Version 7.1.8
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments
Version 7.1.8
Before you use this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 83.
This edition applies to version 7, release 1, modification 8 of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments:
Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V (product number 5725-A44) and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2017.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . v Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Who should read this publication . . . . . . . v Domain.vmfull . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Filelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
What's new in Version 7.1.8 . . . . . . . . . v Inactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Include.vm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 1. Protection for Microsoft Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Mbobjrefreshthresh . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Hyper-V virtual machines . . . . . . . 1 Mbpctrefreshthresh . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Incremental forever backup strategy . . . . . . 3 Noprompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Snapshot management with Windows PowerShell 4 Numberformat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Documentation resources . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Hyper-V backup support limitations . . . . . . 6 Pitdate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pittime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Chapter 2. Installing Data Protection for Timeformat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Microsoft Hyper-V . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vmbackdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Determine system requirements . . . . . . . . 7 Vmbackuptype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Determine which features to install . . . . . . . 7 Vmctlmc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Install Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Vmmaxparallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
features with default settings . . . . . . . . 8 Vmmc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Install the backup-archive client (data mover) . . 8
Install the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent 10 Chapter 6. Mount and file restore . . . 65
Installing in silent mode . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
Uninstalling Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V 12 configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Uninstalling Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Snapshot mount overview . . . . . . . . . 66
with the Microsoft Windows Installer Tool . . . . 13 Mount guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . 67
File restore overview . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapter 3. Configuring Data Protection File restore guidelines . . . . . . . . . . 69
for Microsoft Hyper-V . . . . . . . . 15 Restoring one or more files . . . . . . . . . 69
Creating and modifying the client options file . . . 15
Configuring Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Chapter 7. Tivoli Storage Manager
in a cluster environment . . . . . . . . . . 17 recovery agent commands . . . . . . 73
| Configuring security settings to connect data mover Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
| nodes to the Tivoli Storage Manager server . . . . 19 Set_connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
| Configuring by using the default security settings Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
| (fast path) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Recovery agent command-line interface return codes 78
| Configuring without automatic certificate
| distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Appendix. Accessibility features for the
Configuring the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tivoli Storage Manager product family . 81
Manually configuring an iSCSI device . . . . . 28
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 4. Command reference . . . . 31
Reading syntax diagrams . . . . . . . . . . 31 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Backup VM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Expire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Query VM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Restore VM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes IBM Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy® Manager, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management, IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases, and several other storage management
products from IBM.
For a list of new features and updates in this release, see Data Protection for
Hyper-V updates.
Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V integrates Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments virtualization protection with the IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client to protect Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines on
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 systems.
You can back up Hyper-V virtual machines that exist on a local disk, a
SAN-attached disk, or cluster shared volume. For example, you can back up
virtual machines that are stored on Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) in a Hyper-V
cluster environment or on Server Message Block (SMB) file shares that are on a
remote system. You can back up any guest operating systems that are hosted by
the Hyper-V server on remote shares, regardless of whether the guest operating
system is supported by Tivoli Storage Manager.
The following backup types are supported for Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
in VHDX disk format:
Incremental forever full backup
Creates a backup of snapshot disk data to the Tivoli Storage Manager
Incremental forever incremental backup
Creates a snapshot of the blocks that changed since the last incremental
forever full backup.
Each Hyper-V virtual machine backup is restored from the Tivoli Storage Manager
server as a single entity. You can restore any guest operating systems that are
hosted by the Hyper-V server regardless of whether the guest operating system is
supported by Tivoli Storage Manager.
A Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V restore operation ensures that the same
block on the production disk is only restored once. Older backup versions expire
according to the Tivoli Storage Manager server management class policy that is
associated with the virtual machine.
Use this restore method when only one or more files must be restored. The files
are manually copied from a mounted virtual machine disk that is accessed through
an iSCSI target or partition. This method requires the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent to be installed.
User interfaces
Complete all Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V backup, restore, and query
tasks with the backup-archive client Java GUI or backup-archive command-line
client. To restore one or more files from a Hyper-V virtual machine, use the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent GUI.
2 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Windows 2012 (or later) Hyper-V host
Tivoli Storage
Manager server
Guest machine
Incremental VSS
forever API
full backup
Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual
Environments: Data
Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V
Tivoli Storage
Incremental Manager backup-
forever archive client
Figure 1. High-level overview of Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft
Hyper-V environment
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V provides a backup strategy called incremental forever. This
backup solution requires only one initial full backup. Afterward, an ongoing
(forever) sequence of incremental backups occurs. The incremental forever backup
solution provides these advantages:
v Reduces the amount of data that goes across the network.
v Reduces data growth because all incremental backups contain only the blocks
that changed since the previous backup.
v No comparison with the backup target is needed since only changed blocks are
v Minimizes impact to the client system.
v Reduces the length of the backup window.
v No need to schedule an initial full backup as a separate schedule: the first issue
of an incremental forever backup automatically defaults to an incremental
forever full backup.
In addition, the restore process is optimized, as only the latest versions of blocks
that belong to a restored backup are restored. Since the same area on the
production disk is recovered only one time, the same block is not written to
You can use these cmdlets only on the Hyper-V system; you cannot remove
snapshots from the Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager.
Hyper-V systems issue cautionary messages to discourage you from editing virtual
hard disks that contain snapshots, or virtual hard disks that are associated with a
chain of differencing (incremental-forever) snapshots. Instead, use the cmdlets to
manage snapshots to minimize the risk of data loss.
Documentation resources
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V software provides several components to assist with protecting
your virtual machines. As a result, multiple documentation resources are provided
to assist with specific tasks.
Table 1. Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V documentation resources
Documentation Contents Location
Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Overview information, strategy IBM Knowledge Center at Protection
Environments Version 7.1.3: Data planning, installation, configuration, for Microsoft Hyper-V virtual
Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V back up and restore scenarios, and machines (http://www.ibm.com/
Installation and User's Guide command-line reference. support/knowledgecenter/
4 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Table 1. Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V documentation resources (continued)
Documentation Contents Location
Online help for the IBM Tivoli Back up and restore tasks related to Start the Tivoli Storage Manager
Storage Manager backup-archive Hyper-V guests virtual machines. backup-archive command line client
command-line client, Version 7.1.3 by using either of the following
v On the Windows system, go to
Start > Apps by name > IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager >
Backup-Archive Command Line.
v Open an Administrator command
prompt window and change to the
backup-archive client installation
directory (cd "C:\Program
Run dsmc.exe.
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V does not back up a Hyper-V virtual machine that uses physical
disks. The entire virtual machine (including virtual disks) is skipped and the
backup operation fails.
Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V supports incremental forever full backup
and incremental forever incremental backup of Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
in VHDX disk format only. To create an image backup of the full virtual machine
in VHD or VHDX disk format, use the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
client without Tivoli Storage Manager - Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V
installed on the system. Issue the backup-archive client dsmc backup vm vmname
-vmbackuptype=hypervfull -mode=full command to create an image backup of all
objects on a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine VHD or VHDX disk. Optionally,
convert .vhd files to .vhdx format according to instructions available in Microsoft
Hyper-V configurations from Windows Server 2012 R2 are not compatible with
Windows Server 2012. As a result, a restore operation from Windows Server 2012
R2 to Windows Server 2012 fails. However, a restore operation from Windows
Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2 succeeds. For more information, see the
following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/
6 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Chapter 2. Installing Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V
Determine system requirements
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V requires 500 MB of disk space for installation and a supported
operating system.
Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V requires the Hyper-V role to be installed on
the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 system.
For detailed Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V software and hardware
requirements, see Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Requirements at
The following features are available for you to install with the IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product
DVD or download image:
v The Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product code
Provides virtualization protection for Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines.
Tip: The Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product code is installed with
every feature.
To install the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product code, follow the
steps in “Install Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V features with default
settings” on page 8.
v The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client
When you offload backup workloads, the backup-archive client runs the
operation on the backup server and "moves" the data to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. This client is referred to as the data mover.
To install the backup-archive client, follow the steps in “Install the
backup-archive client (data mover)” on page 8.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
Provides virtual mount and file restore capability.
To install the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent, follow the steps in “Install
the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent” on page 10.
1. Either insert the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product DVD into the
DVD drive or download the image from IBM Passport Advantage®.
2. To start the installation program, double-click the DVD\x64\Setup.exe file.
Choose the language for the installation process, then click Next.
3. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Hyper-V suite page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read the terms of the license agreement. Click
I accept the terms in the license agreement. If you do not accept the terms of
the license agreement, the installation ends. Click Next
5. On the Installation Type page, the installation process begins immediately after
you click Typical Installation. You cannot change your selection once the
installation process begins. If you are sure that you want to install Data
Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V and the backup-archive client (data mover)
without modifying features or installation directories, click Typical Installation.
Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V and the backup-archive client (data mover)
are installed.
What to do next
Before you attempt a backup or restore operation, complete the tasks described in
“Creating and modifying the client options file” on page 15.
To install the backup-archive client (data mover), complete the following steps:
8 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
1. Either insert the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product DVD into the
DVD drive or download the image from IBM Passport Advantage.
2. To start the installation program, double-click the DVD\x64\Setup.exe file.
Choose the language for the installation process, then click Next.
3. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Hyper-V suite page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read the terms of the license agreement.
Click I accept the terms in the license agreement. If you do not accept the
terms of the license agreement, the installation ends. Click Next
5. On the Installation Type page, click Advanced Installation.
On the Advanced Installation page, the installation process begins
immediately after you click Install the Tivoli Storage Manager
backup-archive client (data mover). You cannot change your selection after
the installation process begins.
6. If you are sure that you want to install the backup-archive client (data mover),
click Install the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client (data mover).
7. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V page, click Next.
8. On the Destination Folder page, specify where to install Data Protection for
Microsoft Hyper-V. You can accept the default location that is shown in the
Destination Folder field or click Change to specify another location. Click
Next after you make your selection.
9. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install to begin installing
your selected components.
