Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
Single Correct Type Questions 5. For the reaction 3O2 → 2O3; ∆H = +ve, we can say:
1. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) O3 is more stable than O2
(1) The entropy of the universe decreases and (2) O3 is less stable than O2
increases at a periodic rate (3) Both are equally stable
(2) The entropy of the universe increases and (4) Formation of O3 is exothermic
tends towards the maximum value
(3) For endothermic spontaneous processes the 6. In which of the following process ∆H and ∆U are
total entropy change decreases of same magnitude
(4) The entropy of the universe decreases and (1) Evaporation of CCl4 (l)
tends to zero
(2) CaCO3 (s) → CaO(s) + CO2 (g)
(3) NH4 Cl(s) → NH4 Cl(g)
2. Calculate magnitude of the work done by system in
(4) 2HI(g) → H2 (g)+ I2 (g)
an irreversible (single step) adiabatic expansion of
1 mole of a polyatomic gas from 300K and pressure
7. The heat capacity of a diatomic ideal gas subjected
10 atm to 1 atm.( = 1.33).
to a process such that absolute temperature is
(1) 1.683 kJ (2) 3.36 kJ
proportional to cube of its volume is given by :
(3) 4.24 kJ (4) 0.84 kJ
5R 7R
(1) (2)
3. The heat of neutralization of a strong acid by a 2 2
strong base is a constant for all strong acids and 17R 3R
(3) (4)
strong bases because: 6 2
(1) The strong acid and strong base react
completely 8. The work done (calories) in adiabatic compression
(2) The strong acid and strong base dissociate of 2 moles of ideal monoatomic gas against
completely and only H+ and OH– ions react in constant external pressure of 2 atm starting from
every case initial pressure of 1 atm and initial temperature of
(3) The salt formed undergoes hydrolysis 300 K.
(4) None of these (R = 2cal / mole degree)
(1) 360
4. Statement-1: Adiabatic free expansion of any (2) 720
substance in a closed system will not cause any (3) 800
change in temperature of the substance. (4) 1000
Statement-2: In adiabatic free expansion of any
substance in a closed system, internal energy will 9. Calculate magnitude of resonance energy of CO2(g)
remain constant. from the following data.
(1) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and Hcombustion of CO = –280 kJ / mole
statement-2 is correct explanation for Hf CO = –120 kJ/mol
statement-1. Hatomisation of C(graphite)= 720 kJ / mole
(2) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and HBE O = O = 500 kJ mol–1
statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for HBE C = O = 710 kJ /mol
(1) 200 Kj
(3) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(2) 220 kJ
(4) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
(3) 140 kJ
(4) 100 kJ
10. What will be Hneutralization of H2C2O4 with NaOH can be released at constant pressure if total 2600
per mole of H2C2O4 if acid is assumed to be gm of A and B are taken is given by
completely unionized in the solution? (1) 200 kJ (2) 1800 kJ
(Given Hionization (H2C2O4) = 20 kJ/mol) (3) 900 kJ (4) 450 kJ
(1) 37.5 kJ/mole (2) – 75 kJ/mole
(3) – 95 kJ/mole (4) –37.5 kJ/mole 15. If a certain mass of gas is made to undergo
separately adiabatic and isothermal expansions to
1 the same pressure, starting from the same initial
11. H2 (g) + O2 (g) → H2 O(l) conditions of temperature and pressure, then, as
compared to that of isothermal expansion, in the
BE (H – H) = x1; BE(O = O) = x2
case of adiabatic expansion, the final
BE(O – H) = x3
(1) Volume and temperature will be higher
Latent heat of vaporization of water liquid into
(2) Volume and temperature will be lower
water vapour = x4, then ∆f H (heat of formation of (3) Temperature will be lower but the final
