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— Yudian - an emerging automation instrument expert ‘Yudian Automation Technology Ltd. Co. has been devoting itself to the development and manufacturing of industrial process automation controller instruments since 1991. Through several years of development, YUDIAN has become the number one Chinese intelligent instrument manufacturer, claiming the biggest domestic market share with sales of over 250,000 instruments per year. Our instruments are applied in industries spanning from chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, to pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and academicaboratories. Our products have established the ‘Yudian has constructed a 10,000m? new-type factory building in the Xiamen Hi- tech industrial development zone. With multiple modern production and test, ‘equipments including full automatic computer placement machines, lead-tree dual crest welders, infrared reflow welders, high- temperature and high-voltage aging room,electromagnetic compatibility testing and equipment humiture environment test laboratory, Yudian can manufacture automation products at the highest quality with the highest precision and reliabilty. Main products: © AI Soties of Intoligent Industrial / Temperature © DBIES series ral mounting inteligent module (including single- Controllers channel/dual-channel temperature transmitter, switching value © Mult-channel Indicating / Alarming Instruments and analog input /output module, four-channel PID temperature © Flow Totaizers, control module, Al PID control module and flow totalizers, © VoltagerCurrenvPower Meter module) © Paperless Recorders © Throe-phase thyristor phase-shiting trigger High Quality - Our Pride © Achieved certification of CE, 1808002, 1$0 8001- 2000, 1S0 14001 and CQC. UL certification in process. © Application of environment friendly lead-free welding technology since 2006, satistying European RoHS Standard, © Offers 36months of product warranty © Achieved a stable overall product return ratio less, than 0.5% including damage due to user's Le rmisoperation. I Technology - Our Cornerstone From the beginning, Yudian has been devoting itself to the development and innovation of intligent industrial automation instruments. We have brought several technology breakthroughs in our industry. As the undisputed industry leader in China, Yudian contributed and will continue to contribute to the progress of the inteligent instrumentation industry. © Programmable Universal Input Technology In 1991, Yudian was the first company inthe world which developed programmable universal input technology for its instruments. Now, ‘standard input lke thermocouples, RTDs or voltagesvcurrents can be user spectiod, Furthermore, users can choose to instal the input type by entering their own calibration table, or alternatively, Yudian can download users’ calibration table and install it for them, Therefor, almost al input requirements can be satsfod, © Artificiat intetigence Control Technology Yusdian artical inteligence contol technology, frst released in 1991 Integrates PID contro, seltlearning and fuzzy logic control technology to achieve the functionality of auto-tuning along with high precision ‘control without overshoot or undershaot. In 1994, this technology was improved to provide the auto tuning and control of pressure, flow and ‘other physical quantities. a © Fast Communication In 1994, based on the S485 communication interface, Yustan developed ‘he AIBUS communication protocol, offering easy of use, highly efficiency land numerous functions. At the baud rate of 19200, it takes only 20ms ‘on average to read three variables and one parameter. That is three to ten times ofthe speed achieved by other commonly used protocols such as MODBUS. In a FCS (Fieldbus Control System) built with our instruments that use aur AIBUS protocol, desired rereshing ate can be obtained even when every serial port is connected to up to 50 instruments. FCS of small, middle, and large sizes can be easily ‘customized by adding the right numberof serial ports and connecting to. computer ora computer network. A flexible FCS like this is capable ‘of achieving the same quality of contol as a DCS (Distibuted Control System), while most other brand products can only connect to less than 20 instruments, beyond of which may lead to slow refresh rate ‘and poor display effect making them useful only in small systems. © Platformization Design Yudian Al series instruments tiated the platformizaton in the design ofits instruments. t featured a universal matherboard that contains VO interfaces, module slots, display interface, A/D convert unit and ower unit. By installing diferent software and components, we can build instruments with various functions, such as temperaturelprocess controllers, complicate loop controllers, dual loop controllers, multiple channel indicating/alarming instruments, or flow totalizers. (© Modularized Power Auto-isolation