome (2) Gotgi bodies
(3) Peroxisome (4) Nuclear envelopes
182. Choose odd one w.r.t. composition of cell wall of
(1) A- The passage through which movement of ('l) Cellulose, galactans
(2) Mannans, minerals
RNA and protein molecules take place in
both direction (3) Hemice utose, pectin (4) Ce[ulose, minerals
(2) B- Frequently observed in cells actively 183. Hub is connected with microtubules of the
peripheral triplets in
involved in lipid synthesis and secretion
(3) C- Membrane bound structures composed
(1) Basat body of bacteriat flagellum
of deoxyribonucleic acid and proteins (2) Centriote
(4) D- Provide surface for DNA and protein (3) Axoneme of eukaryotic flagellum
synthesis (4) More than one option is mrrect
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Cell : The Unit of Life
'184. Which one of the following is not a property of cell (1) Protein synthesised in Golgi bodies are
membrane? modified in the ER
(1) Polar molecules can not pass through the (2) Materials formed in ER fuse with the trans
nonpolar lipid bilayer phase of Golgi bodies
(2) Depending on the case of extraction, proteins (3) Lipids synthesised in ER are modified in the
can be classified in two types Golgi apparatus
(3) The quasi-fluid nature of protein enables (4) Membrane bound vesicular structures formed
flip-flop movement of lipid by the packaging in ER work as lysosomes
(4) Ratio of protein and lipid varies considerably 189. Match the following
in different cell types I
Column Column ll
185. ldentify the cell organelles labelled as A, B, C and a. Telocentric (i) V-shaped
D. Mark the correct option w.r.t. organelle and its
function. chromosomes
b. Acrocentric (ii) L-shaped
c. Submetacentric (iii) J - shaped
d. Metacentric (iv) I - Shaped
(1) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
(2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(4) Centriole, hook and axoneme (3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
false' then mark (3)
1BB. "Many organeltes an
are considered together as
functioning (4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
endo-membrane system because their -
is coordinated." statements, then mark (4)
o tr D
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Chapter 8
(2) PC
(3) PC
2. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. succession (1) lt represents a food chain
(1) Succession and evolution are parallel (2) lt could be accomodated by ecological
processes pyramid
(2) ln abandon farmlands, primary succession
(3) Several types of organisms are available at
each trophic level
(3) lnvolves changes at every trophic level
(4) From producers to top carnivores, biomass
(4) Generally shows a trend from xeric to mesic
always increases
3 Net primary productivity
7 Rate of increase in energy containing organic
matter or biomass by heterotrophs or consumefs
(1) For oceans is 60% of biosphere productivity per unit time and area is known as
(2) Depends upon the photosynthetic capacity of
(1) Gross primary productivity
(3) Remains constant in temperate area (2) Net primary productivity
throughout the year (3) Secondary productivity
(4) Limited by light in marine habitats only (4) Ecological efficiency
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274 Ecosystem Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
8. The correct scheme of succession in a pond in '14. Which one of the following is matched correctly?
temperate mixed forest is
(1) Low productive ecosystem - Flood plains
(1) Green algae - Myriophyllum - Nelumbo
(2) Average productive ecosystem- Grassland
- Sagittaia - Cyperus - Populus - Quercus
(2) Myriophyllum - Nelumbo - Saggittaria (3) Least productive ecosystem - Temperate
- Populus - Cyperus - Green algae forest
(3) Green algae - Nelumbo - Cyperus - (4) High productive ecosystem - Area of
Quercus - Populus
(4) Blue green algae - Nelumbo - Myriophy um
- - 15. Which trophic position is occupied by the
Populus Cyperus - Quercus
decomposer microorganisms in an aquatic
9. There are certain limitations of ecologlcal
pyramids, like
(1) lt does not take into account the same (1) To
species belonging to two or more trophic (21 Tt
(3) Tz
(2) lt assumes a long food chain of many trophic
levels (4) Ts
(3) Saprobic organisms are nol given any place 16. All given are characteristic features of man made
(4) More than one option is correct ecosystems, except
10. During primary succession in water body, the (1) Absence of self regulatory mechanism
p ro nee rs are , they are replaced by
with time (2) These are part of noosphere
(1) Phytoplanktons, rooted hydrophytes (3) High productivity in terms of GPP
(2) Free floating hydrophytes, rooted hydrophytes (4) Little cycling of nutrients
(3) Phytoplanktons, free floating angiosperms
17. The type of productivity which is not available to
(4) Free floating angiosperms, sedges any given trophic level is called as
11. Which of the following ecosystems show (1) Primary productivity
maximum energy absorption?
(2) NPP
('l ) Mixed forest
(2) Modern crops (3) Secondary productivity
(3) Terrestrial ecosystem (4) Net community productivity
(4) Grassland ecosystem 18. A detritus food chain
12. Ecological succession in which a community ('l) Always ends up in a grazing food chain
replaces the other due to the modification of the
environmenl by the community itself is (2) Uses sun as the primary source of energy
('l Autogenic
) (2) Allogenic (3) Has minor contribution in productivity of coral
(3) Autotrophic (4) Heterotrophic reef ecosystem
13. Find the incorrect statement in relation to mature (4) Requires special organisms called detrivores
successional stages as top consumers.
(1) Net community production is high and 19. Select a incorrecl statement regarding pyramids
inorganic nutrients are extrabiotic
(1) These are proposed by Charles Elton
(2) Food chains are web like and predominantly
detritus (2) lt does not explain the role of organisms
(3) Stratification and spatial heterogeneity is high present at more than two trophic levels
and well organised (3) Decomposers are not given importance while
(4) Good nutrient conservation and resistance to prepa ng a pyramid
external disturbances (4) lt is sometimes upright, if prepared for energy
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Ecosystem 275
20. Which of the given pyramid can be spindle 27. Oul of total proposed cost of ecological services
shaped? by Robert @nstanza, maximum cost ac@unts for
(1) lf prepared for numbers, for a tree having (1) Climate regulation
grazing food chain
(2) Soil formation
(2) lf prepared for number in parasitic food chain
on a tree (3) Nutrient cycling
(3) lf prepared for biomass of a tree (4) Habitat for wildlife
(4) lf prepared for biomass in a Grassland 28. Amount of living material present in different
21. GPP utilizes of incident radiation trophic levels at a given time is called
(2) Perennial grass stage (4) Tropical Rain forests are not dependent on
(3) Reed swamp stage
(4) Marsh meadow stage 32. Which of the following produc{ivity is the available
biomass for the consumption by heterotrophs?
26. Find odd one out w.r.t. sedge stage of hydrosere
(1) Net primary productivity
(11 Cyperus
(2) Gross primary productivity
(2) Typha
(3) Juncus (3) Secondary productivity
(41 Carex (4) Community productivity
(2) Energy at successive higher trophic level (3) All, except (d)
increases (4) All, except (c) & (d)
(3) Phytoplanktons have shorter life span and 51. Price tag put by Robert Constanza as nature life
high annual productivity support services is and of it
(4) Consumers cannot survive for long is for soil formation
47. Which stage of primary succession in a water (1) US $ 3.3 trillion, < 10%
body is shown in the figure given below? (2) US $ 330 trillion, 6%
(3) US $ 33 trillion, < 10%
nsf,r* (4) US $ 33 trillion, 50%
52. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(1) Productivity - Rate of biomass
(1) Scrub stage
(2) Reed swamp stage (2) Gross primary - Rate of production
productivity of earth of organic matter
(3) Marsh meadow stage
(4) Submerged, ftee floating plant stage photosynthesis
48. A part of energy captured by producers is used (3) Net primary productivity - Available biomass
(1) As a food to herbivores only for consumption
by heterotrophs
(2) For maintenance and as a food to herbivores
(4) secondary productivity - Formation of new
(3) For synthesis of protoplasm only organic matter by
(4) For synthesis of ATP only producers
278 Ecosystem Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
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Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Ecosystem 279
64. Pyramid of number is spindle - shaped in (1) b, a, g, e, f, c, d
(1) Tree ecosystem (2) b, a, g, f, e, c, d
(2) Pond ecosystem (3) b, a, e, g, c, f, d
(3) Grassland ecosystem (4) b, a, g, c, f, e, d
(4) Lake ecosystem
70. Amount of biomass or organic matter produced
65. Select the correct order of succession on bare per unit area over a time period by plants during
rock photosynthesis is known as
(1) Graphis - Aristida - Hypnum - Rhizocarpon (1) Gross primary productivity
(2) Rhizocarpon - Poa - Heteropogon - Rubus' (2) Net primary productivity
(3) Secondary productivity
(31 Rhizocarpon - Cappais - Tottuh - free
(41 Hypnum - Parmelia - Zizyphus - Cymbopogon
(4) Primary production
66. Detritus Food Chain (DFC) 71. Which of the following stalement is true for the
given ecological pyramid?
