1. Management is a vast and extensive subject. It is therefore, not possible to put all the essential features of
management in a single formula.
2. Management is concerned with human beings, who are highly unpredictable in terms of behavior.
3. Management is a young developing discipline whose concepts are dynamic.
1. Management is Goal-Oriented: Management focuses on achieving specific objectives. It involves planning and
organizing resources to meet pre-determined goals. For instance, a business aims to maximize customer satisfaction
by producing quality products at competitive prices. This requires skilled personnel and efficient use of resources.
2. Management Integrates Resources: Organizations rely on human, physical, and financial resources to operate.
Management ensures that these resources are utilized effectively and aligned with organizational goals. It involves
balancing people, machinery, and finances to optimize performance.
3. Management is Continuous: Management is an ongoing process. It involves identifying and solving problems,
adapting to changes, and continuously improving operations. As organizations grow, management must adjust
strategies and processes to meet evolving challenges.
4. Management is All-Pervasive: Management is essential in all types of organizations, whether it is a business, political
party, hospital, or educational institution. Any group that requires coordination and collaboration needs
management, regardless of size or industry.
5. Management is a Group Activity: Management involves teamwork and coordination. It’s not about individual effort
but about organizing and motivating people to work together toward common goals. Effective management relies on
fostering cooperation and maintaining strong team dynamics.
6. Principles are Dynamic: Management principles evolve with changing environments and new insights. They are
flexible and should adapt to the unique needs of each organization. As industries and societies change, management
principles are refined and updated.
7. Principles are Relative: Management principles must be applied according to the specific context, considering factors
like culture, time, and place. What works in one organization or situation may not work in another, so flexibility is
8. Management is a Science, Art, and Profession: Management combines systematic principles (science), practical skills
(art), and specialized knowledge (profession). It requires both technical expertise and creativity.
9. Management is Decision-Making: At its core, management involves making decisions. Effective decision-making is
crucial for organizational success, as the future of the organization depends on the choices managers make.
1. Planning: Planning is the first and essential step in management, focused on determining the best course of action
to achieve organizational goals. According to Koontz, it involves preparing for future actions and providing direction
for decision-making. Planning ensures efficient use of human and non-human resources to meet objectives.
2. Organizing: Organizing involves arranging resources—physical, financial, and human—and developing
relationships within the organization to achieve its goals. Henry Fayol described it as arranging everything needed for
the business to function. Organizing includes:
• Identifying activities
• Grouping activities into departments
• Defining responsibilities
• Delegating authority and responsibility
• Coordinating functions
3. Staffing: Staffing is about assigning the right people to the right roles to support the organization's operations. As
businesses grow, staffing becomes crucial in managing human resources effectively. Koontz and O'Donnell
emphasized staffing's role in recruitment, training, and development. Key staffing activities include:
• Recruitment and selection
• Placement and training
• Compensation
• Appraisals and promotions
4. Directing: Directing focuses on motivating, guiding, and supervising employees to achieve organizational goals. It
is an interpersonal aspect of management that involves ensuring efficient work through leadership and
communication. The elements of directing include:
• Supervision: Overseeing employees' work.
• Motivation: Inspiring employees to perform well.
• Leadership: Guiding employees to work in the right direction.
• Communication: Ensuring clear information flow within the organization.
5. Controlling: Controlling involves measuring actual performance against set standards and making adjustments to
ensure goals are met. Theo Haimann defined it as assessing progress and correcting deviations. Koontz and O'Donnell
view controlling as ensuring subordinates’ activities align with plans. The steps include:
• Setting performance standards
• Measuring actual performance
• Comparing performance with standards
• Correcting deviations
1. Effective Utilization of Resources: Management aims to maximize the use of scarce resources for the benefit of
society. It not only decides which resources should be used in specific alternatives but also ensures they are utilized
in the best possible way to meet societal demands.
2. Development of Resources: Management is involved in developing both human and non-human resources. As
Lawrence Appley stated, management is about developing people. Organized research and activities aimed at
resource development improve the quality of life for individuals in society, benefiting both individuals and
3. Incorporating Innovations: With rapid changes in technology and social structures, businesses need to adapt to
remain competitive. As organizations evolve, they require specialized skills, higher competence, and complex
technologies. Effective management ensures that organizations can incorporate these innovations, allowing them to
function efficiently in a constantly changing environment.
4. Integrating Various Interest Groups: Organizations often face pressure from different interest groups, such as
shareholders, employees, and the government. Management must balance these competing interests to ensure
harmony within the organization. In a complex society, managing these pressures effectively becomes crucial for
organizational success.