Technology Modularized power aute-solaton technology isolates signal groups ‘of communication, current output and on-off signal input. the newly developed DCIDC converter, cooperating with opto-eectrc isolation technology, isolates multiple input/output signals. This technology guarantees that our instruments work reliably in complicated environments. @ Foun © Modularization In 1997, Yudian developed the madularizaton technology in instruments that dramatically increase the variety of functions and options that a ‘controller can olf. In addition to SSR, Relay, and 4-20mA current ‘outputs offered by existing intelligent instruments, our Al series of Controllers allow output choices lke thytistorsingle:phasefthree-phase _2eo crossing trigger ouput, thyristor single-phase phase-shiting tigget ‘output and TRIAG no contact switch output. Modulaization made batch production possible, thus enabling quick order fulillment, quick product repair and easy maintonace by users and revolutionizing the industry of instumentation © User-friendly Operating interface ‘Allour Al series instruments are compatible to each other and are the only instruments on the market that provide both European and Japanese way of modifying data editing, making installation and ‘operation of our instruments extreme convenient. © "Burnt Proof" Technology Aosrumens vse MOTOROLA MOC sees TT ICtotiggerthyrster Tis is anew teomotogy "MES cated "song caret ge” Compuresto the vadtonalYiggoingtedinotogy using High frequen ranstomar thas advantages Ike simple cats, er-ross triggering automaticaly, and ts appicaity in unateral thyristor and biatral thyristor, ‘atin developed te “burt prot technology whch irtgrate the technology of song tigger, and is the most advanced, elabe, simple andow cost hystor rigger wth he best perormance © Intelligent Light Bar Panel Yudian intelligent light bar panel initiatively applied the brightness adjustment technology of LED tube and —_— adopts the combination of length tt identification and brightness denificaton. > —_ ‘This combination realizes the resolution of 1% while reduces the numberof LED. © Linear Power Output ‘Yusian's AUKS inteligent three-phase phase- 9m" shiting trigger and KS single-phase phase: shiting trigger module apply inteligent phase adjustment technology to makes our instrument's output proportional to the power of the execution element, improving control precision, AIJK3 also applies auto: ‘synchronization technology and supports non: ‘synchronized power supplies, thus making the wiring easy, reliable and fast ( namerule foramen ast ‘© 380VAC/10Seconds Protection on Power Terminals This function gives ton seconds of protection on the terminals when the instruments is connected to 380VAC power supply by mistake or when the voltage of “amr Instrument power raises suddenly due to short of neutral 10" Prey The High Performance Design -Not only benefits our customers but also provides benefit to society and the environment © High Performance Hardware and Environment Friendly Design ‘Yusian has pioneered by applying the “High Friendly” concept to its Al series instruments {© Replaced electronic capacitors with high performance tantalum or ceramic capactors €@ Installed uta bright LED aisplays to reduce power consumption {© Used uta low dropout diodes to improve efficiency: Used 1% accuracy resistors for better temperature measurement. YYusian products offer superior quality and outstanding performance as highighted below '» Strong ant-nteference ably: The power and VO terminals withstand passing 4KVISKHz burst pulses. CE standard for process controlers is 2kv. ' Low power consumption: <5W. ‘© Adaptabilly in wide range of environments: the instruments function properly ina wide range of environments, temperature of 100 > and ‘Humidity lower than 65%4RH High speed CPU: Sampling rate is 12.5 times per second and minimum control period of 0.24 second. Replacement of EEPROM with FRAM: FRAM allows 1 billion times of data writing, © Environmental Authentication S Yudian has been taking environmental protection and energy conservation as fundamental strategy of its business = development. In 2008 Yodan passed 1SO14001 environmental authentication with great tort to reduce the waste in production and application, and in 2006, adopted RoHS, lead ee technology for production, to saisty the European FROHS rules ahead of schedule. © Long Service Life and Low Failure Rate, Less Electronic Garbage AA series instruments and industrial control madules are designed with a service life of more than 10 years, with 3-year free repair within the warranty period. An easily replicable modular design and one tilion times rewritable FRAM extends the service life ofthe products, effectively reducing the occurrence of electronic garbage, as well as the cost generated by replacing faulty and low performance instruments. Aseries of protection functions such as surge protection at power up and 380VAC protection reduces the fallure rates