liquid water) is volume will be higher
(1) x1 + 2 – x3 + x4 (4) Volume will be lower but the final
2 temperature will be higher
(2) 2 x3 – x1 – 2 – x4
2 16. Match column I with column II
x Column-I Column-II
(3) x1 + 2 – 2 x3 – x4
2 (A) Enthalpy (p) Intensive property
x (B) Temperature (q) Path function
(4) x1 + 2 – 2 x3 + x4
2 (C) Free energy (r) Function of U, P and
12. The dissolution of NH4Cl in water is endothermic (D) Work (s) State function
even though NH4Cl dissolves in water A B C D
spontaneously. Which one of the following best (1) P R Q S
explains this behaviour? (2) Q R P R
(1) The bonds on solid NH4Cl are weak (3) R, S P, S S, R Q
(2) The entropy-driving force causes dissolution (4) S P Q R
(3) Endothermic processes are energetically
favourable 17. A solution of 500 mL of 2M KOH is added to 500
(4) The dissolving process is unrelated to energy mL of 2M HCl and the mixture is well shaken. The
rise in temperature T1 is noted. The experiment is
13 H2(g) + 1⁄2 O2(g) → H2O(l); ∆H⊖ = –68 kcal then repeated using 250 mL of each solution and
K(s) + H2 O(l) + aq → KOH(aq) + 1⁄2 H2; ∆H⊝ = rise in temperature T2 is again noted. Assume all
–48 kcal heat is taken up by the solution:
KOH(s) + aq → KOH(aq); ∆H⊝ = –14 kcal (1) T1 = T2
From the above data, the standard heat of formation (2) T1 is 2 times as larger as T2
of KOH in kcal is (3) T2 is twice larger as T1
(1) –68 + 48 – 14 (2) –68 – 48 + 14 (4) Cannot be predicted
(3) 68 – 48 + 14 (4) 68 + 48 + 14
Integer Type Questions
14. Two solids A and B having molar masses 200 & 18. Water expands when it freezes. Determine amount
300 react to form another solid C as shown. of work in joules, done when a system consisting
2A(s) + 3B(s) ⎯→ C(s) of 1.0 L of liquid water freezes under a constant
If Hcombustion of A, B and C are –200 , –300 & pressure of 1.0 atm and forms 1.1 L of ice.
magnitude of work
–400 kJ respectively then maximum heat which
19. Oxygen is heated from 300 K to 600 K at a constant C2H4(g) + H2(g) → C2H6(g)
pressure of 1 bar. What is the increase in molar Data :
entropy? The molar heat capacity in JK–1 mol–1 for Bond C – C C=C C–H H–H
the O2 is. Bond 336.81 606.68 410.87 431.79
CP = 25.5 + 13.6 × 10–3 T – 42.5 × 10–7 T2 Enth kJ/mol kJ/mol kJ/mol kJ/mol
20. Fixed amount of an ideal gas contained in a sealed
rigid vessel (V = 24.6 litre) at 1.0 bar is heated 24. The heat of combustion of formaldehyde(g) is
reversibly from 27°C to 127°C. Determine change –134 kcal mole-1 and the heat of combustion of
in Gibb's energy (in Joule) if entropy of gas paraformaldehyde(s) is –122 kcal per (1/n)
S= 10 + 10–2 T (J/K). Report only magnitude. (CH2O)n. Calculate the heat of polymerization of
formaldehyde to paraformaldehyde. report only
1 1 magnitude.
21. The heat of reaction H2(g) + Cl2(g) ⎯⎯
2 2
HCl(g) at 27°C is –22.1 kcal. Calculate the heat of 25. From the following data,
reaction at 77°C. The molar heat capacities at C(graphite) + O2(g) → CO2(g) H°rxn = – 390 kJmol–1
constant pressure at 27°C for hydrogen, chlorine &
HCl are 6.82, 7.70 & 6.80 cal mol–1 respectively. H2(g) + O2(g) → H2O(l) H°rxn = – 285 kJmol–1
Report only magnitude.
2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) H°rxn
22. At 298 K, H°combustion (sucrose) = – 5737 kJ/mol = – 3120 kJmol–1
& G°combustion (sucrose) = –6333 kJ/mol. Estimate Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction
additional non-PV work that is obtained by raising 2C(graphite) + 3H2(g) → C2H6(g)
temperature to 310 K. Assume rCP = 0 for this
temperature change.
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