Minor Test - 1
Minor Test - 1
Minor Test - 1
[Time : 3 Hrs. 20 Min.] Full Marks : 720
^ ^ ^
04. If n a i b j is perpendicular to the vector
(1) 10 m/s (2) 5 m/s (3) 3 m/s (4) 6 m/s
^ ^ 09. Angle of repose for a rough inclined surface is
( i 2 j ) then the value of a and b may be :
37°, its angle of inclination is 30°. An object of
1 1 3 1 mass 3 kg is placed on this rough inclined
(1) , (2) , surface, then its acceleration will be : (g = 10
2 2 10 10
1 4
1 (1) 6.5 m/s2 (2) zero
(3) (4) 2
5 5 17 17 (3) 3.5 m/s (4) 5 m/s2
05. A particle moves along x-axis in such a way that 10. Assertion : Force applied on a block moving in
its coordinate varies with time according to the one dimension is producing a constant power,
equation x = 15 – 6t + t2. The velocity of the th en the motio n sh oul d be uni formly
particle will vary with time as : accelerated.
v v Reason : This constant power multiplied with
time is equal to the change in kinetic energy.
(1) O t (2) O t
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason i s th e co rre ct e xpl anation of
v v (2) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but
Reason is not the correct explanation of
(3) O t (4) O t Assertion.
(3) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(4) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
B-58, BUDDHA COLONY, PATNA - 800 001
Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org AITS - 2024 - 25 - Minor Test - 01 - 2
11. A drum of radius R and mass M rolls down without emerging out per second from the hole does not
slipping along an inclined plane of angle . The depend on :
frictional force : (1) the density of a liquid.
(1) dissipates energy as heat (2) the acceleration due to gravity.
(2) decreases the rotational and translational (3) the height of the level of liquid above the hole.
(4) the area of a hole.
(3) converts translational energy into rotational
energy 16. Ratio of excess pressure of two soap bubbles is
1 : 4 then the ratio of their surface area will be :
(4) decreases the rotational motion
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 16 : 1
12. A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit
around the earth. The mass of the satellite is (3) 1 : 8 (4) 8 : 1
very small as compared to the mass of the earth. 17. A point P moves in counter-clockwise direction
Then, on a circular path as shown in the figure. The
(1) the total mechanical energy of S varies movement of ‘P’ is such that it sweeps out a
periodically with time length s = t4 + 8, where s is in metres and t is in
seconds. The radius of the path is 16 m. The
(2) the angular momentum of S about the centre acceleration of ‘P’ when t = 2s is :
of the earth changes in direction, but its
magnitude remains constant y
(3) the acceleration of S is always directed
towards the centre of the earth
(4) the linear momentum of S remains constant
in magnitude 16
13. Match the following columns for the processes x
with ideal gas.
Column I Column II (1) 72 m/s2 (2) 96 m/s2
A. Isothermal process I. Q = U (3) 60 m/s2 (4) 80 m/s2
B. Adiabatic process II. Q = 0 18. A lead bullet of unknown mass is fired with a
C. Isochoric process III. U = 0 speed of 240 ms–1 into a tree in which it stops.
Assuming that in this process three-fifth of heat
D. Cyclic proess IV. Q = W produced goes into the bullet and two-fifth into
Choose the correct option regarding above wood. The temperature of the bullet rises by :
columns. (Specific heat of lead = 0.120 J/g°C)
(1) (A-III,IV), (B-II), (C-I), (D-III,IV) (1) 96 °C (2) 144000 °C
(2) (A-II,IV), (B-I), (C-II), (D-III,IV) (3) 144 °C (4) 9.6 °C
(3) (A-I,III), (B-II), (C-I), (D-III,IV) 19. The mean free path for a gas, with molecular
(4) (A-III,IV), (B-I), (C-II), (D-I,II) diameter d and number density n can be
expressed as ;
14. Two bodies of mass 2 kg and 1 kg have position
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1
vecto rs 2i 3 jk an d i 3 j k , (1) (2)
2 2 2 2 2
2n d 2n d
respectively. The center of mass of this system
has a position vector :
1 1
(3) (4)
^ ^ ^ 2nd 2nd2
^ ^ ^ 6 i 4 j 3k
(1) 2 i j 3 k (2)
3 20. The quantity PV/kT represents : (k = Boltzmann
^ ^ ^ (1) number of moles of the gas
5 i 9 j 3k ^ ^ ^
(3) (4) i j k (2) number of molecules in the gas
(3) mass of the gas
15. A tank filled with water has a hole at a certain
height from its bottom. The volume of water (4) kinetic energy of the gas
1 2 1
P(in kPa) 4 B (1) sin (2) sin
3 4
2 3 1 3 1
V(in m3) (3) sin (4) sin
8 6d
(1) –36 kJ (2) –12 kJ (3) 36 kJ (4) 12 kJ 29. What will be the angular width of central maxima
23. In a steady state, the temperature at the end in single slit diffraction when light of wavelength
A and B of 30 cm long rod AB are 150°C and 0°C 4000Å is u sed and sli t wi dth is
respectively, the temperature of a point 18cm 2 × 10–5 cm ?