(1) Begins with living organic matter
(2) Prevents wastage of energy bound in organic
PC 21
(3) Provides organic nutrients to grazing food PP 4
chain (1) Small number of phytoplankton supports large
(4) ls also called subsidiary food
number of zooplankton
67. An ecosystem supported by 1000000 J of sunlight
will have what amount of energy available to the (2) Small biomass of primary producers supports
organisms of tertiary consumer level? large number of primary consumers in aquatic
(1) rooo J (2) 1oo J
(3) A large number of herbivores is suppo(ed bv
(3) 10 J (4) 10000 J
small number of producers in aquatic habitats
68. All succession wheather taking place in water or
that (4) A large standing crop of zooplankton is
land proceeds to a similar clim-ax community,
is supported by small standing crop of
(1) Hydrosere
(2) xeric SECTION 'B
(3) Mesic Assertion - Reason Type Questions
(4) Halosere ln the following questions, a statement of assertion
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R)'
69. various stages of succession in a water body are
given below, find correct set of their sequential (1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the
arrangement Ofoccurrence. reason iS the COrreCt explanation of the
assertion' then mark (1)
a. Submerged plant stage
(2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the
b. Phytoplankton stage reason is not the correct explanation of the
c. Scrub stage assertion, then mark (2)
d. Forest (3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
1 A: Desert ecosystems are less stable in A : ln an aquatic ecosystem, DFC is the major
comparison to a tropical rain forests conduit for energy flow.
R : There is available more energy at last trophic R : DFC begins with living organic matter.
level as the food chains are short
2. A: Complexity of food web is dependent over
6 A: ln aquatic ecosystem, grazing food chain is
the major conduit of energy flow.
length of food chains
R: Complexity of food webs determine the R : Net primary productivity of aquatic ecosystem
stability of an ecosystem is more as compared to terrestrial.
3 A : Ecological equivalents occupies same type of 7 A : ln an aquatic ecosystem, DFC is the maior
niches but in different habitats conduit for energy flow.
R : Similar ecosystems may develop in different
R : Solar energy is required for energy supply in
geographical areas due to same climatic
a DFC system.
4. A : The food chains are generally limited at 3-4 8 A : Detritus food chain (DFC) begins with dead
trophic levels. organic matter.
R : Autotrophs loose 20o/o energy, herbivores R : DFC may be connected with the grazing food
30% and carnivores 60% during respiration. chain at some levels.
D tr o
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Chapter 9
Environmental Issues
5 Choose the odd one out wr.t. ozone depletion in
the stratosphere
Objective Type Questions
1. Concentration of DDT for first trophic level and
(1) UV rays have the ability to both degrade as
fourth trophic level is respectively in aquatic food well as form ozone layer
(2) UV rays are depleting the good ozone in the
('l) 0.04 ppm, 25 ppm troposphere
(2) 0.003 ppm, 2 ppm (3) CFC's are disturbing the balance of ozone
(3) 0.5 ppm, 2 ppm equilibrium
(4) 0.04 ppm, 2 ppm (4) UV-B rays cause inflammation of mmea called
2. Cleaning of wasle water in Arcata Marsh involves colour blindness
( 1) Only mnventional method of sewage teatrnent 6 Rivet popper hypothesis was given by Paul Ehrlich
(2) Removal of dissolved heavy metals through to explain
biological process
('l) The cause of greater biological diversity in
(3) Filteration, chlorination like chemical processes tropics as compared to temperate regions
(4) Utilisation of microorganisms only for pollution
(2) Extinction of indigenous species due to
introduction of alien species
3. Eco-san toilets are not associated with which of
the following? (3) The role of ecological hotspots in biodiversity
(1) Are working in Sri Lanka and Kerala @nservation
(2) Composting method for recycling of human (4) The importance of rich biodiversity in
excreta maintaining ecological health
(3) Recycled material forms natural fertilizer 7 Catalytic converters are fitted into automobiles for
(4) Enhance the need for chemical fertilizers reducing emission of poisonous gases. Which of
4. Choose the correct sequence of greenhouse the following reaction does not take place in
gases with respect to their relative contribution to catalytic converter?
global warming in increaslng order
(1 ) Unbumt hydrocarbons CO2 and water
(1) N2O, CFC, CH4, CO2
(2) Ozone o2
(2) CFC, N2O, CO2, CH4
(3) CH4, N2O, CO2, CFC
(3) Carton monoxide CO,
(4) N2O, CO2, CH4' CFC (4) Nitric oxide t9
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282 Environmental lssues
8 Which of the following is correct for the diagram 13 was held in _, and adopted
given below? the recommendations of cCC for reducing green
house gases.
(1) UNCED, Rio-de-Janeiro
(2) Earth Summit, Johannesburg
(3) Kyoto Protocol, Kyoto
c (A)
o (4) World Summit, Buenos Aires
14. Read the following statements in relation to
environmental pollution and find the correct
R answer
I (c)
a. Catralytic converters have platinum, palladium
o and strontium as catalysts which are fitted into
automobiles for reducing poisonous gas
Direction of flow
Motor vehicles equipped with catalytic
(1) (A) Dissolved oxygen, (B) Point of sewage converters should not use unleaded petrol
because lead in petrol activates the catalyst
discharge, (C) BOD
(2) (A) BOD, (B) Point of treated water discharge, c. DDT disturbs calcium metabolism in birds
(C) Dissolved oxygen leading to thinning of egg shells
(3) (A) Dissolved oxygen, (B) Point of treated d. Cultural eutrophication refers lo natural aging
water discharge, (C) BOD
of a lake due to climate, size of lake and
man's activities like effluents
(4) (A) BOD, (B) Point of sewage discharge,
(C) Dissolved oxygen e. Montreal protocol to control emission of ozone
depleting substances became effective in
9. The thickness of ozone over poles changes with 1987
the season being lowest in
(1) Only a &d are incorrect
(1) Antarctic spring
(2) Only c is conect
(2) Polar autumn
(3) b, c, _d & e are conect
(3) Antarctic autumn
(a) a,d&earecorrect
(4) North hemisphere spring
15. Greatest harm to human health is caused by
10. Mark the incorrect statement particle size _or less, as suggested by
(1) CFCS, halons, methyl bromide, CCl, and NrO CPCB
are responsible for 03 depletion (1) 2.5 micrometer
(2) The main precursors of acid rain are SO, and
No2 in atmosphere ' (2) 10 micrometer
(3) Lichens and Mosses act as indices of (3) 1 mm
atmospheric purity (4) 2.5 mm
(4) Blue baby syndrome is cause due to 16. Normal rain water is slightly acidic due to the
increased level of nitrates in presence of
11. Photochemical smog has mainly (1) NO, (2\ Co2
(1) SPM, O, and CO (2) 03, PAN and N-Ox- (3) SO, (4) Os
(3) co, H2s and PAN (4) H2s' so2 and sPM
17. Find odd one out w.r.t. catalytic converters
12. Find odd one out w.r.t. arrestors
(1) Palladium
(1) cravity settling chamber
(2) Rhodium
(2) wet scrubber
(3) Platinum
(3) Electrostatic precipitator
(4) Trajectory separator (4) lron
18. All the buses of Delhi were converted to run on 24. Select an incorrect statement
CNG by the end of 2002 as (1) Montreal Protocol became effective in 1989
(a) lt is cheaper than petrol or diesel as Helsinki declaration
(b) lt burns more efficientlY (2) Lichens are indicators of SO, pollution
(c) lt can easilY be siPhoned off (3) There are proposed 5 'F's of Chipko
(1) All are conect
(4) Slash and Burn agriculture is very popular
(2) Both (a) and (c) are correct among western states of lndia
(3) Only (c) is inconect 25. Biomagnification of DDT causes all except
(4) Both (b) and (c) are correct (1) Thinning of egg shell in birds
19. Select an incorrect match (2) Liver cinhosis
(1) Black - Arsenic (3) Cyanosis
(2) BOD - Lower than COD (4) Softening of brain and hamorrhage
(3) DDT - Bio-magnification 26. Match the following w.r.l. pollution
(4) Minamata - e-waste Column I Column ll
20. What occurs when sewage is discharged in a (a) lncineration (i) Soil erosion
flowing water (lotic) bodY? (b) Green Muffer (ii) Third Poison
(1) BOD decreases initially (c) Ground water polution (iii) Solid waste
(2) BOD decreases with decreasing DO finally (d) Negative pollution (iv) Noise pollution
(3) DO lncreases initially but decreases finally (1) a(lii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i)
(4) DO decreases and BOD increases lnitially (2) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii)
21. ll canied out in ecofriendly manner' (3) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii)' d(i)
is the onlY method for treatment (4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii)' d(i)
of e-waste 27. Which one of the following is known as chemical
(1) Open (2) RecYcling weed?
