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Management and Entrepreneurship.

Course L:T:P:S Credits Exam Marks Exam Duration Course

Code Type
22CIT55 3:0:0:0 3 CIE:50 SEE:50 3 Hours PCC

 Basic knowledge of understanding how businesses operate and how to make them
 Networking is an essential part of entrepreneurship.

1. Management improves the efficiency of processes and resource utilization to
achieve better results
2. Employee Development: Management fosters the development of employees and
ensures their job satisfaction and well-being
3. Achieving project goals within constraints, optimizing resources, enhancing team
collaboration, managing risks, ensuring customer satisfaction.

Teaching-Learning Process
These are sample Strategies, used in FCV to accelerate the attainment of the various course
1. Chalk and talk
2. Pre-video links of the concept are sent to students well in advance so that students will
be able to grasp the topics that is taken in class.
3. After the class quiz is been asked in the class with respect to the topics to know
their understanding level and which also promotes critical thinking.
4. After the completion of module hands on is been conducted in the class /lab with respect
to the topics to know practically.
their understanding level and which also promotes critical thinking
5. Problem Based Learning (PBL) id adopted, which fosters students’ Analytical
skills, develop thinking skills such as the ability to evaluate, generalize, and
analyze information rather than simply recall it.
6. Every concept can be applied to the real world - and when that's possible, is taught
in the class which helps improve the students' understanding.

Module I
Management Introduction:

Meaning - nature and characteristics of Management, Scope and Functional areas of management
Management as art or science, art or profession - Management & Administration - Roles of
Management, Levels of Management, Development of Management Thought - early management
approaches - Modem management approaches.
Planning: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process objectives - Types of plans
(meaning only) - Decision making, Importance of planning - steps in planning & planning
premises - Hierarchy of plans. 08Hours

Module II

Nature and purpose of organization, Principles of organization – Types of organization-

Departmentation Committees-Centralization Vs Decentralization of authority and responsibility -
Span of control - MBO and MBE (Meaning only) Nature and importance of staffing--: Process of
Selection & Recruitment (in brief).

Module III

Definition of staffing, the system approach to human resource management: An overview of

staffing function, Situational factors affecting staffing, the system approach to selection: An
overview. Leadership: Defining Leadership, Ingredients of Leadership, Trait approaches to
leadership, Leadership behaviour and style.

Module IV
Entrepreneurship: Importance of entrepreneurship, concepts of entrepreneurship, characteristics
of a successful entrepreneur, classification of entrepreneurs, myths of entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurial development models, problems faced by entrepreneurs and capacity building for

Women Entrepreneurs: Women entrepreneurship defined, women entrepreneurship

environment, challenges in the path of women entrepreneurship, strategies for development of
women entrepreneurs.
08 Hours
Module V
Small Scale Industry:
Definition, characteristics of SSIs, Objectives, Scope no SSIs, Role of Small-Scale Industries,
Advantages of SSIs, steps to start SSI, Government policy towards SSI, and development of the
Small-Scale sector in India, Growth and Performance of Small Scale Industries in India, Sickness
in SSI sector, Problems for Small Scale Industries, Impact of Globalization on SSI, Impact of
WTO/GATT on SSIs, Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition only).

Assessment Details (both IAT and SEE)

Theory Component IAT-1 after completion 45 to 50% Syllabus 25 Marks

IAT-2 after completion 95 to 100% Syllabus 25 Marks
Average of two IATs 25 Marks
CCE-1 25 Marks
CCE-2 25 Marks
Average of two CCEs 25 Marks
Grand Total of IAT Marks (min marks 20 / 50) 50 Marks
SEE conducted for 100 and scaled down to 50 (min marks 18/50) 50 Marks
IAT + SEE (min marks 40) 100 Marks

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :

1. Describe the understanding of motivation and different control systems in

2. Understanding of Entrepreneurships and Entrepreneurship development process.
3. Illustrate Small Scale Industries, various types of supporting agencies and
financing available for an entrepreneur.
Text Books:
1. Management and Entrepreneurship: N V R Naidu and T Krishnarao International
Publishing House 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Management fundamentals - Concepts, Application, Skill Development: Author
RobersLusier, Thomson Thomson south-wester.
2. Entrepreneurship Development S. S. Khanka, S. Chand & Co 4 th Edition
Stephen Robbins 2011.

E - Resources:

CO-PO-PSO Mapping
COs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 O1 O2 3
CO 1 3 2 2
CO 2 3 2 2
CO 3 2 2 1

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