from A is:
(1) 60 °C (2) 90 °C
(3) 70 °C (4) 65 °C (1) 8rad. (2) rad. (3) 4 rad. (4) 2 rad.
24. A thin rod of length is placed along the 30. Two plates are at potentials –20V and +40V. If
4 the separation between the plates be 4cm. The
principal axis of a concave mirror of focal length,
f such that its one end at 2f and other end at electric field between them is :
distance less than 2f. Calculate magnification. (1) 1500 V/m (2) 500 V/m
(3) 750 V/m (4) 250 V/m
31. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacity C. The
f/4 separation between the plates is tripled and a
C A dielectric medium is introduced between the
P 8
A F plates. If the capacity now becomes C , the
2f 3
dielectric constant of the medium is :
9 9
(1) (2) (3) 4 (4) 8
4 8
8 5 9 4 32. Eight cells, each of emf E and internal resistance
(1) (2) (3) (4) r, are connected in series across an external
3 2 4 3
resistance R. By mistake, one of the cells is
25. Two plano-concave lenses of glass of refractive connected in reverse. Then, the current in the
index 1.5 have radii of curvature of 40 and 60 external circuit is :
cm. They are placed in contact with curved
surfaces towards each other and the space 7E 7E 6E 6E
between them is filled with a liquid of refractive (1) R 8r (2) R 7r (3) R 8r (4) R 6r
A 2 (g) B2 (g) 2AB(g) OH
At equilibrium, the concentration of A2 = 3.0 ×
10–3 M, of B2 = 4.2 × 10–3 M, of AB = 2.8 × 10–3 M. (3) H3 CO CH — CH — CH3
If the reaction takes place in a sealed vessel at
527°C, then the value of Kp will be Br
(1) 2.0 (2) 1.9
(4) H3 CO CH — CH2 CH3
(3) 0.62 (4) 4.5
68. Match the column - I with column - II Br
73. Arrange the following species in increasing ionic
Column - I Column - II
(A) ICl (i) T-shape
(B) ICl3 (ii) Square pyramidal N3 , O2 , F , Na , Mg 2 , Al3
(3) (4)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) OH
(X) O
(2) HO – CH2 – (CH2)3 – CH2 – C – CH3
83. Alkene CH3—COOH + CH3—C—CH3 O
The alkene (X) is : 7–hydroxyheptan–2-one
(1) CH3—CH== C—CH3 (2) CH3—CH2 —CH== C (3) O2N
(3) CH3 —CH==CH—CH3 (4) CH3—C== C—CH3 4–methyl–6–nitro–5–oxo–3–enal
84. The number of mole of ferrous oxalate that can C== O
be oxidised completely by 1.5 mole of potassium CH3
dichromate in acidic medium : (4) H C
(1) 4 (2) 2
(3) 6 (4) 3 2, 5–dimethyl–6–oxo–hept–3–enoic acid
89. Lattice enthalpy and enthalpy of solution of NaCl
Alc. KOH
Heat A B are 784 kJ mol–1 and 4 kJ mol–1, respectively.