244 Environmental lssues
Last Leap for NEET (Partl)
30. Global warming is caused by green-house gases 37. Select the incorrect malch
and is supposed to be responsible for many
possible negative effects, but some positive (1) ESP - SPM
efiects are also there, like (2) Land fills - Solid waste
(1) Rising of sea level (3) Catalytic converter
Aerosol -
(2) Changing the rainfatt paftern, helping proper (4) Ear muffs -
Noise poltution
distribution of HrO 3g. Read the following statements and select the
(3) Maintaining earth's average temperature at right choice.
a. Use of incinerators is crucial to disposal of
(4) Warming of trophosphere hospital wastes.
31. Which of the following will not suffer from b. Dobson units are used to measure oxygen
minimatadisease? content.
(1) Rabbit c. Methane and carbondioxide are greenhouse
(2) Seal gases'
(4) Hearing abilities of humans (1) Photochemical smog has mainly O., PAN and
44. Greenhouse gas which causes maximum (2) CFC is most effective green house gas
contribution to global warming is
(3) Biodiversity decreases from lower to higher
(1) CO2 (2) CH4
altitudes and increases from lower to higher
(3) CFC (4) NrO latitudes
45. High concentration of DDT in birds disturb the (4) Dodo and Tasmanian wolf have become
metabolism of extinct due to overexploitation
(1) Magnesium (2) lron 50. What is the relative contribution of CFCS to global
(3) Calcium (4) PhosPhorus
(1) 60%
46. Select the correct option respectively w.r.t. A, B,
C and D in the given figure of relative contribution (2\ 20%
of various greenhouse gases to global warming (3) 14o/o
D (4\ 6%
c 60/o
(2) Carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, NrO d. Biomagn ification refers to increase in
concentration of toxic substances at lower
(3) Carbon dioxide, N2O, CFCs, methane trophic level only
(4) Carbon dioxide, CFCs, NrO, methane (1) a&careconect (2) a&darecorect
47. Mark the incorrect statement (3) Only d is correct (4) Only b is incorrect
(1) Good ozone acts as shield absorbing 52. Mark the incorect match
ultraviolet radiations from sun
(1) Noise pollution - Dobson unit
(2) Ozone causes odd climatic changes i e., El-
nino effect (2) National Forest Policy - 1968
(3) Good ozone is found in upper part of (3) Tenor of Bengal - Eutrophic water
atmosphere bodies
(4) Ozone depletion is occurring widely in the (4) Water (Prevention and - 1974
stratosphere region Control of Pollution) Act
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286 Environmental lssues Last Leap for NEET (Pa(-l)
53. Which of the following option is incorrect about c. Rise in temperature is leading to deleterious
effects of air pollutants on human health? changes in the environment and resulting in
(1) Deleterlously affect respiratory system in odd climatic changes (El Nino efrect)
humans d. Montreal protocol is for biodiversity
(2) Harmful effects depend on concentration of conservation and control of GHGS.
pollutants and duration of exposure abcd
(3) Particulate size 2.5 micrometer or less in (1)T
diameter are responsible for causing the
Column I Column ll
a. Primary producer (i) Lion
(1) lmproving efficiency of energy usage 70. Find correct set of relative contribution of
greenhouse gases to global warming.
(2) Cutting down use of fossil fuel (A) CO2 (B) CH4
(3) Slowing down the growth of human (C) CFCs (D) N2o
(A) (B) (c) (D)
(4) lncreasing deforestation
(1) 2OVo 14Yo 60% 6Yo
65. Calcium metabolism in fish eating birds get (2\ 14Yo 600/o 6% 2OYo
disturbed, if there is high mncentration of
(3) 60% 2oo/o 14% 6%
(1) Urea (2) DDT
(41 2OYo 60/o 600/o 14ok
(3) Cadmium (4) CFC
71. Choose incorrect w.r.t. greenhouse effect
66. lt has been recommended that storage of nuclear
(1) Warming of troposPhere
waste, after sufficient pre-treatment, should be
done in suitably shielded containers buried within (2) Melting of ice caps
rocks, about deeP below the earth's
(3) Snow blindness
(4) CO, fertilization effect
(1) m
100 (2) 50 m
67. Find out the correctly matched pair Assertion - Reason TYPe Questions
(1) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) ln the following questions, a statement of assertion
Act - 1981 (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R)
(2) lntegrated organic farming - Cyclical zero (1) lf both Assertion & Reason are true and the
waste procedure reason is the correct explanation of the
assertion, then mark (1)
(3) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act - 1974 (2) lf both Assertion & Reason are true but the
reason is not the correct explanation of the
(4) Snow-blindness - Caused by methyl assertion, then mark (2)
(3) lf Assertion is true statement but Reason is
68. Find odd one w.r.t. primary pollutants. false, then mark (3)
(1) CO (2) HrS (4) lf both Assertion and Reason are false
(3) PAN (4) SO2 statements, then mark (4)
288 Environmental lssues Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
1 A : Noise pollution is now considered as a kind of 5. A: Electrostatic precipitator can remove over
air pollution 99% particulate matters present in the
R: ln 1987, it becomes as part of amended exhaust.
air act.
R: It has cathodes only.
2 A: Royal waste causes mutations to occur at a
6. A: Catalytic converter has platinum, palladium
very high rate
and rhodium as the catalysts.
R : UV-causes formation of thymine dimers in
DNA R: Leaded petrol should be used as lead
activates these catalysts.
3 A: Reaction between primary pollutants
increases toxicity in environment called as 7. A: lntegrated organic farming is a cyclical zero
synergism waste procedure.
R : Synergism requires energy to occur in nature R: It uses waste products of one process as
nutrients in other process.
4 A: Electrostatic precipitator is most efficient in
removing particulate matter. 8. A: Biomagnilication is increase in concentration
R : lt can remove over gg% of particulate matter of a gror,vth factor at successive trophic levels.
present in the exhaust from thermal power R: This phenomenon is well known for biological
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Chapter 1 : Structure of Atom
Section A : Obiective Type Questions
1. (4) 2 (2\ 3 (2) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6 (2) 7 (3)
I (2) L (2) '10. (4\ 11. (3) 12. (1) 13. (3) 14. (21
15. (2) '16. (2\ 17. (1) 18. (4) 1e. (3) 20. (1) 21. (2')
22. (4) 23. (2) 24. (1) 25. (3) 26. (1) 27. (4) 28. (3)
29. (21 30. (4) 31. (3) 32. (1) 33. (1) u. (1) 35. (4)
36. (21 37. (4) 38. (4) 3s. (3) 40. (2) 41. (2) 42. (3)
43. (1) 44. (3) 45. (1) 46. (4) 47. (3) 48. (3) 4e. (1)
50. (3) 51. (1) s2. (21 53. (3) 54. (1) 55. (1) 56. (4)