5. Stability in Society: Management helps maintain stability by adapting resources to meet societal changes. In the
modern age, innovation leads to the obsolescence of old systems. Management plays a key role in integrating
traditional practices with new inventions, safeguarding society from the negative impacts of rapid change, and
ensuring continuity in social processes.
Levels of Management
In an organization, there are certain levels defined by the management wherein each level is confined with its nature
and activities involved. The levels of management can be classified in three broad categories:
• Top level / Administrative level
• Middle level / Executor level
• Low level / Supervisory / Operative / First-line managers
It is seen that different levels have different work areas and functions. The role of managers at all three levels is
discussed below:
Top Management
• Determines objectives and policies.
• Designs the basic operating and financial structure of an organization.
• Provides guidance and direction.
• Lays down standards of performance.
• Maintains good public relations.
Middle Management
• Interprets and explains the policies framed by the top.
• Issues detailed instructions.
• Participates in operating decisions.
• Trains other managers.
Lower Management
• Plans day-to-day operations.
• Assigns jobs to workers.
• Provides supervision and control over work.
• Arranges material tools and equipment.
• Maintains discipline.
1. Interpersonal Role
o Figurehead: The manager performs ceremonial duties, such as welcoming dignitaries, attending business
functions, and engaging with employees to build rapport.
o Leader: A manager motivates and encourages employees, aligning their personal needs with organizational goals.
A manager should earn both trust and respect from their team.
o Liaison: The manager builds external contacts and gathers information to benefit the organization.
2. Informational Role
o Monitor: The manager scans the environment for information, debriefs contacts, and evaluates unsolicited
information from various sources.
o Disseminator: The manager shares important information with subordinates that they would not otherwise have
access to.
o Spokesman: The manager communicates with external groups to ensure the organization meets obligations, such
as informing shareholders, consumer groups, and government authorities about performance and compliance.
3. Decision Role
o Entrepreneur: The manager seeks opportunities to adapt and improve the organization in response to changes in
the environment.
o Disturbance Handler: The manager addresses unexpected issues, such as strikes or crises, to maintain operations.
o Resource Allocator: The manager delegates authority and assigns tasks, ensuring resources are distributed
o Negotiator: The manager negotiates on behalf of the organization, dealing with issues like worker welfare, union
agreements, or grievances.
The American Management Association has identified key skills for managers that cover various aspects, such as
technical, communication, interpersonal, and conceptual skills:
1. Technical Skills: Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field, such as engineering, finance, or manufacturing, are
essential for managers.
2. Human Skills: The ability to work well with individuals or groups, since managers interact directly with people,
fostering positive relationships.
3. Conceptual Skills: These involve problem-solving and critical thinking, allowing managers to identify opportunities,
solve problems, and analyze complex data to make informed decisions.
4. Communication Skills: The ability to express thoughts clearly, both verbally and in writing, is key to improving
relationships with colleagues, subordinates, and other stakeholders.
5. Effectiveness Skills: Focus on contributing to the organization’s goals, such as customer relations, project
management, and maintaining performance standards.
6. Interpersonal Skills: The ability to regulate and mentor employees, fostering commitment and cooperation in diverse
teams, is crucial in today’s dynamic workplace.
7. Design Skills: Koontz and Weibrich introduced design skills, emphasizing the ability to create solutions to problems.
At higher levels, managers must not just identify problems but design practical solutions in light of real-world
Planning is the most basic function of management. It involves deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when
to do it, and who will do it. It is an intellectual process that requires a manager to think before acting, or thinking in
advance. According to Koontz and O'Donnell, planning is a continuous process. A manager must always monitor the
progress of plans, much like a navigator constantly checks their course.
Planning involves selecting objectives and determining how to achieve them, bridging the gap between where we
are and where we want to be. While plans must remain consistent, they should also be flexible enough to adapt to
changing situations without incurring excessive costs, especially in areas like technology, markets, finance, and
Planning is essential at all levels of an organization. Top-level managers focus on long-term planning (2–5 years),
middle-level managers handle medium-term planning (months to a year), and lower-level managers focus on short-
term planning (daily, weekly, or monthly). Workers also plan their daily tasks.
The nature of planning includes four essential qualities:
1. It must help achieve organizational objectives.
2. It should be integral to all management processes.
3. It must involve all functions of management.
4. It must be efficient, achieving goals at minimal cost.
Planning is dynamic, not static, and serves as a blueprint for achieving goals.
1. Planning facilitates management by objectives
• Planning starts with defining an objective.
• It clarifies the purpose of activities.
• It helps employees stay focused on goals.
• Without planning, there is no clear direction.
2. Planning minimizes uncertainties
• Business involves various uncertainties.
• These uncertainties introduce risks.
• Planning reduces these risks by anticipating future events.
