NSEP PYQ Bank 2015-2024 @QOTDforOlympiads
NSEP PYQ Bank 2015-2024 @QOTDforOlympiads
NSEP PYQ Bank 2015-2024 @QOTDforOlympiads
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Q. No. 22 a c d
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Q. No. 64 a c
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FIITJEE Ltd., North West Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
Q. Paper Code: P 136
2. A body of mass m and radius R rolling horizontally without slipping at a speed v climbs a
3v 2
ramp to a height . The rolling body can be
(A) a sphere (B) a circular ring
(C) a spherical shell (D) a circular disc
4. A body released from a height H hits elastically an inclined plane at a point P. After the
impact the body starts moving horizontally and hits the ground. The height at which point P
should be situated so as to have the total time of travel maximum is
(A) H (B) 2 H
(C) (D)
4 2
5. A thin rod of length l in the shape of a semi circle is pivoted at one of its ends such that it is
free to oscillate in its own plane. The frequency f of small oscillations of the semicircular rod
1 g
1 g 2 4
1 g 2
1 g 1
2 21 2 2l 2 l 2 2l
6. Two air bubbles with radii r1 and r2 r2 r1 formed of the same liquid stick to each other to
form a common interface. Therefore, the radius of curvature of the common surface is
(A) r1 r2 (B) infinity
r2 2 2 r1 r2
(C) r2 r1 (D)
r1 r2 r1
7. A particle executes a periodic motion according to the relation x 4 cos2 50t sin 500t .
Therefore, the motion can be considered to be the superposition of n independent simple
harmonic motions, where n is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
8. A car moving along a straight road at a speed of u m/s applies brakes at t = 0 second. The
ratio of distances travelled by the car during 3rd and 8th second is 15 : 13. The car covers a
distance of 0.25 m in the last second of its travel. Therefore, the acceleration a (in m/s2) and
the speed u (in m/s) of the car are respectively
(A) –0.1, 16 (B) –0.2, 12
(C) –0.5, 20 (D) –0.1, 16
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
9. Masses m1 and m2 are connected to a string passing over a
pulley as shown. Mass m1 starts from rest and falls through
a distance d in time t. Now, by interchanging the masses
the time required for m2 to fall through the same distance is
2 t. Therefore, the ratio of masses m1 : m2 is
2 3
(A) (B)
3 2
5 4
(C) (D)
2 3
10. The graph of specific heat of water (on Y axis) against temperature (on X axis) between 0o C
and 100o C
(A) is a straight line parallel to the temperature axis
(B) is a straight line passing through a point 15o C, 1 cal / g o C and having a small positive
(C) has a minimum between 14.5o C and 15.5o C
(D) has a minimum at about 30o C
13. Which one of the following statements in connection with a semi conducting material is
(A) They have negative temperature coefficient of resistance
(B) They have a moderate forbidden energy gap.
(C) Current is carried by electrons and holes both.
(D) Every semi conducting material is a tetravalent element.
Generally light emitted from a source contains several wavelengths. Similarly the electrical
voltage at the output of a sensor contains a mixture of dc and several ac components of
different amplitudes and different frequencies. Filter circuits are used to pass desired
frequencies and / or to eliminate undesired frequencies. The frequencies transmitted by the
filter form the pass band while the frequencies eliminated by the filter form the stop band or
rejection band.
We can think of four basic types of electrical filters – a low pass filter where frequencies
below a certain cutoff frequency c are passed. Similarly one can think of a high pass filter,
band pass filter, band stop (or band rejection) filter. The cutoff frequency c is the frequency
at which the output voltage falls to times its maximum value.
An inductor and/or a capacitor is an essential component of a filter. Generally a resistance is
included in a filter circuit to determine the time constant and hence the cutoff frequency.
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
14. Refer to the RC networks (1) and (2) shown below. Which of the following statements is true?
15. The input – output voltage relation for a certain high pass filter is given by
Vi 1 2C2R2
The cut off frequency c for this filter will be
1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16. The input – output voltage relation for a certain filter circuit is given by
V0 A
Vi 2
12 2 22
where is the angular frequency of the input while 1 , A and are constants. This relation
is meant for
(A) low pass filter (B) high pass filter
(C) band pass filter (D) band stop filter
17. Refer to the following schematic diagrams of different combinations of a low pass filter (LPF)
and a high pass filter (HPF). Assume f1 f2 . The combination that works as a band pass
filter is
i (B) ii
(C) iii (D) iv
18. Refer to the schematic diagram in Q. No. (47). The combination that works as a band
elimination filter is
i (B) ii
(C) iii (D) iv
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
19. An astrophysicist desires to study radiation at wavelengths higher than those for visible light
coming from a certain celestial body. He must use an optical filter that is
(A) high pass (B) low pass
(C) band pass (D) band rejection
20. Figure (A) below shows an acoustical filter that consists of a set of identical cavities
connected by narrow tubes and figure (B) shows its electrical analog. The acoustical filter
represented by figure (A) is
21. Graphs I, II and III and IV shown below represent the frequency response of different types
of filter circuits. The correct order of these graphs corresponding to low pass, high pass band
pass and band top filter is
Equal volumes of two liquids (L1 and L2) are taken in two identical calorimeters. Both L1 and
L2 are initially at about 80oCC. Calorimeters are corked fitted with thermometers to record
the temperatures of the liquids. The temperatures are recorded every 30 s alternating
between the two liquids, that is the temperatures are recorded at an interval of 1 min for any
one liquid. The graphs of temperature (oC) versus time t (min) for two liquids L1 and L2 are
as shown.
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
23. Equal volumes of the two liquids are necessary so that
(A) heat contents of the two liquids are equal
(B) the exposed surfaces are equal
(C) the calculations are simplified
(D) none of the above
25. Which of the following arrangements would be the ideal environment for the
two calorimeters?
(A) A double walled box, both inner and outer space filled with water
(B) A double walled box with water in the inner box and empty outer box
(C) A double walled box with water in the outer box and empty inner box
(D)In air without any box.
28. If 1 and 2 are the densities of L1 and L2 respectively then, identify the correct statement
(A) s1 s2 , 1 2 (B) s1 s2 , 1 2
(C) s1 s2 , 1 2 (D) s1 s2 , 1 2
29. If the experiment is carried out with equal masses of the two liquids, then
(A) L1 will cool faster
(B) L2 will cool faster
(C) both the liquids will cool at the same rate
(D) nothing can be said about the rates as data are insufficient
30. The entire experiment is repeated with other two liquids having nearly the same specific
heats. Then,
(A) the two curves will be coincident.
(B) the two curves will be parallel.
(C) the two curves will intersect at a point.
(D) nothing can be said about the two curves as data are insufficient.
31. When a light wave is incident at the interface between two media, the reflection coefficient is
n 1
given by 2
where n is the refractive index of the denser medium with respect to the
n 1
rarer medium. Two stretched strings whose linear densities are 25 g/m and 9 g/m are
joined together. Assuming the law of optics holds goods here also, the reflection coefficient
for the pulse along the strings is
(A) 9/16 (B) 3/4 (C) 1/16 (D) 1/9
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
32. A certain perfect gas occupying 1 litre at 80 cm of Hg suddenly expands to 1190 cc while the
pressure falls to 60 cm of Hg. Therefore, the gas is
(A) polyatomic (B) diatomic
(C) monatomic (D) data inadequate
33. Two thin rods of lengths I1 and I2 at a certain temperature are joined to each other end to
end. The composite rod is then heated through a temperature . The coefficients of linear
expansion of the two rods are 1 and 2 respectively. Then, the effective coefficient of linear
expansion of the composite rod is
(A) 1 (B) 1 2
(C) 1 2 2 1 (D) 1 1 2 2
I1 I2 I1 I2
34. A yo-yo has a spool of mass m and radius R. A massless string is would around an axle of
radius b and of negligible mass. If the yo-yo released from rest has a downward acceleration
of g/9, the ratio R/b is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
35. A pulley of negligible mass is suspended from a spring balance. Blocks weighing 5.0 kg and
3.0 kg are attached to the two end ends of a string passing over the pulley. The reading on
the spring balance will be
(A) 8.0 kg (B) 7.5 kg
(C) 2.0 kg (D) 4.0 kg
37. Two particles, each of mass m and charge q are attached at the ends of a light rod of length
2r. The rod is rotated at a constant angular speed about an axis perpendicular to the rod
passing through its centre. The ratio of magnetic moment of the system to it angular
(A) q/m (B) q/2m
(C) 2q/m (D) q/4m
38. A jet of water of cross – sectional area A hits a plate normally with velocity v. The plate is
moving in the direction of the jet with velocity V. Therefore, the force exerted on the plate is
proportional to
(A) v (B) v2
(C) (v – V) (D) (v – V)2
39. A heavy cylindrical shaft (pile) of mall M is driven vertically through a distance s into the
ground by the blow of a pile – driver of mass m. The pile driver drops vertically through a
distance h into the head of the pile. The average resistance of the ground id
m2 h m2 h
(A) g 2m (B) g m M
M s m M s
M2 h m2 h
(C) g m M (D) g 2 m M
m s m M s
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
40. An optical fibre consists of a core (refractive index n1) surrounded by a cladding (refractive
index n2). A ray of light enters the fibre from air at and angle with the fibre axis. The
maximum value of for which the ray can propagate down the fibre is
n n
(A) sin1 1 (B) sin1 2
n2 n1
(C) sin1 n12 n22 (D) sin1 n12 n22
42. A charge (2Q) is distributed uniformly on a spherical balloon of radius R. Another point
charge (+Q) is situated at the centre of the balloon. The balloon is now inflated to twice the
radius. Neglecting the elastic energy involved in the process, the change in total electric
energy of the system is
Q2 Q2
(A) (B)
2 0 R 4 0 R
(C) (D) zero
4 0 R
43. A rainbow is formed when a ray of sunlight passes through a spherical raindrop. Then the
total angle through which the ray deviates is (i and r denote the angles of incidence and of
refraction respectively)
(A) 2i – 4r (B) + 2i – 4r
(C) 2(i – r) (D) 2( + i – 2r)
45. A car has a rear view mirror of focal length 20 cm. A truck 2 m broad and 1.6 m in height is
overtaking the car with a relative speed of 15 km/hr. At the moment when the truck is 6 m
behind the car, the driver will see the image of the truck to be moving at a speed of
(A) 0.0043 m/s (B) 0.13 m/s
(C) 0.21 m/s (D) 4.17 m/s
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
47. The earth is getting energy from the sum whose surface temperature is Ts and radius is R.
Let the radius of the earth be r and the distance from the sun be d. Assume the earth and
the sun both to behave as perfect black bodies and the earth is in thermal equilibrium at a
constant temperature Te. Therefore, the temperature Ts of the sun is xTe where x is
2d 2R 4d d
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R r r R
48. Imagine an atom made up of a proton and a hypothetical particle of double the mass as that
of an electron but the same charge. Apply Bohr theory to consider transitions of the
hypothetical particle to the ground state. Then, p the longest wavelength (in terms of
Rydberg constant for hydrogen atom) is
1 5 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2R 3R 3R 3R
49. The half life period of a radioactive element X is the same as the mean lifetime of another
radioactive element Y. Initially both of them have the same number of atoms. Then,
(A) X and Y have the same initial decay rate
(B) X and Y decay at the same rate always
(C) Y will decay at larger rate than X
(D) X will decay at larger rate than Y
50. A sodium atom emits a photon of wavelength 590 nm and recoils with velocity v equal to
(A) 0.029 m/s (B) 0.048 m/s
(C) 0.0023 m/s (D) data inadequate
51. Two coils wound ion the same magnetic core have inductances L1 and L2. When the two
coils are connected in series, the effective inductance is
(A) L1 + L2 (B) certainly greater than L1 + L2
(C) certainly less than L1 + L2 (D) none of the above
52. A particle of mass m and charge q moves along a diameter of a uniform spherical charge
distribution of radius R with total charge +Q. The angular frequency of the periodic motion
performed by the particle is
2 qQ 1 qQ 1 qQ 1 qQ
(A) 3
(B) 3
(C) 3
0 mR 2 0 mR 0 mR 4 0 mR3
53. A spherical body of mass m1 moving with a speed u1 collides elastically with a lighter
spherical body of mass m2 initially at rest. The maximum angle through which the heavier
body gets deflected after collision depends upon
(A) m1 and u1 only (B) m2 and u1 only
(C) m1 and m2 only (D) m1, m2 and u1 all
54. A non-conducting spherical shell of radius R surrounds a point charge q. The electric flux
through a cap of the shell of half angle is
2q q q 2 q
(A) (B) 1 cos (C) (D)
0 2 0 4 0 2 0
55. In a Young’s double slit experiment the intensity at a point is I where the corresponding path
difference is one sixth of the wavelength of light used. If I0 denotes the maximum intensity,
the ratio is equal to
1 1 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 2 2 4
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
56. A charge +q is placed at a distance of d from a point O. A conducting body surrounds point
O such that q remains outside. The electric field at O due to the induced charge is
(A) zero
1 q
(B) directed towards the charge q
4 0 d2
1 q
(C) directed away from the charge q
4 0 d2
(D) data insufficient
57. A coaxial cable consists of two thin cylindrical conducting shells of radii a and b (a < b). The
inductance per unit length of the cable is
a b a b b
(A) 0 (B) 0 ln (C) 0 ln (D) 0 ln
2 a 4 b 4 a 2 a
58. Two coherent sources of light S1 and S2, equidistant from the
origin, are separated by a distance 2 as shown. They emit
light of wavelength . Interference is observed on a screen
placed along the circle of large radius R. Point P is seen to be
a point of constructive interference. Then, angle (other than
0° and 90°) is
(A) 45°
(B) 30°
(C) 60°
(D) not possible in the first quadrant
59. If a current of 2 A passing through a certain electrolyte for t minutes librates 1 gram of
oxygen, then t is about
(A) 6000 (B) 100 (C) 50 (D) 25
60. A polarized light is incident on a Polaroid. Let I0 be the intensity of light transmitted by this
Polaroid. Now, a very large number (say N) of polaroids is placed in a row with their axes
displaced through a small angle successively. If the last polarioid is crossed to the first one,
the intensity of light transmitted by the last Polaroid is about
l I
(A) zero (B) 0 (C) I0 (D) 0
2 N
61. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in case of a resistance in a resistance box
used in a laboratory?
(A) The resistance is prepared using tungsten or nichrome wire
(B) The resistance is prepared using manganin wire
(C) Half of the length of the resistance wire is would clockwise and the remaining half
anticlockwise just to accommodate the whole length in a small space
(D) Half of the length of the resistance wire is wound clockwise and the remaining half
anticlockwise to make the inductive effect zero.
62. In a certain experiment density of the material of a small metallic cylindrical tube of a given
mass is to be determined. Its length is about 3 cm, outer diameter more than about 1 cm and
wall thickness about 2mm; the flat base being a little thicker than 2 mm. Which of the
following set/s of apparatus can be used to determine the volume of the tube accurately?
(A) Water and a measuring cylinder
(B) Water, a measuring cylinder and a micrometer screw gauge
(C) An overflow vessel, a measuring cylinder and water
(D) Only vernier callipers
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
63. An object and a screen are separated by a distance D. A convex lens of focal length f such
that 4f < D, is moved between the object and the screen to get two sharp images. If the two
positions of the lens are separated by a distance L, then
(A) L is equal to D D 4f
(B) object distance in one position is numerically equal to image distance in the other
67. Which of the following statement/s in case of a thermodynamic process is/are correct? (The
symbols carry their usual meaning
(A) Eint =W indicates an adiabatic process (B) Eint = Q suggests an isochoric process
(C) Eint = 0 is true for a cyclic process (D) Eint = – W indicates an adiabatic process
69. Which of the following statement/s are correct in case of a source of emf (such a primary
(A) Inside the cell there always exist an electrostatic field and a non – electrostatic field of
equal magnitude directed opposite to it
(B) Potential difference is the work of an electrostatic field whereas electromotive force is the
work of a non –electrostatic field
(C) Under certain condition current can flow from positive terminal to negative terminal within
the cell
(D) When an external resistance is connected to the cell, the electrostatic field inside the cell
decreases in magnitude compared to the non – electrostatic field.
70. When photons each with energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of a metal A, the photoelectrons
given out have maximum kinetic energy TA and the corresponding de Broglie wave length is
A . When another metal surface B is irradiated with photons each with energy 4.70 eV, the
corresponding maximum kinetic energy TB is 1.50 eV less than TA. If the de Broglie wave
length B of these photoelectrons is twice that of A , then
(A) work function of metal A is 2.25 eV
(B) work function of metal A is 4.20 eV
(C) TA = 2.0 eV
(D) the radiation incident on metal A has a wavelength 292 nm.
FIITJEE Ltd., N-W Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 26, Ph: 011-45634000
NSEP - 2015
P105 P136 P177 P198
Answer Answer Answer Answer
Q.No. Q.No Q.No Q.No
key key key key
1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B
2 D 2 D 2 D 2 D
3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B
4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D
5 B 5 B 5 B 5 B
6 D 6 D 6 D 6 D
7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B
8 C 8 C 8 C 8 C
9 B 9 B 9 B 9 B
10 D 10 D 10 D 10 D
11 C 11 D 11 B 11 D
12 C 12 B 12 D 12 D
13 D 13 D 13 B 13 C
14 C 14 D 14 C 14 B
15 B 15 A 15 A 15 D
16 B 16 C 16 C 16 B
17 B 17 B 17 A 17 D
18 D 18 deleted 18 D 18 C
19 B 19 B 19 C 19 B
20 D 20 A 20 A 20 A
21 D 21 C 21 D 21 C
NSEP - 2015
P105 P136 P177 P198
Answer Answer Answer Answer
Q.No. Q.No Q.No Q.No
key key key key
22 D 22 D 22 B 22 C
23 C 23 B 23 D 23 D
24 B 24 D 24 D 24 C
25 D 25 D 25 A 25 B
26 B 26 B 26 C 26 B
27 D 27 D 27 B 27 B
28 C 28 B 28 deleted 28 D
29 B 29 D 29 B 29 B
30 A 30 D 30 A 30 D
31 B 31 C 31 C 31 D
32 D 32 C 32 D 32 B
33 B 33 D 33 B 33 D
34 C 34 C 34 D 34 D
35 A 35 B 35 D 35 A
36 C 36 B 36 B 36 C
37 A 37 B 37 D 37 B
38 D 38 D 38 B 38 deleted
39 C 39 B 39 D 39 B
40 A 40 D 40 D 40 A
41 D 41 B 41 C 41 C
42 B 42 D 42 C 42 D
NSEP - 2015
P105 P136 P177 P198
Answer Answer Answer Answer
Q.No. Q.No Q.No Q.No
key key key key
43 D 43 B 43 D 43 B
44 D 44 C 44 C 44 D
45 A 45 A 45 B 45 D
46 C 46 C 46 B 46 B
47 B 47 A 47 B 47 D
48 deleted 48 D 48 D 48 B
49 B 49 C 49 B 49 D
50 A 50 A 50 D 50 D
51 C 51 D 51 D 51 B
52 D 52 D 52 D 52 D
53 B 53 C 53 C 53 B
54 D 54 B 54 B 54 C
55 D 55 D 55 D 55 A
56 B 56 B 56 B 56 C
57 D 57 D 57 D 57 A
58 B 58 C 58 C 58 D
59 D 59 B 59 B 59 C
60 D 60 A 60 A 60 A
61 ABCD 61 BD 61 ABCD 61 BD
62 ABC 62 BCD 62 ABC 62 BCD
63 BCD 63 ABD 63 BCD 63 ABD
NSEP - 2015
P105 P136 P177 P198
Answer Answer Answer Answer
Q.No. Q.No Q.No Q.No
key key key key
64 ABD 64 ABCD 64 ABD 64 ABCD
65 BCD 65 ABCD 65 BCD 65 ABCD
66 BD 66 ABC 66 BD 66 ABC
67 BCD 67 BCD 67 BCD 67 BCD
68 ABD 68 ABD 68 ABD 68 ABD
69 ABCD 69 BCD 69 ABCD 69 BCD
Write the question paper code mentioned above on YOUR answer sheet (in the space
provided), otherwise you answer sheet will NOT be assessed. Note that the same Q.P.
Code appears on each page of the question paper.
Instruction to Candidates –
In part A2 (Q. Nos. 61 to 70) each question has four alternatives out of which any number
of alternatives (1, 2, 3 or 4) may be correct. You have to choose ALL correct alternatives
and fill the appropriate bubbles, as shown.
Q. No. 64 a c
7. For Part A1, each correct answer gets 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each
wrong answer. In Part A2, you get 6 marks if all the correct alternatives are marked.
No negative marks in this part.
8. Any rough work should be done only in the space provided.
9. Use of non – programmable calculator is allowed.
10. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the completion of the examination.
11. After submitting your answer paper, take away the Candidate’s copy for your reference.
Please DO NOT make any mark other than filling the appropriate bubbles properly in the space
provided on the answer sheet.
Answer sheets are evaluated using machine, hence CHANGE OF ENTRY IS NOT ALLOWED.
Scratching or overwriting may result in a wrong score.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
Instructions to Candidates (continued) –
12. Comments regarding this question paper, if any, may be sent by email only to
iapt.nse@gmail.com till 29th November, 2016.
13. The answers/solutons to this question paper will be available on out website –
www.iapt.org.in by 2nd December, 2016.
15. Result sheets can be downloaded from our website in the month of February. The “Centre
Top 10%” certificates will be dispatched to the prof-in-charge of the centre by February,
16. List of students (with centre number and roll number only) having score above MAS will be
displayed on our website (www.iapt.org.in) by 22nd December, 2016. See the Eligibility
Clause in the Student’s brochure on our website.
17. Students eligible for the INO Examination on the basis of selection criteria mentioned in
Student’s brochure will be informed accordingly.
Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10–11 Permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C2/Nm2
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
Total Time: 120 minutes (A-1 and A-2)
1. The breakdown field for air is about 2 × 106 volt/m. Therefore, the maximum charge that can
be placed on a sphere of diameter 10 cm is
(A) 2.0 × 10–4 C (B) 5.6 × 10–7 C
(C) 5.6 × 10 C (D) 2.0 × 102 C
2. A wire in the shape of square frame carries a current I and produces a magnetic field Bs at
its centre. Now the wire is bent in the shape of a circle and carries the same current. If Bc is
the magnetic field produced at the centre of the circular coil, then Bs/Bc is
(A) 82 (B) 82/ 2
(C) 8 2 / 2 (D) 8 2
3. A solid wooden block with a uniform cross section is floating in water (density w) with a
height h1 below water. Now a flat slab of stone is placed over the wooden block but the block
still flats with a height h2 below water. Afterwards the stone is removed from the top and
pasted at the bottom of the wooden block. The wooden block now floats with a height h3
under water. Therefore, the density of the stone is
h h1 h h3
(A) 2 w (B) 2 w
h3 h1 h2 h1
h h1 h3
(C) 2 w (D) w
h2 h3 h2 h1
4. Two wires made of the same material, one thick and the other thin, are connected to form a
composite wire. The composite wire is subjected to some tension. A wave travelling along
the wire crosses the junction point. The characteristic that undergoes a change at the
junction point is
(A) Frequency only
(B) Speed of propagation only.
(C) Wavelength only.
(D) The speed of propagation as well as the wavelength.
5. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 300 nm and intensity 1 W/m2 falls on the surface of a
photosensitive material. If one percent of the incident photons produce photoelectrons then
the number of photoelectrons emitted per second from an area of 1 cm2 of the surface is
(A) 1.51 × 1013 (B) 1.51 × 1012
(C) 4.12 × 10 (D) 2.13 × 1011
6. At a certain height h above the surface of the earth the change in the value of acceleration
due to gravity (g) is the same as that at a depth x below the surface. Assuming h and x to be
enough small compared to the radius of the earth, x : h is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 1 : 2 (D) 1 : 4
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
7. Two point masses m1 and m2 are connected at the ends of a light rigid rod of length . The
moment of inertia of the system about n axis through their centre of mass and perpendicular
to the rod is
1 m1m2 2 m1m2 2
(A) (B)
2 m1 m2 m1 m2
m m2 2
(C) m1 m2 2 (D) [m12 m22 ] 1
8. Two particles of masses m and M are initially at rest and infinitely separated. At a later
instant when they are at a finite distance d from each other, their relative velocity of
approach is
1 1
Gm 2 2G(m M) 2
(A) (B)
2d d
1 1
G(m M) 2 2GM 2
(C) (D)
2d d
10. A ball A of mass 1 kg moving at a speed of 5 m/s strikes tangentially another ball B initially at
rest. The ball A then moves at right angles to its initial direction at a speed of 4 m/s. If the
collision is elastic, the mass (in kg) of ball B and its momentum after collision (in kg-m/s)
respectively are (approximately)
(A) 1.2 and 1.8 (B) 2.2 and 3.3
(C) 4.6 and 6.4 (D) 6.2 and 9.1
A nichrome wire AB, 100 cm long and of uniform cross section is mounted on a meter scale,
the points a and B coinciding with 0 cm and 100 cm marks respectively. The wire has a
resistance S = 50 ohm. Any point C along this wire, between A and B is called a variable
point to which one end of an electrical element is connected. In the following questions this
arrangement will be referred to as ‘wire AB’.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
12. In the adjacent circuit arrangement it is found that
deflection in the galvanometer is 10 divisions. Also
the voltage across the ‘wire AB’ is equal to that
across the galvanometer. Therefore, the current
sensitivity of the galvanometer is about
(A) 0.050 div/A (B) 0.066 div/A
(C) 0.010 div/A (D) data insufficient
15. Consider a relation connecting three physical quantities A, B and C given by A = BnCm. The
dimensions of A, B and C are ‘LT], [L2T–1] and [LT2] respectively. Therefore, the exponents n
and m have values
(A) 2/3 and 1/3 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 4/5 and –1/5 (D) 1/5 and 3/5
16. Two identical rooms in a house are connected by an open doorway. The temperature in the
two rooms are maintained at two different values. Therefore,
(A) The room with higher temperature contains more amount of air.
(B) The room with lower temperature contains more amount of air.
(C) Both the rooms contain the same amount of air.
(D) The room with higher pressure contains more amount of air.
17. A vibrator of frequency f is placed near one of a long cylindrical tube. The tube is fitted with a
movable piston at the other end. An observer listens to the sound through a side opening.
As the piston is moved through 8.75 cm, the intensity of sound recorded by the observer
changes form a maximum to a minimum. If the speed of sound in air is 350 m/s, the
frequency f is
(A) 500 Hz (B) 1000 Hz
(C) 2000 Hz (D) 4000 Hz
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
18. A heavy metal block is dragged along a round horizontal surface at a constant speed of 20
km/hr. The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is 0.6. The block is made
of a material whose specific heat is 0.1 cal/g-oC can absorbs 25% of heat generated due to
friction. If the block is dragged for 10 min, the rise in temperature of the block is about(g = 10
(A) 12oC (B) 50oC
(C) 210 C (D) data insufficient
19. A gas is made to undergo a change of state from an initial state to a final state along
different paths by adiabatic process only. Therefore
(A) the work done is different for different paths
(B) the work done is the same for all paths
(C) there is no work done as there is no transfer of energy
(D) the total internal energy of the system will not change
20. Vectors A, B, C lie in XY plane and their resultant is R. The magnitudes of A, B and R
are100, 200 and 200 respectively. The angles made by these vectors with the positive
direction of X axis are 60o, 150o and 90o respectively. Therefore, the magnitude and the
angle made by C with positive direction of X axis respectively are
(A) 75, 315o (B) 110, 45o
(C) 156, 240o (D) 124, 62o
21. Two particles A and B are situated 10 m apart along X axis, B being farther of A, at t = 0.
Particle A is moving at 0.75 m/s parallel to +Y axis while B at 1 m/s along –X axis. After a
time t they come closes to each other. Therefore, t is
(A) 4.8 s (B) 6.4 s
(C) 6.0 s (D) 3.2 s
22. Out of the following differential equations, on that correctly represents the motion of a
second’s pendulum is
d2 x x d2 x x
(A) 2 0 (B) 2 2 0
dt dt
2 2
d x d x
(C) 2 x 0 (D) 2 2 x 0
dt dt
23. A block of mass 2 kg drops vertically from a height of 0.4 m onto a spring whose force
constant K is 1960 N/m. Therefore, the maximum compression of the spring is
(A) 0.40 m (B) 0.25 m
(C) 0.80 m (D) 0.1 m
24. Two blocks of masses m1 = 8 kg and m2 = 7 kg are connected by a light string passing over
a light frictionless pulley. The mass m1 is at rest on the inclined plane and mass m2 hangs
vertically. The angle of inclination is 30o. Therefore, the force of friction acting on m1 is
(A) 30 N up the plane (B) 30 N down the plane
(C) 40 N up the plane (D) 40 N down the plane
25. Two factories are sounding their sirens at 400 Hz each. A man walks from one factor
towards the other at a speed of 2 m/s, the speed of sound is 320 m/s. The number of beats
heard per second by the man is
(A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 2.5 (D) 7.5
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
26. The adjacent figure shows I – V characteristics of a silicon
diode. In this connection three statements are made – (I) the
region OC corresponds to reverse bias of the diode, (II) the
voltage at point A is about 0.2 volt and (III) different scales
have been used along +ve and –ve directions of Y axis.
(A) only statement (I) is correct (B) only statements (I) and (II) are correct
(C) only statements (I) and (III) are correct (D) all statements (I), (II) and (III) are correct
27. Two identical lenses made of the same material of refractive index 1.5 have the focal length
12 cm. These lenses are kept in contact and immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.35.
The combination behaves as
(A) convex lens of focal length 27 cm (B) concave lens of focal length 6 cm
(C) convex lens of focal length 9 cm (D) convex lens of focal length 6 cm
28. A cup of water is placed in a car moving at a constant acceleration a to the left. Inside the
water is a small air bubble. This figure that correctly shows the shape of the water surface
and the direction of motion of the air bubble is:
(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
29. A sphere of radius R made up of Styrofoam(light polystyrene material) has a cavity of radius
R/2. The centre of the cavity is situated at a distance of R/2 from the centre of the Styrofoam
sphere. The cavity is filled with a solid material of density five times that of Styrofoam. Now,
the centre of mass is seen to be located at a distance x from the centre of Styrofoam sphere,
therefore x is
(A) R/2 (B) R/3
(C) R/4 (D) R/6
30. A resistor R is connected to a parallel combination of two identical batteries each with emf E
and an internal resistance r. The potential drop across the resistance R is
(A) (B)
2R r R 2r
(C) (D)
2R r R 2r
31. The critical angle between a certain transparent medium and air is . A ray of light traveling
through air enters the medium at an angle of incidence equal to its polarizing angle .
