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Educational Leadership Self Inventory


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

Instructions: This Self Inventory is designed to provide a personal profile of educational leadership. It consists of 69 statements that describe performances contained within the CSDE Standards for School Leaders. You are asked to respond to each question by reflecting on your leadership performance over the past 10-12 months. Read each question carefully. Then circle the number that indicates the extent to which you feel you have demonstrated the performance during the past 10-12 months. In responding to each question: 1 represents Seldom/Almost Never. 2 represents Sometimes; 3 represents Frequently; and, 4 represents Almost Always If you find some statements difficult to rate, use your judgment in selecting the most appropriate rating (e.g., something you never do may be rated as Seldom/Almost Never or, something that you do "more than frequently" or that you do "continually" may be rated as Almost Always). You may also want to make comments, in the space provided to clarify the rating selected or to further reflect on your performance. Circle only one number per question and try to respond to every question.

The format for this questionnaire is based on the The Principal Instructional Management Scale, Philip Hallinger (1984). The rating scale and the content of the questionnaire are based on the Connecticut State Department of Education's (CSDE) Standards for School Leaders and was adapted by Larry Jacobson (CSDE) in 1999.

Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


I. The Educated Person

1. Develop a vision of the educated person; share that vision with the school community and work with parents, community members, staff, and students to create a shared vision of the educated person

2. Work with staff, parents, and students to translate the school's vision of the educated person into school goals and student standards 3. Work with parents and staff to identify the connection between the school's image of the educated person and a knowledge of contemporary learning theory 4. Work with staff, parents, and students to translate the school's vision of the educated person into a strategic plan of school improvement and program revision 5. Ensure that the school's vision of the educated person informs staff development and is incorporated into the criteria for evaluating teacher performance and school programs 6. Demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for all cultural groups

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

7. Model the school's image of the educated person and insist staff to do the same Comments/Reflections:

3 I.

Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

II. The Learning Process


1. Stay current with research and theory regarding learning

and motivation 2. Work with teachers to create a variety of formal and informal
opportunities for teachers to further develop their understanding
of the learning process and to examine the implications of the
learning process for teaching 3. Ensure that students are provided with opportunities for active
engagement and testing of ideas 4. Encourage students to assume responsibility for their learning

1 1

2 2

3 3


5. Work with teachers to assess individual and group performance

in order to design instruction that meets learners' current needs
and that leads to higher levels of development Comments/Reflections:

3 II.

Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


III. The Teaching Process

1. Use effective strategies to promote the continuous development of individual teacher abilities

2. Work with staff to design professional development activities

that improve teaching and learning 3. Involve staff in the exploration of effective instructional strategies

1 1

2 2

3 3


4. Use the evaluation process to promote teacher reflection and

growth 5. Establish a climate of collegiality and cooperation where staff accept
collective responsibility for improved teaching and learning 6. Work with teachers to implement a variety of formal and informal
assessment techniques to enhance teachers' knowledge of
learners, evaluate student progress and performance, and modify
teaching and learning strategies Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

IV. Diverse Perspectives


1. Provide professional development experiences that help staff

understand diverse cultures in our world, community, and school 2. Involve the staff in developing activities and curricula representative of diverse cultural groups

3. Work with staff to incorporate multiple perspectives into the

school curricula 4. Involve the staff in creating, implementing, and assessing relevant
programs for diverse groups 5. Work with staff, students, parents, and the community to provide
experiences that promote sensitivity toward diverse perspectives 6. Work with staff to ensure that all groups of students achieve
at high levels Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


V. School Goals
1. Engage members of the school community in establishing goals that support the school's vision of the educated person

2. Involve the school community in the exploration of instructional

and programmatic alternatives that have the potential to enhance
goal attainment 3. Employ multiple strategies to promote individual commitment to
school goals 4. Employ multiple assessment strategies to monitor progress toward
school goals 5. Incorporate school goals into teacher appraisal objectives

1 1

2 2

3 3


6. Incorporate school goals in the planning of professional

development activities Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

VI. School Culture

1. Use current understandings of teaching and learning as a basis for
establishing an ongoing dialogue regarding the school mission
and goals 2. Engage members of different interest groups in the school to
promote school goals and establish a common, underlying
school purpose 3. Work with school constituents to enhance aspects of the school
culture that promote student learning 4. Help the staff develop shared values that create a positive school
climate of openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry Comments/Reflections:






Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


VII. School Standards and Assessment

1. Work with the school community to develop rigorous academic standards for student performance

2. Work with teachers to assess student individual and group

performance 3. Work with staff to implement multiple assessment strategies to
monitor individual and group progress 4. Promote practices and programs that contribute to the achievement
of academic standards by all students 5. Ensure that all students make continuous progress toward
academic standards Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

VIII. School Improvement

1. Ensure that all students make continuous progress toward
academic standards 2. Ensure that all groups of students, regardless of ethnicity or gender, achieve at high levels