Major The hydration enthalpy of NaCl is :
the product (B) is (1) –780 kJ mol–1 (2) 780 kJ mol–1
(3) –784 kJ mol–1 (4) 784 kJ mol–1
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Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org AITS - 2024 - 25 - Minor Test - 01 - 9
90. Which element has least melting point is : (4) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(1) C (2) Ge 99. The correct order of increasing ionic character
(3) Sn (4) Pb is :
91. Enthalpy of C2H4 + H2 C2H6 is negative. If (1) BeCl2 < MgCl2 < BaCl2 < CaCl2
enthalpy of formation of C2H4 and C2H6 are x (2) BeCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCl2 < BaCl2
and y respectively. Then which relation is (3) BeCl2 < BaCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCl2
correct ?
(4) BaCl2 < CaCl2 < MgCl2 < BeCl2
(1) x > y (2) x < y
100. Whi ch o f th e fo llow ing alke nes exhi bit
(3) x = y (4) x y geometrical isomerism ?
92. The total number of monobromo derivatives (1) Propene (2) 2-Methylpropene
formed by the alkanes of molecular formula
C5H12 is [excluding stereoisomers] (3) 2-Methyl-2-butene (4) 1-Phenylpropene
(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (d) Both sepals and petal & are four in number
and they are free.
(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
Choose the family to which the plant having such
(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) features belongs :
(4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (1) Poaceae (2) Malvaceae
118. In flowering plant, pericycle. The correct ones (3) Cruciferae (4) Compositae
125. The cells of the endodermis are rich is starch
(a) is made up of thin walled sclerenchymatous grains is
cell only.
(1) Dicotyledonous root
(b) waxy material suberin is deposited in pericycle.
(2) Monoctoyledonous root
(c) gives rise to part of vascular cambium in
monocot roots. (3) monocotyledonous stem
(d) Is present in monocot stems. (4) Dicotyledonous stem
(1) only b (2) a and b 126. The layer of the cell envelope that determined
the shape of the cell and provides a strong
(3) a, c and d (4) None of these
structure support to prevent the bacterium from
119. Statement-I : Chlorophyll-a is considered to be bursting or collapsing is :
primary photosynthetic pigment associated with
(1) cell membrane (2) cell wall
Statemen t-II : Action spectrum of (3) glycocalyx (4) cytoskeleton
photosynthesis corresponds to the absorption 127. Which of the following is not a function of
spectrum of chlorophyll-a. cytoskeleton in a cell ?
(1) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are (1) Cell motility
true. (2) Support of the organelle
(2) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are (3) Maintainance of cell shape and structure
(4) Osmoregulation & excretion
(3) Only Statement (I) is true
128. Mark the mismatch pair :
(4) Only Staement (II) is true
(1) Dodo – Mauritius
120. Which type of vacuoles provide buoyancy to
bacteria ? (2) Steller’s sea cow – Russia
(1) Contractile vacuole (3) Thylacine – Austraila
(2) Gas vacuoles (4) Quagga – America
(3) Food vacuoles 129. How many substrats level phosphorylation
reaction will occur during Kreb’s cycle for 3
(4) Sap vacuole
glucose molecules ?
121. What will be the amount of DNA in meiosis-II
products if meiocyte contains 60 pg DNA in (1) 8 (2) 6 (3) 4 (4) 2
Anaphase-I ? 130. In plant, light saturation is seen at _______ of
(1) 30 pg (2) 15 pg (3) 90 pg (4) 120 pg the total sunlight available to the plant.
122. The maximum number of ATP produced, if 2 mole Select the correct options to fill in the blank
of dihydroxy acetone phosphate is used of the (1) 25% (2) 15% (3) 2% (4) 10%
B-58, BUDDHA COLONY, PATNA - 800 001
Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org AITS - 2024 - 25 - Minor Test - 01 - 12
131. Protein perform many phosiological functions. A B C D
For example, some function as enzymes one of (1) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
the following represents an additional function
that some protein discharge. (2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(1) Pigment conferring colour to skin (3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) Hormones
(4) Both (1) and (2) BOTANY
132. Select the mismatch pair : SECTION-B
(1) Funicle – Region where body of ovule fuses
(Candidates can choose to attempt any 10 questions only)
with Hilum.
136. Which of the following plant has a superior
(2) Plumule – Stem tip.
ovary ?