Therefore, the angle of refraction is
(A) tan–1 (sin) (B) tan–1 (sin)
(C) sin–1 (tan) (D) sin–1 (tan)
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
32. If a copper wire is stretched to make its radius decrease by 0.1%, the percentage change in
its resistance is approximately
(A) -0.4% (B) +0.8%
(C) +0.4% (D) +0.2%
33. Consider a manual camera with a lens having a focal length of 5 cm. It is focused at infinity.
For catching the picture of an object at a distance of 30 cm, one would
(A) move the lens out by about 1 cm (B) move the lens out by about 5 cm
(C) move the lens in by about 1 cm (D) find it impossible to catch the picture
34. Initially interference is observed with the entire experimental set up inside a chamber filled
with air. Now the chamber is evacuated. With the same source of light used, a careful
observer will find that
(A) the interference pattern is almost absent as it is very much diffused
(B) there is no change in the interference pattern
(C) the fringe width is slightly decreased
(D) the fringe width is slightly increased
35. Two identical loudspeakers, placed close to each other inside a room, are supplied with the
same sinusoidal voltage. One can imagine a pattern around the loudspeakers with areas of
increased and decreased sound intensity alternately located. Which of the following actions
will NOT change the locations of these areas?
(A) moving one of the speakers
(B) changing the amplitude of the signal voltage
(C) changing the frequency of the signal voltage
(D) replacing the air in the room with a different gas
36. A particle at rest explodes into two fragments of masses m1 and m2(m1 > m2) which move
apart with non zero velocities. If 1 and 2 are their de Broglie wavelengths respectively, then
(A) 1 > 2 (B) 1 < 2
(C) 1 = 2 (D) data insufficient
37. Two particles of masses m1 and m2 carry identical charges. Starting from rest they are
accelerated through the same potential difference. Then they enter into a region of uniform
magnetic field and move along circular paths of radii R1 and R2 respectively. Therefore, the
ratio of their masses m1 : m2 is
(A) R1 : R2 (B) R12 : R 22
(C) R22 : R12 (D) R1 : R2
38. A fixed horizontal wire M carries 200 A current. Another wire N running parallel to M carries
a current I and remains suspended in a vertical plane below M at a distance of 20 mm. Both
the wires have a linear mass density 10–2 kg/m. Therefore, the current I is
(A) 20 A (B) 4.9 A
(C) 49A (D) 200 A
39. An unpolarized light of intensity 32 W/m2 passes through three polarizers, such that the
transmission axis of last polarizer is crossed with that of the first. If the intensity of emergent
light is 3 W/m2, then the angle between the transmission axes of the first two polarizers is
(A) 30o (B) 19o
(C) 45o (D) 90o+
40. An electron is injected directly towards the centre of a large metal plate having a uniform
surface charge density of –2.0 x 10–6 C/m2. The initial kinetic energy of the election is
1.6 x 10–17 J. The electron is observed to stop as it just reaches the plate. Therefore, the
distance between the plate and the point from where the electron was injected is
(A) 4.4 x 10–4 m (B) 4.4 m
(C) 4.4 x 10–2 (D) data insufficient
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
41. Graphs (drawn with the same scale) showing the variation of pressure with volume for a
certain gas undergoing four different cyclic processes A, B, C and D are given below.
The cyclic process in which the gas performs the greatest amount of work is
(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
44. The impedance (Z) of three electrical components e1, e2, and e3
has frequency (f) dependence as shown by the following three
The three components e1, e2, e3 are respectively
(A) R, L, C (B) R, C, L
(C) L, R, C (D) C, R, L
45. The half life period of a radioactive element E1 is equal to the main lifetime of another
radioactive element E2. Initially both the elements have the same number of atoms.
(A) E2 will decay faster (B) E1 will decay faster
(C) E1 and E2 will decay at the same rate (D) Data insufficient
46. A simple pendulum has a bon of mass m and a light string of length I. The string is replaced
by a uniform rod of mass m and of the same length I. The time period of this pendulum is
1/2 1/2
(A) 2 I / g (B) 2 8I/ 9g
1/2 1/2
(C) 2 9I / 8g (D) 2 2 / 3g
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
47. A tennis ball is released from a height and allowed
to fall onto a hard surface. The adjacent graph
shows the variation of velocity of the ball with time
from the instant of release. The point of upward
maximum velocity of the ball is indicated by point
(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
50. An ac source (sinusoidal source with frequency 50 Hz) is connected in series with a
rectifying diode, a 100 resistor, a 1000F capacitor and a milliammeter. After some time
the millimmater reads zero. The voltage measured across the capacitor with a dc voltmeter
(A) the peak voltage of the ac source
(B) rms voltage of the ac source.
(C) average voltage of the ac source over a half cycle.
(D) average voltage of the ac source over a full cycle.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
51. The frequency of the sound produced by a siren increases from 400 Hz to 1200 Hz while its
amplitude remains the same. Therefore, the ratio of the intensity of the 1200 Hz wave to that
of the 400 Hz wave is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 1
(C) 1 : 9 (D) 9 : 1
52. The fundamental frequency of the output of a bridge rectifier driven by ac mains is
(A) 50 Hz (B) zero
(C) 100 Hz (D) 25 Hz
53. The force of attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the electron in hydrogen
atom is given by f k 2 . Assume that the nucleus is fixed. The electron, initially moving in
an orbit of radius R1 jumps into an orbit of smaller radius R 2 . The decrease in the total
energy of the atom is
ke2 1 1 ke2 R1 R2
(A) (B)
2 R1 R 2 2 R22 R12
ke2 1 1 ke2 R2 R1
(C) (D) 2 2
2 R2 R1 2 R1 R2
54. It is observed that some of the spectral lines in hydrogen spectrum have wavelengths almost
equal to those of the spectral lines in He ion. Out of the following the transitions in He that
will make this possible is
(A) n 3 to n 1 (B) n 6 to n 4
(C) n 5 to n 3 (D) n 3 to n 2
Ignore the thickness of rubber and use the dimensions given here.
Note that the units mentioned above are conventional units used in everyday life.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
56. The left side front tyre was observed to be in contact with the road over a length L cm. The
value of L is
(A) 8.85 cm (B) 9.35 cm
(C) 11.36 cm (D) 10.35 cm
57. When five persons occupy the seats L increases by 2.5 cm. The average weight of a person
(A) 66 kg (B) 60 kg
(C) 62 kg (D) 64 kg
58. If five persons occupy the seats, the centre of the wheel is lowered by about
(A) 1 mm (B) 2 mm
(C) 3 mm (D) 4 mm
60. The tyres of racing cars are very wide. Their width is nearly three times the above value.
This large width is for
(A) stability and acceleration (B) streamlining and acceleration
(C) streamlining and stability (D) streamlining, stability and acceleration.
62. A simple laboratory power supply consists of a transformer, bridge rectifier and a filter
capacitor. It drives a suitable load. If due to some reason one of the diodes in the rectifier
circuit becomes open, then
(A) output voltage of power supply falls to zero.
(B) output voltage of power supply decreases to some nonzero value
(C) ac ripple in the output increases.
(D) ripple frequency decreases.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
63. Circuit A is a series LCR circuit with C A C and L A L . Another circuit B has CB 2C and
LB L / 2 . Both the circuits have the same resistance and the capacitor and the inductance
are assumed to be ideal components. Each of the circuits is connected to the same
sinusoidal voltage source. Therefore,
(A) both the circuits have the same resonant frequency
(B) both the circuits carry the same peak current
(C) resonance curve for circuit A is more sharp than that for circuit B.
(D) resonance curve for circuit B is more sharp than that for circuit A.
65. Which of the following physical quantities have dimensions identical to each other?
(A) the Young’s modulus Y.
(B) 0 E2 where E is the electric field intensity and 0 is the perimittivity of free space.
(C) where B is the magnetic field and 0 is the permeability of free space.
(D) kT where k is Bolzmann’s constant and T is the absolute temperature.
66. A small ball bearing is released at the top of a long vertical column of glycerin of height 2h.
The ball bearing falls through a height h in time t1 and then the remaining height with the
terminal velocity in time t 2 . Let W1 and W2 be the work done against viscous drag over
these heights. Therefore,
(A) t1 t 2 (B) t1 t 2
(C) W1 W2 (D) W1 W2
68. A charge q is situated at the origin. Let EA ,EB and EC be the electric fields at the points.
A 2, 3, 1 , B 1, 2, 4 and C 2, 4, 1 . Therefore.
(B) no work is done in moving a test charge q0 from B to C.
(C) 2 E A 3 EB
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
69. A uniform spherical charge distribution of radius R produces electric fields E1 and E2 at two
points at distances r1 and r2 respectively from the centre of the distribution. Out of the
following the possible expression/s for 1 is/are
r r
(A) 2 (B) 1
r1 r2
R3 r r2
(C) (D) 1 23
r12 r2 R
70. A metallic wire of length l is held between two supports under some tension. The wire is
cooled through ' . Let Y be the Young’s modulus, the density and the thermal
coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the wire. Therefore, the frequency of
oscillations of the wire varies as
(A) Y (B) z
(C) (D)
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D
5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B
9. C 10. C 11. B 12. B
13. D 14. C 15. D 16. B
17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D
21. B 22. D 23. D 24. B
25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D
29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C
33. A 34. D 35. B 36. C
37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A
41. D 42. D 43. D 44. D
45. A 46. B 47. B 48. D
49. D 50. A 51. D 52. C
53. C 54. B 55. C 56. C
57. A 58. C 59. B 60. A
61. BC 62. BD 63. AC 64. ABCD
65. ABC 66. BD 67. ABCD 68. ABC
69. CD 70. ABCD
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1. Motion of a particle in a plane is described by the non-orthogonal set of coordinates (p, q) with
ˆ ˆ inclined at an angle as shown in the diagram. If the mass of the particle is m,
unit vectors (p,q)
its kinetic energy is given by x
(A) m p 2 q 2 pqcos
(B) m p 2 q 2 pq
1 sin p
(C) m p 2 q 2 2pqcos
(D) m p 2 q 2 pqcot
1. C
1. v ppˆ qqˆ
1 1
K m(v v) m(p2 q2 2pqpˆ q)
2 2
m(p2 q2 2pqcos )
2. A man is going up in a lift (open at the top) moving with a constant velocity 3 m/s. He throws a
ball up at 5 m/sec relative to the lift when the lift is 50 m above the ground. Height of the lift when
the ball meets it during its downward journey is (g = 10 m/s )
(A) 53 m (B) 58 m
(C) 63 m (D) 68 m
2. A
2. yb ub y t a t2 = 0
2 b y
t = 1 sec
After t = 1 sec, the ball will be again caught by the man.
H = 50 + 3 × 1
3. Two cells each of emf E and internal resistances r1 and r2 respectively are connected in series
with an external resistance R. The potential difference between the terminals of the first cell will
be zero when R is equal to
r r
(A) 1 2 (B) r12 r22
(C) r1 r2 (D) 1 2
r1 r2
3. C
3. 2E I r1 r2 R 0
r1 r1
From question
E Ir1 0
r1 r2 R 2r1
R r1 r2 I
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com.
4. In the following circuit the current is in phase with the applied voltage. Therefore, the current in
the circuit and the frequency of the source voltage respectively, are
v 1
(A) i and
R 2 LC
(B) Zero and
C 2
(C) v i and
C 2
(D) 4 and
4. A
4. XL = XC
1 1
f Vi
LC 2 2 LC C
I c R
5. The photoelectric threshold wavelength of tungsten is 230 nm. The energy of electrons ejected
from its surface by ultraviolet light of wavelength 180 nm is
(A) 0.15 eV (B) 1.5 eV
(C) 15 eV (D) 1.5 keV
5. B
hC 1242
5. Work function of tungsten, 5.4 eV
0 230
hC 1242
Energy of each photon, E 6.9 eV
K E = 1.5 eV
6. Consider two point masses m1 and m2 connected by a light rigid rod of length r0. The moment of
inertia of the system about an axis passing through their centre of mass and perpendicular to the
rigid rod is given by
m1m2 m1m2 2
(A) r02 (B) r0
2 m1 m 2 m1 m 2
2m1m2 2 m12 m22 2
(C) r0 (D) r0
m1 m 2 m1 m 2
6. B
6. I r02
m1 m2
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com.
7. The fraction of the original number of nuclei of a radioactive atom having a mean life of 10 days,
that decays during the 5 day is
(A) 0.15 (B) 0.30
(C) 0.045 (D) 0.064
7. D
7. t mean
N N0 e0.4 e0.5 0.064
8. A point source of light is viewed through a plate of glass of thickness t and of refractive index 1.5.
The source appears
(A) closer by a distance 2t/3 (B) closer by a distance t/3
(C) farther by a distance t/3 (D) farther by a distance 2t/3
8. B
8. Normal shift, t t 1
9. A particle performs simple harmonic motion at a frequency f. The frequency at which its kinetic
energy varies is
(A) f (B) 2f
(C) 4f (D) f/2
9. B
10. When observed from the earth the angular diameter of the sun is 0.5 degree. The diameter of the
image of the sun when formed in a concave minor of focal length 0.5 m will be about
(A) 3.0 mm (B) 4.4 mm
(C) 5.6 mm (D) 8.8 mm
10. B
11. Two particles A and B of equal masses have velocities v A 2iˆ ˆj and vB ˆi 2jˆ . The particles
move with accelerations a A 4iˆ ˆj and aB 2iˆ 3ˆj respectively. The centre of mass of the two
particles moves along
(A) a straight line (B) a parabola
(C) a circle (D) an ellipse
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com.
11. B
2iˆ ˆj ˆi 2jˆ ˆi 3ˆj
11. v CM
2 2
and v CM aCM
So path of centre of mass be parabolic
12. Consider different orientations of a bar magnet lying in a uniform magnetic field as shown below.
The potential energy is maximum in orientation
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
12. B
12. U M.B
13. Acidified water from certain reservoir kept at a potential V falls in the form of small droplets each
of radius r through a hole into a hollow conducting sphere of radius a. The sphere is insulated and
is initially at zero potential. If the drops continue to fall until the sphere is half full, the potential
acquired by the sphere is
a2 V aV
(A) (B)
2r 2 r 2
a V aV
(C) 3
2r r
13. A
14. A small fish, 4 cm below the surface of a lake, is viewed through a thin converging lens of focal
length 30 cm held 2 cm above the water surface. Refractive index of water is 1.33. The image of
the fish from the lens is at a distance of
(A) 10 cm (B) 8 cm
(C) 6 cm (D) 4 cm
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com.
14. C
15. In case of real images formed by a thin convex lens, the linear magnification is (I) directly
proportional to the image distance, (II) inversely proportional to the object distance, (III) directly
proportional to the distance of image from the nearest principal focus, (IV) inversely proportional
to the distance of the object from the nearest principal focus. From these the correct statements
(A) (I) and (II) only (B) (III) and (IV) only
(C) (I), (II), (III) and (IV) all (D) None of (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
15. C
v f f v
15. m
u f u v
16. If Newton’s inverse square law of gravitation had some dependence on radial distance other than
r 2 , which one of Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion would remain unchanged?
(A) First law on nature of orbits
(B) Second law on constant areal velocity
(C) Third law on dependence of orbital time period on orbit’s semi major axis
(D) None of the above
16. B
17. A racing car moves along circular track of radius b. The car starts from rest and its speed
increases at a constant rate . Let the angle between the velocity and the acceleration be at
time t. Then (cos ) is
(A) 0 (B) t+/b
(C) b/(b + t2) (D) b b 2 2 t 4
17. D
a anet
17. cos
a4 t 4 at = a
2 2
ac=a t /b
b a2 t 4
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18. A small pond of depth 0.5 m deep is exposed to a cold winter with outside temperature of 263 K.
5 –1
Thermal conductivity of ice is K = 2.2 Wm 1K 1 , latent heat L = 3.4 × 10 Jk g and density
3 –3
= 0.9 × 10 kgm . Take the temperature of the pond to be 273 K. The time taken for the whole
pond to freeze is about
(A) 20 days (B) 25 days
(C) 30 days (D) 35 days
18. A
KA 273 263
18. dt AdyL
t 0.5
10 2.2 dt 0.9 103 3.4 105 y dy
0 0
1 8
22t 306 10
3.06 108
t sec 20 days approx
22 8
19. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two light strings of length l.
are initially at a distance d(<<l) apart due to their mutual repulsion. The charges begin to leak
from both the spheres at a constant rate. As a result, the spheres approach each other with a
velocity v. If x denotes the distance between the spheres, then v varies as
(A) x 1 (B) x 1/ 2
(C) x 1/2 (D) x
19. C
Kq2 x
19. tan
mgx 2 2
q x 3/ 2 v
x1/ 2 v
vx 2
20. C
di d
20. L
dt dt
21. A ball of mass m hits directly another ball of mass M at rest and is brought to rest by the impact.
One third of the kinetic energy of the ball is lost due to the collision. The coefficient of restitution is
(A) 1/3 (B) 1/2
(C) 2/3 (D)
21. C
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1 1 2
21. So mv 2 mu2 m
2 2 3 m m v
v u
3M Before collison
After collison
and mu mv
m 2m v 2
M 3M u 3
22. Consider a parallel plate capacitor. When half of the space between the plates is filled with some
dielectric material of dielectric constant K as shown in Fig. (1) below, the capacitance is C1.
However, if the same dielectric material fills half the space as shown in Fig. (2), the capacitance
is C2. Therefore, the ratio C1 : C2 is
(A) 1 (B)
K 1
4K K 1
(C) 2
K 1 2
22. C
0 A 2 0 At
22. C1
d d d k 1
2 2k
C 2 0 1 k
C1 4x
Fig. (1) Fig. (2)
C2 k 1 2
23. The excess pressure inside a soap bubble is equal to 2 mm of kerosene (density 0.8 g cm –3). If
the diameter of the bubble is 3.0 cm, the surface tension of soap solution is
(A) 39.2 dyne cm–1 (B) 45.0 dyne cm–1
(C) 51.1 dyne cm (D) 58.8 dyne cm–1
23. D
23. 0.2 0.8 980
0.2 0.8 980 3
T 58.8 dyne / a
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A body of mass 4 kg moves under the action of a force F 4iˆ 12t 2 ˆj N, where t is the time in
second. The initial velocity of the particle is 2iˆ ˆj 2kˆ ms–1. If the force is applied for 1s, work
done is
(A) 4J (B) 8J
(C) 12J (D) 16J
24. D
ˆj dt 4v 4 2iˆ ˆj 2kˆ
4iˆ 12t
24. J
4iˆ 4ˆj 4v u 2iˆ ˆj 2kˆ
v 3iˆ 2ˆj 2kˆ
4 9 4 4 4 1 4 16J
25. Which one of the following devices does not respond to the intensity of light incident on it?
(A) Photoresistor (LDR) (B) Photodiode
(C) Light Emitting Diode (D) Solar Cell
25. C
26. Two moles of hydrogen are mixed with n moles of helium. The root mean square speed of gas
molecules in the mixture is 2 times the speed of sound in the mixture. Then n is
(A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 1.5 (D) 2.5
26. B
26. 2
Mmin Mmin
3 2 n n2
2 7 5 3
1 1 1
5 3 2
27. In an X ray tube the electrons are expected to strike the target with a velocity that is 10% of the
velocity of light. The applied voltage should be
(A) 517.6 V (B) 1052 V
(C) 2.559 kV (D) 5.680 kV
27. C
1 2
27. ev m 0.1C
1 9.1 100 31 10 2 9 1016
2 1.6 1019
9.1 9
102 2.559kV
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28. A
28. 6gx 3gx 160 40 x 2
x = 0.294 m
29. A quantity is defined as = e2 /40c , where e is electric charge, = h/2 is the reduced
Planck’s constant and c is the speed of light. The dimensions of are
(A) M0L0 T 0I0 (B) M1L1T 2I2
(C) M2L1T 1I0 (D) M0L3 T1I2
29. A
e2 1
40 C
MLT 2L2 2 2
30. A student uses a convex lens to determine the width of a slit. For this he fixes the positions of the
object and the screen and moves the lens to get a real image on the screen. The images of the
slit width are found to be 2.1 cm and 0.48 cm wide respectively when the lens is moved through
15 cm. Therefore, the slit width and the focal length of the lens respectively are
(A) 1 cm, 9.3 cm (B) 1 cm, 10.5 cm
(C) 2 cm, 12.8 cm (D) 2 cm, 15.2 cm
30. A
30. x y 15 L1 L2
and y 0.48x
15 O I
x 0.48x 15 x
1 1 1
from lens equation
0.48x x f 2.11 y
0.52 0.52 1
0.48 15 15 f
x 0.48x
f = 9.3 cm
Object length = L1L 2 2.1 0.48 1 cm
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31. Two identical solid blocks A and B are made of two different materials. Block A floats in a liquid
with half of its volume submerged. When block B is pasted over A, the combination is found to
just float in the liquid. The ratio of the densities of the liquid, material of A and material of B is
given by
(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 2 : 1 : 4
(C) 2 : 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 3 : 2
31. C
31. v A g g
V A B g 2v g B
A B 2
3 A
: A : B : : 2 : 1: 3
2 2
32. The decimal number that is represented by the binary number (100011.101)2 is
(A) 23.350 (B) 35.625
(C) 39.245 (D) 42.455
32. B
5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3
32. (100011. 101)2 = 1 × 2 + 0 × 2 + 0 × 2 + 0 × 2 + 1 × 2 + 1 × 2 + 1 × 2 + 0 × 2 + 1 × 2
1 1
= 32 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 0
= 35.625
33. An object 1 cm long lies along the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 15 cm, the centre
of the object being at a distance of 20 cm from the lens. Therefore, the size of the image is
(A) 0.3 cm (B) 3 cm
(C) 9 cm (D) 12 cm
33. C
1 1 1
33. 20 cm
f v u
1 1 1
15 v 20
1 1 1 32 1
v 15 20 60 60 1 cm
v = 60 cm
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1 1
0 2
v 2 u
v u
v u 9 1 cm
34. Let V and I be the readings of the voltmeter and the ammeter respectively as shown in the figure.
Let RV and RA be their corresponding resistances. Therefore,
(A) R R
(B) R I
(C) R R V VA
(D) R
34. B
34. I2 I I1 I
V R VI2 I2
35. A whistle whose air column is open at both ends has a fundamental frequency 500 Hz. The
whistle is dipped in water such that half of it remains out of water. What will be the fundamental
frequency now? (speed of sound in air is 340 ms–1)
(A) 250 Hz (B) 125 Hz
(C) 500 Hz (D) 1000 Hz
35. C
35. f0
4 2
v v 2 4
f0 f0 500Hz
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website: www.fiitjee.com.
36. An isolated metallic object is charged in vacuum to a potential V0 using a suitable source, its
electrostatic energy being W 0. It is then disconnected from the source and immersed in a large
volume of dielectric with dielectric constant K. The electrostatic energy of the sphere in the
dielectric is
(A) K2W 0 (B) K W 0
(C) W 0/K2 (D) W 0/K
36. D
1 + + + +
36. Q CV, U CV 2 W0 + +
2 + +
In presence of dielectric, charge is fixed + +
C CK + +
C +
2 +
Q2 CV CV 2 1 W0 +
U + +
2C 2KC 2 K K + + +
37. A 10 ohm resistor is connected to a supply voltage alternating between + 4V and – 2V as shown
in the following graph. The average power dissipated in the resistor per cycle is
voltage (v) 2
37. A
38. A coil 2.0 cm in diameter has 300 turns. If the coil carries a current of 10 mA and lies in a
magnetic field 5 × 10–2 T, the maximum torque experienced by the coil is
(A) 4.7 × 10–2 N-m (B) 4.7 × 10–4 N-m
–5 –8
(C) 4.7 × 10 N-m (D) 4.7 × 10 N-m
38. C
38. M 1 102 10 103 300 3 10 4 Am2
MB 15 106 N m 4.7 105 Nm
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39. A horizontal ray of light passes through a prism of refractive index 1.5 and apex angle 4° and
then strikes a vertical plane mirror placed to the right of the prism. If after reflection, the ray is to
be horizontal, then the mirror must be rotated through an angle
(A) 1° clockwise (B) 1° anticlockwise
(C) 2° clockwise (D) 2° anticlockwise
39. A
39. 1 A 0.5 4 2
Ans will 1° clockwise
40° 120°
40. Two identical coils each of self-inductance L, are connected in series and are placed so close to
each other that all the flux from one coil links with the other. The total self-inductance of the
system is
(A) L (B) 2L
(C) 3L (D) 4L
40. D
40. M L L L
LS 4 l2 2M L L 2L 4L
VCD 16mv 1I
VAB 12mv RgI
I = 10 d
x value of each division
16 100
Rg 75
12 R g
16 103
I 16 1015 A 10d
x 1.6 10 5 A / dive 16x / A / div
30 dive 48 10 5 A Ig
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Group of question Nos 41 to 45 are based on the following paragraph and its subsequent continuation
after some questions
The following questions are concerned with experiments on the characterization and use of a moving coil
The series combination of a variable resistance R, one 100 resistor and a moving coil galvanometer is
connected to a mobile phone charger having negligible internal resistance. The zero of the galvanometer
lies at the centre and the pointer can move 30 divisions full scale on either side depending on the
direction of current. The reading of the galvanometer is 10 divisions and the voltage across the
galvanometer and 100 resistor are respectively 12 mV and 16 mV.
41. A
R 100
The series combination of the galvanometer with resistance of R is connected across an ideal voltage
supply of 12 V and this time the galvanometer shows full scale deflection of 30 divisions.
43. B
43. Ig (R Rg ) 12 V G
5 Rg R
12 10 100
R Rg 103 25K
48 4
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website: www.fiitjee.com.
44. D
1 G
44. V 24 4.8 V 25 k
5 Rg
4.8 25 103 I
I = 3
4.8 4 105 amp
25 10
4.8 4 10 5
No. of division = 12
1.6 105 24
45. Now a 1000 F capacitor is charged using the 12 V supply and is discharged through the
galvanometer-resistance combination used in the previous question. The current i (in ampere) at
different time t (in second) are recorded. A graph of (n i) against (t) is plotted. The slope of the
graph is
(A) 0.02 s1 (B) 0.01 s1
(C) 0.04 s (D) +0.04 s1
45. C
Q0 t Q 1
45. Q Q0 e I e nI n 0 t
6 3
1000 10 25 10 = 25 sec
1 1 4 4
Slope = = 0.04 s1
25 4 100
46. A particle rests in equilibrium under two forces of repulsion whose centres are at distances of a
and b from the particle. The forces vary as the cube of the distance. The forces per unit mass are
k and k respectively. If the particle be slightly displaced towards one of them the motion is simple
harmonic with the time period equal to
2 2
(A) (B)
k k k k
3 3 3 3 3
a b a b
2 2
(C) (D)
k k k k
4 4 3 4 4
a b a b
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website: www.fiitjee.com.
47. A slit of width a is illuminated by parallel monochromatic light of wavelength . The value of a at
which the first minimum of the diffraction pattern will form at = 30º is
(A) /2 (B)
(C) 2 (D) 3
47. C
48. D
2 4 B 4
upper end
49. (v B) d 0
lower end
50. In an atom an electron excites to the fourth orbit. When it jumps back to the lower energy levels a
spectrum is formed. Total number of spectrum lines in this spectrum would be
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6
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50. A
50. For one atom with one electron in 4th level, possible transition for maximum lines in spectrum
would be 4 3, 3 2 and 2 1.
51. A hollow sphere of inner radius 9 cm and outer radius 10 cm floats half submerged in a liquid of
specific gravity 0.8. The density of the material of the sphere is
(A) 0.84 g cm 3 (B) 1.48 g cm 3
(C) 1.84 g cm (D) 1.24 g cm3
51. B
52. The earth’s magnetic field at a certain point is 7.0 105 T. This field is to be balanced by a
magnetic field at the centre of circular current carrying coil of radius 5.0 cm by suitably orienting it.
If the coil has 100 turns then the required current is about.
(A) 28 mA (B) 56 mA
(C) 100 mA (D) 560 mA
52. B
52. BH N 0
100 0 7 105
4 10 7 I
100 7 10 5
2 5 10 2
I = 56 mA
53. A
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1 L A
53. C sin1 38.7
r2 60 C 21.3
1 sin i = 1.6 sin(21.3º)
i = 35.6 r1
B Q 90º C D
54. An infinitely long straight non-magnetic conducting wire of radius ɑ carries a dc current I. The
magnetic field B, at a distance r (r < ɑ) from axis of wire is
(A) 0I/2ɑ (B) 0Ir/2ɑ2
2 2 3
(C) 20Ir/ɑ (D) 0Ir /2ɑ
54. B
54. B 2r 0I
2a 2
400 V/m
55. B
56. When a body is suspended from a fixed point by a spring, the angular frequency of its vertical
oscillations is 1: When a different spring is used, the angular frequency is 2. The angular
frequency of vertical oscillations when both the springs are used together in series is given by
1/ 2 1/ 2
(A) 12 22 (B) 12 22 / 2
1/2 1/ 2
(C) 12 22 / 12 22 (D) 12 22 / 2 12 22
56. C
k1 k
56. 12 , 22 2
m m
1 1 1 k eq
k eq k 1 k 2 m
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1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
m 1 m 2m 1 2
2 2
21 22
1 2
log y
(A) x + y = b
(B) ax2 + by2 = 0
(C) x + y = ab
(D) y = ax
log x
57. D
57. n y = n a + b n x
58. A
1 4 1 (4 / 3) R
58. for first refraction
v 1 3( ) R
v 1 = 3R
4 1 1 1
for 2nd refraction
3v 2 5R 3 R
v2 R
59. A man stands at rest in front of a large wall. A sound source of frequency 400 Hz is placed
between him and the wall. The source is now moved towards the wall at a speed of 1 m/s. The
number of beats heard per second will be (speed of sound in air is 345 m/s)
(A) 0.8 (B) 0.58
(C) 1.16 (D) 2.32
59. D
1 1
59. Beat frequency v s f 2.32 v
vs v v v s
vs = velocity of sound S
v = velocity of source
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60. A
42 g
60. Acceleration g
4 2 3
61. Two identical rods made of two different metals A and B with thermal conductivities KA and KB
respectively are joined end to end. The free end of A is kept at a temperature T1 while the free
end of B is kept at a temperature T2 (<T1). Therefore, in the steady state
(A) the temperature of the junction will be determined only by KA and KB.
(B) if the length of the rods are doubled the rate of heat flow will be halved.
(C) If the temperatures at the two free ends are interchanged the junction temperature will
(D) the composite rod has an equivalent thermal conductivity of
61. A, B, C, D
62. If a system is made to undergo a change from an initial state to a final state by adiabatic process
only, then
(A) the work done is different for different paths connecting the two states.