3. Work with staff to develop programs and incorporate practices that

help all children reach high achievement standards 4. Actively involve staff in the exploration of promising instructional and
programmatic alternatives 5. Works with staff to design policies that contribute to the use of sound
assessments at all levels, and use assessment results for student,
teacher, program, and building-level improvement 6. Use student outcomes to inform decisions regarding the quality of
programs for students and the appropriateness of professional
development for staff

7. Use a wide range of sources of information as the basis for evaluating

school improvement (e.g., parent/teacher involvement, attendance,
classroom observations) 1 8. Works with staff to establish a school culture that values and promotes
individual and collective reflection and learning 1 Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


IX. Professional Development

1. Work with staff to create a plan for professional development
activities that promote staff growth and the achievement of
school goals 2. Encourage staff to take responsibility for their own growth

1 1

2 2

3 3


3. Create ongoing opportunities for staff to engage in discussion

about teaching practice and school goals 4. Provide a variety of opportunities for staff development

1 1

2 2

3 3


5. Use student learning as the basis for evaluating the success

of the professional development program Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

X. Integration of Staff Evaluation, Professional Development, and School Improvement

1. Work with staff to improve teaching and learning for all students by linking staff selection, teacher evaluation, professional development, and school improvement to student standards and school goals 2. Tie teacher evaluation objectives to school improvement needs, and support school improvement and teacher development needs with appropriate professional development activities





3. Provide ongoing opportunities for staff to reflect on their roles and practices in light of student standards and school goals 4. Promote and reinforce a culture of staff collaboration and collegiality by sharing decision-making authority and delegating responsibility as staff pursue improved teaching and learning for all students 5. Hold teachers accountable for performance that supports the achievement of student academic standards Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

To what extent do I...?


XI. Organization, Resources, and School Policies

1. Engage the school community in developing organizational structures, resource allocation, policies, and procedures that promote the achievement of all subgroups of students 2. Shape policies inherited from larger systems to maximize the attainment of school goals 3. Engage in strategic planning to revise organizational structures and resource allocation to promote the attainment of school improvement goals 4. Seek the input of staff, parents, and community members in determining appropriate organizational structures and resource allocation 5. Articulate the value premises and ethical principles that guide decisions in the policy arena 6. Work to influence district, state, and federal policy

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

7. Work within the parameters of regulatory requirements, district policies, and contractual obligations to promote the achievement of all students Comments/Reflections:


Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

XII. School Community Relations



Work with staff and community to create and sustain a variety of opportunities for parent and community participation in the school

2. Apply problem solving and mediation skills to sustain parental and

community participation in the life of the school 3. Access community resources for the benefit of the students

1 1

2 2

3 3


4. Work with staff to develop means for parents to support students'

learning 5. Involve the community in evaluating the success of the school

1 1

2 2

3 3




Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

DEVELOPING YOUR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROFILE Purpose: To provide participants with the opportunity to compare their own patterns of educational leadership performances with those contained in the Connecticut Standards for Educational Leaders. Directions: 1. Complete the Educational Leadership Self Evaluation (ELSI) rating scale. 2. After completion, go back and add each rating by Standard I though XII. Simply add the scores within each standard (e.g., I. The Educated Person), and divide by the number of items. Fill in the mean rating in the space located on the right hand side of the page at the end of each standard. 3. Transfer your scores to the graph on the next page. This graph will display your areas of relative strength with respect to each of the 12 Standards. 4. Note: Your scores need not be shared with anyone else. A candid self-assessment will serve you best. 5. The completed graph on the last page has been provided to allow you to compare your ratings to the importance ratings of 251 Connecticut Principals who participated in the "Successful Principal Study" ( wanicki, Carmelich, Fusco, Nocera, Russo and Wolters, I 1995). Although you are being asked to consider the extent to which you perform in certain areas, remember that the ratings on the last page are based on how important the performances were to principals' effectiveness.

Copyright 2001 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut

Connecticut Educational Leadership Profile

3.56 3.59 3.62 3.31 3.40 3.54 3.48 3.54 3.45 3.56 3.14 3.46

Very 4 High

Average Importance Ratings

High 3

Med 2

Low 1

The Educated Person

The Learning Process

The Teaching Process

Diverse Perspecitives

School Goals

School Culture

School Standards & Assessment

School Improvement

Professional Development



SchoolCommunity Relations

Integration of Organization, Staff Eval., Prof. Resources, and Dev. & School School Policies Improvement

The shaded area represents the average importance ratings by principals participating in the University of Connecticut's Successful Principal study. Participants responded to the question: "How important is this to my success in my current position?" for each of the 69 Standards Performance Statements. n=251

My Educational Leadership Profile

Average Rating

The Educated Person

The Learning Process

The Teaching Process

Diverse Perspecitives

School Goals

School Culture

School Standards & Assessment

School Improvement

Professional Development



SchoolCommunity Relations

Integration of Organization, Staff Eval., Prof. Resources, and Dev. & School School Policies Improvement

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