Set To Revolutionize Video and Data Archiving
Set To Revolutionize Video and Data Archiving
Set To Revolutionize Video and Data Archiving
Hollywood Film Archiving
The modern motion picture business does a very comprehensive and reliable job of
archiving feature-length motion pictures using film archives. But looking back over the
past 100 years, Hollywood’s history of archiving has been uneven. Many of the earliest
movies have been lost because long-term preservation of motion pictures was not
considered important – either commercially or culturally. Many titles in early film libraries
on flammable nitrate stock were destroyed by fire or merely thrown in the trash; other
generations saw their film masters turn to “vinegar” in hot, humid warehouses until current
climate control requirements for long-term film preservation were well understood. As a
result, fewer than half of the feature films made before 1950 have survived, and less
than 20% have survived from the 1920s [US, LC, NFPB, Natl. Film Preservation Plan].
Today, files can be lost from computers in any number of ways—you might accidentally Software
delete a file, a virus might wipe one out, or there could be a complete hard drive failure.
When a hard drive crashes unexpectedly, it can be devastating, especially if the content
cannot be replicated from the original source or if it affects normal business operation.
Important data such as video, photos, significant documents, downloaded music, User
and more can be lost forever. At best it can cost several thousand dollars to recover System/Hardware
26% Malfunction
from lost data.
Source: Ontrack Data Recovery
There are many options for backing up content, without any sophisticated equipment—
you can use external hard drives, optical discs, online storage or even the cloud.
Best practices suggest that archivists back up data to multiple places and media types.
Optical Disc Archive
Optical Disc Archive is an optical disc-based storage system based on Blu-ray technology but inherits some key attributes
from Sony’s Professional Disc (XDCAM ®) format. This system involves the use of multiple bare discs contained within a very
robust cartridge. No specialized software is needed to manage the disc cartridge and drive -providing a seamless
read/write capability presented as a single volume with a viewable file directory.
deleted files to be restored. 25 50 75 100 125 (Sec) Adobe, ASG-Atempo, AVID, Dalet, Front Porch Digital, Harris,
*When used ODC600RE cartridge Source: Sony Test Qstar, SGL, Square Box Systems Ltd, Vizrt
Optical Disc Archive Cartridge
High Reliability, & Durability, Optimized for long term archiving.
The non-contact read/write technology of optical disc enables high reliability.
Optical disc technology is extremely robust with a media archival life estimated
at up to 50 years*, substantially longer than other storage media in the market.
The cartridge is designed to be highly durable and resilient in a wide range
of environmental conditions. This enables you to store the media in the typical
office environment and does not require special climate controlled conditions.
*Estimated average archival life based on internal acceleration testing.
The cartridge* contains 12 discs that appear to the user as Capacity*2 300 GB 600 GB 1.2 TB 1.5 TB
one volume of mass storage with an easy to see file directory. Recording time*
8.5 Hours 18.5 Hours 38 Hours 48 Hours
MPEG HD422 50Mbps
The file format is UDF (Universal Disk Format), to allow for easy media More than More than More than
Rewritable Cycles - - -
exchange without the need for specialized software. Each cartridge 1,000 times 1,000 times 1,000 times
Read Cycles*
More than 1,000,000 times
allows random access to files and high speed data retrieval.
Temperature 41°F to 131°F (5°C to 55°C)
*The cartridge cannot be opened by users.
Storage Temperature/ 14°F to 131°F (-10°C to +55°C) / 3% to 90% RH (Short term Transportation condition)
Humidity 50°F to 86°F (10°C to 30°C) / 30% to 70% RH (Long term Recommended )
Estimated 50 years
Archival life*
*1: Only the index reference is changed when the user deletes a file and the capacity on the disc is not restored, unless it is
last recorded file on disc. The initial capacity can only be restored by re-formatting the cartridge.
*2: Recording capacity depends on the usage environment. Actual recordable capacity may be smaller than indicated
on the cartridge.
*3: The recording time is for reference only and based on a fully recorded disc at the specified data rate.
*4: Read cycles = Number of time for reading data in the disc.
*5: Estimated average archival life based on internal acceleration testing.