(3) Epicotyl – portion above the cotyledon (1) Gauva, Rose (2) China rose, Mustard
(4) Cotlyedon – Leaf of Embryo. (3) Plum, Peach (4) Cucumber, Rose
133. In Z-scheme of photophosphorylation, which of 137. Which of the following statement are true ?
the following is the source of electrons, that are (1) Robert Brown discovered dead cell.
used to replace the electron lost from the
reaction centre of ps-II ? (2) Matthius Schleiden a British zoologist.
(3) Theodore schwan a German botanist.
(1) PS-I (2) O2
(4) Antan von Leeuwenhoek 1st saw & described
(3) water (4) ubiquinone live cell.
134. Gymnosperms are adapted to tolerate extreme 138. Which of the following term with respect to
environmental condition because of : gymnosperm (pinus) ?
(1) Sunken stomata (1) The stem are unbranched
(2) Thick cuticle on leaf surface (2) The male and female strobili may be born on
(3) Large surface are of leaves the same tree
(4) More than one option (3) Root have fungal association in the form of
135. Match the Column-I with Column-II with respect
(4) More than one option
to placentation.
139. Which of the following statements are correct
Column-I Column-II for meiosis ?
(i) Meiosis has a double divison. It gives rise to
four cells.
(a) (i) Primrose, Dianthus (ii) The cell undergoing meiosis may be haploid
(or) diploid.
(iii) Pairing of homologous chromosome takes
place during zygotene of prophase-I.
(iv)Crossing over is the exchange of genetic
material between two homologous
(b) (ii) Marigold, Sunflower chromosome.
(1) only (i) and (ii) (2) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(3) (i), (ii) and (iv) (4) All of these
140. Which of the following algae form massive plant
bodies ?
(c) (iii) Tomata, Datura (1) Volvox (2) Ulothrix
(3) Spirogyra (4) Kelps
141. How many redox-equivalent are removed from
two molecule of PGAL during the following
reaction ?
3-phosphoglyceraldehyde 1,
(d) (iv) Mustard argemone 3-biphosphoglycerate
(1) Two (2) four (3) six (4) three
B-58, BUDDHA COLONY, PATNA - 800 001
Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org AITS - 2024 - 25 - Minor Test - 01 - 13
142. Assertion (A) : Tonoplast facilitates the transport (2) 2968 and 322
of a number of ions and other materials against (3) 2968 and 231
the concentration graident in the vacuole.
(4) 232 and 2968
Reason (R) : Co nce ntratio n o f io ns is
significantly higher in the vacuole than in the 147. Match the columns
cytoplasm. Column-I Column-II
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct (A) Opetator (i) Code for enzyme protein
explanation of (A).
(B) Promotor site (ii) Release factor
(2) Both (A) and (R) is are true but (R) is not correct
(C) Structure gene (iii) Bind site for repressor
explanation of (A).
or molecule
(3) (A) is true but reason is false.
(D) Termination (iv) Binding site for RNA
(4) (A) is false but reason is true.
143. Read the following statements :
(a) Tendrils can be the modification of stem (or)
leaf and they are spirally coiled sensitive (1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
structure. (2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(b) The axillary bud of the plant like citrus grow (3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
and form spirally coiled structure.
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(c) Underground stem in grasses and strawberry
148. Select the incorrect match pair :
spread to new niches.
(1) X-ray diffraction data — Marsal Nirenberg
(d) Th e Rh izome is thi ck, pro strate and
branched. (2) Nuclein — Friedrich Meischer
(e) Rhizophora shows vertically upward growing (3) Copolymer – Hargovind Khorana
roots that help to get oxygen for respiration. (4) Double Helix structure DNA — Watson and
Choose the correct answer from the option Crick
give below : 149. In india having more than 50,000 genetically
(1) a, c, d and e (2) c and d only different strains of rice, and 1000 varieties of
mango shows :
(3) b, c, d and e (4) All of these
(1) Community diversity
144. The female sex-organ in bryophytes are (2) Species diversity
shaped and is called (ii) . Identify (i) and (ii) (3) Genetic diversity
respectively : (4) Ecological diversity
(1) Pear; Antheridium 150. The technique of DNA fingerprinting was
(2) Flask; Antheridium developed by
(3) Flask; Archegonium (1) Griffith (2) H.G. Khorana
(4) Flask; Megasporangium (3) Alec Jeffreys (4) Matthius Schleiden
145. Rudolf Virchow is associated with which of the
following discoveries ?