10. On the Install Wizard Completed page, click Finish to exit the wizard. The
InstallShield Wizard begins installing the data mover.
11. On the Location to Save Files page, specify where to save the data mover files.
You can accept the default location that is shown in the Save files in folder
field or click Change to specify another location. Click Next after you make
your selection.
12. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tivoli Storage Manager Client
page, click Next.
13. On the Destination Folder page, specify where to install the software. You can
accept the default location that is shown in the Install IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager Client to field or click Change to specify another location. Click
Next after you make your selection.
14. On the Setup Type page, select one of the following the types: Typical or
v Typical
A typical installation installs the following features:
– The backup-archive client GUI files (needed to use the Java™ GUI)
– The backup-archive client web files (needed to use the web client)
– The client API files (as needed by your client and operating system)
v Custom
A custom installation selects the same files as a typical installation.
However, you can accept the default location that is shown in the Install to
field or click Change to specify another location. Click Space to view
required disk space.
Click Next after you make your selection.
Tip: After you click Install, the installation process might take several
minutes to complete.
16. On the Install Wizard Completed page, click Finish to exit the wizard.
The backup-archive client (and Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V) are
What to do next
Before you attempt to back up a Hyper-V virtual machine, complete the tasks
described in “Creating and modifying the client options file” on page 15.
To install the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent, complete the following steps
on a virtual machine or other system that is not the Hyper-V host system:
1. Either insert the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V product DVD into the
DVD drive or download the image from IBM Passport Advantage.
2. To start the installation program, double-click the DVD\x64\Setup.exe file.
Choose the language for the installation process, then click Next.
If you already completed a Typical Installation, the Program Maintenance
page displays after you double-click the DVD\x64\Setup.exe file:
a. On the Program Maintenance page, click Modify.
b. On the Custom Setup page, click Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent,
then click Install.
c. Go to Step 11 on page 11 and follow the remaining installation steps.
3. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Hyper-V suite page, click Next.
10 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
4. On the License Agreement page, read the terms of the license agreement.
Click I accept the terms in the license agreement. If you do not accept the
terms of the license agreement, the installation ends. Click Next.
5. On the Installation Type page, click Advanced Installation.
On the Advanced Installation page, the installation process begins
immediately after you click Install the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent. You cannot change your selection once the installation process begins.
6. If you are sure that you want to install the recovery agent, click Install the
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent (and Data Protection for Microsoft
Hyper-V) are installed.
Before you attempt to mount a backed up Hyper-V virtual machine disk to restore
a file, complete the tasks described in “Configuring the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent GUI” on page 24.
Restriction: All features are installed to their default location. You cannot silently
install Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments and data mover features to
a non-default location.
1. Either insert the Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments product DVD
into the DVD drive or download the image from IBM Passport Advantage.
2. From a command prompt window, use the cd command to change to one of
the following folders:
v If you downloaded the product image from Passport Advantage, go to
<extract folder>TSM4VE_WIN.
v If you inserted the product DVD into the DVD drive, go to <DVD>\.
3. Enter one of the following command:
setup.exe /silent
You must register the Virtual Volume Driver to proceed with the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent operations.
Restriction: You must unmount all virtual volumes before uninstalling the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent. Otherwise, these mounted virtual volumes cannot
be unmounted after the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is reinstalled.
1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs - Uninstall a program.
12 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
2. On the Uninstall or change a program page, select Tivoli Storage Manager for
Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V and click
3. On the Uninstall or change a program page, select IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager client and click Uninstall.
4. On the Uninstall or change a program page, select IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent and click Uninstall.
1. Locate the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V UninstallString in the
Wow6432Node registry path. For example:
2. Run the following command:
C:\"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\
{060612C6-E661-4502-ADD0-AF912CDB02C9}\Setup.exe" -remove -runfromtemp
The first time that you start the Windows backup-archive client GUI, the
installation program searches for an existing client options file, called dsm.opt. If
this file is not detected, a client options file configuration wizard starts and
prompts you to specify initial client configuration settings. When the wizard
completes, it saves the information that you specified in the dsm.opt file. By
default, the dsm.opt file is saved to C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient.
The options file must contain the following information to communicate with the
v The VMBACKUPType HYPERVFULL option must be specified.
v The host name or IP address of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server.
v The port number that the server listens on for client communications. A default
port number is configured by the client options file configuration wizard. You
do not need to override this default port number unless your server is
configured to listen on a different port.
v Your client node name. The node name is a name that uniquely identifies your
client node. The node name defaults to the short host name of the computer that
the client is installed on.
Additional client options can be specified, as needed.
Tip: Client options can also be set on the server in a client option set. Client options
that are defined on the server in a client option set override client options that are
set in the client options file.
A sample options file is copied to your disk when you install the backup-archive
client. The file is called dsm.smp. By default, the dsm.smp file is copied to
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\config\. You can view the contents of this file to see
examples of different options and how they are specified. The file also contains
comments that explain syntax conventions for include lists, exclude lists, and
wildcard use. You can also use this file as a template for your client options file by
editing it and saving it as dsm.opt in the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient
1. Select a method to modify the file.
Method Steps
Setup wizard The configure wizard opens automatically
when the backup-archive client is installed
for the first time. If the wizard does not
open automatically, complete the following
1. Click Start > All Programs > Tivoli
Storage Manager > Backup-Archive
2. Select Utilities > Setup Wizard > Help
me configure the TSM Client Options
File. On-screen text and online help is
available to provide guidance as you
navigate through the wizard panels. This
client options file configuration wizard
offers limited choices and configures
only the most basic options.
Preferences editor 1. Click Start > All Programs > Tivoli
Storage Manager > Backup-Archive
2. Select Edit > Client Preferences. Select
the tabs in the preferences editor to set
client options. Specify the options in the
dialog boxes, drop down lists, and other
controls. Online help is provided. Click
the question mark (?) icon to display the
help topics for the online help for the tab
that you are editing. You can set more
options in the preferences editor than
you can set in the setup wizard.
Edit the dsm.opt file 1. Edit the dsm.opt file by using a plain text
editor. Each of the options is described in
detail in the documentation in Chapter 5,
“Options reference,” on page 45. This
method is the most versatile way to set
client options because not all options can
be set in the client options file
configuration wizard or in the
preferences editor.
2. To comment out a setting, insert an
asterisk (*) as the first character on the
line that you want to comment out.
Remove the asterisk to make the
commented option active.
16 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
2. Save the changes.
a. Changes made in the client options file configuration wizard and in the
preferences editor are saved and recognized by the client when the wizard
completes, or when you exit the preferences editor.
b. If you edit the client options file with a text editor while the client is
running, you must save the file and restart the client so the changes are
3. Verify that your configuration is complete by making sure that you can view
the virtual machines in your environment:
v To verify your configuration with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
command line client, issue the dsmc show vm command. A list of virtual
machines that are available for backup displays.
v To verify your configuration with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
GUI, click Actions > Backup VM. In the Backup Virtual Machine window,
expand the Hyper-V VMs node to show the virtual machines that are
available for backup.
If you can view the virtual machines in your environment, you are ready to
back up your virtual machines as described in “Backup VM” on page 33.
What to do next
If you plan to run backup and restore operations in a cluster, complete the tasks
described in “Configuring Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V in a cluster
environment” before you attempt a backup or restore operation.
You can use the Hyper-V failover clustering feature to allow Hyper-V virtual
machines to fail over from one cluster node to another cluster node when an
outage occurs. For information about installing this feature, and for information
that describes how to set up a cluster configuration for Hyper-V virtual machines,
see the Microsoft documentation for Hyper-V and your operating system.
In a failover cluster configuration, you can ensure that the Hyper-V virtual
machines are backed up to (and restorable from) a single Tivoli Storage Manager
server container, regardless of which cluster node is backing them up. You
implement this configuration by creating a proxy relationship, on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server, to allow each physical server node (NODENAME option) to perform
operations on behalf of a node that serves as a container on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server (ASNODENAME option). You can move virtual machines within the
cluster and still back up data to the same container.
Before you begin, assign a unique node name for each physical server in the
cluster (for example, Host1, Host2). Next, assign a node name that is the Tivoli
Storage Manager server container for all the virtual machine backups in the cluster
(for example, clusternode).
18 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
When either of the nodes (HOST1, HOST2) backs up data to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server, the backups are stored in the container named CLUSTERNODE. Both
nodes (HOST1, HOST2) can back up or restore data from that Tivoli Storage
Manager server container.
| This scenario automatically obtains certificates from the server when the node
| connects the first time, assuming that the Tivoli Storage Manager server
| SESSIONSECURITY parameter is set to TRANSITIONAL, which is the default value at
| first connection. You can follow this scenario whether you first upgrade the Tivoli
| Storage Manager server to V7.1.8 and later V7 levels, or V8.1.2 and later V8 levels,
| and then upgrade Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V to these levels, or vice
| versa..
| Attention: This scenario cannot be used if the Tivoli Storage Manager server is
| configured for LDAP authentication. If LDAP is used, you can manually import
| the certificates necessary by using the dsmcert utility. For more information, see
| “Configuring without automatic certificate distribution” on page 21.
| The following dsmc options specify security settings for the data mover node. For
| more information about these options, see Client options reference.
| v SSLREQUIRED. The default value Default enables existing session-security
| connections to servers earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2, and automatically configures
| the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V data mover to securely connect to a
| V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later server by using TLS for authentication.
| v SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV. The default value Yes enables the data mover to
| automatically accept a self-signed public certificate from the server, and to
| automatically configure the data mover to use that certificate when the data
| mover connects to a V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later server.
| In addition, the following options apply only when the data mover uses TLS
| connection to a server earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2. They are ignored when the
| data mover connects to a later server.
| v SSLDISABLELEGACYTLS. A value of No indicates that the data mover does not
| require TLS 1.2 for SSL sessions. It allows connection at TLS 1.1 and lower SSL
| protocols. When the data mover communicates with a Tivoli Storage Manager
| server that is V7.1.7 or V8.1.1 or earlier, No is the default.
| v LANFREESSL. The default value No indicates that the data mover does not use TLS
| when communicating with the Storage Agent when LAN-free data transfer is
| configured.
| v REPLSSLPORT. Specifies the TCP/IP port address that is enabled for TLS when the
| data mover communicates with the replication target server.