57. (21 58. (2) 5s. (3) 60. (4) 61. (2) 62. (3) 63. (4)
64. (2') 65. (4) 66. (1) 67. (1) 68. (1) 6s. (4) 70. (1)
71. (2\ 72. (3) 73. (41 74. (3) 75. (1) 76. (4) 77. (2)
78. (4) 79. (4) 80. (4) 81. (3) 82. (4) 83. (3) u. (2)
85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (1) 88. (4) 8e. (1) e0. (1) s1. (4)
e2. (1) 93. (1) s4. (3) s5. (4) e6. (1) e7. (2) s8. (4)
es. (1) 100. (4) 101. (1) 102. (1) 103. (2) 1u (2) 105. (1)
106. (3) 107. (3) 108. (1) 10e. (3) 110. (1) 111. (3) 112. (3)
113. (3) 114. (1) 115. (2) 116. (1) 117. (11 118. (2) 11e. (4)
120. (4) 121. (4) 122. (1) 123. (3) 124. (4) 125. (3) 126. (21
127. (4) 128. (2) 129. (2\ 130.(1) 131. (1) 132. (1') 133. (3)
lu (4) 135. (3) 136. (4) 137. (1) 138. (1) 13e. (2) 140. (4)
141. (4) 142. (4) 143. (41 144. (3) 14s. (1) 146. (1) 147. (3)
148. (4) 149. (4) 150. (3) 151. (3) 1s2. (3) 153. (3) 1il. (4\
155. (2) 156. (3) 157. (1) 1s8. (3) 15e. (3) 160. (3) 161. (2)
162. (2) 163. (3) 164 (4) 165. (1) 166 (4) 167. (3) 168. (2)
16e. (4) 170. (3) 171. (11 't72. (21 173. (4) 174. (1) 17s. (41
't76. (4\ 177. (3) 178. (3) 17e. (3) 180. (4) 181. (4) 182. (4)
18s. (4) 1U. (21 18s. (3) 186. (4) 187. (2) 188. (1) 18e. (3)
190. (2) '191. (21 192. (1) 1s3. (3) 1s+. 12) 1es. (4) 1s6. (1)
197. (1) 198. (3) 199. (2) 200. (4) 201. (1) 202. (2) 203. (4)
2u (41 205. (21 206. (4) 207. (2')
8. (1) e. (4) 10. (1) 11 (4) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (3)
15. (3)
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290 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
8. (2) s. (1) '10. (2) 11. (3) 12. (21 13. (21 14. (1)
'15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (21 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (4) 21. (2)
22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (3) 26. (4) 27. 0) 28. (4\
29. (1) 30. o 3'1. (2) 32. (1) JJ. (4) u. (1) 35. (2)
36. (3) 37. (21 38. (4) 39. (2) 40. (4) 41. (2\ 42. 14)
43. (1) M. (3) 45. (4) 46. 12) 47. (4) 48. (4) 49. (2)
50. (1) 51. (2) 52. (3) 53. (4) g. (3) 55. (3) 56. (3)
57. (3) 58. (3) 59. (3) 60. (2) 61. (3) 62. (1) 63. (1)
64. (4) 65. (21 66. (4) 67. (2) 68. (4) 6e. (4) 70. (3)
71. (3) 72. (3) tJ. (2\ 74. (2) 75. (2) 76. (3) 77. (3)
78. (4) 7e. (2) 80. (3) 81. (4) 82. (3) 83. o 84. (3)
85. (1) 86. (3) 87. (2\ 88. (1) 89. (1) e0. (4) 91. (1)
92. (2) e3. (1) 94. (3) 95. (1) 96. (3) e7. (1) 98. (4)
99. (3) 100. (1) 101. (2\ 102. (4) 103 (3) 104. (3) 105. (1)
106. (1) 107. (1) 108. (4) 109. (2) 't10 (4) 111. (3) 112. (3)
113. (2) 114. (21 115. (21 116. (4) 117 (4) 118. (3) 119. (21
120. (3) 121. (1) 122. (41 123. (3) 124 (4) 125. (1\ 126. (3)
127. (1) 128. (1) 129. (4) 130. (1) 131 (4) 132. (3) 133. (4)
1U. (21 135. (1) 136. (4) 137 . (4) 138 (1) 13s. (4) 140. (41
141. (4) 142. (3) 143. (3) 1M. (4) 145 (3) 146. (2) 147 . (4\
148. (4) 14e. (3) 150. (3) 151. (4) 152 (3) 153. (2) 15/.. (4)
155. (21 156. (2) 157 . (4) 158. (4) '159 (4) 160. (2) 161. (21
162. (4) 163. (4) 1U. (3) 165. (4) 166 (3) 167. (2\ 168. (21
169. (4) 170. (2) 171 . (3) 172. (4) 173 (3) 174. (2\ 175. (4)
176. (2) 177. (4) 178. (3) 179. (3) 180 (4) 181. (1) 182. (1)
183. (1) 184 (4) 185. (2) 186. (4) 187 (2') 188. (1) 189. (1)
190. (1) 1e1. (4) 192. (1) 193. (1) 194. (2) 195. (1) 196. (2)
197. (1) 1e8. (4) 199. (1) 200. (4) 201 (3) 202. (3) 203. (3)
2M. (4) 205. (1) 206. (3) 207 . (4') 208 (3) 20s. (4) 210. (4)
211 . (1) 212. (41 213. (3) 214. (2') 215 (4) 216. (4) 217. (1)
218. (1) 21s. (11 220. (4) 221 . (3) 222 (21 223. (3) 224. (2)
25. (4) 226. (21 227. (4) 228. (4) 229 (3) 230. (3) 231. (2)
232. (4) 233. (4) 2U. (2) 235. (4) 236 (3) 237. (1) 238. (4)
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Answers 29'l
8. (3) e (3) 10. (3) 11. (3) 12. (2) 13 (4) 14. (1)
15. (2\ 16. (3) 17. (1) 18, (1) 19. (2) 20 (2\ 21. (4)
Chapter 3 : Equilibrium
8. (3) e. (4) 10. (4) 1'r. (3) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (1)
15. (4) '.16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (3) le. (3) 20. (4) 21. (3)
22. (3) 23. (1) 24. (4) 25. (4) 26. (4) 27. (4) 28. (1)
2s. (3) 30. (3) 31. (2\ 32. (2) 33. (3) v. (4) 35. (2)
36. 0) 37. (4) 38. (1) 3e. (4) 40. (2) 41. (2) 42. (4)
43. (4) 44. (1) 45. (1) 46. (2) 47. (3) 48. l2') 4s. (3)
50. (1) s',l. (1) s2. (3) 53. (4) 34. (4) 55 0) 56. (3)
57. (3) 58. (1) 5e. (21 60. (1) 61. (2) 62. (4) 63. (3)
&r. (1) 65. (4) 66. (1) 67 . (4) 68. (3) 6e. (3) 70. (2)
71. (3) 72. (2) 73. (2) 74. (4) 7s. (1) 76. (1) 77 . (4)
78. (4) 7e. (1) 80. (4) 81. (2) u. (4) 83. (3) u. (2\
85. (4) 86. 0) 87. (4) 88. (3) 8e. (1) so. (3) 91. (3)
s2. (3) s3. (21 s4 (21 e5. (3) e6. (3) e7. (4) e8. (3)
es. (3) 100. (1) 101. (3) 102. (3) 103. (4) 1u. (2) 105. (1)
118. 11e.
114. (2)
113. (2) 117.
116. (1) (1)
115. (4) (4)
128. (1) 129. 130. (1) 131. (3) 132. (3) 133. (4)
127. \11 (1)
14S. (4) 14e. (2) 1s0 (4) 151. (2) 152 (2) 153. (1) 1il (2)
155. (2) 156. (4) 157. l2l 158. (3) 15s (3) 160 (2) 161. (2)
16e. (2) 170. (1) 171. (2\ 172. (4\ 173. () 174. \11 17s. (3)
1eo. (3) 1e1. (2) 1e2 (4) 1s3. (3) 1*. (2) 195. (3) 1e6. (2)
2u. (11 2os. (2) 206 (3) 207. (1) 208. (1) 20s. (3) 210. (3)
211. (4) 212. (4) 213. (1) 214. (3) 21s. (3) 216. (2) 217. (1)
218. (3) 2,19. (4) 220. (4) 221. (3) 222. 223.
(21 (3) 224. (41
22s. (21 226. (3) 227. (3) 228. (4) 229. 230.
(31 (2) 231. (3)
232. 11) 233. (4) 2u. (31 235. (41 236. (1) 237. (3',) 238. (4)
239. (3) 240. (21 241. (2\ 242. (3) 243. (1) 244 (1) 245. (3)
246 (41 247. (1) 248. (4) 249. (1) 250. (41 2s1. (2) 2s2. (3)
2s3. (3) 2il. (1) 255. (4)
Chapter 4 Electrochemistry
Section A : Objective Type euestions
1. (1) 2. (2) 3 (3) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. (2) 7. (1)
8. (4) 9. (1) 10. (2) 11. (3) 12. (21 13. (21 14. (3)
15. (3) 16. (4) 17. (3) 18. (1) ls. (21 20. (4) 21. (1)
22. (2) 23. (21 24. (2) 25. (3) 26. (4) 27. (3) 28. (1)
2s. (21 30. (3) 31. (1) 32. (1) 33. (3) v. (4) 3s. (2)
36. (4) Jt. (3) 38. (3) se. (1) 40. (1) 41. (1) 42. (1)
43 (3) 44. (3) 45 (2) 46. (3) 47. (3) 48. (3) 4s. (2)
50 (2) 51. (3) 52 (3) 53. (4) 54. (1) 55. s6. (2)
57 (3) 58. (3) 59 (1) 60. (3) 61. 14) 62. (4) 63. (4)
64 (1) 65. (3) bb (3) 67. (1) 68. (2) 6s. (4) 70. (2)
71 (3) 72. (1) (4) 74. (3) 75. (4) 76. (1) 17. (4)
78. (1) 7s. (3) 80. (1) 81. (3) 82. (3) 83. (4) u. (4)
85. (4) 86. (3) 87. (1) 88. (2\ 8e. 14) s0. (2) s1. (1)
e2. 14) s3. (2) e|. (1) e5. (3) s6. (4) s7. (1) e8. (2)
99. (4\ 100. (1) 101. (1) 102. (1) 103. (3) 104. (1) 105. (1)
106. (4) 107. (2) 108. (1) 109. (2) 110. (2) 1'11. 14) 112. (3)
113. (21 114. (1) 115. (3) 116. (4) 117. (2) 118. (1) 11s. 0)
120. (2\ 121. (3) 122. (3) 123. (4) 124. 12s.