(B) there is no work done since there is no transfer of heat.
(C) the internal energy of the system will change.
(D) the work done is the same for all adiabatic paths.
62. A, C
63. A small bar magnet is suspended by a thread. A torque is applied and the magnet is found to
execute angular oscillations. The time period of oscillations.
(A) decreases with the moment of magnet.
(B) increases with the increase of the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field.
(C) will remain unchanged even if another magnet is ketp at a distance.
(D) depends on the mass of the magnet.
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63. A, D
63. Time period T 2
64. A body of mass 1.0 kg moves in X-Y plane under the influence of the conservative force. Its
potential energy is given by U = 2x + 3y where (x, y) denote the coordinates of the body. The
body is at rest at (2, 4) initially. All the quantities have SI units. Therefore, the body
(A) moves along a parabolic path.
(B) moves with a constant acceleration.
(C) never crosses the X-axis.
(D) has a speed of 2 13 m/s at time t = 2 s.
64. B, C, D
64. a 2iˆ 3ˆj
v 42 62 2 13
65. Two balls A and B moving in the same direction collide. The mass of B is p times that of A. Before
the collision the velocity of A was q times that of B. After the collision A comes to rest. If e be the
coefficient of restitution then which of the following conclusion/s is/are correct?
pq pq
(A) e (B) q
pq p pq p
(C) p (D) p 1
65. A, C, D
65. v1 = 0
pq p
66. A ray is incident on a refracting surface of RI at an angle of incidence i and the corresponding
angle of refraction is r. The deviation of the ray after refraction is given by = i r. Then, one may
conclude that
(A) r increases with i (B) increases with i
(C) decreases with i (D) the maximum value of is cos1
66. A, B, D
1 1
66. max 90 sin1 cos 1
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67. A, C, D
68. A convex lens and a concave lens are kept in contact and the combination is used for the
formation of image of a body by keeping it at different places on the principal axis. The image
formed by this combination of lenses can be
(A) Magnified, inverted and real (B)Diminished, inverted and real
(C) Diminished, erect and virtual (D) Magnified, erect and virtual
68. A, B, C, D
69. In a series R-C circuit the supply voltage (VS) is kept constant at 2V and the frequency f of the
sinusoidal voltage is varied from 500 Hz to 2000 Hz. The voltage across the resistance R = 1000
ohm is measured each time as VR. For the determination of the C a student wants to draw a
linear graph and try to get C from the slope. Then she may draw a graph of
1 V2
(A) f 2 against VR2 (B) 2 against S2
f VR
1 1 VR
(C) 2 against 2 (D) f against
69. B, C, D
Vs2R 2
69. VR2
R2 2 2 2
4 f C
2 2
1 2 Vs VR
4 2 f 2 C2 VR
70. A particle starting from rest at the highest point slides down the outside of a smooth vertical
circular track of radius 0.3 m. When it leaves the track its vertical fall is h and the linear velocity is
v. the angle made by the radius at the position of the particle with the vertical is . Now consider
the following observations: (g = 10 m/s2)
(I) h = 0.1 m and cos = 2/3. (II) h = 0.2 m and cos = 1/3 (III) v 2 ms1 (V) After leaving the
circular track the particle will describe a parabolic path.
(A) (I) and (III) both are correct (B) only (II) is incorrect
(C) only (III) is correct (D) (IV) is correct
70. A, D
70. mgR(1 cos ) mv 2
mv 2
cos , h = 0.1, v 2
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Date of Examination: 25th November, 2018
Time: 0830 to 1030 hrs
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Total Time: 120 minutes (A-1 and A-2)
2. A uniform solid drum of radius R and mass M rolls without slipping down a plane inclined at
an angle . Its acceleration along the p lane is
1 1 2 5
(A) g sin (B) g sin (C) g sin (D) g sin
3 2 3 7
3. A particle moves according to the law x = at, y = at(1 – t) where a and are positive
constants and t is time. The time instant at which velocity makes an angle with
acceleration is
4 3 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4. The potential energy of a particle of mass m in a conservative force field can be expressed
as U = x – y where (x, y) denote the position coordinates of the body. The acceleration of
the body is
2 2 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m m m m
5. A constant force F applied to the lower block of mass 15 kg makes it slide between the
upper block of mass 5 kg and the table below, as shown. the coefficients of static (s) and
kinetic (k) friction between the lower block and the table are 0.5 and 0.4 respectively and
those between the two blocks are 0.3 and 0.1. The accelerations of the upper and the lower
blocks are respectively.
(A) 1.96 m/s2 and 1.96 m/s2 (B) 1.96 m/s2 and 3.92 m/s2
(C) 0.98 m/s2 and 0.49 m/s2 (D) 0.98 m/s2 and 1.96 m/s2
6. Two bodies of equal masses moving with equal speeds make a perfectly inelastic collision.
If the speed after the collision is reduced to half, the angle between their velocities of
approach is
(A) 30° (B) 60°
(C) 90° (D) 120°
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
7. A student performs an experiment with a simple pendulum and records the time for
20 oscillations. If he would have recorded time for 100 oscillations, the error in the
measurement of time period would have reduced by a factor of
(A) 80 (B) 20
(C) 10 (D) 5
8. A satellite is lunched from a point close to surface of the earth (radius R) with a velocity
0 1.5, where 0 is the velocity in a circular orbit. If the initial velocity imparted to the
satellite is horizontal, the maximum distance from the surface of the earth during its
revolution is
(A) R (B) 2R
(C) 3R (D) 4R
9. The aperture diameter of a plane-convex lens is 6 cm and its thickness is 3 mm. If the speed
of light through its material is = 2 × 108 m/s, the focal length of the lens is
(A) 40 cm (B) 35 cm
(C) 30 cm (D) 20 cm
10. Under standard conditions of temperature and pressure a piece of ice melts completely on
heating it. Obviously the increase in internal energy of the system (ice and water) is
(A) equal to the heat given. (B) more than the heat given
(C) less than the heat given (D) zero
11. Rocket fuel is capable of giving an exhaust velocity of rel = 2.4 km/s in the absence of any
external forces. The fuel required per kg of the payload to provide an exhaust velocity of
12 km/s to the rocket is
(A) 3670 kg (B) 8000 kg
(C) 147.4 kg (D) 478.4 kg
12. A vertical spring of length 0 and force constant K is stretched by when a mass m is
suspended from its lower end. By pulling the mass down a little the system is left off to
oscillate. The time period of oscillation is
(A) 2 (B) 2 0
g g
1 m 0
(C) (D) 2
2 k g
13. Let R be the radius of the earth. In general, the loss of gravitational potential energy of a
body of mass m falling from a height h to the earth surface is
(A) mgh (B) mgh
Rh R
(C) mgh (D) mgh
R Rh
14. The velocity of a projectile at the highest point of its trajectory is 0.4 of its velocity at a
point at half its maximum height. The angle of projection is
(A) 30° (B) 45°
(C) 60° (D) tan–1 ( 0.4 )
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
15. The combination of a steel wire (length 80 cm, area of cross section 1 mm2) and an
aluminium wire (length 60 cm, area of cross section 3 mm2) joined end to end is stretched by
a tension of 160 N. If the densities of steel and aluminium are 7.8 g/cc and 2.6 g/cc
respectively then, the minimum frequency of tuning fork which can produce standing waves
in the composite wire, with the joint as a node, is
(A) 179 Hz (B) 358 Hz
(C) 88 Hz (D) 118 Hz
17. An empty earthen pitcher is kept under a water tap and starts filling with water as the tap is
opened. The pitched of the sound produced
(A) goes on decreasing.
(B) goes on increasing.
(C) first increases and then decreases after the pitcher is half filled.
(D) does not change.
18. The molar specific heat of an ideal gas in a certain thermodynamic process is where is
a constant. If the adiabatic exponent is , the work done in heating the gas form t0 t
nT0 is
1 (n 1)
(A) ln n (B) ln n RT0
( 1)
(n 1)
(C) ln n – ( – 1)RT0 (D) RT0
( 1)
19. An aircraft flied at a speed from city A to city B and back in time t0. City B is to the east of
city A at a distance d. The aircraft takes time t1 for the round trip if wind blows with speed w
along AB and time t2 if the wind blows with the same speed perpendicular to AB. Then,
(A) t1 = t2 = t0 (B) t1 > t2 > t0
(C) t1 < t2 < t3 (D) t1 > t0 > t2
20. The Hubble telescope in orbit above the earth has a 2.4 m circular aperture. The telescope
has equipment for detecting ultraviolet light. The minimum angular separation between two
objects that the telescope can resolve in ultraviolet light of wavelength 95 nm is
(A) 4.83 10 8 rad (B) 4.03 10 8 rad
(C) 2.41 10 8 rad (D) 2.00 108 rad
21. A projectile is fired from ground with velocity u at an angle with the horizontal. It would be
moving perpendicular to its initial direction of projection after a time t equal to
u sin 2u sin
(A) (B)
g g
u u
(C) (D)
g sin 2gsin
22. The critical angle for light passing from glass to air is minimum for the light of wavelength
(A) 0.7 m (B) 0.6 m
(C) 0.5 m (D) 0.4 m
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
23. A thin hollow equiconvex lens, silvered at the back, converges a beam of light parallel to the
principal axis at a distance 0.2 m. When filled with water , the same beam will be
converged at a distance of
(A) 3.75 cm (B) 3.25 cm
(C) 0.12 m (D) None of the above
24. An air bubble is situated at a distance 2.0 cm from the centre of a spherical glass paper
weight of radius 5.0 CM AND REFRACTIVE INDEX 1.5. The bubble is seen through the
nearest surface. It appears at a distance from the centre. Therefore, is
(A) 3.75 cm (B) 3.25 cm
(C) 2.50 cm (D) 3.80 cm
25. A student while performing experiment with a sonometer with bridges separated by a
distance of 80 cm, missed out some of the observations. However, he claimed that the three
resonant frequencies for a given tuning fork were 84, 140 and 224 Hz. The speed of
transverse waves on the wire is
(A) 33.30 m/s (B) 330.0 m/s
(C) 44.80 m/s (D) 448.0 m/s
26. Which of the following curves represents spectral distribution of energy of black body
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
27. A Sphere and a cube having equal surface area are made of the same material. The two are
heated to the same temperature and kept in identical surrounding. The ratio of their initial
rates of cooling is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) :1
(C) :1 (D) :1
3 6
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
28. Consider the diffraction pattern due to a single slit. The first maximum for a certain
monochromatic light coincides with the first minimum for red light of wavelength 660 nm. The
wavelength of the monochromatic light is
(A) 660 nm. (B) 550 nm.
(C) 440 nm. (D) 330 nm.
29. A concave lens of focal length f produces an image (1/n) times the size of the object. The
distance of the object from the lens is
(A) n 1 f (B)
n 1 f
n 1 f (D) n 1 f
30. The Sun having radius R and surface temperature T, emits radiation as a perfect emitter.
The distance of the earth from the sum is r and the radius of the earth is R e . The total
radiant power incident on the earth is
R 2eR2 T 4 R 2eR2 T 4
(A) (B)
4 r 2 r2
4 R 2eR 2T 4 R2eR2 T 4
(C) (D)
r2 r2
31. A cylinder containing water (refractive index 4/3) is covered by an equiconvex glass
(refractive index 3/2) lens of focal length 25 cm. At the mid – day when the sun is just
overhead, the image of the sun will be seen at a distance of
(A) 100 cm (B) 50 cm
(C) 37.5 cm (D) 25 cm
32. A rectangular loop carrying a current is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The net force
acting on the loop.
(A) depends on the direction and magnitude of the current.
(B) depends on the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field.
(C) depends on the area of the loop.
(D) is zero.
34. A hollow conducting sphere of radius 15 cm has a uniform surface charge density
3.2 C / m2 . When a point charge q is placed at the centre of the sphere, the electric field at
25 cm from the centre just reverses its direction keeping the magnitude the same. Therefore,
q is
(A) 0.91C (B) 0.91C
(C) 1.81C (D) 1.81C
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
35. An electron (e) and proton (p) are situated on the straight line as shown below. The
directions of the electric field at the point 1, 2 and 3 respectively, are shown as
37. A thin wire of length 1 m is placed perpendicular to the XY plane. If it is moved with velocity
4iˆ ˆj m / s in the region of magnetic induction B ˆi 4ˆj Wb / m2 . The potential
difference developed between the ends of the wire is
(A) zero (B) 3V
(C) 15 V (D) 17V
38. A steel cooking pan has copper coating at its bottom. The thickness of copper coating is half
the thickness of steel bottom. The conductivity of copper is three times that of steel. If the
temperature of blue flame is 119o C and that of the interior of the cooking pan is 91o C , then
the temperature at the interface between the steel bottom and the copper coating in the
steady state is
(A) 980C (B) 103oC
(C) 115 C (D) 108oC
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
40. A fiber sheet of thickness 1 mm and a mice sheet of thickness 2 mm are introduced between
two metallic parallel plates to form a capacitor. Given that the dielectric strength of fibre is
6400 kV/m and the dielectric constants of fiber and mica are 2.5 and 8 respectively, the
electric field inside the mica sheet just at the breakdown of fiber will be
(A) 200 kV/m (B) 2048 kV/m
(C) 3200 kV/m (D) 6400 kV/m
41. The position vector of a point mass is expressed as r atiˆ bt 2 ˆj . The trajectory of the
particle is
(A) a straight line (B) a parabola
(C) a hyperbola (D) none of the above
42. In a series LCR circuit fed with an alternating emf E = E0 sin t,
(A) the voltage across L is in phase with the applied emf E
(B) the voltage across C is the phase with the applied emf E
(C) the voltage across R is in phase with the applied emf E
(D) the voltage across L, C and R are all in phase with the applied emf E
43. A conducting wire is bent in the form of a n sided regular polygon enclosed by a circle of
radius R. The magnetic field produced at its center by a current I flowing through the wire is
oi sin n 0i cos n
(A) (B)
2R 2R
n n
0i tan n 0i cot n
(C) (D)
2R 2R
n n
45. The magnetic dipole moment of an electron is the S state of hydrogen atom revolving in a
circular orbit of radius 0.0527 nm with a speed 2.2 106 is
(A) 4.64 1024 Am2 (B) 9.28 10 24 Am2
(C) 18.56 1024 AM2 (D) 2.32 1024 Am2
46. A steel cable hanging vertically can support a maximum load W. The cable is cut to exactly
half of its original length, the maximum load that it can support now is
(A) W (B)
(C) 2W (D) more than but less than W
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
47. The string AB and AC each of length 40 cm, connect a ball of
mass 200 g to a vertical shaft as shown. When the shaft
rotates at a constant angular speed , the ball travels in a
horizontal circle with the strings inclined at y = 300 to the shaft
. If the tension in the string AC in 4 N, that in the string AB
and the angular speed respectively, are
(A) 6.26 N and 11.32 rad/s
(B) 7.92 N and 14.32 rad/s
(C) 7.92 N and 11.32 rad/s
(D) 6.26 N and 14.32 rad/s
48. A tightly wound long solenoid carries a current 5 A. An electron shot perpendicular to the
solenoid axis inside it revolves at a frequency 108 rev/s. The number of turns per meter
length of the solenoid is
(A) 57 (B) 176
(C) 569 (D) 352
49. The same alternating voltage V0 sin t is applied in both the LCR circuits shown
below. The current through the resistance R at resonance is
50. The switch S in the circuit shown is closed for a long time
and then opened at time t = 0. The current in the 100 k
resistance at t = 3s is
(A) zero
(B) 48 A
(C) 35.5 A
(D) 16 A
52. The energy of the characteristic X – ray photon in a Coolidge tube comes from
(A) the kinetic energy of striking electron
(B) the kinetic energy of the free electrons of the target
(C) the kinetic energy of the ions of the target
(D) the electronic transition of the target atom
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
53. The maximum wavelength that can ionize a hydrogen atom initially in the ground state is
(A) 660.0 nm (B) 364.5 nm
(C) 121.9 nm (D) 91.4 nm
54. The wavelength of the waves associated with a proton and a photon are the same.
Therefore, the two have equal
(A) mass (B) velocity
(C) momentum (D) kinetic energy
55. Which of the following sources emits light having highest degree of coherence?
(A) Light emitting diode (B) LASER diode
(C) Neon lamp (D) incandescent lamp
56. An alpha particle with kinetic energy K approaches a stationary nucleus having atomic
number Z. The distance of closest approach is b. Therefore the distance of closest approach
for a nucleus of atomic number 2Z is
(A) b/Z (B) 2 b
(C) 2 b (D) 4 b
57. In a photodiode the reverse current increase when exposed to light of wavelength 620 nm or
less. The band gap of the semiconductor used is
(A) 0.067 eV (B) 1.12 eV
(C) 2.00 eV (D) 2.42 eV
58. An electron in hydrogen atom jumps from a level n = 4 to n = 1. The momentum of the
recoiled atom is
(A) 6.8 10–27 kg -m/s (B) 12.75 10–19 kg -m/s
(C) 13.6 10–19 kg -m/s (D) zero
59. For the Boolean equation Y = AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C) + B , which of the following
statements is correct?
(A) Y does not depend on A but depends on B
(B) Y does not depend on B but depends on A
(C) Y does not depend on B
(D) Y depends only on C
60. Refer to the common emitter amplifier circuit shown below using a transistor with = 80 and
VBE = 0.7 volt. The value of resistance RB is
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
61. A horizontal insulated cylinder of volume V is divided into four identical compartments by
stationary semi-permeable thin partitions as shown. The four compartments from left are
initially filled with 28 g helium, 160 g oxygen, 28 g nitrogen and 20 g hydrogen respectively.
The left partition lets through hydrogen, nitrogen and helium while the right partition lets
thorough hydrogen only. The middle partition lets through hydrogen and nitrogen both. The
temperature T inside the entire cylinder is maintained constant. After the system is set in
He O2 N2 H2
(A) pressure of helium is
(B) pressure of oxygen is
(C) pressure of nitrogen is
(D) pressure of hydrogen is
62. After charging a capacitor C to a potential V, it is connected across an ideal inductor L. The
capacitor starts discharging simple harmonically at time t= 0. The charge on the capacitor at
a later instant is q and the periodic time of simple harmonic oscillations is T. therefore.
(A) q = CV sin(t) (B) q = CV cos(t)
(C) T 2 (D) T 2 LC
63. In the circuit arrangement shown two cells supply a current l to a load resistance R = 9 .
One cell has an emf E1 = 9V and internal resistance r1 = 1 and the other cell has an emf
E2 = 6 V and internal resistance r2 = 3 . The currents are as shown, then
64. A transparent cylindrical rod of length l = 50 cm, radius R = 10 cm and refractive index =
3 lies onto a horizontal plane surface. A ray of light moving perpendicular to its length is
incident on the rod horizontally at a height h above the plane surface such that this ray
emerges out of the rod at a height 10 cm above the plane surface. Therefore h is
(A) 1.34 cm (B) 1.73 cm
(C) 10.0 cm (D) 18.66 cm
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
65. Two point charges +1 C and - 1C are place at points(0, - 0.1m) and (0, +0.1 m)
respectively in XY plane. Then choose the correct statement/s from the following
(A) the electric field at all points on the Y axis has the same direction
(B) the dipole moment is 0.2C-m along +X axis direction
(C) no work has to be done in bringing a test charge from infinity to the origin
(D) electric field at all points on the X axis is along +Y axis
66. An inductance L, a resistance R and a batter B are connected in series with a switch S. The
voltages across L and R are VL and VR respectively. Just after closing the switch S
(A) VL will be greater than VR
(B) VL will be less than VR
(C) VL will be the same as VR
(D) VL will decrease while VR will increase as time progresses
67. A string of length l, tied to the top of a pole, carries as ball at its
end as shown. On giving the ball a single hand blow
perpendicular to the string, it acquires an initial velocity 0 in the
horizontal plane and moves in a spiral of decreasing radius by
curling itself around the pole. Therefore,
(A) the instantaneous centre of revolution of the ball is the point of contact of the string with
the pole at that instant.
(B) the instantaneous centre of revolution of the ball will be fixed at the point where the string
was initially fixed.
(C) the angular momentum of the system will not be conserved.
(D) the angular momentum of the system will not conserved.
68. A circular loop of conducting wire or radius 1 cm is cut at a point A on its circumference. It is
then folded along a diameter through A such that the two semicircular loops lie in two
mutually perpendicular planes. In this region a uniform magnetic field B of magnitude 100
mT is directed perpendicular to the diameter through A and makes angles of 30o and 60o
with the planes of the two semicircles. The magnetic field reduces at a uniform rate from
100 mT to zero in a time interval of 4.28 ms. Therefore
(A) instantaneous emf in the two loops are in the ratio 2 : 1
(B) instantaneous emf in the two loops are in the ratio 3 : 1
(C) the total emf between free ends at point A is 5 mV
(D) the total emf between free ends at point A is 1.4 mV
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
70. Mysteriously a charged particle moving with velocity 0 î entered the tube of Thomson’s
apparatus where the parallel metallic plates of length 5 cm along X axis are separated by
2 cm. Under the influence of a magnetic field B 4.57 102 kˆ T, the particle is found to
deflect by an angle of 5.7 . When a potential of 2000 volt is applied between the two plates,
the particle is found to move straight to the screen without any deflection. Then
(A) the velocity 0 = 2.19 108 m/s
(B) the charge to mass ratio of the particle is 9.58 107 C/kg
(C) radius of the circular path in the magnetic field is 50 cm
(D) the particle is identified as a proton
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D
5. BONUS (Force is not given) 6. D 7. D
8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C
12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B
16. B 17. B 18. B 19. B
20. A 21. C 22. D 23. C
24. C 25. C 26. A 27. D
28. C 29. D 30. D 31. B
32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B
36. B 37. D 38. C 39. D
40. A 41. B 42. BONUS / C 43. C
44. A 45. B 46. A 47. A
48. C 49. C
50. BONUS (Value of emf not given in question) 51. A
52. D 53. D 54. C 55. B
56. C 57. C 58. A 59. C
60. D 61. ABCD 62. BD 63. BC
64. AD 65. ABC 66. AD 67. AC
68. BC 69. AC 70. ABC
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1. D
i T Tm2 Wb
1. [B] = 0 [0] = m
2r A Am Am
2. C
g sin 2
2. a g sin
1 3
3. D
3. x = at u2 = a acceleration along x fx = 0.
y = at(1 – t) 2 = a – 2a t acceleration along y fx = –2a.
Acceleration is constant along –ve y axis.
Thus, tan
4 vx
a = –a(1 – 2t)
4. D
4. Fx = Fy v
x y
F 2 2
m m
5. Force is not given.
6. D
6. Com O U
v v
2mv cos 2m
O 2
2 2 2
cos V
2 2 O
= 120°
7. D
dt dt dt dT
7. dT ; dT1 ; dT2 dT2 1
n n1 n2 5
8. C
8. Let maximum separator be r. from conservation of angular momentum and conservation of
mechanical energy.
GMm 1 3GM 2Gm 1 3GmR
m m
R 2 2R r 2 2r 2
3 R R 1
4r r 4
r = 3R.
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
9. C
1 M 1
f R
and R = 15 cm
f = 2R = 30 cm
10. B
10. U = V – W
and W is –ve
Thus, U > Q
11. C
11. m + m u
dm (2.4 – v) M + (m–dm) v
m 12
1 M 2.4 5
e5 1 = 148.4 – 1 = 147.4 kg.
12. C
12. Constant force does not charge the period of oscillation.
T 2
13. B
13. U
Rh R
GMmh R
= mgh
R(R h) Rh
14. C
14. 0.4 u2 gH u2 2gH
4 2
(u gH) u2 2gH
16 gH = 6u2
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
15. B
15. v
20cm ; = 40 cm = 0.4 m
v 1 160
0.4 10 7.8 103
10 103
= 10
10 100 1000
= = 358 Hz
7.8 2.79
16. B
16. Factual
17. B
17. Factual
18. B
18. U = Cv(nT0 – T0) For one mole
Q = dT = ln n
W = Q – U
= ln n – Cv(n –t) T0
(n 1)
= ln n – RT0
v 1
19. B
19. d
t0 = f
B w A
d d 2dv 2d
t1 2 2
vw vw v w w2
v2 w 2 w
B w A v2 w 2
20. A
20. B =
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1.22 95 109
= = 4.83 × 10–8 rad.
21. C
21. vi (u cos )iˆ (4 sin )jˆ
v f (u cos )iˆ (4 sin gt)ˆj
vi : v f = 0
g sin
22. D
22. Sin = and 0 2 4
C min
23. C
23. Hollow silvered lens will act libe mirror
f = –20 cm
Upon filling with water
Peff = P + Pm + P
= 2P + Pm
2 1
= 2( 1)
R fm
1 2 1
= 2
3 40 20
1 1
30 20
feff = –12 cm
24. C
1 2 1 2
v v R
1.5 1 1
3 V 10
1 1 1
v 10 2
1 1 5
v 10
v = –2.5 cm
25. C
25. Sonometer:
d n V
n ;
2 2f
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
n1v nv
84 = 1 …(1)
2(0.8) 1.6
n v
140 = 2 …(2)
n v
224 3 …(3)
n 1 : n2 : n 3 = 3 : 5 : 8
26. A
26. Option A is data based.
27. D
27. Newton’s law of cooling
dT 4e AT03
(T T0 )
dt ms
4 3
R (e)
ms 3 R3
In this case, ratio of rate of cooling = =
mc a3 a3
4R2 = 6a2 (given)
28. C
28. Single slit diffraction
x = a sin = n (Minima)
= (2n 1) (maxima)
1st maxima
a sin =
1 minima:
A sin = = 660
= 440 nm
29. D
1 1 1
v u f
1 1 1 1 1 1
; x
v x f v x f
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
v f 1
u fx n
fn = f + x
x = (n – 1) f
30. D
30. Stetan’s law:
U = eAT4
= (4R2)T4
It divides in all directions along radially outward.
Required radiation energy = 2
( R2e )
4 r
31. B
1 3 2
1 R = 25
25 2 R
u = 25
R = – 24 m1 = 1, m2 =
m2 m1 m2 m1
v 4 R
4 1 1
3v 25 75
4 2
3v 75
v = 50 cm
32. D
32. f net i Le/ d B
L eh 0 for closed loop
33. C
12 v
E iR 0
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
12 iR 0
iR = 9
dH 2
i R
iR 92
dt R 3 103
= 27 103
=27 mv
34. D
34. Q
q r E
E1 2 rˆ
K q
E2 2
E E 2
Q q
q 2
= 2 4R2
= 8 3.14 225 104 3.2 MC
= – 1081 MC
35. B
35. b e
1 + 2 – 3
Ep Ee Ep Ee
At 1
Ep Ee
At 2
At 3 Ee Ep
Ee > Ep
36. B
36. Balanced wheat stone as no change in current
As no current will pass through switch
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
37. D
37. kˆ v ˆ ˆj
B ˆ 4ˆj
E v B .L
= 4 ˆ ˆj ˆ 4ˆj . kˆ
E = 17 V
38. C
38. 910 C
S t, k 6 R
t0 C
C t/2, 3k R
1190 C R
Rc t / 2 3KA 1 119 91 28 4
38. ît
Rs t / KA 6 7R 7R R
119 t it R
119 – t = 4
t = 115o C
39. D
5 C 7
1 4 6
Balanced wheatsone between ABCD
C AB 7 2 1
4 34
= 10 F
3 3
40. A
40. 1 2
2.5 8
f m
2. 5
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
E 6400 2.5
Em = 2000 k V/m
8 8
41. B
X at x2
41. y b Parabola
y bt 2 a2
42. BONUS / C
43. C
o i
B 2 sin n
4 R cos n
2 i tan / n
= o
2R / n
44. A
44. X
x 10 2x 10 x
= 0
10 10 20
10 20 40
= 7x 40 x
10 x 10 x 2 3 5
10 0
10 R 20 10 7 7 7
R 14
45. B
e er
1.6 10 19 5.27 1011 2.2 10 6
45. m
= 9.28 1024
46. A
46. Tmax
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
47. A
47. w x 10 2x 10 x
= 0
10 10 20
0.4 3 3 3
o =T
2 3 1
4 3 1
0.4 T 6.3 N
T 4 0.4 2
0.2 w
2 2 2
10.3 = (0.2) (0.4) w2
w 11.32
48. C
49. C
51. A
52. D
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. C
56. K i = Uf
2e Ze
K= ------ (1)
For nucleus 2z
2e 2Ze
K= ------ (2)
From (1) & (2)
r 2
57. C
57. E
2 e
58. A
58. Energy of photon released
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
1 1
– Eo 2 2
1 4
|momentum by photon| =|momentum of atom|
15 13.6 10 19
16 3 108
59. C
59. Y AB A B C B B C B
60. D
60. C
o ------ (1)
= VBE 0.7
2.5 k
KVL (1)
4 BRB 0.7 0
BRB 3.3
6 2.5 103 C 3 0
2.5 103
So, B C
o 2.5 103 o
So, RB
2.5 10 o
2.20 103
61. ABCD
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
62. BD
62. w
T 2 LC
63. BC
64. AD
64. h r R sin 2r …….(i)
sin1 sin.r. 3
2 7 r
h R 1 2 i1
1 7 7 h 10 cm
R = 10
4 3
R 1
4 3
R 1
7 3
2r = i1
= 19.77 cm
sin 2r sinr 3 (h – R)
2r r
2.cosr sin 3 i1
2 2 3
sin ,cosr
3 7 7 R
65. ABC
65. p ic0.2m y
0.2c m
–0.1 –0.1
66. AD
66. So, VL E, VR 0 L R
i 1 e L
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
67. AC
67. Due to torque of my, angular momentum
will not be conserved.