occurred. At present, ‘annual return ate inclusive of user installation related issues are ower than 0.5%, reducing both the usage cost and waste due tothe destruction of disabled instruments. © Precise Measurement and Control, Energy Saving for Customers equipment that can normally operate under 200°C ~220° the use of low-precision instruments set at 210°C with the drift of 7 £106 i rlctantio stsy he production soceatons, while YUDIAN insumont can staize temperature renal under 201°C with a dit of =1°C, reducing the heating temperature from 210 to 201 resulting in power savings calculated to about 16-10% of the electric eneray bil © Power Consumption Reduction Instrument power consumption itsef under no-load ‘The use of high-eficiency switching mode power supply greally reduces the power consumption, and adaplation of super-tuminance LED display reduces power ‘consumption by hall. In zero output, the consumption is only around 0.5W, far below the competing products. Energy saving relay module use high curents only atthe beginning of the engaging action, compared with the engaged status being reduced to 50%. This smart technology enables the power consumplion to be reduced from 0.2~0.4W to 01-02. Newly-designed G1 module uses SVISOmA signal to drive SSA while standard module uses 12Vi30mA. GI can reduce also with 0.1~0.2W the averall power ‘consumption In Integrated applications, Al instruments can decrease about 2W of power ‘consumption in comparison with olher similar products, not only saving eneroy Enc bul aloo reducing the temperature rise of netrumente whe real the maxinum = service temperature and reducing the measurement temperature dit. Calculated pimensions for al instruments: 48°48mm. other by service ie of 10 years, each instrument can save 175 kiowalt-hour electricity. products from other manufacturers can be directly For tactory with 1000 sets, accumulative saving can be estimated to more than ‘Bought on the marke. RMB 100,000, x , Fim @ Al Series Instruments High Resources Sharing, Low Cost and High Performance o ‘Yudian Al series instruments initiated the platformization in the design ofits instruments. It featured a universal motherboard that contains Vo intortac flexibly bulé instruments with various functions. = Freely installed internal module, “customizing” the instrument for your preference ‘YUDIAN provides modularized inputloutput for users to customize the instrument themselves. Modulaization realizes mass production, quick delivery and provides higher perlormancelprice ratio products forall users. Dozens of modules including various analogue and on-otf signal input/output modules, communication ‘and power modules are available for customers. Thyristor trigger output module ‘*K1 "Burt free" single zero crossing trigger output (100- ‘380VAC, can trigger thyristor of §-500A) '2K3 "Burnt free" triple zero crossing trigger outputs (100- ‘380VAC, take OUTP and MIO slots) =K5 "Burnt free" single phase-shifting trigger output (200- 240vac) *K6 "Burnt free” single phase-shifting trigger output (240- 415vac) On ret) = VSIVION12/V24 Isolated 5V, 10V, 12V, 24V DC output (use instrument’ internal 24V isolated power) * US Non-isolated 5V DC output CUTIE = Lt Big volume relay output (normal open + normal lose capacity 250VAC/2A) =z Small volume relay output (normal open + normal closed, capacity 250VAC/IA) '*L4. Small volume and long life relay output module (capacity 2SOVACI2A, with capacitor resistor absorber) “+5 Dual relay output (normal open, capacity 250VACI2A) SSR voltage output (DC 12V/30mA} ‘= WI “Bunt treo" TRIAC no contact output normal open, suitable {for AC contactor below 80A, capacity 100-240VACIO.2A) “= W2 "Burnt free" TRIAC no contact output (normal closed, capacity 100-240VACIO.2A) 1° WS 2"Burnt free" TRIAC no contact outputs (normal closed, suitable for control of serve direciroverse rotation) ® Foun ‘module slots, display interfaca, A/D convert unit and power unit. By installing differant software and components. we can UUUL a TT © 8 oplo-elactic isolated AS485 communication module (use Instruments internal 12V isolated power) = Sé oplo-lectic isolated S485 communication module (with |ts own photodlectric isolated power) ‘© R_RS232 communication/printor interface CET ' X3_High precision photoelectric isolated linear current output ‘module. (Use internal 12VDC instrument power supply) ' XB. High precision photoelectric isolated linear current output ‘module. (With its own isolated power supply) CEE ed © JO 1 three-wire RTD input or 1 thermocouple + 1 two-wire RID inputs Jt 2 thermocouple inputs © 42 2 two-wite RTD inputs = 43 2voltage inputs #4 2 current inputs © 45 2 two-wire transmit inputs (includes 24VDV power supoy) 12 Frequency / external on-off signal input (providing 12 ‘power from instruments internal isolated 24VDC power supply) ‘© 13. 