(41 (41 126. (1)
127. (4) 128. (1) 129. (3) 130. (3) 131. (1) 132. (1) 133. (3)
Section B : Assertion-Reason Type euestions
1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (1) 4. (2) 5 (1) 6. (4) 7. (2)
8. (4) e. (1)
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8. (2) 9. (1) 10. (3) 11. (4) 12. () 13. (4) 14. (3)
15. (3) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (4) 19. (3) 20. (4) 21. (1)
22. (4) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (2) 26. (1) 27. (3) 28. (1)
29. (1) 30. (3) 31. (1) 32. (1) 33. (21 v. (2) 3s. (1)
36. (2) 37. (3) 38. (1) 3e. (2) 40. (21 41. (3) 42. (4)
43. (3) 44. (2) 45. (21 46. (2) 47. (3) 48. (4) 4s. (41
50. (2) 51. (3) 52. (4) s3. (1) u. (3) s5. (1) s6. (3)
s7. (2) 58. (3) 5e. (1) 60. (4) 6'1. (1) 62. (3) 63. (1)
64. (3) 65. (4) 66. (2) 67 . (4) 68. (2t 6e. (21 70. (1)
71. (3) 72. (2) 73. (2) 74. (3) 75. (2) 76. (3) 77. (3)
78. (4) 79. (2\ 80. (4) 81. (3) 82. (1) 83. (4) u. (4)
85. (4) 86. (3) 87. (3) 88. (3) 89. (4) s0. (3) s1. (1)
e2. (4) 93. (4) e4. (4) 9s, (1) 96. (1) e7. (3) s8. (3)
ee (3) 100. (3) 101. (3) 102. (4) 103. (3) 1u. (2) 105. (2)
106. (3) 107. (3) 108. (3) 10e. (2) 1'10. (21 111. (3) 112. (31
113. (1) '114. (1) 11s. 0) 116. (1) 117. (1) 118. (4) 119. (4)
120. (11 121. (3) 122. (3) 123. (1) 124. (1) 12s. (2) 126. (1)
127. (2') 128. (3)
8. (21 s. (3) 10. (3) 11. (1) 12. l2l 13. (3) 14. (3)
22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (4) zo. (4) 27. (1) 28. (3)
29. (3) 30. (2) 31. (2) 32. (3) JJ- (4) u. (3) 35. (3)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (4) 39. (4) 40. (21 41. (3) 42. (1)
43. (1) 44. (3) 4s. (21 46. (3) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (3)
50. (3) 51. (4) 52. (21 53. (21 54. (4) 55. (21 56. (4)
57. (4) 58. (2\ 5e. (2) 60. (3) 61. (1) 62. (3) 63. (4)
u. (3) 6s. (3) 66. (3) 67. (3) 68. (1) 69. (4) 70. (1)
(21 72. (2\ 73. (1) 74. (2\ 75. (4) 76. (3) 77. (4)
78. (3) 7s. (2\ 80. (4) 81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (1) u. (4)
Aakash Educational Services h/t. Ltd. Regd. Offce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, Netrv Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
294 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
85. (3) 86. (1) 87. (3) 88. (1) 89. (21 e0. (21 91. (4)
s2. (3) e3. (2) e4. (4) 95. (4) vb. (3) s7. (1) 98. (3)
se. (3) 100. (4) 1o1. (2) 102. (4\ 103 (21 1M (21 '105. (1)
106. (3) 107. (1) 108. (1) 109. (4) 110 (3) 111. (1) 112. (3)
113. (3) 114.(4) 115. (1) 116. (1) 't17 (21 118. (3) 119. (3)
120. (4) 121. (2) 122. (1) 123. (1) 124 (1) 125. (2) 126. (3)
127. (3) 124. @l 12e. (4\ 130. (1) 131 (4) 132. (2) 133. (1)
1u. (2) 135. (1) 136. (2) 137. (1) 138 (4) 13s. (4) 140. (1)
141. (2\ 142. (4) 143. (4) 144. (2) 145 (3) 146. (21 147. (2)
148. (3) 149. (1) 1s0. (4) 151. (4) 152 (4) 153. (1) 1il. (4)
155. (4) 1s6. (4) 157. (4) 158. (2) 159 (4') 160. (3) 161. (4)
162. (41 163. (3) 1u. (4) 165. (1) 166 (1) 167. (4) '168. (41
16e. (3) 170. (4) 171. (2) 172. (2) 173 (2\ 174. (3\ 175. (4)
176. (21 177. (1\ 178. (1) 179. (4) 180 (1) 181. (3) 182. (1)
183. (1) 1u (41 185. (4) 186. (21 187 (2) 188. (3) 189. (3)
190 (2) 191. (4) 192. (3) 193. (21 1U. (1) 1es. (2) 196. (2\
1e7. (3)
8. (1) e (3) 10. (2) 11 (2) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14 (1)
Chapter 7 : Hydrocarbons
Sec{Ion A : Objec'tlve Type Questlons
1. (2) 2. (31 3. (2) 4. (21 s. (3) 6. (3) 7. (1)
8. (4) e. (1) 10. (4) 1.t. (3) 12. (4) 13. (3) 14. (?l
15. (4) 16. (3) ',t7. (3) .t8. (3) 1e. (4) n. (3) 21. et
2' (3) 23. (s) 24. (4) 2s. (1) 26. (4) 27. (21 28. (2)
n. €) 30. (1) 31. (1) 32. (2) 3:1. (1) 34. (2) 35. (1)
36. (4) 37. (21 38. (4) 3e. (2) 40. (4) 41. (1) 42. (4)
4i). (1) 44. (3) 45. (1) $. (1) 47. (1) l{8. (4) 4e. (4)
so. (3) s1. (4) 52. (3) 53. (1) 54. (2) s5. (3) s6. (4)
57. (4) 58. (2) 5s. (21 60. (3) 61. (1) 62. (4) 63. (3)
u. (3) 65. (3) 66. (1) 67. (1) 68. (4) 6e. (3) 70. (1)
7',t. (2) 72. (1) 73. (1) 74. (2) 75. (21 76. (2) 17. (21
78. (4) 7e. (3) 80. (21 81. (3) 82. (1) 83. (2) u. (3)
85. (3) 86. (3) 87. (3) 88. (2) 8e. (1) e0. (3) e1. (1)
Last Leap lor NEET (Partl) Answers 295
92. (2\ 93. (2\ 94. (21 95. (2\ e6. (1) s7. (2) e8. (21
99. (3) 100. (3) 101. (3) 102. (4) 103. (4) 104. (1) 10s. (2)
106. (1) 107. (3) 108. (2) 109. (3) 110. (1) 111. (s) 112. (1)
113. (2) 114. (3) 11 5. (2) 116. (4) 117. (1) 118. (4) 119. (2)
120. (3) 121. (11 122. (3) 123. (4) 124. (2) 125. (2) 126. (2)
127 . (1) 128. (3) 't29. (4) 130. (2) 131. (1) 132. (3) 133. (3)
134. (2) 135. (4) 136. (4) 137. (11 138. (4) 139. (4) 140. (2)
141. (4) 142. (3\ 143. (2) 144. (21 145. (3) 146. (1) 147. (2')
't48. (1) 149. (2\ 150. (2) 151. (1) 152. (3) 153. (4) 1U. (2\
155. (2\ 1s6. (3) 't57 . (3) 1s8. (2) 159. (3) 160. (4) 161. (21
162. l2l 163. (3) 1. (3) 16s. (3) 166. (1) 167. (3) 168. (3)
169. (4) 170. 12) 171 . (2') 172. (41 173. (4) 174. (3\ 17s. (2\
8. (4) e. (1) 10. (3) 11. (3) 12 (1) lJ. (1) (3)
'rs. (1) 16. (1) 17. (21 18. (4) 19 (4) 20. (1)
Chapter 1 : Biological Classification
Section A : Objective Type Questions
1. (3) 2. (41 3. (2) 4. (4) 5 (3) 6. (2) 7. (1)
8. (21 e (3) 10. (1) 11. (41 12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (1)
'15. (4) '16. (41 17. (3) 18. (4) 1e. (1) 20. (3) 21 (3)
22. (4) 23 (4) 24. (1) 25. (2) 26. (3) 27 . (4) 28. (3)
29. (3) 30. (1) 31. (3) JZ. (2) 33. (3) u. (4) 3s. (2)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (3) 41. (1) 42. (21
43. (2) 44. (3) 4s. (4) 46. (1) 47. (3) 48. (2\ 4s. (3)
50. (3) 51. (1) s2. (2) 53. (2) u. (3) 55. (4) 56. (2)
57. (2) 58. (3) 5e. (4) 60. (2) 6'1. (2) 62. (4) 63. (4)
64. (3) 65. (4) 66. (3) 67. (21 68. (3) 6s. (1) 70. (3)
71. (41 72. (3) 73. (1) 74. (2') 75. (1) 76. (3) 77. (4)
78. (4) 7e. (3) 80. (1) 81. (4) 82. (21 83. (1) u. (1)
85. (3) 86. (2\ 87. (3) 88. (3) 8e. (1) e0. (4) s1. (2)
92. (3) e3. (3) s4. (1) 95. (3) e6. (3) 97. (1) e8. (1)
99 (4) 100. (4) 101. (4) 102 (3) 103. (4) 1U. (2) 10s. (3)
106 (1) 107. (4) 108. (1) 109 (4) 110. (1) 111. (3) 112. (3\
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-'110005 Ph.011-47623456
296 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
113. (2) 114. (21 11s. (4) 116. (1) 117. (4) 118. (2) 119. (2)
