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Daily Lesson Log

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

3rd Quarter
SY 2024-2025
Name: Course: Family and Consumer Science (FCS)
Week No. : 5 Grade & Section:
Date: Time:


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of the hospitality and tourism industry.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply skills in food preparation and services following safety precautions.
C. Learning Competencies Learning Competencies Learning Competencies Learning Competencies Learning Competencies
and Objectives Identify the common tools and Identify the common tools and Identify the common tools and Identify the common tools and
equipment used in the food equipment used in the food equipment used in the food equipment used in the food
preparation and service industry. preparation and service industry. preparation and service industry. preparation and service industry.

Lesson Objectives Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives Learning Objectives

1. Identify and describe kitchen or 1. Discuss common tools and 1. Classify different tableware for 1. Define cleaning
food preparation and food service equipment used in food food preparation and service. 2. List down the proper ways of
materials and tools. preparation, service, and industry. 2. Describe different tableware for cleaning, sanitizing, organizing
2. Explain the function of different 2. Explain how common food food preparation and service. and storing utensils.
food preparation and service tools. preparation and service tools and 3. Acknowledge proper cleaning 3. Recognize the benefits of
3. Note the importance of proper equipment are used following the and storage of different tableware. cleaned and sanitized kitchen
use and maintenance of food industry standards. utensils to our health.
preparation, service tools as 3. Show the importance of
sustainable practices in the food acquiring knowledge and skills on
industry. the correct usage and maintenance
of different food preparation and
service tools and equipment.
D. Content Food preparation and service tools and equipment, their uses, and maintenance.
E. Integration Proper knowledge of different food preparation and service tools and equipment and their uses will ensure long-term use of the kitchen and food
service tools and equipment. This lesson can be integrated and related to: SDG 3: Good health and well-being, specifically on the proper and safe
use of different kitchen tools, especially knives. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: Emphasizing the importance of using the
right, good-quality kitchen tools that help prepare and utilize food ingredients efficiently and economically helps prevent food waste and spoilage.


DepEd’s Lesson Exemplar for TLE, 2024
A. Activating 1. Short Review: Short Review: Short Review: Short Review:
Prior From the photos shown, kindly Identify the pictures of cooking Classify the following. If it’s a Show pictures of different kitchen
Knowledge analyze and relate them to the seven materials and kitchen tools shown on material, kitchen tool, measuring tool, tableware and let students identify if
principles of HACCP that we TV. cutting tools or equipment. it’s a Holloware, Flatware, Glassware,
discussed in our previous lesson. 1. Temperature Scale Chinaware or Cutlery.
2. knife
3. refrigerator
4. stainless steel
2. Feedback 5. Spatula
Is there any clarification you would
like to ask before we proceed to
today’s lesson?
• Why do you think we need to be
aware of the HACCAP principles?
• Are there any other questions you
would like to clarify about HACCAP?
B. Establishing Lesson Purpose Lesson Purpose Lesson Purpose Lesson Purpose
Lesson Purpose At the end of the lesson, the students At the end of the lesson, the students At the end of the lesson, the students At the end of the lesson, the students
will be able to: will be able to: will be able to: will be able to:
• Identify and describe kitchen or food • Identify and describe kitchen or food 1. Classify different tableware for food 1. Define cleaning
preparation and food service tools and preparation and food service tools and preparation and service. 2. List down the proper ways of
equipment. equipment. 2. Describe different tableware for cleaning, sanitizing, organizing and
• Explain the function of different food • Explain the function of different food preparation and service. storing utensils.
preparation and service tools and food preparation and service tools and 3. Acknowledge proper cleaning and 3. Recognize the benefits of cleaned
equipment. equipment. storage of different tableware. and sanitized kitchen utensils to our
• Note the importance of proper use • Note the importance of proper use health.
and maintenance of food preparation, and maintenance of food preparation, Unlocking Content Vocabulary
service tools, and equipment as service tools, and equipment as • Food Safety Unlocking Content Vocabulary
sustainable practices in the food sustainable practices in the food • Food Sanitation • Proper Maintenance
industry. industry.