(1) New cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(2) Cell wall is present only in plant cells
(3) Cell has thin layer surrounding it which is (All questions are compulsory)
reffered to as plasma membrane. 151. A chemosensitive area is situated adjacent to
(4) Bodies of plant and animal are composed of the rhythm centre which is highly sensitive to :
cell and their products. (1) O2 and hydrogen ions
146. As per the finding of HGP, how many genes are (2) HCO3– and H+
present in chromosome Y and chromosome 1
(3) CO2 and hydrogen ions
respectively ?
(1) 231 and 2968 (4) H2CO3 and HCO3–
(1) (2)
(B) (C) (D)
(3) (4)
(3) taper at both ends B. The adu lt e chin oderms are radially
symmetrical but larvae are bilaterally
(4) all of the above symmetrical.
198. Mushroom shaped gland which is characteristic C. Molluscs are terrestrial or aquatic.
of male cockroach is present in -
(1) A – (T), B – (T), C – (T)
(1) 7th – 9th abdominal segments
(2) A – (F), B – (F), C – (T)
(2) 4th – 6th abdominal segments
(3) A – (T), B – (F), C – (T)
(3) 2nd – 6th abdominal segments (4) A – (T), B – (T), C – (F)
(4) 6th – 7th abdominal segments 200. Select the option with only cold-blooded animals.
(1) Pteropus, Elephas, Camelus
(2) Pterophyllum, Exocoetus, Ornithorhynchus
(3) Clarias, Bufo, Nephron
(4) Hyla, Salamandra, Ichthyophis
NEET 2025
Minor Test - 01st
Date : 25.01.2025
Contact. Office: B-58, Buddha Colony, Patna - 800 001, Tel. : 0612-3508700, Website : www.goalinstitute.org
SOLUTION AITS (MINOR TEST - 01st, NEET) : 25.01.2025
1800 15
PHYSICS v2 = 5 m/s
v2 = 5 m/s
01. L.C. = = 10–5 m, 1 1 dv
100 10. Pt mv 2 vt 2
t2 t 2
2 dt
d = MSR + CSR × L.C = 0 + 66 × 10–5
= 0.66 mm = 0.066 cm. 1
a acceleration is not unform.
02. IR = V, R ,
I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
2(2 i 3 j k) 1( i 3 j k)
14. rcm
R V I 2 1
100 100 100
^ ^ ^
3 i 3 j 3k ^ ^ ^
1.6 0.1 i jk
100 100 = 2 + 2 = 4% 3
80 5
03. [a] = [L2], 15. V av a 2gh
KA(150 ) KA( 0) 2 2 4 10
18 12 29. = 4 radians.
d 2 107
150 × 12 – 12 = 18 , 30 = 150 × 12
dV 40 ( 20)
150 12 30. E
= 60 °C dx 4 10 2
f 7 1 1 1 1 4 1 = –1500 V/m
24. u 2f f , , 4 10 2
4 4 v u f v 7f f
|E| = 1500 V/m
1 4 1 47 3 7f
, v , 0 A 0 AK 8 8 A
v 7f f 7f 7f 3 31. C , C 0
d 3d 3 3 d
7f f
length of image 2f , K 8
3 3 K=8
3 3
f /3 4
m 7E E 6E
f /4 3 I
32. R 8r R 8r
1 1 1 1
25. (1.5 1) ,
f1 40 80
1 7 1 1 2 32 1
f2 5 40 60 5 120 60
36. = BAN,
1 1 1 1 d dB
(1.5 1) e AN = 0.5 × 20 × 20 × 10–4 × 600
f3 60 120 dt dt
= 0.5 × 4 × 6 = 12 volt.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F f1 f2 f3 80 60 120 1 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1
39. , ,
v u R v 20 40 80
3 4 2 1
240 240 1.5 1 1 1 4 3
v 80 20 80 80
F = –240 cm
A 40 80 1.5
r –3v = 80 × 1.5, v = –40 cm
26. = 20° 3
2 2
40 cm to the left.
1 1 1 1 1 1
27. , ,
v 0 u0 f0 v 0 400 80 1 3 3 r
41. sin C , tanC ,
4 7 h
1 1 1 5 1
, v = 100 cm 3 3
v0 80 400 400 0 r h 12 7 = 36 cm.