20 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
| – SSL communication with existing server public certificate continues to be
| used with servers at levels earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| – SSL communication is automatically enhanced to use the TLS level that is
| required by the server after the server is updated to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later.
| v First, Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or
| later. Then, the data mover nodes connect to multiple servers. The servers are
| upgraded at different times:
| – No changes are required to the security options for the data mover nodes.
| – The data mover nodes use existing authentication and session security
| protocol to servers at versions earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 , and automatically
| upgrade to use TLS authentication when initially connecting to a server at
| V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later. Session security is managed per server.
| v New client installation, server is at V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later:
| – Configure Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V according to a new
| installation.
| – Default values for the security options automatically configure the data mover
| nodes for TLS-encrypted session authentication.
| – Set the SSL parameter to the Yes value if encryption of all data transfers
| between the client and the server is required.
| v New client installation, server is at a version earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 :
| – Configure the client according to a new client installation.
| – Accept the default values for client session-security parameters if SSL
| encryption of all data transfers is not required.
| - Non-SSL authentication protocol is used until the server is upgraded to
| V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later.
| – Set the SSL parameter to the Yes value if encryption of all data transfers
| between the data mover and the server is required, and proceed with the
| manual configuration for SSL.
| - See Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with
| Secure Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
| - SSL communication is automatically enhanced to use the TLS level that is
| required by the server after the server is updated to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or
| later.
| The options for security settings are the same as those described in “Configuring
| by using the default security settings (fast path)” on page 19, with the exception
| that you must set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option to No to ensure that the data
| mover does not automatically accept a self-signed public certificate from the server
| when the data mover first connects to a V7.1.8 or later server.
| If the data mover nodes are on the same machine, only one certificate is required.
| If the nodes are on separate machines, a certificate is required one each machine.
| v First, the server is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2. Then, Data Protection for
| Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded. The existing data mover nodes are not using SSL
| communications:
| – Set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option with the value No.
| – Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate for use by the
| data mover nodes. See Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server
| communication with Secure Sockets Layer configuration instructions.
| v First, the server is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2. Then, Data Protection for
| Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded. The existing data mover nodes are using SSL
| communications:
| – No changes are required to the security options for the data mover nodes. If
| the nodes already have a server certificate for SSL communication, the
| SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option does not apply.
| – SSL communication with existing server public certificate continues to be
| used.
| – SSL communication is automatically enhanced to use the TLS level that is
| required by the server.
| v First, Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| Then, the server is upgraded later. The existing data mover nodes are not using
| SSL communications:
| – Set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option with the value No.
| – Existing authentication protocol continues to be used to servers at levels
| earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| – Before the data mover nodes connect to a V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later server:
| - Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate use by the
| data mover nodes. See Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server
| communication with Secure Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
| v First, Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| Then, the server is upgraded later. The existing data mover nodes are using SSL
| communications
| – No changes are required to the security options for the data mover nodes. If
| the nodes already have a server certificate for SSL communication, the
| SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option does not apply.
| – SSL communication with existing server public certificate continues to be
| used with servers at levels earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| – SSL communication is automatically enhanced to use the TLS level that is
| required by the server after the server is updated to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later.
22 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
| First, Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V is upgraded to V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| Then, the data mover nodes connect to multiple servers. The servers are
| upgraded at different times:
| – Set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option with the value No.
| – Existing authentication protocol continues to be used to servers at levels
| earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2.
| – Before the data mover nodes connect to a V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 later server, or
| when SSL communication is required at any server level:
| - Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate. See
| Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with
| Secure Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
| – The data mover nodes use existing authentication and session security
| protocol to servers at versions earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2, and automatically
| upgrade to use TLS authentication when initially connecting to a server at
| V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later. Session security is managed per server.
| v New Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V installation, server is at V7.1.8 or
| V8.1.2 or later:
| – Configure Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V according to a new
| installation.
| – Set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option with the value No.
| – Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate. See
| Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with Secure
| Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
| – Set the SSL parameter to the Yes value if encryption of all data transfers
| between the data mover and the server is required.
| v New Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V installation, server is at a version
| earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2, SSL-encrypted sessions are required:
| – Configure Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V according to a new
| installation.
| – Set the SSL parameter to the Yes value.
| – Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate. See
| Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with Secure
| Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
| v New Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V installation, server is at a version
| earlier than V7.1.8 or V8.1.2, SSL-encrypted sessions are not required:
| – Configure Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V according to a new
| installation.
| – Set the SSLACCEPTCERTFROMSERV option with the value No.
| - Non-SSL authentication protocol is used until the server is upgraded to
| V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 later.
| – Before the data mover nodes connect to a V7.1.8 or V8.1.2 or later server:
| - Obtain the necessary certificate from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
| from a CA and use the dsmcert utility to import the certificate. See
| Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server communication with
| Secure Sockets Layer for configuration instructions.
These configuration tasks must be completed before you use the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent GUI.
1. Log on to the system where you want to restore files. The Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent must be installed on the system.
2. Click Select TSM server in the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI to
connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Specify the following options:
Server address
Enter the IP address or host name of the Tivoli Storage Managerserver.
Server port
Enter the port number that is used for TCP/IP communication with the
server. The default port number is 1500.
Node access method:
Select this option to use a proxy node to access the virtual machine
backups that are in the target node. The proxy node is a node that is
granted "proxy" authority to perform operations on behalf of the target
Typically, you use the grant proxynode command to create the proxy
relationship between two existing nodes.
If you select this option, complete the following steps:
a. Enter the name of the target node (the node where the virtual
machine backups are located) in the Target Node field.
b. Enter the name of the proxy node in the Authentication node field.
c. Enter the password for the proxy node in the Password field.
d. Click OK to save these settings and exit the Tivoli Storage
When you use this method, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
user knows only the proxy node password, and the target node
password is protected.
Select this option to use a node with access limited only to the snapshot
data of specific virtual machines in the target node.
Typically, this node is given access from the target node that owns the
virtual machine backups by using the set access command:
set access backup -TYPE=VM vmdisplayname mountnodename
For example, this command gives the node named myMountNode the
authority to restore files from the virtual machine named myTestVM:
set access backup -TYPE=VM myTestVM myMountNode
24 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
If you select this option, complete the following steps:
a. Enter the name of the target node (the node where the virtual
machine backups are located) in the Target Node field.
b. Enter the name of the node that is given limited access in the
Authentication node field.
c. Enter the password for the node that is given limited access in the
Password field.
d. Click OK to save these settings and exit the Tivoli Storage Manager
When you use this method, you can see a complete list of backed-up
virtual machines. However, you can restore only those virtual machine
backups to which the node was granted access. In addition, the
snapshot data is not protected from expiration on the server.
Direct Select this option to authenticate directly to the target node (the node
where the virtual machine backups are located).
If you select this option, complete the following steps:
a. Enter the name of the target node (the node where the virtual
machine backups are located) in the Authentication node field.
b. Enter the password for the target node in the Password field.
c. Click OK to save these settings and exit the Tivoli Storage
Use Password access generate
When this option is selected and the password field is empty, the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent authenticates with an existing
password that is stored in the registry. If not selected, you must
manually enter the password.
To use this option, you must first manually set an initial password for
the node to which the option applies. You must specify the initial
password when you connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager node for the
first time by entering the password in the Password field and selecting
the Use Password access generate check box.
However, when you use the local data mover node as the
Authentication node, the password might already be stored in the
registry. As a result, select the Use Password access generate check box
and do not enter a password.
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent queries the specified server for a list
of protected virtual machines, and shows the list.
3. Set the following mount, backup, and restore options by clicking Settings:
Virtual Volume write cache
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent that is running on the
backup proxy host saves data changes on a virtual volume in the write
cache. By default, the write cache is enabled and the maximum cache
size is 90% of the available space for the selected folder. To prevent the
system volume from becoming full, change the write cache to a path on
a volume other than the system volume.
Folder for temporary files
Specify the path where data changes are saved. The write cache
must be on a local drive and cannot be set to a path on a
shared folder.
26 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Read Ahead size (in 16-KB blocks)
Specify the number of extra data blocks that are retrieved from
the storage device after a read request is sent to a single block.
The default values are as follows:
v Disk or file: 64
v Tape: 1024
v VTL: 64
The maximum value for any device is 1024.
Read Ahead cache size (in blocks)
Specify the size of the cache where the extra data blocks are
stored. The default values are as follows:
v Disk or file: 10000
v Tape: 75000
v VTL: 10000
Since each snapshot has its own cache, make sure to plan how
many snapshots are mounted or restored simultaneously. The
cumulative cache size cannot exceed 75000 blocks.
Driver timeout (seconds)
This value specifies the amount of time to process data requests
from the file system driver. If processing is not completed in
time, the request is canceled and an error is returned to the file
system driver. Consider increasing this value when you
experience timeouts. For example, timeouts might occur when
the network is slow, the storage device is busy, or multiple
mount sessions are being processed. The default values are as
v Disk or file: 60
v Tape: 180
v VTL: 60
Make sure the command output for each node includes the following
Backup Delete Allowed?: Yes
If this statement is not included, update each node with this command:
UPDate Node <nodename> BACKDELete=Yes
Review the following iSCSI requirements before you proceed with this task:
v During an iSCSI mount, an iSCSI target is created on the Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent system. You can connect to the iSCSI target from any system to
create a volume that contains the backup data. Also, you can then mount this
volume from another system.
v iSCSI initiator is required on any system that must connect to the iSCSI target.
v Make sure that an iSCSI initiator is installed on the system where the data is to
be restored.
v Microsoft iSCSI Initiator is not required on the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent system.