• Although the future cannot be predicted, planning helps the management foresee activities.
3. Planning facilitates coordination
• Planning aligns activities with organizational goals.
• It ensures all efforts are directed towards common objectives.
• It avoids duplication of efforts and improves coordination between departments.
• It addresses work performance issues and ensures efficiency.
4. Planning improves employee morale
• Planning creates an atmosphere of order and discipline.
• Employees understand their roles, leading to better conformity and focus.
5. Planning helps achieve economy
• Effective planning ensures resources are allocated efficiently.
• It prevents waste and promotes optimal use of resources.
6. Planning facilitates controlling
• Planning sets goals and performance standards.
• It provides the foundation for controlling operations.
• Without good planning, controlling is unmanageable.
7. Planning encourages innovations
• Through planning, managers suggest ways to improve performance.
• It promotes creativity and innovative methods to reach goals.
8. Planning provides a competitive edge
• Planning involves changes in work methods, quality, and designs.
• It helps forecast competitors' actions and secure the enterprise’s future.
• It encourages creative thinking to drive growth and improvements.
The network of various plans guides managers in decision-making and actions. Understanding single-use and standing
plans, as well as distinguishing between policies, strategies, procedures, and objectives, is essential for effective
planning. These plans help managers manage daily operations, utilize organizational resources efficiently, and
regulate employee behavior.
1. Single-Use Plans
• Objective: Specifies the desired future outcome or goal.
• Strategy: A course of action that aligns organizational strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities
and threats.
• Programme: A coordinated set of policies, procedures, rules, and budgets designed to implement a specific
course of action.
• Budget: A financial plan that estimates expected revenue and expenditure over a specific period.
2. Standing Plans
• Policies: General guidelines that shape decision-making.
• Procedure: A step-by-step sequence of actions to carry out specific tasks.
• Method: The specific approach for performing an activity.
• Rules: Clear directives that regulate and control employee behavior.
These plans ensure consistency, efficiency, and alignment with organizational goals, providing a framework for
effective management.
1. Operational Planning
Operational planning is a short-term plan focusing on daily maintenance activities completed at a departmental
level to support overall strategic planning. Steps involved in operational planning include:
• Setting goals and objectives
• Establishing priorities
• Making assumptions
• Reviewing and adjusting plans
• Creating primary and backup plans
• Implementing the plans
• Establishing a control system and following up on progress
2. Intermediate Planning
Intermediate planning involves a time frame of one to five years. It is usually handled by top managers in
coordination with middle managers to align organizational goals. This type of planning focuses on achieving
medium-term objectives.
3. Contingency Planning
Contingency planning addresses unforeseen emergencies or crises. Its goal is to ensure proper follow-up steps
during emergencies. Key objectives include:
• Containing damage or loss of personnel and property
• Ensuring continuity of key operations
4. Strategic Planning
Strategic planning focuses on long-term goals and involves critical steps, such as:
• Maintaining business operations
• Defining time frames
• Identifying triggers for action
• Keeping the plan simple
• Considering resource limitations
• Addressing everyone’s needs
• Defining success criteria
• Integrating contingency plans into standard procedures
• Managing risks
• Identifying operational inefficiencies
Strategic planning helps develop a positive work environment, boosting employee morale and efficiency, and
achieving pre-determined organizational goals by comparing actual performance with targets.
1. Being Aware of Opportunities: The first step is recognizing potential opportunities. Awareness of opportunities
helps in setting realistic objectives.
2. Establishing Objectives: Setting clear and achievable objectives for the entire enterprise and for individual units
is crucial. Major objectives are broken down into departmental and personal goals, ensuring clarity in the planning
3. Developing Planning Premises: This step involves creating assumptions about future conditions, which form the
foundation for the plan. Planning premises can be internal (e.g., company policies, resource availability) or external
(e.g., government policies, market conditions). They can also be tangible (measurable) or intangible (qualitative), and
either controllable (e.g., workforce skills, technology) or uncontrollable (e.g., political instability, economic shifts).
4. Determination of Alternative Courses: Once the objectives are clear, it’s important to identify alternative courses
of action. Rarely does a single path exist for achieving a goal, so this step ensures flexibility in planning.
5. Evaluating Alternatives and Selecting the Best Course: After identifying alternatives, they are evaluated based on
factors such as cost, risk, and alignment with goals. The best alternative is selected based on this analysis.
6. Formulating Derivative Plans: The chosen plan is then translated into specific programs, working plans, and
financial requirements. These are the derivative plans that support the main plan and ensure its execution at lower
7. Monitoring and Controlling the Plan: The final step involves continuous monitoring of the plan’s implementation.
If any deviation or shortfall is detected, corrective actions are taken to bring the plan back on track.