1:0.5V//1-5V voltage input interface (providing 24V power {rom instruments internal isolated 24VDC power supply) 1 14 1 0-2mA /4.20mA current input interface (providing 24 ‘power from instrument's isolated 24VDC power supply) 115 2on-of signal inputs (source - sink inpu) 1°17 AC current input, measurement range 0-5AAC * 18 AC voltage input, measurement range 0-500V AC Al Series Instruments c° Free selection of panels of multiple dimensions PEACE) =m ee Dimensions B \B6 (with LCD) \B7 (Flash Alarmer) = Be Pea CM EEN a een 3 7 eo) 8/6/37 78-2152 De ces 8 OO i ee) Bree tarsle #5350 T 6 2% 6 po p90 i Fo Do Al Series Instruments Al Series of Industrial / Temperature Controllers oO Economical, Efficient and Easy to Operate AI-508/509 series economical temperature controllers ‘© Ideal temperature contro for the plastic industry, food manufacturing, packaging industry, ovens healing and environmental test equipment, te ‘© Application of artificial inteligence control algorithm with auto tuning function, avoiding the overshoot problem of standard PID algorithm and achieving precise and stable contol. ‘© Multiple thermocouples and RTDs aro selectable as input type. Temperature control range are from -60 to +2300°C which accuracy is ors. © ‘Modular output, SSA voltage, relay, singleMthrae phase thyristor tigger and TRIAC switch outputs are selectable. Control period adjustable from 0.5 to 120 seconds © ‘Mutipte programmable alarms including igh limit, Low limit, high deviation, ow deviation. Widely Applicable,with Higher Universality AI-518/518P/519 series industrial / temperature controllers ‘© Support various thermocouples, RTDs, linear voliages / currents /resistances and radiation (infrared) thermometer.which accuracy is 0-3%FS. {© Modularization output supports SSR voltage, linear current / voltage, relay contact, TRIAC non-contact switch, single phase / three-phase thyristor zero-cross triggering, single-phase thyristor phase-shifttriggering outputs, with contro cycle 0.6~120 seconds adjustable. {© Mutiple control algorithms as standard PID, Al PID or MPT with auto-tuning, sol-learning are selectable, and perform excellent control with no over-shooting ar under-shooting, ON/OFF contal is also avallable.2 individual PID parameter,which can apply to heating and cooling in same proccess. '® Advanced AIBUS Protocol, supporting F'S485 and RS232C communication protocol, provides an exellent way for data acquisition of small or large controller network via PC or any computer control system. © Support mutiple alarm functions of high limit, low limit, high deviation and low deviation, Providing alarm blocking at the power start-up to avoid false alarm, ' Process value (PV) or Setpoint (SV) can be retransmitted into standard current signal with 14-bit high resolution, 0.294 output precision and better than 100ppm/C temperature dri. ‘@ Intuitive programming logic and simple to operate. Any parameter can be promoted for operator access or password protected, Users can set their own passwords for futher security ‘@ AL-519 is equipped withthe functions of manualautomatic bumpless switch and manual/ automatic tuning functions. » AL-518P has 30 segments program contol, and the program can be changed at any time. It provides programmable and operable commands such as jump (lop), run, pause, and stop, PV start-up function, preparatory function and five power-culstarting event handling modes. ® ‘Fioun Al Series Instruments co Al Series of Industrial / Temperature Controllers Accurate, Stable and Powerful Al-708/708P/808/808P/719 series high performance industrial controllers ‘© Support various thermocouples, RTDs, linear voltages / currents / resistances and radiation (infrared) thermometer input, which accuracy is 0.236FS oF 0.1%. ‘© In addition to main input, the secondary input is used for remote setpoint or valve signal feedback, able to constitute complicated control system such as cascade or ratio contr. © Modularization output supports SSR voltage, near current / voltage, relay contact switch, TRIAC non-contact switch, single phase / three-phase thyristor zero-eross triggering, single-phase thyristor phase-shift riggering outputs, with contro cycle 0,24~60 seconds adjustable. © Mutiple control algoritnms as standard PID, Al PID or MPT with auto-tuning, self-learning are selectable, and perform excellent control with no ‘ver-shooting or under-shooting, ON/OFF controls also available © Advanced AIBUS Protocol, supporting RS485 and RS232C communication protocol, excellent way for data acquisition of small or large controller network via PC or any computer control system. ‘© Support multiple alarm functions of high limit, low limit, high deviation and low deviation, and customize 4 alarming output ports supporting ‘muttple alarming signal output ftom the same position. Providing alarm blocking atthe power star-up to avoid false -alarm ‘© Process value (PY) or Setpoint (SV) can be retransmitted into standard current signal with 14-bit high resolution, 0.2%FS output precision and better han 100ppm/c temperature dit ' Intuitive programming logic and simple to operate. Any paramoter