Review the following disk and volume requirements before you proceed with this
v If a volume spans several disks, you must mount all the required disks. When
mirrored volumes are used, mount only one of the mirrored disks. Mounting
one disk prevents a time-consuming synchronization operation.
v If multiple dynamic disks were used on the backup system, these disks are
assigned to the same group. As a result, Windows Disk Manager might consider
some disks as missing and issue an error message when you mount only one
disk. Ignore this message. The data on the backed up disk is still accessible,
unless some of the data is on the other disk. This issue can be solved by
mounting all the dynamic disks.
Complete these tasks to configure the Windows system that is used during an
iSCSI mount operation:
1. On the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent system, open port 3260 in the
LAN firewall and the Windows client firewall. Record the iSCSI initiator name
on the system where data is to be restored.
The iSCSI initiator name is shown in the iSCSI initiator configuration window
of the Control Panel. For example:
2. Complete these tasks on the system where the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent (or iSCSI target) is installed:
a. Start the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI. Complete the Select
TSM server and Select snapshot dialogs and click Mount.
b. In the Choose mount destination dialog, select Mount an iSCSI target.
c. Create a target name. Make sure that it is unique and that you can identify
it from the system that runs the iSCSI initiator. For example:
28 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
d. Enter the iSCSI Initiator name that was recorded in Step 1 and click OK.
e. Verify that the volume you just mounted is displayed in the Mounted
Volumes field.
3. Locate and start the iSCSI Initiator program on the initiator system that was
selected in Step 1:
a. Connect to the iSCSI target:
1) In the Targets tab, enter the TCP/IP address of the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent (iSCSI target) used in Step 2 in the Target:
dialog. Click Quick Connect.
2) The Quick Connect dialog shows a target that matches the target name
that was specified in Step 2c. If it is not already connected, select this
target and click Connect.
b. On the initiator system, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools >
Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management.
1) If the mounted iSCSI target is listed as Type=Foreign, right-click Foreign
Disk and select Import Foreign Disks. The Foreign Disk Group is
selected. Click OK.
2) The next screen shows the type, condition, and size of the Foreign Disk.
Click OK and wait for the disk to be imported.
3) When the disk import completes, press F5 (refresh). The mounted iSCSI
snapshot is visible and contains an assigned drive letter. If drive letters
are not automatically assigned, right-click the required partition and
select Change Drive Letters or Paths. Click Add and select a drive
4. Open Windows Explorer (or other utility) and browse the mounted snapshot
for a file restore operation.
5. After the file is restored, complete these tasks:
a. Disconnect each iSCSI target by using the iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog.
b. Dismount the volume from Step 2 by selecting the volume in the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent GUI and clicking Dismount.
Issue these commands from the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
command line client. Start the command line client using either of the following
methods on the Windows system:
v Go to Start > Apps by name > IBM Tivoli Storage Manager > Backup-Archive
Command Line.
v Open an Administrator command prompt window and change to the
backup-archive client installation directory (cd "C:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\
baclient"). Run dsmc.exe.
To complete these tasks from the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive GUI, start
the backup-archive GUI client using either of the following methods on the
Windows system:
v Go to Start > Apps by name > IBM Tivoli Storage Manager > Backup-Archive
v Open an Administrator command prompt window and change to the
backup-archive client installation directory (cd "C:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\
baclient"). Run dsm.exe.
Access related GUI task help using either of the following methods:
v Select the help icon and click Help Topics or Getting started.
v You can also press the F1 key to open the Help Topics help.
►► cmd_name <var_name> ►◄
An arrow returning to the left means that the item can be repeated. A character
within the arrow means that you must separate repeated items with that character.
►► ▼ repeat ►◄
A footnote (1) by the arrow refers to a limit that tells how many times the item can
be repeated.
►► ▼ repeat ►◄
1 Specify repeat up to 5 times.
Required choices
When two or more items are in a stack and one of them is on the line, you must
specify one item.
►► cmd_name A ►◄
Optional choices
When an item is below the line, that item is optional. In the first example, you can
select A or nothing at all.
32 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
►► cmd_name ►◄
When two or more items are in a stack below the line, all of them are optional. In
the second example, you can choose A, B, C, or nothing at all.
►► cmd_name ►◄
Repeatable choices
A stack of items followed by an arrow returning to the left indicates that you can
select more than one item, or in some cases, repeat a single item.
►► cmd_name ▼ A ►◄
Defaults are above the line. The default is selected unless you override it, or you
can select the default explicitly. To override the default, include an option from the
stack below the line.
►► cmd_name ►◄
Backup VM
Use the Backup VM command to back up Hyper-V virtual machines.
You can back up Hyper-V guests that exist on a local disk, a SAN-attached disk, a
cluster shared volume, or guests that exist on a remote file server share. Remote
file server shares must be on a Windows Server 2012 (or newer) system. In
addition, remote file shares must be Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 with the File
Server VSS Agent Service installed on the server.
You must specify the backup mode to use when backing up a virtual machine by
adding the -mode parameter on the command line. The following modes can be
IFFull Incremental-forever-full mode. In this mode, a snapshot of all used blocks
►► Backup VM vmname -VMBACKUPType = HYPERVFULL -MODE = ►
► ►◄
Specify the name of the virtual machine that you want to back up; the
name is case-sensitive. To specify multiple virtual machines, use the
domain.vmfull option.
Wildcards can be used in virtual machine names.
Optional parameter for backing up a Hyper-V virtual machine. The default
is the value that is required for Hyper-V backups:
This option updates the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the virtual
machine that you are backing up. This parameter is intended for use only
in the following scenario:
You want to restore an already backed up virtual machine named ORION.
But, before you shut down and replace the copy of ORION that is running
in your production environment, you want to verify the configuration of
the restored virtual machine before you use it to replace the existing
1. You restore the ORION virtual machine and give it a new name: dsmc
restore vm Orion -vmname=Orion2
2. You update and verify the ORION2 virtual machine and determine that
it is ready to replace the existing virtual machine that is named
3. You power down and delete ORION.
4. You rename ORION2 so it is now named ORION.
5. The next time that you backup ORION, by using either an
incremental-forever full, or incremental-forever-incremental backup, you
add the -VMBACKUPUPDATEGUID parameter to the backup vm command.
This option updates the GUID, on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
server, so the new GUID is associated with the stored backups for the
ORION virtual machine. The chain of incremental backups is
preserved; there is no need to delete existing backups and replace them
with new backups.
34 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
This parameter displays additional information about a virtual machine,
including the labels of the Hyper-V virtual hard disks (VHDX) that are in
the virtual machine.
When you issue the -preview option, the backup operation does not start.
You must issue the backup command without the -preview option to start
the backup operation.
This parameter displays detailed information about a virtual machine. Use
this option with -preview to view more details about the disks that are
involved in the backup operation.
When you issue the -detail option, the backup operation does not start.
You must issue the backup command without the -detail option to start
the backup operation.
Example commands
In the command output, the -preview parameter displays the VHDX labels in the
virtual machine:
VM Name: VM3
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3.VHDX
Capacity: 40.00 GB
Size: 9.09 GB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 1
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume3\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3-DISK2.VHDX
Capacity: 127.00 GB
Size: 4.00 MB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 1
When the -detail parameter is specified with the -preview parameter, the VHDX
labels and their subdisks are shown:
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3.VHDX
Capacity: 40.00 GB
Size: 9.09 GB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 1
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3_9B26166-9C3E.avhdx
Capacity: 40.00 GB
Size: 1.25 GB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: included
Disk Type: AVHDX
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume3\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3-DISK2.VHDX
Capacity: 127.00 GB
Size: 4.00 MB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 1
Name: c:\ClusterStorage\Volume3\Hyper-V\VM3\VM3-Disk2_243D063-9CD9.avhdx
Capacity: 127.00 GB
Size: 4.00 MB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: included
Disk Type: AVHDX
36 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
1. VM Name: BigVM
Name: \\lingonberry\c$\Users\michael\Documents\Storage\BigVM.vhdx
Capacity: 5.85 TB
Size: 5.00 MB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 0
2. VM Name: Gentoox64
3. VM Name: HPV2VM3-OLD
4. VM Name: Local10
Name: \\lingonberry\c$\Users\michael\Documents\Storage\Local10.vhdx
Capacity: 127.00 GB
Size: 4.00 MB
Full Backup: included
Incremental Backup: excluded
Disk Type: VHDX
Number of Subdisk: 0
When you are working in interactive mode, a prompt notifies you before files are
The expire command does not remove workstation files. If you expire a file or
directory that still exists on your workstation, the file or directory is backed up
again during the next incremental backup, unless you exclude the object from
backup processing.
If you expire a directory that contains active files, those files are not displayed in a
subsequent query from the GUI. However, these files are displayed on the
command line, if you specify the correct query with a wildcard character for the
Note: Because the expire command changes the server picture of the client file
system without changing the client file system, the expire command is not allowed
on files that are on a file system that is monitored by the IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager journal service.
►► EXPire ►
► ►◄
Specifies a path and a file name that you want to expire. You can enter only
one file specification on this command. However, you can use wildcards to
select a group of files or all the files in a directory. If you specify the filelist
option, the filespec designation is ignored.
vmname specifies the name of a virtual machine. The active backup for the
specified virtual machine is expired. The virtual machine name cannot contain
wildcard characters.
When objtype=VM is specified, the expire command expires only full virtual
machine backups (MODE=FULL or MODE=IFFULL) for the virtual machine that is
specified on the vmname parameter.
Table 2. Expire command: Related options
Option Where to use
dateformat “Dateformat” Client options file (dsm.opt) or command line.
on page 45
38 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Table 2. Expire command: Related options (continued)
Option Where to use
filelist “Filelist” on Command line only.
page 49
noprompt “Noprompt” on Command line only.
page 55
numberformat Client options file (dsm.opt) or command line.