68. BC
68. Total Inf = A sini sin3i
100 10
3 1
4.28 2 2 2
4.95 103 5mV
69. AC
69. Due to ………(i)
1 1 1
v 120 40
1 1 1
v 40 120
3 1
120 n
V 60
For l
1 1 1 120 cm x
40 x 60 x 40
d 100 10 3
dt 4.28 10 3
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
70. ABC
70. QE q B
0 4.57 10 2
2 10
105 102
2.12 106 0 ………..(i) 57o
n 5 cm
5.7 R 50 cm R
180 R
1 5 10 2 5.7o
10 m 0
q 2 cm
m 5 10 2 10 4.5 102
q 2.12 106
5 cm
10.77 109
9.27 10 7
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Delhi Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
Date of Examination: November 24, 2019
Time: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
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(NSEP 2019 - 20)
Time: 120 minute Max. Marks: 240
Attempt All Seventy Questions
1) An observer stands on the platform at the front edge of the first bogie of a stationary train. The train
starts moving with uniform acceleration and the first bogie takes 5 seconds to cross the observer. If
all the bogies of the train are of equal length and the gap between them is negligible, the time taken
by the tenth bogie to cross the observer is
(a) 1.07s (b) 0.98s (c) 0.91s (d) 0.81s
2) The resistive force on an aeroplane flying in a horizontal plane is given by Ff = kv2, where k is
constant and v is the speed of the aeroplane. When the power output from the engine is P0, the plane
flies at a speed v0. If the power output of the engine is doubled the aeroplane will fly at a speed of
(a) 1.12 v0 (b) 1.26 v0 (c)1.41 v0 (d) 2.82 v0
3 3
3) A 3.0 cm thick layer of oil (density roil = 800 kg/m ) floats on water (density rw = 1000 kg/m ) in a
1 1
transparent glass beaker. A solid cylinder is observed floating vertically with of it in water and
3 3
in the oil. Oil is gently poured into the beaker until the cylinder floats in oil only. The fraction of the
solid cylinder in oil now is
4) A wedge of mass M rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. A block of mass m starts sliding down
the rough inclined surface of the wedge to its bottom. During the course of motion, the centre of
mass of the block and the wedge system
(a) does not move at all
(b) moves horizontally with constant speed
(c) moves horizontally with increasing speed
(d) moves vertically with increasing speed
5) A uniform circular disc rotating at a fixed angular velocity w about an axis normal to its plane and
passing through its centre has kinetic energy E. If the same disc rotates with an angular velocity
2w about a parallel axis passing through the edge, its kinetic energy will be
(a) 2 E (b) 4 E (c) 10E (d) 12 E
6) In the following figures the velocity-time graphs for three particles 1, 2 and 3 are shown.
+4 +4 +4
velocity (m/s)
velocity (m/s)
velocity (m/s)
+2 +2 +2
0 0 0
-2 -2 -2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time (s) time (s) time (s)
Particle 1 Particle 2 Particle 3
The magnitude of average acceleration of the three particles, over 10 s, bear the relationship
(a) a1> a2 >a3 (b) a2 > a1 > a3 (c) a3 > a2 > a1 (d) a1 = a2= a3
7) The potential energy (U) of a particle moving in a potential field varies with its displacement (x) as
shown below.
U (J)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
The variation of force F(x) acting on the particle as a function of x can be represented by
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
8) A pendulum is made by using a thread of length 300 cm and a small spherical bob of mass 100 g. It is
suspended from a point S. The bob is pulled from its position of rest at O to the point A so that the
linear amplitude is 25 cm. The angular amplitude in radian and the potential energy of the bob in
joule at A are respectively
a) 0.10 and 0.10 (b) 0.083 and 0.01 (c) 0.251 and 2.94 (d) 0.083 and 0.24
10) Two simple pendulums of lengths 1.44 m and 1.0 m start swinging together in the same phase. The
two will be in phase again after a time of
(a) 6 second (b) 9 second (c) 12 second (d) 25 second
11) A home aquarium partly filled with water slides down an inclined plane of inclination angle θ with
respect to the horizontal. The surface of water in the aquarium
(a) remains horizontal.
(b) remains parallel to the plane of the incline.
(c) forms an angle α with the horizon where 0 < α < θ
(d) forms an angle α with horizon, where θ < α < 90
12) A sound source of constant frequency travels with a constant velocity past an observer. When it
crosses the observer the sound frequency sensed by the observer changes from 449 Hz to 422 Hz. If
the velocity of sound is 340 m/s, the velocity of the source of sound is
(a) 8.5 m/s (b) 10.5 m/s (c) 12.5 m/s (d) 14.5 m/s
13) Light of wavelength 640 nm falls on a plane diffraction grating with 12000 lines per inch. In the
diffraction pattern on a screen kept at a distance of 12 cm from the grating, the distance of the
second order maximum from the central maximum is
(a) 1.81 cm (b) 2.41 cm (c) 3.62 cm (d) 7.25 cm
14) If the force acting on a body is inversely proportional to its speed, the kinetic energy of the body
varies with time t as
0 1 2 -1
(a) t (b) t (c) t (d) t
15) As shown in the figure, a block of mass m is hung from the ceiling by the
system of springs consisting of two layers. The force constant of each of the
springs is k. The frequency of the vertical oscillations of the block is
1 k 1 4k 1 5k 1 6k
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2p 5m 2p 5m 2p 6m 2p 5m
16) Two simple harmonic motions are given by x1= a sin wt + a cos wt and x2 = a sin wt + a3 cos wt
The ratio of the amplitudes of the first to the second and the phase difference between them
respectively are
18) A 20 cm long capillary tube stands vertically with lower end just in water. Water rises up to 5 cm. If
the entire system is now kept on a freely falling platform, the length of the water column in the
capillary tube will be
(a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) Zero (d) 20 cm
19) Position-time graph of a particle moving in a potential field is 10
shown beside. If the mass of the particle is 1 kg its total energy is
approximately -5
-4 -4
(a) 15.45 ´ 10 J (b) 30.78´10 J -15
0 2 4 6 8 10
(c) 7.71 ´ 10-4 J (d) 3.85 ´ 10-4 J t(s)
20) Plots of intensity (I) of radiation emitted by a black body versus T1
wavelength (l) at three different temperatures T1, T2 and T3 respectively T2
are shown in figure. Choose the correct statement. I T3
(a) T1 >T2>T3 necessarily (b) T3>T2>T1 necessarily
(c) T2 = (T1 + T3)/2 necessarily (d) T22 = T1 T3 necessarily l
21) Consider a composite slab consisting of two different materials having equal thickness and equal
area of cross-section. The thermal conductivities are K and 2K respectively. The equivalent thermal
conductivity of the composite slab is
(a) 2K (b) 2K (c) 3K (d) 4K
22) A large horizontal uniform disc can rotate freely about a rigid vertical axis passing through its centre
O. A man stands at rest at the edge of the disc at a point A. The mass of the disc is 22 times the mass
of the man. The man starts moving along the edge of the disc. When he reaches A, after completing
one rotation relative to the disc, the disc has turned through
(a) 30o (b)90o (c) 60o (d) 45o
23) Two factories are sounding their sirens at 400 Hz each. A man walks from one factory towards the
other at a speed of 2 m/s. The velocity of sound is 320 m/s. The number of beats heard by the person
in one second will be
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2.5
(24) The temperature of an isolated black body falls from T1 to T2 in time t. Then, t = C x where x is
æ ö æ1 1ö æ1 1ö æ1 1ö
(a) ç1 – 1 ÷ (b) ç 2 – 2÷ (c) ç 3 – 3÷ (d) ç 4 – 4÷
è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø
25) Two charges – q and – q are placed at points (0, d) and (0, – d). A charge +q, free to move along X
axis, will oscillate with a force proportional to
1 1 x 1
(a) 2 2
(b) 2
(c) 2
2 2
(d) 2 2
x +d x (d +x ) x +d
26) The average translational kinetic energy of oxygen (M = 32) molecules at a certain temperature is
0.048 eV. The translational kinetic energy of nitrogen (M = 28) molecules at the same temperature is
(consider the two gases to be ideal)
(a) 0.0015 eV (b) 0.042 eV (c) 0.048 eV (d) 0.768 eV
27) The log-log graph for a non-linear oscillator is shown
below. Assuming the constants to have appropriate
dimensions the relationship between time period (T)
and the amplitude (A) can be expressed as
(a) T = 1000A2
(b) T = 4A1/2
2 log (A)
(c) T = 4A +B
(d) T = 8A3
28) In many situations the point source emitting a wave starts moving, through the medium,
with velocity V greater than the wave velocity in that medium. In such a case when source
velocity (V) > wave velocity (v), the wave front changes
(a) from spherical to plane (b) from spherical to conical
(c) from plane to spherical (d) from cylindrical to spherical
29) If the average mass of a smoke particle in an Indian kitchen is 3´10 kg, the rms speed of the smoke
particles at 27 C is approximately
(a) 2 cm/sec (b) 2 m/sec (c) 2 km/sec (d) none of these
30) Two wires, made of same material, one thick and the other thin are joined to form one composite
wire. The composite wire is subjected to the same tension throughout. A wave travels along the wire
and passes the point where the two wires are joined. The quantity which changes at the joint are
(a) frequency only.
(b) propagation speed only.
(c) wavelength only.
(d) both propagation speed and wavelength.
31) The frequency of the third overtone of a closed end organ pipe equals the frequency of the fifth
harmonic of an open end organ pipe. Ignoring end correction, the ratio of their lengths lopen : lclose is
(a) 10:7 (b) 10:9 (c) 2:1 (d) 7:10
32) A concave mirror has a radius of curvature R and forms the image of an object placed at a
distance 1.5R from the pole of the mirror. An opaque disc of diameter half the aperture of the
mirror is placed with the pole at the centre. As a result
(a) the position of the image will be the same but its central half will disappear
(b) the position of the image will be the same but its outer half will disappear
(c) the complete image will be seen at the same position and it will be exactly identical with the
initial image
(d) the complete image will be seen at the same position but it will not be identical in all respect
with the initial image.
33) A ray of white light is made incident on the refracting surface of a prism such that after refraction at
this surface, the green component falls on the second surface at its critical angle. The colours
present in the emergent beam will be
(a) violet, indigo and blue.
(b) violet, indigo , blue, yellow, orange and red.
(c) yellow, orange and red.
(d) all colours
34) In a compound microscope, having tube-length 30 cm, the power of the objective and the eye-piece
are100D and 10D respectively. Then the magnification produced by the microscope when the final
image is at the least distance of distinct vision (25 cm) will be
(a) 55 (b) 64 (c) 77 (d) 90
35) Parallel rays are incident on a glass sphere of diameter 10 cm and having refractive index 1.5. The
sphere converges these rays at a certain point. The distance of this point from the centre of the
sphere will be
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 5 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 12.5 cm
36) A jet of water from 15 cm diameter nozzle of a fire hose can reach the maximum height of 25 m. The
force exerted by the water jet on the hose is
(a) 4.24 kN (b) 17.32 kN (c) 2.17 kN (d) 8.66 kN
37) In an electromagnetic wave the phase difference between electric vector and magnetic vector is
(a) zero (b) p
2 (c) p (d) 3p
38) A rectangular slab of glass of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water of refractive index 1.33 such
that the top surface of the slab remains parallel to water level. Light from a point source in air is
incident on the surface of water at an angle a such that the light reflected from the glass slab is plane
polarised, the angle a is
o o o o
(a)84.4 (b) 48.4 (c) 56.3 (d) 53.1
39) In a spectrometer the smallest main scale division is 13 of a degree. The total number of divisions
on the vernier scale attached to the main scale is 60 which coincide with the 59 divisions of the main
circular scale. The least count of the spectrometer is
(a) 20' (b) 20" (c) 30" (d) 30'
40) White light is used to illuminate two slits in Young's double sit experiment. Separation between the
two slits is b and the screen is at a distance D (>>b) from the plane of slits. The wavelength missing
at a point on the screen directly in front of one of the slits is
2 2 2 2
2b 2b b b
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3D D 3D 2D
41) In an ink-jet printer, an ink droplet of mass m is given a negative charge q by a computer-controlled
charging unit. The charged droplet then enters the region between two deflecting parallel plates of
length L separated by distance d (see figure below) with a speed v. All over this region there exists a
uniform downward electric field E (in the plane of paper). Neglecting the gravitational force on the
droplet, the maximum charge that can be given to this droplet, so that it does not hit any of the plates, is
2 2
(a) mv 2L (b) mv 2d E q
Ed EL v d
md mv2L2
(c) Ev2L2 (d) Ed L
42) A converging beam of light is pointing to P. Two observations are made with (i) a convex lens of
focal length 20 cm and,(ii) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm placed in the path of the convergent
beam at a distance 12 cm before the point P. It is observed that
(a) in both cases the images are real.
(b) in both cases the images are virtual.
(c) for (i) the image is real and for (ii) the image is virtual.
(d) for (i) the image is virtual and for (ii) the image is real.
43) A spherical capacitor is formed by two concentric metallic spherical shells. The capacitor is then
charged so that the outer shell carries a positive charge and the inner shell carries an equal but
negative charge. Even if the capacitor is not connected to any circuit, the charge will eventually leak
away due to a small electrical conductivity of the material between the shells. What is the character
of the magnetic field produced by this leakage current?
(a) Radially outwards from the inner shell to the outer shell.
(b) Radially inwards from the outer shell to the inner shell.
(c) Circular field lines between the shells and perpendicular to the radial direction.
(d) No magnetic field will be produced.
44) If a cell of constant emf produces the same amount of heat during the same time in two independent
resistors R1 and R2 when they are separately connected across the terminals of the cell, one after the
other. The internal resistance of the cell is
Rh 3Rh 3Rh Rh
(a) 4M (b) M (c) 4M (d) M
47) Heat is absorbed or evolved when current flows in a conductor having a temperature gradient. This
phenomenon is known as
(a) Joule effect (b) Peltier effect
(c) Seeback effect (d) Thomson effect
48) Identify the rank in order from the dimmest to the brightest when all the
identical bulbs are connected in the circuit as shown below.
(a) A = B > C = D
(b) A = B = C = D
(c) A > C > B > D
(d) A = B < C = D
50) A star undergoes a supernova explosion. Just after the explosion, the material left behind forms a
uniform sphere of radius 8000 km with a rotation period of 15 hours. This remaining material
eventually collapses into a neutron star of radius 4 km with a period of rotation
(a) 14 s (b) 3.8 h (c) 0.021 s (d) 0.0135 s
51) A number of identical absorbing plates are arranged in between a source of light and a photo cell.
When there is no plate in between, the photo current is maximum. Under the circumstances let us
focus on the two statements -
(1) The photo current decreases with the increase in number of absorbing plates.
(2) The stopping potential increases with the increase in number of absorbing plates.
(a) Statements (1) and (2) are both true and (1) is the cause of (2).
(b) Statements (1) and (2) are both true but (1) and (2) are independent.
(c) Statement (1) is true while (2) is not true and (1) and (2) are independent.
(d) Statement (1) is true while (2) is not true and (2) is the effect of (1).
52) In a nuclear reaction, two photons each of energy 0.51 MeV are produced by electron-positron
annihilation. The wavelength associated with each photon is
(a) 2.44 ´ 10-12m (b) 2.44 ´ 10-8m (c) 1.46 ´ 10-12m (d) 3.44 ´ 10-10m
53) In the circuit shown if an ideal ammeter is connected between A and B then the direction of current
and the current reading would be (assume Is remains unchanged)
(a) B to A and I /2 Is
54) Avalanche breakdown in a p-n junction primarily depends on the phenomenon of
(a) doping (b) collision (c) recombination (d) ionization
55) A source emits photons of energy 5 eV which are incident on a metallic sphere of work function 3.0
eV. The radius of the sphere is r = 8 x 10-3 m. It is observed that after some time emission of
photoelectrons from the metallic sphere is stopped. Charge on the sphere when the photoemission
stops is.
(a) 1.77 ´ 10-16 C (b) 1.77 ´ 10-12 C (c) 1.11 ´ 10-12 C (d) 1.11 ´ 10-10 C
56) The dc component of current in the output of a half-wave rectifier with peak value Io is
I0 I0 2I0
(a) zero (b) p (c) 2p (d) p
57) In an experiment on photoelectric effect, the slope of straight line graph between the stopping
potential and the frequency of incident radiation gives
(a) Electron charge (e) (b) Planck constant (h)
(c) (d) Work function (W)
58) According to Bohr's theory the ionization energy of H atom is 13.6 eV. The energy needed to
remove an electron from Helium ion (He+) is
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 16.8 eV (c) 27.2 eV (d) 54.4 eV
60) A stationary hydrogen atom emits a photon of wavelength 1025 A. Its angular momentum changes
h 2h h 3h
(a) p (b) p (c) 2p (d) 2p
62) A ball of mass m1 travels horizontally along the x-axis in the positive direction with an initial speed
of v0. It collides with another ball of mass m2 that is originally at rest. After the collision, the ball of
mass m1 has velocity (v1x i + v1y j) and the ball of mass m2 has velocity (v2x i + v2y j). Identify the correct
(a) 0 = m1v1x + m2v2x (b) m1v0 = m1v1y + m2v2y
(c) 0 = m1v1y + m2v2y (d) m1v0 = m1v1x + m2v2x
64) A particle of mass m is thrown vertically up with velocity u. Air exerts an opposing force of a
constant magnitude F. The particle returns back to the point of projection with velocity v after
attaining maximum height h, then
2 2
(a) h = u (b) h =ø
2 g- F ö
2 g+ F ö
÷ ÷
öm ÷ø ö m ÷ø
ø ø
g- F ö
g+ F ö
÷ ÷
ö m ÷ø ö m÷ ø
(c) v = u ø (d) v = u ø
g+ F ö
g- F ö
÷ ÷
ö m ÷ø ö m ÷ø
65) A pin of small length 'a' is placed along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f, at the distance
u (> f) from its pole. The length of its image is 'b'. If the same object is placed perpendicular to its
axis at the same distance u and the length of its image is now 'c', then
2 3
f2 u-f af
(a) b = a (b) c = ab (c) c = b (d) bc =(u - f)3
(u - f)2 f
66) A thin rod of length 10 cm. is placed along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length 30 cm in such
a way that one end of the image coincides with one end of the object. The length of the image may be
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 10 cm
68) Select the correct statement(s), out of the following, about diffraction at N parallel slits.
(a) There are (N-1) minima between each pair of principal maxima.
(b) There are (N-2) secondary maxima between each pair of principal maxima.
(c) Width of principal maximum is proportional to 1/N.
(d) The intensity at the principal maxima varies as N2.
70) Two long parallel wires carry currents of equal magnitude ( I ) but in opposite directions. These
wires are suspended from fixed rod PQ by four chords of equal length L as shown. The mass per unit
length of each wire is l , the value of angle q substended by two chords OA and OB, assuming it to
be small, is
y P
m0 l O Q
(a) q = I (b) q = I m0 1 L
4p gL p lgL
I q C
m g m lg I B
(c) q = I 4p0 (d) q = I p0 L
lL A
z x
Rough Work
Final Answer Keys NSEP - 2019; held on November 24, 2019
Code: 61 Code: 62 Code: 63 Code: 64 Code: 61 Code: 62 Code: 63 Code: 64
Question Question
Number Keys Keys Keys Keys Number Keys Keys Keys Keys
1 d b a b 41 b d a d
2 b d b d 42 a c d d
3 c c a c 43 d a d c
4 d Droped d Droped 44 d b c c
5 d b a b 45 c a c d
6 d a d d 46 c d d d
7 d d b d 47 d a b c
8 b a d d 48 d a b c
9 d b a c 49 d b b c
10 c c a a 50 d c c d
11 Droped c d c 51 c b d a
12 b c c a 52 a a d a
13 d d a b 53 c d a d
14 b c b c 54 b d d a
15 d c c b 55 b d d b
16 a c b a 56 b c b c
17 a d a a 57 c a d c
18 d a d b 58 d c c c
19 c d d a 59 d d Droped d
20 a d d d 60 a d b d
21 d c c a 61 a&d a,b,c &d a&d a&d
22 a c a d 62 c&d a,c & d c&d c&d
23 b d c b 63 a,c & d a,b,c &d a,c & d a,c & d
24 c b d d 64 a,b & c a,b,c & d a,b & c a,b & c
25 c b b a 65 a,b,c & d b&d a,b,c & d a,b,c & d
26 c b c a 66 a,c, & d b a,c, & d a,c, & d
27 a c d d 67 a,b,c & d a &d a,b,c & d a,b,c & d
28 b d d c 68 a,b,c & d c&d a,b,c & d a,b,c & d
29 a d a d 69 b&d a,c & d b&d b&d
30 d a d b 70 b a,b & c b b
31 a d a c
32 d b b d
33 c c c d
34 c d c b
35 c d c b
36 d d d b
37 a b c c
38 a d c d
39 b a c d
40 c a d a
1. If speed of light c, Planck’s constant h and gravitational constant G are chosen as fundamental quantities,
dimensions of time in this system of units is :-
(a) ch3/2 G–3/2 (b) c–2 G1/2 h (c) c2 G1/2 h5/2 (d) c–5/2 G1/2 h 1/2
Ans. (d)
Sol. t µ cxhyGz
M0L0 T1 = [LT–1 ]x [ML 2T–1]y [M–1 L3T–2]z
M0 L0 T1 = My–zLx+2y+3zT–x–y-2z
x +2y + 3z = 0 Þ x + 5z = 0 Þ x = –5z
–x – y – 2z = 1 Þ 5z – z – 2z = 1
1 1
Þ z= , y = , x = –5/2
2 2
So t µ c–5/2G1/2h1/2
2. A solid hemisphere is cemented on the flat surface of a solid cylinder of same radius R and same
material. The composite body is rotating about the axis of the cylinder of length l with angular speed
w. The radius of gyration K is :-
M1R2 2
I= + M2 R2
2 5
2 3
M1 = rpR2l, M2 = r pR
é pR 2l 2 2 3 ù
I = rR2 ê + pR ú
ë 2 53 û
4 él 4 3ù
(M1 + M2)K2 = I = prR ê + R ú
ë 2 15 û
é 2 ù él 4 ù
K 2rpR 2 êl + R ú = rpR4 ê + Rú
ë 3 û ë 2 15 û
(15l + 8R)(1)
(3l + 2R)(10)
3. The shortest period of rotation of a planet (considered to be a sphere of uniform density r) about its
own axis, such that any mass m kept on its equator is just to fly off the surface, is :-
5p p 3p 5p
(a) T = (b) T = (c) T = (d) T =
rG 3rG rG 3rG
Ans. (c)
Sol. mg – N = mw2R
EN w
G 4 4GrpR
g= 2
´ r ´ pR3 =
R 3 3
2p 3R 3p
So T = = 2p =
w 4GrpR Gr
4. A body of mass 10 kg at rest explodes into two fragments of masses 3kg and 7kg. If the total kinetic
energy of two pieces after explosion is 1680 J, the magnitude of their relative velocity in m/s after
explosion is :-
(a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 70 (d) 80
Ans. (a)
m1 m2
v1 v2
1 1
1680 = m1 v12 + m2 v 22
2 2
3360 = 3v12 + 7v22 ....(ii)
æ 7v 2 ö 2
3360 = 3 ç ÷ + 7v 2
è 3 ø
49v 22
3360 = + 7v 22
10080 = (49 + 21)v2 2
10080 = 70 v2 2
v2 = 12 m/s
v1 = 7/3 v2 = 7/3 × 12 = 28 m/s
relative velocity : v12 = v1 + v2 = 40 m/s
5. A shot is fired at an angle a to the horizontal up a hill (Considered to be a long straight incline plane)
of inclination b to the horizontal. It will strike the hill horizontally if :-
(a) tan a = 2 tan b (B) sin a = sin 2b
EN (c) sin a = 2 sin b (d) tan a = 4 tan b
Ans. (a)
Sol. It will hit horizontally if at A vertical velocity is zero.
\ OB =
2 A ucosa
and AB = Hmax
AB H max u
tan b = =
OB R Hmax
2 a
2 2 O
u sin a B
tan b =
1 æ u sin 2a ö
ç ÷÷
2 çè g ø
sin 2 a tan a
Þ tan b = =
sin 2a 2
Þ tana = 2tanb
\ correct option is (a)
6. A particle is executing Simple harmonic Motion of time period T = 4p2 in a straight line. Starting from
rest, it travels a distance ‘a’ in the first second and distance ‘b’ in the next second travelling in the
same direction. The amplitude of SHM is :-
2a 2 3a 2 2a 2
(a) (b) (c) (d) none of these
3a - b 3a - 2b 2a - b
Ans. (a)
Sol. T = 4 p2 =
Þw= rad / sec
x = A sin (wt + f)
1 p
w= ,f = (as it starts from extreme position)
2p 2
æ t pö
\ x = Asin ç + ÷
è 2p 2 ø
æ 1 ö
Þ x = A cos (wt) ç w = 2p ÷
è ø
Displacement in ‘t’ time = A – A cos wt
For t = 1 A – Acosw = a ... (1)
For t = 2 A – Acos 2w = a + b ... (2)
1 - cos w a
1 - cos2w a + b
1 - cos w a
Þ =
1 - 2 cos2 w - 1 ) a+b
1 - cos w
2 - 2 cos w
1 - cos w
1 - cos w2 a+b
1 - cos w 2a
(1 - cos w)(1 + cos w) a + b
1 2a
(1 + cos w) a + b
a + b = 2a + 2a cos w
= cos w
as, A – A cos w = a
a a
\ A= =
1 - cos w æ b-aö
1-ç ÷
è 2a ø
2a 2 2a 2
\ A= =
2a - b + a 3a - b
\ correct option is (A)
7. The kinetic energy of a particle moving along a circle of radius R depends upon the distance covered
‘s’ as KE = as2 where a is a constant. The magnitude of the force acting on the particle as a function of
‘s’ is :-
2as2 2as2 æsö
(a) (b) (c) 2as (d) 2as 1 + ç ÷
R m èRø
Ans. (d)
Þv= s
dv vdv æ 2a öæ 2a ö 2as
at = = = sç =
dt ds ç m ÷ç
÷ç m ÷÷ m
è øè ø
Þ Ft = mat = 2as
mv2 2as2
Fc = ma c = =
æ 2as2 ö EN
ç R ÷÷ ( )
= ç + 2as
è ø
= 2as 1 + ç ÷
\ correct answer is (d)
8. The flow of water in a horizontal pipe is stream line flow. Along the pipe, at a point, where cross
sectional area is 10 cm 2 , the velocity of water flow is 1.00 ms–1 and the pressure is 2000 Pa. The
pressure of water at another point where cross-sectional area is 5 cm 2 is :-
(a) 2000 Pa (b) 1500 Pa (C) 3500 Pa (d) 500 Pa
Ans. (d)
Sol. A1V1 = A2V2
A1 = 10cm2, V1 = 1m/s
A2 = 5 cm2, V2 = ?
V2 = = 2m / s
Now applying Bernoullie
1 1
P1 + rV12 = P2 + rV2
2 2
1 1
2000 + (1000) (1)2 = P2 + (1000) (2)2
2 2
Þ P2 = 500 Pa
\ correct option is (d)
9. Three containers A, B and C are filled with water at different temperature. When 1 litre of water from
A is mixed with 2 litre of water from B, the resulting temperature of mixture is 52°C. When 1 litre of
water from B is mixed with 2 litre of water from C, the resulting temperature of mixture is 40°C.
Similarly when 1 litre of water from C is mixed with 2 litre of water from A, the resulting temperature
of mixture is 34°C. Temperature of mixture when one litre of water from each container is mixed
(neglect the water equivalent of container) is :-
(a) 40°C (b) 42°C (c) 38°C (d) 45°C
Ans. (b)
Sol. Case-1 : 1 (T1 – 52) + 2 (T2 – 52) = 0
Case-2 : 1 (T2 – 40) + 2 (T3 – 40) = 0
Case-3 : 2 (T1 – 34) + 1 (T3 – 34) = 0
Solving case-1, 2 & 3
T2 = 60
T3 = 30
T1 = 36
Case-4 : (36 – T) + (30 – T) + (60 – T) = 0 EN
\ T = 42°C
10. Point charge q is kept at each corner of a cube of edge length l. The resultant force of repulsion on any
one of the charges due to all others is expressed as :-
q q
q q
q q
æ 1 1 ö 2 æ 1 1 ö 2
ç1 + + ÷q ç -1 + ÷q
(a) è 2 2 3 3 ø (b) è 2 2 3 3 ø
pe0l2 pe0 l2
(1 - 0.1775) q2
(c) (d) none of these
Ans. (c)
r kq 2
Sol. (
F = 2 ˆi + ˆj + kˆ
kq 2 ˆ ˆ ˆ
i + j+ k )
kq 2 kq 2 ˆ ˆ ˆ
3 3l2
( ˆi + ˆj + kˆ ) =
(i + j+ k ) éêë1 + 1
1 ù
3 3û
11. In an experiment with potentiometer, the balancing length is 250 cm for a cell. When the cell is
shunted by a resistance of 7.5 W, balancing point is shifted by 25 cm. If the cell is shunted by a
resistance of 20 W, the balancing length will be nearly :-
(a) 240 cm (b) 236 cm (c) 232 cm (d) 230 cm
Ans. (a)
Sol. E = E 0 ... (1)
E ( 7.5) 225
= E0 ... (2)
7.5 + r l
1 + r 7.5 + r 250 50 10
= = = =
7.5 7.5 225 45 9
7.5 15 5
Þr= = = W
9 18 6
E ( 20 ) x'
= E0
5 l ... (3)
20 + EN
20 +
6 = 250
20 x'
250 ´ 20 20
x' = = 250 ´ ´6
5 125
20 +
= 240 cm
5 7
12. One mole of a gas with g = is mixed with two moles of another non-interacting gas with g = . The
3 5
ratio of specific heats g = of mixture is approximately
5 gR 5 R 3
For g = : C P = = 3 = , CV = =
3 g -1 5 2 g -1 2
7 7 1 5
For g = : C P = 5 = , C V = =
5 2 2 7 2
5 5
13. An ideal gas is expanding such that PT3 = constant. The coefficient of volume expansion of the gas is:
(a) 1/T (b) 2/T (c) 3/T (d) 4/T
Ans. (d)
Sol. PT3 = K
nRT 3 dV
T = K Þ V = CT4 Þ = 4CT3
V dT
vol. exp. coeff. = g =
4CT3 4
g= =
CT 4 T
14. What is the magnetic induction B at the centre O of the semicircular arc if a current carrying wire has
shape of an hair pin as shown in figure? The radius of the curved part of the wire is R, the linear parts
are assumed to be very long.
