Unit 2, 404
Unit 2, 404
Unit 2, 404
Criminology as a science
Criminology is a science : For any discipline to be a science
(i) It must be a systematized body of knowledge
(ii) It must have its own laws or theories
● Labeling theory
● Conflict theory
● Radical theory
● Situational theory
● Theory of victimization
(iii) They can be tested by observation and experimentation;
(iv) They can make predictions;
(v) They can be self-corrective;
(vi) Have universal validity.
Scope of Criminology
Criminology is the entire body of knowledge regarding crimes, criminals, and
the effort of the society to prevent and suppress them.It is also a study of
crime as a social phenomenon.
John Warrel H. Serrano mentioned, “It includes within its scope the making
of laws, the breaking of laws, and the reaction towards the breaking of laws.”
Like other social sciences the scope of criminology is quite vast and extensive
and also related to each and every social class and structure.
Importance of criminology
Branches of Criminology
● Criminal sociology: It is the study of society and definitely empirical
investigation of social activity.
● Criminal psychology: It is the science of mind and behavior. Its
immediate goal is to understand behavior and mental processes by
researching and establishing both general principles and specific cases.
● Radical criminology : Radical criminology is a theoretical
perspective within the field of criminology that seeks to understand
crime and the criminal justice system through a critical lens. It
emerged as a response to more traditional approaches that
focused primarily on individual-level factors such as personality
traits and biological factors in explaining criminal behavior.