120. (1) 121. (3) 122. (1) 123. (3) 124. (2) 125. (4') 126. (3)
127. (11 128. (2) 129. (11 130. (3) 131. (4) 132. (3) 133. (4)
1u. (11 135. (3) 136. (4) 137. (41 138. (3) 13s. (2) 140. (1)
141. (2) 142. (21 143. (4) 144. (3) 14s. (1) 146. (2\ 147. (3)
148. (4) 149. (11 150. (3) 151. (2) 152. (4') 153. (3) 1U. (21
1ss. (4) 156 (3) 1s7. (3) 1s8. (2) 1s9. (2) 160. (3) 161. (4)
162. (41 163. (1) 164. (1) 16s. (2) 166. (3) 167. (1) 168. (2)
16s. (1) 170. (3) 171. (2) 172. (2) 173. (21 174. (1) 175. (21
176. (1) 177. (4) 178. (4) 17e. (1) 180. (2) 181. (1) 182. (4)
183. (2) 1U. (2) 185. (1) 186. (3) 187. (1) 188. (3) 189. (4)
1s0. (3) 1e1. (2) 1e2. (21 1e3. (3) 1%. (4) 1e5. (3) 1e6. (2)
197. (3) 1e8. (3) 199. (2) 200. (2) 201. (1) 202. (41 203. (2)
2u. (31 205. (1) 206. (4\ 207. (1\ 208. (4) 20e. (1) 210. (2)
211. (3) 212. (2') 213. (2) 214. (2\ 215. (3) 216. (2) 217. (4)
218. (4) 219. (3) 220. (4) 221. (2) 222. (2') 223. (3) 224. (4)
225. (4\ 226. (3\ 227. (3) 228. (2) 22s. (1) 230. (4) 231. (3)
232. (31 233. (3) 2v. (1) 235. (3) 236. (4) 237. (2\ 2u (21
239. (1) 240. (3') 241. (4) 242. (2) 243. (3) 244 (2) 245. (3)
246 (4) 247. (2) 248. (2) 24e. (2) 2s0. (1) 251 . (2\ 252. (1)
253. (2) zil (41 2ss. (3) 2s6. (1) 257. (4) 258. (4\ 25s. (4)
260. (1) 261. (21 262. (31 263. (3) 2u (41 265. (21 266. (3)
267. (4) 268. (3) 269. (21 270. (3) 271. (4) 272. (4) 273. (3)
274. (1) 275. (2) 276. (2) 277. (21 278. (3\ 279. (21 280. (2)
281. (3) 282. (3) 283. (3) 2u (4) 285. (21 286. (3) 287. (1)
2ffi (4) 289. (2) 290. (4) 2e1. (1) 2s2. (3) 2e3. (2) 2s4. (3)
295. (1) 2e6. (21 297. (1) 2s8. (1) 2se. (3) 300. (4) 301. (4)
302. (3) 303. (3) 304. (4) 305. (3) 306. (4) 307. (2) 308. (3)
30e (2) 310. (2) 311. (3) 312. 14) 313. (1) 314. (1) 31s. (4)
316. (1) 317. (1) 318. (4) 319. (3) 32o. (2\ 321. (21 322. (3',)
323. (1) 324 (2) 325. () 326. (1) 327. (21 328. (3) 329. (4)
330. (3) 331 . (4) 332. (3) 333. (2) 334 (4) 335. (4) 336. (4)
337. (2) 338. (1) 33e. (1) 340. (3) u1 (2) u2. (31 343. (1)
u4. (2) 345. (3) u6 (21 y7. (1) 348 (4) ve. (2) 350. (3)
351. (2) 352. (4) 3s3. (2) 354. (3) 3s5. (3) 356. (2) 357. (1)
358. (2) 35e. (2) 360. (2) 361. (2) 362. (2) 363. (2) 3e1. G)
365. (1) 366. (1) 367. (1) 368. (2) 36e. (1) 370. (4) 371. (1)
372. (3) 373. (4) 374. (41 375. (2\ 376 (2) 377. (1) 378. (3)
Atk sh Educ.tional SeMces AA Ld. Regd. O,nce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, l,lelv Delhi-lj OOOS ph.O11-47623456
Last Leap for NEET (Partl) Answers N7
379. (3) 380. (1) 381. (2) 382. (3) 383. (2) 384. (3) 385. (1)
386. (21 387. (4) 388. (4) 38s (3) 390. (2) 3e1. (1) 392. (4)
393. (1) 3e4. (4) 3s5. (4) 396.(1) 397. (4) 398. (3) 399. (3)
400. (4) 401. (2) 402. 12) 403. (3) 404. (3) 405. (3) 406. (1)
407. (4) 408. (4) 40e. (1) 410. (2\ 411. (2\ 412. (3) 413. (1)
414. (3) 415. (3) 416. (3) 417. (3) 418. (4) 419. (4) 420. (2')
421. (4) 422. (3) 423. (31 424. (3) 425. (3) 426. (2) 427. (1)
428. (4) 42s. (3) 430. (3) 431. (4) 432. (21 433. (1) 4u. (2)
435. (2) 436. (3) 437. (3) 438. (3) 43s. (1) 440. (2) 441. (2)
442. (2\ 443. (3) 444. (2) 44s. (3) 446 (41 447 (2) 448 (4)
449. (3) 4so. (2) 451. (3) 452 (4) 4s3. (3) 4il. (1) 455. (3)
8. (3) e. (1) 10. (2) 11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (4)
22. (1) 23. (4) 24. (2) 25. (3) zo. (2) 27. (1) 28. (1)
29. Ql 30. (4) 31. (2\ 32. (4) 33. (3) u. (4) 35. (21
36. (3) 37. (2) 38. (2) 39. (2) 40. (3) 41, (3) 42. (4)
8. (2) 9. (1) 10. (21 11. (3) 12. (21 13. (2\ 14. (3)
15. (2) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (21 1e. (1) 20. (4) 21. (4)
22. Q) 23. (3) 24. (21 25. (3) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (4)
2s. (2) 30. (3) 31. (2) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (3) 35. (21
36. (4) 37. (4) 38. (3) 39. (3) 40. (1) 41. (21 42. (4)
43. (1) 44. (2) 45. (4) 46. (2) 47 . (21 48. (1) 49. (3)
50. (3) s l. (21 52. (2\ 53. (3) 54. (4) 55. (2) 56. (?)
s7. (4) s8. (3) 59. (3) 60. (2\ 61. (3) 62. (21 63. (3)
64. (3) 65. (4) 66. (2) 67. (4) 68. (21 69. (1) 70. (3)
71. (3) 72. (3) 73. (1) 74. (4) 75. (1) 76. (3) 77. (4)
78. (4) 7s. (4) 80. (3) 81. (4) 82. (1) 83. (3) 84. (3)
8s. (4) 86. (2) 87. (2) 88. (3) 8e. (1) 90. (3) 91. (3)
s2. 12\ s3. (3) 94. (1) 95. (4) e6. (21 97. (2\ 98. (1)
es. (1) 100. (1) 101 (1) 102. (2) 103. (2) 104 (4) 105 (3)
Aakash Educationat Services hn. Ltd. Regd O,fice :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi110005 Ph.01147623456
298 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
106. (1) 107. (4) 108. (1) 10e. (2) 110. (3) 111. (3) 112. (3)
113. (21 114. (1) 115. (21 116. (3) 117 (2) 118. (2) 11s. (4)
120. (3) 121. (1) 122. (3) 123. (21 124. (41 12s. (3) 126. (2\
127. (31 128. (4) 12e. (1') 130. (4) 131. (s) 132. (3) 133. (3)
134. (1) 135. (4) 136. (3) 137. (4) 138. (2) 139. (1) 140. (2)
141. (4) 142. (3) 143. (1) 144 (41 145. (1) 146. (4) 147. (2)
148. (3) 149. (4) 150. (3) 151. (2) 152. (1) 153. (1) 1s4. (3)
155. (3) 1s6. (3) 157. (2) 1s8. (4) 1s9. (2) 160. (3) 161. (4)
162. (21 163. (2) 164. (1) 165. (1) 166. (1) 167. (3) 168. (3)
169. (4) 170. (1) 171. (31 172. (2) 173. (3) 174 (2\ 17s. (1)
't76. (4) 177. (3) 178. (4) 179. (3) 180. (2) 181. (1) 182. (4)
18s. (1) 184. (1) 185. (4) 186. (3) 187. (1) 188. (2) 18e. (2)
1e0. (4) 191. (1) 192. (4\ 1e3. (2) 194. (2) 195. (1) 196. (1)
197. (21 198. (1) 199. (3) 2Oo. (21 201. (4) 202. (4) 203. (3)
2u. (4) 2o5. (21 206. (3) 207. (1) 208. (1) 2Os. (41 210. (2)
211. (2\ 212. (4) 213. (2) 214. (4\ 215. (2) 216. (41 217. (2)
218. (3) 219. (2\ 22o. (21 221. (1) 222. (4) 223. (4) 224. (1)
225. (1) 226. (2) 227. (1) 228. (21 22s. (3) 230. (4) 231. (11
232. (41 233. (1) 2y. (1\ 235. (41 236. (1) 237. (1) 238. (4)
239. (2) 240. (31 241. (4) 242. (1) 243. (3) 244. (4\ 245. (11
246. (31 247. (2\ 248. (2) 249. (4) 250. (3) 251. (3) 252. (1)
253. (1) 2il. (41 25s. (3) 2ffi. (2) 257. (21 25s. (1) 25s. (1)
260. (1) 261. (3) 262. (1) 263. (1) 2u (2) 265. (1) 266. (3)
267. (2) 268. (21 26e. (3) 270. (2) 271. (3) 272. (2) 273. (2)
274. (31 27s. (2) 276. (2) 277. (2') 278. (2) 27s. (31 280. (3)
281 . (2) 282. (3\ 283. (3) 2u. (3) 285. (1) 286. (2) 287. (4)
288. (21 28e. (3) 2e0. (1) 2e1. (2) 2s2. (4) 2s3. (2\ 2u.. (1)