(a) B =
Ans. (a)
m0 I
4 pR
(2 + p) (b) B =
m0 I
(2 + p) (c) B =
3m 0 I
(2 + p) (d) B =
m0 2I
4p R
The wire has 2 long straight parts & one semicircular part
Bnet = 2 B(straight) + B(semicircle)
m0 I m0 I
=2 +
4 pR 4R
15. A thin semi-circular metal ring of radius R has a positive charge q distributed uniformly over its
curved length. The resultant electric field E at the centre O is :
++ +
+ +
O i
q q q q
(a) - ĵ 2 2 R2 (b) + ĵ 2p2 e R2 (c) + ĵ 4p2e R2 (d) - ĵ 4 p2 e R2
p e0 0 0 0
Ans. (a)
16. An alternating current is expressed as i = i1 coswt + i2sinwt. The RMS value of current is
(i1 + i 2 )2 i1i 2 (i12 + i 22 ) (i1 + i 2 )2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 2
Ans. (c)
I1 I
æp ö
i = i1sin ç + wt ÷ + i2sinwt
è2 ø
adding by phasor
I= I12 + I22
I I12 + I22
irms = =
2 2
A charge +q is placed at each of the points x = x0, x = 3x0, x = 5x0, x = 7x0 .......... ¥ on the x-axis and
a charge –q is placed at each of the points x = 2x0, x = 4x0, x = 6x0 , x = 8x0 .......... ¥ here x0 is a
positive constant. Take the electric potential at a point due to charge q at a distance r from it to be
1 q
4 pe0 r . The electric potential at the origin due to the above system of charges is :
1 q 1 q
(a) zero (b) 4pe x ln 2 (c) 4pe x 2 ln 2 (d) infinite
0 0 0 0
Ans. (b)
0 q –q q –q q –q q ........ ¥
x0 2x0 3x0 4x0 5x0 6x0 7x0 ........ ¥
Potential due to above system at origin will be :
kq kq kq kq
ÞV= - + - ......¥ ... (1)
x0 2x 0 3x 0 4x 0
we know that
é 1 1 1 1 ù
Þ ln2 = ê1 - + - + ......¥ ú ... (2)
ë 2 3 4 5 û
Þ From (1) and (2)
Þ V = 4 pe x ( ln2 )
0 0
Correction answer is (b)
23 23 23
18. The Nucleus 10 Ne decays by b –emission through the reaction 10 Ne ® 11 Na + -01b + n + energy . The
23 23 0
atomic masses are 10 Ne = 22.994466u and 11 Na = 22.989770u, -1 b = 0.000549u. The maximum
kinetic energy that the emitted electron can ever have is :
(a) 4.374 MeV (b) 3.862 MeV (c) 2.187 MeV (d) 1.931 MeV
Ans. (a)
23 23
Sol. 10 Ne ®11 Na + 0-1 b + n + Energy
Þ Maximum kinetic energy of e
( b)
-1 will be kmax = Dmc2 ... (1)
Þ Dm = 22.994466
– 22.989770
= 0.004696 µ
Þ We know that
EN... (2)
Sol. d I0
l = 600 nm
Þ We know that at O the intensity will be maximum.
Þ Intensity at P (let’s say) is .
Þ So, we solve to find “y” [The minimum value of it].
I0 æ Df ö
Þ = I 0 cos2 ç ÷ ... (1)
4 è 2 ø
æ 2p ö æ dy ö 1 æ pdy ö
Þ Df = ç ÷ × ç ÷ Þ = cos ç ÷
è l ø èDø 2 è lD ø
Þ For minimum value,
pdy p
lD 3
Þ y= = 96mm
20. What amount of heat will be generated in a coil of resistance R (ohm) due to a total charge Q (coulomb)
passing through it if the current in the coil decreases down to zero halving its value every Dt second?
1 Q2 R Q2 R 1 Q2 R 1 Q2R
(a) (b) ln 2 (c) ln 2 (d)
2 Dt Dt 2 Dt 4 Dt
Ans. (c)
Sol. Obviously the current through the coil is given by
t / Dt
i = i0 ç ÷
Then charge q = ò idt = ò i0 2
0 0
- t / Dt
EN i Dt
dt = 0
So, i0 =
And hence, heat generated in the circuit in the time interval t [0, ¥]
¥ ¥ 2
é qln2 - t / Dt ù
ò êë Dt 2 úû R dt = - q2lDn2
H = ò i2 R dt =
0 0 t
21. In the LR circuit shown in figure, switch S is closed at time t = 0, the charge that passes through the
battery of emf E in one time constant is (e being the base of natural logarithm).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
eR2 eR L R
Ans. (a)
Eæ - ö
Sol. i= ç1 - e ÷
Rè ø
q= ò idt
E éæ - ö ù
t t
Eæ - ö Eé - ù
t t
= òRç 1 - e dt t + te t + te ÷ - ( 0 + t ) ú = éë te-1 ùû = ´
t t t
÷ = ê ú = êç = 2
0 è ø R ë û0 R êë è ø ûú R R Re R e
238 235
22. Natural Uranium is a mixture of 92 U and 92 U with a relative mass abundance of 140 : 1. The ratio
of radioactivity contributed by the two isotopes of natural uranium, if their half-lives are 4.5 × 109
years and 7.0 × 108 years respectively is :
(a) 99.3 : 0.7 (b) 50.3 : 49.7 (c) 95.6 : 04.4 (d) cannot be estimated
Ans. (c)
Sol. Let’s mass of U238 = m1
& mass of U235 = m2
& total mass m
m1 140
m2 1
140 1
m1 = m & m2 = m
141 141
m1 m2
N1 = N A & N2 = NA
238 235
A1 l1 N1 T2 N1 é ln2 ù
= = l= EN
A 2 l 2 N 2 T1 N 2 ë T úû
7 ´ 108 m 235 7 235 95.6
= ´ 1´ ´ ´ 140 = 21.50 »
4.5 ´ 10 m2 238 = 4.5 ´ 10 238
æ 4ö
23. A cylinder of length l >1m filled with water ç m = ÷ up to the brim, kept on a horizontal table is
è 3ø
covered at its top by an equiconvex glass (µ = 1.5) lens of focal length 25 cm when in air. At mid day,
12.00 noon, Sun is just overhead and light rays comes parallel to the principal axis of the lens. Thus
sun rays will be focused
(a) 25 cm behind the lens in the water (b) 37.5 cm behind the lens in the water
(c) 50 cm behind the lens in the water (d) 100 cm behind the lens in the water
Ans. (c)
Sol. For lens
1 æ2ö
= (m - 1) ç ÷
f èRø
1 æ 1 öæ 2 ö
25 çè 2 ÷ø çè R ÷ø 1.5
Þ R = 25 cm
At 1st surface
1.5 1 1.5 - 1
- =
v1 ¥ 25
Þ v1 = 75 cm
At 2nd surface
4 3
4 1.5 3 2
- =
3v 2 75 -25
Þ v2 = 50 cm
24. Even the radiation of highest wave length in the ultraviolet region of hydrogen spectrum is just able to
eject photoelectrons from a metal. The value of threshold frequency for the given metal is :
(a) 3.83 × 1015 Hz (b) 4.33 × 1014 Hz (c) 2.46 × 1015 Hz (d) 7.83 × 1014 Hz
Ans. (c)
Sol. Lyman series ® UV region
highest l Þ n = 2 ® n = 1
E2 – E1 = 10.2 eV
kmax = 10.2 eV – f
0 = 10.2 eV – f (just able to eject)
f 10.2eV
nth = = = 2.46 × 1015 Hz
h h
25. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d is charged to potential V. Then the
battery is disconnected. A slab of dielectric constant k is then inserted between the plates of the
capacitor so as to fill the space between the plates completely. If Q, E and W denote respectively, the
magnitude of charge on each plate, the electric field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and
work done on the system, in question, in the process of inserting the slab, then
e 0 kAV V e0 AV2 æ 1ö
(a) Q = ke0AE (b) Q = (c) E = (d) W = ç1 - ÷
d kd 2d è kø
ALLEN Ans.(a,c)
NSEP Ans. is (a, c, d)
+ –
+Q –Q æe Aö
Sol. Q = CV = ç 0 ÷ V
è d ø
Battery is diconnected
Þ Q charge = constant
Now dielectric is inserted
+ K –
+Q –Q Q V
E= =
kAe0 kd
Work done = DU = Uf – Ui
æ e0 A ö
ö çè d
2 2
Q Q Q 2
Q 2
Q æ 1 2
= - = - = çk - 1 ÷ = ø æ 1 -1ö
2Cf 2Ci 2kC 2C 2C è ø e A çè k ÷
2 0
e0 A 2 æ 1 ö
w= V ç -1÷
2d èk ø
26. The magnitudes of the gravitational field at distance r1 and r2 from the centre of a uniform solid sphere
of radius R and mass M are F (r1) and F (r2) respectively. Such that :
F ( r1 ) r1 F ( r1 ) r22
= =
(a) F r
( 2) r2 if r1 £ R and r2 £ R (b)
F ( r2 ) r12
if r1 ³ R and r2 ³ R
F ( r1 ) r1 F ( r1 ) r12
(c) F r = r if r1 ³ R and r2 ³ R (d) = if r1 £ R and r2 £ R
( 2) 2 F ( r2 ) r22
Ans. (a, b)
Sol. For r £ R EN
æ GM ö
F = ç 3 r÷ µ r
è R ø
For r ³ R
GM 1
F= µ 2
R3 r
27. The intensity of sound at a point P is I0, when the sounds reach this point directly and in same phase
from two identical sources S1 and S2. The power of S1 is now reduced by 64% and the phase difference
(f) between S1 and S2 is varied continuously. The maximum and minimum intensities recorded at P
are now Imax and Imin such that
I max I max 16
(a) Imax = 0.64 I0 (b) Imin = 0.36 I0 (c) I = 16 (d) I =
min min 9
Ans. (a, c)
Sol. Let the initial intensities for both sources be I each.
So, maximum intensity I0 = 4I
Now, I1 = (0.36)I & I2 = I
(reduced by 64%)
Imax = ( I1 + I2 )2
= (0.6 +1)2I
= (2.56)I = (0.64)I0
Imin = ( I1 - I2 )2
= (0.6 –1)2I
= (0.16)I = (0.04)I0
Imax 16
Imin 1
28. An ideal monatomic gas is confined within a cylinder by a spring loaded piston of cross-sectional area
4 × 10–3 m2. Initially the gas is at 400 K and occupies a volume 2 × 10–3 m3 and the spring is in its
relaxed position. The gas is heated by an electric heater for some time. During this time the gas
expands and the piston moves out by a distance 0.1 m. The spring connected to the rigid wall is
massless and frictionless. The force constant of the spring is 2000 Nm–1 and atmospheric pressure is
105 Nm–2 then
T = 400K
Pi = Patm = 105 N/m2
finally spring is compressed by
Sol. Initially spring is relaxed hence, pressure of gas inside is equal to atmospheric pressure outside the
x = 0.1m,
So for equilibrium of piston (again).
Pressure of gas inside
Pf = Patm +
Pf = 105 +
4 ´ 10-3
Pf = 1.50 × 105 N/m2
initial volume Vi = 2 × 10–3 m3
& initial length of gas = Vi/A
2 ´ 10 -3
= = 0.5 m
4 ´ 10 -3
final length of gas = 0.5 + 0.1
(when pistion shifts by 0.1m) = 0.6 m
final volume of gas
= (0.6) (4 × 10–3)
= 2.4 × 10–3m3
Pi Vi Pf Vf
= Conservation of moles.
Ti Tf
(105 )(2 ´ 10-3 ) (1.5 ´ 105 )(2.4 ´ 10 -3 )
400 Tf
Tf = 720 K
= Patm ò dV + k ò x dx
kx 2
= Patm ( DV) +
= (105)(0.4 × 10–3) + (0.1)2 = 50J
Change in internal energy
f 3
DU = nRDT = (Pf Vf - Pi Vi )
2 2
= [(1.50 × 105)(2.4 × 10–3) – (105)(2 × 10–3)] = 240 J
2 EN
So, heat supplied by heater
DQ = DU + W
= 240 + 50
= 290 J
29. A particle of mass m is located in a one dimensional potential field U (x) = U0 (1 – cos ax) ; U0 and a
are constants. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct ?
(a) The particle will execute Simple Harmonic Motion for small displacements.
(b) The stable equilibrium condition is x = 0
2p m
(c) The time period of small oscillations is a U
(d) The angular frequency for small oscillations is w = a
Ans. (a,b,c,d)
Sol. Given, U = U0(1 – cos ax)
F= - = -U0a sin ax
For equilibrium, F = 0
\ equilibrium position is at x = 0
For small displacement,
F = –U0a2x [sinax » ax]
U 0a 2 U0
\ w= =a
m m
2p m
\T= a U
30. A ray of light is incident on an equilateral prism made of flint glass (refractive index 1.6) placed in air.
(a) The ray suffers a minimum deviation if it is incident at angle 53°
(b) The minimum angle of deviation suffered by the ray is 46°.
(c) If prism is immersed in water ( m =
) the minimum deviation produced by the prism is 14°.
(d) The minimum deviation produced by the prism is 23.6° if it is immersed in a liquid of refractive
index µ = 1.2
Ans. (a, b, c, d)
Sol. For minimum deviation, r1 = r2 = = 30°
i r1 r2
1.6 = µ EN
\ Applying snell’s law,
1 4
1 sin i = 1.6 sin r Þ sin i = 1.6 × = 0.8 =
2 5
\ i = 53°
dmin = 2i – A = (2 × 53 – 60) = 46°
when prism is immersed in water,
4 1 3
sin i ' = 1.6 × Þ sin i ' = Þ i ' = 37°
3 2 5
dmin = 2i – A = (2 × 37° – 60°) = 14°
If dmin = 23.6° Þ i = 41.8°
\ µsini = 1.6 sin r
1.6 ´ 0.5
Þ µ= » 1.2
31. In a p-n junction diode, the current (i) varies with applied biasing voltage (V) and can be expressed as
( )
i = i0 eqV / kT - 1 where i0 = 5 × 10–12 A is reverse saturation current, k is Boltzmann constant and q is
Sol. Given,
æ qV ö
i = 0 ç e - 1÷
i kT
è ø
\ when V = 0.6 volt,
æ 1.6´10 -23´0.6 ö
qV 1.6´10 ´0.6
di i 0q RT 5 ´ 10 -12 ´ 1.6 ´ 10 -19 1.38´10-23 ´300
\ = e = e » 2.27
dV kT 1.38 ´ 10 -23 ´ 300
\ R » 435 mW
Current at V = –1 » Current at V = –2 » 0
Note :- Option A its coming out to be 58.8 mA
32. A charged oil (density 880 kg m–3) drop is held stationary between two parallel horizontal metal plates
6.0 mm apart when a potential difference of V = 103 volt is applied between the two plates. When the
electric field is switched off, the drop falls. At a certain time the drop is seen to fall a distance of 0.2
mm in 35.7 s and next 1.2 mm in 21.4 s. (The upper plate in the experiment is at higher potential).
Given that the viscosity of air = 1.80 × 10–5 Nsm–2 and density of air = 1.29 kg m–3
(a) The radius of the drop is a = 7.25 × 10–7 m
+++ +++++
qE DV = Ed
E DV 103
E= =
Sol. mg d 6 × 10–3
– – – – – – –
v mg
4 3
6phrv = r pr g
2 rgr 2
v= ...(1)
9 h
Now, we have speed, v =
= 5.60 ´ 10 -5 m / s
(Note : since speed calculated from both interval is same hence terminal speed)
2 ´ 10 -3
r. pr3g = qE
on solving, q = 8 × 10–19C
Date: 13/03/2022 Question Paper Code : 62
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 | Ph.: 011-47623456
In Part A2 (Q. No. 25 to 32) each question has four alternatives out of which any number of alternative(s)
(1, 2, 3 or 4) may be correct. You have to choose all correct alternative(s) and fill the appropriate bubble(s),
as below.
7. For Part A1, each correct answer carries 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
In Part A2, you get 6 marks if all the correct alternatives are marked and no incorrect. No negative marks in this
8. Rough work should be done in the space provided.
9. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.
10. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the completion of the examination.
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
11. After submitting answer paper, take away the question paper & Candidate’s copy of OMR for your reference.
Please DO NOT make any mark other than filling the appropriate bubbles properly in the space
provided on the OMR answer sheet.
OMR answer sheets are evaluated using machine, hence CHANGE OF ENTRY IS NOT ALLOWED.
Scratching or overwriting may result in a wrong score.
1. Knowing that the parallel currents attract, the observed to be moving to the right along the x-
inward pressure on the curved surface of a thin 4
axis with a speed of v . There are no external
walled, long hollow metallic cylinder of radius 5
R = 50 cm carrying a current of i = 2 amp parallel forces acting during the collision. The correct
to its axis distributed uniformly over the entire option is
circumference, is
(a) 2.05 × 10–1 Nm–2 (b) 2.55 × 10–3 Nm–2
(c) 2.05 × 10–5 Nm–2 (d) 2.55 × 10–7 Nm–2
Answer (d)
= 10–7 ) 2 3.14
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
h varies from to O.
Solving for t we get,
17R 2 R
60a g
PS = 25viˆ 1 Q2
Sol. F = 2
40 L
3. A large hemispherical water tank of radius R is
filled with water initially upto a height h = . The
PL2 =
1 2
2 Q
( ) ……(1)
water starts dripping out through a small orifice of
1 Q
cross-section area ‘a’ at its spherical bottom. The V=
40 L
time taken to get the tank completely empty
(neglect viscosity) is Q = V0L ……………….(2)
From (1) and (2)
19R 2 R 3R 2 R
(a) t= (b) t=
60a g 10a g 1 1
PL2 = V 202L2
0 L
2 )
17R 2
R R 2
t= t=
P = 0V2L–2 0 = ( Pa ) L V
(c) (d) 1 2 –2
60a g 4a g
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
t = tA→B + t
3 100
= +
2 330
= 1.5 + 0.3
= 1.8 s 1
2 − 2 2 1 − 2
6. On a right angled transparent triangular prism
ABC, when a ray of light is incident on face AB,
2 + 1 22
parallel to the hypotenuse BC, it emerges out of
the prism grazing along the surface AC. If instead 3
the ray is made incident on face AC, parallel to 2
the hypotenuse CB it gets totally reflected on face
AB. The refractive index of the material of the 7. A circular disc of radius R = 10 cm is uniformly
prism is rolling on a horizontal surface with a velocity
v = 4 ms–1 of centre of mass without slipping, the
3 time taken by the disc to have the speed of point
(a) 2 (b) 2
2 A (which lies on the circumference) equal to the
present speed of point B (point B lies midway
(c) 3 2 (d) between centre and the point A) is
Answer (b)
v A initial = 8 m/s
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
1 b2 k
mv 02 1 − 2 = rm−2
2 r 2
6R k
r = 10−10 1010 1 − 2 −2
= krm
v r
r −1 3
= cos−1 = cos 4 1
2R krm−2 =
= 2 = 2 cos−1
4 rm = 2b
Sol. S.A. =
As per given statement,
N N0 3
mass mass 5
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
In questions 10 and 11, mark your answer as : 12. Consider the process of the melting of a spherical
(a) If statement I is true and statement II is true and ball of ice originally at 0° C. Assuming that the
also if the statement II is a correct explanation of heat is being absorbed uniformly through the
statement I
surface and the rate of absorption is proportional
(b) If statement I is true and statement II is true but
the statement II is not a correct explanation of to the instantaneous surface area. Which of the
statement I following is true for the radius (r) of the ice ball at
(c) If statement I is true but statement II is false any instant of time? Assume that the initial radius
(d) If statement I is false but statement II is true of the ice ball at t = 0 is r = R0 and that the shape
10. Statement I : Work done in bringing a charge q
of the ball always remains spherical during
from infinity to the centre of a uniformly charged
non-conducting solid sphere of radius R (with a melting. Also assume that L and are
total charge Q) is zero.
respectively the latent heat and density of ice at
Statement II : The potential difference between
0° C
the centre and the surface of the uniformly
charged non-conducting solid sphere of radius R (a) Radius decreases exponentially with time as
1 Q
(with a total charge Q) is . kt
40 2R −
r = R0 e . Here k is constant
Answer (d)
Sol. Statement-I is false as work done in bringing (b) Radius decreases exponentially with time
charge q from infinity to the centre of uniformly
k t
charged non-conducting solid sphere of radius R −
as r = R e 2L
3kQq 0
is equal to + .
(c) Radius of the ice ball decreases with time
Statement-II is true because of the potential
difference between centre and the surface of k
linearly with a slope −
kQ L
uniformly charged sphere being equal to .
(d) Radius of the ice ball decreases with time
11. Statement I: The current flowing through a p-n
junction is more in forward bias than that in the k
linearly with a slope −
reverse bias. 2L
Statement II: The diffusion current, dominant in
Answer (c)
forward bias, is more than the drift current,
dominant in the reverse bias.
Answer (a) Sol. = k r 2
Sol. Statement-I : In forward bias current is of the
order of milli-amperes while in reverse bias dQ dm
=− L
current is of the order of micro amperes as in dt dt
reverse bias current is because of minority current
carriers. dr
= −4r 2 L
Statement-II : When a diode is forward biased dt
diffusion current increases as the external field
applied makes potential will lesser steep. In dr −k
reverse bias the hill grows steeper making =
dt 4 L
diffusion current negligible while drift current
dominates. Majority carriers being higher in
dr −k
concentration make diffusion current dominant in =
dt L
forward bias.
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
13. The work done by the three moles of an ideal gas 14. The molar specific heat capacity of a certain gas
in the cyclic process ABCD shown in the diagram P
is expressed as C = CV + .
is approximately. Given that T
T1 = 100 K, T2 = 200 K and The equation of state for the process can be
written as ( & A are constant)
T3 = 600 K, T4 = 300 K
(a) PV = RT
(b) V = T2
(c) V2 = lnT
(d) T = Ae
Answer (d)
Sol. Given C = CV +
(a) 7.5 kJ PdV = dT
(b) 5.0 kJ
V2 T2
(c) 2.5 kJ dV = T
V1 T1
(d) Zero
Answer (b) V2 − V1 = ln
V2 −V1
T e
2 = V
T1 1
T = Ae
WAB = 0 (As V = constant) 15. A metal bar of length moves with a velocity
WBC = PB (VC – VB) parallel to an infinitely long straight wire carrying
a current I as shown in the figure. If the nearest
= nR(TC – TB)
end of the perpendicular bar always
= 3R (400) remains at a distance 2 from the current
= 1200R carrying wire, the potential difference (in volt)
between two ends of the moving bar is
WCD = 0 (As V = constant)
WDA = PD (VA – VD)
= nR(TA – TD)
= –600 R
WABCD = 1200 + 0 + 0 – 600R 0 I 0 I
(a) (b)
= 600R 2 6
= 600 × 8.314 0I 0I
(c) n2 (d) n 1.5
5 kJ 2 2
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
0Iv 3
= ln
2 2 (a) Clockwise from 0 to T/2 and anticlockwise
0Iv from T/2 to T
= ln(1.5)
2 (b) Anticlockwise from 0 to T/2 and clockwise
16. Two point charges +Q each are located at (0, 0) from T/2 to T
and (L, 0) at a distance L apart on the X -axis. The (c) Clockwise from 0 to T
electric field (E) in the region 0 < x < L is best
represented by (d) Anticlockwise from 0 to T
Answer (a)
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Answer (b)
Sol. We know that Ering =
(R + x2 )3/2
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Sol. For a variable mass system, we know that 23. A thin uniform metallic rod of length L and radius
dm R rotates with an angular velocity in a horizontal
Fthrust = v rel
dt plane about a vertical axis passing through one of
FBD of rain drop would be : its ends. The density and the Young’s modulus of
the material of the rod are and Y respectively.
The elongation in its length is
22. Two planets, each of mass M and radius R are Answer (b)
positioned (at rest) in space, with their centres a
Sol. Let us analyse an element of the rod :
distance 4R apart. You wish to fire a projectile
from the surface of one planet to the other. The
minimum initial speed for which this may be
possible is
(a) (b)
5R 3R
(c) (d) The element is accelerated towards left at the
3R 2R
shown moment. Forces (horizontal) on the
Answer (b)
element act at x (due to the left portion of the rod)
and at x + dx (due to the right portion of the rod).
Let tension at x be T and at x + dx be T + dT
FBD of element is :
Since planets have same mass and radius, field
at the mid-point of AB (let’s say C) would be zero.
Field in the region AC would be towards left and By 2nd law :
field in the region CB would be towards right. –dT = (·A·dx)(x2)
If we can make the projectile just reach C, then Where A : area of cross section
it can reach the surface of B. T x
dT = −A x dx
Now, conserving energy (let m be the mass of
0 L
A2 2
1 2 –GMm –GMm 1 –GMm T = (L − x 2 )
mvmin + + = m(0)2 + 2 2
2 R 3R 2 2R
Elemental extension in this element would be
= Vmin = A2 2 dx
3R = (L − x 2 )
2 AY
- 10 -
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
y= L =
A2 2 dx
Total extension = 2 (L − x ) Ay
K = E – V ……(1)
Since K is always greater than or equal to 0, the
particle cannot exist if V becomes more than E.
Also, since in the diagram given, V is less than E
for a finite range of x the particle always
remains in that finite range.
Finally, more the gap between E and V more
the speed More the magnitude of momentum.
Graph (a) satisfies these conditions.
25. A parallel beam of light is made incident (as (a) Light rays come out at the curved, surface
shown) on the flat diametric plane of a transparent for values of in the range 75° 165°.
semi-circular thin sheet of thickness t(t << R) of (b) The range of angle is independent of the
refractive index µ = 2 at an angle of 45°. As a angle of incidence.
result of refraction, the light enters the semi- (c) The range of angle depends on the
circular sheet and comes out at its curved refractive index of the material
(d) All the emergent rays of light shall cross the
line OP which is a refracted ray at = 120°
Here is the angle between the vertical diameter
AB and the concerned radius of the semicircular
sheet of radius R.
Answer (a, b, c, d)
Sol. Let refractive index of medium is .
For min, must be critical angle.
So, = sin−1
- 11 -
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
Answer (a, b, c, d)
l T1 1
ix 0 = A ln ……..(i)
1 1
Similarly for max = 90 + sin−1 + sin−1
2 T
For whole rod il = A ln 1 …..(ii)
For = 2 T2
min = 75 and max = 165 Option (a) T
ln 1
range = max − min x T
So, =
l T
= 2 sin−1 ln 1
range is independent of angle of incidence. 3l
For x =
Option (b) 4
range depends on . Option (c)
T = 17.32ºC Option (a)
Both rays from (OA and OB) will deviate towards
OP, so they will cross the ray. Option (d) l
For x =
26. A certain rod of uniform area of cross section 4
A (A = 1.0 cm2) with its length = 2 m is thermally
insulated on its lateral surface. The thermal T = 51.96ºC Option (b)
conductivity (K) of the material of the rod varies
From equation (ii)
with temperature T as K = where is a
T i T
constant. The two ends of the rod are maintained = ln 1
A l T2
at temperature of T1 = 90°C and T2 = 10°C. The
correct option(s) is /are = 1.1 Option (c)
(a) The temperature at 50 cm from the colder
end is 17.32°C A dT
From equation (i) = –
(b) The temperature of 50 cm from the hotter T dx
end is 51.96°C
dT i
(c) The rate of heat flow per unit area of cross or – = T
section of the rod is 1.1 in SI units. dx A
(d) The temperature gradient is numerically So, temperature gradient at hotter end is higher.
higher near the hot end compare to that near
the cold end. Option (d)
- 12 -
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
27. Positronium is a short-lived (10–9 s) bound state (d) A beam of rays incident parallel to principal
of an electron and a positron (a positively charged axis focuses at 48 cm behind the lens if
particle with mass and charge equal (in water = fills the entire space behind
magnitude) to an electron) revolving round their
the surface of radius R2 = 60 cm. The object
common centre of mass. If E0, v0 and a0 are space prior to the surface of radius R1 = 20
respectively the ground state energy, the orbital cm is air.
speed of electron in first orbit and the radius of the Answer (a, b, d)
first (n = 1) Bohr orbit for Hydrogen atom, the
Sol. Using lens maker formula
corresponding quantities E, v and a for the
positronium are 1 1 1
= ( − 1) −
E0 f R1 R2
(a) E=
2 1 1 1
= (1.5 − 1) −
(b) a = a0 f 20 −60
(c) a = 2a0 So, f = 30 cm Option (a)
(d) E = E0, v = v0, a = a0 If the surface is silvered. That surface will become
Answer (a, c) mirror of focal length of 30 cm. Using combination
Sol. From Bohr’s equation
1 1 2 1
Em = − =−
fM −30 30 10
a Or fM = –10 cm Option (b)
We will use refraction from lens then refraction
& v m0 from curved surface so let the image made by
E m 1 lens is at v1 and the final image made by curved
So, = eff =
E0 m0 2 surface is at v for the object placed at .
E0 For first image
E= Option (a)
2 1 1 1
− =
a m v1 30
= 0
a0 meff For second image
a = 2a0 Option (c) 5
28. A thin double convex lens of radii of curvature 5 1 3
− =
R1 = 20 cm and R2 = 60 cm is made-up of a 3v v1 −60
transparent material of refractive index µ = 1.5. on adding
Choose the correct options(s)
5 1 1 1
(a) The focal length of the lens is f = 30 cm when = − =
3v 30 90 45
in air.
v = 75 cm
(b) The lens behaves as a concave mirror of
Option (c) is incorrect.
focal length fM = 10 cm when silvered on the
Behaving as converging lens.
surface of radius R2 = 60 cm
Similarly solving for option (d)
(c) The lens behave as a concave lens
(diverging lens) if the image space beyond 1 1
R2 = 60 cm radius surface is filled with a v1 30
5 4
transparent liquid of refractive index =
. −1
3 4 1
− = 3
The object space prior to the surface of 3v v1 −60
radius R1 = 20 cm is air. On solving v = 48 cm option (d)
- 13 -
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
(d) no electric field is detectable outside the (b) The maximum tension in the string is
solenoid. 9
Tmax = mg
Answer (a, b, c)
- 14 -
IOQP (Part-I) 2021-22
collision is = 4 (b) The value of constant b is b = 2
(b) The velocity of mass m on the track is (c) The average energy density of the em wave
4U0 is U = 6.5 × 10–6 0 in SI units
3m (d) The amplitude of magnetic field is B = 1.20
(c) The time taken to collide for the first time is × 10–11 Tesla
m Answer (a, c, d)
t1 = 2R
3U0 Sol. Direction of propagation is the unit vector
(d) The time taken for the second collision is iˆ + 2 ˆj + 3kˆ
2m 14
t2 = 2R
3U0 Electric field is ⊥ to direction of propagation
Vr = = c = 3 14 108
m 14
2R m U= 0 E02 = 6.5 10 –6 0
t1 = = 2R 2
Vr 3U0
E0 13 10 –3
Since collision are elastic, Vr does not change B0 = = = 1.20 10 –11T
c 3 108
❑ ❑ ❑
- 15 -
Date: 27/11/2022 Test Booklet Code
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 | Ph.: 011-47623456
Q. No. 22 a c d
In Part A2 (Q. No. 49 to 60) each question has four alternatives, out of which any number of
alternative (s) (1, 2, 3 or 4) may be correct. You have to choose ALL correct alternatives and fill the
appropriate bubble (s), as shown.
Q. No. 54 a c
(3) For Part A1, each correct answer carries 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. In Part A2, you get 6 marks if all the correct alternatives are marked. No negative marks
in this part.
