Web Developer
Full Stack Web Developer
You’re here because you want to learn the skills needed to become a world-class web
developer. Or perhaps you’re coding already, and want to take your career to the next
level. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. This bootcamp equips you with the skills
needed to build dynamic, data-driven and career-boosting web applications using the
most cutting edge and popular web development tools in the market today.
Learn to develop dynamic web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB,
Express, React, Node.js and Next.js, among many other industry-relevant web
development technologies.
That sounds great, but is that all you’re going to get from this web developer bootcamp?
You’ll learn far more than merely how to work with different technologies. Throughout the
bootcamp, you learn how various technologies and devices interact to make full-stack
web applications work like clockwork. You’re taught professional approaches to product
design, along with the best practice guidelines needed for implementing software
development projects.
Throughout the bootcamp, you’re introduced to more than one development framework
and different approaches to web development. Supporting all of this, you’re introduced to
object-oriented programming and functional programming, and how they’re used in web
development to produce world-class results.
This bootcamp helps prepare you for interviews and job applications. As you work your way
through the programme, you will complete a series of capstone projects to demonstrate your
powerful development skills to future employers, or for building your own online business.
Stellenbosch University is collaborating with online education provider HyperionDev to offer a portfolio of high
impact outcomesoriented online bootcamps. The partnership aims to broaden access to tech education through an
engaging human-led online model. Upon completion of the bootcamp programme, a certificate of completion may
be issued in the name of HyperionDev and Stellenbosch University. This certificate is neither a formal, accredited pro-
gramme nor a course of Stellenbosch University, and will not provide access to or recognition of learning for
such programmes or courses.
Full Stack Web Developer
The proccess
Step 1 Step 2
Log onto your personalised Complete coding
dashboard exercises online
Step 3 Step 4
Your code reviewer reviews Perfect your coding over
your work within 48 hours 3-6 months
Step 5 Step 6
Receive a certificate on Start your new career in tech with
completion HyperionDev support
• Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, and Next.js.
• Develop and design dynamic web applications using various technology stacks.
• Understand crucial software algorithms and their application to web development.
• Create databases and data-driven web applications.
• Become job-ready in as little as 3 months.
Bootcamp code reviewers are expertly trained to integrate code review into the lives and
bootcamp curriculum of students. The on-demand code review method helps students to
become fluent in the language of their choice.
Full Stack Web Developer
With the ever-increasing proliferation of online applications, the demand for skilled front-end
and back-end web developers has grown greater than the number of people who possess
those skills. This makes web development a competitive and lucrative career economy to
break into. Even if you don’t wish to become a web developer, familiarising yourself with
the basic skills and languages used in web development is a valuable tool in any software
developer’s skillset.
Receive technical assistance in getting your CV Walk away with a newly minted certificate as
industry-ready according to accepted evidence of your skills and expertise in Web
best-practice format. Development.
Know what to expect when getting ready for that We work with select hiring partners and aim to
big interview with expert interview preparation help you land your first tech job interview after the
from professionals who have been where you are. completion of the bootcamp.
Full Stack Web Developer
Career paths
JavaScript Developers are responsible for a website's programming, development, and
implementation, and may find themselves juggling a variety of programming duties that go
into the creation of websites. They may be responsible for a whole site or just specific aspects
or pages of one or more websites.
Responsibilities include:
A JavaScript Developer in South Africa is R1 577 999 a year. Lows ranging between
R30,000 to R50,000 a month at entry level.
UX Designers improve the accessibility and effectiveness of software and hardware from a
user's perspective. They collaborate with developers, programmers, engineers, and project
managers to determine product goals. UX designers build wireframes, test prototypes, and
conduct focus groups. They make modifications to products as necessary.
Responsibilities include:
According to Indeed, the average salary for a User Experience Designer is R 620 561 per year
in South Africa.
Full Stack Web Developer
According to Indeed, the average salary for a Full Stack Developer is R 48 875 per month
in South Africa.
A Computer Programmer, or Systems Programmer, writes code to help software
applications operate more efficiently. Their duties include designing and updating
software solutions, writing and updating source-code, and managing various
operating systems.