can be promoted for operator accoss or password protected. Users can set their own passwords for futher security. © Al-808/808P/719 type controllers are equipped with the functions of manual/automatic bumpless switch and manual! automatic tuning functions, ‘© A¥-708P/a08P controller has 30+20 segments program contol, and the program can be changed at any time. Adopting Yudian artical inteligent algorithms with custom control functions, it achieve smooth curve control. It provides programmable and operable commands such as jump (loop), run, pause, and stop, PV star-up function, preparatory function and fe power-cutstarting event handling modes. oe oe i os ° Power Meter Ideal for precise measurement of alternative voltage, current and power. AI-601/6010 /6011 Power Meter ® Measurement accuracy is 0.2%FS. Current input range Is 0-5A (2.5A optional); voltage input range is 0-SO0VAC (250VAC optional) Measuring scale can be treely sel © Up to four channels of alarms, including two high limit alarms and two low limit alarms. High accuracy current retransmission achieves 14 DIA precision and less than 100PPm/C temperature dri. |@ Support S485 communication interface, enabling communications with computers or paperless recorders. Fon @ Al Series Instruments Al Series Single-Channel Indicating / Alarming Instruments oO Suitable for indicat humidity etc. AI-501/701 Indicating/Alarming Instrument '® Supports various thermocouples, RTDs, near voltages / currents / resistances, A-S01 measurement accuracy is 0.9%FS,AL701 measurement accuracy is 0.2%FS. ' Provides 4 programmable alarm output including upper limit, lower imi, upper deviation and lower deviation 1® Supports S485 communication ntertace, enabling communication with supervisor computers. © Dual display windows allow a convenient way to set parameters. Display scale and decimal point can be freely selectable. AI-500/700 Indicating/Alarming Instrument ‘© Single row display, al functions are the same as Al-S01/701 Multiple Channel Indicating/Alarming Instrument o in, alarm and retransmission of temperature, pressure, flow, level Multiple channel measurement with rich algorithms functions Al-702M/704M/706M Series Multi-Channel Indicating/Alarming Instruments ' Programmable and modular inputs. Multiple ingut types of thermocouples and RTDs, vollage/curtent inputs and two-wire transmitters are selectable. Every channel can have independent input specication. All channels are equipped with digital adjustment and digital tering functions and ‘each channel can set diferent digtal adjustment and fitering parameters Provides 1-2, 1-4, 1-6 channels of independent process indications, and are idea for providing high accuracy and stably multi-channel analog data sampling to computer monitoring systems or PLC. The host computer can also input up to 7 channel on-off signals or execute on-off ‘operation through an indicator. Providing extraction, multiplication, and addition operations on input signals. The result can be displayed, transmitted into a standard signal, or sent to a computer With a bull-in wet-and-dry bulb temperature algorithm; subject to the setting Wind speed and atmospheric pressure constant to Import dry: bulb and wet-bulb P1100 signal for precisely measuring surrounding temperature and humidity, especially in high-humidlly environments, i hhas higher precision and service life longer than capacitive ceramic hygrometer. Every channel has independent alarms (high limit and low lim). The alarms can be sent to any alarm output, and multiple alarms can also be sent to one alarm output © Mult-channel transmission. Can choose to transmit one channel or by rotating multiple channels (maximum two independent transmission output) © High performance hardware design dacreases the temperature shift and the interference between multiple channels, resulting in the multiple channel instruments having the same accuracy and antsinteference abilty as those of the simpla channel instruments om fee. Al Series Instruments | oc Flow Totalizer Accurate, Stable and reliable Al-708H/AI-808H Series Flow Totalizers ‘© Provide accumulation of mass, volume and length '® Batch control over the accumulation available, providing independent digital accumulator for control and 12-digtal accurnulator for sum total and special cisplay mode which is powerful and easy operated. © Universal programmable inputs. Flow input signal can be set as frequency, 1-SV, 0-5V, 0-10mA, 4-20mA, or user defined input specications. Temperature input signal can be set as Pt100, thermocouple or standard current signal. Pressure input signal can be set as standard voltage or current signal '® Extensive functions are available. For example, transmission, highvlow alarm of momentary flaw, temperature and pressure, 12V/24V ‘voltage output and communication with a supervisor computer {© ‘Square root extractions are selectable, providing an 8-digit accumulation value and 4-

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