29s. (3) 296. (1) 297. (2\ 2e8. (4) zss. (21 300. (3) 301. (3)
302. (4) 303. (3) 304. (1) 305. (3) 306. (3) 307. (2\ 308. (2)
30e. (3) 310. (4) 311. (3) 312. (4) 313. (3) 314. (1\ 315. (4)
316. (3) 317. (2) 318. (3) 31e. (4) 320. (2) 321. (1) 322. (3)
323. (4) 324. (11 32s. (3) 326. (4) 327 (41 32s. (3) 32e. (3)
330. (3) 331. (3) 332. (1) s33. (1) 334. (1) 335. (2) 336. (4)
337. (3) 338. (2) 339. (4) 340 (4) u1 . (4) U2. (11 343 (4)
344 (3) 34s. (1) u6. (2) y7. (3) 348. (1) 349. (4) 350. (2)
351. (3) 352. (3) 3s3. (2) 354. (1) 35s. (2) 356. (4) 357. (4)
358. (3) 3s9. (2) 360. (2) 361. (4) 362. (3) 363. (2) 364 (3)
365. (4) 366. (1) 367. (4) 368. (1) 369. (3) 370. (2) 371. (4)
{f!et earcrflomt S.l.lcos hrt Ltd. Regd. O,ric€ : AalGsh Tot €r, 8, Pusa Road, N6^, De*li-ilo(ps pttOli.(7€A34f6
Last Leap for NEET (Part-l) Answers 299
15. (4) 16. (21 17. (1) 18 (2) 19 (4) 20 (1) 21 (2)
22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (1) 25 (1) 26 (3) 27 (3) 28 (21
29. (3)
8. 0) e (2) 'r0. (3) 1'1. (4) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4)
15. (2) 16. (3) 17 . \2) 18. (4) 19. (21 20. (3) 21 . (1)
22. (2) 23. () 24. (3) 25. (1) 26. (3) 27. (21 28. (4)
29. (1) 30. (4) 31. (3) 32. (3) JJ. (4) 34. (1) 3s. (4)
36. (1) 37 . (2\ 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (3) 41. (4) 42. (3)
43. (21 44. (4) 4s. (2\ 46. (4) 47. (3) 48. (4) 4e. (4)
50. (3) 51. (1) 52. (2\ 53. (3) u. (3) 55. (4) s6. (41
57. (3) 58. (2) 5e. (3) 60. (4\ 6'1. (4) 62. (3) 63. (3)
u. (1) 65. (2\ 66. (4) 67. (2) 68. (2') 69. (4) 70. (1)
71. (4) 72. (4) 73. (4) 74. (3) 75. (1) 76. (2) 77. (1)
78. (4) 7s. (1) 80. (4) 81. (3) 82. (4) 83. (3) u. (2)
85. (1) 86. (3) 87. (2\ 88. (3) 89. (4) 90. (3) 9'r. (3)
92. (21 e3. (3) s4. (3) 95. (3) 96. (4) 97. (2) e8. (4)
99. (4) 100. (2) 't01. (2) 102. (3) 103. (3) 104. (2\ 10s. (4)
106 (3) 107. (3) 108. (4) '109. (4) 1'10. (3) 111 . (2\ 112. (4)
113. (4) 114. (2\ 115. (2\ 116. (3) 117 . (4) 1't8. (2) 119. (1)
120 (41 121. (1) 122. (3) 123. (4) 124 (1) 125. (3) 126. (4)
127 (1) 128. (2) 129. (1\ 130. (3) '131 (3) 132. (2) 133. (2)
1U (21 135. (2) 136. (1) 137. (1) 138 (3) 139. (1) 140. (3)
141 (4) 142. (41 143. (3) 144. (3) 145 (2) 146. (3) 147. (4\
148 (3) 149. (3) 150. (3) 151. (3) 152 (4) 153. (1) 1s4. (4)
155 (4) 156. (4) 157. (2\ 158. 12\ 159 (3) 160. (21 161. (3)
162 (41 163. (1) 1u (2) 165. (2) 166 (4) 167 . (3) 168. (3)
169 (3) 170. (21 171. (2) 172. (4) 173 (2) 174. (3) 175. (3)
176 (2) 177. (2) 178. (1) 179. (3) 180 (2) 181. (4) 182. (2\
183 (4) 184. (1) 185. (2) 186 (2) 187 (3) 188. (4) 189. (1)
190 (1) 1s1. (2) 192. (11 193 (2) 194 (4) 195. (3) 1s6. (2)
197 () 1e8. (4) lse. (3) 200 (3) 201 (1) 202. (3) 203. (3)
2U (4) 2o5. (41 206. (2) 207 (3) 208 (1) 209. (4) 210. (3)
211 (1) 212. (2') 213. (3) 214 (2) 215 (21 216. (1) 217. (2)
218 (1) 219. (2) 220 (21 221 (3) 222 (3) 223. (21 224. (3)
225 (3) 226. (1) 227. (4\
Aakash Educational Services h.t. Ltd. Regd Ofifice :Aakash To,ver, 8, Pusa Road, Naw Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
300 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
92. (1) e3. (1) s4. (3) 95. (4) 96. (4) 97. (1) 98. (4)
99. (3) 100. (3) 101. (4) 102 (3) 103 (21 104 (41 10s. (4)
106. (3) 107. (4) 108. (3) 109 (1) 'l'10. (21 111. (2) 112. (3)
113. (1) 114. (4\ 115. 12) 116 (4) 1't7. (2\ 118 (2) 119. (2)
120. (2) 121. (3) 122. (21 123 (1) 124 (2) 't25 (3) 126. (3)
127 . (21 128. (4\ 129. (2) 130 (1) 131 (3) 132 (3) 133. (1)
1U. (2) 135. (1) 136. (1) 137 (3) 138 (2) 139 (2) 140. (21
141. (1) 142. (3) 143. (3) 144 (4) 145 (1) 146 (4) 147 . (2)
148. (3) 14s. (3) 1s0. (3) 151 (3) 152. (3) 153 (2) 1v. (4)
't55. (4) 156. (1) 157. (3) 158 (2) 159 (4) 160. (1) 161. (4)
162. (4) 163. (4) 164. (4) 165 (21 166. (2) 167 . (1) 168. (4)
169. (4) 170. (1) 171. (3) 172 (1) 173. (4) 174. (3) 175. (1)
176. (1) 177. (4) 178. (1) 179 (3) 180. (4) 181. (2\ 182. (4)
'183. (1) 184. (1) 185. (4) 186. (21 187. (2) 188. (21 189. (4)
190. (2) 1e1. (4) 192. (1) 193. (4) 194. (3) 195. (3) 196. (2)
197. (1) 1e8. (2) 199. (1) 200. (4) 201 . (2)
99. (1) 100. (3) 10',t. (2) 102. (4') 103. (1) 104. (3) 10s. (2)
106. (1) 107. (3) 108. (2) 10s. (4) 110. (2\ 111. (1) 112. (3)
113. @ 114. (4) 115. (1) 116. (3) 117 . (2) 118. (2\ 119. (3)
120. (1) 121. (2) 122. (1) 123. (4) 124. (3) 12s. (3) 126. (1)
127. (2) 12t3. 14) 1n. e) 130. (3) 131. (21 132. (3) 133. (2)
lU. (3) 135. (4) 136. (1) 137. (1) 138. (1) 139. (4) 140. (2)
141 (4)
. 142. (3) 143. (1) 144. (3) 't45. (2\ 146. (3) 147. (2)
148. (2) 14e. (1) 150. (1) 1s1. (2) 152. (21 1s3. (1) 154. (1)
155. (3) 156. (1). 157. (1) 158. (2) 159. (4) 160. (1) 161. (3)
162. (21 163. (4) 164. (1) 16s. (1) 166. (21 167. (2) 168. (4)
169. (1) 170. (3) 171. (2) 172. (2) 173. (21 174. (4) 175. (2)
176. (4) 1n. Q) 178. (1) 17s. (2) 180. (21 181. (4) 182. (2)
183. (1) 184. (3) 18s. (4) 186. (1) '187 . (4) 188. (1) 18e. (4)
190. (2) 1e1. (3) 1e2. (4) 1e3. (1) 194. (1) 1es. (2) 1s6. (4)
197 (1)
. 1e8. (2) 1ee. (3) 2N (4) 201 . (1) 202. (41 203. (4)
2U. (3) 205. (3) 206. (2) 207. (4) 208. (4) 209. (3) 210. (2)
21't (21
. 212. 14) 213. (3) 214. (41 215. (3) 216. (21 217. (2)
218. (2) 21s. (2) 20. (2) 221. (3') 222. (41 223. (21 224. (1)
225. (2) %. (4) 27. (1) 228. (41 229. (3) 230. (3) 231. (1)
232. (2) 233. (2) 2v. (2) 23s. (1) 236. (3) 237. (21 238. (1)
235. (3) 2q. e) 241. (4) 242. (3) 243. (1) 244. (21 245 (4)
246. (3) 247. (1) 24€. (4) 24e. (3) 250. (3) 251. (2\ 252. (3)
253. (3) 2s. (2\ 255. (1) 256. (3) 257 . (3) zfi. (2\ 25s. (4)
260. (4) 261. (1) 262. (31 263. (1) 2U. (4) 265. (4) 266. (3)
Aak*h ffi Ar*ash Trrei, I, Pusa Road, Nai, D€tFl I (m5 Ph.011 -(7&X36
302 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
15. (3) 16. (1) 17. (1) 18. (4) 19. (4\ 20. (3) 21 . (1)
22. (2\ 23. (2) 24 . (4) 25 . (4) 26. (2) 27 . (4) 28. (1)
2s. (3) 30. (1) 3'r . (1) 32. (1) (3) 34. (21 35 (3)
36. (2\ 37 . (2\ 38. (1) 39. (2\ 40. (3) 41. (1) 42. (3)
43. (3) 44. (3) 45. (4) 46. (4) 47. (2) 48. (4) 4e. (1)
50. (1) s1 (2') 52. (21 53. (3) 54. (41 55. (2) s6. (4)
57. (4t 58 (41 5e. (3) 60. (2) ot. (3) 62. (2) 63. (3)
64. (4) 65. (21 66. (3) 67. (3) 68. (4) 6e. (1) 70. (2)
71. (2) 72. (41 73. (2) 74. (4) 75. (4) 76. (1) .
