Article Received on: 04/09/12 Revised on: 01/10/12 Approved for publication: 12/11/12
*E-mail: hemangpatel.d@gmail.com
The present work was designed to develop suitable transdermal matrix patch of sertaconazole nitrate, which is of the imidazole class used for
antifungal medication, using Ethyl cellulose (EC), Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVPK-30) and Dibutyl phthalate. The aqueous insolubility of the drug
inspires for the formulation of controlled release transdermal patches. Different batches developed using Ethyl cellulose and Polyvinyl pyrrolidone in
different ratios by solvent evaporation technique. Drug excipient interaction study was further carried out using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopic technique. Physical evaluation performed such as moisture content, moisture uptake, thickness and folding endurance. In vitro diffusion
studies were performed using cellulose nitrate membrane (pore size 0.45μ) in modified Franz’s diffusion cells in buffer of pH 7.4. Permeation studies
illustrated that the ratio of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and ethyl cellulose 1:5 shows good controlled release. Higuchi and Korsmeyer-Peppas models were used for
optimizing the formulation.
Keywords: Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, Ethyl cellulose, Sertaconazole nitrate, modified Franz’s diffusion cell, transdermal patches, Dibutyl phthalate and
antifungal agents.
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of polyvinyl alcohol in petri dish at 60oC for 6h. The matrix 40oC for 2h with inverted funnel on the dispersion to
was prepared by pouring the homogenous dispersion of drug achieve a drug polymer matrix patch. The patches were
with different blends of ethyl cellulose with PVPK-30 in again dried at 60oC for 30 min for complete drying. The dry
chloroform on the backing membrane in petri dish. The patches were kept in dessicators until use1-3 [Table 1].
above dispersion was evaporated slowly and uniformly at
Table 1: Composition of Formulation
Formulation Polymeric Ratio of Total weight of Drug %w/w Plasicizer dibutyl Solvent
Blend Polymer (W/W) polymer in mg of polymer phthalate system
F1 PVP:EC 1:1 600 10 30% Chloroform
F2 PVP:EC 1:2 600 10 30% Chloroform
F3 PVP:EC 1:3 600 10 30% Chloroform
F4 PVP:EC 1:5 600 10 30% Chloroform
F5 PVP:EC 2:3 600 10 30% Chloroform
Solubility measurement silica at room temperature for 24h. The films were
Solubility of sertaconazole nitrate was determined at weighed again and again individually until it showed a
several values of pH, viz., 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.4, 8.0, and constant weight. The percentage of moisture content was
9.0. Excess of sertaconazole nitrate was added to 10 mL calculated as the difference between initial and final
of buffer solutions. weight2-6.
At each level, the samples were stirred in a conical % Moisture content= Initial weight – Final weight/Initial
flask for 24h at 37oC. The suspension were filtered weight x 100
using a 0.45 micron Whatman filter paper. The Folding endurance
concentration of sertaconazole nitrate in the filtrate was Folding endurance of patches was determined by
determined spectrophotometrically by measuring at 303 nm 1. repeatedly folding a small strip of film (2cm x 2cm) at
Partition coefficient of drug in octanol/water system the same place till it is broken. The number of time the
The partition coefficient of the drug was determined by film could be folded at the same place without breaking
taking equal volume of 1-octanol and aqueous solution was the folding endurance value2-6.
in a separating funnel. In case of water soluble drugs, a Flatness
drug solution of 25μg/ml was prepared in distilled water Longitudinal strips were cut out from each film, one
and in case of water insoluble drugs, a drug solution of from the center and two from either side. The length of
25μg/ml was prepared in 1-octanol. Twenty-five each strip was measured and the variation in flatness was
milliliters of this solution was taken in a separating measured by determining percent constriction, considering
funnel and shaken with equal volume of 1-octanol/water 0% constriction is equivalent to 100% flatness.
system for 30 min and allowed to stand for an hour. The % Constriction = l1-l2/ l2 x 100
mixture was then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 min and l1= initial length of each strip.
concentration of drug in each phase was determined l2 = final length of each strip.
spectrophotometrically by measuring absorbance at 303 In vitro diffusion study
nm. The partition coefficient (Kp) was calculated from the Franz’s diffusion cell was used for the study of in vitro
following equation1. release patterns of the prepared patches. The diffusion
Partition coefficient (Kp) = Conc. of drug in organic medium is prepared of buffer of pH 7.4. A cellophane
phase/Conc. of drug in aqueous Phase membrane is used as a barrier between the donor and receptor
Physicochemical properties of the films compartment. The films were placed between the donor and
Thickness receptor compartment in such a way that the drug
The thickness of the patch was determined using digital releasing surface faced the receptor compartment. The
vernier calliper (Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan), recording receptor compartment was filled with the buffer having
mean of 5 determinations2-6. pH 7.4 and a small bar magnet was used to stir the
Weight variation medium with the help of a magnetic stirrer. The temperature
Each film was weighed individually and average weight of of the diffusion medium was maintained and controlled
three films was found out. at 37oC± 1oC by a thermostatic arrangement. A sample of
Percent moisture absorption 5ml was withdrawn at predetermined intervals, being
The percent moisture absorption test was carried out to check replenished by equal volumes of diffusion medium.
the physical stability and integrity of the films at high humid Withdrawal of samples was carried out for a period of 24h.
conditions. In the present study the moisture absorption The drug concentration in the sampled diffusion medium
capacity of the films were determined in the following was determined spectrophotometrically and was calculated
manner. with the help of a standard calibration curve and the
The films were placed in the humidity chamber, keeping data was shown in Figures2.
the humidity inside the chamber at 75% R.H . After 3 Data analysis
days the films were taken and weighed. The percentage The pharmaceutical dosage forms that do not
moisture absorption of three films was found by disaggregate and release the drug slowly could be
applying following formula2-6. represented by a zero- order kinetic equation. Analysis of
% Moisture absorption= Final weight – Initial weight/Initial drug release from transdermal system must be performed
weight x 100 with a flexible model that can identify the contribution to
Percent moisture content overall kinetics. Dissolution data was treated with different
The prepared films were marked, then weighed release kinetic equations.
individually and kept in a dessicator containing activated
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Kansagra Hemang et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (11)
90 80
80 79.89362 70 54.59574
70 59.97872 60
% Drug Release
% Drug Release
52.12766 50 46.93617
34.17021 40 31.29787
30 26.51064 24.21277
20 20
17.3617 15.44681
10 10.89362 10 9.191489
0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in Hour Time in hour
Figure -1 Drug release from formulation F1 Figure -2 Drug release from formulation F2
% drug release
60 56.89362
43.38298 50 38.06383 47
40 Series1 40
34.44681 30 30.3617
20 18.7234 20 21.2766
0 0
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in hour
Time in Hour
Figure -3 Drug release from formulation F3 Figure -4 Drug release from formulation F4
% release
40 43.68085106
20 22.23404255
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in hour
3.5 0.195
% Mois ture 2 Thickness 0.185
content 1.5
0.5 0.175
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Formulation code
Formulation code
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Kansagra Hemang et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (11)
C h a r t s h o w in g f o ld in g Chart showing % of
endurance of patch moisture uptake
Folding 100
endurance 80 % of moisture
60 3
40 2
20 1
0 0
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Formulation code Formulation code
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IRJP is an official publication of Moksha Publishing House. Website: www.mokshaph.com. All rights reserved.
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