Optical Disc Archive Drive
ODS-D55U Drive Main Features
ODS - D77U Drive Fast Transfer Speeds
ODS-D55U with transfer speeds of 330 Mbps (read) and
210 Mbps (write-once disc)
ODS-D77U more than doubles the read and write speeds
of the ODS-D55U
Transfer Speed
Simple Management System Example
A Content Manager software license is supplied with the
drive for stand-alone usage. Easy-to-connect USB 3.0 interface
Simple graphical user interface to manage files easily
Supports troublesome tasks including creating metadata USB3.0
Print label function to improve work-flow efficiency
mount automatically
Automatically generates proxy and thumbnail metadata for
easy browsing of on-line and off-line cartridge media
Supports a variety of formats for creating metadata Macintosh or Windows computer
MD5 checksum for archive data
Import/export metadata created in the cartridge unit
Optical Disc Archive Library
ODS-L10 10 Slots Library Main Features
Compact All-in-one Design
This new mini robotic library holds up to two Optical Disc
Archive drives, a maximum of 10 cartridges, and a built-in
robotic mechanism in a 5U, 19-inch rack-mountable
The ODS-L10 contains up to 10 cartridges, storing a
maximum of 15 TB with ten ODC-1500R cartridges and you
can use different cartridges per category or user.
High Reliability
The library supports an optional backup power supply
units and Optical Disc Archive drives to ensure continuous
operation in the unlikely event of one failing.
Easy to Connect
The ODS-L10 can be connected to a network via an
Ethernet cable through a control PC with easy setup
(IP address setting)
Recommended for
Broadcast Production Educational Museums, Houses of
stations houses facilities galleries worship
Cable TV
Power supply and
optional redundant power supply
Easy and Efficient Archive Management with Mini Robotic Library Optical Disc Archive
Cartridge x 10 slots
Sony has also introduced new robotic Optical Disc Archive product: the
ODS-L10 compact robotic library. Suitable for various applications, it Drive x 2 (Optional)
File Manager System Example
After File Manager software has been installed on a host computer,
all operations can be controlled with a web-based GUI from
each client computer.
Web-based application for immediate client use
Accessible by multiple clients simultaneously
File Manager “Host” Computer
Automated control of library robotic system
Simple drag-and-drop operation to archive and retrieve files USB 3.0
Manage up to 480* hours near-line and effectively unlimited hours externally GB Ethernet Switch (Drive Unit
Placeholder window to archive multiple files from different folders to the same Control)
Add text metadata when archiving files, database backup functions Ethernet
Watch folder function to automate archive process (Library Control)
Maximum 6 units
Ideal for Deep System Example
and Near-online Archives
Sony’s Optical Disc Archive system is well suited Gigabit Ethernet
for deep long-term digital media preservation,
where data tape does not provide the assurance
of Write Once (WORM) and disaster tolerant
archive requirements. It can provide a second-copy MAM
Application Contents Server
for near-online or external storage at remote sites,
ideal for business continuity/disaster recovery,
production and post-production backup and
for video, film, stock footage archives or national
archives. The system can also be used for news FC Switch
and sports clips for proxy workflows and quick
partial file restores, thanks to random access
performance. Fibre Channel
O D S -L 30M O D S -L 60E O DS -L 100E
Maxim um Num be r of Drive s 2 4 0
Maximum Number of Cartridges 30 61 101
Maximum. Data Capacity 45 TB 91.5 TB 151.5 TB
Host Interface Fibre Channe l 8G bps
Maintenance Interface G ig abit Ethe rne t
Powe r Re quire m e nts 100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Power Consum ption (Per Unit) 312 W 300 W -
Ope rating Te m perature 41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C)
Ope rating Hum idity 20% to 80% (re lative hum idity)
Weight 66 lb 2.2 oz (30 kg) (not including drive units and cartridg e s)
Dim ensions (W x H x D) 17 5/8 x 12 1/4 x 37 1/8 inches (445 x 308 x 940 mm) (excluding protrusions)
©2014 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
Features, design, and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Weights and measurements are approximate.
Sony, Petasite, XAVC, XDCAM and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony.
HDV is a trademark of Sony Corporation and the Victor Company of Japan.
Sony Electronics Inc. All other trademarks are the trademarks of their respective owners.
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