Responsibilities include:
The average salary for a Computer Programmer is R 174 746 per year in South Africa.
Full Stack Web Developer
As a Web Designer, you'll plan, create and code web pages, using both technical and
non-technical skills to produce websites that fit your customers' requirements. Being involved in
the technical and graphical aspects of pages, you'll determine not only the look of the website
but how it works as well. You may also be responsible for the maintenance of an existing site.
Responsibilities include:
• Registering web domain names and organising the hosting of the website.
• Working with other web specialists, including web developers and graphic
The average salary for a Web Designer in South Africa is R 157 940 per year. A mid-career Web
Designer with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of R239,808 per year.
As a Technical Author, you will be responsible for writing specialist information about products
and services, and how they work. You will need to explain how things are used in a way that is
easy to understand. The information may be presented in the form of user guides for software
applications, reference and instruction manuals for appliances, training guides, instructional
videos or online help incorporated into software and operating guides.
Responsibilities include:
The average salary for a Technical Author is R 31 147 per month in South Africa and R 439 921
per year for an entry-level salary.
Full Stack Web Developer
Remember, you’re never alone. You can contact one of our expert code reviewers for 1:1 support whenever you need help with a
task. The code you submit for each task is reviewed by a code reviewer who is an industry expert, to help improve efficiency and
Thinking Like a Programmer Learn how pseudo code can help you clarify your thoughts and
- Pseudo Code properly plan your programs before writing any code.
Learn how to store and interact with the data in your programs
3 Variables and Datatypes
using variables.
Beginner Control Structures Learn how to use conditional statements to make decisions in
4 - If, Else, and Else-If
your program.
Logical Programming - Learn how to tell the compiler how to perform specific
5 Operators and Switch mathematical, relational, or logical operations using operators
Statements and switch statements.
Full Stack Web Developer
Capstone Project I -
Put your knowledge of variables and control structures to
6 Variables and Control
the test.
Beginner Control Structures Learn how to execute a block of code repeatedly using
- While Loops while loops.
Beginner Control Structures Learn how to work with for loops, an essential form of
- For Loop iteration.
Towards Defensive Discover the different types of errors that might occur in
9 Programming I - Error
your programs and how to handle them.
Beginner Data Structures - Discover the most frequently used and versatile
Arrays and Maps collection data types used in JavaScript: arrays and maps.
Capstone Project II -
Use all the knowledge you have gained throughout this
13 Arrays, Functions and String
course so far to create a useful program.
Towards Defensive
16 Learn how to guard against errors you don’t expect.
Programming II
Learn a methodical debugging process that reduces the
17 Debugging With The Stack
reliability of changing code randomly to fix bugs.
25 CSS II - The Box Model Learn about how the box model is used in CSS styling.
Full Stack Web Developer
Capstone Project V:
Apply your new knowledge to create an application that
34 Concurrency with
uses asynchronous JavaScript.
Asynchronous Javascript
Full Stack Web Developer
Introduction to Network Learn how computers communicate with each other over
Protocols and System the internet using the HTTP protocol, and the commonly
Architecture: Http and used client-server architecture for transferring information
Client-Serve using HTTP.
Learn how JSON and the Web Storage API are used to
4 Json facilitate communication between the client and the
Learn the AJAX technique with JSON and the Fetch API
5 Ajax With Fetch to write web pages that are responsive to data from the
Capstone Project I: Build a Create an interactive website using HTML, CSS, and
Complete Website JavaScript.
Class Components and Discover the most important concept when using
Props ReactJS: components.
State Management and Apply the principles of OOP to managing the state of your
Component Lifecycle class components.
Redux and Global State Learn how to manage the state of larger applications by
Management using a global state management system.
16 Deploy a React App Fetch data from a remote source using React.
Capstone Project II: Create Consolidate all that you have learnt to showcase your
A React App skills.
Full Stack With React and Learn how to get React to interface with your Express
Express back-end.
Capstone Project I: Reactjs Create a full-stack web application using React and
and Express Express.
Capstone Project II Part 1: Conceive, plan, and design your final full-stack web
Define Your Product application for this Bootcamp.