Answer all Questions Clearly and neatly Date of submission: 24 October, 2024
1. (a) A trapezoidal channel is carries 100 m3/s at a depth of 5 m. If the channel has a bottom width of 5 m and
1:1 side slopes, what is the flow classification (subcritical, critical, or supercritical)? What is the specific energy
of flow? Also determine the total energy head if the water surface is 50 m above the energy datum (horizontal
reference line or datum).
(b) Plot the specific energy curves for a 10 m wide rectangular channel carrying discharge of 15 m3/s. Use 0.2 m
increments up to 1.4 m. Also determine the critical depth and minimum specific energy, and discuss how a change
in discharge would affect the specific energy curve
2. (a) A trapezoidal channel with a bottom width of 4 m and side slopes of z = 1.5 is carrying a discharge of 50
m3/s at a depth of 3m. Determine the following: (i) the alternate depth for the same specific energy, (ii) the critical
depth, and (iii) the uniform flow depth for a slope of 0.0004 and n =0.022.
(b) A trapezoidal, concrete-lined channel is required to convey a design discharge of 15m3/s. The channel bottom
slope is So = 0.00095, and the maximum side slope based on local ordinances is z = 2.0 (1V:2H). Design the
channel dimensions using the best hydraulic section approach.
3. (a) A grouted-riprap, trapezoidal channel (n= 0.025) with a bottom width of 4 meters and side slopes of z = 1
carries a discharge 12.5 m3/s on a 0.001 bottom slope. Compute the backwater curve (upstream water surface
profile) created by a low dam that backs water up to a depth of 2 meters immediately behind the dam. Specifically,
water depths are required at critical diversion points that are located at distances of 188 m, 423 m, 748 m, and
1,675 m upstream of the dam. Use Direct step method. N.B.: In both cases you can use MS Excel (table) by
showing sample of your calculations.
(b) For each of the reach transitions shown below, indicating the NDL and CDL, sketch the water surface profile
and label all curves (e.g., M1, S3, etc.), jumps, and regions of normal flow as illustrated. Note that there are two
steep to mild transitions because there are two possibilities. Assume all upstream and downstream boundary
conditions are normal depth.
4. A trapezoidal channel has three reaches A, B, and C connected in series with the following physical
For a discharge Q = 22.5 m3/sec through this channel, compute all the necessary depths and sketch the resulting
water surface profiles clearly showing the NDL and CDL lines in each reach. The length of the reaches can be
assumed to be sufficiently long for the GVF profiles to develop fully.