1. A convex lens is held 45 cm above the bottom of an empty tank. The image of a point object at bottom of tank is
formed 36 cm above the lens. Now a liquid is poured into the tank upto a height of 40 cm above the bottom. It is
found that distance of image of same point object at the bottom of the tank is 60 cm above the lens. Refractive
index of liquid is
Answer (d)
2. A potential of 5 V is applied across the faces of a pure germanium plate of area 2 × 10 –4 m2 and of thickness
1.2 × 10–3 m. Concentration of carriers in germanium at room temperature is 1.6 × 106 m–3, mobility of electrons
and holes are 0.4 m 2 V–1 s–1 and 0.2 m2 V–1 s–1 respectively. The current produced in germanium plate at room
temperature, is
Answer (a)
3. Fission of one nucleus of 235U releases 200 MeV energy in average. Minimum amount of 235U required to run
1000 MW reactor per year of continuous operation (assuming 30% efficiency) is
Answer (b)
4. In a Young’s double slit experiment distance between slits is d = 1 mm, wavelength of light used is 600 nm and
distance of screen from the plane of slits is D = 1 m. The minimum distance between two points on the screen
where intensity falls to 75% of maximum intensity will be (Assume both sources of equal power)
Answer (b)
5. A ball is projected from horizontal ground. It attains a maximum height H on its projectile path and there after
strikes a stationary smooth vertical wall and falls on ground vertically below the point of maximum height. Assume
the collision with wall to be perfectly elastic, the height of the point on the wall where the ball strikes is
3H 2H
(a) (b)
4 3
H 4H
(c) (d)
2 5
Answer (a)
6. As shown in figure, a block of mass m is projected from wall A with velocity 2v0 on the rough surface with constant
sliding friction to hit the wall B with velocity v0. With what velocity same mass m should be projected to hit the
wall B with same velocity v0 if the surface is now moving upward with an acceleration of a = 4g?
(a) 2v0
(b) 3v0
(c) 4v0
(d) 5v0
Answer (c)
7. A sound source of fix frequency is in unison with an open end organ pipe of length 30.0 cm and a close end
organ pipe of length 23.0 cm (both of same diameter). Both pipes are sounding their first overtone. If velocity of
sound is 340 ms–1, frequency of sound source is nearly
(a) 1000 Hz (b) 1062 Hz
(c) 1100 Hz (d) 1018 Hz
Answer (b)
8. Solar constant for Earth is 2.0 cal per cm 2 per minute. [1 cal = 4.2 J]. Angular diameter of the Sun (as seen from
the Earth) is (= half a degree). Treating Sun as a black body, its surface temperature is estimated to be nearly
(a) 6000 K (b) 5800 K
(c) 6200 K (d) 5500 K
Answer (a)
9. A concave mirror when placed in air has a focal length f = 20 cm. The mirror is now placed horizontally and filled
with a thin layer of water having refractive index . The object is placed horizontally near the principal axis at a
distance d from the mirror such that a real, inverted image is formed at the same plane as the object, as shown
in the figure. What is the value of d?
(a) 30 cm (b) 20 cm
(c) 15 cm (d) 40 cm
Answer (a)
10. When a sample of atoms is irradiated by neutrons, radioactive atoms are produced at a constant rate R, which
decay with decay constant . The number of radioactive atoms accumulated after an irradiation time t is given
(a) N t Rt e– t
R – t
(b) N t e
(c) N t
1– e – t
(d) N t Rt 1– e – t
Answer (c)
11. Three uncharged capacitors of capacitances C1 = 2 F, C2 = 3 F and C3 = 5 F are connected as shown in
figure to one another at O and to points A, B and D at potentials VA = 300 V, VB = 200 V and VD = 400 V
respectively the potential VO at O is
1 T T 1 T T
(a) nR T2 – T1 2 3 – 2 (b) nR T3 – T2 3 4 – 2
2 T1 T4 2 T2 T1
1 T T
(c) nR T2 – T1 3 3 – 2 (d) Zero
2 T1 T2
Answer (c)
13. An insect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring of force constant K. The block
performs simple harmonic motion vertically with amplitude A in front of a mirror which is inclined at 60º with the
vertical as shown. The maximum speed of insect relative to its image will be
K 3K
(a) 2A (b) A
(c) A (d) Zero
Answer (b)
14. A concave lens of focal length 10 cm is placed between two convex lenses of focal length 10 cm and 20 cm at a
separation of 5 cm between the first and second lens and 10 cm between the second and third lens. An object
is placed at 30 cm in front of the first convex lens. The final image is formed beyond the third lens at a distance
v from it. Then
(a) v = 15 cm (b) v =
(c) v = 45 cm (d) v = 20 cm
Answer (d)
15. A point source S of light is placed at a depth d below the surface of water in a large and deep lake. Fraction of
light that escapes in space above directly from water (refractive index = ) surface is given by
1 1 1
(a) 1– (b) 1– 2
2 2
(c) 1– 1– 2 (d) Depends on d and increases with increasing d
Answer (c)
16. A sphere of radius R, is charged with volume charge density such that r (r is distance from centre). Variation
of electric field E with r (For all values of r : r R and r > R) is best represented by
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Answer (d)
17. A system of capacitors C1 = 4 F, C2 = 1 F, C3 = 2 F and C4 = 3 F connected across a battery of emf
E = 15 V is shown in figure. The charge that will flow, through the switch K, when it is closed, is
(a) 15 C c to d (b) 12 C c to d
(c) 6 C d to c (d) 9 C d to c
Answer (a)
18. A simplification of a kind of interlock is shown in figure. All surfaces are smooth and frictionless. The body m has
a mass m = 1 kg and the block M = 15 kg. The time ‘m’ takes to reach the base if it is released at height h = 4
meter above the base of M, is [use g = 10 ms–2]
(a) 1 s
(b) 3s
(c) 2 s
(d) 2 2 s
Answer (c)
19. A number n of identical balls, each of mass m and radius r, are stringed like beads at random and at rest along
a smooth, rigid horizontal rod length L mounted between immovable supports; is small but not negligible.
Collision between balls, or between balls and supports, are perfectly elastic. One of the balls is struck horizontally
so as to acquire a speed v. Resulting outward force felt by supports, averaged over a long time, is
mv 2 mv 2
(a) (b)
2 L – 2nr L – 2nr
2mv 2 mv 2
(c) (d)
L – 2nr L
Answer (b)
20. A cylindrical tumbler of diameter d has smooth sides and smooth edge. A thin rod of length L is balanced on the
edge of the tumbler as shown in figure. The angle that the rod makes with horizontal for this trick to work is
1 1
–1 d 2 –1 2d 3
(a) sin L (b) cos L
1 1
–1 d 3 –1 2d 3
(c) cos L (d) sin L
Answer (b)
21. End A of a uniform thin rod of length 2L is in boiling water (100°C) and end B is in melting ice (0°C). P and Q are
L 3L
two points at distance from A and B respectively. A similar bent rod of length of same material and equal
2 2
cross section is joined to rod AB between points P and Q as shown in figure. Then
Answer (b)
22. Two stars of masses M and m (M = 2 m) separated by a distance d = 3 astronomical unit, revolve in circular orbit
about their centre of mass with a period of 2 years. If Ms is mass of Sun, then
(a) m = 2.25 Ms
(b) m = 1.25 Ms
(c) m = 2.50 Ms
(d) m = 4.50 Ms
Answer (a)
23. A thin uniform rod of mass M is bent in to four adjacent semicircles of radius of curvature R lying in same plane.
Moment of inertia of the bent rod about an axis through one end A and perpendicular to plane of the rod is
(a) MR2 (b) 44 MR2
(c) 22 MR2 (d) MR2
Answer (c)
24. Three point charges +q, –2q and +q are placed on x-axis at x = –d, x = 0 and x = +d respectively. The value of
1 aQ
electric field at a point P on x-axis at x = r (r >> d) is given by E (Here Q = 2qd2). Then
40 rn
(a) a = 3, n = 3 (b) a = 6, n = 4
(c) a = 3, n = 4 (d) a ,n 4
Answer (c)
25. The frequency of the transverse oscillations of a proton (mass M) trapped in a cylindrical relativistic electron
beam of circular cross section of radius R and current I is given by [assume that speed v of relativistic electrons
c (the speed of light in vacuum) and ignore magnetic effect]
1 eI
2R 20 Mc
1 20I
2R Mc
1 20Mc
R eI
1 20Mc
20 eI
Answer (a)
26. Current I flows through a long thin walled metallic cylinder of radius R with a thin longitudinal slit of width ( <<
R) running parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The magnetic induction B produced at any point on the axis of the
cylinder is approximately
0 I
(a) B = zero (b) B
2R 2
0 I 0 I
(c) B (d) B
2 2
4 R 2 R 2
Answer (c)
27. The reading of the ammeter, used in the electrical network shown below, is 20 mA, a long time after the key K is
The reading of the same ammeter, immediately after the key was closed was
(c) 25 mA (d) 32 mA
Answer (c)
28. At the Earth’s surface, a projectile is launched straight up at a speed of 10.0 km/s. height to which it will rise is
[g at surface of Earth = 9.8 ms–2 and radius of earth R = 6400 km]
Answer (c)
29. A small sphere of mass 2.00 g is released from rest in a large cylindrical vessel filled with oil. The resistive force
due to viscosity of oil acting on sphere is proportional to its velocity. Sphere approaches a terminal speed of 5.00
cm/s. The time it takes the sphere to reach 90.0% of its terminal speed is approximately.
Answer (d)
30. A static point charge Q is located just above the centre C ( 0) of a horizontal circle of radius R on its geometric
axis, as shown in figure. The magnitude of electric flux through this circle is
(a) Zero (b)
(c) (d)
20 0
Answer (c)
31. Three small identical neutral metal balls are at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The balls are in turn touched
to an isolated large charged conducting sphere whose centre is on a line perpendicular to the plane of triangle
and passing through its centre. As a result the first and second balls have acquired charges q1 and q2
respectively. The charge acquired by the third ball is [Assume that charge and potential of large spherical
conductor change insignificantly in charging of the balls and that charges on balls are spherically symmetric]
q12 q22
(a) (b)
q2 q1
Answer (b)
32. Voltage across the load L is controlled by using circuit as shown in figure. P is a potentiometer. Resistance RL
of the load and RP of the potentiometer are equal to R. Load L is connected to the middle of potentiometer. Input
voltage V is constant. If now RL is doubled, the voltage across load will change by a factor
Answer (d)
- 10 -
33. A small block A of mass 2 kg is attached to a spring of force constant 1200 Nm –1, and rest on a smooth horizontal
surface at x = 0 as shown in figure. A second block B of mass 1 kg slides along the surface towards A at
6 ms–1 and sticks to it. Assuming that the collision occurs at t = 0, position x (in meter) of block A as a function
of time t is expressed as
(c) x = –0.173 sin t (d) x = –0.1 sin 20 t
Answer (d)
34. Two plane glass testing slides each of surface area A are stuck with each other by a small water drop squeezed
between them as an extremely thin film of thickness d. If the surface tension of water be T and the angle of
contact be zero, then the force required to pull apart the two glass plates will be
Answer (c)
35. The rate of flow of a certain liquid of viscosity through a horizontal capillary of length l and radius r is Q when
the pressure head at the inlet is just twice the atmospheric pressure. The rate of flow of the same liquid through
another capillary of length 2l and radius 2r when the inlet pressure head is 4 times the atmospheric pressure will
be (The outlet being open to atmosphere in each case)
(a) 24 Q (b) 16 Q
(c) 8 Q (d) 4 Q
Answer (a)
36. A uniform rod of the material of Young’s modulus Y is pushed over a smooth horizontal surface by a constant
horizontal force F. The area of cross-section of the rod is A. The compressional strain in the rod is
(a) (b)
3F 2F
(c) (d)
Answer (b)
- 11 -
37. A total charge Q is uniformly distributed over a non-conducting ring of radius r. There is a time varying magnetic
field perpendicular to its plane and changing at the uniform rate of . The magnitude of induced tangential
electric field E on ring is
dB dB
(a) r (b) r 2
dt dt
1 dB 1 2 dB
(c) r (d) r
2 dt 2 dt
Answer (c)
38. DC emf of 15 V is applied to a circuit containing 5 H inductance and 10 resistance in series at t = 0. The ratio
of the currents in the circuit at t = 0.5 sec and at t = 1.0 sec is
e2 e
(a) (b)
e 1 e 1
e 1
(c) (d)
e 1 e
Answer (c)
39. An insulating rod of length carries a charge q distributed uniformly all over its length. The rod is pivoted at its
midpoint and is rotated at a frequency f (in Hz) about an axis perpendicular to the rod passing through the point
at the pivot. The magnetic moment of the system is
1 1
(a) qf2 (b) qf2
12 6
(c) qf2 (d) qf2
Answer (a)
40. A circular loop of radius r is placed inside another circular loop of radius R (R >> r). The loops are coplanar and
concentric. The mutual inductance (M) of the system is proportional to
r r2
(a) (b)
R2 r2
(c) (d)
r R2
Answer (b)
41. The amplitude of the electric and magnetic fields associated with a beam of light of intensity 477.9 W/m 2 are,
Answer (a)
- 12 -
42. Given that the critical angle of incidence for total internal reflection within a transparent material when placed in
air is 45°. The Brewster's angle of incidence for light propagating from air to the transparent material will be
Answer (a)
43. A particle moves along a straight line. Its displacement S varies with time t according to the law
S2 = at2 + 2bt + c (a, b and c are constants). The acceleration of this particle varies as
Answer (d)
44. A ball A (mass m 1) moving with velocity v experiences an elastic collision with another stationary ball B (mass
m2). Each ball flies apart symmetrically relative to the initial direction of motion of ball A, at an angle , Ratio of
the masses of balls is
(a) 1 + 2 cos
(b) 2 cos 2
(c) 1 + 2 cos 2
(d) 1 + cos 2
Answer (c)
45. A solid cylinder of mass m is rolling without slipping on a rough horizontal surface, under the action of a horizontal
force F such that the line of action of F passes through centre C of the cylinder. Choose the correct alternative.
(a) Acceleration of centre of cylinder is (b) Frictional force on cylinder acts forward
(c) Magnitude of friction force is (d) None of the above
Answer (c)
46. A motor pump is used to deliver water at a certain rate r from a given pipe. To obtain thrice as much water from
the same pipe in the same time, the power of the motor has to be increased to
Answer (c)
- 13 -
47. Two small solid balls of masses m and 8 m made up of same material are tied at the two ends of a thin weightless
thread. They are dropped from a balloon in air. The tension T of thread during fall, after the motion of balls has
reached steady state is
Answer (a)
48. Obtain the value of
2 0 hc
Answer (a)
49. A hydrogen atom is in ground state (n = 1). The magnetic field produced by revolving electron, at centre of atom
is B0. Atom is excited to state n = 4. According to Bohr model, the correct alternative(s) is/are
(a) Magnetic field at centre of atom for (n = 4) becomes B4 =
(c) Change in magnitude of angular momentum of electron is
(d) Assume that this excited atom (n = 4) is at rest and it makes transition to ground state (n = 1) in a single
quantum jump of an electron, (Take mass of atom MH = 1.67 × 10–27 kg) the recoil speed of atom will be
nearly v = 4.1 ms–1
Answer (b, c, d)
50. In an experimental set up to study the photoelectric effect a point source of light of power 3.2 mW is used. The
source emits mono energetic photons of energy 5 eV and is located at a distance d = 0.8 m from centre of a
stationary metallic sphere of work function W = 3.0 eV. The radius of the sphere is R = 8 mm. Assume that the
sphere is isolated and photo electrons are instantly swept away after emission. Also assume that the efficiency
of photoelectric emission is one for every 106 photons. In the present set up
(a) The de Broglie wave length of fastest moving photoelectron is nearly 8.7 Å
(b) It is observed that after some time emission of photoelectrons from the surface of metal sphere is stopped,
the charge on sphere just when the electron emission stops is 640× 10–3C
(c) Time after which photo electric emission stops is nearly 111 s
Answer (a, b, c, d)
- 14 -
51. Two identical Carnot (cycles) engines operate between maximum and minimum temperatures T1 and T2 and
Vc T
volume limits, Va, Vb, Vc & Vd as shown in figure. Given that e3 and 1 e (e is the base of natural
Va T2
logarithm). Engine 1 operates on mono atomic gas while the engine 2 on diatomic gas. Choose correct
Vb,1 W1
(a) Ratio of volumes e (b) Ratio of work done per cycle for the two is 3
Vb,2 W2
W1 1
(c) Ratio of work per cycle for the two is 1 (d) Ratio of efficiencies () of two engines 1
W2 2
Answer (a, b, d)
52. In an isolated asteroid of radius R and uniform density , a spherical cavity of diameter AC = R is excavated,
where C is centre of asteroid. Choose correct alternative(s)
(a) A ball just dropped from A will strike C with speed v = 2R
(b) A ball dropped from A will reach C after time t =
(c) Acceleration of ball dropped from A varies as its distance from O (centre of cavity)
(d) Weight of a body placed at B (diametrically opposite to A) on surface of asteroid decreases by a factor
due to excavation of cavity.
Answer (a, b)
- 15 -
53. A small positively charged ball of mass m is suspended by a long insulating thread of negligible mass. Other
positively charged small ball is moved very slowly from a large distance (along horizontal direction) until it is at
original position A of first ball. As a result the first ball rises by h to position B such that h << . Choose the correct
(b) Total work done on system to bring two balls in their final position is mgh.
(c) Total work done on the system to bring two balls in their final position is 3mgh.
(d) Work done on system to bring two balls in their final position does not depend on the magnitude of charges
Answer (a, c, d)
54. A rope of mass m and length L is suspended vertically. A mass M is suspended from bottom of the rope. A
transverse wave is produced on the rope, which travels the length of rope in time t choose the correct
(a) t = 2
Mm M
(b) For m << M The time t =
(c) For M = 0 (i.e. no mass hanging) the time t =
(d) Time to travel the lower half of the rope by the wave is less than that to travel the upper half.
Answer (a, b)
55. A long solenoid having 1000 turns per meter carries a current of 1 A. It has a soft iron core of r = 1000. The
core is heated beyond the Curie temperature (TC). Then
(a) The H field in the solenoid is nearly unchanged but the B field decreases drastically.
Answer (a)
- 16 -
56. In a certain machine two steel plates are separated by a hardened steel cylindrical roller (see fig.) In operation,
the plates move back and forth horizontally, perpendicular to the axis of roller, and the roller rolls freely between
plates without slipping on either one. At a particular instant plate A is moving with a speed of 18 cm sec–1 to the
right and an acceleration of 30 cm sec–2 to the left, and the plate B is moving with a speed of 6 cm sec–1 to the
right and an acceleration of 8 cm sec–2 to the left. At that instant, for the roller
Answer (a, c)
57. Each of 9 sides of frame ACDEFB has resistance R (Nine in all) a current I enters at A and leaves at B. Choose
(b) Current in branches CE and DF are each equal to I
(c) Effective resistance between A and B is R
(d) Effective resistance between A and B is R
Answer (b, c)
- 17 -
58. A long uniform of length L and mass M is pivoted vertically on a horizontal, friction less pivot at its lower end.
The rod is released from rest in its vertical position OA (see figure). It falls off without slipping at O. At the instant
the rod is horizontal,
(a) Its angular speed is
(b) Magnitude of its angular acceleration is
3g ˆ
(c) Acceleration of its centre of mass aCM j ( ĵ unit vector in Y direction)
(d) Reaction force at pivot ĵ (Take X, Y axis as shown)
Answer (a, b)
59. There are four layers of glass plates, placed on top of each other such that bottom one has thickness a 1 and
refractive index n1 = 2.7. Next one has thickness a2 and refractive index n2 = 2.43. The third one and the top one
have thickness a3 and a4 and refractive indices n3 and n4 respectively. Three rays starting at the same moment
from A1, A2 and A3 reach points B2, B3, B4 at the same time, with their angles of incidence being critical angle.
You are given A1B1 = A2B2 = A3B3 = A4B4 = b = 10 mm. Choose correct statement(s).
(a) n3 = 1.968
(b) n4 = 1.291
(c) a2 = 7.243 mm
(d) a3 = 11.51 mm
Answer (a, b, c, d)
- 18 -
60. A thin and infinitely long metal sheet of appreciable finite width b carrying current I (distributed uniformly through
out of its cross section) parallel to its length is placed in an external magnetic field B e parallel to its plane and
perpendicular to the direction of current
(a) The thin metal sheet experiences a mechanical pressure P perpendicular to its face.
(b) The direction of the pressure does not change if the direction of current is reversed.
(c) In case the external magnetic field Be is switched off, a magnetic field B is observed parallel to the
plane of the sheet but perpendicular to the direction of current.
(d) The magnetic field produced in part (c) is B .
Answer (a, b, c)
- 19 -
Date of Examination : 26th November, 2023
1. A particle of mass m is revolving in a horizontal circle on a frictionless horizontal table with the help of a
string tied to it and passing through a hole at the center of the table. Two equal masses M are attached to
the other end of the string as shown. If one of the hanging masses M is removed gently, the radius of the
circular motion of m
mv 2
T = T1 + Mg
Mg T1
T1 = Mg, T = 2Mg
mv 2
2Mg = .....(1)
mv 2
T' = , T1' = mg
mv 2
Mg = .....(2)
From angular momentum conservation
mvr = mv'r'
vr = v'r' ....(3)
æ v ö ær'ö
ç v'÷ = ç r ÷
è ø è ø
from (1) and (2)
æ v ö ær'ö
2 =ç ÷ ç ÷
è v'ø è r ø
æ r' ö æ r' ö
2 =ç ÷ ç ÷
èrø èrø
æ r' ö
2=ç ÷
= 21/3 = 1.260
2. Three stars of equal mass M rotate in a circular path of radius r about their center of mass such that the
stars always remain equidistant from each other. The common angular speed (to) of rotation of the stars
can be expressed as
1 1 1 1
æ GM 3 ö 2 æ GM ö 2 æ GM 2 ö 2 æ GM ö 2
(a) çç 3 ÷÷ (b) ç 3 ÷ (c) ç 3 ÷ (d) ç 3 ÷
è r ø è r ø è r 3ø èr 3ø
Ans. (d)
Sol. 2Fcos30° = Mw2r
3 GM2
2 l2
= Mw2r
° 30°
GM2 r
3 = Mw2 r
3r 2 l l
1/ 3
æ GM ö r
w=ç 3 ÷
è 3r ø
l = 2rcos30°
l=2 = 3r
3. The density of a liquid is p at the surface. The bulk modulus of the liquid is B. The increase Dp irf the
density of the liquid at a depth h from the surface is (with Dr << r)
r2 gh rgh r2 gh 2r2 gh
(a) Dr = (b) Dr = (c) Dr = (d) Dr =
B B 2B B
Ans. (a)
Sol. DP = –B
m = rV
DrV + DVr = 0
V r
æ Dr ö
rgh = DP = B ç ÷
è r ø
r2 gh
Dr =
4. Water flows at 1.2 m/s through a hose of diameter 1.59 cm. The time required to fill a cylindrical container of
radius 2 m to a height of h = 1.25 m will be nearly
(a) 18.3 hour (b) 2.7 hour (c) 550 min (d) 220 min
Ans. (a)
Sol. A1V1(Dt) = A2h
æA öh
Dt = ç 2 ÷ r
è A1 ø v1
æRö h
= ç ÷
è r ø v1
æ 2´2 ö 1.25
=ç –2 ÷
è 1.59 ´ 10 ø (1.2) R
EN = 4 × (1.258)2 × 104 ×
= 18.3 h
5. A police car, moving at speed of 108 km/hour, approaches a truck moving at 72 km/hour in opposite direction.
The natural frequency of the siren of the car is 800 Hz and the surrounding temperature-is 27°C. The frequency
heard by the truck driver as the car passes him
(a) remains unchanged (b) decreases nearly by 232 Hz
(c) increases nearly by 231 Hz (d) decreases nearly by 260 Hz
Ans. (b)
vp v uT
æ v + v0 ö é v + vT ù
f' = fç ÷ = fê ú
è v – vs ø ë v – vP û
VP = 108 × = 30 m/s
VT = 72 × = 20 m/s
6. A rope of mass Mand length L hangs vertically. Time needed for a transverse pulse to trave from its bottom end
to the support is
2L L L L
(a) (b) 2 (c) (d)
g g g 2g
Ans. (b)
Sol. T = mxg
dx T
=v= = gx
dt M
L t0 X
0 gx
= ò dt
t0 = 2
7. When the speaker S1 is switched ON, the sound intensity at a point P in a room is 80 dB. But when the speaker
S2 is switched ON (S1 is switched OFF), the sound intensity at the same point P in the room is 85 dB. The sound
EN intensity level (in dB) at the same point P in the room if the two speakers S 1 and S2 are simultaneously switched
ON, is (consider the speakers to be incoherent
(a) 165 dB
(b) 86.2 dB
(c) 87.8 dB
(d) 88.6 dB
Ans. (b)
æ I ö
Sol. SL = ç10log10 ÷ dB
è I0 ø
80 = 10log10
log10 =8
I0(108) = I1
I0(108.5) = I2
8. The figure shows a smooth tunnel AB (length =2l) in a uniform density planet (say Earth) of mass M and radius
R. A small ball of mass m is released from rest at the end A of the tunnel. Acceleration due to gravity at surface
of the planet is g. Time taken by the ball to reach the end B is
R l p 2R R
(a) p (b) 2 (c) (d) 2p
g g 2 g g
Ans. (a)
Sol. Fsinq = ma
sinq = ma
R 3 x = a
T = 2p
a = – x = w2x
A block B of mass 0.5 kg moving, on a horizontal frictionless table at 2.0 ms–1, collides with a massless
p a n
P (at origin O) and sticks to it. The pan is connected at the end of a horizontal un-stretched (relaxed)
spring of force constant K = 32 Nm–1 as shown in figure. After the block collides, the displacement x(t) of
the block as a function of time t is given by
t p
(a) 0.25 cos 8t m (b) 0.25 sin 8 t m (c) 2.50 sin m (d) 0.50 sin tm
8 4
Ans. (b)
k 32
Sol. w = = = 32 ´ 2 = 8 red / s
m 0.5
1 2 1
kA = mv 2
2 2
32 × A2 = 0.5 × 22
1 1
A2 = ×4 =
64 16
A= = 0.25 m
x = Asinwt
x = [0.25 sin(8t)]m
10. Which of the following functions does not represent a traveling wave
é æ x öù
(a) y = A sin2 ê p ç1 – ÷ ú (b) y = A e–at cos(kx – wt)
ë è v øû
h1 h2
(a) h = h1 + h2 (b) h =
h1 + h2
(c) h = h1 + h2 (1 – h1) (d) h = h1 – h2(1 – h1)
Ans. (c)
EN h = h2 + h1 – h1h2
h = h1 + h2 (1-h1)
An air bubble of radius 2 mm at a depth 12 m below the surface of water at temperature of 8 °C, rises to the
surface where the temperature is 16 °C. Neglecting the effect of Surface Tension, the radius of the bubble at
the surface is estimated to be
Ans. (b)
P1 v 1 P2 v 2
T1 T2
( P0 + rgh ) 4 pr 3 = P0 3 pr2
T1 3 T2
(1 ´ 10 5
+ 104 ´ 12 r13
105 ´ r23
281 289
289 3 3
é2.2ùû r1 = r2
281 ë
(2.26) r13 = r23
r2 = 1.31 × 2
= 2.62 mm
13. Two soap bubbles of radii a and b coalesce to form a single bubble of radius c under isothermal conditions. If the
external pressure is pA, then the Surface Tension (T) of the soap solution is
PA æ c3 – a 3 – b3 ö PA æ a 3 – b3 – c 3 ö PA æ a 2 + b2 – c 2 ö PA æ c 2 – a 2 – b2 ö
(a) 4 ç 2 2 ÷ (b) 2 ç 2 2 ÷ (c) 2 ç 3 3 ÷ (d) 4 ç ÷
è a+b–c ø
2 2 3
èa –b –c ø èc –a –b ø èc –a –b ø
Ans. (a)
Sol. a + b Þ c
na + nb = nc
EN æ
4r ö 4 3 æ
PA a + b - c
4 c 2 - a2 - b2
4r ö 4 3 æ
PA æ c3 - a3 - b3 ö
) ÷
4 è a 2 + b2 - c 2 ø
4r ö 4
ç PA + a ÷ 3 pa + ç PA + b ÷ 3 pb = ç PA + C ÷ 3 pC
14. An open-end organ pipe 30 cm in length and a closed-end organ pipe 23 cm in length, both of equal diameter,
are each sounding their first overtone and both are in unison at 1100 Hz. The speed of sound in air, is estimated
to be nearly
(a) 324 ms–1 (b) 332 ms–1 (c) 340 ms–1 (d) 352 ms–1
Ans. (d)
Sol. l = 30 + 2e ......(1)
= 23 + e
= 46 + 2e ......(2)
l – 30 = 1.5l – 46
0.5l = 16
l = 32
f = 1100
v = 352
15. The figure shows a lagged bar XY of non-uniform cross section. One end X of the bar is maintained at 100°C
and the other end Y at 0 "C. The variation of temperature along its length from X to Y in steady state is best
represented by the curve.
X(100°C) Y(0°C)
100°C 100°C
q q
(a) (b)
0 0
X x X x
100°C 100°C
q q
(c) (d)
0 0
X x
Ans. (b)
Sol. H = -KA
æ dt ö H 1
ç - dx ÷ = KA µ A
X x
è ø
A decreases
æ dt ö
ç - dx ÷ increases
è ø
16. An ideal gas (n moles) is initially at pressure P and temperature T. It is cooled isochorically to a pressure
. The gas is then expanded at a constant pressure so as to attain back its initial 4 temperature T. Work
done by gas during the entire process is
5 3 1
(a) nRT (b) nRT (c) nRT (d) Zero
4 4 4
Ans. (b)
Sol. P
v 4v
P 3PV 3nRT
w= (4v – v) = =
4 4 4
17. Assuming the Sun to be a spherical body (radius Rs) of surface temperature T, the total radiation power received
by Earth (radius RE) at a distance r from Sun is
spR 2e R 2s T4 s4pR2e R 2s T4 spR 2e R 2s T4 spR 2e R 2s T4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
r2 r2 4r 2 4pr2
Ans. (a)
Sol. Pemitted = s4pR2S T4
s 4 pR 2S T 4
Precieved = pR 2e
4 pr 2
spR 2S R 2e T 4
18. The figure shows five point-charges on a straight line. -Separation between successive charges is 10 cm.
For what values of ql and q2 would the net force on each of the other three charges be zero?