Unlocking Content Vocabulary Unlocking Content Vocabulary

Definition of Terms: • Kitchen Equipment
Essential words to ponder:
• Kitchen
• Kitchen Tools
C. Developing SUB-TOPIC 1: Food Preparation SUB-TOPIC 1: Food Preparation SUB-TOPIC 2: Food Service Tools SUB-TOPIC 3: Proper Maintenance
and Deepening Tools and Equipment Tools and Equipment and Equipment of Kitchen or Food Preparation
Understanding Tools, Utensils and Equipment
Explicitation: Explicitation: Explicitation: Picture Analysis
Can you describe what the photos try Which of the pictures shown on TV Picture 1 Question/s: Explicitation: Picture Analysis
to show us? (photos of how to hold a are for measuring and cutting? • Can anyone describe what you can Question: Can anyone from the class
knife) Which are cooking equipment? see in this picture? describe what the photo would like to
• Follow-up question: Do you know tell us?
Worked Example Worked Example what we call those big tablewares
Aside from the photos that were Can you name some measuring where served foods are placed? Worked Example
shown a while ago, can you mention tools/cutting tools or equipment The teacher then relates the
some food preparation or kitchen tools available at your home? Picture 2 Question/s: response/s of the learners on how they
and equipment you have at home? • Where do we usually find this table maintain their kitchen or food
Lesson Activity set up? preparation tools, utensils, and
Can you demonstrate and explain how equipment at home. Follow-up
Lesson Activity
to use the given tools shown on TV? Picture 3 Question/s: Questions:
Direction: Can you find all the
• Can somebody mention all the table 1. Are you helping your mom clean or
cooking tools and cooking terms in wash the dishes after eating your
Lecture/Discussion: wares in the picture?
this wordsearch? meals at home?
Food Preparation or Kitchen Tools • Follow-up Question: Do you know
what we call tableware by its use and 2. Why must you clean and sanitize
and its Uses all your kitchen tools, utensils, and
C. Measuring Tools equipment at home?
1. Measuring spoons Worked Example
2. Measuring cups and spoons for dry Do you have any idea/s where we Lesson Activity
ingredients usually see these table set-ups? What The teacher will ask the learners to
Lecture/Discussion: 3. Measuring cups for liquid do you think those shown photos are describe the posted photo (a woman
Food Preparation or Kitchen Tools ingredients trying to imply to us? cleaning her kitchen).
and its Uses 4. Portion scales
5. Household Scales Lesson Activity: Lecture/Discussion:
A. Cooking Materials and Utensils: 1. Cleaning
6.Temperature scales Yesterday, we tackled different food
1. Aluminum material cooking Categories of Cleaning Agents:
7. Scoops or dippers preparation and kitchen tools. To
utensils continue today, we will discuss the a. Detergents
2. Stainless Steel various tools, utensils, and equipment b. Solvent cleaners
3. Glass D. Cutting Tools c. Acid cleaners
that are usually used in any food
4. Cast Iron 1, Butcher knife d. Abrasive cleaners
service establishments or at home
5.Ceramic and heat-proof glass 2. French knife when food is served on the table for us 2. Sanitizing Methods
6. A double boiler 3. Roast beef slicer to eat. From the photos shown a while a. Heat
7.Teflon 4. Kitchen knives ago, can you mention some tableware b. Chemicals
5. Citrus Knife you can find in any food service
7. Paring knife establishments you could have already
B. Kitchen Tools 8. A vegetable peeler dined in? A. Cleaning and sanitizing utensils:
1. A baster B. Cleaning kitchen premises:
2. Can, bottle, or cartoon opener E. Equipment Lecture/Discussion: C. Storing of Washed Utensils
3. Colanders 1. Refrigerators/freezers 1. Holloware D. 10 Steps for Organizing Kitchen
4.Dredgers 2. Oven 2. Flatware Cabinets
5. Emery boards/sharpening steel 3. Microwave ovens 3. Glassware
4. Crockery or Chinaware
6.Funnels 4. Auxiliary equipment
5. Cutlery
7. Cutting Board 5. Blenders
8. Graters 6. Food Processor
9. Handy Poultry and roasting tools
10. Kitchen shears
11. A pasta spoon
12. A potato masher
13. Rotary eggbeater
14. Scraper
15. Seafood serving tools
16. Spatula
17. Two-tine fork
18. Wooden spoons
D. Making Learners’ Takeaways Learners’ Takeaways Learners’ Takeaways Learners’ Takeaways
Generalization 1. Enumerate the 7 cooking materials. 1. Enumerate the 7 measuring tools. Keywords to construct generalizations: Generalization: Proper use and
2. Enumerate the 18 kitchen tools. 2. Enumerate the 8 cutting tools. Equipment Valuable maintenance of food preparation or
3. Enumerate the 6 kitchen equipment Maintenance Will prolong kitchen and food service tools,
Reflection on Learning Tools Proper utensils, and equipment by correct
Learners will make a cut-shaped Reflection on Learning Cleaning Drying cleaning, sanitizing, drying, and
colored paper of some kitchen Learners will make a cut-shaped Utensils Use storing procedures will help prolong
materials and tools. From there, they colored paper of some measuring Sanitizing Storing their use.
will write the acquired values they tools, cutting tools and equipment. Food preparation Kitchen
learned from the day’s lessons. Then, From there, they will write the Foodservice Correct Reflection on Learning
the learner/s will share what was acquired values they learned from the Learners will make a cut-shaped
written on their shaped paper with the day’s lessons. Then, the learner/s will Reflection on Learning colored paper of cleaning materials.
class. And post it on the board. share what was written on their shaped Learners will make a cut-shaped From there, they will write the
paper with the class. And post it on the colored paper of some tablewares. acquired values they learned from the
board. From there, they will write the day’s lessons. Then, the learner/s will
acquired values they learned from the share what was written on their shaped
day’s lessons. Then, the learner/s will paper with the class. And post it on the
share what was written on their shaped board.
paper with the class. And post it on the


A. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment 1. Formative Assessment 1. Formative Assessment 1. Formative Assessment
Learning Direction: Identify the following Direction: Classify the following Direction: Classify the following items Direction: List down the proper ways
pictures. pictures if it’s a kitchen tool, for food preparation and food service how you should clean and sanitize
Show pictures of cooking materials and measuring tool, cutting tool or tools, utensils, and equipment by kitchen utensils.
kitchen tools. equipment. Show pictures of supplying the items in the table below.
kitchen tools and equipment on (10pts)
2. Homework TV.
Answer the learning activity sheet.
2. Homework
Answer the learning activity 2. Homework
sheet. Answer the learning activity sheet.
B. Teacher’s
C. Teacher’s

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