7 7
B-58, BUDDHA COLONY, PATNA - 800 001, Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org 3
42. A 2 a12 a 22 2a1a 2 cos F F2 4F F2
47. 2
2 d 2 16 d 2 F2 = 64 F
d (4d)
2 2
6 8 2 6 8 cos 2
= 36 + 64 + 48 = 148, 1 1
49. K.E. 15 42 15 16 = 120 J,
2 2
A 148 = 12.165 12 unit. P.E. = –120 J.
( 1)t 0.8 3 10 6
43. Shifting 6 CHEMISTRY
0.4 10 6
shift downward by six fringes.
51. NCERT Page. No. 84
44. F = 500 – 4 × 104t = 0,
52. NCERT Page. No. 115
500 5
t 102 sec. 54. NCERT Page. No. 367
4 104 4
57. H1 = –16 kJ = –16000 J; H2 = 0
5 C2H4O(g) CH4(g) + CO(g)
J = impulse 4 Fdt Cp = Cp[(CH4(g)] + Cp[(CO(g)] –Cp[C2N4O(g)]
= 36 + 30 – 50 = 16 J mol–1 K–1
102 T1 = 298K, T2 = ?
4 (500 4 10 4 t)dt
H2 – H1 = CP (T2 – T1)
0 – (–16000) = 16(T2 – 298)
t2 4
500t 4 10 4 6000
2 T2 298 1000
0 16
T2 = 1000 + 298 = 1298 K
5 5 58. NCERT Page. No. 80
500 102 2 104 102
4 4 60. NCERT Page. No. 320
25 25 25 25 50 25 –
2 O OH
4 16 4 8 8
– –
HO S — O H(W)
25 61. (X)
= N-s NH3 O
8 +
6m 4m 10m 5 more
1 1 u
6mu2 6m 63. Cu29 : [Ar]3d104s1
2 2 5 Outermost electron is present in
2 2 1 24
K.E. 3mu 3mu 3mu2 ,
25 25 1
n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = +
fraction of energy loss by the colliding body 2
24 Br2/hv alc KOH
3mu2 64.
A 25 24
3mu2 25 (A) O
Br H
40 O
46. = 8 rad/sec2, O3 , Zn – H2 O
t 5 H
[Reductive ozonolysis] H
= I = 8 × 8 = 64 N-m. O
B-58, BUDDHA COLONY, PATNA - 800 001, Tel. : 0612-3508700, www.goalinstitute.org 4
65. NCERT Page. No. 324/325
EwG M, H, I
79. Stability of carbanion EdG M, H, I
67. A 2 (g) B2 (g) 2AB(g); ng 0
81. W= –P2·V
2.8 10 –3 2.8 10 –3
Kc 0.62
3.0 10–3 4.2 10–3 nRT
n g
K p K C (RT) K c (RT)0 K C
Kp = 0.62 –1 8.3 300
20 J –1992 J
SrO(s) + CO2(g); Kp = 1.6
= –1.992 kJ
Kp = PCO = 1.6 atm
2 82. NCERT Page. No. 115
V1 = 16L, P1 = 0.4 atm, P2 = 1.6 atm
V2 = ? KMnO4/H
X2(g) + 4y2(g) 2XY2(g); CHEMISTRY
H = – ve
ng = –3
86. For exothermic reaction,
formation XY4(g) is favoured at high pressure
and low temperature on decreasing temperature equilibrium constant
76. NCERT Page. No. 126/127
87. NCERT Page. No. 318
77. NCERT Page. No. 112
2 NaCl(s) Hsol Na(aq) + Cl(aq )
78. = 2% = 2 10 –2 89.
HL.E. Hhyd
c = 0.1 = 1 × 10–1
[H+] = = 2 × 10–3 m
kw Na(g) + Cl(g)
[OH–] = [H ]
Hsoln = HL.E. + Hhyd
1 10–14 10 10 –15 4 = 784 + Hhyd
5 10–12 M
2 10–3 2 10–3 Hhyd = 4 – 784 = –780 kJmol–1
1 25
C—C—C—C—C = –2.303 × 300 log 5
a b c b a 2 3