“Numberformat” on page
pick “Pick” on page 56 Command line only.
timeformat “Timeformat” Client user-options file (dsm.opt) or command line.
on page 58
Task Deactivate the letter1.txt file in the home directory.
Command: dsmc expire c:\home\letter1.txt
Task Deactivate all files in the admin\mydir directory.
Command: dsmc expire c:\admin\mydir\*
Task Deactivate all files that are named in the c:\avi\filelist.txt file.
Command: dsmc expire -filelist=c:\avi\filelist.txt
Task Deactivate the current backup of the virtual machine that is named
Command: dsmc expire –objtype=VM vm_test
Query VM
Use the query vm command to determine which Hyper-V virtual machines were
backed up.
►► Query VM vmname ►◄
Specifies the virtual machine host name that you want to query. The virtual
machine name is case-sensitive. If you specify a virtual machine name on the
command, the name cannot contain wildcard characters.
If you omit the virtual machine name, the command displays all virtual
machine backups on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Task List all virtual machines that have been backed up by IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V
on the Hyper-V host.
dsmc query vm -vmbackuptype=hypervfull
Query VM examples
40 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
dsmc query vm -vmbackuptype=hypervfull -detail
The next example shows output from a query VM that includes the -detail option.
This command includes a virtual machine name so the output is only displayed for
the specified virtual machine. The detailed output includes the type of backup that
was performed, the size of the virtual machine, information about its disks, and
dsmc query vm HPV2VM1 -detail
The following example shows the syntax to use to list all Hyper-V virtual
machines that have been backed up by this node:
Restore VM
The restore vm command can be used to restore a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual
machine that was previously backed up by IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V.
If the virtual machine that you are restoring exists on the Hyper-V host server, it is
shut down and deleted before it is restored from the image stored on the Tivoli
Storage Manager server. The Restore VM operation then creates the virtual
machine such that its content and configuration is identical to what it was when
the backup occurred. Even though the client shuts down the virtual machine
before deleting it, manually shutting down the virtual machine before running
Restore VM is a good practice to bring any in-progress application activities to an
orderly stop.
►► REStore VM sourcevmspec ►
► ►◄
-vmname= new_vm_name -targetpath= path options
Any parameter that contains spaces must be enclosed in quotation (" ") marks.
Specifies the name of the virtual machine that was backed up. The virtual
machine name is case-sensitive.
Optional. Specifies a new name for the virtual machine. If this parameter is not
specified, the virtual machine is restored and it has the same name it had
when it was backed up. If you do specify a new name for a virtual machine, a
target path is required.
Use this parameter to restore the virtual machine to an alterative location on
the file system. This parameter is required when you specify the vmname
Table 4. Restore VM command: Related options when restoring Hyper-V virtual machines
Option Where to use
inactive Command line
pick Command line
pitdate Command line
pittime Command line
vmbackuptype Command line or client options file. To restore a Hyper-V
virtual machine, this option must be set to HYPERVFULL.
42 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Task Restore the most recent backup version of a virtual machine named
dsmc restore vm myvm
Options with a command-line example of Does not apply cannot be used with
command line or scheduled commands.
The dateformat option specifies the format you want to use to display or enter
Use this option if you want to change the default date format for the language of
the message repository you are using.
You can use the dateformat option with the expire command.
When you include the dateformat option with a command, it must precede the
fromdate and pitdate options.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt). You can set this option on the
Regional Settings tab, Date Format drop-down list of the Preferences editor.
►► DATEformat format_number ►◄
Displays the date using one of the following formats. Select the number that
corresponds to the date format you want to use:
This is the default for the following available translations:
Options file:
dateformat 3
Command line:
This option is valid on the initial command line and in interactive mode. If you
use this option in interactive mode, it affects only the command with which it is
specified. When that command completes, the value reverts to the value at the
beginning of the interactive session. This is the value from the dsm.opt file unless
overridden by the initial command line or by an option forced by the server.
The date or time format you specify with this option must be used when using
options that take date and time as input. Examples are: totime, fromtime, todate,
fromdate, and pittime.
For example, if you specify the timeformat option as TIMEFORMAT 4, the value that
you provide on the fromtime or totime option must be specified as a time such as
12:24:00pm. Specifying 13:24:00 would not be valid because TIMEFORMAT 4 requires
an hour integer that is 12 or less. If you want to specify up to 24 hour values on an
option, and if you want to use commas as separators, you must specify TIMEFORMAT
46 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Use the detail option to display management class, file space, and backup
Use the detail with the query vm command to display the following statistics:
v The average number of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager objects that are needed to
describe a single megablock, across all megablocks in a backup.
v The average number of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager objects that are needed to
describe a single megablock, for all megablocks in a filespace.
v The number of backups that were created since the last full backup was created
from the production disks.
The values returned on query vm can help you fine tune the heuristics (see the
Mbobjrefreshthresh and Mbpctrefreshthresh options) to fine tune the values
trigger for megablock refreshes.
►► DETail ►◄
There are no parameters for this option.
Command line:
The domain.vmfull option specifies the virtual machines to include in your backup
Use this option to specify which Hyper-V virtual machines are processed when
you run a backup vm -vmbackuptype=hypervfull command, without specifying any
Hyper-V virtual machine names.
You can specify which virtual machines are to be processed by using any of the
following techniques:
v Use the VM= option and specify the name of a virtual machine.
v Provide a comma-separated list of virtual machine names.
v Use wildcard syntax to process virtual machines that match the name pattern.
v Use the all-vm domain-level parameter. You can also include one or more
virtual machines by using the VM= keyword, or exclude virtual machines by
using the -VM= syntax.
The virtual machines that are specified on the domain.vmfull option are processed
only when the backup vm command is entered without specifying a virtual machine
or a list of virtual machines on the command line.
Set this option in the client options, by using the command line, or by using the
VM Backup tab of the Preferences editor.
►► DOMAIN.VMFUll ▼ ►◄
Defines the virtual machine name that you want to process. You can supply a
list of virtual machine host names, by separating the names with commas
(vm1,VM2,Vm5). The names are case-sensitive and must match the capitalization
that is shown on the Hyper-V host in the Hyper-V Manager > Virtual
Machines view.
The vm= keyword specifies that the next set of values is a list of virtual
machine names. The vm= keyword is the default and is not required.
In this example, vm= is not specified and commas are used to separate the
machine names.
domain.vmfull my_vm1,my_vm2
If you specify multiple keywords, such as vm= and -vm=, the values that the
keywords refer to must be separated by semicolons, with no intervening space
domain.vmfull vm=my_vm1;vm=my_vm2
domain.vmfull -vm=my_vm3;-vm=my_vm4
Wildcard characters can be used to select virtual machine names that match a
pattern. An asterisk (*) matches any sequence of characters. A question mark
(?) matches any single character, for example:
v Exclude all files that have “test” in the host name: -vm=*test*
v Include all virtual machines with names such as: “test20”, “test25”, “test29”,
“test2A”: vm=test2?
You can exclude a virtual machine from a backup operation by specifying the
exclude operator (-) before the vm= keyword. For example, -vm is used to
exclude a particular machine, or machines, from a domain level backup, such
as, ALL-VM. You cannot use the exclude operator (-) to exclude a domain, such
as ALL-VM. The exclude operator works only at the virtual machine name level.
This option specifies that a backup vm operation processes all Hyper-V virtual
machines that are known to the Hyper-V host.
48 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Options file:
Include all virtual machines in full VM backup operations.
domain.vmfull all-vm
Include all virtual machines in full VM backup operations, except for the
ones that have a name suffix of _test.
domain.vmfull all-vm;-vm=*_test
Include all virtual machines in full VM backup operations, but exclude
virtual machines testvm1 and testmvm2.
domain.vmfull all-vm;-VM=testvm1,testvm2
Use the filelist option to process a list of files.
You can use the filelist option with the expire command.
The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager client opens the file you specify with this option
and processes the list of files within according to the specific command. When you
use the filelist option, Tivoli Storage Manager ignores all other file specifications
on the command line.
The files (entries) listed in the filelist must adhere to the following rules:
v Each entry must be a fully-qualified or a relative path to a file or directory. Note
that if you include a directory in a filelist entry, the directory is backed up, but
the contents of the directory are not.
v Each path must be specified on a single line. A line can contain only one path.
v Paths must not contain control characters, such as 0x18 (CTRL-X), 0x19 (CTRL-Y)
and 0x0A (newline).
v The filelist can be an MBCS file or a Unicode file with all Unicode entries.
v Any Tivoli Storage Manager filelist entry that does not comply with these rules
is ignored.
You can use the filelist option during an open file support operation. In this
case, Tivoli Storage Manager processes the entries in the filelist from the virtual
volume instead of the real volume.
If an entry in the filelist indicates a directory, only that directory is processed and
not the files within the directory.
If the file name (the filelistspec) you specify with the filelist option does not
exist, the command fails. Tivoli Storage Manager skips any entries in the filelist
that are not valid files or directories. Tivoli Storage Manager logs errors and
processing continues to the next entry.
Tip: Tivoli Storage Manager might back up a directory twice if the following
conditions exist:
v The filelist contains an entry for the directory
v The filelist contains one or more entries for files within that directory
v No backup of the directory exists
For example, your filelist includes the entries c:\dir0\myfile and c:\dir0. If the
\dir0 directory does not exist on the server, the c:\dir0 directory is sent to the
server a second time.
►► FILEList = filelistspec ►◄
Specifies the location and name of the file that contains the list of files to
process with the command.
Note: When you specify the filelist option on the command line, the subdir
option is ignored.
Command line:
sel -filelist=c:\avi\filelist.txt
Use the inactive option to display both active and inactive objects.
You can use the inactive option with the query vm and restore vm commands.
Important: When using the inactive option during a restore operation, also use
the pick option because all versions are restored in an indeterminate order. This
option is implicit when pitdate is used.
►► INActive ►◄
Command line:
dsmc restore vm VM1 -inactive
50 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
This option overrides the management class that is specified on the vmmc option.