27 27
(a) q1 = q2 = mC (b) q1 = q2 = mC
80 40
27 27 27
(c) q1 = mC q2 = mC (d) q1 = q2 = – mC
Ans. (a)
r = 10 cm
= q1 + 2
4 16 9
6 10q
16 9
19. Capacitor C1=3 µF, C2 = 6µF, C3 = 4µF and C4 = 1µF are connected in a circuit as shown to a battery of
60V. Now if key K is closed, the charge that will flow through K is
C1 a C2
C3 C4
+ –
60 V
(a) 90 µC from b to a (b) 60 µC from b to a
(c) 30 µC from a to b (d) 150 µC from b to a
Ans. (a)
3mF 6mF +90 –90 a +180 –180
+120 –120 –120
+48 –48 +48 –48 +120 –120 +30 –30
4mF 1mF
60 V
20. Two equal blocks, each of mass M, hang on either side of a frictionless light pulley with a light string. A rider of
mass m is placed on one of the blocks (as shown). When the system is released, the block with rider descends a
distance H till the rider is caught by a ring that allows the block to pass through. The system moves a further
distance D taking time t. In such a situation, the acceleration due to gravity is
( 2M + m ) D2
2mHt 2
( M + m ) D2
(b) g = m
2mHt 2
( 2M + m ) D D
(c) g = 2 M
( M + 2m ) D2
(d) g =
mHt 2
Ans. (a)
Sol. a=
m + 2M
m + 2M
D= t
m + 2M
æDö 2mgH
ç ÷ =
è t ø m + 2M
D2 m + 2M
t 2 2mH
21. (
A very small electric of dipole moment p lies along the x axis i.e. p = piˆ ) in a non-uniform electric field
r c
cp -cp
(a) î (b) î
x2 x2
(c) î (d) zero
Ans. (b)
dE –cp
Sol. F =P = 2
dr x
22. A conducting thick spherical shell of radii a and b (b > a) has been charged with uniform surface charge density
-s C/m2 on the inner and +s C/m2 on the outer surface. Then
(a) the net charge on the spherical shell is zero.
sb 2
(b) the radial electric field outside the shell is E =
e0 r 2
s b2 - a2 )
(c) a radial electric field E = exists outside the shell.
e0 r 2
(d) there is a net electric charge in the cavity (i.e. in region r < a) equal to 4ps(b2–a2)
Ans. (b)
EN q = s4pa2
r 2
sb 2
Î0 r 2
A spherical conductor is charged up a potential of 450 V. The potential outside, at a distance 15 cm from the
surface, is 300 V. Then
(a) the potential at 15 cm from the center is 900 V
(b) the charge on the conductor is 1.5 nC
(c) the electric field just outside the surface is 150 N/C
(d) the total electrical energy of the conductor is U = 3.375 µJ
Ans. (d)
Sol. = 450
= 300
R + r 450
R 300
1+ = 1.5
= 0.5
R = 30 cm
Q= = 15 × 10–9C
E= = 1500
U = 3.375 mJ
24. A U-shaped conducting wire of mass m = 10g, having length of its horizontal section as l = 20cm, is free to
move vertically up and down. The two ends of the wire are immersed in mercury for proper electrical contact.
The wire is in a homogenerous field of magnetic induction B=0.1 T as shown. The wire jumps up to a height h
= 3m when a chare q, in the form of a current pulse, is sent through the wire. Considering that the duration of
the current pulse is very small compared to the time of flight, the charge q passed through the wire is estimated
to be nearly
× × × ×× ×
× ×× × × ×
× × × B × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
+ –
(a) 6.85 µC (b) 9.80 µC (c) 2.84 C (d) 3.84 C
Ans. (d)
Sol. ò ilBdt = mn
QlB = m 2gh
m 2gh
Q » 3.84C
25. The electrical conductivity of a sample of semiconductor is found to increase when the electromagnetic radiation
of wave legnth just shorter than 2480 nm is incident normally on its surface. The band gap of the semiconductor
(a) 1.96 eV (b) 1.12 eV (c) 0.50 eV (d) 0.29
Ans. (c)
hc 1240
Sol. DE = = = 0.5 eV
l 2480
26. A target of 7Li is bombarded with a proton beam of current 10 –4 ampere for 1 hour to produce 7Be of activity
1.8 ×108 disintegrations per second. Assumning that bombarding of 1000 protons produces one 7Be radioactive
Sol. Q = 10–4 × 60 × 60
10–4 ´ 60 ´ 60
Number of protons = = 2.25 × 1018
1.6 ´ 10 –19
A = lN
1.8 × 108 = l 2.25 × 1015
l = 8 × 10–8
t1/2 =
t1/2 = 2407 hr
27. A long straight wire carrying a current i = 10 A and a rectangular metallic loop of dimentions b × c lie in the
same plane as shown in the figure. The parameters are a = 10 cm, b = 30 cm and c = 50 cm. The mutual
inductance of the sytstem is nearly
(a) 69 nH
Ans. (c)
m0 i
(b) 71 nH
m ic æ b + a ö
c d x = 0 ln ç
2p è a ø
(c) 139 nH
(d) 281 nH
m0 C æ b + a ö
M= ln ç ÷ = 139 nH a
2p è a ø b
28. Impedance of a given series LCR circuit, Fed with alternating current, is the same for two frequencies f 1 and f2.
The resonance frequency fR of the circuit is
f1 + f2 2f1f2
(a) (b)
f1 + f2 (c) f1f2 (d) f12 + f22
Ans. (c)
æ 1 ö
R2 + ç wL – ÷ = ( 2R)
è wC ø
wL – =R
wL – = –R
fR = f1 f2
29. A lawn roller is a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R. As shown in the figure, it is pulled at its center by a
horizontal force F and rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface. Then the
(a) acceleration of the cylinder is
(b) force of friction acting on the cylinder is
(c) coefficient of friction needed to provent slipping is at least
(d) minimum coefficient of friction to prevent slipping is
Ans. (c)
Sol. t1CR = I1CRa
F – f = ma
F–f= m
mmg =
30. A hydrogen atom (MH = 1.67 × 10–27 kg), initially at rest, emits a photon and goes from the excited state n = 5
to the ground state. The recoil speed of the atom is nearly
(a) 4.2 ms–1 (b) 4 × 10–4 ms–1 (c) 2 × 10–2 ms–1 (d) 8 × 102 ms–1
Ans. (a)
h hc
Sol. = mv ; » DE
l l
» 13.06 eV
v = 4.2 m/s
31. Two nuclides A and B are isotopes. The nuclides B and C are isobars. All the three nuclides A, B and C are
radioactive. You may then conclude that
(a) the nuclides A, Band C must belong to the same element
(b) the nuclides A, Band C may belong to the same element
(c) It is possible that A may change to B through a radioactive decay process
(d) it is possible that B may change to C through a radioactive decay process
Ans. (d)
Sol. A & B isotopes : atomic no. is same
B & C isobars : mass no. is same
32. Numerical aperture of an optical fibre is a measure of
(a) the attenuation oflight through it (b) its resolving power
(c) the pulse dispersion through it (d) its light gathering power
Ans. (d)
Sol. Its light gathering power
33. Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. This is because of the fact that
(a) neutrons are heavier than protons
(b) the electrostatic forces between protons are repulsive
(c) neutrons decay into protons through beta decay
(d) the nuclear forces between neutrons are weaker than those between protons
Ans. (b)
Sol. The electrostatic forces between protons are repulsive
34. An equi-concave lens of radii of curvature of the two surfaces numerically equal to 7 cm and refractive index
m = 1.5 has a small silver dot on the rear surface. As a result of this, a ray of light incident parallel to the principal
axis gets reflected from its rear surface and then reflected also from the inner front surface. The ray after the
second reflection emerges out of the thin lens and appears to focus at a point P on the principal axis. The point P
(a) 1 cm before the lens
(c) 1 cm beyond the lens
Ans. (c)
1.5 1.5 - 1
; v = 21
-1 2
(b) 2 cm before the lens
(d) at none of these
v1 21 7 v1 21 7
1 -7
= ; v1 = -3
v1 21
1 1 -2 1 1 2
+ = ; =- -
v2 3 7 v2 3 7
v2 = -
1 1.5 1 - 1.5
- ´ 13 =
v 3 21 -7
v3 = 1
35. Light emerges out uniformly from a point source placed at the focus of a concave mirror to give out a spherical
wave front. As a result of reflection of the paraxial rays from the concave mirror, according to Huygen's theory
the reflected light is in the form of a
(a) spherical wave front with centre at the focus, and radius equal to the radius of curvature of the mirror
(b) spherical wave front with centre at the focus, and radius equal to the focal length of the mirror
(c) cylindrical wave front with its axis coinciding with the principal axis of the mirror.
(d) plane wave front perpendicular to the reflected beam
Ans. (d)
\ \
\ \ \ \ \
36. An equi-convex lens of focal length 'f' is cut along a diameter, in two halves (pieces). The two identical pieces of
the lens are now arranged as shown in the figure on a common axis at a separation f between the two. The
image of an object AB placed at x = 0 cannot be formed at the distance x = x from the object along the axis, for
the value of x as
B 2f
A f 3f 4f
(a) x = 2f (b) x = 3f (c) x = 4f (d) x = ¥
Ans. (a)
Sol. I1 : ¥ ; I2 : 4f ; I3 : 3f
37. During the processes of annihilation of a stationary electron of mass w0 with a stationary positron of equal mass,
a radiation is emitted. The wavelength of the resulting radiation is
h 2h m0 m0c
(a) (b) m c (c) (d)
m0c 0 hc h
Ans. (a)
Sol. E = 2m0C2 = 2hv
hv = m0c2
= m 0 c2
m0 c 2
m0 c
38. The convex surface of a concavo-convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radii of curvature Ri = 20 cm and R2
= 40 cm has been silvered so as to make it reflecting. The distance of a luminous object from the reflecting
system when placed in front of it on its principal axis, so that the image coincides with the object is
(a) 40 cm (b) 32 cm (c) 16 cm (d) 8 cm
Ans. (c)
A \
1 æ -1 1 ö 1
= (1.5 - 1) ç + ÷=
fL è 40 20 ø 80
1 2 1
=- +
feq fL fM
-2 2 -2 - 8
= - =
80 20 80
feq = – 8 cm
x = 16 cm
39. Two balls are projected from the top of a cliff with equal initial speed w. One starts at angle q above the
horizontal while the other starts at angle 0 below. Difference in their ranges on ground is
Ans. (c)
q q
EN R1 - R 2
u 2 sin 2 q
A solid block of mass 3 kg is suspended from the bottom of a 5 kg block with the help of a rope AB of mass
2 kg as shown in the figure. When pulled by an upward force F, the whole system experiences an upward
acceleration a = 2.19 ms–2. Choose the correct option
(a) Net force on th rope AB is 24 N
(b) Tension at the midpoint of the rope AB is 48 N 5 kg
(c) Force F is 20 N
2 kg
(d) Force F is 60 N
Ans. (b) 3 kg
Sol. (Fnet)rope = 2×2. 19 F a = 2.19m
= 4.38N
F–100 = (5+3+2) × 2.19
121.9 – 60 – 6× 2.19 = T
121.9 – 13.14 – 60 = T
T = 48.76 N ; 49N T
41. A block P of mass 0.4 kg is attached to a vertical rotating spindle by two strings AP and BP of equal length
1.0 m as shown in the figure. The period of rotation is 1.2 s. Tensions T 1 and T2 in string AP and BP are
1.6 m
T1 sin q – T2 sin q = mg
(d) T1 = T2 = 5.48 N
sinq = 0.8
= 5
q = 53°
mw 2 r
T1 + T 2 = r
cos q
mg q
T1–T2 =
sin q
1 æ mw 2 r mg ö
T1 = ç + ÷
2 è cos q sin q ø
1 æ mw 2 r mg ö
T2 = ç - ÷
2 è cos q sin q ø
42. A particle of mass m moves in a straight line under the influence of a certain force such that the power (P)
delivered to it remains constant. Starting from rest, the straight line distance traveled by the moving
particle in time t is
1 1 1 1
æ 8Pt 2 ö 2 æ 4Pt 3 ö 2 æ 8Pt 2 ö 2 æ 8Pt 3 ö 2
(a) ç ÷ (b) ç ÷ (c) ç ÷ (d) ç ÷
è 27m ø è 27m ø è 9m ø è 9m ø
Ans. (d)
Sol. P = Fv = constant
P = mav
ò v dv = ò m
v 2 pt
2 m
dx 2pt
dt m
ò dx =
m ò t1/2 dt
2p t 3/ 2 8pt 3
x= =
m 3 9m
43. A bullet is fired vertically up with half the escape speed from the surface of the Earth. The maximum altitude
reached by it (ignore the effect of rotation of the Earth) in terms of radius of, Earth R is
EN (a)
Ans. (a)
Sol. -
GMm 1 GM
+ m
2 2R
(c) R (d)
3GMm GMm
4R R+h
44. A can is a hollow cylinder of radius R and height h. Its ends are sealed with circular sheets of the same material.
The can is made of thin sheet metal of areal mass density s(kg/m2). Moment of inertia of this closed can about
its vertical axis of symmetry is
(a) pR3 s(h + 2R) (b) pR3 s(h + R) (c) pR3 s(2h + R) (d) 2pR3 s(h + R)
Ans. (c)
R2 R2
Sol. I = s 2 pR H + 2spR2
2 2
45. A direct vision spectroscope has been designed to obtain dispersion without deviation by arranging alternate
( )
inverted thin prisms of crown glass (refractive index m1 = 2 ) and flint glass m2 = 3 with refracting angle
qflint = 3°. The refracting angle qcrown of the crown glass prism
Ans. (c)
Sol. (m1–1)A1=(m2–1) A2
46. Continuous and Characteristic X - rays are produced when electron beam accelerated by a high potential
difference of V volt (say) is made to hit the metallic target such as Molybdenum in a modem Coolidge tube. Let
lmin be the smallest possible wavelength of continuous X - rays and lLa be the maximum wavelength of the
characteristic X- rays. Then
(a) lLa increases with increase in V (b) lLa decreases with increase in V
(c) lmin increases with increase in V (d) lmin decreases with increase in V
Ans. (d)
EN While performing an experiment for determining the focal length of a concave mirror by u-v method, a student
recorded the given sets of the positions (in cm) of the object and the corresponding image on the bench as (12,
51), (18, 54), (30, 50), (48, 34), (42,42) and (78, 98). She used an optical bench of length 1.5 m and the mirror
is fixed at the 90 cm mark on the bench. The maximum acceptable error in the location of the image is 0.2 cm.
The reading (observation) that cannot be obtained from experimental measurement and has been incorrectly
recorded, for a mirror of focal length = 24 cm, is
(a) (18, 54) (b) (30,50) (c) (48, 34) (d) (78, 98)
Ans. (d)
1 1 1
Sol. + =
v u f
u = – (90 – x1)
v = – (90 – x2)
f = –24
48. A parallel beam, of 6.0 mW radiation of wavelength 200nm and of area of cross-section 1.0 mm", falls normally
on a plane metallic surface. If~the radiations are completely reflected, the pressure exerted by the radiations
on the metallic surface is estimated to be
Ans. (d)
Sol. pressure = = 4 ´ 10-5 pas cal
49. In the circuit shown, the current in the 8W resistance across G and H is i = 0.5 ampere. The ammeter is ideal.
The internal resistance of the cell is 0.8 W. Choose correct option(s).
A 2W C 2W E 2W G
2W 6W
B 2W D F 6W H
(a) Reading of the ammeter is 1.5 ampere
(d) The emf of the cell is 24 V
Ans. (a,b,c,d)
2W 1.5A
2W 1.5A 2W
50. In an experiment with Lummer Gehrecke plate, the two coherent beams of light, caused by multiple reflections
inside the transparent plate of refractive index µ=1.54, reach the points P and Q on the screen. The net path
difference between the two beams reaching either at P or Q is Dx = 5000 nm. Which of the wavelength in the
visible range (l = 390 nm to l = 780 nm) is/are most likely to produce a constructive interference (a maximum)
at the point P as well as at Q on the screen?
Sol. Dx = nl
5000 × 10–9 = nl
l= nm
51. Two identical transparent solid cylinders, each of radius 10 cm and refractive index µ = 3 , lie horizontally
parallel to each other on a horizontal plane mirror with a separation x between their horizontal axes. A ray of light
is incident horizontally on the cylinder A at a height h above the plane mirror so as to emerge from this cylinder at
a height h1 = 0.1 m above the plane mirror. The ray emerging out from the first cylinder A is reflected from the
horizontal plane mirror to enter the second parallel cylinder B at a height h2 and then this ray emerges out of the
second cylinder, parallel and in-line with the original incident ray. The correct statement(s) is/are:
(a) the height h above the plane mirror is h =18.7 cm
(b) the ray enters the second cylinder B at a height h 2 = 0.1 m
(c) the separation between the axes of the two cylinders A and B is x = 31.54 cm
(d) the angle of incidence on the plane mirror midway between the two cylinders is q =30°
Ans. (a,b,c,d)
sin2a = µsina
2 cos a = µ
cos a =
a = 30°
52. In the working of a p - n junction
53. The force F(x) acting on a body of mass m changes with position x (in meter) as shown. It is given that the
potential energy U(x) = 0 at x = 0
Choose correct option(s).
–2 1 2 3 4 5 6
EN (d) At x = 3, U(x) = – 10 J
Ans. (c,d)
Sol. Work done by F from
x = 0 to x = 3 is 10J
DU = – Wcons
Uf – 0 = – 10
Uf = – 10
for 2 < x < 4
F = – 4x + 12
dU = –Fdx
U = 2x2 – 12x + c
U = 2x2 – 12x + 8
for 4 < x < 6
F = 2x – 12
U = 12x – x2 + c
at x = 4; U = –8
U = 12x – x2 – 40
54. A deuteron of mass M moving at speed v collides elastically with an a - particle of mass 2M, initially at rest. The
deuteron is scattered through 90° from initial direction of its motion with speed Vd while the a- particle is
scattered with speed Va at an angle q from the initial direction of motion of deuteron. Then
(a) q = 30°
(b) Va =
(c) Vd =
(d) a fraction of energy of deuteron is transferred to a particle
Ans. (a,b,c,d)
M 2M
mv = 2m va cos q
mvd = 2mva sin q
1 1 1
mv 2 = m v 2d + 2mv a2
2 2 2
va =
EN vd =
Two plane progressive waves travelling on a string as
y1 = 2.5 × 10–3 sin (30x – 420t)
y2 = 2.5 × 10–3 sin (30x + 420t)
superimpose to produce a standing wave. The variables x and y are in meter and t is in second.
(a) the equation of resultant standing wave is y = 5 × 10 –3 cos (30x) sin (420 t)
(b) the equation of resultant standing wave is Y =2.5 x 10–3 sin (30x) cos (420 t)
(c) the antinode closest to x =0.25 m is at x = 0.262 m
(d) the amplitude of oscillation of particle at x = 0.17 m is 4.63 mm
Ans. (c,d)
Sol. y = 5 × 10–3 sin 30x cos 420t
A = 5 × 10–3 sin 30x
56. Two moles of nitrogen in a container, of negligible thermal capacity, are initially at 17°C. The gas is compressed
adiabatically from an initial volume of 120 liter to 80 liter. The correct option(s) is/are
1 3 pxy 1 P.r
(c) E y = 4 pe (d) V =
r5 4 pe0 r 3
Ans. (a,c,d)
Sol. kP sin q
q (x,y)
2K p cos q
r cos q = x
r sin q = y
58. Two equal positive charges +Q each lie on y axis at (0, a) and (0, - a). The electric field strength E at a point (x,
0) satisfies:
1 2Qa
( )
3/ 2
4 pe0 x + a 2
(b) for large values of x (i.e x >> a), the electric field E µ
(c) for x ³ 0, E is maximum at x =
1 2Q
(d) for x ³ 0, E is maximum at x = 0 and is equal to 4xe 2
0 a
Ans. (b,c)
Sol. x
E= x>>a
(a )
+ x2
K2Qx K2Q
E= = 2 option (b)
x3 x
R a
E is max at x = option (c) =
2 2
59. A metal rod of mass m and length l slides on frictionless parallel metal rails of negligible resistance, A resistance
R is connected between the rails at their ends as shown in the figure. A uniform magnetic field B is directed into
the plane of paper perpendicular to the plane of rails throughout the space. The rod is given an initial velocity
vo (towards right). No other force acts on the rod. Then
- Bl1
(a) v(t) = v e mR
mv 0 R
(b) the rod stops after traveling a distance x =
B2 l 2
(c) the total energy dissipated in resistance is mv 20 i.e. half of the initial kinetic energy
mv 0
(d) the total charge that flows in the circuit is q =
Ans. (b,d)
R v
ilB -Bv 2 l2
a=- =
m mR
dv -B2 l2 v
dt mR
B2 l2
v t
= ò-
B2l2 t
v = v0 e - mR
i = Bv 0 e
Bv 0 l
2 2
B l t
- mv 0
Q= ò idt =
R ò e mR dt =
vdv -B2 l2 v
dx mR
B2 l 2 x mv R
v0 = x; x = 2 0 2 option (b)
mR Bl
-5 3
{( 11
The magnetic field B = 2 ´ 10 sin p 0.5 ´ 10 x + 1.5 ´ 10 t ˆjT represents a plane electromagnetic wave
travelling in space with x in meter and t in second. The correct statement(s) are
(a) The wave length of the wave is 4.0 mm and its frequency is 75 GHz
(b) The energy density associated with the wave is nearly =316 µJ/m3
Ans. (a,d)
(c) The electric field vector is E = -6000 sin éë p (0.5 ´ 10 x - 1.5 ´ 10 t )ùû kˆ Vm
3 11 -1
(d) The electric field vector is E = 6000 sin é p (0.5 ´ 103 x + 1.5 ´ 1011 t ) kˆ Vm -1 ù
Sol. c = = 3 ´ 108 m / s
k = 0.5 × 103 p =
l = 0.004 m
c = fl
U= Î0 E02
Date: 24/11/2024
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 | Ph.: 011-47623456
Q. No. 24 a c d
In Part A-2 (Q. No. 49 to 60) each question has four alternatives, out of which any number of
alternative (s) (4, 3, 2 or 1) may be correct. You have to choose ALL correct alternative(s) and fill
the appropriate bubble(s), as shown.
Q. No. 58 a c
(3) For Part A-1, each correct answer carries 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. In Part A-2, you get 6 marks if all the correct alternatives are marked. No negative marks
in this part.
1. An air filled parallel plate capacitor, with plate area A and plate separation d, is connected to a battery of emf V
volt having negligible internal resistance. One of the plates of the capacitor vibrates with amplitude ‘a’ (a << d)
and angular frequency ω. If the instantaneous current in the circuit reaches a maximum value I0, the amplitude
of the vibrations is ‘a’ equal to
I0 d 2 2I0 d
(a) (b)
ε0 ωVA ε0 ωVA
2I0 d 2 I0 d 2
(c) (d)
ε0 ωVA 2ε0 ωVA
Answer (a)
Sol. Q = CV
i =V
dC 1 d (d ) Aε0
= Aε0 2 = (aω)
dt d dt d2
VAaε0 ω
= I0
I0 d 2
VAε0 ω
2. A small ball of mass m is attached to one end of a massless un-stretchable string of length l and is held at the
point P. The other end of the string is fixed to a support at O such that OP is horizontal. The minimum downward
speed u, that should be imparted to the ball at the point P so that the ball can complete the vertical circle without
any slack in the string, is
(a) 2gl
(b) 3gl
(c) 4gl
(d) 5gl
Answer (b)
For I1
1 1 1
– =
v1 u f
1 1 1
+ =⇒ v1 = 60
v1 120 60
For I3 at mirror
v3 = –x, u3 = – (2x – 60)
1 1 1
+ =
– x 2 x – 60 40
x = 40 cm
Image is virtual as image 3 and object 3 are on same side for lens.
4. A ball is kicked horizontally form the top C of a hemispherical rock ACB of radius R on a horizontal ground, with
a velocity v, so as not to hit the rock at any point during its flight.
Choose the correct statement (see the figure)
(a) The ball will just strike at B
(b) The ball will strike at D where= =
d BD ( 2 – 1) R
(d) The speed v of the ball should always be greater than the critical speed v0 where v0 is
Answer (b)
Sol. Equation of projectile
1 2
x = vt, y = R – gt
gx 2
y =R –
2v 2
For the trajectory to touch hemi-sphere.
y = Rsinθ, x = R cosθ
2v 2 2v 2
sin2 θ – sin θ – 1 + 0
gR gR
b2 – 4ac = 0
4v 4 2v 2
∴ 2
– 4
– 1 = 0
g R gR
v = Rg
= vt=
OD Rg = R 2
R R ( 2 – 1)
= R 2 –=
∴ BD
5. A uniform beam of light of intensity 60 mW/m2 is incident on a totally absorbing sphere of radius 2.0 µm. The
density of the material of the sphere is ρ = 5.0 × 103 kg/m3. The sphere is placed in a region of space where
gravitational force can be neglected/ignored. The magnitude of acceleration of the sphere due to the incidence
of the light is
(a) 1.5 ms–2 (b) 3.0 ms–2
(c) 7.5 ms–2 (d) Zero
Answer (NA)
Sol. P =
F = πR 2
F πR 2I 3I
a = =
m 4 3CRρ
C × πR 3 ρ
a = 1.5 × 10–8 m/s2
None of the options matches.
6. The ratio of lengths, radii and Young’s moduli of steel to brass wires in the figure are α, β and γ, respectively.
The corresponding ratio of the increase in their lengths is
3β2 γ
3β2 γ
Answer (b)
Sol. Let at any instant, current through fuse is i using KVL in loop including fuse and inductor
10 – 5 =0
i = 2t
i ≤ 4.0 A
So, t0 = 2 sec
8. The bent wire PQR shown in the figure lies in a uniform magnetic field=B 3.0iˆ + 4.0kTˆ . The direction k̂ being
normal to the plane of the paper and directed towards the viewer. The two straight sections PQ and QR of the
wire each have length 2.0 m and the wire carries a current of 2.5 A. Net force on the wire due to magnetic field
B is
(a) 40 ˆj N
(b) –20 ˆj N
(c) –40 jˆ N
(d) –20 3 jˆ N
Answer (b)
Sol. Vector from of resultant length PR = 2iˆ
= F i (l × B )
So net force on wire, F = 2.5 ( 2iˆ ) × ( 3iˆ + 4kˆ ) =( −20 jˆ ) N
9. A charged spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spherical shells of radii a and b (b > a). Half of the
stored electrical energy of this system lies within a spherical region of radius r if
(a) r = ab (b) r =
2ab a2 + b2
(c) r = (d) r =
a+b a+b
Answer (c)
Q 2 (b − a )
Sol. E0 = Total energy stored in capacitor =
2 × 4πε0 ab
E = energy stored from radius a to r
r 2
1 kQ
= ∫ ε0 ⋅ 4πr 2 ⋅ dr
2 r 2
Here E = E0
Q 2 (b − a ) 4πε0
= Q 2 ∫ r −2 ⋅ dr
8πε0 ab 2
(4πε0 ) a
b−a 1 1
= −
2ab a r
r =
10. Two stars of masses M1 = MS and M2 = 15MS (where MS = mass of the Sun) form a binary system. The stars are
revolving round each other, always being at a separation of d = 4 AU between them (1 AU is distance of the
Earth from the Sun), move in circular orbits about their center of mass. The period of revolution of each star is
(a) 1 year (b) 2 years
(c) 4 years (d) 8 years
Answer (b)
Sol. From given data
Separation (d) = 4 AU
So, time period (T) = 2π
G(MS + 15Ms )
64( AU )2
= 2π
( AU )2
= 2 × 2π
= 2 × 1 year
= 2 years
11. The total energy released in α decay of a stationary Radium nucleus 226Ra (mass 116 u) is Q = 4.9 MeV (mass
of α particle mα = 4 u) then the
(a) energy of the recoiled daughter nucleus is nearly 8.7 keV
(b) energy of the recoiled daughter nucleus is nearly 4.81 MeV
(c) recoil speed of the daughter nucleus is 2.74 × 105 ms–1
(d) speed of emitted α particle is nearly 1.5 × 106 ms–1
Answer (c)
P2 P2
+ =
2m 2M
P2 P2 m
+ = Q
2m 2m M
kα + kα =
kα =Q
kα =4.9 × =4.81 3 MeV
kA = 4.9 – 4.813 = 87 keV
α ≈ 1.5 × 107 m/s
2E A
v (A)= ≈ 2.74 × 105 m/s
12. A listener at rest (with respect to the air and the ground) hears a sound of frequency f1 from a source moving
towards him with a velocity of 15 ms–1, towards East. If the listener now moves towards the approaching source
with a velocity of 25 ms–1, towards West, he hears a frequency f2 that differs from f1 by 40 Hz. The frequency f
of the sound produced by the source is (speed of sound in the air is 340 ms–1)
(a) 520 Hz (b) 450 Hz
(c) 480 Hz (d) 550 Hz
Answer (a)
v ± v0
Sol. ν0 =ν
v ± vS
340 − 15 ν0 =ν1
340 + 25
340 − 15 ν0 =ν 2
1 40
ν 2 − ν= = × ν0
40 × 325
ν0 = = 40 × 13 = 520 Hz
13. A uniform rod of length swings from a pivot as a physical pendulum. The position of the pivot can be varied
along the length of the rod. The minimum time period with which the rod can oscillate with an appropriate position
of the pivot is T = 2π where L is equal to
(a) (b)
2 2
(c) (d)
3 2 3
Answer (d)
Sol. If d is distance between pivot and com, then
T = 2π
Icm + md 2
T (d ) =
+ md
d 'd '
Icm mk 2
=d = = k
m m
ml 2
For rod = mk 2
2 3
14. The number density of conduction electrons in pure silicon at room temperature is about 1016 m–3. The number
density of conduction electrons is increased by a factor of 106 by doping the silicon lattice with phosphorus.
Assume that at room temperature every phosphorus atom contributes one electron to the conduction band. The
fraction of silicon atoms replaced by phosphorus atom is (Given that the density of silicon is 2.33 gm/cm3 and
that the molar mass of silicon M = 28.1 gm)
(a) 1.0 × 10–7 (b) 2.0 × 10–7
(c) 4.0 × 10–7 (d) 5.0 × 10–7
Answer (b)
- 10 -
16. Three resistances, each of R = 4 Ω rated 16 W, are connected across A and B as shown. Potential difference of
V volt is applied between points A and B.
Sol. Current rating of each resistor = =2A
Imax = 2 A
Vmax = 1 × 4 + 2 × 4
= 12 volt
Vmax 12 × 12
Pmax = = 24 watt.