77 (4)
78. (2) 7e. (3) 80. (2) 81. (4\ 82. (2) 83. (1) u. (3)
85. (1) 86 (2) 87. (2) 88. (21 89. (3) 90. (4) e1 (2)
e2. (4) s3 (3) e4. (3) e5 (4) 96 (1) 97. (3) 98. (4\
es. (3) 100. (2) 101. (4) 102. (1\ 103. (21 104. (1) 10s. (3)
106. (4) 107. (41 108. (4) 10e. (2) 110. (21 111. (41 112. (21
'113. (2\ 114. (41 11s. (3) 116. (21 't17 . (1) 118. (3) 11s. (21
120. (3) 121. (2) 122. (2) 123. (1) 124. (1) 125. (1) 126. (4)
127. (3) 128. (1\ 129. (4) 130. (4) (1) 132. (3) 133. (4)
1U. (2) 135. (3) 136. (1) 137. (4) 138. (4) 13e. (1) 140. 12)
141. (3) 142. (2) 143. (2) 144. (2) 145. (3) 146. (3) 147. (4)
148. (2\ 149. (4) 150. (2) 151. (2') 152. (2) 1s3. (3) 1s4. (3)
155. (1) 1s6. (2) 157. (4) 1s8. (21 159. (4) 160. (3) 161. (3)
162. (21 163. (4) 1u. (21 165. (2) 166. (1) 167. (3) 168. (4)
16e. (1) 170 (3) 171 . (3\ 172. (2) 173. (2\ 174. (4) 175. (3)
176. (4) 177. (2) 178. (3) 179. (2\ 180 (1) 181. (1) 182 (2)
183. (3) 184. (1) 18s. (3) 186. (1) 187 . (4) 188. (4) 189 (3)
190. (1) 1e1. (3) 192. (2\ 1e3. (2) 194. (1) 1e5. (3) 1e6. (3)
197. (41 198. (2) les. (1) 200. (4) 201 . (21 202. (41 203. (3)
2u. (31 205 (4) 206. (3) 2o7. (3\ 208. (41 209. (21 210. ('tl
211. (3) 212. (4) 213. (1) 214. (1) (4) 216. (2) 217. (1)
218. (3) 21e. (41 22o. (1) 221. (2) 222. (1) 223. (4) 224. (3)
22s. (4) 226. (2) 227. (2)
Aakaah Hucadonal Sorvices hrt. Ltd. Regd. Ofica : Aak6h Toiver, 8, Pusa Road, New Dethi-1 1 0005 Ph.011{7623456
Last Leap for NEET ( Part-l) Answers 303
8. (3) s (2) 10. (3) 11. (3) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (4)
15. (4) 16. (4) 17. (1) 18. (3) 19. (4) 20. (3) 21. (1)
2.. (2) 23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (2) zo. (4) 27. (2\ 28. (4)
2s. (1) 30. (4) 31. (4) 32. (1) JJ. (4) v. (2) 35. (2)
36. (2) 37. (3) 38. (1) 39. () 40. (2) 41. (1) 42. (3)
43. (2) M. (1) 45. (4) 46. (2) 47. (3) 48. (3) 49. (4)
50. (4) s1. (2) 52. (2) 53. (3) 54. (3) 55. (2) 56. (1)
s7. (4) 58. (4) 5s. (3) 60. (4) 61. (1) oz- (2) t)J. (4)
64. (4) 65. (2) 66. (3) 67. (1) 68. (21 69. (4) 70. (2)
71. (2) 72. (2) 73. (3) 74. (3) 75. (4) 76. (1) 77. (3)
78. (1) 7s. (1) 80. (21 81. (4) 82. (2) 83. (3) u. (2)
85. (2) 86. (3) 87. (2) 88. (3) 89. (4) 90. (3) 91. (4)
e2. (1) s3. (3) s4. 0) 95. (2') 96. (3) 97. (2) 98. (4)
ss. (1) 100. (4) 101. (1) 102. (4) 103. (3) 1U. (3) 105. (2\
106. (1) 107. (2) 108. (2) '109. (2) 110. (3) 111. (2) 112. (2)
113. (3) 114. (41 115. (1) 116. (3) 117. (4) 118. (2\ 119. (2)
120. (2) 121. (2) 122. (3) 123. (1) 124. (3) 125. (2) 126. (1)
127. 12) 128. (2) 12e. (4) 130. (4) 131. (3) 132. (4) 133. (1)
134. (4) 135. (2) 136. (3) 137 . (1) 138. (4) 139. (3) 140. (3)
't41. (41 142. (1) 143. (1) 144. (3) 145. (3) 146. (3) 147 . (2)
148. (3) 14e. (2) 150. (4) 151. (3) 152. (4) 153. (3) 1*. (3)
155. (1) 156. (4) 't57. (2') 158 (2') 159 (4) '160, (1) 161. (4)
162. (2) 163. (4) 1U (2) 165 (1) 166. (3) 167 (4) 168. (2)
16e. (4) 170. (2) 171. (4) 172 (1) 173 (3) 174 (4) 175. (2)
176. 0) 177. (3) 178. 0) (1) 180 (2') 181 (2) 182. (3)
183. (2) 184 (3) 185. (4) 186 (1) 187 (2) 188 (3) 189. (1)
190. (3)
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, B, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623y'.fi
304 Answers Last Leap for NEET (Part-l)
Chapter I : Ecosystem
Sec{on A : Objec.tlye Type Questlons
1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4 (21 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (3)
8. (1) e. (4) 10. (3) 11. (21 12 (1) 'r3. (1) 't4. (4\
15. (21 16. (3) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19 (4) 20. (1) 21. (1)
22. (2) 23. (1) 24. (4) 2s. (2) 26 (2\ 27. (2) 28. (3)
29. (3) 30. (1) 31. (21 32. (1) 33 (2) v. 0) 35. (4)
36. (4) 37. (4) 38. (4) 3e. (3) 40 (3) 41. (3) 42. (3)
43. (2) 44. (2) 4s. (3) 46. (3) 47 (4) 48. (21 49. (3)
50. (1) s1. (4) s2. (4) 53. (2) il (4) 5s. (3) 56. (2)
57. (3) s8. (4) se. (3) 60. (2) 61. (1) 62. (3) 63. (4)
64. (1) 65. (21 66. (2) 67. (3) 68. (3) 6e. (2) 70. (4\
71, (21
tr D D
Aokash Educatlonal Se.vices hd. Ltd. Regd Orf,ce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Oethi-11ooos ph,011-47623456