The management class specified on the vmmc option applies to all backups. You can
use the include.vm option to override that management class, for one or more
virtual machines. The include.vm option does not override or affect the
management class that is specified by the vmctlmc option. The vmctlmc option
binds backed-up virtual machine control files to a specific management class.
Options File
►► INCLUDE.VM vmname ►◄
Required parameter. Specifies the name of a virtual machine that you want to
bind to the specified management class. Only one virtual machine can be
specified on each include.vm statement. However, you can specify as many
include.vm statements as needed to bind each virtual machine to a specific
management class.
You can include wildcards in the virtual machine name. An asterisk (*)
matches any character string. A question mark (?) matches a single character. If
the virtual machine name contains a space character, enclose the name in
double quotation marks (").
Tip: If the virtual machine name contains special characters, type the question
mark wildcard in place of the special characters when you specify the virtual
machine name.
Optional parameter. Specifies the management class to use when the specified
virtual machine is backed up. If this parameter is not specified, the
management class defaults to the global virtual machine management class
that is specified by the vmmc option.
Assume that the following management classes exist and are active on the Tivoli
Storage Manager server:
Example 1
The following include.vm statement in the client options file binds all
virtual machines that have names that begin with VMTEST to the
management class called MCFORTESTVMS:
include.vm vmtest* MCFORTESTVMS
Related information
“Vmmc” on page 63
Use the mode option to specify the backup mode to use when performing specific
backup operations.
You can use the mode option with the backup vm command. this parameter specifies
whether to perform a full image backup, an incremental-forever full backup, or an
incremental-forever-incremental backup of Hyper-V virtual machines.
The mode option has no effect on a when backing up a raw logical device.
►► MODE = ►◄
Specifies that you want to perform an incremental-forever-incremental backup
of a Hyper-V virtual machine. An incremental-forever-incremental backup
backs up only the disk blocks that have changed since the last backup. This is
the default backup mode.
You cannot use this backup mode to back up a virtual machine if the client is
configured to encrypt the backup data.
Specifies that you want to perform an incremental-forever-full backup of a
Hyper-V virtual machine. An incremental-forever-full backup backs up all used
blocks on a virtual machine's disks. By default, the first backup of a Hyper-V
virtual machine is an incremental-forever-full (mode=iffull) backup, even if
you specify mode=ifincremental (or let the mode option default). Subsequent
backups default to mode=ifincremental.
52 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
You cannot use this backup mode to back up a virtual machine if the client is
configured to encrypt the backup data.
Task Perform an incremental-forever-full VM backup of a Windows Hyper-V
VM named msvm1
dsmc backup vm msvm1 -mode=iffull
Task Perform an incremental-forever-incremental backup of a Windows Hyper-V
VM named msvm1
dsmc backup vm msvm1 -mode=ifincremental
Related reference:
“Backup VM” on page 33
The mbobjrefreshthresh (megablock object refresh threshold) option is a number
defining a threshold. When the number of Tivoli Storage Manager objects that are
needed to describe any 128 MB megablock exceeds this value, the entire megablock
is refreshed and the objects that were used to represent this area, in previous
backups, are expired.
When you backup a virtual machine, the data is stored on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server in 128 MB units, called megablocks. If an area on the production
disk changes and a new incremental backup is performed, a new megablock is
created to represent the changes that were made to the previously backed up data.
Because a new megablock can be created with each incremental backup, eventually
the megablocks can adversely affect the performance of the Tivoli Storage Manager
database, and therefore, adversely affect the performance of most Tivoli Storage
Manager operations.
Use this option when estimating Tivoli Storage Manager objects that represent
production data for each virtual machine backup. For example, when the number
of Tivoli Storage Manager objects exceed this value, the megablock is refreshed.
This action means that the entire 128-MB block is copied to the Tivoli Storage
Manager server and is represented as a single Tivoli Storage Manager object. The
minimum value is 2 and the maximum value is 8192. The default value is 50.
Options file
The minimum value you can specify is 2 megablocks, the largest value is 8192
megablocks; the default is 50 megablocks.
Set this option to trigger a megablock refresh when the number of objects needed
to represent an updated megablock exceeds 20 objects:
The mbpctrefreshthresh (megablock percentage refresh threshold) option is a
number defining a threshold. When the number of Tivoli Storage Manager
percentage of objects that are needed to describe any 128 MB megablock exceeds
this value, the entire megablock is refreshed and the objects that were used to
represent this area, in previous backups, are expired.
When you backup a virtual machine, data is stored on the Tivoli Storage Manager
server in 128 MB units, called megablocks. If an area on the production disk changes
and a new incremental backup is performed, a new megablock is created to
represent the changes that were made to the previously backed up data. Because a
new megablock can be created with each incremental backup, eventually the
megablocks can adversely affect the performance of the Tivoli Storage Manager
database, and therefore, adversely affect the performance of most Tivoli Storage
Manager operations.
Use this option when estimating the amount of additional data that is backed up
for each virtual machine. For example, when a 128-MB block of a production disk
changes more than the percentage specified, the entire 128-MB block is copied to
the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The block is represented as a single Tivoli
Storage Manager object.
Options file
The minimum value you can specify is 1 percent, the largest value is 99 percent;
the default is 50 percent.
Set this option to trigger a megablock refresh when 50 percent (or more) of the
objects in a megablock on a production disk have changed:
54 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
The noprompt option suppresses the confirmation prompt that is presented by the
expire command.
►► NOPrompt ►◄
Command line:
dsmc expire -noprompt c:\home\project\*
The numberformat option specifies the format you want to use to display numbers.
Use this option if you want to change the default number format for the language
of the message repository you are using.
By default, format information is obtained from the locale definition in effect at the
time the client is called. Consult the documentation on your local system for
details about setting up your locale definition.
You can only use the numberformat option with the expire command.
Options File
Place this option in the client user-options file (dsm.opt). You can set this option on
the Regional Settings tab, Number Format field of the Preferences editor.
►► NUMberformat number ►◄
Displays numbers using any one of the following formats. Specify the number
(0–6) that corresponds to the number format you want to use.
0 Use the locale-specified date format. This is the default (does not apply to
Mac OS X).
1 1,000.00
This is the default for the following available translations:
v US English
v Japanese
Options file:
num 4
Command line:
This option is valid on the initial command line and in interactive mode. If you
use this option in interactive mode, it affects only the command with which it is
specified. When that command completes, the value reverts to the value at the
beginning of the interactive session. This is the value from the dsm.opt file unless
overridden by the initial command line or by an option forced by the server.
The pick option creates a list of backup versions or archive copies that match the
file specification you enter.
From the list, you can select the versions to process. Include the inactive option to
view both active and inactive objects.
►► PIck ►◄
56 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Command line:
dsmc restore vm vmfin* -pick -inactive
Use the pitdate option with the pittime option to establish a point in time to
display or restore the latest version of your backups.
Files that were backed up on or before the date and time you specify, and which
were not deleted before the date and time you specify, are processed. Backup
versions that you create after this date and time are ignored.
Use the pitdate option with the query vm and restore vm commands.
When pitdate is used, the inactive and latest options are implicit.
►► PITDate = date ►◄
Specifies the appropriate date.
Command line:
dsmc restore vm vmfin3 -pitdate=02/21/2014
Use the pittime option with the pitdate option to establish a point in time to
display or restore the latest version of your backups.
Files that were backed up on or before the date and time you specify, and which
were not deleted before the date and time you specify, are processed. Backup
versions that you create after this date and time are ignored. This option is ignored
if you do not specify pitdate option.
Use the pittime option with the query vm and restore vm commands.
►► PITTime = time ►◄
Command line:
dsmc query vm vmfin1 -pitt=06:00:00 -pitd=02/03/2014
The timeformat option specifies the format in which you want to display and enter
system time.
Use this option if you want to change the default time format for the language of
the message repository you are using.
By default, format information is obtained from the locale definition in effect at the
time the client is called. Consult the documentation on your local system for
details about setting up your locale definition.
You can only use the timeformat option with the expire command.
When you include the timeformat option with a command, it must precede the
fromtime, pittime, and totime options.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt). You can set this option on the
Regional Settings tab, Time Format field of the Preferences editor.
►► TIMEformat format_number ►◄
Displays time in one of the formats listed here. Select the format number that
corresponds to the format you want to use. When you include the timeformat
option in a command, it must precede the pittime option.
1 23:00:00
2 23,00,00
3 23.00.00
4 12:00:00 A/P
5 A/P 12:00:00
Options file:
timeformat 4
Command line:
58 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
This option is valid on the initial command line and in interactive mode. If you
use this option in interactive mode, it affects only the command with which it is
specified. When that command completes, the value reverts to the value at the
beginning of the interactive session. This is the value from the dsm.opt file unless
overridden by the initial command line or by an option forced by the server.
For example, if you specify the timeformat option as TIMEFORMAT 4, the value that
you provide on the fromtime or totime option must be specified as a time such as
12:24:00pm. Specifying 13:24:00 would not be valid because TIMEFORMAT 4 requires
an hour integer that is 12 or less. If you want to specify up to 24 hour values on an
option, and if you want to use commas as separators, you must specify TIMEFORMAT
The vmbackdir option specifies the temporary disk location where the client saves
control files that are created during full VM backup and restore operations of
Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines.
When a client on a data mover node starts a full VM backup of a virtual machine,
the client creates metadata in files that are associated with the backed up virtual
machine and its data. The files that contain the metadata are referred to as control
During full VM backup operations, the metadata is saved on a disk in the data
mover node until the backup completes and both the virtual machine data and the
control files are saved to server storage. During a full VM restore operation, the
control files are copied from the server and are temporarily stored on the data
mover disk, where they are used to restore the virtual machine and its data. After
a backup or a restore operation completes, the control files are no longer needed
and the client deletes them from their temporary disk location.
The directory that is specified by this option must be on a drive that contains
sufficient free space to contain the control information from a full VM backup.