Req 6
17. Water is filled in a vertical cylinder up to a certain height h. The cylinder is made to rotate with an angular velocity
ω about a vertical axis coinciding with the axis of the cylinder. The water surface seen from top appears as a/an
(a) Ellipsoid (b) Hemisphere
(c) Paraboloid (d) Hyperboloid
Answer (c)
- 11 -
ρω2 x 2
ρgy =
ω2 2
∴ y = x
18. A uniformly charged non-conducting sphere with its center at C carries positive charge with uniform charge
density +ρ, except in a spherical cavity (inside the sphere) with center O. The electric field E at any point inside
the cavity is
(a) Zero
(b) Uniform
(c) Directed radially outward
(d) Directed radially inward
Answer (b)
EP= ρ CC
1 2
3 ε0
∴ E P is uniform everywhere inside the cavity.
19. A cylindrical tank with base area A = 0.05 m2 is filled with water up to a height H = 50 cm. There is a small hole
of area a = 0.001 m2 (a << A) in the bottom of the tank. It takes times t to empty the tank up to a height (i.e.
to empty half of the water volume). The additional time required to empty the tank completely is
(a) t (b) t 2
(c) t ( 2 –1 ) (d) t ( )
2 +1
Answer (d)
- 12 -
v= 2g x
– dx a
= 2g x
dt A
– dx
=k x
2 t
– dx
∫ x
= ∫ kdt
H 0
(2 – 2) H = kt …(1)
0 t0
– dx
∫ x
= ∫ kdt
H 0
2 . H = kt0 …(2)
t0 ( 2 + 1)t
20. OABC is a regular tetrahedron, each side of which is made of uniform wire of resistance 4 Ω m. The length of
each side is 2 m. The point M is the midpoint of the side BC. The resistance between O and M is
(a) 5 Ω (b) 4 Ω
(c) 10 Ω (d) 15 Ω
Answer (a)
- 13 -
12 × 4
Req = 5Ω
21. A box weighing W is placed on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the
floor is µ. To move the box, a pulling force F is applied along the rope joined to the box at an angle θ with
horizontal. By suitable choice of θ, the minimum value of F that can make the box move is
(a) µW
1+ µ2
1 + µ2
W 1– µ2
Answer (c)
Sol. Normal reaction, N = W – Fsinθ
Friction, f = Fcosθ
Limiting friction f = µN
⇒ Fcosθ = µ(W – sinθ)
⇒ F=
cos θ + µ sin θ
Fminimum =
1 + µ2
22. The external wall of a room measuring 2 m × 3 m consists of a layer of white pine of thickness dpine = 2.0 cm and
a layer of rock wool in succession. The external temperature is 36 K below the indoor temperature (Given the
thermal conductivity coefficient of white pine KP = 0.10 Wm–1 kelvin–1 and that of rock wool KW = 0.04 Wm–1
kelvin–1) The thickness of the layer of the rock wool, so that the thermal conduction rate Pcond = across the
wall does not exceed 120 watt (assuming no loss of heat during conduction and no other way of heat transfer
other than conduction), is
(a) 7.2 cm (b) 6.4 cm
(c) 4.8 cm (d) 0.8 cm
Answer (b)
- 14 -
2 × 10 –2 x × 10 –2 3
+ >
0.1× 6 0.04 × 6 10
⇒ x > 6.4 cm
23. A 240 kg block is suspended from a fixed point O, at the end of a long (L = 13 m) massless rope. A horizontal
force F slowly pushes the block to move it a horizontal distance d = 5 m sideways, to a position B where it
remains stationary as shown in the figure.
Statement 1 Force F at position B is 980 N.
Statement 2 Work done by the force to bring the box from A to B is 2352 J
- 15 -
24. The number of radioactive nuclei N of a radioactive sample is experimentally measured as a function of time t.
At t = 0, N(t = 0) = 50, 000 and at t = 10 s, N(t = 10 s) = 5000 ± 100. The half-life of the sample is estimated from
these measurements. The error in the estimation of the half-life is approximately [note that for small values of x,
Lt x → 0, n(1 + x) ≈ x]
(a) 0.26 s (b) 0.15 s
(c) 0.05 s (d) 0.10 s
Answer (a)
Sol. Given
N(t) = N0 e – λt
d λt
dN =λN0 e – λt dt +
dt 1
dN =λN dt + t
t 1
dt 1
dN 2t
= dt +
λN t1
λtdt 1
10 × 100 2
= 1± (taking ∆t = 1 s)
ln10 × 5000 ln 2
ln2 1
– 1 = dt 1
λt 5ln10 2
ln2 × 10 1
– 1 = dt 1
ln10 × 10 5ln10 2
≈ 0.26 s
25. An amount of heat equal to 10.61 J is given to an ideal gas at constant pressure of one atm (1.01 × 105 Pa). As
a result the volume of the gas increases by 30.0 cm3. The gas is
(a) Mono atomic (b) Diatomic
(c) Tri-atomic (d) Mixture of monoatomic and diatomic
Answer (b)
Sol. ∆Q = nCp∆T (Isobaric process)
W = P∆V = nR∆T
∆Q nCp ∆T γ
⇒= =
W nR ∆T γ –1
10.61 J γ
Or 5 –6 3
(1.01× 10 Pa) (30 × 10 m ) γ – 1
⇒ γ = 1.4
i.e. gas is diatomic
- 16 -
26. A ball is projected from point O on the ground with a certain velocity u at angle θ from horizontal. When it reaches
point P located at a horizontal distance L from O and is at a height h above the ground, the angle α subtended
by the velocity vector ν with horizontal at this point P is expressed as
h 2h
tan α
(a) = – tan θ (b) tan α
= + tan θ
2h 2h
(c) tan =
α tan θ – tan α
(d)= – tan θ
Answer (d)
g. x 2
Equation of trajectory
= y x tan θ –
2u 2 cos2 θ
g. L2
For (L, h) =h L tan θ –
2u 2 cos2 θ
⇒ L tan θ – h
2u cos2 θ
1 2(L tan θ – h )
2 2
u cos θ gL2
dy 2g. x
Also, = tan =
α tan θ – 2
dx 2u cos2 θ
gL 2(L tan θ – h )
⇒ tan =
α tan θ –
2 2h
⇒ tan=
α tan θ – (L tan θ – h=
) tan θ – 2 tan θ +
tan α
⇒= – tan θ
- 17 -
27. A flexible chain, of length L and uniform mass per unit length λ, slides off the edge of a frictionless table (see
figure). Initially a length y = y0 of the chain hangs over the edge, with the chain held at rest. Now the chain is let
free. The velocity of the chain when the chain becomes completely vertical (i.e. when the chain is just to leave
the edge) is
y2 y2
(a) v = g L – 0 (b) v = 2g L – 0
(c) v = g (L – y 0 ) (d) v = 2g (L – y 0 )
Answer (a)
Total mass M = λL
Initial PE = −(λy 0 )g
Final PE = −(λL )g ⋅
Using work energy theorem:
1 gλ 2 2
⋅ λLv 2 = − (y0 − L )
2 2
g 2
⇒= (L − y 02 )
⇒=v g L − 0
- 18 -
28. A Keplerian telescope is adjusted in its normal setting for parallel rays, mounting of the objective has diameter
D and the diameter of the image of that mounting formed by the eye piece of the telescope is d. Magnifying
power of the telescope is
(a) –1 (b) +1
d d
D+d D
(c) (d)
D–d d
Answer (d)
Sol. For normal adjustment the distance between objective and eyepiece is fo + fe
| fo | D
Magnification = =
| fe | d
29. In the circuit shown below the resistance R = 3 × 103 Ω , the inductance L = 2 H and the capacitance C = 1 µF
have been connected to an AC supply of the peak voltage of Vmax = 5 volt at a frequency ω. Either the switch S1
or the switch S2 is closed at a time. In either case, same maximum current (imax) is recorded in the circuit. The
frequency of the AC source is nearly
1 106
X c = Ω ; XL = ωL = 2ω
ωc ω
As imax in both the case is same
z1 = R – X c ˆj and z=
2 2R + X L jˆ
⇒ |z1| = |z2|
⇒ R 2 + X c2 = 4R 2 + X L2 ⇒ X c2 – X L2 = 3R 2
3R 2
⇒= – 4ω2
- 19 -
Let ω 2 = ω0 then
1012 6
9 × 10
= 6
– 4ω0 ⇒ ω0 9 × 10
= 1012 – 4ω02
⇒ ω ≈ 326 rad/s and=
f = 51.8 Hz
As linear frequency is not matching but angular frequency is matching
F ρvD
30. There are two given physical quantities A = 2
and B = where F is force, ρ is density, D is diameter, v
ρv D η
is velocity and η is the coefficient of viscosity. Which of the two A and B is/are dimensionless?
(a) A (b) B
(c) Neither A nor B (d) Both A and B
Answer (b)
Sol. Dimension of (A) A =
ρv 2D
ML. L3 T 2
=[ A] = L
T 2 M × L2 L
For (B)
=[B ] = .
L3 T FL T T 2 F
[B] = Dimensionless
31. A uniform inextensible string of length L and mass M is suspended vertically from a rigid support. A transverse
pulse is allowed to propagate down through the string from the support. At the same time, a ball of mass m is
dropped from the rigid support. The ball will pass the pulse at a distance of (from the top of the string i.e. from
the support)
15L 8L
(a) (b)
16 9
L 3L
(c) (d)
2 4
Answer (b)
- 20 -
- 21 -
33. Two mechanical waves, given by y1 = Asin(8x – 50t) and = y 2 A sin 8 x + 50t + travelling in opposite
directions along x-axis, superpose. The position of the node (for x > 0) nearest to the origin is (the displacement
y1 and y2 are in meter)
(a) 32.7 cm (b) 16.35 cm
(c) 6.54 cm (d) 5.45 cm
Answer (a)
Sol. y = y1 + y2
=y A sin ( 8 x − 50t ) + A sin 8 x + 50t +
π π
y =2 A sin 8 x + cos 50t +
6 6
For node
sin 8 x + =0
8x + =π for nearest
x = 32.70 cm
34. At a certain location on the Earth surface, the intensity of sunlight is 1.00 kW/m2. A perfectly reflecting concave
mirror, of radius of curvature R and aperture radius r, is facing the Sun to produce the light intensity of 100 kW/m2
at the image. Knowing that the disc of the Sun subtends an angle of 0.01 radian at the Earth surface, the relation
between R and r is
(a) R = 10r (b) R = 20r
(c) R = 40r (d) r = 20R
Answer (b)
Sol. r1 : radius of image
r1 = fθ
1 θ
I Is ⋅ 1
1 r2
= 1
100 r 2
r1 1
r 10
- 22 -
Rθ 1
2r 10
R 0.01 1
⋅ =
r 2 10
= 20
R = 20r
35. A charge Q is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a non-conducting sphere of radius R. The total
electrostatic energy of electric field inside the sphere is U = α × . The value of α is
4 π ε0 R
(a) Zero (b)
1 1
(c) (d)
2 10
Answer (d)
dw ⋅ dr
K ⋅ρ π r3
dw 3 4πr 2 dr ρ
∆U =∫ dw 0
3 1 Q2
∆U = ⋅
5 4πε0 R
3 kQ 2 kQ 2 1 kQ 2
Energy inside the sphere = − =
5 R 2R 10 R
36. A long straight vertical wire of circular cross section of radius R contains n conduction electrons per unit volume.
A current I flows upward in the wire. The expression for magnetic force on an electron at the surface of the wire
is [Assume all the conduction electrons are moving with drift velocity]
µ I2 µ0 I 2
(a) outward (b) inward
4π2 nR 3 2π nR 3
µ I2 µ0 I2
(c) inward (d) outward
2π2 nR 3 2π2 nR 3
Answer (c)
- 23 -
µ I
Sol. B = 0
I = neAVd
Vd =
F = e·Vd·B
I µ0I
= e
neA 2πR
µ0 I 2
2n π2R 3
37. In Young’s double slit experiment, a bright fringe is observed at y = 1.5 cm from the center of the fringe pattern
when monochromatic light of wavelength 612 nm is used. The screen is at 1.4 m from the plane of the two slits,
whose separation is 0.4 mm. The number of dark fringes between the center and the said bright fringe at
y = 1.5 cm is
(a) 13 (b) 8
(c) 7 (d) 6
Answer (c)
Sol. Fringe width β =
- 24 -
38. An illuminated point object is placed in front of an equi-convex lens of refractive index µ = 1.5 and focal length
f = 40 cm, at a distance of u = 1.20 m in front of the lens on its principal axis. Water (µ = 4/3) fills the space
behind the lens up to a distance of 40 cm from the lens. The final image is formed on the principal axis beyond
the lens at a distance v from the lens. The value of v and the nature of image are
(a) 60 cm, virtual (b) 80 cm, virtual
(c) 110 cm, real (d) 130 cm, real
Answer (d)
Sol. R
= = 40 cm
2(1.5 − 1)
1.5 1 0.5
− =
V1 −120 40
V1 = 360 cm
Refraction from 2nd surface of lens
4 4 3
3 3 3 2
= =
V 2(360) −40
V = 160 cm
S = 160 – 40 = 120 cm
= = 90 cm
Final image distance = 90 + 40 = 130 cm
- 25 -
39. A paramagnetic gas at room temperature 27°C is placed in an external uniform magnetic field of magnitude
B = 1.5 tesla. The atoms of the gas have magnetic dipole moment µ = 1.0 µB where 1 µB = is Bohr
4π m
magneton, and m is the mass of electron. The energy difference ∆UB between the parallel alignment and the
antiparallel alignment of the atom’s magnetic dipole moment, with respect to the external field B, is x × 10–4 eV
where the value of x is
(a) 17.4 (b) 1.74
(c) 34.8 (d) 8.7
Answer (b)
Sol. ∆UB = 2MB
= 2× (1.5 )
3 h
= e
4 πm
= 73 mm
Which is greater than length of tube.
So radius of curvature of meniscus changes.
2T 2 × 0.073
R =
ρgh 10 × 10 × 25 × 10−3
= 0.584 mm
= 0.6 mm
- 26 -
41. The container A in the figure holds an ideal gas at a pressure of 5.0 × 105 Pa at 27 °C. It is connected to the
container B by a thin tube fitted with a closed valve. Container B with volume four times the volume of A holds
the same ideal gas at a pressure 1.0 × 105 Pa at 127°C. The valve is now opened to allow the pressure to
equalize, but the temperature of each container is maintained as before. The common pressure in the two
containers (in kPa) is
(a) 200
(b) 300
(c) 320
(d) 180
Answer (a)
Sol. n1 + n2 = n1′ + n2′
1 1 PV PV PV2
+ 2 2 = 1+
T1 T2 T1 T2
5 × 105 × V 105 × 4V V 4V
+ =P +
300 400 300 400
5 × 105 4 × 105 P P 4
+ = + = P
300 400 300 100 300
⇒ P = 2 × 105 Pa = 200 kPa
42. A thin plastic disc, which is a quarter of a circle of radius R = 0.6 m, lies in the first quadrant of x-y plane, with
the center of curvature at the origin O as shown. It is charged uniformly on one side (one face) with surface
charge density σ. Electric potential at point P (0, 0, 0.8 m) is
8ε 0
Answer (d)
Sol. V=
Disc {1 − cos θ} × hypotenuse
1 1 σ
vQD = VDisc = × {1 − 0.8}
4 4 2ε0
- 27 -
43. The charge on a small point object at A produces an electric potential V = 3 volt at a point P. Because of an
unavoidable situation, leakage of the charge from the object at A starts at t = 0 at a constant rate of 3 µCs–1. To
maintain the potential of 3 volt at the point P, the object is made to move towards P with a certain velocity v.
When the point object crosses the point D shown in the figure, it is found to have a charge of 10 µC and the
direction of its velocity is perpendicular to OD. The resulting magnetic field B, at this instant, at the location O
(such that OD = 1.0 m) is D
(a) 8.1 nT (b) µT
(c) 9.9 µT (d) 9.0 µT
Answer (d)
µ0q (v × r )
Sol. B= = 10−7 × 10 × 10−6 V
4πr 3
= 10–12 V
= constant
K dq K qdr
− 0
r dt r 2 dt
dr dq r
dt dt q
q 3
r K
V = 9 × 103
∴ B = 10–12 × 9 × 103
= 9 × 10–9 T
- 28 -
44. In the Bohr model of hydrogen atom, the force between the nucleus and the electron is modified as
e2 1 δ ε0 h 2
= F + where δ is a small constant. Using the Bohr radius a0 = , the radius of nth orbit is
4πε0 r 2 r 3 πme 2
(a) a0n2 – δ (b) a0n2 + δ
(c) a0(n – δ)2 (d) a0(n + δ)2
Answer (a)
mv 2
Sol. F =
e2 1 δ mv 2
+ 3=
4πε0 r r r
mvr =
∴ v=
e2 1 δ m nh
+ 3=
4πε0 r r r 2πmr
n 2a0 δ
= 1+
r r
n2a0 – δ = r
r = a0n2 – δ
45. An infinite number of conducting rings having increasing radii r0, r1, r2, r3 and so on, such that r0 = r, r1 = 2r,
r2 = 22r, r3 = 23r, and so on… upto ∞, have been placed concentrically on a plane. All the rings carry the same
current i but the current in consecutive rings is in opposite direction as shown. The magnetic field produced at
the common center of the rings is
µ0 i
(a) zero (b)
µ0 i µ0 i
(c) (d)
3r 2r
Answer (c)
- 29 -
Sol. Magnetic field at centre of ring, B0 =
Net magnetic field at centre of ring due to infinite loop
B= B1 + B2 + … + B∞
µ i 1 1 1
B 1− + 2 − 3 + … ∞
2r 2 2 2
µ0 i
46. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas, initially at temperature T, is heated in such a way that its molar heat
capacity during the process of heating is C = 2R. The volume of the gas gets tripled (at constant pressure) during
the process. The final temperature attained by the gas is
(a) 3 T (b) 32 T
(c) T (d) 33 T
Answer (b)
Sol. C = 2R
C = CV +
1− α
CV =
∴ PV–1 = Constant
= Constant
T T′
V 2 ( 3V )2
T′ = 32 T
47. A spring is compressed under the action of a constant force F. The compression of the spring is ξ. Suppose the
direction of the force is reversed suddenly as well as its magnitude is doubled. The maximum extension of the
spring beyond its natural length will now be (the spring obeys Hook's law).
(a) 2ξ (b) 3ξ
(c) 4ξ (d) 5ξ
Answer (d)
- 30 -
sin θ1 q2 sin θ1 m2
(a) = (b) =
sin θ2 q1 sin θ2 m1
tan θ1 q1 m2 sin θ1
(c) = × (d) =1
tan θ2 q2 m1 sin θ2
Answer (b)
Sol. At equilibrium
From equilibrium condition, balancing the force perpendicular to the string for both balls
m1gsinθ1 = Fsinα = m2gsinα2
m1sinθ1 = m2sinθ2
sin θ1 m2
sin θ2 m1
- 31 -
49. An electric circuit consists of a battery of emf E, an inductance L and a resistance R in series. The switch S is
closed at t = 0. The current in the circuit grows exponentially with time as depicted by curve (1). The values of
the circuit parameters (E, L or R) are now somehow changed. The circuit is closed second time, the growth of
current I follows curve (2). The following conclusion(s) may be drawn
(a) E and R are unchanged but L has increased (b) is unchanged but has increased
(c) is unchanged but has decreased (d) Stored magnetic energy has increased
Answer (a, b, d)
Sol. As I =
E ( –
1– e L
) Here τ =
In 2nd case has increased.
And maximum current is same.
Then if E and R remains same then L must have increased.
And if remains same the τ = must have increased.
And final magnetic energy stored has increased.
50. The Earth is revolving around the Sun (mass M) in a circular orbit of radius r with a period of revolution T = 1
year. Suppose that during the revolution of the Earth, at any instant, the mass of the Sun instantaneously
becomes double i.e. 2M. The correct alternative(s) is/are [Assume that the Sun and the Earth are point masses]
(a) The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun now becomes year
(b) There is no change in angular momentum of the Earth around the Sun
(c) Minimum distance of the Earth from Sun during revolution is now
(d) Maximum speed of the Earth during revolution around the Sun is 3
Answer (b, c, d)
- 32 -
GMm mv 2
r2 r
GM 4 π2 r 2 4 π2 r 2 r
⇒ v2 = =
⇒ T2 =
r v2 GM
4 π2 r 3
⇒ T2 = …(1)
If suddenly at point mass of sun becomes 2M then now earth will move in elliptical path.
With r1 = r and r2 = r2
(r + r2 )
So, semi major axis a =
Angular momentum will remain conserved.
–GM 2 ⋅ m 1 GM G 2Mm
= m –
(r + r2 ) 2 r r
1 1 GMm 1 1 1
⇒ 2GMm – = 2r ⇒ r – 4r = r + r
r r + r2 2
3 1 r
⇒ = ⇒ 3r + 3r2 = 4r ⇒ r2 =
4r r + r2 3
T12 4π2 4r 3 × 2 × GM
So, =
T2 2GM 9 × 3 × 4π2 × r 3
T12 8 T 2
⇒ 2
= ⇒ 1=
T 27 × 2 T 3 3
⇒ T1 = year
3 3
v 0 (r ) × 3
vmax = = 3v 0
⇒ v max = 3
- 33 -
51. An optical fibre consists of a glass core (refractive index n1) surrounded by a cladding (refractive index n2 < n1).
A beam of light enters one end of the fibre at P, from air at angle θ, with the axis of fibre as shown in the figure.
Choose the correct option (s)
(a) Maximum value of θ for which a ray can travel down the fibre is θ sin−1 n12 − n22
(b) Maximum value of θ for which a ray can travel down the fibre is θ cos−1 n12 − n22
(c) If θ = 30° (in air) and n1 = 1.50, then for reflection just at the critical angle, the value of n2 is 2
(d) A ray entering at θ = 0 travels a distance L from P to Q, inside the fibre directly along the fibre axis. Another
ray travelling through fibre is repeatedly reflected at the critical angle, at interface of glass core and
surrounding layer/cladding. Both the rays travel from point P to point Q on the axis. If the two rays started
from point P at the same time, the difference ∆t in the time taken to reach the point Q by the two rays is
n L
∆t= 1 × (n1 − n2 ) (here c is the speed of light in vacuum)
n2 c
Answer (a, c, d)
n1cos(r) = n2
At ‘P’
sinθ = n1sinr
- 34 -
1 9 8
For θ = 30° ⇒ = − n22 ⇒ n22 = =2
4 4 4
n2 = 2
P to Q directly t1 = …(1)
P to Q (by two reflection) L1 =
cos r
⇒ L1 =
n 2L
So t2 = 1
n1L n1
∆t = t2 − t1 = n − 1
C 2
= ∆t (n1 − n2 )
52. According to Bohr theory, in the ground state of hydrogen atom, an electron revolves in circular orbit of radius r
with velocity v and circulation frequency f. The magnetic dipole moment of the electronic orbit is pm. The magnetic
field produced by the circulating electron at the center of the atom is B. Then for a He+ ion in the state n = 2
(electron in the 2nd orbit)
(a) the radius of the orbit is 2r (b) the magnetic dipole moment of the orbit is 2pm
f B
(c) the frequency of circulation is (d) the magnetic field at the center is
2 4
Answer (a, b, c, d)
r0 n 2
Sol. r =
∴ rHe =r × =2r
Z n2
v∝ , r∝
n Z
∴ M∝n
pHe = 2pm
Z2 22 f
f ∝ =, fHe f =
2 2
µi Z3
B= 0 , B∝ 5
2πr n
BHe =
- 35 -
53. A body of mass m = 0.25 kg is moving along x axis under the action of a conservative force. Its potential energy
100 x
as a function of position x is given by U ( x ) = – J (x in m). Then
x2 + 4
(d) The body executes (small) oscillations with angular frequency ω = 0.5 rad s–1
Answer (a, b, c)
–100 x
Sol. U =
x2 + 4
– dU 400 – 100 x 2
=F =
( )
dx 2
x2 + 4
F = 0, at x = ± 2
d 2U
< 0 at x = –2 (maxima, unstable equilibrium)
dx 2
d 2U
> 0 at x = +2 (minima, stable equilibrium)
dx 2
At x = 0 =
F = 25 N
At x = 2 + ∆x
–100(2 × 2 × ∆x ) –25∆x
F= = = – mω2 ∆x
64 4
ω × 0.25
= 5 rad/s
- 36 -
(a) The rod can perform small angular oscillations with time period T = 2π
(b) The rod is brought to the horizontal position and then released from rest. The angular velocity of the rod at
the instant when it is vertical is ω =
(c) When the oscillating rod comes to the vertical position, it breaks at midpoint C without generating any
impulsive force, the largest angle from vertical reached by the upper part OC of the rod is 60°
(d) After breaking, the lower part just falls vertically rotating about its center.
Answer (b, c)
1 mL2
Sol. T =
2π 2π
mgd L
3 × mg
= 2π
L 1 mL2 2
mg ω
2 2 3
After breaking:
1 m L 1 2 m L
= × ω g (1– cos θ)
2 2 2 3 2 4
θ = 60°
- 37 -
55. A boy stands on a stationary ice boat on a frictionless horizontal flat iceberg. The boy and the boat have a
combined mass of M = 60 kg. Two balls masses m1 = 10 kg and m2 = 20 kg are placed on the boat. In order to
get the boat moving, the boy throws the balls backward horizontally either in succession or both together. In each
case the balls are thrown backward with a certain speed νrel = 6 ms–1 relative to the boat just when the ball is
being thrown. The resulting speed of the system of the boat and the boy is
(a) V = 2.00 ms–1 when both the balls m1 and m2 are thrown together
(b) V = 3.00 ms–1 when both the balls m1 and m2 are thrown together
(c) V = 2.17 ms–1 if the balls are thrown one after the other, first m1 and then m2
(d) V = 2.19 ms–1 if the balls are thrown one after the other, first m2 and then m1
Answer (a, b, d)
Sol. For a and b
30(6 – v) = 60v
3v = 6
v = 2 m/s
For c
(6 – v) 10 = 80v
6 – v = 8v
6 2
v= = m/s
9 3
80 × 60v – 20(6 – v )
= 3v – 6 + v
= 4v
- 38 -
v = 2.17 m/s
For D
20(6 – v) = 70v
12 – 2v = 7v
12 4
v = m/s
9 3
70 × 60v – 10(6 – v )
= 6v – 6 + v
= 7v
= v= 2.19 m/s
56. A series LCR circuit fed with AC has resonant angular frequency of ω = 2.0 × 104 rad/s. When the same circuit
is driven at an angular frequency of 2.5 × 104 rad/s, it has impedance of 1.0 kΩ and phase constant of φ = 45°.
The values of L, C and R for this circuit may be
(a) R = 707 Ω (b) L = 78.6 mH
(c) C = 31.8 nF (d) R = 506 Ω
Answer (a, b, c)
- 39 -
Sol. For resonance ω0 =
Also Lω – =
=R 103 Ω
R × 103 = 0.707 × 103 = 707Ω ⇒ a
Solving ω02L =
1 2
Lω – ω0 L =
1 103
L × 2.5 × 104 – × 4 × 10 8
L =
2.5 × 10 4 2
40 1
25L – L=
2.5 2
62.5 – 40 22.5 1
= L = L
2.5 2.5 2
=L ≈ 78.6 mH
9 2
1 9 2
C = = 3.18 × 10–8 = 31.8 nF
Lω0 4 × 108
57. A long straight wire, having a radius greater than 4.0 mm, carries a current that is uniformly distributed over its
cross-section. The magnitude of magnetic field B due to the current is 0.28 mT at r = 4.0 mm and 0.20 mT at r =
10.0 mm, respectively, from the axis of the wire then the
(a) magnitude of the magnetic field B at a distance r = 2.0 mm from axis is 0.14 mT
(b) magnitude of the magnetic field B at r = 5.0 mm is greater than that at r = 6.0 mm
(c) current flowing in the wire is I = 20 A
Answer (a, b, d)
- 40 -
µ jr
Sol. B = 0 for r < R
µ0 j R 2
B= for r > R
⇒ 0.28 × 10−3 = 4π × 10−7 × 4 × 10−3
j= × 105 ≈ 1.1 × 105 A / m 2 ... ( d)
28 R2
B10 mm ⇒ 0.2 × 10−3 = 4π × 10−7 × × 105
8π 2 × 10 × 10−3
R 2 =× 10−4 ≈ 5.34 mm
B5 r1 r2 5 × 10−3 × 6 × 10−3
= =
B6 R2 2
× 10−4
= 1.05 ⇒ B5 > B6 ...(b)
28 2
I = π R2 = π × × 105 × × 10−4 = 10 A
8π 7
B ∝ r for r < R B2= B4 ⇒ B2= 0.14 mT ... ( a )
58. In the given combination of capacitors C1 = 4 µF, C2 = 2 µF, C3 = 2 µF, C4 = 4 µF and C5 = 3 µF, a source of 12
volt is connected across the points A and B. Then the
(a) equivalent capacity between A and B is µF
(b) stored electrical energy of the system is 204 µJ
(c) potential difference between X and Y is VXY = 2 volt
(d) potential difference across the capacitor C2 is 8 volt
Answer (b, c)
- 41 -
Stored energy = Ceq V 2
1 17 2
= µF (12 V )
2 6
= 204 µJ
2q − Q
VXY = 2 volt
Potential difference across
= C2 = 3 volt
- 42 -
59. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas, initially at temperature T, is compressed to of its volume by a piston
in a cylinder such that the heat dissipated into the environment is equal to the change in the internal energy of
the gas. Then the
(a) Molar heat capacity of the gas is C = (b) Final temperature of the gas is 2 T
(c) Work done on the gas is 3 RT (d) Equation of state of the process is PV4/3 = constant
Answer (b, c, d)
Sol. Given, ∆Q = –∆U
⇒ C = –CV =
= –3R∆T
= 3R∆T
C = CV +
1− x
−3R 3R R
⇒ = +
2 2 1− x
or x=
⇒ Tf = 2T
∆T = T
- 43 -
60. A solid ball of mass M and radius R (see figure) is lying on a horizontal table. The ball experiences a short
horizontal impulse which imparts a momentum p to the ball. The height of point of impact above the center line
is h = α R (0 ≤ α ≤ 1). Choose the correct option/option(s).
p3 5 p 2α 2
(a) Translational energy of the ball is (b) Energy of pure rotational motion of the ball is
2M 4 M
(c) For α = , the ball rolls without sliding (d) For α = 0, pure rotational motion will be observed
Answer (a, b, c)
Translational kinetic energy =
- 44 -