Inbound 6515668385330147839
Inbound 6515668385330147839
Inbound 6515668385330147839
MOST A. Analyzes the nature of emerging and re - emerging diseases (H8DD -IIId - e -20)
(Week 4-5)
B. Demonstrates self - monitoring skills to prevent communicable diseases (H8DD -IIIf - h -
21); promotes programs and policies to prevent and control communicable diseases
(H8DD -IIIf - h -22); identifies agencies responsible for communicable disease prevention
and control (H8DD -IIIf - h -23) (Week 6-8)
TOPICS 1. Re-Emerging Diseases (Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Influenza & AH1N1 Influenza)
2. Development of Personal Life Skills to Prevent and Control Communicable
3. Agencies Responsible for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control
communicable diseases.
Re-Emerging Diseases (Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Influenza & AH1N1 Influenza)
Re-emerging diseases are old diseases which are previously controlled but once again have risen
to be a significant health problem. These are diseases that were once major health problems
globally or in a particular country, and then declined dramatically, but are again becoming
health problems for a significant proportion of the population.
This term also refers to that diseases which was formerly confined to one geographic area, has
now spread to other areas.
The disease is characterized by development of vesicle (blisters-like lesions) in the
mouth and feet, excessive salivation and lameness.
Direct animal to animal contact. Through aerosols. Under suitable conditions of
temperature and humidity; the virus can spread to other areas at more than 70 km
distance with blowing wind. Contaminated farm equipment, tools, utensils, vehicles,
clothing, shoes. Through contaminated feed and water. Through people (farm
personnel, attendants, milkers, and visitors). Contaminated uncooked food of animal
origin containing infected animals. Also, Through semen from infected animals.
Vaccination of FMD vaccine that is serotype and subtype specific which provides
temporary immunity, so the susceptible animals should be vaccinated frequently. All
new animals should be quarantined and vaccinated against FMD before introducing
them to the livestock farm. Prohibit the entry of live animals, semen embryos, animal by-
products, including feed from areas of FMD outbreaks. Wash hands, shoes, vehicles,
etc. with disinfectants before entering and leaving the infected farms. In case of
outbreak of FMD, immediately report to the authority.
C.) AH1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu)
Swine influenza (also known as swine flu or pig flu) is a highly contagious respiratory
disease that occurs in pigs that is caused by the Influenza A virus. Influenza viruses that are
normally found in swine are known as swine influenza viruses (SIVs). The known SIV strains include
influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2 and H2N3. Pigs
can also become infected with the H4N6 and H9N2 subtypes.
The signs and symptoms of H1N1 flu are similar to those of infections caused by
other flu strains and can include:
• Fever, but not always, chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, watery red eyes,
body aches, headaches
Transmission of swine influenza viruses to humans is uncommon however the virus can be
transmitted to humans via contact with infected pigs or environments contaminated with swine
influenza viruses. Once a human becomes infected, then spreads the virus to other humans, in
the same way as seasonal influenza spread.
Treatment is largely supportive and consists of bedrest, increased fluid consumption, cough
suppressants, and antipyretics and analgesics (eg, acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs) for fever and myalgias. Severe cases may require intravenous hydration
and other supportive measures. Antiviral agents may also be considered for treatment or
prophylaxis (see Medication).
Patients should be encouraged to stay home if they become ill, to avoid close contact with
people who are sick, to wash their hands often, and to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and
mouth. The CDC recommends the following actions when human infection with H1N1 influenza
(swine flu) is confirmed in a community.
Agencies responsible for communicable disease prevention and control
There is a very popular saying “Prevention is better than cure.” As you go
along, you will notice that the diseases you are experiencing or encountering can
be prevented if you if yo only know how to control them. Accordingly, if you lack
self-discipline, then prevention and control of diseases will be difficult to attain.
One thing is sure after learning from this unit, you will be challenged to
become a catalyst for the control and prevention of communicable diseases.
Start with yourself, family, neighbor, community, and extend it to the nation. You
just need to consistently demonstrate personal responsibility and healthful
practices in order to prevent and control communicable diseases.
Our target is to let this knowledge be seen in your actions, words and way
of life. This is the best legacy you can contribute not only to you and your family
but to the whole nation.
Directions: Complete the table below by filling in the information needed. Discuss how a person
can acquire the three types of re-emerging diseases, the symptoms, mode of transmission and
how you can prevent it.
Guide question:
As a teenager, how can you contribute in preventing and control of re-emerging diseases?
Comic Making
➢ Create a comic demonstrating your personal life skills to avoid and control
communicable diseases.
Choice of Shows some events Shows most Shows most of the Shows events that
Scenes related to the story, important events important related to are relevant and
but information is related to story, the story, however reasonably
incomplete or highlights there is at least one accurate as a
focused on less unimportant discrepancy/conflict sequel to the novel
important points. points. with the original
Captions Captions do not Captions are Captions are related Captions are
relate well to the related to the to the scenes and related to the
scenes. There seems scenes and the the story, and most scenes and the
to be no connection story, but the connections are story, and the
or connections are connections are easy to understand. connections are
very general. less obvious. easy to
Spelling, There are more than 5 There are 4-5 There are 1-3 spelling, There are no
Punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, or spelling,
and and grammar errors. punctuation, and grammar errors. punctuation, or
Grammar grammar errors. grammar errors.
Artwork No pictures or little Some pictures Most boxes are neat All boxes are
detail. show detail, but with some detail in all complete.
detail is scenes. Excellent detail in
inconsistent all scenes.
Frames The comic only has 1 The comic only The comic only has 3- The comic has at
frame. has 2 frames. 4 frames. least the 6
required frames.
Self-Monitoring Record
The Department of Health (DOH) is the one directly in-charge of the
prevention and control of diseases.
than was that was that was than was
required. required. required. required.
Props/Costume Student uses Student uses 1- Student uses 1- The student
several props 2 props that 2 props which uses no props
(could include accurately fit make the OR the props
costume) that the period and presentation chosen to
accurately fit make the better. detract from
the period, presentation the
show better. presentation.
and make the
Keep in mind the following terms in order for you to understand the lesson.
• The true prevalence of many diseases is not known. Since we live in a global village
we cannot afford to be complacent about the tremendous economic, social and
public health burden of these diseases. Effective surveillance is the key to their
early containment.
*There is a need to develop an epidemiology improved diagnostic facilities, a
strong public health structure, effective risk communication, epidemic
preparedness and rapid response.
Disease prevention and control is a very important health concern because
it affects the quality of people’s lives. Communicable diseases not only threaten
the sick person but also his/her family and the society in general. Thus, protecting
ourselves and our families from diseases is both personal and social responsibility.
Before I move on to the next module, I will assure you that…
I understand…
I will practice…