Options File
Set this option in the client options file, or specify it on the command line as an
option for the backup vm or restore vm commands.
►► VMBACKDir directory ►◄
Specifies the path where the control files are stored on the backup server.
The default is c:\mnt\tsmvmbackup\fullvm\
Use the vmbackuptype option with the backup VM or restore VM command to
specify a Hyper-V full VM backup.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), or on the command line.
Specify this value when you perform a full VM backup of one or more
Hyper-V virtual machines.
Options file:
VMBACKUPT hypervfull
Command line:
dsmc backup vm VM2 -VMBACKUPT=hypervfull -MODE=IFFULL
Performs a full virtual-machine backup of Hyper-V virtual machine named
"VM2", to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
This option specifies the management class to use when backing up virtual
machine control files.
By default, virtual machine control files are bound to the default management
class. The vmmc option can be used to specify a different management class to
which virtual machine data and virtual machine control files are bound. The
vmctlmc option overrides the default management class and the vmmc option for the
virtual machine control files.
The vmctlmc option is required if virtual machine data files are backed up to tape.
Virtual machine control files must be backed up to a disk-based storage pool that
does not migrate to tape. The storage pool can be composed of random access
60 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
volumes and sequential file volumes; the storage pool can also be a deduplicated
pool. Use the vmctlmc option to specify a management class that stores data in
such a storage pool.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file dsm.opt.
►► VMCTLmc class_name ►◄
Specifies a management class that applies to backing up virtual machine
control files. If you do not set this option, the management class that is
specified on the vmmc option is used. If you do not set this option and the vmmc
option is not set, the default management class of the node is used.
Options file:
vmctlmc diskonlymc
Command line:
Does not apply.
This option is used to configure parallel backups of several virtual machines, using
a single instance of the backup-archive client. The vmmaxparallel option specifies
the maximum number of virtual machines that can be backed up to the server, at
any one time.
Options file
This option is valid in the client options file (dsm.opt) or on the command line for
Backup VM. It can also be included on the server in a client options set. It cannot be
set in the Preferences Editor.
►► VMMAXParallel ►◄
Options file
Related reference:
“Backup VM” on page 33
“Domain.vmfull” on page 47
62 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Use the vmmc option to store virtual machine backups by using a management class
other than the default management class. The vmmc option is only valid when
vmbackuptype=hypervfull option is set.
Options File
Place this option in the client options file (dsm.opt), or on the command line.
►► VMMC management_class_name ►◄
Specifies a management class that applies to the backed up virtual machine
data. If you do not set this option, the default management class of the node is
Task: Run a backup of the virtual machine that is named myVirtualMachine and
save the backup according to the management class that is named
dsmc backup vm "myVirtualMachine" -vmmc=myManagmentClass
These configurations do not require the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent to
be installed in each virtual machine guest. Instead, an off-host instance is
responsible for file restore of multiple virtual machines. With this configuration,
the mount process exposes a virtual volume from a selected disk partition. For
GPT disks, the whole disk must be exposed to make the partitions available, and
the disk must be iSCSI connected. Use the recovery agent GUI to accomplish this
You must register a node that is associated with the recovery agent. The recovery
agent node must be granted proxy authority to access the data node (or nodes)
where the snapshots are stored. When a snapshot is mounted to the off-host server,
the virtual volume can be network-shared to make it accessible to the virtual
machine guest. Or, you can copy the files from the mounted volume to the virtual
machine guest by any file-sharing method.
v For step by step restore instructions, see “Restoring one or more files” on page
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent node name is typically granted access
only to the virtual machine where it is running with the Tivoli Storage Manager
backup-archive client dsmc set access command. The restore process is typically
begun by a user who logs in to the guest machine of the virtual machine.
For these configurations, be sure to compare the specific virtual machine guest
operating system requirements with the supported levels of Tivoli Storage Manager
recovery agent. If a specific operating system is not supported, determine if the
off-host disk / block device exposure configuration can also be used for file
restore. Use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI to accomplish this
v For planning information and operating system-based guidelines, see Chapter 6,
“Mount and file restore.”
v For step-by-step restore instructions, see “Restoring one or more files” on page
This configuration exposes an iSCSI target from the instance of the off-host Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent and manually uses an in-guest iSCSI initiator to
In this configuration, the user specifies the virtual machine guest iSCSI initiator
name for the system where the iSCSI device is accessed. After a disk snapshot is
mounted, it can be discovered and logged in to by using the iSCSI initiator in the
virtual machine guest.
If you back up a virtual machine that contains GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks
and want to mount the volume in the GPT disk, follow this procedure:
1. Mount the GPT disk as an iSCSI target.
2. Use the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator to log onto the target.
3. Open the Windows Disk Management to find the disk and bring it online. You
can then view the volume in the GPT disk.
v For planning information and operating system-based guidelines, see Chapter 6,
“Mount and file restore,” on page 65.
v For step by step restore instructions, see “Restoring one or more files” on page
Mount snapshots with the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI. Install and
run the recovery agent on a system that is connected to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server through a LAN. You cannot use the recovery agent component operations in
a LAN-free path.
66 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
v The recovery agent cannot connect to multiple servers or nodes simultaneously.
As a result, avoid concurrent recovery agent sessions on the same tape volume.
Mount guidelines
Snapshots can be mounted in either read-only or read/write mode. In read/write
mode, recovery agent saves changes to data in memory. If the service is restarted,
the changes are lost.
When mounted volumes exist and you start Mount from the Start menu, this
message is displayed:
Some snapshots are currently mounted. If you choose to continue, these snapshots will be
dismounted. Note that if a mounted volume is currently being used by an application, the
application may become unstable. Continue?
When Yes is clicked, the mounted volumes are unmounted, even when they are in
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent can be used for the following tasks:
v Recovering lost or damaged files from a backup
v Mounting a virtual machine guest volume and creating an archive of the virtual
machine guest files
v Mounting database applications for batch reports
The virtual volume can be viewed by using any file manager, for example
Windows Explorer. The directories and files in the snapshot can be viewed and
managed like any other file. If you edit the files and save your changes, after you
unmount the volume, your changes are lost because the changed data is held in
memory and never saved to disk. Because the changes are written to memory, the
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent can use a large amount of RAM when it is
working in read/write mode.
The default read only mount option is the preferred method, unless a mounted
volume must be writeable. For example, an archive application might require write
access to the archived volume.
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent mounts snapshots from the Tivoli
Storage Manager server. In the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI, click
Remove to close an existing connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. You
must remove any existing connection before you can establish a new connection to
a different server or different node. Dismount all volumes before you click
Remove. The remove operation fails if there are active mount and restore sessions
in the mount machines. You cannot remove the connection to a server when you
are running a file restore from that server. You must first dismount all virtual
devices and stop all restore sessions before you disconnect from a server. If you do
not do so, the connection is not removed.
You must unmount all virtual volumes before you uninstall the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent. Otherwise, these mounted virtual volumes cannot be
unmounted after the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is reinstalled.
Mounting a snapshot from the same tape storage pool by two instances of Mount
can cause one of these results:
v The second Mount instance is blocked until the first instance is complete.
v Both mounts succeed, but the performance is poor.
When restoring data from a mirrored volume, mount only one of the disks that
contains the mirrored volume. Mounting both disks causes Windows to attempt a
resynchronization of the disks. However, both disks contain a different time stamp
if mounted. As a result, all data is copied from one disk to the other disk. This
amount of data cannot be accommodated by the virtual volume. When you must
recover data from a volume that spans two disks, and those disks contain a
mirrored volume, complete these steps:
1. Mount the two disks.
2. Use the iSCSI initiator to connect to the first disk.
3. Use Windows Disk Manager to import this disk. Ignore any message regarding
4. Delete the mirrored partition from the first (or imported) disk.
5. Use the iSCSI initiator to connect to the second disk.
6. Use Windows Disk Manager to import the second disk.
Both volumes are now available.
Restriction: Do not change the Tivoli Storage Manager node password while
running a file restore from snapshots stored in that node.
68 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
File restore guidelines
You can use the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent for efficient file restore and
to minimize downtime by mounting snapshots to virtual volumes. File restore is
supported from snapshots of NTFS, FAT, or FAT32 volumes.
If you are running a file restore of data on dynamic disks, the snapshot must be
mounted to a server that has the same version of Windows, or a newer version of
Windows, as the node that created the snapshot. Files on the dynamic disk can be
accessed indirectly by nodes that have older versions of Windows, by mapping a
drive on the older nodes to a CIFS share where the snapshot is mounted.
Important: The ACL values associated with the folders and files that are restored
in a file restore operation are not transferred to the restored files. To maintain ACL
values, use the XCOPY command when copying files from the target.
If your restore operation accesses the virtual machine disk snapshot with an
in-guest iSCSI initiator, make sure the following conditions exist before proceeding:
v The iSCSI device is configured and the iSCSI Initiator program is running.
v Port 3260 is open in the LAN firewall between the system where the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent GUI is installed and the initiator system.
To mount a backed up virtual machine disk and export the mounted volume for a
file restore operation, complete the following steps:
1. Start the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI.
On the Windows system, go to Start > Apps by name > IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager > Tivoli Storage Manager Recovery Agent.
The Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI can either be installed on the
virtual machine guest or installed on a separate host.
2. Connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by clicking Select TSM server.
The target node is where the backups are located. You can manage the level of
access to the target node data by specifying a different node name in the Node
access method section.
3. Select a virtual machine from the list.
70 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
9. Specify a drive letter or an empty folder as a mount point for the virtual
10. Click OK to create a Virtual Volume that can be used to recover the files.
11. When the Virtual Volume is created, use Windows Explorer to copy the files to
your preferred location.
Tip: The ACL values associated with the folders and files that are restored in
a file restore operation are not transferred to the restored files. To maintain
ACL values, use the XCOPY command when copying files from the target.
Related tasks:
“Configuring the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI” on page 24
“Manually configuring an iSCSI device” on page 28
You can use the recovery agent CLI to manage only one system running the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent.
On a Windows system, click Start > Apps by name > IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager > Recovery Agent CLI.
Use the mount command to complete various Tivoli Storage Manager recovery
agent tasks.
The recovery agent CLI can be used to mount (mount add) and unmount (mount
del) volumes and disks, and to view a list of mounted volumes (mount view).To
use the mount command, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent must be
running. Use the set_connection command to connect a RecoveryAgentShell.exe to
the mount application.
Snapshots are mounted or unmounted on the system where the Tivoli Storage
Manager recovery agent is running.
► date date_format ►
Command types
add Use this command type to mount a disk or volume of a snapshot to the
system where Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is running.
The following list identifies the tags and parameters for the add command
This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the following targets:
v Virtual volume - only for a partition mount
v Reparse point - only for a partition mount
v iSCSI target
-rep This tag is required. Use it to specify the Tivoli Storage Manager
server that is storing the snapshots, and the Tivoli Storage Manager
node that has access to the backups. For example:
tsm: ip=<ip/host_name> port=<port_number>
node=<node_name> pass=<node_password>
You can also specify the as_node and from_node options. If the
password field is empty, the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent
attempts to use the password for the stored node.
-type This tag is required. Use it to specify that you want to mount a
disk or a partition. The options are:
-type disk
-type partition
This tag is required. Use it to specify the machine name that is
source of the snapshot. The specified value is case-sensitive.
-disk This tag is required. Use it to specify the disk number of the source
backed up machine to be mounted.
-date This tag is required. Use it to specify the date of the snapshot that
you want to mount. The date format is yyyy-Mmm-dd hh:mm:ss. For
-date "2013-Apr-12 22:42:52 AM"
74 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
expiring during the operation. Expiration might occur because
another snapshot is added to the mounted snapshot sequence. This
value specifies whether to disable expiration protection during the
mount operation. You can specify one of the following values:
Yes Specify Yes to protect the snapshot from expiration. This
value is the default. The snapshot on the Tivoli Storage
Manager server is locked and the snapshot is protected
from expiration during the mount operation.
No Specify No to disable expiration protection. The snapshot on
the Tivoli Storage Manager server is not locked and the
snapshot is not protected from expiration during the
mount operation. As a result, the snapshot might expire
during the mount operation. This expiration can produce
unexpected results and negatively impact the mount point.
For example, the mount point can become unusable or
contain errors. However, expiration does not affect the
current active copy. The active copy cannot expire during
an operation.
When the snapshot is on a target replication server, the
snapshot cannot be locked because it is in read-only mode.
A lock attempt by the server causes the mount operation to
fail. To avoid the lock attempt and prevent such a failure,
disable expiration protection by specifying No.
dump Use this command type to get a list of all the available backups to mount.
The following list identifies the tags and parameters for the dump command
-rep This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the Tivoli Storage
Manager server storing the snapshots, and to specify the Tivoli
Storage Manager node that has access to the backups. For example:
tsm: ip=<IP/host name> port=<PortNumber>
node=<NodeName> pass=<NodePassword>
-file This tag is optional. Use this tag to identify a file name to store the
dump text. If this tag is not specified, the dump text is printed
only to stdout.
Use this type to remove the connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. A connection cannot be removed when it is in use, such as when
mounted volumes exist.
The following list identifies the tag for the remove command type:
-rep - This tag is required. Use this tag to specify the Tivoli Storage
Manager server connection to be removed.
view Use this type to view a list of all mounted snapshots. This type has no
Example commands
The following examples use the -target tag:
v In the following example V: is the virtual volume mount target:
-target "V:"
v In the following example a reparse point volume mount target is specified:
In the following example, remove the connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server ( using node NodeName:
mount remove -rep "tsm: NodeName@ip"
The set_connection command sets the Recovery Agent CLI to work with a
specified Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent.
►► RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c set_connection ►
Command type
Use this command type to set the connection from the recovery agent CLI
to the system where the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is installed.
The following list identifies the parameters for the mount_computer
command type:
76 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
IP address or host_name
This variable is required. Specify the IP address or hostname of the
system where the Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent is
Example commands
In the following example, the recovery agent CLI is set to work with the Tivoli
Storage Manager recovery agent on the ComputerName host.
set_connection mount_computer ComputerName
Related links for setting a connection
v “Mount” on page 73
v “Help”
The help command displays the help for all of the supported recovery agent CLI
►► RecoveryAgentShell.exe -c -h command ►◄
Command tag
-h Use this command tag to show help information.
The following list identifies the parameter for the mount_computer
command type:
This variable is required. Specify the Recovery Agent command for
which you want help information.
Example commands
In the following example, the recovery agent CLI is set to work with the IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent on the ComputerName host.
set_connection mount_computer ComputerName
Related links for setting a connection
v “Mount” on page 73
v “Set_connection” on page 76
Use these return codes to check the status of your recovery agent CLI operations.
Table 5. Recovery Agent CLI return codes
Code Value Description
0 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_SUCCESS Command submitted successfully to
Data Protection for Microsoft
Hyper-V mount.
0 FBC_MSG_DISMOUNT_SUCCESS Successfully dismounted a snapshot.
0 FBC_MSG_VIEW_SUCCESS View operation successful.
0 FBC_MSG_DUMP_SUCCESS Dump operation successful.
0 FBC_MSG_REMOVE_SUCCESS Remove operation successful.
1 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_FAIL Mount failed (See the mount logs for
2 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_DRIVER_ERROR Mount driver error.
3 FBC_MSG_VOLUME_LETTER_BUSY Volume letter or reparse point is in
4 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_WRONG_ Incorrect parameters assigned to the
PARAMETERS mount command (See the mount logs
for details).
5 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_ALREADY_ Job is already mounted on the
MOUNTED requested target.
6 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_WRONG_ Insufficient permissions.
7 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NETWORK_ Cannot mount on network mapped
DRIVE volume.
8 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_LOCKED_BY_ Snapshot locked by the server.
9 FBC_MSG_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_ Cannot change repository.
11 FBC_MSG_DISMOUNT_FAIL Failed to dismount a mounted
13 FBC_MSG_VIEW_FAIL Retrieving list of virtual volumes
15 FBC_MSG_DUMP_FAIL Dump command list creation failed.
16 FBC_MSG_CONNECTION_FAILED Disconnected from Data Protection
for Microsoft Hyper-V mount.
17 FBC_MSG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Operation timed out.
18 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_FAILED_TO_ Failed to find a valid repository with
19 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_JOB_NOT_ Failed to find the requested snapshot.
20 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_JOB_FOLDER_ Failed to find the requested snapshot
78 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
Table 5. Recovery Agent CLI return codes (continued)
Code Value Description
22 FBC_MSG_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_ Cannot remove selected repository.
23 FBC_MSG_REPOSITORY_GOT_ Repository has mounted snapshots.
38 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NOT_WRITABLE_ The mount volume is not writable
39 FBC_MSG_NO_TSM_REPOSITORY No Tivoli Storage Manager repository
was located.
40 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED_ Mounting the iSCSI target as read
AS_READONLY only is not allowed.
41 FBC_MSG_RESOURCE_BUSY_IN_ Data Protection for Microsoft
TAPE_MODE Hyper-V is running in tape mode -
media is busy.
42 FBC_MSG_DISK_TYPE_NOT_ Partition operation not supported for
SUPPORTED this type of disk.
43 FBC_MSG_MOUNT_INITIALIZING The operation failed, Data Protection
for Microsoft Hyper-V mount is
currently initializing. Try again later.
44 FBC_MSG_CANNOT_LOCK_ The snapshot cannot be protected
SNAPSHOT against expiration during this
operation. Refer to documentation for
more details.
Accessibility features
The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager family of products includes the following
accessibility features:
v Keyboard-only operation using standard operating-system conventions
v Interfaces that support assistive technology such as screen readers
The command-line interfaces of all products in the product family are accessible.
The Operations Center and the Tivoli Storage Manager server can be installed in
console mode, which is accessible.
The Operations Center help system is enabled for accessibility. For more
information, click the question mark icon on the help system menu bar.
Vendor software
The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes certain vendor software that is
not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about
the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for the accessibility
information about its products.
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84 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
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86 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
A glossary is available with terms and definitions for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager family of products.
B hardware requirements
back up Windows client 7
parallel 61 Hyper-V cmdlets 4
backup Hyper-V snapshots
incremental forever deleting 4
description 3 rolling back 4
backup vm command 33
C IBM Knowledge Center v
client features inactive option 50
Windows client 7 include.vm option 51
commands incremental backup
backup vm 33 process a list of files 49
expire 38 incremental forever
mount 73 description 3
query VM 39 installation procedure 8, 10
restore vm 42 silent 12
set_connection 76 iSCSI mount
configuring configuring 28
iSCSI mount 28
overview 15
Tivoli Storage Manager recovery agent GUI
control files 59
24 K
keyboard 81
Knowledge Center v
date format
specifying 45
LAN environment 66
dateformat option 45
detail option 47
disability 81
disk space requirements M
Windows client 7 managing snapshots 4
documentation 4 Mbobjrefreshthresh 53
domain Mbpctrefreshthresh 54
include for full vm backups 47 memory requirements
domain.vmfull option 47 Windows client 7
mode option 52
mount command 73
E mounting snapshots 66
expire command 38
F New in Data Protection for Hyper-V Version 7.1.8
noprompt option 55
file space 47
filelist option 49
specifying 55
numberformat option 55
archive a list of 49
restore overview 67
restore task (Windows) 69
backups, establish point-in-time 57
create list of backup versions to 56
display active and inactive objects 50
list of files 49
restore vm command 42
list of files 49
set_connection command 76
silent install 12
snapshot management 4
mounting 66
syntax diagram
reading 31
repeating values 31
required choices 31
90 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Installation and User's Guide
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